import os, gzip # def convert_to_gzip(src, out, f): input_file = f'{src}{f}' output_file = f'{out}{f}.gz.h' output_charp = f'{f.replace(".", "_")}_gz' top = '' with open(input_file, 'rb') as f_in: gz = gzip.compress( gzlen = len(gz) top += f'// filename: {f}.gz.h\n' top += f'#define {output_charp}_len {gzlen}\n' top += f'const char {output_charp}[] = ' top += '{' with open(output_file, 'wb') as f_out: for i, b in enumerate(gz): if not i%10: top += '\n ' top += f'0x{b:02X}, ' top = top[:-2] top += '};' f_out.write(top.encode(encoding='utf-8')) src='include/http/' out='include/' for f in os.listdir(src): convert_to_gzip(src, out, f)