addScopedWillPopCallback method
Enables this route to veto attempts by the user to dismiss it.
This callback is typically added using a WillPopScope
widget. That
widget finds the enclosing ModalRoute
and uses this function to register
this callback:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return WillPopScope(
onWillPop: askTheUserIfTheyAreSure,
child: ...,
This callback runs asynchronously and it's possible that it will be called
after its route has been disposed. The callback should check State.mounted
before doing anything.
A typical application of this callback would be to warn the user about
unsaved Form
data if the user attempts to back out of the form. In that
case, use the Form.onWillPop
property to register the callback.
To register a callback manually, look up the enclosing ModalRoute
in a
ModalRoute<dynamic> _route;
void didChangeDependencies() {
_route = ModalRoute.of(context);
If you register a callback manually, be sure to remove the callback with removeScopedWillPopCallback by the time the widget has been disposed. A stateful widget can do this in its dispose method (continuing the previous example):
void dispose() {
_route = null;
See also:
, which manages the registration and unregistration process automatically.Form
, which provides anonWillPop
callback that uses this mechanism.- willPop, which runs the callbacks added with this method.
- removeScopedWillPopCallback, which removes a callback from the list that willPop checks.
void addScopedWillPopCallback(WillPopCallback callback) {
assert(_scopeKey.currentState != null, 'Tried to add a willPop callback to a route that is not currently in the tree.');