Hardware Timer didnt work https://github.com/khoih-prog/ESP8266TimerInterrupt#why-using-isr-based-hardware-timer-interrupt-is-better => Software Timer https://ullisroboterseite.de/esp8266-timing.html#timer ### __Zum aktivieren von GDBStub:__ ```c #include ... void setup() { Serial.begin(460800); gdbstub_init(); ``` ### __Achtung !__ GDB muss dafür compiled werden GDB-Version aus Arduino Toolchain hat Support ```sh $ ./start_xtensa_gdb_stub.sh ``` ### __Achtung !__ Don`t forget __\r__ ESP-OTA wird von ufw oder Defender geblockt. - Windows -> Python needs to be granted with rights - Linux -> open udp port in ufw -> ```sh platform.ini upload_flags = --host-port ... $ sudo ufw allow tcp/ ``` ```c++ server.streamFile(f, mime::getContentType(SRH::_path), requestMethod); =====> const String& p = SRH::_path; if(p.endsWith(".gzip")) { server.sendHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip"); server.streamFile(f, mime::getContentType(p.substring(0, p.length()-5)), requestMethod); } else server.streamFile(f, mime::getContentType(SRH::_path), requestMethod); ``` Webserver on v0.3.0 now working with LittleFS TODO: - check dir for files automatic - move handleNotFound to httpserver.h - maybe compress files ?