diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/StreckeSim_counter_working/StreckeSim/vivado.log b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/StreckeSim_counter_working/StreckeSim/vivado.log index 24f845a..474ecf8 100644 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/StreckeSim_counter_working/StreckeSim/vivado.log +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/StreckeSim_counter_working/StreckeSim/vivado.log @@ -68,3 +68,5 @@ INFO: [IP_Flow 19-1704] No user IP repositories specified INFO: [IP_Flow 19-2313] Loaded Vivado IP repository 'C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/data/ip'. open_project: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:27 ; elapsed = 00:00:11 . Memory (MB): peak = 1591.184 ; gain = 0.000 update_compile_order -fileset sources_1 +exit +INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting Vivado at Fri May 13 14:58:35 2022... diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/StreckeSim_counter_working/StreckeSim/vivado_pid17732.str b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/StreckeSim_counter_working/StreckeSim/vivado_pid17732.str deleted file mode 100644 index 1e93c8e..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/StreckeSim_counter_working/StreckeSim/vivado_pid17732.str +++ /dev/null @@ -1,154 +0,0 @@ -/* - -Xilinx Vivado v2021.2 (64-bit) [Major: 2021, Minor: 2] -SW Build: 3367213 on Tue Oct 19 02:48:09 MDT 2021 -IP Build: 3369179 on Thu Oct 21 08:25:16 MDT 2021 - -Process ID (PID): 17732 -License: Customer -Mode: GUI Mode - -Current time: Fri May 13 14:02:56 CEST 2022 -Time zone: Central European Standard Time (Europe/Berlin) - -OS: Windows 10 -OS Version: 10.0 -OS Architecture: amd64 -Available processors (cores): 12 - -Screen size: 1920x1080 -Screen resolution (DPI): 100 -Available screens: 2 -Default font: family=Dialog,name=Dialog,style=plain,size=12 -Scale size: 12 - -Java version: 11.0.11 64-bit -Java home: C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/tps/win64/jre11.0.11_9 -Java executable: C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/tps/win64/jre11.0.11_9/bin/java.exe -Java arguments: [-Dsun.java2d.pmoffscreen=false, -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2, -Dsun.java2d.xrender=false, -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false, -Dsun.awt.nopixfmt=true, -Dsun.java2d.dpiaware=true, -Dsun.java2d.uiScale.enabled=false, -Xverify:none, -Dswing.aatext=true, -XX:-UsePerfData, -Djdk.map.althashing.threshold=512, -XX:StringTableSize=4072, --add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/sun.swing=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/javax.swing=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/javax.swing.tree=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/javax.swing.plaf.basic=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/javax.swing.plaf.synth=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/com.sun.awt=ALL-UNNAMED, -XX:NewSize=60m, -XX:MaxNewSize=60m, -Xms256m, -Xmx3072m, -Xss5m] -Java initial memory (-Xms): 256 MB -Java maximum memory (-Xmx): 3 GB - - -User name: Felix -User home directory: C:/Users/Felix -User working directory: C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/StreckeSim_counter_working/StreckeSim -User country: DE -User language: de -User locale: de_DE - -RDI_BASEROOT: C:/Xilinx/Vivado -HDI_APPROOT: C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2 -RDI_DATADIR: C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/data -RDI_BINDIR: C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/bin - -Vivado preferences file: C:/Users/Felix/AppData/Roaming/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/vivado.xml -Vivado preferences directory: C:/Users/Felix/AppData/Roaming/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/ -Vivado layouts directory: C:/Users/Felix/AppData/Roaming/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/data/layouts -PlanAhead jar file: C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/lib/classes/planAhead.jar -Vivado log file: C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/StreckeSim_counter_working/StreckeSim/vivado.log -Vivado journal file: C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/StreckeSim_counter_working/StreckeSim/vivado.jou -Engine tmp dir: C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/StreckeSim_counter_working/StreckeSim/.Xil/Vivado-17732-DESKTOP-PAACOM8 - -Xilinx Environment Variables ----------------------------- -TWINCATSDK: C:\TwinCAT\3.1\SDK\ -XILINX: C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/ids_lite/ISE -XILINX_DSP: C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/ids_lite/ISE -XILINX_HLS: C:/Xilinx/Vitis_HLS/2021.2 -XILINX_PLANAHEAD: C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2 -XILINX_VIVADO: C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2 -XILINX_VIVADO_HLS: C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2 - - -GUI allocated memory: 342 MB -GUI max memory: 3,072 MB -Engine allocated memory: 1,325 MB - -Copyright 1986-2021 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. - -*/ - -// TclEventType: START_GUI -// Tcl Message: start_gui -// TclEventType: PROJECT_OPEN_DIALOG -// Opening Vivado Project: C:\Users\Felix\OneDrive\Master\Projektarbeit_FPGA\Programme\Git_Projekte\FPGA_Projekt_Regler\StreckenSim_mitRegler\StreckeSim_counter_working\StreckeSim\Coraz7_Test.xpr. Version: Vivado v2021.2 -// TclEventType: DEBUG_PROBE_SET_CHANGE -// TclEventType: FLOW_ADDED -// Tcl Message: open_project C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/StreckeSim_counter_working/StreckeSim/Coraz7_Test.xpr -// Tcl Message: INFO: [ProjectBase 1-489] The host OS only allows 260 characters in a normal path. The project is stored in a path with more than 80 characters. If you experience issues with IP, Block Designs, or files not being found, please consider moving the project to a location with a shorter path. Alternately consider using the OS subst command to map part of the path to a drive letter. Current project path is 'C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/StreckeSim_counter_working/StreckeSim' -// HMemoryUtils.trashcanNow. Engine heap size: 1,325 MB. GUI used memory: 56 MB. Current time: 5/13/22, 2:02:57 PM CEST -// TclEventType: MSGMGR_MOVEMSG -// TclEventType: FILE_SET_CHANGE -// TclEventType: FILE_SET_NEW -// TclEventType: RUN_COMPLETED -// TclEventType: RUN_STATUS_CHANGE -// TclEventType: RUN_CURRENT -// TclEventType: PROJECT_DASHBOARD_NEW -// TclEventType: PROJECT_DASHBOARD_GADGET_NEW -// TclEventType: PROJECT_DASHBOARD_GADGET_CHANGE -// TclEventType: PROJECT_DASHBOARD_GADGET_NEW -// TclEventType: PROJECT_DASHBOARD_GADGET_CHANGE -// TclEventType: PROJECT_DASHBOARD_GADGET_NEW -// TclEventType: PROJECT_DASHBOARD_GADGET_CHANGE -// TclEventType: PROJECT_DASHBOARD_GADGET_NEW -// TclEventType: PROJECT_DASHBOARD_GADGET_CHANGE -// TclEventType: PROJECT_DASHBOARD_GADGET_NEW -// TclEventType: PROJECT_DASHBOARD_GADGET_CHANGE -// TclEventType: PROJECT_DASHBOARD_GADGET_NEW -// TclEventType: PROJECT_DASHBOARD_GADGET_CHANGE -// TclEventType: PROJECT_NEW -// Tcl Message: open_project C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/StreckeSim_counter_working/StreckeSim/Coraz7_Test.xpr -// Tcl Message: INFO: [ProjectBase 1-489] The host OS only allows 260 characters in a normal path. The project is stored in a path with more than 80 characters. If you experience issues with IP, Block Designs, or files not being found, please consider moving the project to a location with a shorter path. Alternately consider using the OS subst command to map part of the path to a drive letter. Current project path is 'C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/StreckeSim_counter_working/StreckeSim' -// Tcl Message: INFO: [filemgmt 56-3] Default IP Output Path : Could not find the directory 'C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/StreckeSim_counter_working/StreckeSim/Coraz7_Test.gen/sources_1'. INFO: [BD 41-2613] The output directory c:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/StreckeSim_counter_working/StreckeSim/Coraz7_Test.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1 for design_1 cannot be found. -// Tcl Message: Scanning sources... Finished scanning sources -// TclEventType: PROJECT_NEW -// [GUI Memory]: 77 MB (+78665kb) [00:00:15] -// [Engine Memory]: 1,325 MB (+1237477kb) [00:00:15] -// WARNING: HEventQueue.dispatchEvent() is taking 3112 ms. -// Tcl Message: INFO: [IP_Flow 19-234] Refreshing IP repositories INFO: [IP_Flow 19-1704] No user IP repositories specified INFO: [IP_Flow 19-2313] Loaded Vivado IP repository 'C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/data/ip'. -// [GUI Memory]: 102 MB (+21713kb) [00:00:18] -// Project name: Coraz7_Test; location: C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/StreckeSim_counter_working/StreckeSim; part: xc7z010clg400-1 -// Tcl Message: open_project: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:27 ; elapsed = 00:00:11 . Memory (MB): peak = 1591.184 ; gain = 0.000 -dismissDialog("Open Project"); // bA -// Tcl Message: update_compile_order -fileset sources_1 -// PAPropertyPanels.initPanels (pwm_test.vhd) elapsed time: 0.2s -// Elapsed time: 11 seconds -selectTree(PAResourceEtoH.FileSetPanel_FILE_SET_PANEL_TREE, "[root, Design Sources, regler(Behavioral) (pwm_test.vhd)]", 3, false); // D -selectTree(PAResourceEtoH.FileSetPanel_FILE_SET_PANEL_TREE, "[root, Design Sources, regler(Behavioral) (pwm_test.vhd)]", 3, false, false, false, false, false, true); // D - Double Click -// WARNING: HEventQueue.dispatchEvent() is taking 1801 ms. -// [GUI Memory]: 134 MB (+27930kb) [00:00:32] -selectTree(PAResourceEtoH.FileSetPanel_FILE_SET_PANEL_TREE, "[root, Design Sources, pt1(Behavioral) (pt1.vhd)]", 4, false); // D -selectTree(PAResourceEtoH.FileSetPanel_FILE_SET_PANEL_TREE, "[root, Design Sources, pt1(Behavioral) (pt1.vhd)]", 4, false, false, false, false, false, true); // D - Double Click -// WARNING: HEventQueue.dispatchEvent() is taking 1441 ms. -// Elapsed time: 10 seconds -selectCodeEditor("pt1.vhd", 88, 451); // be -selectCodeEditor("pt1.vhd", 11, 348, false, false, false, true, false); // be - Popup Trigger -selectMenuItem(RDIResourceCommand.RDICommands_COPY, "Copy"); // ao -// Elapsed time: 24 seconds -selectTree(PAResourceEtoH.FileSetPanel_FILE_SET_PANEL_TREE, "[root, Design Sources, wendeTangente(Behavioral) (wendeTangente.vhd)]", 5, false); // D -selectTree(PAResourceEtoH.FileSetPanel_FILE_SET_PANEL_TREE, "[root, Design Sources, wendeTangente(Behavioral) (wendeTangente.vhd)]", 5, false, false, false, false, false, true); // D - Double Click -// WARNING: HEventQueue.dispatchEvent() is taking 1130 ms. -dismissDialog("Opening Editor"); // bA -selectCodeEditor("wendeTangente.vhd", 126, 259); // be -typeControlKey((HResource) null, "wendeTangente.vhd", 'c'); // be -// Elapsed time: 82 seconds -expandTree(PAResourceEtoH.FileSetPanel_FILE_SET_PANEL_TREE, "[root, Simulation Sources]", 7); // D -expandTree(PAResourceEtoH.FileSetPanel_FILE_SET_PANEL_TREE, "[root, Simulation Sources, sim_1]", 8); // D -selectTree(PAResourceEtoH.FileSetPanel_FILE_SET_PANEL_TREE, "[root, Simulation Sources, sim_1, pwm_test_db(Behavioral) (pwm_test_db.vhd)]", 10, true); // D - Node -selectTree(PAResourceEtoH.FileSetPanel_FILE_SET_PANEL_TREE, "[root, Simulation Sources, sim_1, pwm_test_db(Behavioral) (pwm_test_db.vhd), uut_regler : regler(Behavioral) (pwm_test.vhd)]", 11, false, false, false, false, false, true); // D - Double Click -// WARNING: HEventQueue.dispatchEvent() is taking 1115 ms. -// [GUI Memory]: 145 MB (+4836kb) [00:02:44] -dismissDialog("Opening Editor"); // bA -selectCodeEditor("pwm_test_db.vhd", 149, 169); // be -typeControlKey((HResource) null, "pwm_test_db.vhd", 'c'); // be -// Elapsed time: 45 seconds -selectCodeEditor("pwm_test_db.vhd", 251, 110); // be -typeControlKey((HResource) null, "pwm_test_db.vhd", 'c'); // be -selectCodeEditor("pwm_test_db.vhd", 83, 268); // be -typeControlKey((HResource) null, "pwm_test_db.vhd", 'c'); // be -// Elapsed time: 50 seconds -selectCodeEditor("pwm_test_db.vhd", 217, 345); // be -// Elapsed time: 732 seconds -selectCodeEditor("pwm_test_db.vhd", 229, 347); // be -// HMemoryUtils.trashcanNow. Engine heap size: 1,325 MB. GUI used memory: 81 MB. Current time: 5/13/22, 2:32:57 PM CEST diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/Doku/Fixed point package user’s guide.url b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/Doku/Fixed point package user’s guide.url new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f6c9ba --- /dev/null +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/Doku/Fixed point package user’s guide.url @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +[InternetShortcut] +URL=https://freemodelfoundry.com/fphdl/Fixed_ug.pdf diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/Doku/Fixed-point_types_in_Vivado_Installationsanleitung.pdf b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/Doku/Fixed-point_types_in_Vivado_Installationsanleitung.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6f52643 Binary files /dev/null and b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/Doku/Fixed-point_types_in_Vivado_Installationsanleitung.pdf differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/Doku/Fixed-point_types_in_Vivado_editable.url b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/Doku/Fixed-point_types_in_Vivado_editable.url new file mode 100644 index 0000000..25637f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/Doku/Fixed-point_types_in_Vivado_editable.url @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +[InternetShortcut] +URL=https://people-ece.vse.gmu.edu/coursewebpages/ECE/ECE448/S20/labs/sfixed_example/Fixed-point_types_in_Vivado.pdf diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/Doku/Fixed_ug_usermanual.pdf b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/Doku/Fixed_ug_usermanual.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3da5578 Binary files /dev/null and b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/Doku/Fixed_ug_usermanual.pdf differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/Doku/Library Download.url b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/Doku/Library Download.url new file mode 100644 index 0000000..025a543 --- /dev/null +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/Doku/Library Download.url @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +[InternetShortcut] +URL=https://opensource.ieee.org/vasg/Packages/-/tree/586ebeb9c3fcefd1ac9a07ce749d0e01e678503e/ieee diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.cache/wt/project.wpc b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.cache/wt/project.wpc index 9b34209..30d3330 100644 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.cache/wt/project.wpc +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.cache/wt/project.wpc @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ version:1 -6d6f64655f636f756e7465727c4755494d6f6465:1 +6d6f64655f636f756e7465727c4755494d6f6465:4 eof: diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.cache/wt/synthesis.wdf b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.cache/wt/synthesis.wdf index b4d1993..1a7431e 100644 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.cache/wt/synthesis.wdf +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.cache/wt/synthesis.wdf @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ version:1 73796e746865736973:73796e7468657369735c636f6d6d616e645f6c696e655f6f7074696f6e73:2d6e6f5f74696d696e675f64726976656e:64656661756c743a3a5b6e6f745f7370656369666965645d:00:00 73796e746865736973:73796e7468657369735c636f6d6d616e645f6c696e655f6f7074696f6e73:2d73666375:64656661756c743a3a5b6e6f745f7370656369666965645d:00:00 73796e746865736973:73796e7468657369735c636f6d6d616e645f6c696e655f6f7074696f6e73:2d64656275675f6c6f67:64656661756c743a3a5b6e6f745f7370656369666965645d:00:00 -73796e746865736973:73796e7468657369735c7573616765:656c6170736564:30303a30303a333273:00:00 -73796e746865736973:73796e7468657369735c7573616765:6d656d6f72795f7065616b:313236312e3035354d42:00:00 -73796e746865736973:73796e7468657369735c7573616765:6d656d6f72795f6761696e:302e3030304d42:00:00 -eof:738664726 +73796e746865736973:73796e7468657369735c7573616765:656c6170736564:30303a30303a343673:00:00 +73796e746865736973:73796e7468657369735c7573616765:6d656d6f72795f7065616b:313330332e3733384d42:00:00 +73796e746865736973:73796e7468657369735c7573616765:6d656d6f72795f6761696e:34312e3735384d42:00:00 +eof:4165940569 diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.cache/wt/webtalk_pa.xml b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.cache/wt/webtalk_pa.xml index 7483320..5ecf92b 100644 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.cache/wt/webtalk_pa.xml +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.cache/wt/webtalk_pa.xml @@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ - +
- +
diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/.jobs/vrs_config_10.xml b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/.jobs/vrs_config_10.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..109cb06 --- /dev/null +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/.jobs/vrs_config_10.xml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/.jobs/vrs_config_11.xml b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/.jobs/vrs_config_11.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2d23805 --- /dev/null +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/.jobs/vrs_config_11.xml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/.jobs/vrs_config_12.xml b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/.jobs/vrs_config_12.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..39a3ca2 --- /dev/null +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/.jobs/vrs_config_12.xml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/.jobs/vrs_config_13.xml b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/.jobs/vrs_config_13.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..39a3ca2 --- /dev/null +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/.jobs/vrs_config_13.xml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/.jobs/vrs_config_14.xml b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/.jobs/vrs_config_14.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..39a3ca2 --- /dev/null +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/.jobs/vrs_config_14.xml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/.jobs/vrs_config_15.xml b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/.jobs/vrs_config_15.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..39a3ca2 --- /dev/null +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/.jobs/vrs_config_15.xml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/.jobs/vrs_config_16.xml b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/.jobs/vrs_config_16.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..39a3ca2 --- /dev/null +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/.jobs/vrs_config_16.xml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/.jobs/vrs_config_9.xml b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/.jobs/vrs_config_9.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..39a3ca2 --- /dev/null +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/.jobs/vrs_config_9.xml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.Vivado_Implementation.queue.rst b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.Vivado_Implementation.queue.rst deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29..0000000 diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.init_design.begin.rst b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.init_design.begin.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 0141774..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.init_design.begin.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ - - - - - diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.init_design.end.rst b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.init_design.end.rst deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29..0000000 diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.opt_design.begin.rst b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.opt_design.begin.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 0141774..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.opt_design.begin.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ - - - - - diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.opt_design.end.rst b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.opt_design.end.rst deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29..0000000 diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.phys_opt_design.begin.rst b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.phys_opt_design.begin.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 0141774..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.phys_opt_design.begin.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ - - - - - diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.phys_opt_design.end.rst b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.phys_opt_design.end.rst deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29..0000000 diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.place_design.begin.rst b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.place_design.begin.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 0141774..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.place_design.begin.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ - - - - - diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.place_design.end.rst b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.place_design.end.rst deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29..0000000 diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.route_design.begin.rst b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.route_design.begin.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 0141774..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.route_design.begin.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ - - - - - diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.route_design.end.rst b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.route_design.end.rst deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29..0000000 diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.vivado.begin.rst b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.vivado.begin.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 2accd32..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.vivado.begin.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.vivado.end.rst b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.vivado.end.rst deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29..0000000 diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.vivado.error.rst b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.vivado.error.rst deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29..0000000 diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.write_bitstream.begin.rst b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.write_bitstream.begin.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 6e00f76..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.write_bitstream.begin.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ - - - - - diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.write_bitstream.error.rst b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/.write_bitstream.error.rst deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29..0000000 diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/ISEWrap.js b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/ISEWrap.js deleted file mode 100644 index db0a510..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/ISEWrap.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,269 +0,0 @@ -// -// Vivado(TM) -// ISEWrap.js: Vivado Runs Script for WSH 5.1/5.6 -// Copyright 1986-1999, 2001-2013,2015 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. -// - -// GLOBAL VARIABLES -var ISEShell = new ActiveXObject( "WScript.Shell" ); -var ISEFileSys = new ActiveXObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" ); -var ISERunDir = ""; -var ISELogFile = "runme.log"; -var ISELogFileStr = null; -var ISELogEcho = true; -var ISEOldVersionWSH = false; - - - -// BOOTSTRAP -ISEInit(); - - - -// -// ISE FUNCTIONS -// -function ISEInit() { - - // 1. RUN DIR setup - var ISEScrFP = WScript.ScriptFullName; - var ISEScrN = WScript.ScriptName; - ISERunDir = - ISEScrFP.substr( 0, ISEScrFP.length - ISEScrN.length - 1 ); - - // 2. LOG file setup - ISELogFileStr = ISEOpenFile( ISELogFile ); - - // 3. LOG echo? - var ISEScriptArgs = WScript.Arguments; - for ( var loopi=0; loopi> " + ISELogFile + " 2>&1"; - ISEExitCode = ISEShell.Run( ISECmdLine, 0, true ); - ISELogFileStr = ISEOpenFile( ISELogFile ); - - } else { // WSH 5.6 - - // LAUNCH! - ISEShell.CurrentDirectory = ISERunDir; - - // Redirect STDERR to STDOUT - ISECmdLine = "%comspec% /c " + ISECmdLine + " 2>&1"; - var ISEProcess = ISEShell.Exec( ISECmdLine ); - - // BEGIN file creation - var wbemFlagReturnImmediately = 0x10; - var wbemFlagForwardOnly = 0x20; - var objWMIService = GetObject ("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate, (Systemtime)}!//./root/cimv2"); - var processor = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Processor", "WQL",wbemFlagReturnImmediately | wbemFlagForwardOnly); - var computerSystem = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem", "WQL", wbemFlagReturnImmediately | wbemFlagForwardOnly); - var NOC = 0; - var NOLP = 0; - var TPM = 0; - var cpuInfos = new Enumerator(processor); - for(;!cpuInfos.atEnd(); cpuInfos.moveNext()) { - var cpuInfo = cpuInfos.item(); - NOC += cpuInfo.NumberOfCores; - NOLP += cpuInfo.NumberOfLogicalProcessors; - } - var csInfos = new Enumerator(computerSystem); - for(;!csInfos.atEnd(); csInfos.moveNext()) { - var csInfo = csInfos.item(); - TPM += csInfo.TotalPhysicalMemory; - } - - var ISEHOSTCORE = NOLP - var ISEMEMTOTAL = TPM - - var ISENetwork = WScript.CreateObject( "WScript.Network" ); - var ISEHost = ISENetwork.ComputerName; - var ISEUser = ISENetwork.UserName; - var ISEPid = ISEProcess.ProcessID; - var ISEBeginFile = ISEOpenFile( "." + ISEStep + ".begin.rst" ); - ISEBeginFile.WriteLine( "" ); - ISEBeginFile.WriteLine( "" ); - ISEBeginFile.WriteLine( " " ); - ISEBeginFile.WriteLine( " " ); - ISEBeginFile.WriteLine( "" ); - ISEBeginFile.Close(); - - var ISEOutStr = ISEProcess.StdOut; - var ISEErrStr = ISEProcess.StdErr; - - // WAIT for ISEStep to finish - while ( ISEProcess.Status == 0 ) { - - // dump stdout then stderr - feels a little arbitrary - while ( !ISEOutStr.AtEndOfStream ) { - ISEStdOut( ISEOutStr.ReadLine() ); - } - - WScript.Sleep( 100 ); - } - - ISEExitCode = ISEProcess.ExitCode; - } - - ISELogFileStr.Close(); - - // END/ERROR file creation - if ( ISEExitCode != 0 ) { - ISETouchFile( ISEStep, "error" ); - - } else { - ISETouchFile( ISEStep, "end" ); - } - - return ISEExitCode; -} - - -// -// UTILITIES -// -function ISEStdOut( ISELine ) { - - ISELogFileStr.WriteLine( ISELine ); - - if ( ISELogEcho ) { - WScript.StdOut.WriteLine( ISELine ); - } -} - -function ISEStdErr( ISELine ) { - - ISELogFileStr.WriteLine( ISELine ); - - if ( ISELogEcho ) { - WScript.StdErr.WriteLine( ISELine ); - } -} - -function ISETouchFile( ISERoot, ISEStatus ) { - - var ISETFile = - ISEOpenFile( "." + ISERoot + "." + ISEStatus + ".rst" ); - ISETFile.Close(); -} - -function ISEOpenFile( ISEFilename ) { - - // This function has been updated to deal with a problem seen in CR #870871. - // In that case the user runs a script that runs impl_1, and then turns around - // and runs impl_1 -to_step write_bitstream. That second run takes place in - // the same directory, which means we may hit some of the same files, and in - // particular, we will open the runme.log file. Even though this script closes - // the file (now), we see cases where a subsequent attempt to open the file - // fails. Perhaps the OS is slow to release the lock, or the disk comes into - // play? In any case, we try to work around this by first waiting if the file - // is already there for an arbitrary 5 seconds. Then we use a try-catch block - // and try to open the file 10 times with a one second delay after each attempt. - // Again, 10 is arbitrary. But these seem to stop the hang in CR #870871. - // If there is an unrecognized exception when trying to open the file, we output - // an error message and write details to an exception.log file. - var ISEFullPath = ISERunDir + "/" + ISEFilename; - if (ISEFileSys.FileExists(ISEFullPath)) { - // File is already there. This could be a problem. Wait in case it is still in use. - WScript.Sleep(5000); - } - var i; - for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { - try { - return ISEFileSys.OpenTextFile(ISEFullPath, 8, true); - } catch (exception) { - var error_code = exception.number & 0xFFFF; // The other bits are a facility code. - if (error_code == 52) { // 52 is bad file name or number. - // Wait a second and try again. - WScript.Sleep(1000); - continue; - } else { - WScript.StdErr.WriteLine("ERROR: Exception caught trying to open file " + ISEFullPath); - var exceptionFilePath = ISERunDir + "/exception.log"; - if (!ISEFileSys.FileExists(exceptionFilePath)) { - WScript.StdErr.WriteLine("See file " + exceptionFilePath + " for details."); - var exceptionFile = ISEFileSys.OpenTextFile(exceptionFilePath, 8, true); - exceptionFile.WriteLine("ERROR: Exception caught trying to open file " + ISEFullPath); - exceptionFile.WriteLine("\tException name: " + exception.name); - exceptionFile.WriteLine("\tException error code: " + error_code); - exceptionFile.WriteLine("\tException message: " + exception.message); - exceptionFile.Close(); - } - throw exception; - } - } - } - // If we reached this point, we failed to open the file after 10 attempts. - // We need to error out. - WScript.StdErr.WriteLine("ERROR: Failed to open file " + ISEFullPath); - WScript.Quit(1); -} diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/ISEWrap.sh b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/ISEWrap.sh deleted file mode 100644 index c2fbbb6..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/ISEWrap.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh - -# -# Vivado(TM) -# ISEWrap.sh: Vivado Runs Script for UNIX -# Copyright 1986-1999, 2001-2013 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. -# - -cmd_exists() -{ - command -v "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 -} - -HD_LOG=$1 -shift - -# CHECK for a STOP FILE -if [ -f .stop.rst ] -then -echo "" >> $HD_LOG -echo "*** Halting run - EA reset detected ***" >> $HD_LOG -echo "" >> $HD_LOG -exit 1 -fi - -ISE_STEP=$1 -shift - -# WRITE STEP HEADER to LOG -echo "" >> $HD_LOG -echo "*** Running $ISE_STEP" >> $HD_LOG -echo " with args $@" >> $HD_LOG -echo "" >> $HD_LOG - -# LAUNCH! -$ISE_STEP "$@" >> $HD_LOG 2>&1 & - -# BEGIN file creation -ISE_PID=$! - -HostNameFile=/proc/sys/kernel/hostname -if cmd_exists hostname -then -ISE_HOST=$(hostname) -elif cmd_exists uname -then -ISE_HOST=$(uname -n) -elif [ -f "$HostNameFile" ] && [ -r $HostNameFile ] && [ -s $HostNameFile ] -then -ISE_HOST=$(cat $HostNameFile) -elif [ X != X$HOSTNAME ] -then -ISE_HOST=$HOSTNAME #bash -else -ISE_HOST=$HOST #csh -fi - -ISE_USER=$USER - -ISE_HOSTCORE=$(awk '/^processor/{print $3}' /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l) -ISE_MEMTOTAL=$(awk '/MemTotal/ {print $2}' /proc/meminfo) - -ISE_BEGINFILE=.$ISE_STEP.begin.rst -/bin/touch $ISE_BEGINFILE -echo "" >> $ISE_BEGINFILE -echo "" >> $ISE_BEGINFILE -echo " " >> $ISE_BEGINFILE -echo " " >> $ISE_BEGINFILE -echo "" >> $ISE_BEGINFILE - -# WAIT for ISEStep to finish -wait $ISE_PID - -# END/ERROR file creation -RETVAL=$? -if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] -then - /bin/touch .$ISE_STEP.end.rst -else - /bin/touch .$ISE_STEP.error.rst -fi - -exit $RETVAL - diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest.tcl b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest.tcl deleted file mode 100644 index d609402..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest.tcl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,157 +0,0 @@ -# -# Report generation script generated by Vivado -# - -proc create_report { reportName command } { - set status "." - append status $reportName ".fail" - if { [file exists $status] } { - eval file delete [glob $status] - } - send_msg_id runtcl-4 info "Executing : $command" - set retval [eval catch { $command } msg] - if { $retval != 0 } { - set fp [open $status w] - close $fp - send_msg_id runtcl-5 warning "$msg" - } -} -namespace eval ::optrace { - variable script "C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest.tcl" - variable category "vivado_impl" -} - -# Try to connect to running dispatch if we haven't done so already. -# This code assumes that the Tcl interpreter is not using threads, -# since the ::dispatch::connected variable isn't mutex protected. -if {![info exists ::dispatch::connected]} { - namespace eval ::dispatch { - variable connected false - if {[llength [array get env XILINX_CD_CONNECT_ID]] > 0} { - set result "true" - if {[catch { - if {[lsearch -exact [package names] DispatchTcl] < 0} { - set result [load librdi_cd_clienttcl[info sharedlibextension]] - } - if {$result eq "false"} { - puts "WARNING: Could not load dispatch client library" - } - set connect_id [ ::dispatch::init_client -mode EXISTING_SERVER ] - if { $connect_id eq "" } { - puts "WARNING: Could not initialize dispatch client" - } else { - puts "INFO: Dispatch client connection id - $connect_id" - set connected true - } - } catch_res]} { - puts "WARNING: failed to connect to dispatch server - $catch_res" - } - } - } -} -if {$::dispatch::connected} { - # Remove the dummy proc if it exists. - if { [expr {[llength [info procs ::OPTRACE]] > 0}] } { - rename ::OPTRACE "" - } - proc ::OPTRACE { task action {tags {} } } { - ::vitis_log::op_trace "$task" $action -tags $tags -script $::optrace::script -category $::optrace::category - } - # dispatch is generic. We specifically want to attach logging. - ::vitis_log::connect_client -} else { - # Add dummy proc if it doesn't exist. - if { [expr {[llength [info procs ::OPTRACE]] == 0}] } { - proc ::OPTRACE {{arg1 \"\" } {arg2 \"\"} {arg3 \"\" } {arg4 \"\"} {arg5 \"\" } {arg6 \"\"}} { - # Do nothing - } - } -} - -proc start_step { step } { - set stopFile ".stop.rst" - if {[file isfile .stop.rst]} { - puts "" - puts "*** Halting run - EA reset detected ***" - puts "" - puts "" - return -code error - } - set beginFile ".$step.begin.rst" - set platform "$::tcl_platform(platform)" - set user "$::tcl_platform(user)" - set pid [pid] - set host "" - if { [string equal $platform unix] } { - if { [info exist ::env(HOSTNAME)] } { - set host $::env(HOSTNAME) - } elseif { [info exist ::env(HOST)] } { - set host $::env(HOST) - } - } else { - if { [info exist ::env(COMPUTERNAME)] } { - set host $::env(COMPUTERNAME) - } - } - set ch [open $beginFile w] - puts $ch "" - puts $ch "" - puts $ch " " - puts $ch " " - puts $ch "" - close $ch -} - -proc end_step { step } { - set endFile ".$step.end.rst" - set ch [open $endFile w] - close $ch -} - -proc step_failed { step } { - set endFile ".$step.error.rst" - set ch [open $endFile w] - close $ch -OPTRACE "impl_1" END { } -} - -set_msg_config -id {Synth 8-256} -limit 10000 -set_msg_config -id {Synth 8-638} -limit 10000 - -OPTRACE "impl_1" START { ROLLUP_1 } -OPTRACE "Phase: Write Bitstream" START { ROLLUP_AUTO } -OPTRACE "write_bitstream setup" START { } -start_step write_bitstream -set ACTIVE_STEP write_bitstream -set rc [catch { - create_msg_db write_bitstream.pb - set_param checkpoint.writeSynthRtdsInDcp 1 - set_param chipscope.maxJobs 3 - open_checkpoint fixedPointTest_routed.dcp - set_property webtalk.parent_dir C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.cache/wt [current_project] -set_property TOP fixedPointTest [current_fileset] -OPTRACE "read constraints: write_bitstream" START { } -OPTRACE "read constraints: write_bitstream" END { } - catch { write_mem_info -force -no_partial_mmi fixedPointTest.mmi } -OPTRACE "write_bitstream setup" END { } -OPTRACE "write_bitstream" START { } - write_bitstream -force fixedPointTest.bit -OPTRACE "write_bitstream" END { } -OPTRACE "write_bitstream misc" START { } -OPTRACE "read constraints: write_bitstream_post" START { } -OPTRACE "read constraints: write_bitstream_post" END { } - catch {write_debug_probes -quiet -force fixedPointTest} - catch {file copy -force fixedPointTest.ltx debug_nets.ltx} - close_msg_db -file write_bitstream.pb -} RESULT] -if {$rc} { - step_failed write_bitstream - return -code error $RESULT -} else { - end_step write_bitstream - unset ACTIVE_STEP -} - -OPTRACE "write_bitstream misc" END { } -OPTRACE "Phase: Write Bitstream" END { } -OPTRACE "impl_1" END { } diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest.vdi b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest.vdi deleted file mode 100644 index 9e670ac..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest.vdi +++ /dev/null @@ -1,600 +0,0 @@ -#----------------------------------------------------------- -# Vivado v2021.2 (64-bit) -# SW Build 3367213 on Tue Oct 19 02:48:09 MDT 2021 -# IP Build 3369179 on Thu Oct 21 08:25:16 MDT 2021 -# Start of session at: Fri May 13 14:41:22 2022 -# Process ID: 17108 -# Current directory: C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1 -# Command line: vivado.exe -log fixedPointTest.vdi -applog -product Vivado -messageDb vivado.pb -mode batch -source fixedPointTest.tcl -notrace -# Log file: C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest.vdi -# Journal file: C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1\vivado.jou -# Running On: DESKTOP-PAACOM8, OS: Windows, CPU Frequency: 2592 MHz, CPU Physical cores: 6, Host memory: 16927 MB -#----------------------------------------------------------- -source fixedPointTest.tcl -notrace -create_project: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:06 ; elapsed = 00:00:06 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.340 ; gain = 10.250 -Command: link_design -top fixedPointTest -part xc7z010clg400-1 -Design is defaulting to srcset: sources_1 -Design is defaulting to constrset: constrs_1 -INFO: [Device 21-403] Loading part xc7z010clg400-1 -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.001 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.340 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Netlist 29-17] Analyzing 4 Unisim elements for replacement -INFO: [Netlist 29-28] Unisim Transformation completed in 0 CPU seconds -INFO: [Project 1-479] Netlist was created with Vivado 2021.2 -INFO: [Project 1-570] Preparing netlist for logic optimization -Parsing XDC File [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc] -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'clk'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:7] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:7] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'led0_b'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:11] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:11] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'led0_g'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:12] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:12] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'led0_r'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:13] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:13] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'led1_b'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:15] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:15] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'led1_g'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:16] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:16] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'led1_r'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:17] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:17] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -Finished Parsing XDC File [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc] -INFO: [Opt 31-138] Pushed 0 inverter(s) to 0 load pin(s). -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.340 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Project 1-111] Unisim Transformation Summary: -No Unisim elements were transformed. - -7 Infos, 7 Warnings, 7 Critical Warnings and 0 Errors encountered. -link_design completed successfully -link_design: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:05 ; elapsed = 00:00:06 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.340 ; gain = 0.000 -Command: opt_design -Attempting to get a license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -INFO: [Common 17-349] Got license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -Running DRC as a precondition to command opt_design - -Starting DRC Task -INFO: [DRC 23-27] Running DRC with 2 threads -INFO: [Project 1-461] DRC finished with 0 Errors -INFO: [Project 1-462] Please refer to the DRC report (report_drc) for more information. - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:01 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.340 ; gain = 0.000 - -Starting Cache Timing Information Task -INFO: [Timing 38-35] Done setting XDC timing constraints. -Ending Cache Timing Information Task | Checksum: d688f8fa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:08 ; elapsed = 00:00:09 . Memory (MB): peak = 1387.457 ; gain = 126.117 - -Starting Logic Optimization Task - -Phase 1 Retarget -INFO: [Opt 31-138] Pushed 0 inverter(s) to 0 load pin(s). -INFO: [Opt 31-49] Retargeted 0 cell(s). -Phase 1 Retarget | Checksum: d688f8fa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.008 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Opt 31-389] Phase Retarget created 0 cells and removed 0 cells - -Phase 2 Constant propagation -INFO: [Opt 31-138] Pushed 0 inverter(s) to 0 load pin(s). -Phase 2 Constant propagation | Checksum: d688f8fa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.009 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Opt 31-389] Phase Constant propagation created 0 cells and removed 0 cells - -Phase 3 Sweep -Phase 3 Sweep | Checksum: 9d9fcb97 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.011 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Opt 31-389] Phase Sweep created 0 cells and removed 0 cells - -Phase 4 BUFG optimization -Phase 4 BUFG optimization | Checksum: 9d9fcb97 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.013 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Opt 31-662] Phase BUFG optimization created 0 cells of which 0 are BUFGs and removed 0 cells. - -Phase 5 Shift Register Optimization -INFO: [Opt 31-1064] SRL Remap converted 0 SRLs to 0 registers and converted 0 registers of register chains to 0 SRLs -Phase 5 Shift Register Optimization | Checksum: 9d9fcb97 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.014 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Opt 31-389] Phase Shift Register Optimization created 0 cells and removed 0 cells - -Phase 6 Post Processing Netlist -Phase 6 Post Processing Netlist | Checksum: 9d9fcb97 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.014 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Opt 31-389] Phase Post Processing Netlist created 0 cells and removed 0 cells -Opt_design Change Summary -========================= - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| Phase | #Cells created | #Cells Removed | #Constrained objects preventing optimizations | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| Retarget | 0 | 0 | 0 | -| Constant propagation | 0 | 0 | 0 | -| Sweep | 0 | 0 | 0 | -| BUFG optimization | 0 | 0 | 0 | -| Shift Register Optimization | 0 | 0 | 0 | -| Post Processing Netlist | 0 | 0 | 0 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - -Starting Connectivity Check Task - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.001 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 -Ending Logic Optimization Task | Checksum: f158031e - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.018 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 - -Starting Power Optimization Task -INFO: [Pwropt 34-132] Skipping clock gating for clocks with a period < 2.00 ns. -Ending Power Optimization Task | Checksum: f158031e - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.014 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 - -Starting Final Cleanup Task -Ending Final Cleanup Task | Checksum: f158031e - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 - -Starting Netlist Obfuscation Task -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 -Ending Netlist Obfuscation Task | Checksum: f158031e - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Common 17-83] Releasing license: Implementation -24 Infos, 7 Warnings, 7 Critical Warnings and 0 Errors encountered. -opt_design completed successfully -opt_design: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:14 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 421.875 -INFO: [Timing 38-480] Writing timing data to binary archive. -INFO: [Common 17-1381] The checkpoint 'C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_opt.dcp' has been generated. -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_drc -file fixedPointTest_drc_opted.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_drc_opted.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_drc_opted.rpx -Command: report_drc -file fixedPointTest_drc_opted.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_drc_opted.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_drc_opted.rpx -INFO: [IP_Flow 19-234] Refreshing IP repositories -INFO: [IP_Flow 19-1704] No user IP repositories specified -INFO: [IP_Flow 19-2313] Loaded Vivado IP repository 'C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/data/ip'. -INFO: [Timing 38-35] Done setting XDC timing constraints. -INFO: [DRC 23-27] Running DRC with 2 threads -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 2-168] The results of DRC are in file C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_drc_opted.rpt. -report_drc completed successfully -Command: place_design -Attempting to get a license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -INFO: [Common 17-349] Got license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -INFO: [DRC 23-27] Running DRC with 2 threads -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 4-198] DRC finished with 0 Errors -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 4-199] Please refer to the DRC report (report_drc) for more information. -Running DRC as a precondition to command place_design -INFO: [DRC 23-27] Running DRC with 2 threads -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 4-198] DRC finished with 0 Errors -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 4-199] Please refer to the DRC report (report_drc) for more information. - -Starting Placer Task -INFO: [Place 30-611] Multithreading enabled for place_design using a maximum of 2 CPUs - -Phase 1 Placer Initialization - -Phase 1.1 Placer Initialization Netlist Sorting -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -Phase 1.1 Placer Initialization Netlist Sorting | Checksum: c5371e47 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.006 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 1.2 IO Placement/ Clock Placement/ Build Placer Device -Phase 1.2 IO Placement/ Clock Placement/ Build Placer Device | Checksum: 170083491 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.141 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 1.3 Build Placer Netlist Model -Phase 1.3 Build Placer Netlist Model | Checksum: 1e3fab18a - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.149 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 1.4 Constrain Clocks/Macros -Phase 1.4 Constrain Clocks/Macros | Checksum: 1e3fab18a - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.150 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -Phase 1 Placer Initialization | Checksum: 1e3fab18a - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.152 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 2 Global Placement - -Phase 2.1 Floorplanning -Phase 2.1 Floorplanning | Checksum: 1e3fab18a - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.153 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 2.2 Update Timing before SLR Path Opt -Phase 2.2 Update Timing before SLR Path Opt | Checksum: 1e3fab18a - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.153 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 2.3 Post-Processing in Floorplanning -Phase 2.3 Post-Processing in Floorplanning | Checksum: 1e3fab18a - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.154 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 2.4 Global Placement Core -WARNING: [Place 46-29] place_design is not in timing mode. Skip physical synthesis in placer -Phase 2.4 Global Placement Core | Checksum: 17701980b - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.691 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -Phase 2 Global Placement | Checksum: 17701980b - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.693 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 3 Detail Placement - -Phase 3.1 Commit Multi Column Macros -Phase 3.1 Commit Multi Column Macros | Checksum: 17701980b - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.694 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 3.2 Commit Most Macros & LUTRAMs -Phase 3.2 Commit Most Macros & LUTRAMs | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.699 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 3.3 Area Swap Optimization -Phase 3.3 Area Swap Optimization | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.707 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 3.4 Pipeline Register Optimization -Phase 3.4 Pipeline Register Optimization | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.708 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 3.5 Small Shape Detail Placement -Phase 3.5 Small Shape Detail Placement | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.748 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 3.6 Re-assign LUT pins -Phase 3.6 Re-assign LUT pins | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.751 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 3.7 Pipeline Register Optimization -Phase 3.7 Pipeline Register Optimization | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.751 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -Phase 3 Detail Placement | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.752 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 4 Post Placement Optimization and Clean-Up - -Phase 4.1 Post Commit Optimization -Phase 4.1 Post Commit Optimization | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.771 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 4.2 Post Placement Cleanup -Phase 4.2 Post Placement Cleanup | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.773 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 4.3 Placer Reporting - -Phase 4.3.1 Print Estimated Congestion -INFO: [Place 30-612] Post-Placement Estimated Congestion - ____________________________________________________ -| | Global Congestion | Short Congestion | -| Direction | Region Size | Region Size | -|___________|___________________|___________________| -| North| 1x1| 1x1| -|___________|___________________|___________________| -| South| 1x1| 1x1| -|___________|___________________|___________________| -| East| 1x1| 1x1| -|___________|___________________|___________________| -| West| 1x1| 1x1| -|___________|___________________|___________________| - -Phase 4.3.1 Print Estimated Congestion | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.774 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -Phase 4.3 Placer Reporting | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.775 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 4.4 Final Placement Cleanup -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.775 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -Phase 4 Post Placement Optimization and Clean-Up | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.776 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -Ending Placer Task | Checksum: 1c0019b8b - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.776 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Common 17-83] Releasing license: Implementation -43 Infos, 8 Warnings, 7 Critical Warnings and 0 Errors encountered. -place_design completed successfully -INFO: [Timing 38-480] Writing timing data to binary archive. -Writing placer database... -Writing XDEF routing. -Writing XDEF routing logical nets. -Writing XDEF routing special nets. -Write XDEF Complete: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.057 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Common 17-1381] The checkpoint 'C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_placed.dcp' has been generated. -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_io -file fixedPointTest_io_placed.rpt -report_io: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.067 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_utilization -file fixedPointTest_utilization_placed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_utilization_placed.pb -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_control_sets -verbose -file fixedPointTest_control_sets_placed.rpt -report_control_sets: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.001 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -Command: phys_opt_design -Attempting to get a license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -INFO: [Common 17-349] Got license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 4-235] No timing constraint found. The netlist was not modified. -INFO: [Common 17-83] Releasing license: Implementation -51 Infos, 8 Warnings, 7 Critical Warnings and 0 Errors encountered. -phys_opt_design completed successfully -INFO: [Timing 38-480] Writing timing data to binary archive. -Writing placer database... -Writing XDEF routing. -Writing XDEF routing logical nets. -Writing XDEF routing special nets. -Write XDEF Complete: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.048 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Common 17-1381] The checkpoint 'C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_physopt.dcp' has been generated. -Command: route_design -Attempting to get a license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -INFO: [Common 17-349] Got license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -Running DRC as a precondition to command route_design -INFO: [DRC 23-27] Running DRC with 2 threads -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 4-198] DRC finished with 0 Errors -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 4-199] Please refer to the DRC report (report_drc) for more information. - - -Starting Routing Task -INFO: [Route 35-254] Multithreading enabled for route_design using a maximum of 2 CPUs - -Phase 1 Build RT Design -Checksum: PlaceDB: faca7d44 ConstDB: 0 ShapeSum: c5371e47 RouteDB: 0 -Post Restoration Checksum: NetGraph: 54150718 NumContArr: b3d68f27 Constraints: 0 Timing: 0 -Phase 1 Build RT Design | Checksum: 107eb963f - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1757.188 ; gain = 23.668 - -Phase 2 Router Initialization -INFO: [Route 35-64] No timing constraints were detected. The router will operate in resource-optimization mode. - -Phase 2.1 Fix Topology Constraints -Phase 2.1 Fix Topology Constraints | Checksum: 107eb963f - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1762.219 ; gain = 28.699 - -Phase 2.2 Pre Route Cleanup -Phase 2.2 Pre Route Cleanup | Checksum: 107eb963f - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1762.219 ; gain = 28.699 - Number of Nodes with overlaps = 0 - -Router Utilization Summary - Global Vertical Routing Utilization = 0 % - Global Horizontal Routing Utilization = 0 % - Routable Net Status* - *Does not include unroutable nets such as driverless and loadless. - Run report_route_status for detailed report. - Number of Failed Nets = 46 - (Failed Nets is the sum of unrouted and partially routed nets) - Number of Unrouted Nets = 46 - Number of Partially Routed Nets = 0 - Number of Node Overlaps = 0 - -Phase 2 Router Initialization | Checksum: d7f76c92 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1764.324 ; gain = 30.805 - -Phase 3 Initial Routing - -Phase 3.1 Global Routing -Phase 3.1 Global Routing | Checksum: d7f76c92 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1764.324 ; gain = 30.805 -Phase 3 Initial Routing | Checksum: aa1bb3ea - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1764.324 ; gain = 30.805 - -Phase 4 Rip-up And Reroute - -Phase 4.1 Global Iteration 0 - Number of Nodes with overlaps = 0 -Phase 4.1 Global Iteration 0 | Checksum: 1a2c45faa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1764.324 ; gain = 30.805 -Phase 4 Rip-up And Reroute | Checksum: 1a2c45faa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1764.324 ; gain = 30.805 - -Phase 5 Delay and Skew Optimization -Phase 5 Delay and Skew Optimization | Checksum: 1a2c45faa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1764.324 ; gain = 30.805 - -Phase 6 Post Hold Fix - -Phase 6.1 Hold Fix Iter -Phase 6.1 Hold Fix Iter | Checksum: 1a2c45faa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1764.324 ; gain = 30.805 -Phase 6 Post Hold Fix | Checksum: 1a2c45faa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1764.324 ; gain = 30.805 - -Phase 7 Route finalize - -Router Utilization Summary - Global Vertical Routing Utilization = 0.0663007 % - Global Horizontal Routing Utilization = 0.0248162 % - Routable Net Status* - *Does not include unroutable nets such as driverless and loadless. - Run report_route_status for detailed report. - Number of Failed Nets = 0 - (Failed Nets is the sum of unrouted and partially routed nets) - Number of Unrouted Nets = 0 - Number of Partially Routed Nets = 0 - Number of Node Overlaps = 0 - -Congestion Report -North Dir 1x1 Area, Max Cong = 5.40541%, No Congested Regions. -South Dir 1x1 Area, Max Cong = 17.1171%, No Congested Regions. -East Dir 1x1 Area, Max Cong = 8.82353%, No Congested Regions. -West Dir 1x1 Area, Max Cong = 7.35294%, No Congested Regions. - ------------------------------- -Reporting congestion hotspots ------------------------------- -Direction: North ----------------- -Congested clusters found at Level 0 -Effective congestion level: 0 Aspect Ratio: 1 Sparse Ratio: 0 -Direction: South ----------------- -Congested clusters found at Level 0 -Effective congestion level: 0 Aspect Ratio: 1 Sparse Ratio: 0 -Direction: East ----------------- -Congested clusters found at Level 0 -Effective congestion level: 0 Aspect Ratio: 1 Sparse Ratio: 0 -Direction: West ----------------- -Congested clusters found at Level 0 -Effective congestion level: 0 Aspect Ratio: 1 Sparse Ratio: 0 - -Phase 7 Route finalize | Checksum: 1a2c45faa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1764.324 ; gain = 30.805 - -Phase 8 Verifying routed nets - - Verification completed successfully -Phase 8 Verifying routed nets | Checksum: 1a2c45faa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1765.430 ; gain = 31.910 - -Phase 9 Depositing Routes -Phase 9 Depositing Routes | Checksum: 156fe757f - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1765.430 ; gain = 31.910 -INFO: [Route 35-16] Router Completed Successfully - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1765.430 ; gain = 31.910 - -Routing Is Done. -INFO: [Common 17-83] Releasing license: Implementation -61 Infos, 8 Warnings, 7 Critical Warnings and 0 Errors encountered. -route_design completed successfully -route_design: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:16 ; elapsed = 00:00:14 . Memory (MB): peak = 1765.430 ; gain = 43.164 -INFO: [Timing 38-480] Writing timing data to binary archive. -Writing placer database... -Writing XDEF routing. -Writing XDEF routing logical nets. -Writing XDEF routing special nets. -Write XDEF Complete: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.049 . Memory (MB): peak = 1775.246 ; gain = 9.816 -INFO: [Common 17-1381] The checkpoint 'C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_routed.dcp' has been generated. -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_drc -file fixedPointTest_drc_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_drc_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_drc_routed.rpx -Command: report_drc -file fixedPointTest_drc_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_drc_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_drc_routed.rpx -INFO: [IP_Flow 19-1839] IP Catalog is up to date. -INFO: [DRC 23-27] Running DRC with 2 threads -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 2-168] The results of DRC are in file C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_drc_routed.rpt. -report_drc completed successfully -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_methodology -file fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.rpx -Command: report_methodology -file fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.rpx -INFO: [Timing 38-35] Done setting XDC timing constraints. -INFO: [DRC 23-133] Running Methodology with 2 threads -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 2-1520] The results of Report Methodology are in file C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.rpt. -report_methodology completed successfully -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_power -file fixedPointTest_power_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_power_summary_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_power_routed.rpx -Command: report_power -file fixedPointTest_power_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_power_summary_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_power_routed.rpx -INFO: [Timing 38-35] Done setting XDC timing constraints. -WARNING: [Power 33-232] No user defined clocks were found in the design! Power estimation will be inaccurate until this is corrected. -Resolution: Please specify clocks using create_clock/create_generated_clock for sequential elements. For pure combinatorial circuits, please specify a virtual clock, otherwise the vectorless estimation might be inaccurate -Running Vector-less Activity Propagation... - -Finished Running Vector-less Activity Propagation -73 Infos, 9 Warnings, 7 Critical Warnings and 0 Errors encountered. -report_power completed successfully -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_route_status -file fixedPointTest_route_status.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_route_status.pb -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_timing_summary -max_paths 10 -report_unconstrained -file fixedPointTest_timing_summary_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_timing_summary_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_timing_summary_routed.rpx -warn_on_violation -INFO: [Timing 38-91] UpdateTimingParams: Speed grade: -1, Delay Type: min_max. -INFO: [Timing 38-191] Multithreading enabled for timing update using a maximum of 2 CPUs -WARNING: [Timing 38-313] There are no user specified timing constraints. Timing constraints are needed for proper timing analysis. -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_incremental_reuse -file fixedPointTest_incremental_reuse_routed.rpt -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 4-1062] Incremental flow is disabled. No incremental reuse Info to report. -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_clock_utilization -file fixedPointTest_clock_utilization_routed.rpt -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_bus_skew -warn_on_violation -file fixedPointTest_bus_skew_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_bus_skew_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_bus_skew_routed.rpx -INFO: [Timing 38-91] UpdateTimingParams: Speed grade: -1, Delay Type: min_max. -INFO: [Timing 38-191] Multithreading enabled for timing update using a maximum of 2 CPUs -INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting Vivado at Fri May 13 14:42:11 2022... -#----------------------------------------------------------- -# Vivado v2021.2 (64-bit) -# SW Build 3367213 on Tue Oct 19 02:48:09 MDT 2021 -# IP Build 3369179 on Thu Oct 21 08:25:16 MDT 2021 -# Start of session at: Fri May 13 14:42:39 2022 -# Process ID: 11092 -# Current directory: C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1 -# Command line: vivado.exe -log fixedPointTest.vdi -applog -product Vivado -messageDb vivado.pb -mode batch -source fixedPointTest.tcl -notrace -# Log file: C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest.vdi -# Journal file: C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1\vivado.jou -# Running On: DESKTOP-PAACOM8, OS: Windows, CPU Frequency: 2592 MHz, CPU Physical cores: 6, Host memory: 16927 MB -#----------------------------------------------------------- -source fixedPointTest.tcl -notrace -Command: open_checkpoint fixedPointTest_routed.dcp - -Starting open_checkpoint Task - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.057 . Memory (MB): peak = 1251.590 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Device 21-403] Loading part xc7z010clg400-1 -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.001 . Memory (MB): peak = 1251.590 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Netlist 29-17] Analyzing 4 Unisim elements for replacement -INFO: [Netlist 29-28] Unisim Transformation completed in 0 CPU seconds -INFO: [Project 1-479] Netlist was created with Vivado 2021.2 -INFO: [Project 1-570] Preparing netlist for logic optimization -INFO: [Timing 38-478] Restoring timing data from binary archive. -INFO: [Timing 38-479] Binary timing data restore complete. -INFO: [Project 1-856] Restoring constraints from binary archive. -INFO: [Project 1-853] Binary constraint restore complete. -Reading XDEF placement. -Reading placer database... -Reading XDEF routing. -Read XDEF File: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.114 . Memory (MB): peak = 1387.207 ; gain = 17.668 -Restored from archive | CPU: 0.000000 secs | Memory: 0.000000 MB | -Finished XDEF File Restore: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.114 . Memory (MB): peak = 1387.207 ; gain = 17.668 -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1387.207 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Project 1-111] Unisim Transformation Summary: -No Unisim elements were transformed. - -INFO: [Project 1-604] Checkpoint was created with Vivado v2021.2 (64-bit) build 3367213 -open_checkpoint: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:22 ; elapsed = 00:00:23 . Memory (MB): peak = 1387.207 ; gain = 135.617 -Command: write_bitstream -force fixedPointTest.bit -Attempting to get a license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -INFO: [Common 17-349] Got license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -Running DRC as a precondition to command write_bitstream -INFO: [IP_Flow 19-234] Refreshing IP repositories -INFO: [IP_Flow 19-1704] No user IP repositories specified -INFO: [IP_Flow 19-2313] Loaded Vivado IP repository 'C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/data/ip'. -INFO: [DRC 23-27] Running DRC with 2 threads -ERROR: [DRC NSTD-1] Unspecified I/O Standard: 43 out of 43 logical ports use I/O standard (IOSTANDARD) value 'DEFAULT', instead of a user assigned specific value. This may cause I/O contention or incompatibility with the board power or connectivity affecting performance, signal integrity or in extreme cases cause damage to the device or the components to which it is connected. To correct this violation, specify all I/O standards. This design will fail to generate a bitstream unless all logical ports have a user specified I/O standard value defined. To allow bitstream creation with unspecified I/O standard values (not recommended), use this command: set_property SEVERITY {Warning} [get_drc_checks NSTD-1]. NOTE: When using the Vivado Runs infrastructure (e.g. launch_runs Tcl command), add this command to a .tcl file and add that file as a pre-hook for write_bitstream step for the implementation run. Problem ports: a[7:-6], b[7:-6], and c[8:-6]. -ERROR: [DRC UCIO-1] Unconstrained Logical Port: 43 out of 43 logical ports have no user assigned specific location constraint (LOC). This may cause I/O contention or incompatibility with the board power or connectivity affecting performance, signal integrity or in extreme cases cause damage to the device or the components to which it is connected. To correct this violation, specify all pin locations. This design will fail to generate a bitstream unless all logical ports have a user specified site LOC constraint defined. To allow bitstream creation with unspecified pin locations (not recommended), use this command: set_property SEVERITY {Warning} [get_drc_checks UCIO-1]. NOTE: When using the Vivado Runs infrastructure (e.g. launch_runs Tcl command), add this command to a .tcl file and add that file as a pre-hook for write_bitstream step for the implementation run. Problem ports: a[7:-6], b[7:-6], and c[8:-6]. -WARNING: [DRC ZPS7-1] PS7 block required: The PS7 cell must be used in this Zynq design in order to enable correct default configuration. -INFO: [Vivado 12-3199] DRC finished with 2 Errors, 1 Warnings -INFO: [Vivado 12-3200] Please refer to the DRC report (report_drc) for more information. -ERROR: [Vivado 12-1345] Error(s) found during DRC. Bitgen not run. -INFO: [Common 17-83] Releasing license: Implementation -19 Infos, 1 Warnings, 0 Critical Warnings and 3 Errors encountered. -write_bitstream failed -ERROR: [Common 17-39] 'write_bitstream' failed due to earlier errors. - -INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting Vivado at Fri May 13 14:43:07 2022... diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_11388.backup.vdi b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_11388.backup.vdi deleted file mode 100644 index 3ae2c16..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_11388.backup.vdi +++ /dev/null @@ -1,512 +0,0 @@ -#----------------------------------------------------------- -# Vivado v2021.2 (64-bit) -# SW Build 3367213 on Tue Oct 19 02:48:09 MDT 2021 -# IP Build 3369179 on Thu Oct 21 08:25:16 MDT 2021 -# Start of session at: Fri May 13 14:31:34 2022 -# Process ID: 11388 -# Current directory: C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1 -# Command line: vivado.exe -log fixedPointTest.vdi -applog -product Vivado -messageDb vivado.pb -mode batch -source fixedPointTest.tcl -notrace -# Log file: C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest.vdi -# Journal file: C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1\vivado.jou -# Running On: DESKTOP-PAACOM8, OS: Windows, CPU Frequency: 2592 MHz, CPU Physical cores: 6, Host memory: 16927 MB -#----------------------------------------------------------- -source fixedPointTest.tcl -notrace -create_project: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:06 ; elapsed = 00:00:05 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.066 ; gain = 9.613 -Command: link_design -top fixedPointTest -part xc7z010clg400-1 -Design is defaulting to srcset: sources_1 -Design is defaulting to constrset: constrs_1 -INFO: [Device 21-403] Loading part xc7z010clg400-1 -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.001 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.066 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Netlist 29-17] Analyzing 4 Unisim elements for replacement -INFO: [Netlist 29-28] Unisim Transformation completed in 0 CPU seconds -INFO: [Project 1-479] Netlist was created with Vivado 2021.2 -INFO: [Project 1-570] Preparing netlist for logic optimization -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.066 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Project 1-111] Unisim Transformation Summary: -No Unisim elements were transformed. - -6 Infos, 0 Warnings, 0 Critical Warnings and 0 Errors encountered. -link_design completed successfully -link_design: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:05 ; elapsed = 00:00:06 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.066 ; gain = 0.000 -Command: opt_design -Attempting to get a license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -INFO: [Common 17-349] Got license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -Running DRC as a precondition to command opt_design - -Starting DRC Task -INFO: [DRC 23-27] Running DRC with 2 threads -INFO: [Project 1-461] DRC finished with 0 Errors -INFO: [Project 1-462] Please refer to the DRC report (report_drc) for more information. - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:01 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.066 ; gain = 0.000 - -Starting Cache Timing Information Task -INFO: [Timing 38-35] Done setting XDC timing constraints. -Ending Cache Timing Information Task | Checksum: d688f8fa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:08 ; elapsed = 00:00:08 . Memory (MB): peak = 1385.141 ; gain = 124.074 - -Starting Logic Optimization Task - -Phase 1 Retarget -INFO: [Opt 31-138] Pushed 0 inverter(s) to 0 load pin(s). -INFO: [Opt 31-49] Retargeted 0 cell(s). -Phase 1 Retarget | Checksum: d688f8fa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.039 . Memory (MB): peak = 1680.863 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Opt 31-389] Phase Retarget created 0 cells and removed 0 cells - -Phase 2 Constant propagation -INFO: [Opt 31-138] Pushed 0 inverter(s) to 0 load pin(s). -Phase 2 Constant propagation | Checksum: d688f8fa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.041 . Memory (MB): peak = 1680.863 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Opt 31-389] Phase Constant propagation created 0 cells and removed 0 cells - -Phase 3 Sweep -Phase 3 Sweep | Checksum: 9d9fcb97 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.048 . Memory (MB): peak = 1680.863 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Opt 31-389] Phase Sweep created 0 cells and removed 0 cells - -Phase 4 BUFG optimization -Phase 4 BUFG optimization | Checksum: 9d9fcb97 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.054 . Memory (MB): peak = 1680.863 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Opt 31-662] Phase BUFG optimization created 0 cells of which 0 are BUFGs and removed 0 cells. - -Phase 5 Shift Register Optimization -INFO: [Opt 31-1064] SRL Remap converted 0 SRLs to 0 registers and converted 0 registers of register chains to 0 SRLs -Phase 5 Shift Register Optimization | Checksum: 9d9fcb97 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.055 . Memory (MB): peak = 1680.863 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Opt 31-389] Phase Shift Register Optimization created 0 cells and removed 0 cells - -Phase 6 Post Processing Netlist -Phase 6 Post Processing Netlist | Checksum: 9d9fcb97 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.056 . Memory (MB): peak = 1680.863 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Opt 31-389] Phase Post Processing Netlist created 0 cells and removed 0 cells -Opt_design Change Summary -========================= - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| Phase | #Cells created | #Cells Removed | #Constrained objects preventing optimizations | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| Retarget | 0 | 0 | 0 | -| Constant propagation | 0 | 0 | 0 | -| Sweep | 0 | 0 | 0 | -| BUFG optimization | 0 | 0 | 0 | -| Shift Register Optimization | 0 | 0 | 0 | -| Post Processing Netlist | 0 | 0 | 0 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - -Starting Connectivity Check Task - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1680.863 ; gain = 0.000 -Ending Logic Optimization Task | Checksum: f158031e - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.060 . Memory (MB): peak = 1680.863 ; gain = 0.000 - -Starting Power Optimization Task -INFO: [Pwropt 34-132] Skipping clock gating for clocks with a period < 2.00 ns. -Ending Power Optimization Task | Checksum: f158031e - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.017 . Memory (MB): peak = 1680.863 ; gain = 0.000 - -Starting Final Cleanup Task -Ending Final Cleanup Task | Checksum: f158031e - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1680.863 ; gain = 0.000 - -Starting Netlist Obfuscation Task -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1680.863 ; gain = 0.000 -Ending Netlist Obfuscation Task | Checksum: f158031e - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1680.863 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Common 17-83] Releasing license: Implementation -23 Infos, 0 Warnings, 0 Critical Warnings and 0 Errors encountered. -opt_design completed successfully -opt_design: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:12 ; elapsed = 00:00:12 . Memory (MB): peak = 1680.863 ; gain = 419.797 -INFO: [Common 17-1381] The checkpoint 'C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_opt.dcp' has been generated. -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_drc -file fixedPointTest_drc_opted.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_drc_opted.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_drc_opted.rpx -Command: report_drc -file fixedPointTest_drc_opted.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_drc_opted.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_drc_opted.rpx -INFO: [IP_Flow 19-234] Refreshing IP repositories -INFO: [IP_Flow 19-1704] No user IP repositories specified -INFO: [IP_Flow 19-2313] Loaded Vivado IP repository 'C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/data/ip'. -INFO: [Timing 38-35] Done setting XDC timing constraints. -INFO: [DRC 23-27] Running DRC with 2 threads -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 2-168] The results of DRC are in file C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_drc_opted.rpt. -report_drc completed successfully -Command: place_design -Attempting to get a license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -INFO: [Common 17-349] Got license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -INFO: [DRC 23-27] Running DRC with 2 threads -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 4-198] DRC finished with 0 Errors -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 4-199] Please refer to the DRC report (report_drc) for more information. -Running DRC as a precondition to command place_design -INFO: [DRC 23-27] Running DRC with 2 threads -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 4-198] DRC finished with 0 Errors -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 4-199] Please refer to the DRC report (report_drc) for more information. - -Starting Placer Task -INFO: [Place 30-611] Multithreading enabled for place_design using a maximum of 2 CPUs - -Phase 1 Placer Initialization - -Phase 1.1 Placer Initialization Netlist Sorting -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1718.922 ; gain = 0.000 -Phase 1.1 Placer Initialization Netlist Sorting | Checksum: c5371e47 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.018 . Memory (MB): peak = 1718.922 ; gain = 0.000 -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1718.922 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 1.2 IO Placement/ Clock Placement/ Build Placer Device -Phase 1.2 IO Placement/ Clock Placement/ Build Placer Device | Checksum: 170083491 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.220 . Memory (MB): peak = 1718.922 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 1.3 Build Placer Netlist Model -Phase 1.3 Build Placer Netlist Model | Checksum: 1e3fab18a - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.254 . Memory (MB): peak = 1718.922 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 1.4 Constrain Clocks/Macros -Phase 1.4 Constrain Clocks/Macros | Checksum: 1e3fab18a - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.257 . Memory (MB): peak = 1718.922 ; gain = 0.000 -Phase 1 Placer Initialization | Checksum: 1e3fab18a - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.264 . Memory (MB): peak = 1718.922 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 2 Global Placement - -Phase 2.1 Floorplanning -Phase 2.1 Floorplanning | Checksum: 1e3fab18a - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.272 . Memory (MB): peak = 1718.922 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 2.2 Update Timing before SLR Path Opt -Phase 2.2 Update Timing before SLR Path Opt | Checksum: 1e3fab18a - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.273 . Memory (MB): peak = 1718.922 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 2.3 Post-Processing in Floorplanning -Phase 2.3 Post-Processing in Floorplanning | Checksum: 1e3fab18a - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.273 . Memory (MB): peak = 1718.922 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 2.4 Global Placement Core -WARNING: [Place 46-29] place_design is not in timing mode. Skip physical synthesis in placer -Phase 2.4 Global Placement Core | Checksum: 17701980b - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.793 . Memory (MB): peak = 1718.922 ; gain = 0.000 -Phase 2 Global Placement | Checksum: 17701980b - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.797 . Memory (MB): peak = 1718.922 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 3 Detail Placement - -Phase 3.1 Commit Multi Column Macros -Phase 3.1 Commit Multi Column Macros | Checksum: 17701980b - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.800 . Memory (MB): peak = 1718.922 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 3.2 Commit Most Macros & LUTRAMs -Phase 3.2 Commit Most Macros & LUTRAMs | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.806 . Memory (MB): peak = 1718.922 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 3.3 Area Swap Optimization -Phase 3.3 Area Swap Optimization | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.812 . Memory (MB): peak = 1718.922 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 3.4 Pipeline Register Optimization -Phase 3.4 Pipeline Register Optimization | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.814 . Memory (MB): peak = 1718.922 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 3.5 Small Shape Detail Placement -Phase 3.5 Small Shape Detail Placement | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.852 . Memory (MB): peak = 1718.922 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 3.6 Re-assign LUT pins -Phase 3.6 Re-assign LUT pins | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.855 . Memory (MB): peak = 1718.922 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 3.7 Pipeline Register Optimization -Phase 3.7 Pipeline Register Optimization | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.856 . Memory (MB): peak = 1718.922 ; gain = 0.000 -Phase 3 Detail Placement | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.857 . Memory (MB): peak = 1718.922 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 4 Post Placement Optimization and Clean-Up - -Phase 4.1 Post Commit Optimization -Phase 4.1 Post Commit Optimization | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.873 . Memory (MB): peak = 1718.922 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 4.2 Post Placement Cleanup -Phase 4.2 Post Placement Cleanup | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.875 . Memory (MB): peak = 1718.922 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 4.3 Placer Reporting - -Phase 4.3.1 Print Estimated Congestion -INFO: [Place 30-612] Post-Placement Estimated Congestion - ____________________________________________________ -| | Global Congestion | Short Congestion | -| Direction | Region Size | Region Size | -|___________|___________________|___________________| -| North| 1x1| 1x1| -|___________|___________________|___________________| -| South| 1x1| 1x1| -|___________|___________________|___________________| -| East| 1x1| 1x1| -|___________|___________________|___________________| -| West| 1x1| 1x1| -|___________|___________________|___________________| - -Phase 4.3.1 Print Estimated Congestion | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.877 . Memory (MB): peak = 1718.922 ; gain = 0.000 -Phase 4.3 Placer Reporting | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.877 . Memory (MB): peak = 1718.922 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 4.4 Final Placement Cleanup -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1718.922 ; gain = 0.000 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.878 . Memory (MB): peak = 1718.922 ; gain = 0.000 -Phase 4 Post Placement Optimization and Clean-Up | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.878 . Memory (MB): peak = 1718.922 ; gain = 0.000 -Ending Placer Task | Checksum: 1c0019b8b - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.879 . Memory (MB): peak = 1718.922 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Common 17-83] Releasing license: Implementation -41 Infos, 1 Warnings, 0 Critical Warnings and 0 Errors encountered. -place_design completed successfully -Writing placer database... -Writing XDEF routing. -Writing XDEF routing logical nets. -Writing XDEF routing special nets. -Write XDEF Complete: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.124 . Memory (MB): peak = 1718.922 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Common 17-1381] The checkpoint 'C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_placed.dcp' has been generated. -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_io -file fixedPointTest_io_placed.rpt -report_io: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.079 . Memory (MB): peak = 1718.922 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_utilization -file fixedPointTest_utilization_placed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_utilization_placed.pb -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_control_sets -verbose -file fixedPointTest_control_sets_placed.rpt -report_control_sets: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.001 . Memory (MB): peak = 1718.922 ; gain = 0.000 -Command: phys_opt_design -Attempting to get a license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -INFO: [Common 17-349] Got license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 4-235] No timing constraint found. The netlist was not modified. -INFO: [Common 17-83] Releasing license: Implementation -48 Infos, 1 Warnings, 0 Critical Warnings and 0 Errors encountered. -phys_opt_design completed successfully -Writing placer database... -Writing XDEF routing. -Writing XDEF routing logical nets. -Writing XDEF routing special nets. -Write XDEF Complete: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.055 . Memory (MB): peak = 1718.922 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Common 17-1381] The checkpoint 'C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_physopt.dcp' has been generated. -Command: route_design -Attempting to get a license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -INFO: [Common 17-349] Got license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -Running DRC as a precondition to command route_design -INFO: [DRC 23-27] Running DRC with 2 threads -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 4-198] DRC finished with 0 Errors -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 4-199] Please refer to the DRC report (report_drc) for more information. - - -Starting Routing Task -INFO: [Route 35-254] Multithreading enabled for route_design using a maximum of 2 CPUs - -Phase 1 Build RT Design -Checksum: PlaceDB: faca7d44 ConstDB: 0 ShapeSum: c5371e47 RouteDB: 0 -Post Restoration Checksum: NetGraph: 54150718 NumContArr: b3d68f27 Constraints: 0 Timing: 0 -Phase 1 Build RT Design | Checksum: 107eb963f - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:14 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1755.223 ; gain = 25.043 - -Phase 2 Router Initialization -INFO: [Route 35-64] No timing constraints were detected. The router will operate in resource-optimization mode. - -Phase 2.1 Fix Topology Constraints -Phase 2.1 Fix Topology Constraints | Checksum: 107eb963f - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:14 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1761.215 ; gain = 31.035 - -Phase 2.2 Pre Route Cleanup -Phase 2.2 Pre Route Cleanup | Checksum: 107eb963f - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:14 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1761.215 ; gain = 31.035 - Number of Nodes with overlaps = 0 - -Router Utilization Summary - Global Vertical Routing Utilization = 0 % - Global Horizontal Routing Utilization = 0 % - Routable Net Status* - *Does not include unroutable nets such as driverless and loadless. - Run report_route_status for detailed report. - Number of Failed Nets = 46 - (Failed Nets is the sum of unrouted and partially routed nets) - Number of Unrouted Nets = 46 - Number of Partially Routed Nets = 0 - Number of Node Overlaps = 0 - -Phase 2 Router Initialization | Checksum: d7f76c92 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:14 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1763.191 ; gain = 33.012 - -Phase 3 Initial Routing - -Phase 3.1 Global Routing -Phase 3.1 Global Routing | Checksum: d7f76c92 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:14 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1763.191 ; gain = 33.012 -Phase 3 Initial Routing | Checksum: aa1bb3ea - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:14 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1763.191 ; gain = 33.012 - -Phase 4 Rip-up And Reroute - -Phase 4.1 Global Iteration 0 - Number of Nodes with overlaps = 0 -Phase 4.1 Global Iteration 0 | Checksum: 1a2c45faa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:14 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1763.191 ; gain = 33.012 -Phase 4 Rip-up And Reroute | Checksum: 1a2c45faa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:14 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1763.191 ; gain = 33.012 - -Phase 5 Delay and Skew Optimization -Phase 5 Delay and Skew Optimization | Checksum: 1a2c45faa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:14 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1763.191 ; gain = 33.012 - -Phase 6 Post Hold Fix - -Phase 6.1 Hold Fix Iter -Phase 6.1 Hold Fix Iter | Checksum: 1a2c45faa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1763.191 ; gain = 33.012 -Phase 6 Post Hold Fix | Checksum: 1a2c45faa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1763.191 ; gain = 33.012 - -Phase 7 Route finalize - -Router Utilization Summary - Global Vertical Routing Utilization = 0.0663007 % - Global Horizontal Routing Utilization = 0.0248162 % - Routable Net Status* - *Does not include unroutable nets such as driverless and loadless. - Run report_route_status for detailed report. - Number of Failed Nets = 0 - (Failed Nets is the sum of unrouted and partially routed nets) - Number of Unrouted Nets = 0 - Number of Partially Routed Nets = 0 - Number of Node Overlaps = 0 - -Congestion Report -North Dir 1x1 Area, Max Cong = 5.40541%, No Congested Regions. -South Dir 1x1 Area, Max Cong = 17.1171%, No Congested Regions. -East Dir 1x1 Area, Max Cong = 8.82353%, No Congested Regions. -West Dir 1x1 Area, Max Cong = 7.35294%, No Congested Regions. - ------------------------------- -Reporting congestion hotspots ------------------------------- -Direction: North ----------------- -Congested clusters found at Level 0 -Effective congestion level: 0 Aspect Ratio: 1 Sparse Ratio: 0 -Direction: South ----------------- -Congested clusters found at Level 0 -Effective congestion level: 0 Aspect Ratio: 1 Sparse Ratio: 0 -Direction: East ----------------- -Congested clusters found at Level 0 -Effective congestion level: 0 Aspect Ratio: 1 Sparse Ratio: 0 -Direction: West ----------------- -Congested clusters found at Level 0 -Effective congestion level: 0 Aspect Ratio: 1 Sparse Ratio: 0 - -Phase 7 Route finalize | Checksum: 1a2c45faa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1763.191 ; gain = 33.012 - -Phase 8 Verifying routed nets - - Verification completed successfully -Phase 8 Verifying routed nets | Checksum: 1a2c45faa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1764.297 ; gain = 34.117 - -Phase 9 Depositing Routes -Phase 9 Depositing Routes | Checksum: 156fe757f - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1764.297 ; gain = 34.117 -INFO: [Route 35-16] Router Completed Successfully - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1764.297 ; gain = 34.117 - -Routing Is Done. -INFO: [Common 17-83] Releasing license: Implementation -57 Infos, 1 Warnings, 0 Critical Warnings and 0 Errors encountered. -route_design completed successfully -route_design: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:16 ; elapsed = 00:00:14 . Memory (MB): peak = 1764.297 ; gain = 45.375 -Writing placer database... -Writing XDEF routing. -Writing XDEF routing logical nets. -Writing XDEF routing special nets. -Write XDEF Complete: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.052 . Memory (MB): peak = 1774.078 ; gain = 9.781 -INFO: [Common 17-1381] The checkpoint 'C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_routed.dcp' has been generated. -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_drc -file fixedPointTest_drc_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_drc_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_drc_routed.rpx -Command: report_drc -file fixedPointTest_drc_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_drc_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_drc_routed.rpx -INFO: [IP_Flow 19-1839] IP Catalog is up to date. -INFO: [DRC 23-27] Running DRC with 2 threads -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 2-168] The results of DRC are in file C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_drc_routed.rpt. -report_drc completed successfully -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_methodology -file fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.rpx -Command: report_methodology -file fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.rpx -INFO: [Timing 38-35] Done setting XDC timing constraints. -INFO: [DRC 23-133] Running Methodology with 2 threads -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 2-1520] The results of Report Methodology are in file C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.rpt. -report_methodology completed successfully -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_power -file fixedPointTest_power_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_power_summary_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_power_routed.rpx -Command: report_power -file fixedPointTest_power_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_power_summary_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_power_routed.rpx -INFO: [Timing 38-35] Done setting XDC timing constraints. -WARNING: [Power 33-232] No user defined clocks were found in the design! Power estimation will be inaccurate until this is corrected. -Resolution: Please specify clocks using create_clock/create_generated_clock for sequential elements. For pure combinatorial circuits, please specify a virtual clock, otherwise the vectorless estimation might be inaccurate -Running Vector-less Activity Propagation... - -Finished Running Vector-less Activity Propagation -68 Infos, 2 Warnings, 0 Critical Warnings and 0 Errors encountered. -report_power completed successfully -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_route_status -file fixedPointTest_route_status.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_route_status.pb -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_timing_summary -max_paths 10 -report_unconstrained -file fixedPointTest_timing_summary_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_timing_summary_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_timing_summary_routed.rpx -warn_on_violation -INFO: [Timing 38-91] UpdateTimingParams: Speed grade: -1, Delay Type: min_max. -INFO: [Timing 38-191] Multithreading enabled for timing update using a maximum of 2 CPUs -WARNING: [Timing 38-313] There are no user specified timing constraints. Timing constraints are needed for proper timing analysis. -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_incremental_reuse -file fixedPointTest_incremental_reuse_routed.rpt -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 4-1062] Incremental flow is disabled. No incremental reuse Info to report. -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_clock_utilization -file fixedPointTest_clock_utilization_routed.rpt -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_bus_skew -warn_on_violation -file fixedPointTest_bus_skew_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_bus_skew_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_bus_skew_routed.rpx -INFO: [Timing 38-91] UpdateTimingParams: Speed grade: -1, Delay Type: min_max. -INFO: [Timing 38-191] Multithreading enabled for timing update using a maximum of 2 CPUs -INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting Vivado at Fri May 13 14:32:21 2022... diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_17108.backup.vdi b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_17108.backup.vdi deleted file mode 100644 index cd9ddd8..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_17108.backup.vdi +++ /dev/null @@ -1,540 +0,0 @@ -#----------------------------------------------------------- -# Vivado v2021.2 (64-bit) -# SW Build 3367213 on Tue Oct 19 02:48:09 MDT 2021 -# IP Build 3369179 on Thu Oct 21 08:25:16 MDT 2021 -# Start of session at: Fri May 13 14:41:22 2022 -# Process ID: 17108 -# Current directory: C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1 -# Command line: vivado.exe -log fixedPointTest.vdi -applog -product Vivado -messageDb vivado.pb -mode batch -source fixedPointTest.tcl -notrace -# Log file: C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest.vdi -# Journal file: C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1\vivado.jou -# Running On: DESKTOP-PAACOM8, OS: Windows, CPU Frequency: 2592 MHz, CPU Physical cores: 6, Host memory: 16927 MB -#----------------------------------------------------------- -source fixedPointTest.tcl -notrace -create_project: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:06 ; elapsed = 00:00:06 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.340 ; gain = 10.250 -Command: link_design -top fixedPointTest -part xc7z010clg400-1 -Design is defaulting to srcset: sources_1 -Design is defaulting to constrset: constrs_1 -INFO: [Device 21-403] Loading part xc7z010clg400-1 -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.001 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.340 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Netlist 29-17] Analyzing 4 Unisim elements for replacement -INFO: [Netlist 29-28] Unisim Transformation completed in 0 CPU seconds -INFO: [Project 1-479] Netlist was created with Vivado 2021.2 -INFO: [Project 1-570] Preparing netlist for logic optimization -Parsing XDC File [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc] -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'clk'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:7] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:7] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'led0_b'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:11] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:11] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'led0_g'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:12] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:12] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'led0_r'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:13] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:13] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'led1_b'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:15] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:15] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'led1_g'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:16] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:16] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'led1_r'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:17] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:17] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -Finished Parsing XDC File [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc] -INFO: [Opt 31-138] Pushed 0 inverter(s) to 0 load pin(s). -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.340 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Project 1-111] Unisim Transformation Summary: -No Unisim elements were transformed. - -7 Infos, 7 Warnings, 7 Critical Warnings and 0 Errors encountered. -link_design completed successfully -link_design: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:05 ; elapsed = 00:00:06 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.340 ; gain = 0.000 -Command: opt_design -Attempting to get a license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -INFO: [Common 17-349] Got license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -Running DRC as a precondition to command opt_design - -Starting DRC Task -INFO: [DRC 23-27] Running DRC with 2 threads -INFO: [Project 1-461] DRC finished with 0 Errors -INFO: [Project 1-462] Please refer to the DRC report (report_drc) for more information. - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:01 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.340 ; gain = 0.000 - -Starting Cache Timing Information Task -INFO: [Timing 38-35] Done setting XDC timing constraints. -Ending Cache Timing Information Task | Checksum: d688f8fa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:08 ; elapsed = 00:00:09 . Memory (MB): peak = 1387.457 ; gain = 126.117 - -Starting Logic Optimization Task - -Phase 1 Retarget -INFO: [Opt 31-138] Pushed 0 inverter(s) to 0 load pin(s). -INFO: [Opt 31-49] Retargeted 0 cell(s). -Phase 1 Retarget | Checksum: d688f8fa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.008 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Opt 31-389] Phase Retarget created 0 cells and removed 0 cells - -Phase 2 Constant propagation -INFO: [Opt 31-138] Pushed 0 inverter(s) to 0 load pin(s). -Phase 2 Constant propagation | Checksum: d688f8fa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.009 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Opt 31-389] Phase Constant propagation created 0 cells and removed 0 cells - -Phase 3 Sweep -Phase 3 Sweep | Checksum: 9d9fcb97 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.011 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Opt 31-389] Phase Sweep created 0 cells and removed 0 cells - -Phase 4 BUFG optimization -Phase 4 BUFG optimization | Checksum: 9d9fcb97 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.013 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Opt 31-662] Phase BUFG optimization created 0 cells of which 0 are BUFGs and removed 0 cells. - -Phase 5 Shift Register Optimization -INFO: [Opt 31-1064] SRL Remap converted 0 SRLs to 0 registers and converted 0 registers of register chains to 0 SRLs -Phase 5 Shift Register Optimization | Checksum: 9d9fcb97 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.014 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Opt 31-389] Phase Shift Register Optimization created 0 cells and removed 0 cells - -Phase 6 Post Processing Netlist -Phase 6 Post Processing Netlist | Checksum: 9d9fcb97 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.014 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Opt 31-389] Phase Post Processing Netlist created 0 cells and removed 0 cells -Opt_design Change Summary -========================= - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| Phase | #Cells created | #Cells Removed | #Constrained objects preventing optimizations | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| Retarget | 0 | 0 | 0 | -| Constant propagation | 0 | 0 | 0 | -| Sweep | 0 | 0 | 0 | -| BUFG optimization | 0 | 0 | 0 | -| Shift Register Optimization | 0 | 0 | 0 | -| Post Processing Netlist | 0 | 0 | 0 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - -Starting Connectivity Check Task - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.001 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 -Ending Logic Optimization Task | Checksum: f158031e - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.018 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 - -Starting Power Optimization Task -INFO: [Pwropt 34-132] Skipping clock gating for clocks with a period < 2.00 ns. -Ending Power Optimization Task | Checksum: f158031e - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.014 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 - -Starting Final Cleanup Task -Ending Final Cleanup Task | Checksum: f158031e - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 - -Starting Netlist Obfuscation Task -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 -Ending Netlist Obfuscation Task | Checksum: f158031e - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Common 17-83] Releasing license: Implementation -24 Infos, 7 Warnings, 7 Critical Warnings and 0 Errors encountered. -opt_design completed successfully -opt_design: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:14 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 421.875 -INFO: [Timing 38-480] Writing timing data to binary archive. -INFO: [Common 17-1381] The checkpoint 'C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_opt.dcp' has been generated. -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_drc -file fixedPointTest_drc_opted.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_drc_opted.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_drc_opted.rpx -Command: report_drc -file fixedPointTest_drc_opted.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_drc_opted.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_drc_opted.rpx -INFO: [IP_Flow 19-234] Refreshing IP repositories -INFO: [IP_Flow 19-1704] No user IP repositories specified -INFO: [IP_Flow 19-2313] Loaded Vivado IP repository 'C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/data/ip'. -INFO: [Timing 38-35] Done setting XDC timing constraints. -INFO: [DRC 23-27] Running DRC with 2 threads -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 2-168] The results of DRC are in file C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_drc_opted.rpt. -report_drc completed successfully -Command: place_design -Attempting to get a license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -INFO: [Common 17-349] Got license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -INFO: [DRC 23-27] Running DRC with 2 threads -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 4-198] DRC finished with 0 Errors -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 4-199] Please refer to the DRC report (report_drc) for more information. -Running DRC as a precondition to command place_design -INFO: [DRC 23-27] Running DRC with 2 threads -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 4-198] DRC finished with 0 Errors -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 4-199] Please refer to the DRC report (report_drc) for more information. - -Starting Placer Task -INFO: [Place 30-611] Multithreading enabled for place_design using a maximum of 2 CPUs - -Phase 1 Placer Initialization - -Phase 1.1 Placer Initialization Netlist Sorting -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -Phase 1.1 Placer Initialization Netlist Sorting | Checksum: c5371e47 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.006 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 1.2 IO Placement/ Clock Placement/ Build Placer Device -Phase 1.2 IO Placement/ Clock Placement/ Build Placer Device | Checksum: 170083491 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.141 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 1.3 Build Placer Netlist Model -Phase 1.3 Build Placer Netlist Model | Checksum: 1e3fab18a - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.149 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 1.4 Constrain Clocks/Macros -Phase 1.4 Constrain Clocks/Macros | Checksum: 1e3fab18a - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.150 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -Phase 1 Placer Initialization | Checksum: 1e3fab18a - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.152 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 2 Global Placement - -Phase 2.1 Floorplanning -Phase 2.1 Floorplanning | Checksum: 1e3fab18a - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.153 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 2.2 Update Timing before SLR Path Opt -Phase 2.2 Update Timing before SLR Path Opt | Checksum: 1e3fab18a - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.153 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 2.3 Post-Processing in Floorplanning -Phase 2.3 Post-Processing in Floorplanning | Checksum: 1e3fab18a - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.154 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 2.4 Global Placement Core -WARNING: [Place 46-29] place_design is not in timing mode. Skip physical synthesis in placer -Phase 2.4 Global Placement Core | Checksum: 17701980b - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.691 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -Phase 2 Global Placement | Checksum: 17701980b - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.693 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 3 Detail Placement - -Phase 3.1 Commit Multi Column Macros -Phase 3.1 Commit Multi Column Macros | Checksum: 17701980b - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.694 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 3.2 Commit Most Macros & LUTRAMs -Phase 3.2 Commit Most Macros & LUTRAMs | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.699 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 3.3 Area Swap Optimization -Phase 3.3 Area Swap Optimization | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.707 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 3.4 Pipeline Register Optimization -Phase 3.4 Pipeline Register Optimization | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.708 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 3.5 Small Shape Detail Placement -Phase 3.5 Small Shape Detail Placement | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.748 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 3.6 Re-assign LUT pins -Phase 3.6 Re-assign LUT pins | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.751 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 3.7 Pipeline Register Optimization -Phase 3.7 Pipeline Register Optimization | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.751 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -Phase 3 Detail Placement | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.752 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 4 Post Placement Optimization and Clean-Up - -Phase 4.1 Post Commit Optimization -Phase 4.1 Post Commit Optimization | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.771 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 4.2 Post Placement Cleanup -Phase 4.2 Post Placement Cleanup | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.773 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 4.3 Placer Reporting - -Phase 4.3.1 Print Estimated Congestion -INFO: [Place 30-612] Post-Placement Estimated Congestion - ____________________________________________________ -| | Global Congestion | Short Congestion | -| Direction | Region Size | Region Size | -|___________|___________________|___________________| -| North| 1x1| 1x1| -|___________|___________________|___________________| -| South| 1x1| 1x1| -|___________|___________________|___________________| -| East| 1x1| 1x1| -|___________|___________________|___________________| -| West| 1x1| 1x1| -|___________|___________________|___________________| - -Phase 4.3.1 Print Estimated Congestion | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.774 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -Phase 4.3 Placer Reporting | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.775 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 4.4 Final Placement Cleanup -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.775 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -Phase 4 Post Placement Optimization and Clean-Up | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.776 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -Ending Placer Task | Checksum: 1c0019b8b - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.776 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Common 17-83] Releasing license: Implementation -43 Infos, 8 Warnings, 7 Critical Warnings and 0 Errors encountered. -place_design completed successfully -INFO: [Timing 38-480] Writing timing data to binary archive. -Writing placer database... -Writing XDEF routing. -Writing XDEF routing logical nets. -Writing XDEF routing special nets. -Write XDEF Complete: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.057 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Common 17-1381] The checkpoint 'C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_placed.dcp' has been generated. -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_io -file fixedPointTest_io_placed.rpt -report_io: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.067 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_utilization -file fixedPointTest_utilization_placed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_utilization_placed.pb -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_control_sets -verbose -file fixedPointTest_control_sets_placed.rpt -report_control_sets: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.001 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -Command: phys_opt_design -Attempting to get a license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -INFO: [Common 17-349] Got license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 4-235] No timing constraint found. The netlist was not modified. -INFO: [Common 17-83] Releasing license: Implementation -51 Infos, 8 Warnings, 7 Critical Warnings and 0 Errors encountered. -phys_opt_design completed successfully -INFO: [Timing 38-480] Writing timing data to binary archive. -Writing placer database... -Writing XDEF routing. -Writing XDEF routing logical nets. -Writing XDEF routing special nets. -Write XDEF Complete: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.048 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Common 17-1381] The checkpoint 'C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_physopt.dcp' has been generated. -Command: route_design -Attempting to get a license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -INFO: [Common 17-349] Got license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -Running DRC as a precondition to command route_design -INFO: [DRC 23-27] Running DRC with 2 threads -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 4-198] DRC finished with 0 Errors -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 4-199] Please refer to the DRC report (report_drc) for more information. - - -Starting Routing Task -INFO: [Route 35-254] Multithreading enabled for route_design using a maximum of 2 CPUs - -Phase 1 Build RT Design -Checksum: PlaceDB: faca7d44 ConstDB: 0 ShapeSum: c5371e47 RouteDB: 0 -Post Restoration Checksum: NetGraph: 54150718 NumContArr: b3d68f27 Constraints: 0 Timing: 0 -Phase 1 Build RT Design | Checksum: 107eb963f - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1757.188 ; gain = 23.668 - -Phase 2 Router Initialization -INFO: [Route 35-64] No timing constraints were detected. The router will operate in resource-optimization mode. - -Phase 2.1 Fix Topology Constraints -Phase 2.1 Fix Topology Constraints | Checksum: 107eb963f - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1762.219 ; gain = 28.699 - -Phase 2.2 Pre Route Cleanup -Phase 2.2 Pre Route Cleanup | Checksum: 107eb963f - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1762.219 ; gain = 28.699 - Number of Nodes with overlaps = 0 - -Router Utilization Summary - Global Vertical Routing Utilization = 0 % - Global Horizontal Routing Utilization = 0 % - Routable Net Status* - *Does not include unroutable nets such as driverless and loadless. - Run report_route_status for detailed report. - Number of Failed Nets = 46 - (Failed Nets is the sum of unrouted and partially routed nets) - Number of Unrouted Nets = 46 - Number of Partially Routed Nets = 0 - Number of Node Overlaps = 0 - -Phase 2 Router Initialization | Checksum: d7f76c92 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1764.324 ; gain = 30.805 - -Phase 3 Initial Routing - -Phase 3.1 Global Routing -Phase 3.1 Global Routing | Checksum: d7f76c92 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1764.324 ; gain = 30.805 -Phase 3 Initial Routing | Checksum: aa1bb3ea - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1764.324 ; gain = 30.805 - -Phase 4 Rip-up And Reroute - -Phase 4.1 Global Iteration 0 - Number of Nodes with overlaps = 0 -Phase 4.1 Global Iteration 0 | Checksum: 1a2c45faa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1764.324 ; gain = 30.805 -Phase 4 Rip-up And Reroute | Checksum: 1a2c45faa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1764.324 ; gain = 30.805 - -Phase 5 Delay and Skew Optimization -Phase 5 Delay and Skew Optimization | Checksum: 1a2c45faa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1764.324 ; gain = 30.805 - -Phase 6 Post Hold Fix - -Phase 6.1 Hold Fix Iter -Phase 6.1 Hold Fix Iter | Checksum: 1a2c45faa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1764.324 ; gain = 30.805 -Phase 6 Post Hold Fix | Checksum: 1a2c45faa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1764.324 ; gain = 30.805 - -Phase 7 Route finalize - -Router Utilization Summary - Global Vertical Routing Utilization = 0.0663007 % - Global Horizontal Routing Utilization = 0.0248162 % - Routable Net Status* - *Does not include unroutable nets such as driverless and loadless. - Run report_route_status for detailed report. - Number of Failed Nets = 0 - (Failed Nets is the sum of unrouted and partially routed nets) - Number of Unrouted Nets = 0 - Number of Partially Routed Nets = 0 - Number of Node Overlaps = 0 - -Congestion Report -North Dir 1x1 Area, Max Cong = 5.40541%, No Congested Regions. -South Dir 1x1 Area, Max Cong = 17.1171%, No Congested Regions. -East Dir 1x1 Area, Max Cong = 8.82353%, No Congested Regions. -West Dir 1x1 Area, Max Cong = 7.35294%, No Congested Regions. - ------------------------------- -Reporting congestion hotspots ------------------------------- -Direction: North ----------------- -Congested clusters found at Level 0 -Effective congestion level: 0 Aspect Ratio: 1 Sparse Ratio: 0 -Direction: South ----------------- -Congested clusters found at Level 0 -Effective congestion level: 0 Aspect Ratio: 1 Sparse Ratio: 0 -Direction: East ----------------- -Congested clusters found at Level 0 -Effective congestion level: 0 Aspect Ratio: 1 Sparse Ratio: 0 -Direction: West ----------------- -Congested clusters found at Level 0 -Effective congestion level: 0 Aspect Ratio: 1 Sparse Ratio: 0 - -Phase 7 Route finalize | Checksum: 1a2c45faa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1764.324 ; gain = 30.805 - -Phase 8 Verifying routed nets - - Verification completed successfully -Phase 8 Verifying routed nets | Checksum: 1a2c45faa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1765.430 ; gain = 31.910 - -Phase 9 Depositing Routes -Phase 9 Depositing Routes | Checksum: 156fe757f - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1765.430 ; gain = 31.910 -INFO: [Route 35-16] Router Completed Successfully - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1765.430 ; gain = 31.910 - -Routing Is Done. -INFO: [Common 17-83] Releasing license: Implementation -61 Infos, 8 Warnings, 7 Critical Warnings and 0 Errors encountered. -route_design completed successfully -route_design: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:16 ; elapsed = 00:00:14 . Memory (MB): peak = 1765.430 ; gain = 43.164 -INFO: [Timing 38-480] Writing timing data to binary archive. -Writing placer database... -Writing XDEF routing. -Writing XDEF routing logical nets. -Writing XDEF routing special nets. -Write XDEF Complete: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.049 . Memory (MB): peak = 1775.246 ; gain = 9.816 -INFO: [Common 17-1381] The checkpoint 'C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_routed.dcp' has been generated. -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_drc -file fixedPointTest_drc_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_drc_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_drc_routed.rpx -Command: report_drc -file fixedPointTest_drc_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_drc_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_drc_routed.rpx -INFO: [IP_Flow 19-1839] IP Catalog is up to date. -INFO: [DRC 23-27] Running DRC with 2 threads -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 2-168] The results of DRC are in file C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_drc_routed.rpt. -report_drc completed successfully -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_methodology -file fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.rpx -Command: report_methodology -file fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.rpx -INFO: [Timing 38-35] Done setting XDC timing constraints. -INFO: [DRC 23-133] Running Methodology with 2 threads -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 2-1520] The results of Report Methodology are in file C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.rpt. -report_methodology completed successfully -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_power -file fixedPointTest_power_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_power_summary_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_power_routed.rpx -Command: report_power -file fixedPointTest_power_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_power_summary_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_power_routed.rpx -INFO: [Timing 38-35] Done setting XDC timing constraints. -WARNING: [Power 33-232] No user defined clocks were found in the design! Power estimation will be inaccurate until this is corrected. -Resolution: Please specify clocks using create_clock/create_generated_clock for sequential elements. For pure combinatorial circuits, please specify a virtual clock, otherwise the vectorless estimation might be inaccurate -Running Vector-less Activity Propagation... - -Finished Running Vector-less Activity Propagation -73 Infos, 9 Warnings, 7 Critical Warnings and 0 Errors encountered. -report_power completed successfully -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_route_status -file fixedPointTest_route_status.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_route_status.pb -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_timing_summary -max_paths 10 -report_unconstrained -file fixedPointTest_timing_summary_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_timing_summary_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_timing_summary_routed.rpx -warn_on_violation -INFO: [Timing 38-91] UpdateTimingParams: Speed grade: -1, Delay Type: min_max. -INFO: [Timing 38-191] Multithreading enabled for timing update using a maximum of 2 CPUs -WARNING: [Timing 38-313] There are no user specified timing constraints. Timing constraints are needed for proper timing analysis. -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_incremental_reuse -file fixedPointTest_incremental_reuse_routed.rpt -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 4-1062] Incremental flow is disabled. No incremental reuse Info to report. -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_clock_utilization -file fixedPointTest_clock_utilization_routed.rpt -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_bus_skew -warn_on_violation -file fixedPointTest_bus_skew_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_bus_skew_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_bus_skew_routed.rpx -INFO: [Timing 38-91] UpdateTimingParams: Speed grade: -1, Delay Type: min_max. -INFO: [Timing 38-191] Multithreading enabled for timing update using a maximum of 2 CPUs -INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting Vivado at Fri May 13 14:42:11 2022... diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_bus_skew_routed.pb b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_bus_skew_routed.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 3390588..0000000 Binary files a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_bus_skew_routed.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_bus_skew_routed.rpt b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_bus_skew_routed.rpt deleted file mode 100644 index 44e8639..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_bus_skew_routed.rpt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -Copyright 1986-2021 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| Tool Version : Vivado v.2021.2 (win64) Build 3367213 Tue Oct 19 02:48:09 MDT 2021 -| Date : Fri May 13 14:42:11 2022 -| Host : DESKTOP-PAACOM8 running 64-bit major release (build 9200) -| Command : report_bus_skew -warn_on_violation -file fixedPointTest_bus_skew_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_bus_skew_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_bus_skew_routed.rpx -| Design : fixedPointTest -| Device : 7z010-clg400 -| Speed File : -1 PRODUCTION 1.12 2019-11-22 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -Bus Skew Report - -No bus skew constraints - diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_bus_skew_routed.rpx b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_bus_skew_routed.rpx deleted file mode 100644 index 19e17c8..0000000 Binary files a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_bus_skew_routed.rpx and /dev/null differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_clock_utilization_routed.rpt b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_clock_utilization_routed.rpt deleted file mode 100644 index e7cca16..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_clock_utilization_routed.rpt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ -Copyright 1986-2021 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| Tool Version : Vivado v.2021.2 (win64) Build 3367213 Tue Oct 19 02:48:09 MDT 2021 -| Date : Fri May 13 14:42:11 2022 -| Host : DESKTOP-PAACOM8 running 64-bit major release (build 9200) -| Command : report_clock_utilization -file fixedPointTest_clock_utilization_routed.rpt -| Design : fixedPointTest -| Device : 7z010-clg400 -| Speed File : -1 PRODUCTION 1.12 2019-11-22 -| Design State : Routed --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -Clock Utilization Report - -Table of Contents ------------------ -1. Clock Primitive Utilization -2. Global Clock Resources -3. Global Clock Source Details -4. Clock Regions: Key Resource Utilization -5. Clock Regions : Global Clock Summary - -1. Clock Primitive Utilization ------------------------------- - -+----------+------+-----------+-----+--------------+--------+ -| Type | Used | Available | LOC | Clock Region | Pblock | -+----------+------+-----------+-----+--------------+--------+ -| BUFGCTRL | 0 | 32 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -| BUFH | 0 | 48 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -| BUFIO | 0 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -| BUFMR | 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -| BUFR | 0 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -| MMCM | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -| PLL | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -+----------+------+-----------+-----+--------------+--------+ - - -2. Global Clock Resources -------------------------- - -+-----------+-----------+-----------------+------------+------+--------------+-------------------+-------------+-----------------+--------------+-------+------------+-----+ -| Global Id | Source Id | Driver Type/Pin | Constraint | Site | Clock Region | Load Clock Region | Clock Loads | Non-Clock Loads | Clock Period | Clock | Driver Pin | Net | -+-----------+-----------+-----------------+------------+------+--------------+-------------------+-------------+-----------------+--------------+-------+------------+-----+ -* Clock Loads column represents the clock pin loads (pin count) -** Non-Clock Loads column represents the non-clock pin loads (pin count) - - -3. Global Clock Source Details ------------------------------- - -+-----------+-----------+-----------------+------------+------+--------------+-------------+-----------------+---------------------+--------------+------------+-----+ -| Source Id | Global Id | Driver Type/Pin | Constraint | Site | Clock Region | Clock Loads | Non-Clock Loads | Source Clock Period | Source Clock | Driver Pin | Net | -+-----------+-----------+-----------------+------------+------+--------------+-------------+-----------------+---------------------+--------------+------------+-----+ -* Clock Loads column represents the clock pin loads (pin count) -** Non-Clock Loads column represents the non-clock pin loads (pin count) - - -4. Clock Regions: Key Resource Utilization ------------------------------------------- - -+-------------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+ -| | Global Clock | BUFRs | BUFMRs | BUFIOs | MMCM | PLL | GT | PCI | ILOGIC | OLOGIC | FF | LUTM | RAMB18 | RAMB36 | DSP48E2 | -+-------------------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+ -| Clock Region Name | Used | Avail | Used | Avail | Used | Avail | Used | Avail | Used | Avail | Used | Avail | Used | Avail | Used | Avail | Used | Avail | Used | Avail | Used | Avail | Used | Avail | Used | Avail | Used | Avail | Used | Avail | -+-------------------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+ -| X0Y0 | 0 | 12 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1100 | 0 | 400 | 0 | 20 | 0 | 10 | 0 | 20 | -| X1Y0 | 0 | 12 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 50 | 0 | 50 | 0 | 1100 | 0 | 350 | 0 | 40 | 0 | 20 | 0 | 20 | -| X0Y1 | 0 | 12 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1100 | 0 | 400 | 0 | 20 | 0 | 10 | 0 | 20 | -| X1Y1 | 0 | 12 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 50 | 0 | 50 | 0 | 1100 | 0 | 350 | 0 | 40 | 0 | 20 | 0 | 20 | -+-------------------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+------+-------+ -* Global Clock column represents track count; while other columns represents cell counts - - -5. Clock Regions : Global Clock Summary ---------------------------------------- - -All Modules -+----+----+----+ -| | X0 | X1 | -+----+----+----+ -| Y1 | 0 | 0 | -| Y0 | 0 | 0 | -+----+----+----+ - - - -# Location of IO Primitives which is load of clock spine - -# Location of clock ports diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_control_sets_placed.rpt b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_control_sets_placed.rpt deleted file mode 100644 index 5b5cadb..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_control_sets_placed.rpt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ -Copyright 1986-2021 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| Tool Version : Vivado v.2021.2 (win64) Build 3367213 Tue Oct 19 02:48:09 MDT 2021 -| Date : Fri May 13 14:41:53 2022 -| Host : DESKTOP-PAACOM8 running 64-bit major release (build 9200) -| Command : report_control_sets -verbose -file fixedPointTest_control_sets_placed.rpt -| Design : fixedPointTest -| Device : xc7z010 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -Control Set Information - -Table of Contents ------------------ -1. Summary -2. Histogram -3. Flip-Flop Distribution -4. Detailed Control Set Information - -1. Summary ----------- - -+----------------------------------------------------------+-------+ -| Status | Count | -+----------------------------------------------------------+-------+ -| Total control sets | 0 | -| Minimum number of control sets | 0 | -| Addition due to synthesis replication | 0 | -| Addition due to physical synthesis replication | 0 | -| Unused register locations in slices containing registers | 0 | -+----------------------------------------------------------+-------+ -* Control sets can be merged at opt_design using control_set_merge or merge_equivalent_drivers -** Run report_qor_suggestions for automated merging and remapping suggestions - - -2. Histogram ------------- - -+--------------------+-------+ -| Fanout | Count | -+--------------------+-------+ -| Total control sets | 0 | -| >= 0 to < 4 | 0 | -| >= 4 to < 6 | 0 | -| >= 6 to < 8 | 0 | -| >= 8 to < 10 | 0 | -| >= 10 to < 12 | 0 | -| >= 12 to < 14 | 0 | -| >= 14 to < 16 | 0 | -| >= 16 | 0 | -+--------------------+-------+ -* Control sets can be remapped at either synth_design or opt_design - - -3. Flip-Flop Distribution -------------------------- - -+--------------+-----------------------+------------------------+-----------------+--------------+ -| Clock Enable | Synchronous Set/Reset | Asynchronous Set/Reset | Total Registers | Total Slices | -+--------------+-----------------------+------------------------+-----------------+--------------+ -| No | No | No | 0 | 0 | -| No | No | Yes | 0 | 0 | -| No | Yes | No | 0 | 0 | -| Yes | No | No | 0 | 0 | -| Yes | No | Yes | 0 | 0 | -| Yes | Yes | No | 0 | 0 | -+--------------+-----------------------+------------------------+-----------------+--------------+ - - -4. Detailed Control Set Information ------------------------------------ - -+--------------+---------------+------------------+------------------+----------------+--------------+ -| Clock Signal | Enable Signal | Set/Reset Signal | Slice Load Count | Bel Load Count | Bels / Slice | -+--------------+---------------+------------------+------------------+----------------+--------------+ - - diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_drc_opted.pb b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_drc_opted.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 0158a2a..0000000 Binary files a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_drc_opted.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_drc_opted.rpt b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_drc_opted.rpt deleted file mode 100644 index d38937f..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_drc_opted.rpt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ -Copyright 1986-2021 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| Tool Version : Vivado v.2021.2 (win64) Build 3367213 Tue Oct 19 02:48:09 MDT 2021 -| Date : Fri May 13 14:41:51 2022 -| Host : DESKTOP-PAACOM8 running 64-bit major release (build 9200) -| Command : report_drc -file fixedPointTest_drc_opted.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_drc_opted.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_drc_opted.rpx -| Design : fixedPointTest -| Device : xc7z010clg400-1 -| Speed File : -1 -| Design State : Synthesized ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -Report DRC - -Table of Contents ------------------ -1. REPORT SUMMARY -2. REPORT DETAILS - -1. REPORT SUMMARY ------------------ - Netlist: netlist - Floorplan: design_1 - Design limits: - Ruledeck: default - Max violations: - Violations found: 3 -+--------+------------------+----------------------------+------------+ -| Rule | Severity | Description | Violations | -+--------+------------------+----------------------------+------------+ -| NSTD-1 | Critical Warning | Unspecified I/O Standard | 1 | -| UCIO-1 | Critical Warning | Unconstrained Logical Port | 1 | -| ZPS7-1 | Warning | PS7 block required | 1 | -+--------+------------------+----------------------------+------------+ - -2. REPORT DETAILS ------------------ -NSTD-1#1 Critical Warning -Unspecified I/O Standard -43 out of 43 logical ports use I/O standard (IOSTANDARD) value 'DEFAULT', instead of a user assigned specific value. This may cause I/O contention or incompatibility with the board power or connectivity affecting performance, signal integrity or in extreme cases cause damage to the device or the components to which it is connected. To correct this violation, specify all I/O standards. This design will fail to generate a bitstream unless all logical ports have a user specified I/O standard value defined. To allow bitstream creation with unspecified I/O standard values (not recommended), use this command: set_property SEVERITY {Warning} [get_drc_checks NSTD-1]. NOTE: When using the Vivado Runs infrastructure (e.g. launch_runs Tcl command), add this command to a .tcl file and add that file as a pre-hook for write_bitstream step for the implementation run. Problem ports: a[7:-6], b[7:-6], c[8:-6]. -Related violations: - -UCIO-1#1 Critical Warning -Unconstrained Logical Port -43 out of 43 logical ports have no user assigned specific location constraint (LOC). This may cause I/O contention or incompatibility with the board power or connectivity affecting performance, signal integrity or in extreme cases cause damage to the device or the components to which it is connected. To correct this violation, specify all pin locations. This design will fail to generate a bitstream unless all logical ports have a user specified site LOC constraint defined. To allow bitstream creation with unspecified pin locations (not recommended), use this command: set_property SEVERITY {Warning} [get_drc_checks UCIO-1]. NOTE: When using the Vivado Runs infrastructure (e.g. launch_runs Tcl command), add this command to a .tcl file and add that file as a pre-hook for write_bitstream step for the implementation run. Problem ports: a[7:-6], b[7:-6], c[8:-6]. -Related violations: - -ZPS7-1#1 Warning -PS7 block required -The PS7 cell must be used in this Zynq design in order to enable correct default configuration. -Related violations: - - diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_drc_opted.rpx b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_drc_opted.rpx deleted file mode 100644 index b4c3b77..0000000 Binary files a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_drc_opted.rpx and /dev/null differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_drc_routed.pb b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_drc_routed.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 0158a2a..0000000 Binary files a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_drc_routed.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_drc_routed.rpt b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_drc_routed.rpt deleted file mode 100644 index 6b54444..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_drc_routed.rpt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ -Copyright 1986-2021 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| Tool Version : Vivado v.2021.2 (win64) Build 3367213 Tue Oct 19 02:48:09 MDT 2021 -| Date : Fri May 13 14:42:09 2022 -| Host : DESKTOP-PAACOM8 running 64-bit major release (build 9200) -| Command : report_drc -file fixedPointTest_drc_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_drc_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_drc_routed.rpx -| Design : fixedPointTest -| Device : xc7z010clg400-1 -| Speed File : -1 -| Design State : Fully Routed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -Report DRC - -Table of Contents ------------------ -1. REPORT SUMMARY -2. REPORT DETAILS - -1. REPORT SUMMARY ------------------ - Netlist: netlist - Floorplan: design_1 - Design limits: - Ruledeck: default - Max violations: - Violations found: 3 -+--------+------------------+----------------------------+------------+ -| Rule | Severity | Description | Violations | -+--------+------------------+----------------------------+------------+ -| NSTD-1 | Critical Warning | Unspecified I/O Standard | 1 | -| UCIO-1 | Critical Warning | Unconstrained Logical Port | 1 | -| ZPS7-1 | Warning | PS7 block required | 1 | -+--------+------------------+----------------------------+------------+ - -2. REPORT DETAILS ------------------ -NSTD-1#1 Critical Warning -Unspecified I/O Standard -43 out of 43 logical ports use I/O standard (IOSTANDARD) value 'DEFAULT', instead of a user assigned specific value. This may cause I/O contention or incompatibility with the board power or connectivity affecting performance, signal integrity or in extreme cases cause damage to the device or the components to which it is connected. To correct this violation, specify all I/O standards. This design will fail to generate a bitstream unless all logical ports have a user specified I/O standard value defined. To allow bitstream creation with unspecified I/O standard values (not recommended), use this command: set_property SEVERITY {Warning} [get_drc_checks NSTD-1]. NOTE: When using the Vivado Runs infrastructure (e.g. launch_runs Tcl command), add this command to a .tcl file and add that file as a pre-hook for write_bitstream step for the implementation run. Problem ports: a[7:-6], b[7:-6], c[8:-6]. -Related violations: - -UCIO-1#1 Critical Warning -Unconstrained Logical Port -43 out of 43 logical ports have no user assigned specific location constraint (LOC). This may cause I/O contention or incompatibility with the board power or connectivity affecting performance, signal integrity or in extreme cases cause damage to the device or the components to which it is connected. To correct this violation, specify all pin locations. This design will fail to generate a bitstream unless all logical ports have a user specified site LOC constraint defined. To allow bitstream creation with unspecified pin locations (not recommended), use this command: set_property SEVERITY {Warning} [get_drc_checks UCIO-1]. NOTE: When using the Vivado Runs infrastructure (e.g. launch_runs Tcl command), add this command to a .tcl file and add that file as a pre-hook for write_bitstream step for the implementation run. Problem ports: a[7:-6], b[7:-6], c[8:-6]. -Related violations: - -ZPS7-1#1 Warning -PS7 block required -The PS7 cell must be used in this Zynq design in order to enable correct default configuration. -Related violations: - - diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_drc_routed.rpx b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_drc_routed.rpx deleted file mode 100644 index 41a0868..0000000 Binary files a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_drc_routed.rpx and /dev/null differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_io_placed.rpt b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_io_placed.rpt deleted file mode 100644 index 3159bd4..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_io_placed.rpt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,442 +0,0 @@ -Copyright 1986-2021 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| Tool Version : Vivado v.2021.2 (win64) Build 3367213 Tue Oct 19 02:48:09 MDT 2021 -| Date : Fri May 13 14:41:53 2022 -| Host : DESKTOP-PAACOM8 running 64-bit major release (build 9200) -| Command : report_io -file fixedPointTest_io_placed.rpt -| Design : fixedPointTest -| Device : xc7z010 -| Speed File : -1 -| Package : clg400 -| Package Version : FINAL 2012-10-23 -| Package Pin Delay Version : VERS. 2.0 2012-10-23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -IO Information - -Table of Contents ------------------ -1. Summary -2. IO Assignments by Package Pin - -1. Summary ----------- - -+---------------+ -| Total User IO | -+---------------+ -| 43 | -+---------------+ - - -2. IO Assignments by Package Pin --------------------------------- - -+------------+-------------+------------+-------------------------+---------------+-------------+---------+------------+------+---------------------+----------------------+---------+------------+-----------+----------+------+------------------+--------------+-------------------+--------------+ -| Pin Number | Signal Name | Bank Type | Pin Name | Use | IO Standard | IO Bank | Drive (mA) | Slew | On-Chip Termination | Off-Chip Termination | Voltage | Constraint | Pull Type | DQS Bias | Vref | Signal Integrity | Pre Emphasis | Lvds Pre Emphasis | Equalization | -+------------+-------------+------------+-------------------------+---------------+-------------+---------+------------+------+---------------------+----------------------+---------+------------+-----------+----------+------+------------------+--------------+-------------------+--------------+ -| A1 | | | PS_DDR_DM0_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| A2 | | | PS_DDR_DQ2_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| A3 | | | VCCO_DDR_502 | VCCO | | | | | | | any** | | | | | | | | | -| A4 | | | PS_DDR_DQ3_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| A5 | | | PS_MIO6_500 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| A6 | | | PS_MIO5_500 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| A7 | | | PS_MIO1_500 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| A8 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| A9 | | | PS_MIO43_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| A10 | | | PS_MIO37_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| A11 | | | PS_MIO36_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| A12 | | | PS_MIO34_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| A13 | | | VCCO_MIO1_501 | VCCO | | | | | | | any** | | | | | | | | | -| A14 | | | PS_MIO32_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| A15 | | | PS_MIO26_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| A16 | | | PS_MIO24_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| A17 | | | PS_MIO20_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| A18 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| A19 | | | PS_MIO16_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| A20 | | High Range | IO_L2N_T0_AD8N_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| B1 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| B2 | | | PS_DDR_DQS_N0_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| B3 | | | PS_DDR_DQ1_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| B4 | | | PS_DDR_DRST_B_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| B5 | | | PS_MIO9_500 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| B6 | | | VCCO_MIO0_500 | VCCO | | | | | | | any** | | | | | | | | | -| B7 | | | PS_MIO4_500 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| B8 | | | PS_MIO2_500 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| B9 | | | PS_MIO51_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| B10 | | | PS_SRST_B_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| B11 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| B12 | | | PS_MIO48_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| B13 | | | PS_MIO50_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| B14 | | | PS_MIO47_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| B15 | | | PS_MIO45_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| B16 | | | VCCO_MIO1_501 | VCCO | | | | | | | any** | | | | | | | | | -| B17 | | | PS_MIO22_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| B18 | | | PS_MIO18_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| B19 | | High Range | IO_L2P_T0_AD8P_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| B20 | | High Range | IO_L1N_T0_AD0N_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| C1 | | | PS_DDR_DQ6_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| C2 | | | PS_DDR_DQS_P0_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| C3 | | | PS_DDR_DQ0_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| C4 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| C5 | | | PS_MIO14_500 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| C6 | | | PS_MIO11_500 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| C7 | | | PS_POR_B_500 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| C8 | | | PS_MIO15_500 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| C9 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| C10 | | | PS_MIO52_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| C11 | | | PS_MIO53_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| C12 | | | PS_MIO49_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| C13 | | | PS_MIO29_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| C14 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| C15 | | | PS_MIO30_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| C16 | | | PS_MIO28_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| C17 | | | PS_MIO41_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| C18 | | | PS_MIO39_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| C19 | | High Range | VCCO_35 | VCCO | | 35 | | | | | any** | | | | | | | | | -| C20 | | High Range | IO_L1P_T0_AD0P_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| D1 | | | PS_DDR_DQ5_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| D2 | | | VCCO_DDR_502 | VCCO | | | | | | | any** | | | | | | | | | -| D3 | | | PS_DDR_DQ4_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| D4 | | | PS_DDR_A13_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| D5 | | | PS_MIO8_500 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| D6 | | | PS_MIO3_500 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| D7 | | | VCCO_MIO0_500 | VCCO | | | | | | | any** | | | | | | | | | -| D8 | | | PS_MIO7_500 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| D9 | | | PS_MIO12_500 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| D10 | | | PS_MIO19_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| D11 | | | PS_MIO23_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| D12 | | | VCCO_MIO1_501 | VCCO | | | | | | | any** | | | | | | | | | -| D13 | | | PS_MIO27_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| D14 | | | PS_MIO40_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| D15 | | | PS_MIO33_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| D16 | | | PS_MIO46_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| D17 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| D18 | | High Range | IO_L3N_T0_DQS_AD1N_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| D19 | | High Range | IO_L4P_T0_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| D20 | | High Range | IO_L4N_T0_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| E1 | | | PS_DDR_DQ7_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| E2 | | | PS_DDR_DQ8_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| E3 | | | PS_DDR_DQ9_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| E4 | | | PS_DDR_A12_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| E5 | | | VCCO_DDR_502 | VCCO | | | | | | | any** | | | | | | | | | -| E6 | | | PS_MIO0_500 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| E7 | | | PS_CLK_500 | PSS Clock | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| E8 | | | PS_MIO13_500 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| E9 | | | PS_MIO10_500 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| E10 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| E11 | | | PS_MIO_VREF_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| E12 | | | PS_MIO42_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| E13 | | | PS_MIO38_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| E14 | | | PS_MIO17_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| E15 | | | VCCO_MIO1_501 | VCCO | | | | | | | any** | | | | | | | | | -| E16 | | | PS_MIO31_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| E17 | | High Range | IO_L3P_T0_DQS_AD1P_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| E18 | | High Range | IO_L5P_T0_AD9P_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| E19 | | High Range | IO_L5N_T0_AD9N_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| E20 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| F1 | | | PS_DDR_DM1_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| F2 | | | PS_DDR_DQS_N1_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| F3 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| F4 | | | PS_DDR_A14_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| F5 | | | PS_DDR_A10_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| F6 | | Dedicated | TDO_0 | Config | | 0 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| F7 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| F8 | | | VCCPAUX | PSS VCCAUX | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| F9 | | Dedicated | TCK_0 | Config | | 0 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| F10 | | | RSVDGND | GND | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| F11 | | Dedicated | VCCBATT_0 | Config | | 0 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| F12 | | | PS_MIO35_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| F13 | | | PS_MIO44_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| F14 | | | PS_MIO21_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| F15 | | | PS_MIO25_501 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| F16 | | High Range | IO_L6P_T0_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| F17 | | High Range | IO_L6N_T0_VREF_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| F18 | | High Range | VCCO_35 | VCCO | | 35 | | | | | any** | | | | | | | | | -| F19 | | High Range | IO_L15P_T2_DQS_AD12P_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| F20 | | High Range | IO_L15N_T2_DQS_AD12N_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| G1 | | | VCCO_DDR_502 | VCCO | | | | | | | any** | | | | | | | | | -| G2 | | | PS_DDR_DQS_P1_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| G3 | | | PS_DDR_DQ10_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| G4 | | | PS_DDR_A11_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| G5 | | | PS_DDR_VRN_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| G6 | | Dedicated | TDI_0 | Config | | 0 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| G7 | | | VCCPINT | PSS VCCINT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| G8 | | | VCCPLL | PSS VCCPLL | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| G9 | | | VCCPAUX | PSS VCCAUX | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| G10 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| G11 | | | VCCBRAM | VCCBRAM | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| G12 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| G13 | | | VCCINT | VCCINT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| G14 | | High Range | IO_0_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| G15 | | High Range | IO_L19N_T3_VREF_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| G16 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| G17 | | High Range | IO_L16P_T2_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| G18 | | High Range | IO_L16N_T2_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| G19 | | High Range | IO_L18P_T2_AD13P_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| G20 | | High Range | IO_L18N_T2_AD13N_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| H1 | | | PS_DDR_DQ14_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| H2 | | | PS_DDR_DQ13_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| H3 | | | PS_DDR_DQ11_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| H4 | | | VCCO_DDR_502 | VCCO | | | | | | | any** | | | | | | | | | -| H5 | | | PS_DDR_VRP_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| H6 | | | PS_DDR_VREF0_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| H7 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| H8 | | | VCCPAUX | PSS VCCAUX | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| H9 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| H10 | | | VCCBRAM | VCCBRAM | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| H11 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| H12 | | | VCCINT | VCCINT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| H13 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| H14 | | High Range | VCCO_35 | VCCO | | 35 | | | | | any** | | | | | | | | | -| H15 | | High Range | IO_L19P_T3_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| H16 | | High Range | IO_L13P_T2_MRCC_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| H17 | | High Range | IO_L13N_T2_MRCC_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| H18 | | High Range | IO_L14N_T2_AD4N_SRCC_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| H19 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| H20 | | High Range | IO_L17N_T2_AD5N_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| J1 | | | PS_DDR_DQ15_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| J2 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| J3 | | | PS_DDR_DQ12_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| J4 | | | PS_DDR_A9_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| J5 | | | PS_DDR_BA2_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| J6 | | Dedicated | TMS_0 | Config | | 0 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| J7 | | | VCCPINT | PSS VCCINT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| J8 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| J9 | | Dedicated | VCCADC_0 | XADC | | 0 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| J10 | | Dedicated | GNDADC_0 | XADC | | 0 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| J11 | | | VCCAUX | VCCAUX | | | | | | | 1.80 | | | | | | | | | -| J12 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| J13 | | | VCCINT | VCCINT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| J14 | | High Range | IO_L20N_T3_AD6N_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| J15 | | High Range | IO_25_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| J16 | | High Range | IO_L24N_T3_AD15N_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| J17 | | High Range | VCCO_35 | VCCO | | 35 | | | | | any** | | | | | | | | | -| J18 | | High Range | IO_L14P_T2_AD4P_SRCC_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| J19 | | High Range | IO_L10N_T1_AD11N_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| J20 | | High Range | IO_L17P_T2_AD5P_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| K1 | | | PS_DDR_A8_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| K2 | | | PS_DDR_A1_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| K3 | | | PS_DDR_A3_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| K4 | | | PS_DDR_A7_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| K5 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| K6 | | Dedicated | VCCO_0 | VCCO | | 0 | | | | | any** | | | | | | | | | -| K7 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| K8 | | | VCCPAUX | PSS VCCAUX | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| K9 | | Dedicated | VP_0 | XADC | | 0 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| K10 | | Dedicated | VREFN_0 | XADC | | 0 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| K11 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| K12 | | | VCCINT | VCCINT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| K13 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| K14 | | High Range | IO_L20P_T3_AD6P_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| K15 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| K16 | | High Range | IO_L24P_T3_AD15P_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| K17 | | High Range | IO_L12P_T1_MRCC_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| K18 | | High Range | IO_L12N_T1_MRCC_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| K19 | | High Range | IO_L10P_T1_AD11P_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| K20 | | High Range | VCCO_35 | VCCO | | 35 | | | | | any** | | | | | | | | | -| L1 | | | PS_DDR_A5_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| L2 | | | PS_DDR_CKP_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| L3 | | | VCCO_DDR_502 | VCCO | | | | | | | any** | | | | | | | | | -| L4 | | | PS_DDR_A6_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| L5 | | | PS_DDR_BA0_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| L6 | | Dedicated | PROGRAM_B_0 | Config | | 0 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| L7 | | | VCCPINT | PSS VCCINT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| L8 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| L9 | | Dedicated | VREFP_0 | XADC | | 0 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| L10 | | Dedicated | VN_0 | XADC | | 0 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| L11 | | | VCCAUX | VCCAUX | | | | | | | 1.80 | | | | | | | | | -| L12 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| L13 | | | VCCINT | VCCINT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| L14 | | High Range | IO_L22P_T3_AD7P_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| L15 | | High Range | IO_L22N_T3_AD7N_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| L16 | | High Range | IO_L11P_T1_SRCC_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| L17 | | High Range | IO_L11N_T1_SRCC_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| L18 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| L19 | | High Range | IO_L9P_T1_DQS_AD3P_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| L20 | | High Range | IO_L9N_T1_DQS_AD3N_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| M1 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| M2 | | | PS_DDR_CKN_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| M3 | | | PS_DDR_A2_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| M4 | | | PS_DDR_A4_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| M5 | | | PS_DDR_WE_B_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| M6 | | Dedicated | CFGBVS_0 | Config | | 0 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| M7 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| M8 | | | VCCPAUX | PSS VCCAUX | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| M9 | | Dedicated | DXP_0 | Temp Sensor | | 0 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| M10 | | Dedicated | DXN_0 | Temp Sensor | | 0 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| M11 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| M12 | | | VCCINT | VCCINT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| M13 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| M14 | | High Range | IO_L23P_T3_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| M15 | | High Range | IO_L23N_T3_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| M16 | | High Range | VCCO_35 | VCCO | | 35 | | | | | any** | | | | | | | | | -| M17 | | High Range | IO_L8P_T1_AD10P_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| M18 | | High Range | IO_L8N_T1_AD10N_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| M19 | | High Range | IO_L7P_T1_AD2P_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| M20 | | High Range | IO_L7N_T1_AD2N_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| N1 | | | PS_DDR_CS_B_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| N2 | | | PS_DDR_A0_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| N3 | | | PS_DDR_CKE_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| N4 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| N5 | | | PS_DDR_ODT_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| N6 | | | RSVDVCC3 | Reserved | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| N7 | | | VCCPINT | PSS VCCINT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| N8 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| N9 | | | VCCAUX | VCCAUX | | | | | | | 1.80 | | | | | | | | | -| N10 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| N11 | | | VCCAUX | VCCAUX | | | | | | | 1.80 | | | | | | | | | -| N12 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| N13 | | | VCCINT | VCCINT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| N14 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| N15 | | High Range | IO_L21P_T3_DQS_AD14P_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| N16 | | High Range | IO_L21N_T3_DQS_AD14N_35 | User IO | | 35 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| N17 | a[-2] | High Range | IO_L23P_T3_34 | INPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | | | | NONE | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| N18 | b[4] | High Range | IO_L13P_T2_MRCC_34 | INPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | | | | NONE | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| N19 | | High Range | VCCO_34 | VCCO | | 34 | | | | | 1.80 | | | | | | | | | -| N20 | b[2] | High Range | IO_L14P_T2_SRCC_34 | INPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | | | | NONE | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| P1 | | | PS_DDR_DQ16_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| P2 | | | VCCO_DDR_502 | VCCO | | | | | | | any** | | | | | | | | | -| P3 | | | PS_DDR_DQ17_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| P4 | | | PS_DDR_RAS_B_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| P5 | | | PS_DDR_CAS_B_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| P6 | | | PS_DDR_VREF1_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| P7 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| P8 | | | VCCPINT | PSS VCCINT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| P9 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| P10 | | | VCCAUX | VCCAUX | | | | | | | 1.80 | | | | | | | | | -| P11 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| P12 | | | VCCINT | VCCINT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| P13 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| P14 | c[4] | High Range | IO_L6P_T0_34 | OUTPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | 12 | SLOW | | FP_VTT_50 | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| P15 | a[-4] | High Range | IO_L24P_T3_34 | INPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | | | | NONE | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| P16 | a[-5] | High Range | IO_L24N_T3_34 | INPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | | | | NONE | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| P17 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| P18 | a[-3] | High Range | IO_L23N_T3_34 | INPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | | | | NONE | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| P19 | b[3] | High Range | IO_L13N_T2_MRCC_34 | INPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | | | | NONE | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| P20 | b[1] | High Range | IO_L14N_T2_SRCC_34 | INPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | | | | NONE | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| R1 | | | PS_DDR_DQ19_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| R2 | | | PS_DDR_DQS_P2_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| R3 | | | PS_DDR_DQ18_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| R4 | | | PS_DDR_BA1_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| R5 | | | VCCO_DDR_502 | VCCO | | | | | | | any** | | | | | | | | | -| R6 | | | RSVDVCC2 | Reserved | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| R7 | | | VCCPINT | PSS VCCINT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| R8 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| R9 | | | VCCAUX | VCCAUX | | | | | | | 1.80 | | | | | | | | | -| R10 | | Dedicated | INIT_B_0 | Config | | 0 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| R11 | | Dedicated | DONE_0 | Config | | 0 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| R12 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| R13 | | | VCCINT | VCCINT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| R14 | c[3] | High Range | IO_L6N_T0_VREF_34 | OUTPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | 12 | SLOW | | FP_VTT_50 | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| R15 | | High Range | VCCO_34 | VCCO | | 34 | | | | | 1.80 | | | | | | | | | -| R16 | a[6] | High Range | IO_L19P_T3_34 | INPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | | | | NONE | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| R17 | a[5] | High Range | IO_L19N_T3_VREF_34 | INPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | | | | NONE | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| R18 | a[3] | High Range | IO_L20N_T3_34 | INPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | | | | NONE | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| R19 | | High Range | IO_0_34 | User IO | | 34 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| R20 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| T1 | | | PS_DDR_DM2_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| T2 | | | PS_DDR_DQS_N2_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| T3 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| T4 | | | PS_DDR_DQ20_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| T5 | | | NC | Not Connected | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| T6 | | | RSVDVCC1 | Reserved | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| T7 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| T8 | | Dedicated | VCCO_13 | VCCO | | 13 | | | | | any** | | | | | | | | | -| T9 | | | NC | Not Connected | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| T10 | | High Range | IO_L1N_T0_34 | User IO | | 34 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| T11 | | High Range | IO_L1P_T0_34 | User IO | | 34 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| T12 | | High Range | IO_L2P_T0_34 | User IO | | 34 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| T13 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| T14 | c[6] | High Range | IO_L5P_T0_34 | OUTPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | 12 | SLOW | | FP_VTT_50 | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| T15 | c[5] | High Range | IO_L5N_T0_34 | OUTPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | 12 | SLOW | | FP_VTT_50 | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| T16 | c[-2] | High Range | IO_L9P_T1_DQS_34 | OUTPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | 12 | SLOW | | FP_VTT_50 | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| T17 | a[4] | High Range | IO_L20P_T3_34 | INPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | | | | NONE | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| T18 | | High Range | VCCO_34 | VCCO | | 34 | | | | | 1.80 | | | | | | | | | -| T19 | a[-6] | High Range | IO_25_34 | INPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | | | | NONE | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| T20 | b[0] | High Range | IO_L15P_T2_DQS_34 | INPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | | | | NONE | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| U1 | | | VCCO_DDR_502 | VCCO | | | | | | | any** | | | | | | | | | -| U2 | | | PS_DDR_DQ22_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| U3 | | | PS_DDR_DQ23_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| U4 | | | PS_DDR_DQ21_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| U5 | | | NC | Not Connected | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| U6 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| U7 | | | NC | Not Connected | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| U8 | | | NC | Not Connected | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| U9 | | | NC | Not Connected | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| U10 | | | NC | Not Connected | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| U11 | | Dedicated | VCCO_13 | VCCO | | 13 | | | | | any** | | | | | | | | | -| U12 | | High Range | IO_L2N_T0_34 | User IO | | 34 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| U13 | | High Range | IO_L3P_T0_DQS_PUDC_B_34 | User IO | | 34 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| U14 | c[-6] | High Range | IO_L11P_T1_SRCC_34 | OUTPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | 12 | SLOW | | FP_VTT_50 | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| U15 | b[7] | High Range | IO_L11N_T1_SRCC_34 | INPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | | | | NONE | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| U16 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| U17 | c[-3] | High Range | IO_L9N_T1_DQS_34 | OUTPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | 12 | SLOW | | FP_VTT_50 | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| U18 | b[6] | High Range | IO_L12P_T1_MRCC_34 | INPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | | | | NONE | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| U19 | b[5] | High Range | IO_L12N_T1_MRCC_34 | INPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | | | | NONE | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| U20 | b[-1] | High Range | IO_L15N_T2_DQS_34 | INPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | | | | NONE | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| V1 | | | PS_DDR_DQ24_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| V2 | | | PS_DDR_DQ30_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| V3 | | | PS_DDR_DQ31_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| V4 | | | VCCO_DDR_502 | VCCO | | | | | | | any** | | | | | | | | | -| V5 | | | NC | Not Connected | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| V6 | | | NC | Not Connected | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| V7 | | | NC | Not Connected | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| V8 | | | NC | Not Connected | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| V9 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| V10 | | | NC | Not Connected | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| V11 | | | NC | Not Connected | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| V12 | c[8] | High Range | IO_L4P_T0_34 | OUTPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | 12 | SLOW | | FP_VTT_50 | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| V13 | | High Range | IO_L3N_T0_DQS_34 | User IO | | 34 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| V14 | | High Range | VCCO_34 | VCCO | | 34 | | | | | 1.80 | | | | | | | | | -| V15 | c[-4] | High Range | IO_L10P_T1_34 | OUTPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | 12 | SLOW | | FP_VTT_50 | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| V16 | b[-6] | High Range | IO_L18P_T2_34 | INPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | | | | NONE | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| V17 | a[2] | High Range | IO_L21P_T3_DQS_34 | INPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | | | | NONE | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| V18 | a[1] | High Range | IO_L21N_T3_DQS_34 | INPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | | | | NONE | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| V19 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| V20 | b[-2] | High Range | IO_L16P_T2_34 | INPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | | | | NONE | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| W1 | | | PS_DDR_DQ26_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| W2 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| W3 | | | PS_DDR_DQ29_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| W4 | | | PS_DDR_DQS_N3_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| W5 | | | PS_DDR_DQS_P3_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| W6 | | | NC | Not Connected | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| W7 | | Dedicated | VCCO_13 | VCCO | | 13 | | | | | any** | | | | | | | | | -| W8 | | | NC | Not Connected | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| W9 | | | NC | Not Connected | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| W10 | | | NC | Not Connected | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| W11 | | | NC | Not Connected | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| W12 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| W13 | c[7] | High Range | IO_L4N_T0_34 | OUTPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | 12 | SLOW | | FP_VTT_50 | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| W14 | c[0] | High Range | IO_L8P_T1_34 | OUTPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | 12 | SLOW | | FP_VTT_50 | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| W15 | c[-5] | High Range | IO_L10N_T1_34 | OUTPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | 12 | SLOW | | FP_VTT_50 | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| W16 | a[7] | High Range | IO_L18N_T2_34 | INPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | | | | NONE | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| W17 | | High Range | VCCO_34 | VCCO | | 34 | | | | | 1.80 | | | | | | | | | -| W18 | a[0] | High Range | IO_L22P_T3_34 | INPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | | | | NONE | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| W19 | a[-1] | High Range | IO_L22N_T3_34 | INPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | | | | NONE | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| W20 | b[-3] | High Range | IO_L16N_T2_34 | INPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | | | | NONE | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| Y1 | | | PS_DDR_DM3_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| Y2 | | | PS_DDR_DQ28_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| Y3 | | | PS_DDR_DQ25_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| Y4 | | | PS_DDR_DQ27_502 | PSS IO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| Y5 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| Y6 | | | NC | Not Connected | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| Y7 | | | NC | Not Connected | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| Y8 | | | NC | Not Connected | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| Y9 | | | NC | Not Connected | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| Y10 | | Dedicated | VCCO_13 | VCCO | | 13 | | | | | any** | | | | | | | | | -| Y11 | | | NC | Not Connected | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| Y12 | | | NC | Not Connected | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| Y13 | | | NC | Not Connected | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -| Y14 | c[-1] | High Range | IO_L8N_T1_34 | OUTPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | 12 | SLOW | | FP_VTT_50 | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| Y15 | | | GND | GND | | | | | | | 0.0 | | | | | | | | | -| Y16 | c[2] | High Range | IO_L7P_T1_34 | OUTPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | 12 | SLOW | | FP_VTT_50 | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| Y17 | c[1] | High Range | IO_L7N_T1_34 | OUTPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | 12 | SLOW | | FP_VTT_50 | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| Y18 | b[-4] | High Range | IO_L17P_T2_34 | INPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | | | | NONE | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| Y19 | b[-5] | High Range | IO_L17N_T2_34 | INPUT | LVCMOS18* | 34 | | | | NONE | | UNFIXED | | | | NONE | | | | -| Y20 | | High Range | VCCO_34 | VCCO | | 34 | | | | | 1.80 | | | | | | | | | -+------------+-------------+------------+-------------------------+---------------+-------------+---------+------------+------+---------------------+----------------------+---------+------------+-----------+----------+------+------------------+--------------+-------------------+--------------+ -* Default value -** Special VCCO requirements may apply. Please consult the device family datasheet for specific guideline on VCCO requirements. - - diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.pb b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 210b56b..0000000 Binary files a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.rpt b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.rpt deleted file mode 100644 index 12dba56..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.rpt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -Copyright 1986-2021 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| Tool Version : Vivado v.2021.2 (win64) Build 3367213 Tue Oct 19 02:48:09 MDT 2021 -| Date : Fri May 13 14:42:10 2022 -| Host : DESKTOP-PAACOM8 running 64-bit major release (build 9200) -| Command : report_methodology -file fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.rpx -| Design : fixedPointTest -| Device : xc7z010clg400-1 -| Speed File : -1 -| Design State : Fully Routed --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -Report Methodology - -Table of Contents ------------------ -1. REPORT SUMMARY -2. REPORT DETAILS - -1. REPORT SUMMARY ------------------ - Netlist: netlist - Floorplan: design_1 - Design limits: - Max violations: - Violations found: 0 -+------+----------+-------------+------------+ -| Rule | Severity | Description | Violations | -+------+----------+-------------+------------+ -+------+----------+-------------+------------+ - -2. REPORT DETAILS ------------------ - diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.rpx b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.rpx deleted file mode 100644 index 1202135..0000000 Binary files a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.rpx and /dev/null differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_opt.dcp b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_opt.dcp deleted file mode 100644 index 5193daa..0000000 Binary files a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_opt.dcp and /dev/null differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_physopt.dcp b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_physopt.dcp deleted file mode 100644 index 86d1fe7..0000000 Binary files a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_physopt.dcp and /dev/null differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_placed.dcp b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_placed.dcp deleted file mode 100644 index 89571fa..0000000 Binary files a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_placed.dcp and /dev/null differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_power_routed.rpt b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_power_routed.rpt deleted file mode 100644 index ab774f1..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_power_routed.rpt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,149 +0,0 @@ -Copyright 1986-2021 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| Tool Version : Vivado v.2021.2 (win64) Build 3367213 Tue Oct 19 02:48:09 MDT 2021 -| Date : Fri May 13 14:42:10 2022 -| Host : DESKTOP-PAACOM8 running 64-bit major release (build 9200) -| Command : report_power -file fixedPointTest_power_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_power_summary_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_power_routed.rpx -| Design : fixedPointTest -| Device : xc7z010clg400-1 -| Design State : routed -| Grade : commercial -| Process : typical -| Characterization : Production ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -Power Report - -Table of Contents ------------------ -1. Summary -1.1 On-Chip Components -1.2 Power Supply Summary -1.3 Confidence Level -2. Settings -2.1 Environment -2.2 Clock Constraints -3. Detailed Reports -3.1 By Hierarchy - -1. Summary ----------- - -+--------------------------+----------------------------------+ -| Total On-Chip Power (W) | 10.945 (Junction temp exceeded!) | -| Design Power Budget (W) | Unspecified* | -| Power Budget Margin (W) | NA | -| Dynamic (W) | 10.198 | -| Device Static (W) | 0.747 | -| Effective TJA (C/W) | 11.5 | -| Max Ambient (C) | 0.0 | -| Junction Temperature (C) | 125.0 | -| Confidence Level | Low | -| Setting File | --- | -| Simulation Activity File | --- | -| Design Nets Matched | NA | -+--------------------------+----------------------------------+ -* Specify Design Power Budget using, set_operating_conditions -design_power_budget - - -1.1 On-Chip Components ----------------------- - -+----------------+-----------+----------+-----------+-----------------+ -| On-Chip | Power (W) | Used | Available | Utilization (%) | -+----------------+-----------+----------+-----------+-----------------+ -| Slice Logic | 0.051 | 21 | --- | --- | -| LUT as Logic | 0.032 | 14 | 17600 | 0.08 | -| CARRY4 | 0.019 | 4 | 4400 | 0.09 | -| Others | 0.000 | 2 | --- | --- | -| Signals | 0.294 | 46 | --- | --- | -| I/O | 9.853 | 43 | 100 | 43.00 | -| Static Power | 0.747 | | | | -| Total | 10.945 | | | | -+----------------+-----------+----------+-----------+-----------------+ - - -1.2 Power Supply Summary ------------------------- - -+-----------+-------------+-----------+-------------+------------+-------------+-------------+------------+ -| Source | Voltage (V) | Total (A) | Dynamic (A) | Static (A) | Powerup (A) | Budget (A) | Margin (A) | -+-----------+-------------+-----------+-------------+------------+-------------+-------------+------------+ -| Vccint | 1.000 | 0.586 | 0.457 | 0.129 | NA | Unspecified | NA | -| Vccaux | 1.800 | 0.838 | 0.797 | 0.040 | NA | Unspecified | NA | -| Vcco33 | 3.300 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | NA | Unspecified | NA | -| Vcco25 | 2.500 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | NA | Unspecified | NA | -| Vcco18 | 1.800 | 4.615 | 4.614 | 0.001 | NA | Unspecified | NA | -| Vcco15 | 1.500 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | NA | Unspecified | NA | -| Vcco135 | 1.350 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | NA | Unspecified | NA | -| Vcco12 | 1.200 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | NA | Unspecified | NA | -| Vccaux_io | 1.800 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | NA | Unspecified | NA | -| Vccbram | 1.000 | 0.011 | 0.000 | 0.011 | NA | Unspecified | NA | -| MGTAVcc | 1.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | NA | Unspecified | NA | -| MGTAVtt | 1.200 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | NA | Unspecified | NA | -| MGTVccaux | 1.800 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | NA | Unspecified | NA | -| Vccpint | 1.000 | 0.473 | 0.000 | 0.473 | NA | Unspecified | NA | -| Vccpaux | 1.800 | 0.010 | 0.000 | 0.010 | NA | Unspecified | NA | -| Vccpll | 1.800 | 0.003 | 0.000 | 0.003 | NA | Unspecified | NA | -| Vcco_ddr | 1.500 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | NA | Unspecified | NA | -| Vcco_mio0 | 1.800 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | NA | Unspecified | NA | -| Vcco_mio1 | 1.800 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | NA | Unspecified | NA | -| Vccadc | 1.800 | 0.020 | 0.000 | 0.020 | NA | Unspecified | NA | -+-----------+-------------+-----------+-------------+------------+-------------+-------------+------------+ - - -1.3 Confidence Level --------------------- - -+-----------------------------+------------+--------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ -| User Input Data | Confidence | Details | Action | -+-----------------------------+------------+--------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ -| Design implementation state | High | Design is routed | | -| Clock nodes activity | High | User specified more than 95% of clocks | | -| I/O nodes activity | Low | More than 75% of inputs are missing user specification | Provide missing input activity with simulation results or by editing the "By Resource Type -> I/Os" view | -| Internal nodes activity | Medium | User specified less than 25% of internal nodes | Provide missing internal nodes activity with simulation results or by editing the "By Resource Type" views | -| Device models | High | Device models are Production | | -| | | | | -| Overall confidence level | Low | | | -+-----------------------------+------------+--------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - - -2. Settings ------------ - -2.1 Environment ---------------- - -+-----------------------+------------------------+ -| Ambient Temp (C) | 25.0 | -| ThetaJA (C/W) | 11.5 | -| Airflow (LFM) | 250 | -| Heat Sink | none | -| ThetaSA (C/W) | 0.0 | -| Board Selection | medium (10"x10") | -| # of Board Layers | 8to11 (8 to 11 Layers) | -| Board Temperature (C) | 25.0 | -+-----------------------+------------------------+ - - -2.2 Clock Constraints ---------------------- - -+-------+--------+-----------------+ -| Clock | Domain | Constraint (ns) | -+-------+--------+-----------------+ - - -3. Detailed Reports -------------------- - -3.1 By Hierarchy ----------------- - -+----------------+-----------+ -| Name | Power (W) | -+----------------+-----------+ -| fixedPointTest | 10.198 | -+----------------+-----------+ - - diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_power_routed.rpx b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_power_routed.rpx deleted file mode 100644 index 299aef4..0000000 Binary files a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_power_routed.rpx and /dev/null differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_power_summary_routed.pb b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_power_summary_routed.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 4fd243c..0000000 Binary files a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_power_summary_routed.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_route_status.pb b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_route_status.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 933ea7c..0000000 Binary files a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_route_status.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_route_status.rpt b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_route_status.rpt deleted file mode 100644 index 039ffc2..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_route_status.rpt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -Design Route Status - : # nets : - ------------------------------------------- : ----------- : - # of logical nets.......................... : 106 : - # of nets not needing routing.......... : 58 : - # of internally routed nets........ : 58 : - # of routable nets..................... : 48 : - # of fully routed nets............. : 48 : - # of nets with routing errors.......... : 0 : - ------------------------------------------- : ----------- : - diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_routed.dcp b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_routed.dcp deleted file mode 100644 index 1df4a65..0000000 Binary files a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_routed.dcp and /dev/null differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_timing_summary_routed.pb b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_timing_summary_routed.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 4526e93..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_timing_summary_routed.pb +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ - -2012.4’)Timing analysis from Implemented netlist. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_timing_summary_routed.rpt b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_timing_summary_routed.rpt deleted file mode 100644 index 01209cc..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_timing_summary_routed.rpt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,805 +0,0 @@ -Copyright 1986-2021 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| Tool Version : Vivado v.2021.2 (win64) Build 3367213 Tue Oct 19 02:48:09 MDT 2021 -| Date : Fri May 13 14:42:10 2022 -| Host : DESKTOP-PAACOM8 running 64-bit major release (build 9200) -| Command : report_timing_summary -max_paths 10 -report_unconstrained -file fixedPointTest_timing_summary_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_timing_summary_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_timing_summary_routed.rpx -warn_on_violation -| Design : fixedPointTest -| Device : 7z010-clg400 -| Speed File : -1 PRODUCTION 1.12 2019-11-22 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -Timing Summary Report - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| Timer Settings -| -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - Enable Multi Corner Analysis : Yes - Enable Pessimism Removal : Yes - Pessimism Removal Resolution : Nearest Common Node - Enable Input Delay Default Clock : No - Enable Preset / Clear Arcs : No - Disable Flight Delays : No - Ignore I/O Paths : No - Timing Early Launch at Borrowing Latches : No - Borrow Time for Max Delay Exceptions : Yes - Merge Timing Exceptions : Yes - - Corner Analyze Analyze - Name Max Paths Min Paths - ------ --------- --------- - Slow Yes Yes - Fast Yes Yes - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| Report Methodology -| ------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -Rule Severity Description Violations ----- -------- ----------- ---------- - -Note: This report is based on the most recent report_methodology run and may not be up-to-date. Run report_methodology on the current design for the latest report. - - - -check_timing report - -Table of Contents ------------------ -1. checking no_clock (0) -2. checking constant_clock (0) -3. checking pulse_width_clock (0) -4. checking unconstrained_internal_endpoints (0) -5. checking no_input_delay (0) -6. checking no_output_delay (0) -7. checking multiple_clock (0) -8. checking generated_clocks (0) -9. checking loops (0) -10. checking partial_input_delay (0) -11. checking partial_output_delay (0) -12. checking latch_loops (0) - -1. checking no_clock (0) ------------------------- - There are 0 register/latch pins with no clock. - - -2. checking constant_clock (0) ------------------------------- - There are 0 register/latch pins with constant_clock. - - -3. checking pulse_width_clock (0) ---------------------------------- - There are 0 register/latch pins which need pulse_width check - - -4. checking unconstrained_internal_endpoints (0) ------------------------------------------------- - There are 0 pins that are not constrained for maximum delay. - - There are 0 pins that are not constrained for maximum delay due to constant clock. - - -5. checking no_input_delay (0) ------------------------------- - There are 0 input ports with no input delay specified. - - There are 0 input ports with no input delay but user has a false path constraint. - - -6. checking no_output_delay (0) -------------------------------- - There are 0 ports with no output delay specified. - - There are 0 ports with no output delay but user has a false path constraint - - There are 0 ports with no output delay but with a timing clock defined on it or propagating through it - - -7. checking multiple_clock (0) ------------------------------- - There are 0 register/latch pins with multiple clocks. - - -8. checking generated_clocks (0) --------------------------------- - There are 0 generated clocks that are not connected to a clock source. - - -9. checking loops (0) ---------------------- - There are 0 combinational loops in the design. - - -10. checking partial_input_delay (0) ------------------------------------- - There are 0 input ports with partial input delay specified. - - -11. checking partial_output_delay (0) -------------------------------------- - There are 0 ports with partial output delay specified. - - -12. checking latch_loops (0) ----------------------------- - There are 0 combinational latch loops in the design through latch input - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| Design Timing Summary -| --------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - WNS(ns) TNS(ns) TNS Failing Endpoints TNS Total Endpoints WHS(ns) THS(ns) THS Failing Endpoints THS Total Endpoints WPWS(ns) TPWS(ns) TPWS Failing Endpoints TPWS Total Endpoints - ------- ------- --------------------- ------------------- ------- ------- --------------------- ------------------- -------- -------- ---------------------- -------------------- - inf 0.000 0 15 inf 0.000 0 15 NA NA NA NA - - -There are no user specified timing constraints. - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| Clock Summary -| ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| Intra Clock Table -| ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -Clock WNS(ns) TNS(ns) TNS Failing Endpoints TNS Total Endpoints WHS(ns) THS(ns) THS Failing Endpoints THS Total Endpoints WPWS(ns) TPWS(ns) TPWS Failing Endpoints TPWS Total Endpoints ------ ------- ------- --------------------- ------------------- ------- ------- --------------------- ------------------- -------- -------- ---------------------- -------------------- - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| Inter Clock Table -| ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -From Clock To Clock WNS(ns) TNS(ns) TNS Failing Endpoints TNS Total Endpoints WHS(ns) THS(ns) THS Failing Endpoints THS Total Endpoints ----------- -------- ------- ------- --------------------- ------------------- ------- ------- --------------------- ------------------- - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| Other Path Groups Table -| ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -Path Group From Clock To Clock WNS(ns) TNS(ns) TNS Failing Endpoints TNS Total Endpoints WHS(ns) THS(ns) THS Failing Endpoints THS Total Endpoints ----------- ---------- -------- ------- ------- --------------------- ------------------- ------- ------- --------------------- ------------------- - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| User Ignored Path Table -| ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -Path Group From Clock To Clock ----------- ---------- -------- - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| Unconstrained Path Table -| ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -Path Group From Clock To Clock ----------- ---------- -------- -(none) - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| Timing Details -| -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Path Group: (none) -From Clock: - To Clock: - -Max Delay 15 Endpoints -Min Delay 15 Endpoints --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - -Max Delay Paths --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Slack: inf - Source: a[-3] - (input port) - Destination: c[7] - (output port) - Path Group: (none) - Path Type: Max at Slow Process Corner - Data Path Delay: 9.462ns (logic 4.925ns (52.050%) route 4.537ns (47.950%)) - Logic Levels: 7 (CARRY4=4 IBUF=1 LUT2=1 OBUF=1) - - Location Delay type Incr(ns) Path(ns) Netlist Resource(s) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - P18 0.000 0.000 r a[-3] (IN) - net (fo=0) 0.000 0.000 a[-3] - P18 IBUF (Prop_ibuf_I_O) 0.972 0.972 r a_IBUF[-3]_inst/O - net (fo=2, routed) 2.100 3.072 a_IBUF[-3] - SLICE_X43Y18 LUT2 (Prop_lut2_I0_O) 0.124 3.196 r c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_2/O - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 3.196 c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_2_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y18 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_S[3]_CO[3]) - 0.401 3.597 r c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_1/CO[3] - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 3.597 c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_1_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y19 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_CI_CO[3]) - 0.114 3.711 r c_OBUF[1]_inst_i_1/CO[3] - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 3.711 c_OBUF[1]_inst_i_1_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y20 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_CI_CO[3]) - 0.114 3.825 r c_OBUF[5]_inst_i_1/CO[3] - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 3.825 c_OBUF[5]_inst_i_1_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y21 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_CI_O[1]) - 0.334 4.159 r c_OBUF[8]_inst_i_1/O[1] - net (fo=1, routed) 2.437 6.596 c_OBUF[7] - W13 OBUF (Prop_obuf_I_O) 2.866 9.462 r c_OBUF[7]_inst/O - net (fo=0) 0.000 9.462 c[7] - W13 r c[7] (OUT) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - -Slack: inf - Source: a[-3] - (input port) - Destination: c[8] - (output port) - Path Group: (none) - Path Type: Max at Slow Process Corner - Data Path Delay: 9.266ns (logic 4.823ns (52.047%) route 4.443ns (47.953%)) - Logic Levels: 7 (CARRY4=4 IBUF=1 LUT2=1 OBUF=1) - - Location Delay type Incr(ns) Path(ns) Netlist Resource(s) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - P18 0.000 0.000 r a[-3] (IN) - net (fo=0) 0.000 0.000 a[-3] - P18 IBUF (Prop_ibuf_I_O) 0.972 0.972 r a_IBUF[-3]_inst/O - net (fo=2, routed) 2.100 3.072 a_IBUF[-3] - SLICE_X43Y18 LUT2 (Prop_lut2_I0_O) 0.124 3.196 r c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_2/O - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 3.196 c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_2_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y18 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_S[3]_CO[3]) - 0.401 3.597 r c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_1/CO[3] - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 3.597 c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_1_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y19 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_CI_CO[3]) - 0.114 3.711 r c_OBUF[1]_inst_i_1/CO[3] - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 3.711 c_OBUF[1]_inst_i_1_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y20 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_CI_CO[3]) - 0.114 3.825 r c_OBUF[5]_inst_i_1/CO[3] - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 3.825 c_OBUF[5]_inst_i_1_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y21 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_CI_O[2]) - 0.239 4.064 r c_OBUF[8]_inst_i_1/O[2] - net (fo=1, routed) 2.343 6.407 c_OBUF[8] - V12 OBUF (Prop_obuf_I_O) 2.858 9.266 r c_OBUF[8]_inst/O - net (fo=0) 0.000 9.266 c[8] - V12 r c[8] (OUT) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - -Slack: inf - Source: a[-3] - (input port) - Destination: c[6] - (output port) - Path Group: (none) - Path Type: Max at Slow Process Corner - Data Path Delay: 9.175ns (logic 4.778ns (52.082%) route 4.396ns (47.918%)) - Logic Levels: 7 (CARRY4=4 IBUF=1 LUT2=1 OBUF=1) - - Location Delay type Incr(ns) Path(ns) Netlist Resource(s) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - P18 0.000 0.000 r a[-3] (IN) - net (fo=0) 0.000 0.000 a[-3] - P18 IBUF (Prop_ibuf_I_O) 0.972 0.972 r a_IBUF[-3]_inst/O - net (fo=2, routed) 2.100 3.072 a_IBUF[-3] - SLICE_X43Y18 LUT2 (Prop_lut2_I0_O) 0.124 3.196 r c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_2/O - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 3.196 c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_2_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y18 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_S[3]_CO[3]) - 0.401 3.597 r c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_1/CO[3] - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 3.597 c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_1_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y19 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_CI_CO[3]) - 0.114 3.711 r c_OBUF[1]_inst_i_1/CO[3] - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 3.711 c_OBUF[1]_inst_i_1_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y20 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_CI_CO[3]) - 0.114 3.825 r c_OBUF[5]_inst_i_1/CO[3] - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 3.825 c_OBUF[5]_inst_i_1_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y21 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_CI_O[0]) - 0.222 4.047 r c_OBUF[8]_inst_i_1/O[0] - net (fo=1, routed) 2.296 6.343 c_OBUF[6] - T14 OBUF (Prop_obuf_I_O) 2.831 9.175 r c_OBUF[6]_inst/O - net (fo=0) 0.000 9.175 c[6] - T14 r c[6] (OUT) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - -Slack: inf - Source: a[-3] - (input port) - Destination: c[3] - (output port) - Path Group: (none) - Path Type: Max at Slow Process Corner - Data Path Delay: 9.173ns (logic 4.784ns (52.155%) route 4.389ns (47.845%)) - Logic Levels: 6 (CARRY4=3 IBUF=1 LUT2=1 OBUF=1) - - Location Delay type Incr(ns) Path(ns) Netlist Resource(s) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - P18 0.000 0.000 r a[-3] (IN) - net (fo=0) 0.000 0.000 a[-3] - P18 IBUF (Prop_ibuf_I_O) 0.972 0.972 r a_IBUF[-3]_inst/O - net (fo=2, routed) 2.100 3.072 a_IBUF[-3] - SLICE_X43Y18 LUT2 (Prop_lut2_I0_O) 0.124 3.196 r c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_2/O - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 3.196 c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_2_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y18 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_S[3]_CO[3]) - 0.401 3.597 r c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_1/CO[3] - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 3.597 c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_1_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y19 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_CI_CO[3]) - 0.114 3.711 r c_OBUF[1]_inst_i_1/CO[3] - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 3.711 c_OBUF[1]_inst_i_1_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y20 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_CI_O[1]) - 0.334 4.045 r c_OBUF[5]_inst_i_1/O[1] - net (fo=1, routed) 2.289 6.334 c_OBUF[3] - R14 OBUF (Prop_obuf_I_O) 2.839 9.173 r c_OBUF[3]_inst/O - net (fo=0) 0.000 9.173 c[3] - R14 r c[3] (OUT) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - -Slack: inf - Source: a[-3] - (input port) - Destination: c[5] - (output port) - Path Group: (none) - Path Type: Max at Slow Process Corner - Data Path Delay: 9.153ns (logic 4.765ns (52.061%) route 4.388ns (47.939%)) - Logic Levels: 6 (CARRY4=3 IBUF=1 LUT2=1 OBUF=1) - - Location Delay type Incr(ns) Path(ns) Netlist Resource(s) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - P18 0.000 0.000 r a[-3] (IN) - net (fo=0) 0.000 0.000 a[-3] - P18 IBUF (Prop_ibuf_I_O) 0.972 0.972 r a_IBUF[-3]_inst/O - net (fo=2, routed) 2.100 3.072 a_IBUF[-3] - SLICE_X43Y18 LUT2 (Prop_lut2_I0_O) 0.124 3.196 r c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_2/O - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 3.196 c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_2_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y18 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_S[3]_CO[3]) - 0.401 3.597 r c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_1/CO[3] - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 3.597 c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_1_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y19 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_CI_CO[3]) - 0.114 3.711 r c_OBUF[1]_inst_i_1/CO[3] - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 3.711 c_OBUF[1]_inst_i_1_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y20 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_CI_O[3]) - 0.313 4.024 r c_OBUF[5]_inst_i_1/O[3] - net (fo=1, routed) 2.288 6.312 c_OBUF[5] - T15 OBUF (Prop_obuf_I_O) 2.841 9.153 r c_OBUF[5]_inst/O - net (fo=0) 0.000 9.153 c[5] - T15 r c[5] (OUT) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - -Slack: inf - Source: a[-3] - (input port) - Destination: c[1] - (output port) - Path Group: (none) - Path Type: Max at Slow Process Corner - Data Path Delay: 9.090ns (logic 4.700ns (51.703%) route 4.390ns (48.297%)) - Logic Levels: 5 (CARRY4=2 IBUF=1 LUT2=1 OBUF=1) - - Location Delay type Incr(ns) Path(ns) Netlist Resource(s) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - P18 0.000 0.000 r a[-3] (IN) - net (fo=0) 0.000 0.000 a[-3] - P18 IBUF (Prop_ibuf_I_O) 0.972 0.972 r a_IBUF[-3]_inst/O - net (fo=2, routed) 2.100 3.072 a_IBUF[-3] - SLICE_X43Y18 LUT2 (Prop_lut2_I0_O) 0.124 3.196 r c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_2/O - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 3.196 c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_2_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y18 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_S[3]_CO[3]) - 0.401 3.597 r c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_1/CO[3] - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 3.597 c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_1_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y19 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_CI_O[3]) - 0.313 3.910 r c_OBUF[1]_inst_i_1/O[3] - net (fo=1, routed) 2.290 6.201 c_OBUF[1] - Y17 OBUF (Prop_obuf_I_O) 2.890 9.090 r c_OBUF[1]_inst/O - net (fo=0) 0.000 9.090 c[1] - Y17 r c[1] (OUT) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - -Slack: inf - Source: a[-3] - (input port) - Destination: c[-1] - (output port) - Path Group: (none) - Path Type: Max at Slow Process Corner - Data Path Delay: 9.079ns (logic 4.743ns (52.242%) route 4.336ns (47.758%)) - Logic Levels: 5 (CARRY4=2 IBUF=1 LUT2=1 OBUF=1) - - Location Delay type Incr(ns) Path(ns) Netlist Resource(s) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - P18 0.000 0.000 r a[-3] (IN) - net (fo=0) 0.000 0.000 a[-3] - P18 IBUF (Prop_ibuf_I_O) 0.972 0.972 r a_IBUF[-3]_inst/O - net (fo=2, routed) 2.100 3.072 a_IBUF[-3] - SLICE_X43Y18 LUT2 (Prop_lut2_I0_O) 0.124 3.196 r c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_2/O - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 3.196 c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_2_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y18 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_S[3]_CO[3]) - 0.401 3.597 r c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_1/CO[3] - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 3.597 c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_1_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y19 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_CI_O[1]) - 0.334 3.931 r c_OBUF[1]_inst_i_1/O[1] - net (fo=1, routed) 2.236 6.167 c_OBUF[-1] - Y14 OBUF (Prop_obuf_I_O) 2.912 9.079 r c_OBUF[-1]_inst/O - net (fo=0) 0.000 9.079 c[-1] - Y14 r c[-1] (OUT) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - -Slack: inf - Source: a[-3] - (input port) - Destination: c[4] - (output port) - Path Group: (none) - Path Type: Max at Slow Process Corner - Data Path Delay: 9.079ns (logic 4.693ns (51.693%) route 4.386ns (48.307%)) - Logic Levels: 6 (CARRY4=3 IBUF=1 LUT2=1 OBUF=1) - - Location Delay type Incr(ns) Path(ns) Netlist Resource(s) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - P18 0.000 0.000 r a[-3] (IN) - net (fo=0) 0.000 0.000 a[-3] - P18 IBUF (Prop_ibuf_I_O) 0.972 0.972 r a_IBUF[-3]_inst/O - net (fo=2, routed) 2.100 3.072 a_IBUF[-3] - SLICE_X43Y18 LUT2 (Prop_lut2_I0_O) 0.124 3.196 r c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_2/O - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 3.196 c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_2_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y18 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_S[3]_CO[3]) - 0.401 3.597 r c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_1/CO[3] - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 3.597 c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_1_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y19 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_CI_CO[3]) - 0.114 3.711 r c_OBUF[1]_inst_i_1/CO[3] - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 3.711 c_OBUF[1]_inst_i_1_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y20 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_CI_O[2]) - 0.239 3.950 r c_OBUF[5]_inst_i_1/O[2] - net (fo=1, routed) 2.286 6.236 c_OBUF[4] - P14 OBUF (Prop_obuf_I_O) 2.843 9.079 r c_OBUF[4]_inst/O - net (fo=0) 0.000 9.079 c[4] - P14 r c[4] (OUT) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - -Slack: inf - Source: a[-3] - (input port) - Destination: c[2] - (output port) - Path Group: (none) - Path Type: Max at Slow Process Corner - Data Path Delay: 8.971ns (logic 4.723ns (52.647%) route 4.248ns (47.353%)) - Logic Levels: 6 (CARRY4=3 IBUF=1 LUT2=1 OBUF=1) - - Location Delay type Incr(ns) Path(ns) Netlist Resource(s) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - P18 0.000 0.000 r a[-3] (IN) - net (fo=0) 0.000 0.000 a[-3] - P18 IBUF (Prop_ibuf_I_O) 0.972 0.972 r a_IBUF[-3]_inst/O - net (fo=2, routed) 2.100 3.072 a_IBUF[-3] - SLICE_X43Y18 LUT2 (Prop_lut2_I0_O) 0.124 3.196 r c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_2/O - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 3.196 c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_2_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y18 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_S[3]_CO[3]) - 0.401 3.597 r c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_1/CO[3] - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 3.597 c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_1_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y19 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_CI_CO[3]) - 0.114 3.711 r c_OBUF[1]_inst_i_1/CO[3] - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 3.711 c_OBUF[1]_inst_i_1_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y20 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_CI_O[0]) - 0.222 3.933 r c_OBUF[5]_inst_i_1/O[0] - net (fo=1, routed) 2.148 6.081 c_OBUF[2] - Y16 OBUF (Prop_obuf_I_O) 2.890 8.971 r c_OBUF[2]_inst/O - net (fo=0) 0.000 8.971 c[2] - Y16 r c[2] (OUT) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - -Slack: inf - Source: a[-3] - (input port) - Destination: c[0] - (output port) - Path Group: (none) - Path Type: Max at Slow Process Corner - Data Path Delay: 8.884ns (logic 4.645ns (52.282%) route 4.239ns (47.718%)) - Logic Levels: 5 (CARRY4=2 IBUF=1 LUT2=1 OBUF=1) - - Location Delay type Incr(ns) Path(ns) Netlist Resource(s) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - P18 0.000 0.000 r a[-3] (IN) - net (fo=0) 0.000 0.000 a[-3] - P18 IBUF (Prop_ibuf_I_O) 0.972 0.972 r a_IBUF[-3]_inst/O - net (fo=2, routed) 2.100 3.072 a_IBUF[-3] - SLICE_X43Y18 LUT2 (Prop_lut2_I0_O) 0.124 3.196 r c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_2/O - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 3.196 c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_2_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y18 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_S[3]_CO[3]) - 0.401 3.597 r c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_1/CO[3] - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 3.597 c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_1_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y19 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_CI_O[2]) - 0.239 3.836 r c_OBUF[1]_inst_i_1/O[2] - net (fo=1, routed) 2.139 5.975 c_OBUF[0] - W14 OBUF (Prop_obuf_I_O) 2.909 8.884 r c_OBUF[0]_inst/O - net (fo=0) 0.000 8.884 c[0] - W14 r c[0] (OUT) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - - - - - -Min Delay Paths --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Slack: inf - Source: b[-3] - (input port) - Destination: c[-3] - (output port) - Path Group: (none) - Path Type: Min at Fast Process Corner - Data Path Delay: 2.431ns (logic 1.568ns (64.485%) route 0.863ns (35.515%)) - Logic Levels: 4 (CARRY4=1 IBUF=1 LUT2=1 OBUF=1) - - Location Delay type Incr(ns) Path(ns) Netlist Resource(s) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - W20 0.000 0.000 r b[-3] (IN) - net (fo=0) 0.000 0.000 b[-3] - W20 IBUF (Prop_ibuf_I_O) 0.206 0.206 r b_IBUF[-3]_inst/O - net (fo=1, routed) 0.329 0.534 b_IBUF[-3] - SLICE_X43Y18 LUT2 (Prop_lut2_I1_O) 0.045 0.579 r c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_2/O - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 0.579 c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_2_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y18 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_S[3]_O[3]) - 0.063 0.642 r c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_1/O[3] - net (fo=1, routed) 0.535 1.177 c_OBUF[-3] - U17 OBUF (Prop_obuf_I_O) 1.254 2.431 r c_OBUF[-3]_inst/O - net (fo=0) 0.000 2.431 c[-3] - U17 r c[-3] (OUT) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - -Slack: inf - Source: b[-5] - (input port) - Destination: c[-5] - (output port) - Path Group: (none) - Path Type: Min at Fast Process Corner - Data Path Delay: 2.505ns (logic 1.604ns (64.018%) route 0.901ns (35.982%)) - Logic Levels: 4 (CARRY4=1 IBUF=1 LUT2=1 OBUF=1) - - Location Delay type Incr(ns) Path(ns) Netlist Resource(s) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - Y19 0.000 0.000 r b[-5] (IN) - net (fo=0) 0.000 0.000 b[-5] - Y19 IBUF (Prop_ibuf_I_O) 0.205 0.205 r b_IBUF[-5]_inst/O - net (fo=1, routed) 0.375 0.580 b_IBUF[-5] - SLICE_X43Y18 LUT2 (Prop_lut2_I1_O) 0.045 0.625 r c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_4/O - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 0.625 c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_4_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y18 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_S[1]_O[1]) - 0.065 0.690 r c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_1/O[1] - net (fo=1, routed) 0.527 1.217 c_OBUF[-5] - W15 OBUF (Prop_obuf_I_O) 1.288 2.505 r c_OBUF[-5]_inst/O - net (fo=0) 0.000 2.505 c[-5] - W15 r c[-5] (OUT) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - -Slack: inf - Source: b[-6] - (input port) - Destination: c[-6] - (output port) - Path Group: (none) - Path Type: Min at Fast Process Corner - Data Path Delay: 2.520ns (logic 1.587ns (62.965%) route 0.933ns (37.035%)) - Logic Levels: 4 (CARRY4=1 IBUF=1 LUT2=1 OBUF=1) - - Location Delay type Incr(ns) Path(ns) Netlist Resource(s) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - V16 0.000 0.000 r b[-6] (IN) - net (fo=0) 0.000 0.000 b[-6] - V16 IBUF (Prop_ibuf_I_O) 0.185 0.185 r b_IBUF[-6]_inst/O - net (fo=1, routed) 0.461 0.646 b_IBUF[-6] - SLICE_X43Y18 LUT2 (Prop_lut2_I1_O) 0.045 0.691 r c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_5/O - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 0.691 c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_5_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y18 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_S[0]_O[0]) - 0.070 0.761 r c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_1/O[0] - net (fo=1, routed) 0.473 1.233 c_OBUF[-6] - U14 OBUF (Prop_obuf_I_O) 1.287 2.520 r c_OBUF[-6]_inst/O - net (fo=0) 0.000 2.520 c[-6] - U14 r c[-6] (OUT) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - -Slack: inf - Source: b[-2] - (input port) - Destination: c[-2] - (output port) - Path Group: (none) - Path Type: Min at Fast Process Corner - Data Path Delay: 2.529ns (logic 1.573ns (62.198%) route 0.956ns (37.802%)) - Logic Levels: 4 (CARRY4=1 IBUF=1 LUT2=1 OBUF=1) - - Location Delay type Incr(ns) Path(ns) Netlist Resource(s) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - V20 0.000 0.000 r b[-2] (IN) - net (fo=0) 0.000 0.000 b[-2] - V20 IBUF (Prop_ibuf_I_O) 0.204 0.204 r b_IBUF[-2]_inst/O - net (fo=1, routed) 0.419 0.622 b_IBUF[-2] - SLICE_X43Y19 LUT2 (Prop_lut2_I1_O) 0.045 0.667 r c_OBUF[1]_inst_i_5/O - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 0.667 c_OBUF[1]_inst_i_5_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y19 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_S[0]_O[0]) - 0.070 0.737 r c_OBUF[1]_inst_i_1/O[0] - net (fo=1, routed) 0.537 1.275 c_OBUF[-2] - T16 OBUF (Prop_obuf_I_O) 1.254 2.529 r c_OBUF[-2]_inst/O - net (fo=0) 0.000 2.529 c[-2] - T16 r c[-2] (OUT) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - -Slack: inf - Source: b[-1] - (input port) - Destination: c[-1] - (output port) - Path Group: (none) - Path Type: Min at Fast Process Corner - Data Path Delay: 2.576ns (logic 1.613ns (62.626%) route 0.963ns (37.374%)) - Logic Levels: 4 (CARRY4=1 IBUF=1 LUT2=1 OBUF=1) - - Location Delay type Incr(ns) Path(ns) Netlist Resource(s) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - U20 0.000 0.000 r b[-1] (IN) - net (fo=0) 0.000 0.000 b[-1] - U20 IBUF (Prop_ibuf_I_O) 0.193 0.193 r b_IBUF[-1]_inst/O - net (fo=1, routed) 0.375 0.567 b_IBUF[-1] - SLICE_X43Y19 LUT2 (Prop_lut2_I1_O) 0.045 0.612 r c_OBUF[1]_inst_i_4/O - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 0.612 c_OBUF[1]_inst_i_4_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y19 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_S[1]_O[1]) - 0.065 0.677 r c_OBUF[1]_inst_i_1/O[1] - net (fo=1, routed) 0.588 1.265 c_OBUF[-1] - Y14 OBUF (Prop_obuf_I_O) 1.311 2.576 r c_OBUF[-1]_inst/O - net (fo=0) 0.000 2.576 c[-1] - Y14 r c[-1] (OUT) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - -Slack: inf - Source: b[0] - (input port) - Destination: c[0] - (output port) - Path Group: (none) - Path Type: Min at Fast Process Corner - Data Path Delay: 2.593ns (logic 1.617ns (62.342%) route 0.977ns (37.658%)) - Logic Levels: 4 (CARRY4=1 IBUF=1 LUT2=1 OBUF=1) - - Location Delay type Incr(ns) Path(ns) Netlist Resource(s) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - T20 0.000 0.000 r b[0] (IN) - net (fo=0) 0.000 0.000 b[0] - T20 IBUF (Prop_ibuf_I_O) 0.196 0.196 r b_IBUF[0]_inst/O - net (fo=1, routed) 0.420 0.616 b_IBUF[0] - SLICE_X43Y19 LUT2 (Prop_lut2_I1_O) 0.045 0.661 r c_OBUF[1]_inst_i_3/O - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 0.661 c_OBUF[1]_inst_i_3_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y19 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_S[2]_O[2]) - 0.066 0.727 r c_OBUF[1]_inst_i_1/O[2] - net (fo=1, routed) 0.557 1.284 c_OBUF[0] - W14 OBUF (Prop_obuf_I_O) 1.309 2.593 r c_OBUF[0]_inst/O - net (fo=0) 0.000 2.593 c[0] - W14 r c[0] (OUT) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - -Slack: inf - Source: a[5] - (input port) - Destination: c[5] - (output port) - Path Group: (none) - Path Type: Min at Fast Process Corner - Data Path Delay: 2.595ns (logic 1.510ns (58.186%) route 1.085ns (41.814%)) - Logic Levels: 4 (CARRY4=1 IBUF=1 LUT2=1 OBUF=1) - - Location Delay type Incr(ns) Path(ns) Netlist Resource(s) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - R17 0.000 0.000 r a[5] (IN) - net (fo=0) 0.000 0.000 a[5] - R17 IBUF (Prop_ibuf_I_O) 0.161 0.161 r a_IBUF[5]_inst/O - net (fo=2, routed) 0.467 0.628 a_IBUF[5] - SLICE_X43Y20 LUT2 (Prop_lut2_I0_O) 0.045 0.673 r c_OBUF[5]_inst_i_2/O - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 0.673 c_OBUF[5]_inst_i_2_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y20 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_S[3]_O[3]) - 0.063 0.736 r c_OBUF[5]_inst_i_1/O[3] - net (fo=1, routed) 0.618 1.354 c_OBUF[5] - T15 OBUF (Prop_obuf_I_O) 1.241 2.595 r c_OBUF[5]_inst/O - net (fo=0) 0.000 2.595 c[5] - T15 r c[5] (OUT) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - -Slack: inf - Source: b[-5] - (input port) - Destination: c[-4] - (output port) - Path Group: (none) - Path Type: Min at Fast Process Corner - Data Path Delay: 2.603ns (logic 1.698ns (65.228%) route 0.905ns (34.772%)) - Logic Levels: 4 (CARRY4=1 IBUF=1 LUT2=1 OBUF=1) - - Location Delay type Incr(ns) Path(ns) Netlist Resource(s) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - Y19 0.000 0.000 r b[-5] (IN) - net (fo=0) 0.000 0.000 b[-5] - Y19 IBUF (Prop_ibuf_I_O) 0.205 0.205 r b_IBUF[-5]_inst/O - net (fo=1, routed) 0.375 0.580 b_IBUF[-5] - SLICE_X43Y18 LUT2 (Prop_lut2_I1_O) 0.045 0.625 r c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_4/O - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 0.625 c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_4_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y18 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_S[1]_O[2]) - 0.152 0.777 r c_OBUF[-3]_inst_i_1/O[2] - net (fo=1, routed) 0.531 1.307 c_OBUF[-4] - V15 OBUF (Prop_obuf_I_O) 1.296 2.603 r c_OBUF[-4]_inst/O - net (fo=0) 0.000 2.603 c[-4] - V15 r c[-4] (OUT) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - -Slack: inf - Source: b[2] - (input port) - Destination: c[2] - (output port) - Path Group: (none) - Path Type: Min at Fast Process Corner - Data Path Delay: 2.608ns (logic 1.615ns (61.934%) route 0.993ns (38.066%)) - Logic Levels: 4 (CARRY4=1 IBUF=1 LUT2=1 OBUF=1) - - Location Delay type Incr(ns) Path(ns) Netlist Resource(s) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - N20 0.000 0.000 r b[2] (IN) - net (fo=0) 0.000 0.000 b[2] - N20 IBUF (Prop_ibuf_I_O) 0.208 0.208 r b_IBUF[2]_inst/O - net (fo=1, routed) 0.435 0.643 b_IBUF[2] - SLICE_X43Y20 LUT2 (Prop_lut2_I1_O) 0.045 0.688 r c_OBUF[5]_inst_i_5/O - net (fo=1, routed) 0.000 0.688 c_OBUF[5]_inst_i_5_n_0 - SLICE_X43Y20 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_S[0]_O[0]) - 0.070 0.758 r c_OBUF[5]_inst_i_1/O[0] - net (fo=1, routed) 0.558 1.316 c_OBUF[2] - Y16 OBUF (Prop_obuf_I_O) 1.293 2.608 r c_OBUF[2]_inst/O - net (fo=0) 0.000 2.608 c[2] - Y16 r c[2] (OUT) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - -Slack: inf - Source: a[2] - (input port) - Destination: c[3] - (output port) - Path Group: (none) - Path Type: Min at Fast Process Corner - Data Path Delay: 2.631ns (logic 1.552ns (58.994%) route 1.079ns (41.006%)) - Logic Levels: 3 (CARRY4=1 IBUF=1 OBUF=1) - - Location Delay type Incr(ns) Path(ns) Netlist Resource(s) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - V17 0.000 0.000 r a[2] (IN) - net (fo=0) 0.000 0.000 a[2] - V17 IBUF (Prop_ibuf_I_O) 0.190 0.190 r a_IBUF[2]_inst/O - net (fo=2, routed) 0.467 0.657 a_IBUF[2] - SLICE_X43Y20 CARRY4 (Prop_carry4_DI[0]_O[1]) - 0.124 0.781 r c_OBUF[5]_inst_i_1/O[1] - net (fo=1, routed) 0.612 1.393 c_OBUF[3] - R14 OBUF (Prop_obuf_I_O) 1.239 2.631 r c_OBUF[3]_inst/O - net (fo=0) 0.000 2.631 c[3] - R14 r c[3] (OUT) - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- - - - - - diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_timing_summary_routed.rpx b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_timing_summary_routed.rpx deleted file mode 100644 index 3be9fe6..0000000 Binary files a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_timing_summary_routed.rpx and /dev/null differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_utilization_placed.pb b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_utilization_placed.pb deleted file mode 100644 index 16e09b3..0000000 Binary files a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_utilization_placed.pb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_utilization_placed.rpt b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_utilization_placed.rpt deleted file mode 100644 index cc6ae63..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_utilization_placed.rpt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,199 +0,0 @@ -Copyright 1986-2021 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| Tool Version : Vivado v.2021.2 (win64) Build 3367213 Tue Oct 19 02:48:09 MDT 2021 -| Date : Fri May 13 14:41:53 2022 -| Host : DESKTOP-PAACOM8 running 64-bit major release (build 9200) -| Command : report_utilization -file fixedPointTest_utilization_placed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_utilization_placed.pb -| Design : fixedPointTest -| Device : xc7z010clg400-1 -| Speed File : -1 -| Design State : Fully Placed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -Utilization Design Information - -Table of Contents ------------------ -1. Slice Logic -1.1 Summary of Registers by Type -2. Slice Logic Distribution -3. Memory -4. DSP -5. IO and GT Specific -6. Clocking -7. Specific Feature -8. Primitives -9. Black Boxes -10. Instantiated Netlists - -1. Slice Logic --------------- - -+-------------------------+------+-------+------------+-----------+-------+ -| Site Type | Used | Fixed | Prohibited | Available | Util% | -+-------------------------+------+-------+------------+-----------+-------+ -| Slice LUTs | 14 | 0 | 0 | 17600 | 0.08 | -| LUT as Logic | 14 | 0 | 0 | 17600 | 0.08 | -| LUT as Memory | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6000 | 0.00 | -| Slice Registers | 0 | 0 | 0 | 35200 | 0.00 | -| Register as Flip Flop | 0 | 0 | 0 | 35200 | 0.00 | -| Register as Latch | 0 | 0 | 0 | 35200 | 0.00 | -| F7 Muxes | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8800 | 0.00 | -| F8 Muxes | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4400 | 0.00 | -+-------------------------+------+-------+------------+-----------+-------+ - - -1.1 Summary of Registers by Type --------------------------------- - -+-------+--------------+-------------+--------------+ -| Total | Clock Enable | Synchronous | Asynchronous | -+-------+--------------+-------------+--------------+ -| 0 | _ | - | - | -| 0 | _ | - | Set | -| 0 | _ | - | Reset | -| 0 | _ | Set | - | -| 0 | _ | Reset | - | -| 0 | Yes | - | - | -| 0 | Yes | - | Set | -| 0 | Yes | - | Reset | -| 0 | Yes | Set | - | -| 0 | Yes | Reset | - | -+-------+--------------+-------------+--------------+ - - -2. Slice Logic Distribution ---------------------------- - -+------------------------------------------+------+-------+------------+-----------+-------+ -| Site Type | Used | Fixed | Prohibited | Available | Util% | -+------------------------------------------+------+-------+------------+-----------+-------+ -| Slice | 4 | 0 | 0 | 4400 | 0.09 | -| SLICEL | 4 | 0 | | | | -| SLICEM | 0 | 0 | | | | -| LUT as Logic | 14 | 0 | 0 | 17600 | 0.08 | -| using O5 output only | 0 | | | | | -| using O6 output only | 13 | | | | | -| using O5 and O6 | 1 | | | | | -| LUT as Memory | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6000 | 0.00 | -| LUT as Distributed RAM | 0 | 0 | | | | -| LUT as Shift Register | 0 | 0 | | | | -| Slice Registers | 0 | 0 | 0 | 35200 | 0.00 | -| Register driven from within the Slice | 0 | | | | | -| Register driven from outside the Slice | 0 | | | | | -| Unique Control Sets | 0 | | 0 | 4400 | 0.00 | -+------------------------------------------+------+-------+------------+-----------+-------+ -* * Note: Available Control Sets calculated as Slice * 1, Review the Control Sets Report for more information regarding control sets. - - -3. Memory ---------- - -+----------------+------+-------+------------+-----------+-------+ -| Site Type | Used | Fixed | Prohibited | Available | Util% | -+----------------+------+-------+------------+-----------+-------+ -| Block RAM Tile | 0 | 0 | 0 | 60 | 0.00 | -| RAMB36/FIFO* | 0 | 0 | 0 | 60 | 0.00 | -| RAMB18 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 120 | 0.00 | -+----------------+------+-------+------------+-----------+-------+ -* Note: Each Block RAM Tile only has one FIFO logic available and therefore can accommodate only one FIFO36E1 or one FIFO18E1. However, if a FIFO18E1 occupies a Block RAM Tile, that tile can still accommodate a RAMB18E1 - - -4. DSP ------- - -+-----------+------+-------+------------+-----------+-------+ -| Site Type | Used | Fixed | Prohibited | Available | Util% | -+-----------+------+-------+------------+-----------+-------+ -| DSPs | 0 | 0 | 0 | 80 | 0.00 | -+-----------+------+-------+------------+-----------+-------+ - - -5. IO and GT Specific ---------------------- - -+-----------------------------+------+-------+------------+-----------+-------+ -| Site Type | Used | Fixed | Prohibited | Available | Util% | -+-----------------------------+------+-------+------------+-----------+-------+ -| Bonded IOB | 43 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 43.00 | -| IOB Master Pads | 21 | | | | | -| IOB Slave Pads | 21 | | | | | -| Bonded IPADs | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0.00 | -| Bonded IOPADs | 0 | 0 | 0 | 130 | 0.00 | -| PHY_CONTROL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0.00 | -| PHASER_REF | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0.00 | -| OUT_FIFO | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 0.00 | -| IN_FIFO | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 0.00 | -| IDELAYCTRL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0.00 | -| IBUFDS | 0 | 0 | 0 | 96 | 0.00 | -| PHASER_OUT/PHASER_OUT_PHY | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 0.00 | -| PHASER_IN/PHASER_IN_PHY | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 0.00 | -| IDELAYE2/IDELAYE2_FINEDELAY | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 0.00 | -| ILOGIC | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 0.00 | -| OLOGIC | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 0.00 | -+-----------------------------+------+-------+------------+-----------+-------+ - - -6. Clocking ------------ - -+------------+------+-------+------------+-----------+-------+ -| Site Type | Used | Fixed | Prohibited | Available | Util% | -+------------+------+-------+------------+-----------+-------+ -| BUFGCTRL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 32 | 0.00 | -| BUFIO | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 0.00 | -| MMCME2_ADV | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0.00 | -| PLLE2_ADV | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0.00 | -| BUFMRCE | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0.00 | -| BUFHCE | 0 | 0 | 0 | 48 | 0.00 | -| BUFR | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 0.00 | -+------------+------+-------+------------+-----------+-------+ - - -7. Specific Feature -------------------- - -+-------------+------+-------+------------+-----------+-------+ -| Site Type | Used | Fixed | Prohibited | Available | Util% | -+-------------+------+-------+------------+-----------+-------+ -| BSCANE2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0.00 | -| CAPTUREE2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0.00 | -| DNA_PORT | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0.00 | -| EFUSE_USR | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0.00 | -| FRAME_ECCE2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0.00 | -| ICAPE2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0.00 | -| STARTUPE2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0.00 | -| XADC | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0.00 | -+-------------+------+-------+------------+-----------+-------+ - - -8. Primitives -------------- - -+----------+------+---------------------+ -| Ref Name | Used | Functional Category | -+----------+------+---------------------+ -| IBUF | 28 | IO | -| OBUF | 15 | IO | -| LUT2 | 14 | LUT | -| CARRY4 | 4 | CarryLogic | -| LUT1 | 1 | LUT | -+----------+------+---------------------+ - - -9. Black Boxes --------------- - -+----------+------+ -| Ref Name | Used | -+----------+------+ - - -10. Instantiated Netlists -------------------------- - -+----------+------+ -| Ref Name | Used | -+----------+------+ - - diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/gen_run.xml b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/gen_run.xml deleted file mode 100644 index b89cf32..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/gen_run.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,170 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Default settings for Implementation. - - - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/htr.txt b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/htr.txt deleted file mode 100644 index b068790..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/htr.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -REM -REM Vivado(TM) -REM htr.txt: a Vivado-generated description of how-to-repeat the -REM the basic steps of a run. Note that runme.bat/sh needs -REM to be invoked for Vivado to track run status. -REM Copyright 1986-2021 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. -REM - -vivado -log fixedPointTest.vdi -applog -m64 -product Vivado -messageDb vivado.pb -mode batch -source fixedPointTest.tcl -notrace diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/init_design.pb b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/init_design.pb index 1e3e324..4a8c4e2 100644 Binary files a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/init_design.pb and b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/init_design.pb differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/opt_design.pb b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/opt_design.pb index b1619f0..b29bbcb 100644 Binary files a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/opt_design.pb and b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/opt_design.pb differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/phys_opt_design.pb b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/phys_opt_design.pb index e5f4f4c..12aa782 100644 Binary files a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/phys_opt_design.pb and b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/phys_opt_design.pb differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/place_design.pb b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/place_design.pb index ee265ea..1c6fe17 100644 Binary files a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/place_design.pb and b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/place_design.pb differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/route_design.pb b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/route_design.pb index 90c0b50..385e0ec 100644 Binary files a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/route_design.pb and b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/route_design.pb differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/rundef.js b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/rundef.js deleted file mode 100644 index 6920a76..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/rundef.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -// -// Vivado(TM) -// rundef.js: a Vivado-generated Runs Script for WSH 5.1/5.6 -// Copyright 1986-2021 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. -// - -var WshShell = new ActiveXObject( "WScript.Shell" ); -var ProcEnv = WshShell.Environment( "Process" ); -var PathVal = ProcEnv("PATH"); -if ( PathVal.length == 0 ) { - PathVal = "C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/ids_lite/ISE/bin/nt64;C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/ids_lite/ISE/lib/nt64;C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/bin;"; -} else { - PathVal = "C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/ids_lite/ISE/bin/nt64;C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/ids_lite/ISE/lib/nt64;C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/bin;" + PathVal; -} - -ProcEnv("PATH") = PathVal; - -var RDScrFP = WScript.ScriptFullName; -var RDScrN = WScript.ScriptName; -var RDScrDir = RDScrFP.substr( 0, RDScrFP.length - RDScrN.length - 1 ); -var ISEJScriptLib = RDScrDir + "/ISEWrap.js"; -eval( EAInclude(ISEJScriptLib) ); - - -// pre-commands: -ISETouchFile( "write_bitstream", "begin" ); -ISEStep( "vivado", - "-log fixedPointTest.vdi -applog -m64 -product Vivado -messageDb vivado.pb -mode batch -source fixedPointTest.tcl -notrace" ); - - - - - -function EAInclude( EAInclFilename ) { - var EAFso = new ActiveXObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" ); - var EAInclFile = EAFso.OpenTextFile( EAInclFilename ); - var EAIFContents = EAInclFile.ReadAll(); - EAInclFile.Close(); - return EAIFContents; -} diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/runme.bat b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/runme.bat deleted file mode 100644 index 6c4f290..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/runme.bat +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -@echo off - -rem Vivado (TM) -rem runme.bat: a Vivado-generated Script -rem Copyright 1986-2021 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. - - -set HD_SDIR=%~dp0 -cd /d "%HD_SDIR%" -cscript /nologo /E:JScript "%HD_SDIR%\rundef.js" %* diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/runme.log b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/runme.log deleted file mode 100644 index f25d040..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/runme.log +++ /dev/null @@ -1,596 +0,0 @@ - -*** Running vivado - with args -log fixedPointTest.vdi -applog -m64 -product Vivado -messageDb vivado.pb -mode batch -source fixedPointTest.tcl -notrace - - - -****** Vivado v2021.2 (64-bit) - **** SW Build 3367213 on Tue Oct 19 02:48:09 MDT 2021 - **** IP Build 3369179 on Thu Oct 21 08:25:16 MDT 2021 - ** Copyright 1986-2021 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. - -source fixedPointTest.tcl -notrace -create_project: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:06 ; elapsed = 00:00:06 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.340 ; gain = 10.250 -Command: link_design -top fixedPointTest -part xc7z010clg400-1 -Design is defaulting to srcset: sources_1 -Design is defaulting to constrset: constrs_1 -INFO: [Device 21-403] Loading part xc7z010clg400-1 -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.001 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.340 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Netlist 29-17] Analyzing 4 Unisim elements for replacement -INFO: [Netlist 29-28] Unisim Transformation completed in 0 CPU seconds -INFO: [Project 1-479] Netlist was created with Vivado 2021.2 -INFO: [Project 1-570] Preparing netlist for logic optimization -Parsing XDC File [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc] -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'clk'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:7] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:7] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'led0_b'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:11] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:11] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'led0_g'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:12] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:12] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'led0_r'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:13] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:13] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'led1_b'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:15] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:15] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'led1_g'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:16] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:16] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'led1_r'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:17] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:17] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -Finished Parsing XDC File [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc] -INFO: [Opt 31-138] Pushed 0 inverter(s) to 0 load pin(s). -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.340 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Project 1-111] Unisim Transformation Summary: -No Unisim elements were transformed. - -7 Infos, 7 Warnings, 7 Critical Warnings and 0 Errors encountered. -link_design completed successfully -link_design: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:05 ; elapsed = 00:00:06 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.340 ; gain = 0.000 -Command: opt_design -Attempting to get a license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -INFO: [Common 17-349] Got license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -Running DRC as a precondition to command opt_design - -Starting DRC Task -INFO: [DRC 23-27] Running DRC with 2 threads -INFO: [Project 1-461] DRC finished with 0 Errors -INFO: [Project 1-462] Please refer to the DRC report (report_drc) for more information. - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:01 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.340 ; gain = 0.000 - -Starting Cache Timing Information Task -INFO: [Timing 38-35] Done setting XDC timing constraints. -Ending Cache Timing Information Task | Checksum: d688f8fa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:08 ; elapsed = 00:00:09 . Memory (MB): peak = 1387.457 ; gain = 126.117 - -Starting Logic Optimization Task - -Phase 1 Retarget -INFO: [Opt 31-138] Pushed 0 inverter(s) to 0 load pin(s). -INFO: [Opt 31-49] Retargeted 0 cell(s). -Phase 1 Retarget | Checksum: d688f8fa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.008 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Opt 31-389] Phase Retarget created 0 cells and removed 0 cells - -Phase 2 Constant propagation -INFO: [Opt 31-138] Pushed 0 inverter(s) to 0 load pin(s). -Phase 2 Constant propagation | Checksum: d688f8fa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.009 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Opt 31-389] Phase Constant propagation created 0 cells and removed 0 cells - -Phase 3 Sweep -Phase 3 Sweep | Checksum: 9d9fcb97 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.011 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Opt 31-389] Phase Sweep created 0 cells and removed 0 cells - -Phase 4 BUFG optimization -Phase 4 BUFG optimization | Checksum: 9d9fcb97 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.013 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Opt 31-662] Phase BUFG optimization created 0 cells of which 0 are BUFGs and removed 0 cells. - -Phase 5 Shift Register Optimization -INFO: [Opt 31-1064] SRL Remap converted 0 SRLs to 0 registers and converted 0 registers of register chains to 0 SRLs -Phase 5 Shift Register Optimization | Checksum: 9d9fcb97 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.014 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Opt 31-389] Phase Shift Register Optimization created 0 cells and removed 0 cells - -Phase 6 Post Processing Netlist -Phase 6 Post Processing Netlist | Checksum: 9d9fcb97 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.014 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Opt 31-389] Phase Post Processing Netlist created 0 cells and removed 0 cells -Opt_design Change Summary -========================= - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| Phase | #Cells created | #Cells Removed | #Constrained objects preventing optimizations | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| Retarget | 0 | 0 | 0 | -| Constant propagation | 0 | 0 | 0 | -| Sweep | 0 | 0 | 0 | -| BUFG optimization | 0 | 0 | 0 | -| Shift Register Optimization | 0 | 0 | 0 | -| Post Processing Netlist | 0 | 0 | 0 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - -Starting Connectivity Check Task - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.001 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 -Ending Logic Optimization Task | Checksum: f158031e - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.018 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 - -Starting Power Optimization Task -INFO: [Pwropt 34-132] Skipping clock gating for clocks with a period < 2.00 ns. -Ending Power Optimization Task | Checksum: f158031e - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.014 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 - -Starting Final Cleanup Task -Ending Final Cleanup Task | Checksum: f158031e - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 - -Starting Netlist Obfuscation Task -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 -Ending Netlist Obfuscation Task | Checksum: f158031e - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Common 17-83] Releasing license: Implementation -24 Infos, 7 Warnings, 7 Critical Warnings and 0 Errors encountered. -opt_design completed successfully -opt_design: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:14 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1683.215 ; gain = 421.875 -INFO: [Timing 38-480] Writing timing data to binary archive. -INFO: [Common 17-1381] The checkpoint 'C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_opt.dcp' has been generated. -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_drc -file fixedPointTest_drc_opted.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_drc_opted.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_drc_opted.rpx -Command: report_drc -file fixedPointTest_drc_opted.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_drc_opted.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_drc_opted.rpx -INFO: [IP_Flow 19-234] Refreshing IP repositories -INFO: [IP_Flow 19-1704] No user IP repositories specified -INFO: [IP_Flow 19-2313] Loaded Vivado IP repository 'C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/data/ip'. -INFO: [Timing 38-35] Done setting XDC timing constraints. -INFO: [DRC 23-27] Running DRC with 2 threads -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 2-168] The results of DRC are in file C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_drc_opted.rpt. -report_drc completed successfully -Command: place_design -Attempting to get a license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -INFO: [Common 17-349] Got license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -INFO: [DRC 23-27] Running DRC with 2 threads -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 4-198] DRC finished with 0 Errors -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 4-199] Please refer to the DRC report (report_drc) for more information. -Running DRC as a precondition to command place_design -INFO: [DRC 23-27] Running DRC with 2 threads -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 4-198] DRC finished with 0 Errors -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 4-199] Please refer to the DRC report (report_drc) for more information. - -Starting Placer Task -INFO: [Place 30-611] Multithreading enabled for place_design using a maximum of 2 CPUs - -Phase 1 Placer Initialization - -Phase 1.1 Placer Initialization Netlist Sorting -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -Phase 1.1 Placer Initialization Netlist Sorting | Checksum: c5371e47 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.006 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 1.2 IO Placement/ Clock Placement/ Build Placer Device -Phase 1.2 IO Placement/ Clock Placement/ Build Placer Device | Checksum: 170083491 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.141 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 1.3 Build Placer Netlist Model -Phase 1.3 Build Placer Netlist Model | Checksum: 1e3fab18a - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.149 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 1.4 Constrain Clocks/Macros -Phase 1.4 Constrain Clocks/Macros | Checksum: 1e3fab18a - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.150 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -Phase 1 Placer Initialization | Checksum: 1e3fab18a - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.152 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 2 Global Placement - -Phase 2.1 Floorplanning -Phase 2.1 Floorplanning | Checksum: 1e3fab18a - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.153 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 2.2 Update Timing before SLR Path Opt -Phase 2.2 Update Timing before SLR Path Opt | Checksum: 1e3fab18a - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.153 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 2.3 Post-Processing in Floorplanning -Phase 2.3 Post-Processing in Floorplanning | Checksum: 1e3fab18a - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:01 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.154 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 2.4 Global Placement Core -WARNING: [Place 46-29] place_design is not in timing mode. Skip physical synthesis in placer -Phase 2.4 Global Placement Core | Checksum: 17701980b - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.691 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -Phase 2 Global Placement | Checksum: 17701980b - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.693 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 3 Detail Placement - -Phase 3.1 Commit Multi Column Macros -Phase 3.1 Commit Multi Column Macros | Checksum: 17701980b - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.694 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 3.2 Commit Most Macros & LUTRAMs -Phase 3.2 Commit Most Macros & LUTRAMs | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.699 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 3.3 Area Swap Optimization -Phase 3.3 Area Swap Optimization | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.707 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 3.4 Pipeline Register Optimization -Phase 3.4 Pipeline Register Optimization | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.708 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 3.5 Small Shape Detail Placement -Phase 3.5 Small Shape Detail Placement | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.748 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 3.6 Re-assign LUT pins -Phase 3.6 Re-assign LUT pins | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.751 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 3.7 Pipeline Register Optimization -Phase 3.7 Pipeline Register Optimization | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.751 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -Phase 3 Detail Placement | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.752 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 4 Post Placement Optimization and Clean-Up - -Phase 4.1 Post Commit Optimization -Phase 4.1 Post Commit Optimization | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.771 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 4.2 Post Placement Cleanup -Phase 4.2 Post Placement Cleanup | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.773 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 4.3 Placer Reporting - -Phase 4.3.1 Print Estimated Congestion -INFO: [Place 30-612] Post-Placement Estimated Congestion - ____________________________________________________ -| | Global Congestion | Short Congestion | -| Direction | Region Size | Region Size | -|___________|___________________|___________________| -| North| 1x1| 1x1| -|___________|___________________|___________________| -| South| 1x1| 1x1| -|___________|___________________|___________________| -| East| 1x1| 1x1| -|___________|___________________|___________________| -| West| 1x1| 1x1| -|___________|___________________|___________________| - -Phase 4.3.1 Print Estimated Congestion | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.774 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -Phase 4.3 Placer Reporting | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.775 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Phase 4.4 Final Placement Cleanup -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.775 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -Phase 4 Post Placement Optimization and Clean-Up | Checksum: 236ae8e9c - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.776 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -Ending Placer Task | Checksum: 1c0019b8b - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:02 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.776 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Common 17-83] Releasing license: Implementation -43 Infos, 8 Warnings, 7 Critical Warnings and 0 Errors encountered. -place_design completed successfully -INFO: [Timing 38-480] Writing timing data to binary archive. -Writing placer database... -Writing XDEF routing. -Writing XDEF routing logical nets. -Writing XDEF routing special nets. -Write XDEF Complete: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.057 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Common 17-1381] The checkpoint 'C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_placed.dcp' has been generated. -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_io -file fixedPointTest_io_placed.rpt -report_io: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.067 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_utilization -file fixedPointTest_utilization_placed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_utilization_placed.pb -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_control_sets -verbose -file fixedPointTest_control_sets_placed.rpt -report_control_sets: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.001 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -Command: phys_opt_design -Attempting to get a license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -INFO: [Common 17-349] Got license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 4-235] No timing constraint found. The netlist was not modified. -INFO: [Common 17-83] Releasing license: Implementation -51 Infos, 8 Warnings, 7 Critical Warnings and 0 Errors encountered. -phys_opt_design completed successfully -INFO: [Timing 38-480] Writing timing data to binary archive. -Writing placer database... -Writing XDEF routing. -Writing XDEF routing logical nets. -Writing XDEF routing special nets. -Write XDEF Complete: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.048 . Memory (MB): peak = 1722.266 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Common 17-1381] The checkpoint 'C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_physopt.dcp' has been generated. -Command: route_design -Attempting to get a license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -INFO: [Common 17-349] Got license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -Running DRC as a precondition to command route_design -INFO: [DRC 23-27] Running DRC with 2 threads -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 4-198] DRC finished with 0 Errors -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 4-199] Please refer to the DRC report (report_drc) for more information. - - -Starting Routing Task -INFO: [Route 35-254] Multithreading enabled for route_design using a maximum of 2 CPUs - -Phase 1 Build RT Design -Checksum: PlaceDB: faca7d44 ConstDB: 0 ShapeSum: c5371e47 RouteDB: 0 -Post Restoration Checksum: NetGraph: 54150718 NumContArr: b3d68f27 Constraints: 0 Timing: 0 -Phase 1 Build RT Design | Checksum: 107eb963f - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1757.188 ; gain = 23.668 - -Phase 2 Router Initialization -INFO: [Route 35-64] No timing constraints were detected. The router will operate in resource-optimization mode. - -Phase 2.1 Fix Topology Constraints -Phase 2.1 Fix Topology Constraints | Checksum: 107eb963f - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1762.219 ; gain = 28.699 - -Phase 2.2 Pre Route Cleanup -Phase 2.2 Pre Route Cleanup | Checksum: 107eb963f - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1762.219 ; gain = 28.699 - Number of Nodes with overlaps = 0 - -Router Utilization Summary - Global Vertical Routing Utilization = 0 % - Global Horizontal Routing Utilization = 0 % - Routable Net Status* - *Does not include unroutable nets such as driverless and loadless. - Run report_route_status for detailed report. - Number of Failed Nets = 46 - (Failed Nets is the sum of unrouted and partially routed nets) - Number of Unrouted Nets = 46 - Number of Partially Routed Nets = 0 - Number of Node Overlaps = 0 - -Phase 2 Router Initialization | Checksum: d7f76c92 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1764.324 ; gain = 30.805 - -Phase 3 Initial Routing - -Phase 3.1 Global Routing -Phase 3.1 Global Routing | Checksum: d7f76c92 - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1764.324 ; gain = 30.805 -Phase 3 Initial Routing | Checksum: aa1bb3ea - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1764.324 ; gain = 30.805 - -Phase 4 Rip-up And Reroute - -Phase 4.1 Global Iteration 0 - Number of Nodes with overlaps = 0 -Phase 4.1 Global Iteration 0 | Checksum: 1a2c45faa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1764.324 ; gain = 30.805 -Phase 4 Rip-up And Reroute | Checksum: 1a2c45faa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1764.324 ; gain = 30.805 - -Phase 5 Delay and Skew Optimization -Phase 5 Delay and Skew Optimization | Checksum: 1a2c45faa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1764.324 ; gain = 30.805 - -Phase 6 Post Hold Fix - -Phase 6.1 Hold Fix Iter -Phase 6.1 Hold Fix Iter | Checksum: 1a2c45faa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1764.324 ; gain = 30.805 -Phase 6 Post Hold Fix | Checksum: 1a2c45faa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1764.324 ; gain = 30.805 - -Phase 7 Route finalize - -Router Utilization Summary - Global Vertical Routing Utilization = 0.0663007 % - Global Horizontal Routing Utilization = 0.0248162 % - Routable Net Status* - *Does not include unroutable nets such as driverless and loadless. - Run report_route_status for detailed report. - Number of Failed Nets = 0 - (Failed Nets is the sum of unrouted and partially routed nets) - Number of Unrouted Nets = 0 - Number of Partially Routed Nets = 0 - Number of Node Overlaps = 0 - -Congestion Report -North Dir 1x1 Area, Max Cong = 5.40541%, No Congested Regions. -South Dir 1x1 Area, Max Cong = 17.1171%, No Congested Regions. -East Dir 1x1 Area, Max Cong = 8.82353%, No Congested Regions. -West Dir 1x1 Area, Max Cong = 7.35294%, No Congested Regions. - ------------------------------- -Reporting congestion hotspots ------------------------------- -Direction: North ----------------- -Congested clusters found at Level 0 -Effective congestion level: 0 Aspect Ratio: 1 Sparse Ratio: 0 -Direction: South ----------------- -Congested clusters found at Level 0 -Effective congestion level: 0 Aspect Ratio: 1 Sparse Ratio: 0 -Direction: East ----------------- -Congested clusters found at Level 0 -Effective congestion level: 0 Aspect Ratio: 1 Sparse Ratio: 0 -Direction: West ----------------- -Congested clusters found at Level 0 -Effective congestion level: 0 Aspect Ratio: 1 Sparse Ratio: 0 - -Phase 7 Route finalize | Checksum: 1a2c45faa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1764.324 ; gain = 30.805 - -Phase 8 Verifying routed nets - - Verification completed successfully -Phase 8 Verifying routed nets | Checksum: 1a2c45faa - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1765.430 ; gain = 31.910 - -Phase 9 Depositing Routes -Phase 9 Depositing Routes | Checksum: 156fe757f - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1765.430 ; gain = 31.910 -INFO: [Route 35-16] Router Completed Successfully - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:13 . Memory (MB): peak = 1765.430 ; gain = 31.910 - -Routing Is Done. -INFO: [Common 17-83] Releasing license: Implementation -61 Infos, 8 Warnings, 7 Critical Warnings and 0 Errors encountered. -route_design completed successfully -route_design: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:16 ; elapsed = 00:00:14 . Memory (MB): peak = 1765.430 ; gain = 43.164 -INFO: [Timing 38-480] Writing timing data to binary archive. -Writing placer database... -Writing XDEF routing. -Writing XDEF routing logical nets. -Writing XDEF routing special nets. -Write XDEF Complete: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.049 . Memory (MB): peak = 1775.246 ; gain = 9.816 -INFO: [Common 17-1381] The checkpoint 'C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_routed.dcp' has been generated. -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_drc -file fixedPointTest_drc_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_drc_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_drc_routed.rpx -Command: report_drc -file fixedPointTest_drc_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_drc_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_drc_routed.rpx -INFO: [IP_Flow 19-1839] IP Catalog is up to date. -INFO: [DRC 23-27] Running DRC with 2 threads -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 2-168] The results of DRC are in file C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_drc_routed.rpt. -report_drc completed successfully -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_methodology -file fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.rpx -Command: report_methodology -file fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.rpx -INFO: [Timing 38-35] Done setting XDC timing constraints. -INFO: [DRC 23-133] Running Methodology with 2 threads -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 2-1520] The results of Report Methodology are in file C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest_methodology_drc_routed.rpt. -report_methodology completed successfully -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_power -file fixedPointTest_power_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_power_summary_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_power_routed.rpx -Command: report_power -file fixedPointTest_power_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_power_summary_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_power_routed.rpx -INFO: [Timing 38-35] Done setting XDC timing constraints. -WARNING: [Power 33-232] No user defined clocks were found in the design! Power estimation will be inaccurate until this is corrected. -Resolution: Please specify clocks using create_clock/create_generated_clock for sequential elements. For pure combinatorial circuits, please specify a virtual clock, otherwise the vectorless estimation might be inaccurate -Running Vector-less Activity Propagation... - -Finished Running Vector-less Activity Propagation -73 Infos, 9 Warnings, 7 Critical Warnings and 0 Errors encountered. -report_power completed successfully -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_route_status -file fixedPointTest_route_status.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_route_status.pb -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_timing_summary -max_paths 10 -report_unconstrained -file fixedPointTest_timing_summary_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_timing_summary_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_timing_summary_routed.rpx -warn_on_violation -INFO: [Timing 38-91] UpdateTimingParams: Speed grade: -1, Delay Type: min_max. -INFO: [Timing 38-191] Multithreading enabled for timing update using a maximum of 2 CPUs -WARNING: [Timing 38-313] There are no user specified timing constraints. Timing constraints are needed for proper timing analysis. -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_incremental_reuse -file fixedPointTest_incremental_reuse_routed.rpt -INFO: [Vivado_Tcl 4-1062] Incremental flow is disabled. No incremental reuse Info to report. -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_clock_utilization -file fixedPointTest_clock_utilization_routed.rpt -INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_bus_skew -warn_on_violation -file fixedPointTest_bus_skew_routed.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_bus_skew_routed.pb -rpx fixedPointTest_bus_skew_routed.rpx -INFO: [Timing 38-91] UpdateTimingParams: Speed grade: -1, Delay Type: min_max. -INFO: [Timing 38-191] Multithreading enabled for timing update using a maximum of 2 CPUs -INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting Vivado at Fri May 13 14:42:11 2022... - -*** Running vivado - with args -log fixedPointTest.vdi -applog -m64 -product Vivado -messageDb vivado.pb -mode batch -source fixedPointTest.tcl -notrace - - - -****** Vivado v2021.2 (64-bit) - **** SW Build 3367213 on Tue Oct 19 02:48:09 MDT 2021 - **** IP Build 3369179 on Thu Oct 21 08:25:16 MDT 2021 - ** Copyright 1986-2021 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. - -source fixedPointTest.tcl -notrace -Command: open_checkpoint fixedPointTest_routed.dcp - -Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.057 . Memory (MB): peak = 1251.590 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Device 21-403] Loading part xc7z010clg400-1 -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.001 . Memory (MB): peak = 1251.590 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Netlist 29-17] Analyzing 4 Unisim elements for replacement -INFO: [Netlist 29-28] Unisim Transformation completed in 0 CPU seconds -INFO: [Project 1-479] Netlist was created with Vivado 2021.2 -INFO: [Project 1-570] Preparing netlist for logic optimization -INFO: [Timing 38-478] Restoring timing data from binary archive. -INFO: [Timing 38-479] Binary timing data restore complete. -INFO: [Project 1-856] Restoring constraints from binary archive. -INFO: [Project 1-853] Binary constraint restore complete. -Reading XDEF placement. -Reading placer database... -Reading XDEF routing. -Read XDEF File: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.114 . Memory (MB): peak = 1387.207 ; gain = 17.668 -Restored from archive | CPU: 0.000000 secs | Memory: 0.000000 MB | -Finished XDEF File Restore: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.114 . Memory (MB): peak = 1387.207 ; gain = 17.668 -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1387.207 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Project 1-111] Unisim Transformation Summary: -No Unisim elements were transformed. - -INFO: [Project 1-604] Checkpoint was created with Vivado v2021.2 (64-bit) build 3367213 -open_checkpoint: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:22 ; elapsed = 00:00:23 . Memory (MB): peak = 1387.207 ; gain = 135.617 -Command: write_bitstream -force fixedPointTest.bit -Attempting to get a license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -INFO: [Common 17-349] Got license for feature 'Implementation' and/or device 'xc7z010' -Running DRC as a precondition to command write_bitstream -INFO: [IP_Flow 19-234] Refreshing IP repositories -INFO: [IP_Flow 19-1704] No user IP repositories specified -INFO: [IP_Flow 19-2313] Loaded Vivado IP repository 'C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/data/ip'. -INFO: [DRC 23-27] Running DRC with 2 threads -ERROR: [DRC NSTD-1] Unspecified I/O Standard: 43 out of 43 logical ports use I/O standard (IOSTANDARD) value 'DEFAULT', instead of a user assigned specific value. This may cause I/O contention or incompatibility with the board power or connectivity affecting performance, signal integrity or in extreme cases cause damage to the device or the components to which it is connected. To correct this violation, specify all I/O standards. This design will fail to generate a bitstream unless all logical ports have a user specified I/O standard value defined. To allow bitstream creation with unspecified I/O standard values (not recommended), use this command: set_property SEVERITY {Warning} [get_drc_checks NSTD-1]. NOTE: When using the Vivado Runs infrastructure (e.g. launch_runs Tcl command), add this command to a .tcl file and add that file as a pre-hook for write_bitstream step for the implementation run. Problem ports: a[7:-6], b[7:-6], and c[8:-6]. -ERROR: [DRC UCIO-1] Unconstrained Logical Port: 43 out of 43 logical ports have no user assigned specific location constraint (LOC). This may cause I/O contention or incompatibility with the board power or connectivity affecting performance, signal integrity or in extreme cases cause damage to the device or the components to which it is connected. To correct this violation, specify all pin locations. This design will fail to generate a bitstream unless all logical ports have a user specified site LOC constraint defined. To allow bitstream creation with unspecified pin locations (not recommended), use this command: set_property SEVERITY {Warning} [get_drc_checks UCIO-1]. NOTE: When using the Vivado Runs infrastructure (e.g. launch_runs Tcl command), add this command to a .tcl file and add that file as a pre-hook for write_bitstream step for the implementation run. Problem ports: a[7:-6], b[7:-6], and c[8:-6]. -WARNING: [DRC ZPS7-1] PS7 block required: The PS7 cell must be used in this Zynq design in order to enable correct default configuration. -INFO: [Vivado 12-3199] DRC finished with 2 Errors, 1 Warnings -INFO: [Vivado 12-3200] Please refer to the DRC report (report_drc) for more information. -ERROR: [Vivado 12-1345] Error(s) found during DRC. Bitgen not run. -INFO: [Common 17-83] Releasing license: Implementation -19 Infos, 1 Warnings, 0 Critical Warnings and 3 Errors encountered. -write_bitstream failed -ERROR: [Common 17-39] 'write_bitstream' failed due to earlier errors. - -INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting Vivado at Fri May 13 14:43:07 2022... diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/runme.sh b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/runme.sh deleted file mode 100644 index 2fb2482..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/runme.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh - -# -# Vivado(TM) -# runme.sh: a Vivado-generated Runs Script for UNIX -# Copyright 1986-2021 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. -# - -echo "This script was generated under a different operating system." -echo "Please update the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables below, before executing this script" -exit - -if [ -z "$PATH" ]; then - PATH=C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/ids_lite/ISE/bin/nt64;C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/ids_lite/ISE/lib/nt64:C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/bin -else - PATH=C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/ids_lite/ISE/bin/nt64;C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/ids_lite/ISE/lib/nt64:C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/bin:$PATH -fi -export PATH - -if [ -z "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ]; then - LD_LIBRARY_PATH= -else - LD_LIBRARY_PATH=:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH -fi -export LD_LIBRARY_PATH - -HD_PWD='C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1' -cd "$HD_PWD" - -HD_LOG=runme.log -/bin/touch $HD_LOG - -ISEStep="./ISEWrap.sh" -EAStep() -{ - $ISEStep $HD_LOG "$@" >> $HD_LOG 2>&1 - if [ $? -ne 0 ] - then - exit - fi -} - -# pre-commands: -/bin/touch .write_bitstream.begin.rst -EAStep vivado -log fixedPointTest.vdi -applog -m64 -product Vivado -messageDb vivado.pb -mode batch -source fixedPointTest.tcl -notrace - - diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/vivado.jou b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/vivado.jou deleted file mode 100644 index 77fa8a1..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/vivado.jou +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -#----------------------------------------------------------- -# Vivado v2021.2 (64-bit) -# SW Build 3367213 on Tue Oct 19 02:48:09 MDT 2021 -# IP Build 3369179 on Thu Oct 21 08:25:16 MDT 2021 -# Start of session at: Fri May 13 14:42:39 2022 -# Process ID: 11092 -# Current directory: C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1 -# Command line: vivado.exe -log fixedPointTest.vdi -applog -product Vivado -messageDb vivado.pb -mode batch -source fixedPointTest.tcl -notrace -# Log file: C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest.vdi -# Journal file: C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1\vivado.jou -# Running On: DESKTOP-PAACOM8, OS: Windows, CPU Frequency: 2592 MHz, CPU Physical cores: 6, Host memory: 16927 MB -#----------------------------------------------------------- -source fixedPointTest.tcl -notrace diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/vivado.pb b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/vivado.pb deleted file mode 100644 index b155e40..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/vivado.pb +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ - - - -End Record \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/vivado_11388.backup.jou b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/vivado_11388.backup.jou deleted file mode 100644 index cce670c..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/vivado_11388.backup.jou +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -#----------------------------------------------------------- -# Vivado v2021.2 (64-bit) -# SW Build 3367213 on Tue Oct 19 02:48:09 MDT 2021 -# IP Build 3369179 on Thu Oct 21 08:25:16 MDT 2021 -# Start of session at: Fri May 13 14:31:34 2022 -# Process ID: 11388 -# Current directory: C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1 -# Command line: vivado.exe -log fixedPointTest.vdi -applog -product Vivado -messageDb vivado.pb -mode batch -source fixedPointTest.tcl -notrace -# Log file: C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest.vdi -# Journal file: C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1\vivado.jou -# Running On: DESKTOP-PAACOM8, OS: Windows, CPU Frequency: 2592 MHz, CPU Physical cores: 6, Host memory: 16927 MB -#----------------------------------------------------------- -source fixedPointTest.tcl -notrace diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/vivado_17108.backup.jou b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/vivado_17108.backup.jou deleted file mode 100644 index 7a763f9..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/vivado_17108.backup.jou +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -#----------------------------------------------------------- -# Vivado v2021.2 (64-bit) -# SW Build 3367213 on Tue Oct 19 02:48:09 MDT 2021 -# IP Build 3369179 on Thu Oct 21 08:25:16 MDT 2021 -# Start of session at: Fri May 13 14:41:22 2022 -# Process ID: 17108 -# Current directory: C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1 -# Command line: vivado.exe -log fixedPointTest.vdi -applog -product Vivado -messageDb vivado.pb -mode batch -source fixedPointTest.tcl -notrace -# Log file: C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/fixedPointTest.vdi -# Journal file: C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1\vivado.jou -# Running On: DESKTOP-PAACOM8, OS: Windows, CPU Frequency: 2592 MHz, CPU Physical cores: 6, Host memory: 16927 MB -#----------------------------------------------------------- -source fixedPointTest.tcl -notrace diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/write_bitstream.pb b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/write_bitstream.pb index 9fbeb25..db2c843 100644 Binary files a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/write_bitstream.pb and b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/write_bitstream.pb differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/.vivado.begin.rst b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/.vivado.begin.rst index bee7d51..202e3fb 100644 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/.vivado.begin.rst +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/.vivado.begin.rst @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ - + diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/fixedPointTest.dcp b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/fixedPointTest.dcp index f5088bd..d403cf6 100644 Binary files a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/fixedPointTest.dcp and b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/fixedPointTest.dcp differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/fixedPointTest.tcl b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/fixedPointTest.tcl index 9e87516..a98bb3e 100644 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/fixedPointTest.tcl +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/fixedPointTest.tcl @@ -70,11 +70,6 @@ proc create_report { reportName command } { } } OPTRACE "synth_1" START { ROLLUP_AUTO } -set_param checkpoint.writeSynthRtdsInDcp 1 -set_param chipscope.maxJobs 3 -set_param synth.incrementalSynthesisCache C:/Users/Felix/AppData/Roaming/Xilinx/Vivado/.Xil/Vivado-13096-DESKTOP-PAACOM8/incrSyn -set_msg_config -id {Synth 8-256} -limit 10000 -set_msg_config -id {Synth 8-638} -limit 10000 OPTRACE "Creating in-memory project" START { } create_project -in_memory -part xc7z010clg400-1 diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/fixedPointTest.vds b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/fixedPointTest.vds index 9896cd8..1dd1c71 100644 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/fixedPointTest.vds +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/fixedPointTest.vds @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ # Vivado v2021.2 (64-bit) # SW Build 3367213 on Tue Oct 19 02:48:09 MDT 2021 # IP Build 3369179 on Thu Oct 21 08:25:16 MDT 2021 -# Start of session at: Fri May 13 14:37:49 2022 -# Process ID: 5756 +# Start of session at: Mon May 16 13:47:39 2022 +# Process ID: 13868 # Current directory: C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1 # Command line: vivado.exe -log fixedPointTest.vds -product Vivado -mode batch -messageDb vivado.pb -notrace -source fixedPointTest.tcl # Log file: C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/fixedPointTest.vds @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ # Running On: DESKTOP-PAACOM8, OS: Windows, CPU Frequency: 2592 MHz, CPU Physical cores: 6, Host memory: 16927 MB #----------------------------------------------------------- source fixedPointTest.tcl -notrace -create_project: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:05 ; elapsed = 00:00:05 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 6.996 +create_project: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:07 ; elapsed = 00:00:07 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.980 ; gain = 10.180 Command: read_checkpoint -auto_incremental -incremental C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/utils_1/imports/synth_1/fixedPointTest.dcp INFO: [Vivado 12-5825] Read reference checkpoint from C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/utils_1/imports/synth_1/fixedPointTest.dcp for incremental synthesis INFO: [Vivado 12-7989] Please ensure there are no constraint changes @@ -24,25 +24,25 @@ WARNING: [Designutils 20-4072] Reference run did not run incremental synthesis b INFO: [Designutils 20-4379] Flow is switching to default flow due to incremental criteria not met. If you would like to alter this behaviour and have the flow terminate instead, please set the following parameter config_implementation {autoIncr.Synth.RejectBehavior Terminate} INFO: [Synth 8-7079] Multithreading enabled for synth_design using a maximum of 2 processes. INFO: [Synth 8-7078] Launching helper process for spawning children vivado processes -INFO: [Synth 8-7075] Helper process launched with PID 15968 +INFO: [Synth 8-7075] Helper process launched with PID 9900 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Starting RTL Elaboration : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:05 ; elapsed = 00:00:05 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Starting RTL Elaboration : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:07 ; elapsed = 00:00:07 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.980 ; gain = 0.000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFO: [Synth 8-638] synthesizing module 'fixedPointTest' [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/sources_1/new/fixedPointTest.vhd:44] INFO: [Synth 8-256] done synthesizing module 'fixedPointTest' (1#1) [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/sources_1/new/fixedPointTest.vhd:44] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished RTL Elaboration : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:06 ; elapsed = 00:00:07 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished RTL Elaboration : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:08 ; elapsed = 00:00:08 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.980 ; gain = 0.000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start Handling Custom Attributes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished Handling Custom Attributes : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:07 ; elapsed = 00:00:07 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished Handling Custom Attributes : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:09 ; elapsed = 00:00:09 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.980 ; gain = 0.000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished RTL Optimization Phase 1 : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:07 ; elapsed = 00:00:07 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished RTL Optimization Phase 1 : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:09 ; elapsed = 00:00:09 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.980 ; gain = 0.000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.001 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.980 ; gain = 0.000 INFO: [Project 1-570] Preparing netlist for logic optimization Processing XDC Constraints @@ -51,59 +51,39 @@ Parsing XDC File [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Gi WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'clk'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:7] CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:7] Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'led0_b'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:11] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:11] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'led0_g'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:12] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:12] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'led0_r'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:13] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:13] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'led1_b'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:15] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:15] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'led1_g'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:16] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:16] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'led1_r'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:17] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:17] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. Finished Parsing XDC File [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc] Completed Processing XDC Constraints -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.980 ; gain = 0.000 INFO: [Project 1-111] Unisim Transformation Summary: No Unisim elements were transformed. -Constraint Validation Runtime : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.004 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Constraint Validation Runtime : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.003 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.980 ; gain = 0.000 WARNING: [Designutils 20-4072] Reference run did not run incremental synthesis because the design is too small; reverting to default synthesis INFO: [Designutils 20-4379] Flow is switching to default flow due to incremental criteria not met. If you would like to alter this behaviour and have the flow terminate instead, please set the following parameter config_implementation {autoIncr.Synth.RejectBehavior Terminate} --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished Constraint Validation : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:13 ; elapsed = 00:00:14 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished Constraint Validation : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:18 ; elapsed = 00:00:18 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.980 ; gain = 0.000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start Loading Part and Timing Information --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loading part: xc7z010clg400-1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished Loading Part and Timing Information : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:13 ; elapsed = 00:00:14 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished Loading Part and Timing Information : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:18 ; elapsed = 00:00:18 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.980 ; gain = 0.000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start Applying 'set_property' XDC Constraints --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished applying 'set_property' XDC Constraints : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:13 ; elapsed = 00:00:14 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished applying 'set_property' XDC Constraints : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:18 ; elapsed = 00:00:18 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.980 ; gain = 0.000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished RTL Optimization Phase 2 : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:14 ; elapsed = 00:00:14 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished RTL Optimization Phase 2 : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:18 ; elapsed = 00:00:18 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.980 ; gain = 0.000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start RTL Component Statistics --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Detailed RTL Component Info : -+---Adders : - 2 Input 15 Bit Adders := 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finished RTL Component Statistics --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -120,26 +100,43 @@ Finished Part Resource Summary Start Cross Boundary and Area Optimization --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: [Synth 8-7080] Parallel synthesis criteria is not met +DSP Report: Generating DSP arg, operation Mode is: A*B. +DSP Report: operator arg is absorbed into DSP arg. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished Cross Boundary and Area Optimization : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:16 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished Cross Boundary and Area Optimization : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:21 ; elapsed = 00:00:21 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.980 ; gain = 0.000 +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Start ROM, RAM, DSP, Shift Register and Retiming Reporting +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +DSP: Preliminary Mapping Report (see note below. The ' indicates corresponding REG is set) ++---------------+-------------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+------+------+------+------+-------+------+------+ +|Module Name | DSP Mapping | A Size | B Size | C Size | D Size | P Size | AREG | BREG | CREG | DREG | ADREG | MREG | PREG | ++---------------+-------------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+------+------+------+------+-------+------+------+ +|fixedPointTest | A*B | 14 | 14 | - | - | 28 | 0 | 0 | - | - | - | 0 | 0 | ++---------------+-------------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+------+------+------+------+-------+------+------+ + +Note: The table above is a preliminary report that shows the DSPs inferred at the current stage of the synthesis flow. Some DSP may be reimplemented as non DSP primitives later in the synthesis flow. Multiple instantiated DSPs are reported only once. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Finished ROM, RAM, DSP, Shift Register and Retiming Reporting --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start Applying XDC Timing Constraints --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished Applying XDC Timing Constraints : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:22 ; elapsed = 00:00:23 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished Applying XDC Timing Constraints : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:33 ; elapsed = 00:00:34 . Memory (MB): peak = 1277.898 ; gain = 15.918 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start Timing Optimization --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished Timing Optimization : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:22 ; elapsed = 00:00:23 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished Timing Optimization : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:33 ; elapsed = 00:00:34 . Memory (MB): peak = 1277.898 ; gain = 15.918 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start Technology Mapping --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished Technology Mapping : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:22 ; elapsed = 00:00:23 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished Technology Mapping : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:34 ; elapsed = 00:00:34 . Memory (MB): peak = 1297.012 ; gain = 35.031 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start IO Insertion @@ -157,37 +154,37 @@ Start Final Netlist Cleanup Finished Final Netlist Cleanup --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished IO Insertion : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:26 ; elapsed = 00:00:28 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished IO Insertion : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:40 ; elapsed = 00:00:40 . Memory (MB): peak = 1303.738 ; gain = 41.758 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start Renaming Generated Instances --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished Renaming Generated Instances : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:26 ; elapsed = 00:00:28 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished Renaming Generated Instances : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:40 ; elapsed = 00:00:40 . Memory (MB): peak = 1303.738 ; gain = 41.758 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start Rebuilding User Hierarchy --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished Rebuilding User Hierarchy : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:26 ; elapsed = 00:00:28 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished Rebuilding User Hierarchy : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:40 ; elapsed = 00:00:40 . Memory (MB): peak = 1303.738 ; gain = 41.758 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start Renaming Generated Ports --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished Renaming Generated Ports : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:26 ; elapsed = 00:00:28 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished Renaming Generated Ports : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:40 ; elapsed = 00:00:40 . Memory (MB): peak = 1303.738 ; gain = 41.758 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start Handling Custom Attributes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished Handling Custom Attributes : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:26 ; elapsed = 00:00:28 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished Handling Custom Attributes : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:40 ; elapsed = 00:00:40 . Memory (MB): peak = 1303.738 ; gain = 41.758 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start Renaming Generated Nets --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished Renaming Generated Nets : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:26 ; elapsed = 00:00:28 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished Renaming Generated Nets : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:40 ; elapsed = 00:00:40 . Memory (MB): peak = 1303.738 ; gain = 41.758 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start Writing Synthesis Report @@ -200,37 +197,35 @@ Report BlackBoxes: +-+--------------+----------+ Report Cell Usage: -+------+-------+------+ -| |Cell |Count | -+------+-------+------+ -|1 |CARRY4 | 4| -|2 |LUT1 | 1| -|3 |LUT2 | 14| -|4 |IBUF | 28| -|5 |OBUF | 15| -+------+-------+------+ ++------+--------+------+ +| |Cell |Count | ++------+--------+------+ +|1 |DSP48E1 | 1| +|2 |IBUF | 28| +|3 |OBUF | 28| ++------+--------+------+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished Writing Synthesis Report : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:26 ; elapsed = 00:00:28 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished Writing Synthesis Report : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:40 ; elapsed = 00:00:40 . Memory (MB): peak = 1303.738 ; gain = 41.758 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Synthesis finished with 0 errors, 0 critical warnings and 1 warnings. -Synthesis Optimization Runtime : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:19 ; elapsed = 00:00:26 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 -Synthesis Optimization Complete : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:27 ; elapsed = 00:00:28 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Synthesis Optimization Runtime : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:29 ; elapsed = 00:00:39 . Memory (MB): peak = 1303.738 ; gain = 41.758 +Synthesis Optimization Complete : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:40 ; elapsed = 00:00:41 . Memory (MB): peak = 1303.738 ; gain = 41.758 INFO: [Project 1-571] Translating synthesized netlist -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.001 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Netlist 29-17] Analyzing 4 Unisim elements for replacement +Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1315.801 ; gain = 0.000 +INFO: [Netlist 29-17] Analyzing 1 Unisim elements for replacement INFO: [Netlist 29-28] Unisim Transformation completed in 0 CPU seconds INFO: [Project 1-570] Preparing netlist for logic optimization INFO: [Opt 31-138] Pushed 0 inverter(s) to 0 load pin(s). -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1265.289 ; gain = 0.000 +Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1322.461 ; gain = 0.000 INFO: [Project 1-111] Unisim Transformation Summary: No Unisim elements were transformed. -Synth Design complete, checksum: 8d17ae10 +Synth Design complete, checksum: acd46f8c INFO: [Common 17-83] Releasing license: Synthesis -20 Infos, 10 Warnings, 7 Critical Warnings and 0 Errors encountered. +20 Infos, 4 Warnings, 1 Critical Warnings and 0 Errors encountered. synth_design completed successfully -synth_design: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:32 ; elapsed = 00:00:33 . Memory (MB): peak = 1265.289 ; gain = 4.234 +synth_design: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:45 ; elapsed = 00:00:47 . Memory (MB): peak = 1322.461 ; gain = 60.480 INFO: [runtcl-6] Synthesis results are not added to the cache due to CRITICAL_WARNING INFO: [Common 17-1381] The checkpoint 'C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/fixedPointTest.dcp' has been generated. INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_utilization -file fixedPointTest_utilization_synth.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_utilization_synth.pb -INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting Vivado at Fri May 13 14:38:30 2022... +INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting Vivado at Mon May 16 13:48:36 2022... diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/fixedPointTest_utilization_synth.pb b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/fixedPointTest_utilization_synth.pb index 16e09b3..c123823 100644 Binary files a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/fixedPointTest_utilization_synth.pb and b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/fixedPointTest_utilization_synth.pb differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/fixedPointTest_utilization_synth.rpt b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/fixedPointTest_utilization_synth.rpt index 2405260..297ef70 100644 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/fixedPointTest_utilization_synth.rpt +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/fixedPointTest_utilization_synth.rpt @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ Copyright 1986-2021 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Tool Version : Vivado v.2021.2 (win64) Build 3367213 Tue Oct 19 02:48:09 MDT 2021 -| Date : Fri May 13 14:38:30 2022 +| Date : Mon May 16 13:48:36 2022 | Host : DESKTOP-PAACOM8 running 64-bit major release (build 9200) | Command : report_utilization -file fixedPointTest_utilization_synth.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_utilization_synth.pb | Design : fixedPointTest @@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ Table of Contents +-------------------------+------+-------+------------+-----------+-------+ | Site Type | Used | Fixed | Prohibited | Available | Util% | +-------------------------+------+-------+------------+-----------+-------+ -| Slice LUTs* | 14 | 0 | 0 | 17600 | 0.08 | -| LUT as Logic | 14 | 0 | 0 | 17600 | 0.08 | +| Slice LUTs* | 0 | 0 | 0 | 17600 | 0.00 | +| LUT as Logic | 0 | 0 | 0 | 17600 | 0.00 | | LUT as Memory | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6000 | 0.00 | | Slice Registers | 0 | 0 | 0 | 35200 | 0.00 | | Register as Flip Flop | 0 | 0 | 0 | 35200 | 0.00 | @@ -78,11 +78,12 @@ Table of Contents 3. DSP ------ -+-----------+------+-------+------------+-----------+-------+ -| Site Type | Used | Fixed | Prohibited | Available | Util% | -+-----------+------+-------+------------+-----------+-------+ -| DSPs | 0 | 0 | 0 | 80 | 0.00 | -+-----------+------+-------+------------+-----------+-------+ ++----------------+------+-------+------------+-----------+-------+ +| Site Type | Used | Fixed | Prohibited | Available | Util% | ++----------------+------+-------+------------+-----------+-------+ +| DSPs | 1 | 0 | 0 | 80 | 1.25 | +| DSP48E1 only | 1 | | | | | ++----------------+------+-------+------------+-----------+-------+ 4. IO and GT Specific @@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ Table of Contents +-----------------------------+------+-------+------------+-----------+-------+ | Site Type | Used | Fixed | Prohibited | Available | Util% | +-----------------------------+------+-------+------------+-----------+-------+ -| Bonded IOB | 43 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 43.00 | +| Bonded IOB | 56 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 56.00 | | Bonded IPADs | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0.00 | | Bonded IOPADs | 0 | 0 | 0 | 130 | 0.00 | | PHY_CONTROL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0.00 | @@ -147,11 +148,9 @@ Table of Contents +----------+------+---------------------+ | Ref Name | Used | Functional Category | +----------+------+---------------------+ +| OBUF | 28 | IO | | IBUF | 28 | IO | -| OBUF | 15 | IO | -| LUT2 | 14 | LUT | -| CARRY4 | 4 | CarryLogic | -| LUT1 | 1 | LUT | +| DSP48E1 | 1 | Block Arithmetic | +----------+------+---------------------+ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/gen_run.xml b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/gen_run.xml index 5ab0ffe..0be1bd2 100644 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/gen_run.xml +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/gen_run.xml @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ - + @@ -88,9 +88,7 @@ - - Vivado Synthesis Defaults - + diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/project.wdf b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/project.wdf similarity index 98% rename from StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/project.wdf rename to StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/project.wdf index 694142c..5b157c8 100644 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/impl_1/project.wdf +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/project.wdf @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ version:1 70726f6a656374:76697661646f5f75736167655c70726f6a6563745f64617461:7461726765745f6c616e6775616765:566572696c6f67:00:00 70726f6a656374:76697661646f5f75736167655c70726f6a6563745f64617461:64656661756c745f6c696272617279:78696c5f64656661756c746c6962:00:00 70726f6a656374:76697661646f5f75736167655c70726f6a6563745f64617461:7461726765745f73696d756c61746f72:5853696d:00:00 -70726f6a656374:76697661646f5f75736167655c70726f6a6563745f64617461:6c61756e63685f73696d756c6174696f6e5f7873696d:34:00:00 +70726f6a656374:76697661646f5f75736167655c70726f6a6563745f64617461:6c61756e63685f73696d756c6174696f6e5f7873696d:35:00:00 70726f6a656374:76697661646f5f75736167655c70726f6a6563745f64617461:6c61756e63685f73696d756c6174696f6e5f6d6f64656c73696d:30:00:00 70726f6a656374:76697661646f5f75736167655c70726f6a6563745f64617461:6c61756e63685f73696d756c6174696f6e5f717565737461:30:00:00 70726f6a656374:76697661646f5f75736167655c70726f6a6563745f64617461:6c61756e63685f73696d756c6174696f6e5f696573:30:00:00 @@ -28,4 +28,4 @@ version:1 70726f6a656374:76697661646f5f75736167655c70726f6a6563745f64617461:6578706f72745f73696d756c6174696f6e5f72697669657261:30:00:00 70726f6a656374:76697661646f5f75736167655c70726f6a6563745f64617461:6578706f72745f73696d756c6174696f6e5f61637469766568646c:30:00:00 5f5f48494444454e5f5f:5f5f48494444454e5f5f:50726f6a65637455554944:6665396630316333646537313463373439323236333062343335653932326231:506172656e742050412070726f6a656374204944:00 -eof:2617822327 +eof:61016721 diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/runme.log b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/runme.log index e8b0159..69069cf 100644 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/runme.log +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/runme.log @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ ** Copyright 1986-2021 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. source fixedPointTest.tcl -notrace -create_project: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:05 ; elapsed = 00:00:05 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 6.996 +create_project: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:07 ; elapsed = 00:00:07 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.980 ; gain = 10.180 Command: read_checkpoint -auto_incremental -incremental C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/utils_1/imports/synth_1/fixedPointTest.dcp INFO: [Vivado 12-5825] Read reference checkpoint from C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/utils_1/imports/synth_1/fixedPointTest.dcp for incremental synthesis INFO: [Vivado 12-7989] Please ensure there are no constraint changes @@ -23,25 +23,25 @@ WARNING: [Designutils 20-4072] Reference run did not run incremental synthesis b INFO: [Designutils 20-4379] Flow is switching to default flow due to incremental criteria not met. If you would like to alter this behaviour and have the flow terminate instead, please set the following parameter config_implementation {autoIncr.Synth.RejectBehavior Terminate} INFO: [Synth 8-7079] Multithreading enabled for synth_design using a maximum of 2 processes. INFO: [Synth 8-7078] Launching helper process for spawning children vivado processes -INFO: [Synth 8-7075] Helper process launched with PID 15968 +INFO: [Synth 8-7075] Helper process launched with PID 9900 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Starting RTL Elaboration : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:05 ; elapsed = 00:00:05 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Starting RTL Elaboration : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:07 ; elapsed = 00:00:07 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.980 ; gain = 0.000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFO: [Synth 8-638] synthesizing module 'fixedPointTest' [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/sources_1/new/fixedPointTest.vhd:44] INFO: [Synth 8-256] done synthesizing module 'fixedPointTest' (1#1) [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/sources_1/new/fixedPointTest.vhd:44] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished RTL Elaboration : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:06 ; elapsed = 00:00:07 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished RTL Elaboration : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:08 ; elapsed = 00:00:08 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.980 ; gain = 0.000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start Handling Custom Attributes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished Handling Custom Attributes : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:07 ; elapsed = 00:00:07 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished Handling Custom Attributes : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:09 ; elapsed = 00:00:09 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.980 ; gain = 0.000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished RTL Optimization Phase 1 : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:07 ; elapsed = 00:00:07 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished RTL Optimization Phase 1 : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:09 ; elapsed = 00:00:09 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.980 ; gain = 0.000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.001 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.980 ; gain = 0.000 INFO: [Project 1-570] Preparing netlist for logic optimization Processing XDC Constraints @@ -50,59 +50,39 @@ Parsing XDC File [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Gi WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'clk'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:7] CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:7] Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'led0_b'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:11] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:11] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'led0_g'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:12] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:12] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'led0_r'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:13] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:13] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'led1_b'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:15] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:15] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'led1_g'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:16] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:16] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. -WARNING: [Vivado 12-584] No ports matched 'led1_r'. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:17] -CRITICAL WARNING: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc:17] -Resolution: If [get_] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. Finished Parsing XDC File [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc] Completed Processing XDC Constraints -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.980 ; gain = 0.000 INFO: [Project 1-111] Unisim Transformation Summary: No Unisim elements were transformed. -Constraint Validation Runtime : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.004 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Constraint Validation Runtime : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.003 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.980 ; gain = 0.000 WARNING: [Designutils 20-4072] Reference run did not run incremental synthesis because the design is too small; reverting to default synthesis INFO: [Designutils 20-4379] Flow is switching to default flow due to incremental criteria not met. If you would like to alter this behaviour and have the flow terminate instead, please set the following parameter config_implementation {autoIncr.Synth.RejectBehavior Terminate} --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished Constraint Validation : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:13 ; elapsed = 00:00:14 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished Constraint Validation : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:18 ; elapsed = 00:00:18 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.980 ; gain = 0.000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start Loading Part and Timing Information --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loading part: xc7z010clg400-1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished Loading Part and Timing Information : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:13 ; elapsed = 00:00:14 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished Loading Part and Timing Information : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:18 ; elapsed = 00:00:18 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.980 ; gain = 0.000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start Applying 'set_property' XDC Constraints --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished applying 'set_property' XDC Constraints : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:13 ; elapsed = 00:00:14 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished applying 'set_property' XDC Constraints : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:18 ; elapsed = 00:00:18 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.980 ; gain = 0.000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished RTL Optimization Phase 2 : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:14 ; elapsed = 00:00:14 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished RTL Optimization Phase 2 : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:18 ; elapsed = 00:00:18 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.980 ; gain = 0.000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start RTL Component Statistics --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Detailed RTL Component Info : -+---Adders : - 2 Input 15 Bit Adders := 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finished RTL Component Statistics --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -119,26 +99,43 @@ Finished Part Resource Summary Start Cross Boundary and Area Optimization --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: [Synth 8-7080] Parallel synthesis criteria is not met +DSP Report: Generating DSP arg, operation Mode is: A*B. +DSP Report: operator arg is absorbed into DSP arg. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished Cross Boundary and Area Optimization : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:16 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished Cross Boundary and Area Optimization : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:21 ; elapsed = 00:00:21 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.980 ; gain = 0.000 +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Start ROM, RAM, DSP, Shift Register and Retiming Reporting +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +DSP: Preliminary Mapping Report (see note below. The ' indicates corresponding REG is set) ++---------------+-------------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+------+------+------+------+-------+------+------+ +|Module Name | DSP Mapping | A Size | B Size | C Size | D Size | P Size | AREG | BREG | CREG | DREG | ADREG | MREG | PREG | ++---------------+-------------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+------+------+------+------+-------+------+------+ +|fixedPointTest | A*B | 14 | 14 | - | - | 28 | 0 | 0 | - | - | - | 0 | 0 | ++---------------+-------------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+------+------+------+------+-------+------+------+ + +Note: The table above is a preliminary report that shows the DSPs inferred at the current stage of the synthesis flow. Some DSP may be reimplemented as non DSP primitives later in the synthesis flow. Multiple instantiated DSPs are reported only once. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Finished ROM, RAM, DSP, Shift Register and Retiming Reporting --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start Applying XDC Timing Constraints --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished Applying XDC Timing Constraints : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:22 ; elapsed = 00:00:23 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished Applying XDC Timing Constraints : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:33 ; elapsed = 00:00:34 . Memory (MB): peak = 1277.898 ; gain = 15.918 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start Timing Optimization --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished Timing Optimization : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:22 ; elapsed = 00:00:23 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished Timing Optimization : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:33 ; elapsed = 00:00:34 . Memory (MB): peak = 1277.898 ; gain = 15.918 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start Technology Mapping --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished Technology Mapping : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:22 ; elapsed = 00:00:23 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished Technology Mapping : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:34 ; elapsed = 00:00:34 . Memory (MB): peak = 1297.012 ; gain = 35.031 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start IO Insertion @@ -156,37 +153,37 @@ Start Final Netlist Cleanup Finished Final Netlist Cleanup --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished IO Insertion : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:26 ; elapsed = 00:00:28 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished IO Insertion : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:40 ; elapsed = 00:00:40 . Memory (MB): peak = 1303.738 ; gain = 41.758 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start Renaming Generated Instances --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished Renaming Generated Instances : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:26 ; elapsed = 00:00:28 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished Renaming Generated Instances : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:40 ; elapsed = 00:00:40 . Memory (MB): peak = 1303.738 ; gain = 41.758 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start Rebuilding User Hierarchy --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished Rebuilding User Hierarchy : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:26 ; elapsed = 00:00:28 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished Rebuilding User Hierarchy : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:40 ; elapsed = 00:00:40 . Memory (MB): peak = 1303.738 ; gain = 41.758 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start Renaming Generated Ports --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished Renaming Generated Ports : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:26 ; elapsed = 00:00:28 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished Renaming Generated Ports : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:40 ; elapsed = 00:00:40 . Memory (MB): peak = 1303.738 ; gain = 41.758 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start Handling Custom Attributes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished Handling Custom Attributes : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:26 ; elapsed = 00:00:28 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished Handling Custom Attributes : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:40 ; elapsed = 00:00:40 . Memory (MB): peak = 1303.738 ; gain = 41.758 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start Renaming Generated Nets --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished Renaming Generated Nets : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:26 ; elapsed = 00:00:28 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished Renaming Generated Nets : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:40 ; elapsed = 00:00:40 . Memory (MB): peak = 1303.738 ; gain = 41.758 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start Writing Synthesis Report @@ -199,37 +196,35 @@ Report BlackBoxes: +-+--------------+----------+ Report Cell Usage: -+------+-------+------+ -| |Cell |Count | -+------+-------+------+ -|1 |CARRY4 | 4| -|2 |LUT1 | 1| -|3 |LUT2 | 14| -|4 |IBUF | 28| -|5 |OBUF | 15| -+------+-------+------+ ++------+--------+------+ +| |Cell |Count | ++------+--------+------+ +|1 |DSP48E1 | 1| +|2 |IBUF | 28| +|3 |OBUF | 28| ++------+--------+------+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Finished Writing Synthesis Report : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:26 ; elapsed = 00:00:28 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Finished Writing Synthesis Report : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:40 ; elapsed = 00:00:40 . Memory (MB): peak = 1303.738 ; gain = 41.758 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Synthesis finished with 0 errors, 0 critical warnings and 1 warnings. -Synthesis Optimization Runtime : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:19 ; elapsed = 00:00:26 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 -Synthesis Optimization Complete : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:27 ; elapsed = 00:00:28 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 +Synthesis Optimization Runtime : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:29 ; elapsed = 00:00:39 . Memory (MB): peak = 1303.738 ; gain = 41.758 +Synthesis Optimization Complete : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:40 ; elapsed = 00:00:41 . Memory (MB): peak = 1303.738 ; gain = 41.758 INFO: [Project 1-571] Translating synthesized netlist -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.001 . Memory (MB): peak = 1261.055 ; gain = 0.000 -INFO: [Netlist 29-17] Analyzing 4 Unisim elements for replacement +Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1315.801 ; gain = 0.000 +INFO: [Netlist 29-17] Analyzing 1 Unisim elements for replacement INFO: [Netlist 29-28] Unisim Transformation completed in 0 CPU seconds INFO: [Project 1-570] Preparing netlist for logic optimization INFO: [Opt 31-138] Pushed 0 inverter(s) to 0 load pin(s). -Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1265.289 ; gain = 0.000 +Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 1322.461 ; gain = 0.000 INFO: [Project 1-111] Unisim Transformation Summary: No Unisim elements were transformed. -Synth Design complete, checksum: 8d17ae10 +Synth Design complete, checksum: acd46f8c INFO: [Common 17-83] Releasing license: Synthesis -20 Infos, 10 Warnings, 7 Critical Warnings and 0 Errors encountered. +20 Infos, 4 Warnings, 1 Critical Warnings and 0 Errors encountered. synth_design completed successfully -synth_design: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:32 ; elapsed = 00:00:33 . Memory (MB): peak = 1265.289 ; gain = 4.234 +synth_design: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:45 ; elapsed = 00:00:47 . Memory (MB): peak = 1322.461 ; gain = 60.480 INFO: [runtcl-6] Synthesis results are not added to the cache due to CRITICAL_WARNING INFO: [Common 17-1381] The checkpoint 'C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/fixedPointTest.dcp' has been generated. INFO: [runtcl-4] Executing : report_utilization -file fixedPointTest_utilization_synth.rpt -pb fixedPointTest_utilization_synth.pb -INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting Vivado at Fri May 13 14:38:30 2022... +INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting Vivado at Mon May 16 13:48:36 2022... diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/vivado.jou b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/vivado.jou index 7be783e..20c6ad9 100644 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/vivado.jou +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/vivado.jou @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ # Vivado v2021.2 (64-bit) # SW Build 3367213 on Tue Oct 19 02:48:09 MDT 2021 # IP Build 3369179 on Thu Oct 21 08:25:16 MDT 2021 -# Start of session at: Fri May 13 14:37:49 2022 -# Process ID: 5756 +# Start of session at: Mon May 16 13:47:39 2022 +# Process ID: 13868 # Current directory: C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1 # Command line: vivado.exe -log fixedPointTest.vds -product Vivado -mode batch -messageDb vivado.pb -notrace -source fixedPointTest.tcl # Log file: C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/fixedPointTest.vds diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/vivado.pb b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/vivado.pb index a445fa2..f96593a 100644 Binary files a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/vivado.pb and b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.runs/synth_1/vivado.pb differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/compile.bat b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/compile.bat index b327de7..029eae6 100644 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/compile.bat +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/compile.bat @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ REM Filename : compile.bat REM Simulator : Xilinx Vivado Simulator REM Description : Script for compiling the simulation design source files REM -REM Generated by Vivado on Fri May 13 14:28:30 +0200 2022 +REM Generated by Vivado on Mon May 16 13:48:47 +0200 2022 REM SW Build 3367213 on Tue Oct 19 02:48:09 MDT 2021 REM REM IP Build 3369179 on Thu Oct 21 08:25:16 MDT 2021 diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/compile.log b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/compile.log index b1caf8b..b4f3d8b 100644 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/compile.log +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/compile.log @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -INFO: [VRFC 10-163] Analyzing VHDL file "C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/sim_1/new/fixedPointTest_db.vhd" into library xil_defaultlib -INFO: [VRFC 10-3107] analyzing entity 'fixedPointTest_db' +INFO: [VRFC 10-163] Analyzing VHDL file "C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/sources_1/new/fixedPointTest.vhd" into library xil_defaultlib +INFO: [VRFC 10-3107] analyzing entity 'fixedPointTest' diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/elaborate.bat b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/elaborate.bat index 68021ab..e93e389 100644 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/elaborate.bat +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/elaborate.bat @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ REM Filename : elaborate.bat REM Simulator : Xilinx Vivado Simulator REM Description : Script for elaborating the compiled design REM -REM Generated by Vivado on Fri May 13 14:28:32 +0200 2022 +REM Generated by Vivado on Mon May 16 13:48:49 +0200 2022 REM SW Build 3367213 on Tue Oct 19 02:48:09 MDT 2021 REM REM IP Build 3369179 on Thu Oct 21 08:25:16 MDT 2021 diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/elaborate.log b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/elaborate.log index 69b7ab8..4eaf1b9 100644 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/elaborate.log +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/elaborate.log @@ -3,17 +3,5 @@ Copyright 1986-1999, 2001-2021 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Running: C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/bin/unwrapped/win64.o/xelab.exe --incr --debug typical --relax --mt 2 -L xil_defaultlib -L ieee_proposed -L secureip --snapshot fixedPointTest_db_behav xil_defaultlib.fixedPointTest_db -log elaborate.log Using 2 slave threads. Starting static elaboration -Completed static elaboration -Starting simulation data flow analysis -Completed simulation data flow analysis -Time Resolution for simulation is 1ps -Compiling package std.standard -Compiling package std.textio -Compiling package ieee.std_logic_1164 -Compiling package ieee.numeric_std -Compiling package ieee.fixed_float_types -Compiling package ieee.fixed_pkg -Compiling package ieee.math_real -Compiling architecture behavioral of entity xil_defaultlib.fixedPointTest [fixedpointtest_default] -Compiling architecture behavioral of entity xil_defaultlib.fixedpointtest_db -Built simulation snapshot fixedPointTest_db_behav +ERROR: [VRFC 10-664] expression has 15 elements ; expected 28 [C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/sim_1/new/fixedPointTest_db.vhd:46] +ERROR: [XSIM 43-3321] Static elaboration of top level VHDL design unit fixedpointtest_db in library work failed. diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/fixedPointTest_db_behav.wdb b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/fixedPointTest_db_behav.wdb index d38294b..c1f0852 100644 Binary files a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/fixedPointTest_db_behav.wdb and b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/fixedPointTest_db_behav.wdb differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/simulate.bat b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/simulate.bat index fa7742a..3091da2 100644 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/simulate.bat +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/simulate.bat @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ REM Filename : simulate.bat REM Simulator : Xilinx Vivado Simulator REM Description : Script for simulating the design by launching the simulator REM -REM Generated by Vivado on Fri May 13 14:28:35 +0200 2022 +REM Generated by Vivado on Mon May 16 13:40:37 +0200 2022 REM SW Build 3367213 on Tue Oct 19 02:48:09 MDT 2021 REM REM IP Build 3369179 on Thu Oct 21 08:25:16 MDT 2021 diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/simulate.log b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/simulate.log deleted file mode 100644 index 3a14ee6..0000000 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/simulate.log +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Time resolution is 1 ps diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xelab.pb b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xelab.pb index dfce976..0ff73b7 100644 Binary files a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xelab.pb and b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xelab.pb differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xsim.dir/fixedPointTest_db_behav/xsimSettings.ini b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xsim.dir/fixedPointTest_db_behav/xsimSettings.ini index 7922b03..fef8ad9 100644 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xsim.dir/fixedPointTest_db_behav/xsimSettings.ini +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xsim.dir/fixedPointTest_db_behav/xsimSettings.ini @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ VARIABLE_PROTOINST_FILTER=true SCOPE_NAME_COLUMN_WIDTH=157 SCOPE_DESIGN_UNIT_COLUMN_WIDTH=75 SCOPE_BLOCK_TYPE_COLUMN_WIDTH=75 -OBJECT_NAME_COLUMN_WIDTH=75 +OBJECT_NAME_COLUMN_WIDTH=156 OBJECT_VALUE_COLUMN_WIDTH=75 OBJECT_DATA_TYPE_COLUMN_WIDTH=75 PROCESS_NAME_COLUMN_WIDTH=75 diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xsim.dir/fixedPointTest_db_behav/xsimk.exe b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xsim.dir/fixedPointTest_db_behav/xsimk.exe index 45978be..50e1414 100644 Binary files a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xsim.dir/fixedPointTest_db_behav/xsimk.exe and b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xsim.dir/fixedPointTest_db_behav/xsimk.exe differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xsim.dir/fixedPointTest_db_behav/xsimkernel.log b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xsim.dir/fixedPointTest_db_behav/xsimkernel.log index cf6e0f3..1271f81 100644 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xsim.dir/fixedPointTest_db_behav/xsimkernel.log +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xsim.dir/fixedPointTest_db_behav/xsimkernel.log @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -Running: xsim.dir/fixedPointTest_db_behav/xsimk.exe -simmode gui -wdb fixedPointTest_db_behav.wdb -simrunnum 0 -socket 50146 +Running: xsim.dir/fixedPointTest_db_behav/xsimk.exe -simmode gui -wdb fixedPointTest_db_behav.wdb -simrunnum 0 -socket 61690 Design successfully loaded -Design Loading Memory Usage: 7264 KB (Peak: 7264 KB) -Design Loading CPU Usage: 0 ms +Design Loading Memory Usage: 7272 KB (Peak: 7272 KB) +Design Loading CPU Usage: 61 ms Simulation completed -Simulation Memory Usage: 7760 KB (Peak: 7760 KB) -Simulation CPU Usage: 15 ms +Simulation Memory Usage: 7796 KB (Peak: 7796 KB) +Simulation CPU Usage: 77 ms diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xsim.dir/ieee_proposed_2008/ieee_proposed.rlx b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xsim.dir/ieee_proposed_2008/ieee_proposed.rlx index 3328a2f..21210c0 100644 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xsim.dir/ieee_proposed_2008/ieee_proposed.rlx +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xsim.dir/ieee_proposed_2008/ieee_proposed.rlx @@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ Oct 19 2021 C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/sources_1/imports/fixedPoint/fixed_float_types.vhdl,1652436395,vhdl2008,,,,fixed_float_types,,,,,,,, C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/sources_1/imports/fixedPoint/fixed_generic_pkg-body.vhdl,1652436400,vhdl2008,,,,,,,,,,,, C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/sources_1/imports/fixedPoint/fixed_generic_pkg.vhdl,1652436398,vhdl2008,C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/sources_1/imports/fixedPoint/fixed_generic_pkg-body.vhdl,,,fixed_generic_pkg,,,,,,,, -C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/sources_1/imports/fixedPoint/fixed_pkg.vhdl,1652436402,vhdl2008,C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/sim_1/new/fixedPointTest_db.vhd,,,fixed_pkg,,,,,,,, +C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/sources_1/imports/fixedPoint/fixed_pkg.vhdl,1652436402,vhdl2008,C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/sources_1/new/fixedPointTest.vhd,,,fixed_pkg,,,,,,,, diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xsim.dir/xil_defaultlib/fixedpointtest.vdb b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xsim.dir/xil_defaultlib/fixedpointtest.vdb index 2a9869c..dc57d14 100644 Binary files a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xsim.dir/xil_defaultlib/fixedpointtest.vdb and b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xsim.dir/xil_defaultlib/fixedpointtest.vdb differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xsim.dir/xil_defaultlib/xil_defaultlib.rlx b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xsim.dir/xil_defaultlib/xil_defaultlib.rlx index e86f064..cc6ee89 100644 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xsim.dir/xil_defaultlib/xil_defaultlib.rlx +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xsim.dir/xil_defaultlib/xil_defaultlib.rlx @@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ Oct 19 2021 03:16:22 C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/sim_1/new/fixedPointTest_db.vhd,1652443777,vhdl2008,,,,fixedpointtest_db,,,,,,,, -C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/sources_1/new/fixedPointTest.vhd,1652443777,vhdl2008,,,,fixedpointtest,,,,,,,, +C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/sources_1/new/fixedPointTest.vhd,1652701702,vhdl2008,,,,fixedpointtest,,,,,,,, diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xvhdl.log b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xvhdl.log index b1caf8b..b4f3d8b 100644 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xvhdl.log +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xvhdl.log @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -INFO: [VRFC 10-163] Analyzing VHDL file "C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/sim_1/new/fixedPointTest_db.vhd" into library xil_defaultlib -INFO: [VRFC 10-3107] analyzing entity 'fixedPointTest_db' +INFO: [VRFC 10-163] Analyzing VHDL file "C:/Users/Felix/OneDrive/Master/Projektarbeit_FPGA/Programme/Git_Projekte/FPGA_Projekt_Regler/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/sources_1/new/fixedPointTest.vhd" into library xil_defaultlib +INFO: [VRFC 10-3107] analyzing entity 'fixedPointTest' diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xvhdl.pb b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xvhdl.pb index 21ae3f5..999e4fc 100644 Binary files a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xvhdl.pb and b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.sim/sim_1/behav/xsim/xvhdl.pb differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc index c67066e..c24d1b4 100644 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/constrs_1/imports/digilent-xdc-master/Cora-Z7-10-Master.xdc @@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports clk] #create_clock -add -name sys_clk_pin -period 8.00 -waveform {0 4} [get_ports { clk }];#set ## RGB LEDs -set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN L15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led0_b }]; #IO_L22N_T3_AD7N_35 Sch=led0_b -set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN G17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led0_g }]; #IO_L16P_T2_35 Sch=led0_g -set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN N15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led0_r }]; #IO_L21P_T3_DQS_AD14P_35 Sch=led0_r +#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN L15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led0_b }]; #IO_L22N_T3_AD7N_35 Sch=led0_b +#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN G17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led0_g }]; #IO_L16P_T2_35 Sch=led0_g +#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN N15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led0_r }]; #IO_L21P_T3_DQS_AD14P_35 Sch=led0_r #set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN G14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33} [get_ports led] -set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN G14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led1_b }]; #IO_0_35 Sch=led1_b -set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN L14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led1_g }]; #IO_L22P_T3_AD7P_35 Sch=led1_g -set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN M15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led1_r }]; #IO_L23N_T3_35 Sch=led1_r +#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN G14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led1_b }]; #IO_0_35 Sch=led1_b +#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN L14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led1_g }]; #IO_L22P_T3_AD7P_35 Sch=led1_g +#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN M15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led1_r }]; #IO_L23N_T3_35 Sch=led1_r ## Buttons #set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN D20 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { btn[0] }]; #IO_L4N_T0_35 Sch=btn[0] diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/sources_1/new/fixedPointTest.vhd b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/sources_1/new/fixedPointTest.vhd index b771ed2..19ae330 100644 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/sources_1/new/fixedPointTest.vhd +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/sources_1/new/fixedPointTest.vhd @@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ use ieee_proposed.fixed_pkg.all; --use UNISIM.VComponents.all; entity fixedPointTest is - Port ( a : in sfixed (7 downto -6); + Port ( a : in sfixed (7 downto -6); --7+6+1 = 14 b : in sfixed (7 downto -6); - c : out sfixed (8 downto -6)); + c : out sfixed (8 downto -6)); --21+6+1 = 2*14 end fixedPointTest; architecture Behavioral of fixedPointTest is diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/utils_1/imports/synth_1/fixedPointTest.dcp b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/utils_1/imports/synth_1/fixedPointTest.dcp index 0eed252..a4d3bf3 100644 Binary files a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/utils_1/imports/synth_1/fixedPointTest.dcp and b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.srcs/utils_1/imports/synth_1/fixedPointTest.dcp differ diff --git a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.xpr b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.xpr index cbac5dd..bc91c63 100644 --- a/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.xpr +++ b/StreckenSim_mitRegler/fixedPointTest/fixedPointTest.xpr @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@