Copyright 1986-2021 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Tool Version : Vivado v.2021.2 (win64) Build 3367213 Tue Oct 19 02:48:09 MDT 2021 | Date : Fri May 13 14:41:53 2022 | Host : DESKTOP-PAACOM8 running 64-bit major release (build 9200) | Command : report_control_sets -verbose -file fixedPointTest_control_sets_placed.rpt | Design : fixedPointTest | Device : xc7z010 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Control Set Information Table of Contents ----------------- 1. Summary 2. Histogram 3. Flip-Flop Distribution 4. Detailed Control Set Information 1. Summary ---------- +----------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | Status | Count | +----------------------------------------------------------+-------+ | Total control sets | 0 | | Minimum number of control sets | 0 | | Addition due to synthesis replication | 0 | | Addition due to physical synthesis replication | 0 | | Unused register locations in slices containing registers | 0 | +----------------------------------------------------------+-------+ * Control sets can be merged at opt_design using control_set_merge or merge_equivalent_drivers ** Run report_qor_suggestions for automated merging and remapping suggestions 2. Histogram ------------ +--------------------+-------+ | Fanout | Count | +--------------------+-------+ | Total control sets | 0 | | >= 0 to < 4 | 0 | | >= 4 to < 6 | 0 | | >= 6 to < 8 | 0 | | >= 8 to < 10 | 0 | | >= 10 to < 12 | 0 | | >= 12 to < 14 | 0 | | >= 14 to < 16 | 0 | | >= 16 | 0 | +--------------------+-------+ * Control sets can be remapped at either synth_design or opt_design 3. Flip-Flop Distribution ------------------------- +--------------+-----------------------+------------------------+-----------------+--------------+ | Clock Enable | Synchronous Set/Reset | Asynchronous Set/Reset | Total Registers | Total Slices | +--------------+-----------------------+------------------------+-----------------+--------------+ | No | No | No | 0 | 0 | | No | No | Yes | 0 | 0 | | No | Yes | No | 0 | 0 | | Yes | No | No | 0 | 0 | | Yes | No | Yes | 0 | 0 | | Yes | Yes | No | 0 | 0 | +--------------+-----------------------+------------------------+-----------------+--------------+ 4. Detailed Control Set Information ----------------------------------- +--------------+---------------+------------------+------------------+----------------+--------------+ | Clock Signal | Enable Signal | Set/Reset Signal | Slice Load Count | Bel Load Count | Bels / Slice | +--------------+---------------+------------------+------------------+----------------+--------------+