/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package garten.model; /** * * @author Jan */ import lsystem.StochasticGrammar; class Pflanze2 extends PflanzeImpl { Pflanze2(int Xstart, int Ystart, int Generation,int startLength)//startLength 10-20 (Verzweigte Pflanze)3 Generationen { super(Xstart,Ystart,Generation,startLength); DELTA = (float) ((Math.PI)/5); createLSystem(); translateRules(); } public void createLSystem() { grammar = new StochasticGrammar(axiom); grammar.addRule('F',"F[+FF][-FF]F[-F][+F]F",(float) 0.1); // add rule, and weight grammar.addRule('F',"F[+FF][-FF]F[+F][+F]F",(float) 0.3); grammar.addRule('F',"F[+F][+FF]F[+F][-F]F",(float) 0.2); grammar.generateGrammar(generations); drawLength = (float) (startLength * Math.pow(0.6, (double) generations)); } }