Layout von Websiten mit Bootstrap und Foundation
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  1. # ZURB Template
  2. [![devDependency Status](](
  3. **Please open all issues with this template on the main [Foundation for Sites]( repo.**
  4. This is the official ZURB Template for use with [Foundation for Sites]( We use this template at ZURB to deliver static code to our clients. It has a Gulp-powered build system with these features:
  5. - Handlebars HTML templates with Panini
  6. - Sass compilation and prefixing
  7. - JavaScript module bundling with webpack
  8. - Built-in BrowserSync server
  9. - For production builds:
  10. - CSS compression
  11. - JavaScript module bundling with webpack
  12. - Image compression
  13. ## Installation
  14. To use this template, your computer needs:
  15. - [NodeJS]( (Version 6 or greater recommended, tested with 6.11.4 and 8.12.0)
  16. - [Git](
  17. This template can be installed with the Foundation CLI, or downloaded and set up manually.
  18. ### Using the CLI
  19. Install the Foundation CLI with this command:
  20. ```bash
  21. npm install foundation-cli --global
  22. ```
  23. Use this command to set up a blank Foundation for Sites project with this template:
  24. ```bash
  25. foundation new --framework sites --template zurb
  26. ```
  27. The CLI will prompt you to give your project a name. The template will be downloaded into a folder with this name.
  28. Now `cd` to your project name and to start your project run
  29. ```bash
  30. foundation watch
  31. ```
  32. ### Manual Setup
  33. To manually set up the template, first download it with Git:
  34. ```bash
  35. git clone projectname
  36. ```
  37. Then open the folder in your command line, and install the needed dependencies:
  38. ```bash
  39. cd projectname
  40. yarn
  41. ```
  42. Finally, run `yarn start` to run Gulp. Your finished site will be created in a folder called `dist`, viewable at this URL:
  43. ```
  44. http://localhost:8000
  45. ```
  46. To create compressed, production-ready assets, run `yarn run build`.