## 0.3.9 * Allow external packages to provide webview implementations for new platforms. ## 0.3.8+1 * Suppress deprecation warning for BinaryMessages. See: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/33446 ## 0.3.8 * Add `debuggingEnabled` property. ## 0.3.7+1 * Fix an issue where JavaScriptChannel messages weren't sent from the platform thread on Android. ## 0.3.7 * Fix loadUrlWithHeaders flaky test. ## 0.3.6+1 * Remove un-used method params in webview\_flutter ## 0.3.6 * Add an optional `headers` field to the controller. ## 0.3.5+5 * Fixed error in documentation of `javascriptChannels`. ## 0.3.5+4 * Fix bugs in the example app by updating it to use a `StatefulWidget`. ## 0.3.5+3 * Make sure to post javascript channel messages from the platform thread. ## 0.3.5+2 * Fix crash from `NavigationDelegate` on later versions of Android. ## 0.3.5+1 * Fix a bug where updates to onPageFinished were ignored. ## 0.3.5 * Added an onPageFinished callback. ## 0.3.4 * Support specifying navigation delegates that can prevent navigations from being executed. ## 0.3.3+2 * Exclude LongPress handler from semantics tree since it does nothing. ## 0.3.3+1 * Fixed a memory leak on Android - the WebView was not properly disposed. ## 0.3.3 * Add clearCache method to WebView controller. ## 0.3.2+1 * Log a more detailed warning at build time about the previous AndroidX migration. ## 0.3.2 * Added CookieManager to interface with WebView cookies. Currently has the ability to clear cookies. ## 0.3.1 * Added JavaScript channels to facilitate message passing from JavaScript code running inside the WebView to the Flutter app's Dart code. ## 0.3.0 * **Breaking change**. Migrate from the deprecated original Android Support Library to AndroidX. This shouldn't result in any functional changes, but it requires any Android apps using this plugin to [also migrate](https://developer.android.com/jetpack/androidx/migrate) if they're using the original support library. ## 0.2.0 * Added a evaluateJavascript method to WebView controller. * (BREAKING CHANGE) Renamed the `JavaScriptMode` enum to `JavascriptMode`, and the WebView `javasScriptMode` parameter to `javascriptMode`. ## 0.1.2 * Added a reload method to the WebView controller. ## 0.1.1 * Added a `currentUrl` accessor for the WebView controller to look up what URL is being displayed. ## 0.1.0+1 * Fix null crash when initialUrl is unset on iOS. ## 0.1.0 * Add goBack, goForward, canGoBack, and canGoForward methods to the WebView controller. ## 0.0.1+1 * Fix case for "FLTWebViewFlutterPlugin" (iOS was failing to buld on case-sensitive file systems). ## 0.0.1 * Initial release.