<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> | |||||
<!-- You may freely edit this file. See commented blocks below for --> | |||||
<!-- some examples of how to customize the build. --> | |||||
<!-- (If you delete it and reopen the project it will be recreated.) --> | |||||
<!-- By default, only the Clean and Build commands use this build script. --> | |||||
<!-- Commands such as Run, Debug, and Test only use this build script if --> | |||||
<!-- the Compile on Save feature is turned off for the project. --> | |||||
<!-- You can turn off the Compile on Save (or Deploy on Save) setting --> | |||||
<!-- in the project's Project Properties dialog box.--> | |||||
<project name="Adressverwaltung" default="default" basedir="."> | |||||
<description>Builds, tests, and runs the project Adressverwaltung.</description> | |||||
<import file="nbproject/build-impl.xml"/> | |||||
<!-- | |||||
There exist several targets which are by default empty and which can be | |||||
used for execution of your tasks. These targets are usually executed | |||||
before and after some main targets. They are: | |||||
-pre-init: called before initialization of project properties | |||||
-post-init: called after initialization of project properties | |||||
-pre-compile: called before javac compilation | |||||
-post-compile: called after javac compilation | |||||
-pre-compile-single: called before javac compilation of single file | |||||
-post-compile-single: called after javac compilation of single file | |||||
-pre-compile-test: called before javac compilation of JUnit tests | |||||
-post-compile-test: called after javac compilation of JUnit tests | |||||
-pre-compile-test-single: called before javac compilation of single JUnit test | |||||
-post-compile-test-single: called after javac compilation of single JUunit test | |||||
-pre-jar: called before JAR building | |||||
-post-jar: called after JAR building | |||||
-post-clean: called after cleaning build products | |||||
(Targets beginning with '-' are not intended to be called on their own.) | |||||
Example of inserting an obfuscator after compilation could look like this: | |||||
<target name="-post-compile"> | |||||
<obfuscate> | |||||
<fileset dir="${build.classes.dir}"/> | |||||
</obfuscate> | |||||
</target> | |||||
For list of available properties check the imported | |||||
nbproject/build-impl.xml file. | |||||
Another way to customize the build is by overriding existing main targets. | |||||
The targets of interest are: | |||||
-init-macrodef-javac: defines macro for javac compilation | |||||
-init-macrodef-junit: defines macro for junit execution | |||||
-init-macrodef-debug: defines macro for class debugging | |||||
-init-macrodef-java: defines macro for class execution | |||||
-do-jar: JAR building | |||||
run: execution of project | |||||
-javadoc-build: Javadoc generation | |||||
test-report: JUnit report generation | |||||
An example of overriding the target for project execution could look like this: | |||||
<target name="run" depends="Adressverwaltung-impl.jar"> | |||||
<exec dir="bin" executable="launcher.exe"> | |||||
<arg file="${dist.jar}"/> | |||||
</exec> | |||||
</target> | |||||
Notice that the overridden target depends on the jar target and not only on | |||||
the compile target as the regular run target does. Again, for a list of available | |||||
properties which you can use, check the target you are overriding in the | |||||
nbproject/build-impl.xml file. | |||||
--> | |||||
</project> |
Manifest-Version: 1.0 | |||||
X-COMMENT: Main-Class will be added automatically by build | |||||
build.xml.data.CRC32=d49cad62 | |||||
build.xml.script.CRC32=bbedcb41 | |||||
build.xml.stylesheet.CRC32=f85dc8f2@ | |||||
# This file is used by a NetBeans-based IDE to track changes in generated files such as build-impl.xml. | |||||
# Do not edit this file. You may delete it but then the IDE will never regenerate such files for you. | |||||
nbproject/build-impl.xml.data.CRC32=d49cad62 | |||||
nbproject/build-impl.xml.script.CRC32=d791273f | |||||
nbproject/build-impl.xml.stylesheet.CRC32=f89f7d21@ |
annotation.processing.enabled=true | |||||
annotation.processing.enabled.in.editor=false | |||||
annotation.processing.processor.options= | |||||
annotation.processing.processors.list= | |||||
annotation.processing.run.all.processors=true | |||||
annotation.processing.source.output=${build.generated.sources.dir}/ap-source-output | |||||
build.classes.dir=${build.dir}/classes | |||||
build.classes.excludes=**/*.java,**/*.form | |||||
# This directory is removed when the project is cleaned: | |||||
build.dir=build | |||||
build.generated.dir=${build.dir}/generated | |||||
build.generated.sources.dir=${build.dir}/generated-sources | |||||
# Only compile against the classpath explicitly listed here: | |||||
build.sysclasspath=ignore | |||||
build.test.classes.dir=${build.dir}/test/classes | |||||
build.test.results.dir=${build.dir}/test/results | |||||
# Uncomment to specify the preferred debugger connection transport: | |||||
#debug.transport=dt_socket | |||||
debug.classpath=\ | |||||
${run.classpath} | |||||
debug.modulepath=\ | |||||
${run.modulepath} | |||||
debug.test.classpath=\ | |||||
${run.test.classpath} | |||||
debug.test.modulepath=\ | |||||
${run.test.modulepath} | |||||
# Files in build.classes.dir which should be excluded from distribution jar | |||||
dist.archive.excludes= | |||||
# This directory is removed when the project is cleaned: | |||||
dist.dir=dist | |||||
dist.jar=${dist.dir}/Adressverwaltung.jar | |||||
dist.javadoc.dir=${dist.dir}/javadoc | |||||
dist.jlink.dir=${dist.dir}/jlink | |||||
dist.jlink.output=${dist.jlink.dir}/Adressverwaltung | |||||
excludes= | |||||
includes=** | |||||
jar.compress=false | |||||
javac.classpath= | |||||
# Space-separated list of extra javac options | |||||
javac.compilerargs= | |||||
javac.deprecation=false | |||||
javac.external.vm=true | |||||
javac.modulepath= | |||||
javac.processormodulepath= | |||||
javac.processorpath=\ | |||||
${javac.classpath} | |||||
javac.source=1.8 | |||||
javac.target=1.8 | |||||
javac.test.classpath=\ | |||||
${javac.classpath}:\ | |||||
${build.classes.dir} | |||||
javac.test.modulepath=\ | |||||
${javac.modulepath} | |||||
javac.test.processorpath=\ | |||||
${javac.test.classpath} | |||||
javadoc.additionalparam= | |||||
javadoc.author=false | |||||
javadoc.encoding=${source.encoding} | |||||
javadoc.html5=false | |||||
javadoc.noindex=false | |||||
javadoc.nonavbar=false | |||||
javadoc.notree=false | |||||
javadoc.private=false | |||||
javadoc.splitindex=true | |||||
javadoc.use=true | |||||
javadoc.version=false | |||||
javadoc.windowtitle= | |||||
# The jlink additional root modules to resolve | |||||
jlink.additionalmodules= | |||||
# The jlink additional command line parameters | |||||
jlink.additionalparam= | |||||
jlink.launcher=true | |||||
jlink.launcher.name=Adressverwaltung | |||||
main.class=adressverwaltung.main | |||||
manifest.file=manifest.mf | |||||
meta.inf.dir=${src.dir}/META-INF | |||||
mkdist.disabled=false | |||||
platform.active=default_platform | |||||
run.classpath=\ | |||||
${javac.classpath}:\ | |||||
${build.classes.dir} | |||||
# Space-separated list of JVM arguments used when running the project. | |||||
# You may also define separate properties like run-sys-prop.name=value instead of -Dname=value. | |||||
# To set system properties for unit tests define test-sys-prop.name=value: | |||||
run.jvmargs= | |||||
run.modulepath=\ | |||||
${javac.modulepath} | |||||
run.test.classpath=\ | |||||
${javac.test.classpath}:\ | |||||
${build.test.classes.dir} | |||||
run.test.modulepath=\ | |||||
${javac.test.modulepath} | |||||
source.encoding=UTF-8 | |||||
src.dir=src | |||||
test.src.dir=test |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> | |||||
<project xmlns="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/project/1"> | |||||
<type>org.netbeans.modules.java.j2seproject</type> | |||||
<configuration> | |||||
<data xmlns="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/j2se-project/3"> | |||||
<name>Adressverwaltung</name> | |||||
<source-roots> | |||||
<root id="src.dir"/> | |||||
</source-roots> | |||||
<test-roots> | |||||
<root id="test.src.dir"/> | |||||
</test-roots> | |||||
</data> | |||||
</configuration> | |||||
</project> |
/* | |||||
* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. | |||||
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates | |||||
* and open the template in the editor. | |||||
*/ | |||||
package adressverwaltung; | |||||
import controller.CommandController; | |||||
import view.MainWindow; | |||||
import controller.OpenController; | |||||
import model.AdressVerwaltungModel; | |||||
/** | |||||
* | |||||
* @author PC | |||||
*/ | |||||
public class main { | |||||
public main() { | |||||
MainWindow mainwindow = new MainWindow(); | |||||
OpenController opencontroller = new OpenController(mainwindow); | |||||
AdressVerwaltungModel model = new AdressVerwaltungModel(); | |||||
CommandController cmdController = new CommandController(mainwindow, model); | |||||
mainwindow.setVisible(true); | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* @param args the command line arguments | |||||
*/ | |||||
public static void main(String[] args) { | |||||
new main(); | |||||
} | |||||
} |
/* | |||||
* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. | |||||
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates | |||||
* and open the template in the editor. | |||||
*/ | |||||
package command; | |||||
/** | |||||
* | |||||
* @author PC | |||||
*/ | |||||
public interface CommandInterface { | |||||
public void execute(); | |||||
public void undo(); | |||||
//public void redo(); | |||||
public boolean isUndoable(); | |||||
} |
/* | |||||
* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. | |||||
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates | |||||
* and open the template in the editor. | |||||
*/ | |||||
package command; | |||||
import command.CommandInterface; | |||||
import java.util.HashMap; | |||||
import java.util.Stack; | |||||
/** | |||||
* | |||||
* @author PC | |||||
*/ | |||||
public class CommandInvoker { | |||||
private HashMap<Object, CommandInterface> commands; | |||||
private Stack<CommandInterface> undoStack; | |||||
public CommandInvoker() | |||||
{ | |||||
commands = new HashMap<>(); | |||||
undoStack = new Stack<>(); | |||||
} | |||||
public void addCommand(Object key, CommandInterface value) | |||||
{ | |||||
commands.put(key, value); | |||||
} | |||||
public void executeCommand(Object key) | |||||
{ | |||||
CommandInterface cmd = commands.get(key); | |||||
cmd.execute(); | |||||
if(cmd.isUndoable()) | |||||
{ | |||||
undoStack.push(cmd); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
public void undoCommand() | |||||
{ | |||||
if(!undoStack.empty()) | |||||
{ | |||||
undoStack.pop().undo(); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} |
/* | |||||
* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. | |||||
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates | |||||
* and open the template in the editor. | |||||
*/ | |||||
package command.commands; | |||||
import command.CommandInterface; | |||||
import model.AdressVerwaltungModel; | |||||
import view.MainWindow; | |||||
/** | |||||
* | |||||
* @author PC | |||||
*/ | |||||
public class CommandEintragHinzufuegen implements CommandInterface{ | |||||
private MainWindow view; | |||||
private AdressVerwaltungModel model; | |||||
public CommandEintragHinzufuegen(MainWindow view, AdressVerwaltungModel model) | |||||
{ | |||||
this.view = view; | |||||
this.model = model; | |||||
} | |||||
@Override | |||||
public void execute() { | |||||
this.model.eintragHinzufuegen(); | |||||
} | |||||
@Override | |||||
public void undo() { | |||||
} | |||||
@Override | |||||
public boolean isUndoable() { | |||||
return true; | |||||
} | |||||
} |
/* | |||||
* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. | |||||
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates | |||||
* and open the template in the editor. | |||||
*/ | |||||
package command.commands; | |||||
import command.CommandInterface; | |||||
import java.util.ArrayList; | |||||
import model.AdressVerwaltungModel; | |||||
import view.MainWindow; | |||||
/** | |||||
* | |||||
* @author PC | |||||
*/ | |||||
public class CommandEintragLoeschen implements CommandInterface{ | |||||
private MainWindow view; | |||||
private AdressVerwaltungModel model; | |||||
private ArrayList<String> cache; | |||||
public CommandEintragLoeschen(MainWindow view, AdressVerwaltungModel model) { | |||||
this.view = view; | |||||
this.model = model; | |||||
this.cache = new ArrayList<>(); | |||||
} | |||||
@Override | |||||
public void execute() { | |||||
this.cache = this.model.getLastRowData(); | |||||
this.model.eintragLoeschen(this.model.getRowCount()-1); | |||||
} | |||||
@Override | |||||
public void undo() { | |||||
this.model.eintragHinzufuegen(this.cache); | |||||
} | |||||
@Override | |||||
public boolean isUndoable() { | |||||
return true; | |||||
} | |||||
} |
/* | |||||
* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. | |||||
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates | |||||
* and open the template in the editor. | |||||
*/ | |||||
package controller; | |||||
import command.CommandInterface; | |||||
import command.CommandInvoker; | |||||
import command.commands.CommandEintragHinzufuegen; | |||||
import command.commands.CommandEintragLoeschen; | |||||
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; | |||||
import java.awt.event.ActionListener; | |||||
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; | |||||
import java.awt.event.WindowListener; | |||||
import java.util.prefs.Preferences; | |||||
import model.AdressVerwaltungModel; | |||||
import view.MainWindow; | |||||
/** | |||||
* | |||||
* @author PC | |||||
*/ | |||||
public class CommandController implements ActionListener, WindowListener{ | |||||
private MainWindow view; | |||||
private AdressVerwaltungModel model; | |||||
private CommandInvoker invoker; | |||||
private Preferences prefs; | |||||
public CommandController(MainWindow view, AdressVerwaltungModel model) | |||||
{ | |||||
this.view = view; | |||||
this.model = model; | |||||
this.invoker = new CommandInvoker(); | |||||
this.prefs = Preferences.userRoot().node(this.getClass().getName()); | |||||
view.getjTableAdressen().setModel(model); //Übernehme Model | |||||
registerEvents(); | |||||
registerCommands(); | |||||
} | |||||
public void registerEvents() | |||||
{ | |||||
view.getJpopEintragHinzufuegen().addActionListener(this); | |||||
view.getJpopEintragLoeschen().addActionListener(this); | |||||
} | |||||
public void registerCommands() | |||||
{ | |||||
CommandEintragHinzufuegen cmdHinzufuegen = new CommandEintragHinzufuegen(view, model); | |||||
CommandEintragLoeschen cmdLoeschen = new CommandEintragLoeschen(view, model); | |||||
invoker.addCommand(view.getJpopEintragHinzufuegen(), cmdHinzufuegen); | |||||
invoker.addCommand(view.getJpopEintragLoeschen(), cmdLoeschen); | |||||
} | |||||
@Override | |||||
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { | |||||
Object key = evt.getSource(); | |||||
invoker.executeCommand(key); | |||||
} | |||||
@Override | |||||
public void windowOpened(WindowEvent we) { | |||||
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. | |||||
} | |||||
@Override | |||||
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we) { | |||||
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. | |||||
} | |||||
@Override | |||||
public void windowClosed(WindowEvent we) { | |||||
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. | |||||
} | |||||
@Override | |||||
public void windowIconified(WindowEvent we) { | |||||
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. | |||||
} | |||||
@Override | |||||
public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent we) { | |||||
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. | |||||
} | |||||
@Override | |||||
public void windowActivated(WindowEvent we) { | |||||
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. | |||||
} | |||||
@Override | |||||
public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent we) { | |||||
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. | |||||
} | |||||
} |
/* | |||||
* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. | |||||
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates | |||||
* and open the template in the editor. | |||||
*/ | |||||
package controller; | |||||
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; | |||||
import java.awt.event.ActionListener; | |||||
import java.io.File; | |||||
import java.util.Locale; | |||||
import javax.swing.JFileChooser; | |||||
import view.MainWindow; | |||||
/** | |||||
* | |||||
* @author PC | |||||
*/ | |||||
public class OpenController implements ActionListener{ | |||||
private MainWindow mainwindow; | |||||
public OpenController(MainWindow mainwindow) | |||||
{ | |||||
this.mainwindow = mainwindow; | |||||
registerEvents(); | |||||
} | |||||
public void registerEvents() | |||||
{ | |||||
mainwindow.getJbOpen().addActionListener(this); | |||||
mainwindow.getFileOpen().addActionListener(this); | |||||
} | |||||
@Override | |||||
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { | |||||
int wahl = mainwindow.getjFileChooser().showOpenDialog(mainwindow); | |||||
if(wahl == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) | |||||
{ | |||||
File file = mainwindow.getjFileChooser().getSelectedFile(); | |||||
mainwindow.getStatusbar().setText(file.getAbsolutePath()); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} |
/* | |||||
* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. | |||||
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates | |||||
* and open the template in the editor. | |||||
*/ | |||||
package model; | |||||
import java.io.BufferedInputStream; | |||||
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; | |||||
import java.io.File; | |||||
import java.io.FileInputStream; | |||||
import java.io.FileNotFoundException; | |||||
import java.io.FileOutputStream; | |||||
import java.io.IOException; | |||||
import java.io.ObjectInputStream; | |||||
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream; | |||||
import java.util.ArrayList; | |||||
import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel; | |||||
/** | |||||
* | |||||
* @author PC | |||||
*/ | |||||
/** | |||||
* | |||||
* @author le | |||||
*/ | |||||
public class AdressVerwaltungModel extends AbstractTableModel | |||||
{ | |||||
private ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> daten; | |||||
private ArrayList<String> adressEintraegeDaten; | |||||
private ArrayList<String> adressEintraegeNamen; | |||||
/** | |||||
*Konstruktor für AdressverwaltungModel | |||||
*/ | |||||
public AdressVerwaltungModel() | |||||
{ | |||||
adressEintraegeDaten = new ArrayList<>(); | |||||
adressEintraegeNamen = new ArrayList<>(); | |||||
daten = new ArrayList<>(); | |||||
adressEintraegeNamen.add("Vorname"); | |||||
adressEintraegeNamen.add("Name"); | |||||
adressEintraegeNamen.add("Adresse"); | |||||
adressEintraegeNamen.add("E-Mail"); | |||||
adressEintraegeDaten.add(""); | |||||
adressEintraegeDaten.add(""); | |||||
adressEintraegeDaten.add(""); | |||||
adressEintraegeDaten.add(""); | |||||
// adressEintraegeNamen.add("Telefon"); | |||||
// adressEintraegeDaten.add("122345"); | |||||
daten.add(adressEintraegeDaten); | |||||
} | |||||
@Override | |||||
public int getRowCount() | |||||
{ | |||||
return daten.size(); | |||||
} | |||||
@Override | |||||
public int getColumnCount() | |||||
{ | |||||
return adressEintraegeDaten.size(); | |||||
} | |||||
@Override | |||||
public Object getValueAt(int row, int col) | |||||
{ | |||||
return daten.get(row).get(col); | |||||
} | |||||
@Override | |||||
public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int col) | |||||
{ | |||||
daten.get(row).set(col, (String)value); | |||||
} | |||||
@Override | |||||
public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col) | |||||
{ | |||||
return true; | |||||
} | |||||
@Override | |||||
public String getColumnName(int col) | |||||
{ | |||||
return adressEintraegeNamen.get(col); | |||||
} | |||||
public ArrayList<String> getLastRowData() | |||||
{ | |||||
ArrayList<String> lastRow = new ArrayList<>(); | |||||
for (int i = 0; i <= daten.get(0).size()-1; i++) | |||||
{ | |||||
lastRow.add(daten.get(daten.size()-1).get(i)); | |||||
} | |||||
return lastRow; | |||||
} | |||||
public void eintragHinzufuegen(ArrayList<String> letzteSpalte) | |||||
{ | |||||
daten.add(letzteSpalte); | |||||
this.fireTableDataChanged(); | |||||
} | |||||
public void eintragHinzufuegen() | |||||
{ | |||||
adressEintraegeDaten = new ArrayList<>(); | |||||
adressEintraegeNamen.forEach(s -> adressEintraegeDaten.add("")); | |||||
daten.add(adressEintraegeDaten); | |||||
this.fireTableDataChanged(); | |||||
} | |||||
public void eintragLoeschen(int row) | |||||
{ | |||||
daten.remove(row); | |||||
this.fireTableDataChanged(); | |||||
} | |||||
public void spalteHinzufuegen(String name) | |||||
{ | |||||
adressEintraegeNamen.add(name); | |||||
} | |||||
public void datenSpeichern(File datei) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException | |||||
{ | |||||
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(datei); | |||||
BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos); | |||||
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos); | |||||
oos.writeObject(daten); | |||||
oos.writeObject(adressEintraegeNamen); | |||||
oos.flush(); | |||||
oos.close(); | |||||
} | |||||
public void datenLesen(File datei) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException | |||||
{ | |||||
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(datei); | |||||
BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis); | |||||
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(bis); | |||||
daten = (ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>)ois.readObject(); | |||||
adressEintraegeNamen = (ArrayList<String>)ois.readObject(); | |||||
adressEintraegeDaten = daten.get(daten.size()-1); | |||||
ois.close(); | |||||
this.fireTableDataChanged(); | |||||
} | |||||
} |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> | |||||
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</Properties> | |||||
</MenuItem> | |||||
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<Properties> | |||||
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</Properties> | |||||
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</SubComponents> | |||||
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</Properties> | |||||
<SubComponents> | |||||
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</Properties> | |||||
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</SubComponents> | |||||
</Menu> | |||||
</SubComponents> | |||||
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<Events> | |||||
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</Events> | |||||
</Component> | |||||
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<Properties> | |||||
<Property name="icon" type="javax.swing.Icon" editor="org.netbeans.modules.form.editors2.IconEditor"> | |||||
<Image iconType="3" name="/view/icons/Save16.gif"/> | |||||
</Property> | |||||
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</Container> | |||||
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<Properties> | |||||
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<Container class="javax.swing.JScrollPane" name="jSPAdressPane"> | |||||
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<Layout class="org.netbeans.modules.form.compat2.layouts.support.JScrollPaneSupportLayout"/> | |||||
<SubComponents> | |||||
<Component class="javax.swing.JTable" name="jTableAdressen"> | |||||
<Properties> | |||||
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<Table columnCount="3" rowCount="4"> | |||||
<Column editable="true" title="Telefonnummer" type="java.lang.Object"/> | |||||
<Column editable="true" title="Adresse" type="java.lang.Object"/> | |||||
<Column editable="true" title="Name" type="java.lang.Object"/> | |||||
</Table> | |||||
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<Title/> | |||||
<Editor/> | |||||
<Renderer/> | |||||
</Column> | |||||
<Column maxWidth="-1" minWidth="-1" prefWidth="-1" resizable="true"> | |||||
<Title/> | |||||
<Editor/> | |||||
<Renderer/> | |||||
</Column> | |||||
<Column maxWidth="-1" minWidth="-1" prefWidth="-1" resizable="true"> | |||||
<Title/> | |||||
<Editor/> | |||||
<Renderer/> | |||||
</Column> | |||||
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</Property> | |||||
<Property name="componentPopupMenu" type="javax.swing.JPopupMenu" editor="org.netbeans.modules.form.ComponentChooserEditor"> | |||||
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</Form> |
/* | |||||
* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. | |||||
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates | |||||
* and open the template in the editor. | |||||
*/ | |||||
package view; | |||||
/** | |||||
* | |||||
* @author PC | |||||
*/ | |||||
public class MainWindow extends javax.swing.JFrame { | |||||
/** | |||||
* @return the jpopEintragHinzufuegen | |||||
*/ | |||||
public javax.swing.JMenuItem getJpopEintragHinzufuegen() { | |||||
return jpopEintragHinzufuegen; | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* @return the jpopEintragLoeschen | |||||
*/ | |||||
public javax.swing.JMenuItem getJpopEintragLoeschen() { | |||||
return jpopEintragLoeschen; | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* Creates new form MainFrame | |||||
*/ | |||||
public MainWindow() { | |||||
initComponents(); | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* This method is called from within the constructor to initialize the form. | |||||
* WARNING: Do NOT modify this code. The content of this method is always | |||||
* regenerated by the Form Editor. | |||||
*/ | |||||
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") | |||||
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Generated Code">//GEN-BEGIN:initComponents | |||||
private void initComponents() { | |||||
jpopMenu = new javax.swing.JPopupMenu(); | |||||
jpopEintragHinzufuegen = new javax.swing.JMenuItem(); | |||||
jpopEintragLoeschen = new javax.swing.JMenuItem(); | |||||
jFileChooser = new javax.swing.JFileChooser(); | |||||
jpmainpanel = new javax.swing.JPanel(); | |||||
jtbmaintoolbar = new javax.swing.JToolBar(); | |||||
jbOpen = new javax.swing.JButton(); | |||||
jbSave = new javax.swing.JButton(); | |||||
statusbar = new javax.swing.JLabel(); | |||||
jSPAdressPane = new javax.swing.JScrollPane(); | |||||
jTableAdressen = new javax.swing.JTable(); | |||||
jMainMenu = new javax.swing.JMenuBar(); | |||||
jmFile = new javax.swing.JMenu(); | |||||
FileOpen = new javax.swing.JMenuItem(); | |||||
FileSave = new javax.swing.JMenuItem(); | |||||
jMenu2 = new javax.swing.JMenu(); | |||||
miUndo = new javax.swing.JMenuItem(); | |||||
jpopEintragHinzufuegen.setText("Eintrag hinzufügen"); | |||||
jpopMenu.add(jpopEintragHinzufuegen); | |||||
jpopEintragLoeschen.setText("Eintrag löschen"); | |||||
jpopEintragLoeschen.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { | |||||
public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { | |||||
jpopEintragLoeschenActionPerformed(evt); | |||||
} | |||||
}); | |||||
jpopMenu.add(jpopEintragLoeschen); | |||||
setDefaultCloseOperation(javax.swing.WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); | |||||
jpmainpanel.setLayout(new java.awt.BorderLayout()); | |||||
jtbmaintoolbar.setRollover(true); | |||||
jbOpen.setIcon(new javax.swing.ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/view/icons/Open16.gif"))); // NOI18N | |||||
jbOpen.setToolTipText("Open a file"); | |||||
jbOpen.setFocusable(false); | |||||
jbOpen.setHorizontalTextPosition(javax.swing.SwingConstants.CENTER); | |||||
jbOpen.setVerticalTextPosition(javax.swing.SwingConstants.BOTTOM); | |||||
jbOpen.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { | |||||
public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { | |||||
jbOpenActionPerformed(evt); | |||||
} | |||||
}); | |||||
jtbmaintoolbar.add(jbOpen); | |||||
jbSave.setIcon(new javax.swing.ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/view/icons/Save16.gif"))); // NOI18N | |||||
jbSave.setToolTipText("Save a file"); | |||||
jbSave.setFocusable(false); | |||||
jbSave.setHorizontalTextPosition(javax.swing.SwingConstants.CENTER); | |||||
jbSave.setVerticalTextPosition(javax.swing.SwingConstants.BOTTOM); | |||||
jtbmaintoolbar.add(jbSave); | |||||
jpmainpanel.add(jtbmaintoolbar, java.awt.BorderLayout.PAGE_START); | |||||
statusbar.setText(" "); | |||||
jpmainpanel.add(statusbar, java.awt.BorderLayout.PAGE_END); | |||||
jTableAdressen.setModel(new javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel( | |||||
new Object [][] { | |||||
{null, null, null}, | |||||
{null, null, null}, | |||||
{null, null, null}, | |||||
{null, null, null} | |||||
}, | |||||
new String [] { | |||||
"Telefonnummer", "Adresse", "Name" | |||||
} | |||||
)); | |||||
jTableAdressen.setComponentPopupMenu(jpopMenu); | |||||
jSPAdressPane.setViewportView(jTableAdressen); | |||||
jpmainpanel.add(jSPAdressPane, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER); | |||||
jmFile.setMnemonic('f'); | |||||
jmFile.setText("File"); | |||||
jmFile.setToolTipText("General File Menu"); | |||||
FileOpen.setAccelerator(javax.swing.KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_O, java.awt.event.InputEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK)); | |||||
FileOpen.setIcon(new javax.swing.ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/view/icons/Open16.gif"))); // NOI18N | |||||
FileOpen.setMnemonic('o'); | |||||
FileOpen.setText("Open"); | |||||
FileOpen.setToolTipText("Open a selected File"); | |||||
jmFile.add(FileOpen); | |||||
FileSave.setAccelerator(javax.swing.KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_S, java.awt.event.InputEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK)); | |||||
FileSave.setIcon(new javax.swing.ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/view/icons/Save16.gif"))); // NOI18N | |||||
FileSave.setText("Save"); | |||||
FileSave.setToolTipText("Save a file"); | |||||
jmFile.add(FileSave); | |||||
jMainMenu.add(jmFile); | |||||
jMenu2.setText("Edit"); | |||||
miUndo.setAccelerator(javax.swing.KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_Z, java.awt.event.InputEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK)); | |||||
miUndo.setText("Undo"); | |||||
miUndo.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { | |||||
public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { | |||||
miUndoActionPerformed(evt); | |||||
} | |||||
}); | |||||
jMenu2.add(miUndo); | |||||
jMainMenu.add(jMenu2); | |||||
setJMenuBar(jMainMenu); | |||||
javax.swing.GroupLayout layout = new javax.swing.GroupLayout(getContentPane()); | |||||
getContentPane().setLayout(layout); | |||||
layout.setHorizontalGroup( | |||||
layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING) | |||||
.addComponent(jpmainpanel, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE) | |||||
); | |||||
layout.setVerticalGroup( | |||||
layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING) | |||||
.addComponent(jpmainpanel, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, 410, Short.MAX_VALUE) | |||||
); | |||||
pack(); | |||||
}// </editor-fold>//GEN-END:initComponents | |||||
private void jpopEintragLoeschenActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_jpopEintragLoeschenActionPerformed | |||||
// TODO add your handling code here: | |||||
}//GEN-LAST:event_jpopEintragLoeschenActionPerformed | |||||
private void jbOpenActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_jbOpenActionPerformed | |||||
// TODO add your handling code here: | |||||
}//GEN-LAST:event_jbOpenActionPerformed | |||||
private void miUndoActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_miUndoActionPerformed | |||||
// TODO add your handling code here: | |||||
}//GEN-LAST:event_miUndoActionPerformed | |||||
/** | |||||
* @param args the command line arguments | |||||
*/ | |||||
public static void main(String args[]) { | |||||
/* Set the Nimbus look and feel */ | |||||
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Look and feel setting code (optional) "> | |||||
/* If Nimbus (introduced in Java SE 6) is not available, stay with the default look and feel. | |||||
* For details see http://download.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/uiswing/lookandfeel/plaf.html | |||||
*/ | |||||
try { | |||||
for (javax.swing.UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo info : javax.swing.UIManager.getInstalledLookAndFeels()) { | |||||
if ("Nimbus".equals(info.getName())) { | |||||
javax.swing.UIManager.setLookAndFeel(info.getClassName()); | |||||
break; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { | |||||
java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(MainWindow.class.getName()).log(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE, null, ex); | |||||
} catch (InstantiationException ex) { | |||||
java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(MainWindow.class.getName()).log(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE, null, ex); | |||||
} catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { | |||||
java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(MainWindow.class.getName()).log(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE, null, ex); | |||||
} catch (javax.swing.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException ex) { | |||||
java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(MainWindow.class.getName()).log(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE, null, ex); | |||||
} | |||||
//</editor-fold> | |||||
//</editor-fold> | |||||
/* Create and display the form */ | |||||
java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { | |||||
public void run() { | |||||
new MainWindow().setVisible(true); | |||||
} | |||||
}); | |||||
} | |||||
// Variables declaration - do not modify//GEN-BEGIN:variables | |||||
private javax.swing.JMenuItem FileOpen; | |||||
private javax.swing.JMenuItem FileSave; | |||||
private javax.swing.JFileChooser jFileChooser; | |||||
private javax.swing.JMenuBar jMainMenu; | |||||
private javax.swing.JMenu jMenu2; | |||||
private javax.swing.JScrollPane jSPAdressPane; | |||||
private javax.swing.JTable jTableAdressen; | |||||
private javax.swing.JButton jbOpen; | |||||
private javax.swing.JButton jbSave; | |||||
private javax.swing.JMenu jmFile; | |||||
private javax.swing.JPanel jpmainpanel; | |||||
private javax.swing.JMenuItem jpopEintragHinzufuegen; | |||||
private javax.swing.JMenuItem jpopEintragLoeschen; | |||||
private javax.swing.JPopupMenu jpopMenu; | |||||
private javax.swing.JToolBar jtbmaintoolbar; | |||||
private javax.swing.JMenuItem miUndo; | |||||
private javax.swing.JLabel statusbar; | |||||
// End of variables declaration//GEN-END:variables | |||||
/** | |||||
* @return the FileOpen | |||||
*/ | |||||
public javax.swing.JMenuItem getFileOpen() { | |||||
return FileOpen; | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* @return the FileSave | |||||
*/ | |||||
public javax.swing.JMenuItem getFileSave() { | |||||
return FileSave; | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* @return the jbOpen | |||||
*/ | |||||
public javax.swing.JButton getJbOpen() { | |||||
return jbOpen; | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* @return the jbSave | |||||
*/ | |||||
public javax.swing.JButton getJbSave() { | |||||
return jbSave; | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* @return the jFileChooser1 | |||||
*/ | |||||
public javax.swing.JFileChooser getjFileChooser() { | |||||
return jFileChooser; | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* @return the statusbar | |||||
*/ | |||||
public javax.swing.JLabel getStatusbar() { | |||||
return statusbar; | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* @return the jTableAdressen | |||||
*/ | |||||
public javax.swing.JTable getjTableAdressen() { | |||||
return jTableAdressen; | |||||
} | |||||
/** | |||||
* @param jTableAdressen the jTableAdressen to set | |||||
*/ | |||||
public void setjTableAdressen(javax.swing.JTable jTableAdressen) { | |||||
this.jTableAdressen = jTableAdressen; | |||||
} | |||||
} |