* Für diese Funktion wird am 7.2.24 in einer gemeinsamen Arena mit allen Teams des Jahrgangs ein Wettbewerb durchgeführt. |
* Für diese Funktion wird am 7.2.24 in einer gemeinsamen Arena mit allen Teams des Jahrgangs ein Wettbewerb durchgeführt. |
* Die besten acht Teams qualifizieren sich für die Königsdisziplin „Rumble“. |
* Die besten acht Teams qualifizieren sich für die Königsdisziplin „Rumble“. |
*/ |
*/ |
import java.util.Random; |
public class SnakeBot extends Bot{ |
public class SnakeBot extends Bot{ |
private String moves = ""; |
private String moves = ""; |
private int spiralNumber = 0; |
boolean frontIsBlocked, backIsBlocked, leftIsBlocked, rightIsBlocked, trapped; |
private char previousTurn = '<'; |
private int spiralFactor = 1; |
private char spiralDirection = '>'; |
private boolean goesForward = true; |
private boolean goesForward = true; |
private boolean ignoreStones = false; |
public static void main(String[] args) { |
public static void main(String[] args) { |
Bot snakeBot = new SnakeBot(args); |
snakeBot.run(); |
Bot SnakeBot = new SnakeBot(args); |
SnakeBot.run(); |
} |
} |
protected SnakeBot(String[] args) { |
protected SnakeBot(String[] args) { |
super(args); |
super(args); |
} |
} |
//@TODO: find a better way to avoid collected stones |
//@TODO: find a better way to collect stones |
protected char nextMove(View view) { |
protected char nextMove(View view) throws Exception { |
boolean stoneDetected = view.data.contains("@"); |
boolean stoneDetected = view.data.contains("@"); |
char nextMove; |
char nextMove; |
nextMove = (stoneDetected && !ignoreStones) ? goToStone(view) : walkBySpiral(view); |
int centerCoordinateOfView = view.width / 2; |
int frontCellIndex = calculateCharIndexFromCoordinates(view.width, centerCoordinateOfView, centerCoordinateOfView - 1); |
checkBarriers(view); |
if(nextMove == '^' && view.data.charAt(frontCellIndex) == '*'){ |
nextMove = (countCollectedStonesLeft(view) <= countCollectedStonesRight(view)) ? '<' : '>'; |
ignoreStones = true; |
} |
nextMove = stoneDetected ? goToStone(view) : walkBySpiral(view); |
if(countUncollectedStones(view) > 1) ignoreStones = true; |
if(countCollectedStones(view) <= 2 && countUncollectedStones(view) <= 1) ignoreStones = false; |
if(isStoneNearby(view)){ |
nextMove = goToNearbyStone(view); |
} |
nextMove = checkMove(nextMove); |
saveMove(nextMove); |
return nextMove; |
return nextMove; |
} |
} |
private boolean isStoneNearby(View view){ |
int centerCoordinateOfView = view.width / 2; |
int frontCellIndex = calculateCharIndexFromCoordinates(view.width, centerCoordinateOfView, centerCoordinateOfView - 1); |
int leftCellIndex = calculateCharIndexFromCoordinates(view.width, centerCoordinateOfView - 1, centerCoordinateOfView); |
int rightCellIndex = calculateCharIndexFromCoordinates(view.width, centerCoordinateOfView + 1, centerCoordinateOfView); |
boolean stoneIsInFront = view.data.charAt(frontCellIndex) == '@'; |
boolean stoneIsOnTheLeft = view.data.charAt(leftCellIndex) == '@'; |
boolean stoneIsOneTheRight = view.data.charAt(rightCellIndex) == '@'; |
private void checkBarriers(View view) throws Exception { |
int centerCoordinates = view.width / 2; |
int centerIndex = getCharIndexFromCoordinates(view.width, centerCoordinates, centerCoordinates); |
return stoneIsInFront || stoneIsOnTheLeft || stoneIsOneTheRight; |
} |
private char goToNearbyStone(View view){ |
int centerCoordinateOfView = view.width / 2; |
int frontCellIndex = calculateCharIndexFromCoordinates(view.width, centerCoordinateOfView, centerCoordinateOfView - 1); |
int leftCellIndex = calculateCharIndexFromCoordinates(view.width, centerCoordinateOfView - 1, centerCoordinateOfView); |
int rightCellIndex = calculateCharIndexFromCoordinates(view.width, centerCoordinateOfView + 1, centerCoordinateOfView); |
int frontIndex = getCharIndexFromCoordinates(view.width, centerCoordinates, centerCoordinates - 1); |
int backIndex = getCharIndexFromCoordinates(view.width, centerCoordinates, centerCoordinates + 1); |
int leftIndex = centerIndex - 1; |
int rightIndex = centerIndex + 1; |
if(view.data.charAt(frontCellIndex) == '@') return '^'; |
if(view.data.charAt(leftCellIndex) == '@') return '<'; |
if(view.data.charAt(rightCellIndex) == '@') return '>'; |
return 0; |
} |
frontIsBlocked = view.data.charAt(frontIndex) == '*'; |
backIsBlocked = view.data.charAt(backIndex) == '*'; |
leftIsBlocked = view.data.charAt(leftIndex) == '*'; |
rightIsBlocked = view.data.charAt(rightIndex) == '*'; |
trapped = frontIsBlocked && backIsBlocked && leftIsBlocked && rightIsBlocked; |
private void resetMoves() { |
moves = ""; |
spiralNumber = 0; |
if (trapped) { |
Exception trappedException = new Exception("Snake is trapped"); |
System.err.println(trappedException.getMessage()); |
throw trappedException; |
} |
} |
} |
private int countUncollectedStones(View view) { |
int count = 0; |
for (char c : view.data.toCharArray()) { |
if (c == '@') count++; |
private char checkMove(char move) throws Exception { |
if (frontIsBlocked) { |
resetMovesSequence(); |
if (leftIsBlocked) move = '>'; |
else if (rightIsBlocked) move = '<'; |
else if (previousTurn == '<') move = '>'; |
else if (previousTurn == '>') move = '<'; |
else { |
Exception invalidTurnException = new Exception("The previous turn was neither '<' nor '>'."); |
System.err.println(invalidTurnException.getMessage()); |
throw invalidTurnException; |
} |
} |
} |
return count; |
return move; |
} |
} |
private int countCollectedStonesLeft(View view) { |
int[] leftSide = generateLeftSideArray(view.width); |
int stones = 0; |
for (int cellIndex : leftSide) { |
if(view.data.charAt(cellIndex) == '*') stones++; |
private void saveMove(char move) { |
if (move == '<' || move == '>') { |
previousTurn = move; |
} |
} |
return stones; |
} |
} |
private int countCollectedStonesRight(View view) { |
int[] rightSide = generateRightSideArray(view.width); |
int stones = 0; |
for (int cellIndex : rightSide) { |
if(view.data.charAt(cellIndex) == '*') stones++; |
private char walkBySpiral(View view) { |
if (moves.isEmpty()) { |
spiralFactor++; |
moves += "^".repeat(view.width * spiralFactor) + spiralDirection + "^".repeat(view.width * spiralFactor) + spiralDirection; |
} |
} |
return stones; |
char nextMove = moves.charAt(0); |
moves = moves.substring(1); |
return nextMove; |
} |
} |
private int countCollectedStones(View view) { |
int count = 0; |
private char walkByColumns(View view) { |
if(moves.isEmpty()){ |
int min = 10; |
int max = 100; |
Random random = new Random(); |
int steps = random.nextInt((max - min) + 1) + min; |
//int steps = 32 - view.width; |
for (char c : view.data.toCharArray()) { |
if (c == '*') count++; |
moves = "^".repeat(steps); |
moves += (goesForward ? ">" + "^".repeat(view.width) + ">" : "<" + "^".repeat(view.width) + "<"); |
goesForward = !goesForward; |
} |
} |
return count; |
char nextMove = moves.charAt(0); |
moves = moves.substring(1); |
return nextMove; |
} |
} |
private char goToStone(View view) { |
private char goToStone(View view) { |
resetMovesSequence(); |
int rowDifference = findStoneRow(view) - (view.width / 2); |
return rowDifference < 0 ? '^' : '<'; |
} |
int[] frontIndexes = getFrontIndexes(view); |
int[] leftIndexes = getLeftIndexes(view); |
int[] rightIndexes = getRightIndexes(view); |
private int findStoneRow(View view) { |
return view.data.indexOf('@') / view.width; |
} |
for (int index : frontIndexes) { |
if (view.data.charAt(index) == '@' && view.data.charAt(index + view.width) != '*' && !frontIsBlocked) return '^'; |
} |
private char walkBySpiral(View view) { |
if (moves.isEmpty()) { |
spiralNumber++; |
moves += "^".repeat(view.width * spiralNumber) + ">" + "^".repeat(view.width * spiralNumber) + ">"; |
for (int index : leftIndexes) { |
if (view.data.charAt(index) == '@' && view.data.charAt(index + 1) != '*' && !leftIsBlocked) return '<'; |
} |
} |
char nextMove = moves.charAt(0); |
moves = moves.substring(1); |
return nextMove; |
} |
private int calculateCharIndexFromCoordinates(int width, int x, int y){ |
return width * y + x; |
for (int index : rightIndexes) { |
if (view.data.charAt(index) == '@' && view.data.charAt(index - 1) != '*' && !rightIsBlocked) return '>'; |
} |
return '^'; |
} |
} |
private int[] generateLeftSideArray(int sideLength) { |
int[] leftStones = new int[sideLength / 2 * sideLength]; |
private int[] getLeftIndexes(View view) { |
int center = view.width / 2; |
int[] leftIndexes = new int[center]; |
int index = 0; |
int index = 0; |
for (int row = 0; row < sideLength; row++) { |
for (int col = 0; col < sideLength / 2; col++) { |
leftStones[index++] = row * sideLength + col; |
} |
for (int col = 0; col < center; col++) { |
leftIndexes[index++] = getCharIndexFromCoordinates(view.width, col, center); |
} |
} |
return leftStones; |
return leftIndexes; |
} |
} |
private int[] generateRightSideArray(int sideLength) { |
int[] rightStones = new int[sideLength / 2 * sideLength]; |
private int[] getRightIndexes(View view) { |
int center = view.width / 2; |
int[] rightIndexes = new int[center]; |
int index = 0; |
int index = 0; |
for (int row = 0; row < sideLength; row++) { |
for (int col = (sideLength / 2) + 1; col < sideLength; col++) { |
rightStones[index++] = row * sideLength + col; |
} |
for (int col = center + 1; col < view.width; col++) { |
rightIndexes[index++] = getCharIndexFromCoordinates(view.width, col, center); |
} |
} |
return rightStones; |
return rightIndexes; |
} |
} |
private char walkByColumns(View view) { |
if(moves.isEmpty()){ |
moves = "^".repeat(28); |
moves += (goesForward ? ">" + "^".repeat(view.width) + ">" : "<" + "^".repeat(view.width) + "<"); |
goesForward = !goesForward; |
private int[] getFrontIndexes(View view) { |
int center = view.width / 2; |
int[] frontIndexes = new int[center]; |
int index = 0; |
for (int row = 0; row < center; row++) { |
frontIndexes[index++] = getCharIndexFromCoordinates(view.width, center, row); |
} |
} |
char nextMove = moves.charAt(0); |
moves = moves.substring(1); |
return nextMove; |
return frontIndexes; |
} |
} |
private int getCharIndexFromCoordinates(int width, int x, int y) { |
return width * y + x; |
} |
private void resetMovesSequence() { |
moves = ""; |
System.out.println("Previous spiralNumber: " + spiralFactor + ". Resetting."); |
spiralFactor = 1; |
spiralDirection = (spiralDirection == '>') ? '<' : '>'; |
goesForward = true; |
} |
} |
} |