---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Component : squareRoot_pipe -- Author : pwkolas ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File : squareRoot_pipe.vhd -- Mod. Date : XX.XX.XXXX -- Version : 1.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Description : Square root calculator. -- Based on -- "A New Non-Restoring Square Root Algorithm and Its VLSI Implementations" -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Modification History : -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Comments : -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity squareRoot_pipe is generic ( G_DATA_W : integer := 32 ); port ( clk : in std_logic; rst : in std_logic; iv_data : in std_logic_vector(G_DATA_W-1 downto 0); ov_res : out std_logic_vector((G_DATA_W/2)-1 downto 0) ); end entity squareRoot_pipe; architecture squareRoot_pipe_rtl of squareRoot_pipe is constant C_ALU_W : integer := ((G_DATA_W/2) + 2); constant C_PIPE_L : integer := G_DATA_W/2; constant C_OFFSET : integer := 3; -- width of start vectors going to ALU type t_arr_pipe_x_data is array (C_PIPE_L-1 downto 0) of unsigned(G_DATA_W-1 downto 0); signal a_data : t_arr_pipe_x_data; -- (D) signal a_R : t_arr_pipe_x_data; -- (R) type t_arr_pipe_x_alu is array (C_PIPE_L-1 downto 0) of unsigned(C_ALU_W-1 downto 0); type t_arr_pipe_x_res is array (C_PIPE_L-1 downto 0) of unsigned(G_DATA_W/2-1 downto 0); signal a_Q : t_arr_pipe_x_res; -- (ALU Q out) signal nextOp : std_logic_vector(C_PIPE_L-1 downto 0); begin sqrt_p : process (clk, rst) variable va_AluInR : t_arr_pipe_x_alu; -- (ALU R in) variable va_AluInQ : t_arr_pipe_x_alu; -- (ALU Q in) variable va_AluOut : t_arr_pipe_x_alu; -- (ALU Q out) begin if (rst = '1') then a_data <= (others => (others => '0')); a_R <= (others => (others => '0')); a_Q <= (others => (others => '0')); va_AluInR := (others => (others => '0')); va_AluInQ := (others => (others => '0')); va_AluOut := (others => (others => '0')); nextOp <= (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(clk) then -- stage 0 start conditions, ALU inputs va_AluInR(0) := (others => '0'); va_AluInR(0)(1 downto 0) := unsigned(iv_data(G_DATA_W-1 downto G_DATA_W-1-1)); va_AluInQ(0) := (others => '0'); va_AluInQ(0)(0) := '1'; -- stage 0 calculations va_AluOut(0) := va_AluInR(0) - va_AluInQ(0); -- stage 0 result registers, ALU output a_data(0) <= shift_left(unsigned(iv_data), 2); a_R(0) <= (others => '0'); a_R(0)(G_DATA_W-1 downto G_DATA_W-1-1) <= va_AluOut(0)(1 downto 0); a_Q(0) <= (others => '0'); a_Q(0)(0) <= not va_AluOut(0)(2); nextOp(0) <= not va_AluOut(0)(2); -- next stages for i in 1 to C_PIPE_L-1 loop -- prepare inputs for next stage va_AluInR(i) := (others => '0'); va_AluInR(i)(C_OFFSET+i-1 downto 2) := a_R(i-1)(G_DATA_W-(i-1)-1 downto G_DATA_W-(2*i)); va_AluInR(i)(2-1 downto 0) := a_data(i-1)(G_DATA_W-1 downto G_DATA_W-1-1); va_AluInQ(i) := (others => '0'); va_AluInQ(i)(C_OFFSET+(i-1)-1 downto 2) := a_Q(i-1)(i-1 downto 0); va_AluInQ(i)(1) := not a_Q(i-1)(0); va_AluInQ(i)(0) := '1'; -- ALU ADD/SUB if (nextOp(i-1) = '1') then va_AluOut(i) := va_AluInR(i) - va_AluInQ(i); else va_AluOut(i) := va_AluInR(i) + va_AluInQ(i); end if; -- result registers a_data(i) <= shift_left(unsigned(a_data(i-1)), 2); a_R(i) <= (others => '0'); a_R(i)(G_DATA_W-i-1 downto G_DATA_W-2*(i+1)) <= va_AluOut(i)(i+1 downto 0); a_Q(i) <= shift_left(unsigned(a_Q(i-1)), 1); a_Q(i)(0) <= not va_AluOut(i)(i+2); nextOp(i) <= not va_AluOut(i)(i+2); end loop; end if; end process; ov_res <= std_logic_vector(a_Q(C_PIPE_L-1)); end architecture squareRoot_pipe_rtl;