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  1. from localization import Localization
  2. from plot_results import Plotting
  3. from ART import ART_plotting
  4. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  5. import numpy as np
  6. import re
  7. """
  8. This script can plot a movement (ONE recording with MULTIPLE frames/points) and compare IndLoc and ART directly.
  9. You can also give it multiple scaling factors and k-nearest and compare them directly
  10. """
  11. # Constructors for other classes we need for plotting and localizing
  12. localization = Localization()
  13. plotting = Plotting()
  14. # INPUT HERE
  15. scale_factors = np.arange(0.001, 0.0035, 0.0005)
  16. #scale_factors = [1]
  17. localization.k_nearest = 15
  18. Recording = 2 # which ART Recording to pick
  19. """------------------ A lot of generic plotting (no need to change or read anything here) -------------------------"""
  20. mm = 1000 # this factor will convert everything from metre to millimetre
  21. font = {"family": "serif", "color": "black", "size": 15}
  22. fig = plt.figure(figsize=[24, 9])
  23. ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((1, 2), (0, 1))
  24. ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((1, 2), (0, 0))
  25. plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.07, bottom=0.07, right=0.89, top=0.89, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.2)
  26. # Set Axis
  27. ax1.set_xlim([-0.02*mm, 0.52*mm])
  28. ax1.set_ylim([-0.02*mm, 0.52*mm])
  29. #ax1.set_xticks(np.arange(0.0*mm, 0.55*mm, 0.05*mm))
  30. #ax1.set_yticks(np.arange(0.0*mm, 0.55*mm, 0.05*mm))
  31. ax1.set_xlabel('X-Position of object [mm]', fontdict=font)
  32. ax1.set_ylabel('Y-Position of object [mm]', fontdict=font)
  33. ax1.grid(alpha=0.6)
  34. #for label in ax1.xaxis.get_ticklabels():
  35. # label.set_rotation(90)
  36. ax2.set_ylim([0.1*mm, 0.6*mm])
  37. ax2.set_xlim([0.0*mm, 0.2*mm])
  38. ax2.set_yticks(np.arange(-0.05*mm, 0.65*mm, 0.05*mm))
  39. ax2.set_xticks(np.arange(0.00*mm, 0.20*mm, 0.01*mm))
  40. ax2.set_ylabel('Y-Position of object [mm]', fontdict=font)
  41. ax2.set_xlabel('Z-Position of object [mm]', fontdict=font)
  42. ax2.grid(alpha=0.5)
  43. for label in ax2.xaxis.get_ticklabels():
  44. label.set_rotation(90)
  45. # Set Titles
  46. ax1.set_title("XY", fontdict=font)
  47. ax2.set_title("ZY", fontdict=font)
  49. # Add the legend for different data plot lines
  50. # data_legend = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.)
  51. # data_legend = plt.gca().add_artist(data_legend)
  52. # Indicate Exciter
  53. Exciter = ax1.vlines(x=0.0*mm, ymin=0.0*mm, ymax=0.5*mm, linestyles="-", colors="#5b9bd5", label="Exciter", linewidth=6)
  54. ax1.vlines(x=0.5*mm, ymin=0.0*mm, ymax=0.5*mm, linestyles="-", colors="#5b9bd5", linewidth=6)
  55. ax1.hlines(y=0.0*mm, xmin=0.0*mm, xmax=0.5*mm, linestyles="-", colors="#5b9bd5", linewidth=6)
  56. ax1.hlines(y=0.5*mm, xmin=0.0*mm, xmax=0.5*mm, linestyles="-", colors="#5b9bd5", linewidth=6)
  57. # Indicate Localization Area
  58. # LocArea = ax1.vlines(x=0.045, ymin=0.045, ymax=0.495, linestyles="dashed", colors="#7f7f7f",
  59. # label="Loc.\nArea")
  60. # ax1.vlines(x=0.495, ymin=0.045, ymax=0.495, linestyles="dashed", colors="#7f7f7f")
  61. # ax1.hlines(y=0.045, xmin=0.045, xmax=0.495, linestyles="dashed", colors="#7f7f7f")
  62. # ax1.hlines(y=0.495, xmin=0.045, xmax=0.495, linestyles="dashed", colors="#7f7f7f")
  64. AntPosX = [0*mm, 0*mm, 0.13*mm, 0.375*mm, 0.5*mm, 0.5*mm, 0.125*mm, 0.38*mm] # Safing each Antennas Position in a list -> e.g. : X position of frame ant 1, X pos of frame ant 2, x pos of frame ant 3, ...
  65. AntPosY = [0.125*mm, 0.375*mm, 0.5*mm, 0.5*mm, 0.125*mm, 0.375*mm, 0*mm, 0*mm]
  66. AntOrientY = [270, 270, 180, 180, 90, 90, 0,
  67. 0] # analog as AntPosX,Y , just with Orientation degrees (direction in z-axis
  68. # Select Antenna plotting options here
  69. patchAlpha = 1.0
  70. # ITERATE THROUGH CMAP-------------
  71. n = 8
  72. # color = iter(cm.jet(np.linspace(0, 1, n)))
  73. # ----------------------------
  74. for i in range(8): # iterate through antennas
  75. x = AntPosX[i] # get x and y pos of antennas
  76. y = AntPosY[i]
  77. # c = next(color) # Comment in for coloured antennas
  78. c = "k" # black antennas
  79. if i == 7: # only print one label for the Antennas (otherwise its 8 times in legend)
  80. label = label = str("Receiving\nCoils")
  81. else:
  82. label = ""
  83. if AntOrientY[i] == 0:
  84. # identify antennas orientation
  85. patchX = float(x - 0.033*mm / 2)
  86. patchY = float(y - 0.033*mm / 2)
  87. rect = plt.Rectangle((patchX, patchY), 0.033*mm, 0.033*mm,
  88. color=c, alpha=patchAlpha, label=label)
  89. ax1.add_patch(rect)
  90. if AntOrientY[i] == 180:
  91. patchX = float(x - 0.033*mm / 2)
  92. patchY = float(y - 0.033*mm / 2)
  93. rect = plt.Rectangle((patchX, patchY), 0.033*mm, 0.033*mm,
  94. color=c, alpha=patchAlpha)
  95. ax1.add_patch(rect)
  96. if AntOrientY[i] == 90:
  97. patchX = float(x - 0.033*mm / 2)
  98. patchY = float(y - 0.033*mm / 2)
  99. rect = plt.Rectangle((patchX, patchY), 0.033*mm, 0.033*mm,
  100. color=c, alpha=patchAlpha)
  101. ax1.add_patch(rect)
  102. if AntOrientY[i] == 270:
  103. patchX = float(x - 0.033*mm / 2)
  104. patchY = float(y - 0.033*mm / 2)
  105. rect = plt.Rectangle((patchX, patchY), 0.033*mm, 0.033*mm,
  106. color=c, alpha=patchAlpha)
  107. ax1.add_patch(rect)
  108. """------------------- End of generic plotting stuff ----------------------------------------------------------------"""
  109. def plot_art(recording_number):
  110. """
  111. :param recording_name: int, Choose which recording to print e.g. Recording_!1! , Recording_!2!, etc.
  112. """
  113. """--------------- Open, format and save ART positions from text files---------------------------------------"""
  114. # Opening a recording
  115. art_recording = open('ART_IndLoc precision tests/Recording_' + str(recording_number) + '.txt', 'r')
  116. art_recording =
  117. # Formatting a recording
  118. art_recording = re.split(' |\n', art_recording) # split string at whitespace and linebreak
  119. art_recording = np.array(art_recording) # list -> np.array
  120. # Count the total number of recorded positions
  121. total_pos_counter = 0
  122. for i in art_recording:
  123. if i == '6d': # this is the flag marking a 6d position (Syntax of the ART guys in the txt files)
  124. total_pos_counter += 1
  125. # Create an empty array which will store the ART measurement infos
  126. art_info = np.zeros((total_pos_counter, 7)) # [t, x, y, z, alpha, beta, gamma]
  127. # Fill the empty numpy array with the information's of the art_recording
  128. pos_counter = 0
  129. for i in range(len(art_recording)-9):
  130. if art_recording[i] == 'ts': # following entry is timestamp
  131. art_info[pos_counter] = float(art_recording[i + 1])
  132. if art_recording[i] == '6d': # following entries are x,y,z,alpha,beta,gamma
  133. art_info[pos_counter, 1] = float(art_recording[i + 3].split('[')[1]) # x (had to delete some excess text)
  134. art_info[pos_counter, 2] = float(art_recording[i + 4]) # y
  135. art_info[pos_counter, 3] = float(art_recording[i + 5]) # z
  136. art_info[pos_counter, 4] = float(art_recording[i + 6]) # alpha
  137. art_info[pos_counter, 5] = float(art_recording[i + 7]) # beta
  138. art_info[pos_counter, 6] = float(
  139. art_recording[i + 8].split(']')[0]) # gamma (had to delete some excess text
  140. pos_counter += 1
  141. ax1.plot(art_info[:, 1], art_info[:, 2], color="green", label="ART System", linewidth=1)
  142. print("x=", art_info[:, 1])
  143. print("y=", art_info[:, 2])
  144. for sf in scale_factors:
  145. print("sf =", sf)
  146. localization.scale_factor = sf
  147. # Localization calculation
  148. localization.localize_all_samples("ART Recordings/Recording_" + str(Recording),"Recording_" + str(Recording)+"_sf=" + str(sf)) # NORMAL LOCALIZATION
  149. # localization.localize_averaged_samples(filename_localize_in.get(), filename_localize_out.get()) #AVERAGED LOCALIZATION
  150. # Load IndLoc positions
  151. positions = np.load("calculated_positions/Recording_" + str(Recording)+"_sf=" + str(sf) + ".npy")
  152. positions = positions * mm # convert from m to mm
  153. # Plot IndLoc Positions
  154. ax1.plot(positions[:, 0], positions[:, 1], label="sf = " + str(sf), linewidth=1)
  155. ax2.plot(positions[:, 2], positions[:, 1], label="sf = " + str(sf), linewidth=1)
  156. plot_art(Recording)
  157. ax1.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1.00), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.)