/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package garten.model; /** * * @author Jan */ import java.text.CharacterIterator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import javax.swing.JComponent; import lsystem.Grammar; import lsystem.collection.TurtleStack; import lsystem.turtle.Turtle; public class PflanzeImpl extends JComponent implements Pflanze { ArrayList pts; protected float DELTA; // 18 degrees protected Grammar grammar; final protected String axiom = "F"; protected int generations; //protected String rule; protected float startLength; protected float drawLength; protected float theta; protected float xpos; protected float ypos; protected int positionx; protected int positiony; protected int flaeche; protected float[] boundingBoxes; ArrayList tempx; ArrayList tempy; //Position(); TurtleStack ts; public PflanzeImpl(int xstart, int ystart, int generation, int startLength) { this.positionx = xstart; this.positiony = ystart; this.generations = generation; this.startLength = startLength; pts = new ArrayList(); ts = new TurtleStack(); boundingBoxes=new float[4]; //minx, miny, maxx, maxy tempx = new ArrayList<>(); tempy = new ArrayList<>(); } public void translateRules() { float x_temp, y_temp; Turtle turtle = new Turtle(positionx, positiony, (float) ((Math.PI) / 2)); CharacterIterator it = grammar.getIterator(); for (char ch = it.first(); ch != CharacterIterator.DONE; ch = it.next()) { switch (ch) { case 'F': x_temp = turtle.getX(); y_temp = turtle.getY(); turtle.setX((float) (x_temp + drawLength * Math.cos((turtle.getTheta())))); turtle.setY((float) (y_temp - drawLength * Math.sin((turtle.getTheta())))); float[] temp = { x_temp, y_temp, turtle.getX(), turtle.getY() }; tempx.add(x_temp); tempx.add(turtle.getX()); tempy.add(y_temp); tempy.add(turtle.getY()); pts.add(temp); break; case '+': turtle.setTheta(turtle.getTheta() + DELTA); break; case '-': turtle.setTheta(turtle.getTheta() - DELTA); break; case '[': ts.push(new Turtle(turtle)); // Uncomment this (and comment previous line to avoid using clone) break; case ']': turtle = ts.pop(); break; default: System.err.println("character " + ch + " not in grammar"); } } setBoundingBoxes(); } void setBoundingBoxes() { boundingBoxes[0] = Collections.min(tempx); boundingBoxes[1] = Collections.min(tempy); boundingBoxes[2] = Collections.max(tempx); boundingBoxes[3] = Collections.max(tempy); } public float [] getBoundingBoxes() { return boundingBoxes; } @Override public ArrayList getPoints() { return pts; } @Override public int getPositionx() { return positionx; } @Override public int getPositiony() { return positiony; } @Override public void setPositionx(int x) { positionx = x; } @Override public void setPositiony(int y) { positiony = y; } @Override public int getflaeche() { return flaeche; } @Override public void setAlgorithm() { pts.removeAll(pts); translateRules(); } public void setPosition() { } @Override public void setflaeche(int flaeche) { } }