Layout von Websiten mit Bootstrap und Foundation
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app.js 604B

  1. import $ from 'jquery';
  2. import 'what-input';
  3. // Foundation JS relies on a global variable. In ES6, all imports are hoisted
  4. // to the top of the file so if we used `import` to import Foundation,
  5. // it would execute earlier than we have assigned the global variable.
  6. // This is why we have to use CommonJS require() here since it doesn't
  7. // have the hoisting behavior.
  8. window.jQuery = $;
  9. require('foundation-sites');
  10. // If you want to pick and choose which modules to include, comment out the above and uncomment
  11. // the line below
  12. //import './lib/foundation-explicit-pieces';
  13. $(document).foundation();