diff --git a/RTC/.cproject b/RTC/.cproject
index 6ac5a98..3da22de 100644
--- a/RTC/.cproject
+++ b/RTC/.cproject
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
@@ -14,61 +14,61 @@
@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@
@@ -92,60 +92,60 @@
@@ -157,18 +157,20 @@
diff --git a/RTC/.mxproject b/RTC/.mxproject
index f37cc11..f852674 100644
--- a/RTC/.mxproject
+++ b/RTC/.mxproject
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
diff --git a/RTC/.settings/language.settings.xml b/RTC/.settings/language.settings.xml
index d9f4747..54f19ce 100644
--- a/RTC/.settings/language.settings.xml
+++ b/RTC/.settings/language.settings.xml
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
diff --git a/RTC/Core/Inc/main.h b/RTC/Core/Inc/main.h
index 519401c..2987eb0 100644
--- a/RTC/Core/Inc/main.h
+++ b/RTC/Core/Inc/main.h
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
* @attention
- * © Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
+ * © Copyright (c) 2021 STMicroelectronics.
* All rights reserved.
* This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ extern "C" {
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#include "stm32l1xx_hal.h"
+#include "stm32f4xx_hal.h"
/* Private includes ----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
diff --git a/RTC/Core/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_conf.h b/RTC/Core/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_conf.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e459e6..0000000
--- a/RTC/Core/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_conf.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
- ******************************************************************************
- * @file stm32l1xx_hal_conf.h
- * @brief HAL configuration file.
- ******************************************************************************
- * @attention
- *
- * © COPYRIGHT(c) 2020 STMicroelectronics
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
- * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
- * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
- * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
- * without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- ******************************************************************************
- */
-/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
-#ifndef __STM32L1xx_HAL_CONF_H
-#define __STM32L1xx_HAL_CONF_H
-#ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
-/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* ########################## Module Selection ############################## */
- * @brief This is the list of modules to be used in the HAL driver
- */
-/*#define HAL_I2C_MODULE_ENABLED */
-/*#define HAL_I2S_MODULE_ENABLED */
-/* ########################## Oscillator Values adaptation ####################*/
- * @brief Adjust the value of External High Speed oscillator (HSE) used in your application.
- * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
- * (when HSE is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
- */
-#if !defined (HSE_VALUE)
- #define HSE_VALUE ((uint32_t)8000000) /*!< Value of the External oscillator in Hz */
-#endif /* HSE_VALUE */
-#if !defined (HSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT)
- #define HSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT ((uint32_t)100) /*!< Time out for HSE start up, in ms */
- * @brief Internal Multiple Speed oscillator (MSI) default value.
- * This value is the default MSI range value after Reset.
- */
-#if !defined (MSI_VALUE)
- #define MSI_VALUE ((uint32_t)16000000) /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz*/
-#endif /* MSI_VALUE */
- * @brief Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI) value.
- * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency
- * (when HSI is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL).
- */
-#if !defined (HSI_VALUE)
- #define HSI_VALUE ((uint32_t)16000000) /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz*/
-#endif /* HSI_VALUE */
- * @brief Internal Low Speed oscillator (LSI) value.
- */
-#if !defined (LSI_VALUE)
- #define LSI_VALUE (37000U) /*!< LSI Typical Value in Hz*/
-#endif /* LSI_VALUE */ /*!< Value of the Internal Low Speed oscillator in Hz
- The real value may vary depending on the variations
- in voltage and temperature.*/
- * @brief External Low Speed oscillator (LSE) value.
- * This value is used by the UART, RTC HAL module to compute the system frequency
- */
-#if !defined (LSE_VALUE)
- #define LSE_VALUE ((uint32_t)32768) /*!< Value of the External oscillator in Hz*/
-#endif /* LSE_VALUE */
-#if !defined (LSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT)
- #define LSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT ((uint32_t)5000) /*!< Time out for LSE start up, in ms */
-/* Tip: To avoid modifying this file each time you need to use different HSE,
- === you can define the HSE value in your toolchain compiler preprocessor. */
-/* ########################### System Configuration ######################### */
- * @brief This is the HAL system configuration section
- */
-#define VDD_VALUE ((uint32_t)3300) /*!< Value of VDD in mv */
-#define TICK_INT_PRIORITY ((uint32_t)0) /*!< tick interrupt priority */
-#define USE_RTOS 0
-/* ########################## Assert Selection ############################## */
- * @brief Uncomment the line below to expanse the "assert_param" macro in the
- * HAL drivers code
- */
-/* #define USE_FULL_ASSERT 1U */
-/* ################## Register callback feature configuration ############### */
- * @brief Set below the peripheral configuration to "1U" to add the support
- * of HAL callback registration/deregistration feature for the HAL
- * driver(s). This allows user application to provide specific callback
- * functions thanks to HAL_PPP_RegisterCallback() rather than overwriting
- * the default weak callback functions (see each stm32l0xx_hal_ppp.h file
- * for possible callback identifiers defined in HAL_PPP_CallbackIDTypeDef
- * for each PPP peripheral).
- */
-/* ################## SPI peripheral configuration ########################## */
-/* CRC FEATURE: Use to activate CRC feature inside HAL SPI Driver
- * Activated: CRC code is present inside driver
- * Deactivated: CRC code cleaned from driver
- */
-#define USE_SPI_CRC 0U
-/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- * @brief Include module's header file
- */
- #include "stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.h"
- #include "stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.h"
- #include "stm32l1xx_hal_dma.h"
- #include "stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.h"
- #include "stm32l1xx_hal_adc.h"
- #include "stm32l1xx_hal_comp.h"
- #include "stm32l1xx_hal_crc.h"
- #include "stm32l1xx_hal_cryp.h"
- #include "stm32l1xx_hal_dac.h"
- #include "stm32l1xx_hal_flash.h"
- #include "stm32l1xx_hal_sram.h"
- #include "stm32l1xx_hal_nor.h"
- #include "stm32l1xx_hal_i2c.h"
-#endif /* HAL_I2C_MODULE_ENABLED */
- #include "stm32l1xx_hal_i2s.h"
-#endif /* HAL_I2S_MODULE_ENABLED */
- #include "stm32l1xx_hal_iwdg.h"
- #include "stm32l1xx_hal_lcd.h"
- #include "stm32l1xx_hal_opamp.h"
- #include "stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.h"
- #include "stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.h"
- #include "stm32l1xx_hal_sd.h"
- #include "stm32l1xx_hal_spi.h"
- #include "stm32l1xx_hal_tim.h"
- #include "stm32l1xx_hal_uart.h"
- #include "stm32l1xx_hal_usart.h"
- #include "stm32l1xx_hal_irda.h"
- #include "stm32l1xx_hal_smartcard.h"
- #include "stm32l1xx_hal_wwdg.h"
- #include "stm32l1xx_hal_pcd.h"
- #include "stm32l1xx_hal_exti.h"
-/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
- * @brief The assert_param macro is used for function's parameters check.
- * @param expr: If expr is false, it calls assert_failed function
- * which reports the name of the source file and the source
- * line number of the call that failed.
- * If expr is true, it returns no value.
- * @retval None
- */
- #define assert_param(expr) ((expr) ? (void)0U : assert_failed((uint8_t *)__FILE__, __LINE__))
-/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
- void assert_failed(uint8_t* file, uint32_t line);
- #define assert_param(expr) ((void)0U)
-#endif /* USE_FULL_ASSERT */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* __STM32L1xx_HAL_CONF_H */
-/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/RTC/Core/Inc/stm32l1xx_it.h b/RTC/Core/Inc/stm32l1xx_it.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 019f774..0000000
--- a/RTC/Core/Inc/stm32l1xx_it.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-/* USER CODE BEGIN Header */
- ******************************************************************************
- * @file stm32l1xx_it.h
- * @brief This file contains the headers of the interrupt handlers.
- ******************************************************************************
- * @attention
- *
- * © Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
- * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- * opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
- *
- ******************************************************************************
- */
-/* USER CODE END Header */
-/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
-#ifndef __STM32L1xx_IT_H
-#define __STM32L1xx_IT_H
-#ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
-/* Private includes ----------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
-/* USER CODE END Includes */
-/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* Exported functions prototypes ---------------------------------------------*/
-void NMI_Handler(void);
-void HardFault_Handler(void);
-void MemManage_Handler(void);
-void BusFault_Handler(void);
-void UsageFault_Handler(void);
-void SVC_Handler(void);
-void DebugMon_Handler(void);
-void PendSV_Handler(void);
-void SysTick_Handler(void);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* __STM32L1xx_IT_H */
-/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/RTC/Core/Src/main.c b/RTC/Core/Src/main.c
index 83e8eac..c13ba53 100644
--- a/RTC/Core/Src/main.c
+++ b/RTC/Core/Src/main.c
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* @attention
- * © Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
+ * © Copyright (c) 2021 STMicroelectronics.
* All rights reserved.
* This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
/* USER CODE END Header */
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "main.h"
+#include "math.h"
+#include "stdbool.h"
/* Private includes ----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
@@ -32,6 +34,7 @@
/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
@@ -44,7 +47,16 @@ RTC_HandleTypeDef hrtc;
UART_HandleTypeDef huart2;
RTC_TimeTypeDef sTime;
RTC_DateTypeDef sDate;
+RTC_AlarmTypeDef sAlarm;
+//Nuernberg coordinates
+int latitude_nbg = 49;
+int longitude_nbg = 11;
+//German UTC time,summer (+2) and winter (+1)
+int UTC_DER_sum = 2;
+int UTC_DER_win = 1;
+bool winterTime = true;
@@ -61,6 +73,265 @@ static void MX_RTC_Init(void);
/* Private user code ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+* Function Name : deg_to_rad
+* Description : converts degrees to radians
+* Return : angle in radians
+double deg_to_rad(double deg)
+ double rad = deg*(M_PI/180);
+ return rad;
+* Function Name : rad_to_deg
+* Description : converts radians to degrees
+* Return : angle in degrees
+double rad_to_deg(double rad)
+ double deg = rad*(180/M_PI);
+ return deg;
+* Function Name : leap_year_check
+* Description : checks if year is a leap year
+* Return : false: no leap year, true: leap year
+int leap_year_check(int year)
+ if((year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+* Function Name : calc_day_of_year
+* Description : calculates the day of year
+* Return : day of year (1.1.. = 1, 2.1.. = 2,...)
+* Source : https://overiq.com/c-examples/c-program-to-calculate-the-day-of-year-from-the-date/
+int calc_day_of_year(int day, int mon, int year)
+ int days_in_feb = 28;
+ int doy = day; //day of year
+ // check for leap year
+ bool leap_year = leap_year_check(year);
+ if(leap_year == true)
+ {
+ days_in_feb = 29;
+ }
+ switch(mon)
+ {
+ case 2:
+ doy += 31;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ doy += 31+days_in_feb;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ doy += days_in_feb+62;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ doy += days_in_feb+92;
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ doy += days_in_feb+123;
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ doy += days_in_feb+153;
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ doy += days_in_feb+184;
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ doy += days_in_feb+215;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ doy += days_in_feb+245;
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ doy += days_in_feb+276;
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ doy += days_in_feb+306;
+ break;
+ }
+ return doy;
+* Function Name : calc_sunrise_sunset
+* Description : calculates the sunrise and sunset time of a specific date
+* Source : General Solar Position Calculations, NOAA Global Monitoring Division
+void calc_sunrise_sunset(int date, int month, int year, int sunrise_time[2], int sunset_time[2])
+ double gamma = 0;
+ bool leap_year;
+ double eqtime = 0;
+ double decl = 0;
+ double decl_deg = 0;
+ double zenith_sun = 0;
+ double lat_nbg_rad = 0;
+ double ha = 0;
+ double sunrise = 0;
+ double sunset = 0;
+ double ha_deg = 0;
+ int sunrise_h = 0;
+ int sunset_h = 0;
+ double sunrise_min = 0;
+ double sunset_min = 0;
+ int int_sunrise_min = 0;
+ int int_sunset_min = 0;
+ //day of year calculation
+ int day_of_year = calc_day_of_year(date, month, year);
+ // fractional year (γ) in radians
+ // check for leap year
+ leap_year = leap_year_check(year);
+ if(leap_year == false)
+ {
+ //The back part of the formula was omitted, because there is no difference in the result
+ gamma = ((2 * M_PI)/365)*(day_of_year - 1);
+ } else {
+ //The back part of the formula was omitted, because there is no difference in the result
+ gamma = ((2 * M_PI)/366)*(day_of_year - 1);
+ }
+ //Equation of time in minutes
+ eqtime = 229.18*(0.000075 + 0.001868*cos(gamma) - 0.032077*sin(gamma) - 0.014615*cos(2*gamma) - 0.040849*sin(2*gamma));
+ //Solar declination angle in radians
+ decl = 0.006918 - 0.399912*cos(gamma) + 0.070257*sin(gamma) - 0.006758*cos(2*gamma) + 0.000907*sin(2*gamma) - 0.002697*cos(3*gamma) + 0.00148*sin(3*gamma);
+ //Solar declination angle in degrees
+ decl_deg = rad_to_deg(decl);
+ //Hour angle in degrees, positive number corresponds to sunrise, negative to sunset
+ //special case of sunrise or sunset, the zenith is set to 90.833Deg
+ zenith_sun = deg_to_rad(90.833);
+ //Latitude of Nuernberg in rad
+ lat_nbg_rad = deg_to_rad(latitude_nbg);
+ ha = acos((cos(zenith_sun)/(cos(lat_nbg_rad)*cos(decl)))-(tan(lat_nbg_rad)*tan(decl)));
+ ha_deg = rad_to_deg(ha);
+ //UTC time of sunrise (or sunset) in minutes
+ sunrise = (720-4*(longitude_nbg+ha_deg)-eqtime);
+ sunset = 720-4*(longitude_nbg-ha_deg)-eqtime;
+ //Convert sunrise (or sunset) UTC time in hours
+ sunrise = sunrise/60;
+ sunset = sunset/60;
+ //Seperate hours and minutes
+ sunrise_h = floor(sunrise);
+ sunrise_min = sunrise - sunrise_h;
+ //Cut off after two decimal places
+ int_sunrise_min = floor(sunrise_min * 100.0);
+ if (int_sunrise_min >= 60)
+ {
+ sunrise_h = sunrise_h + 1;
+ int_sunrise_min = int_sunrise_min - 60;
+ }
+ sunset_h = floor(sunset);
+ sunset_min = sunset - sunset_h;
+ //Cut off after two decimal places
+ int_sunset_min = floor(sunset_min * 100.0);
+ if (int_sunset_min >= 60)
+ {
+ sunset_h = sunset_h + 1;
+ int_sunset_min = int_sunset_min - 60;
+ }
+ //Add time difference from German time to UTC Time
+ //Private variable winterTime must be initialized accordingly
+ if (winterTime)
+ {
+ sunrise_h = sunrise_h + UTC_DER_win;
+ sunset_h = sunset_h + UTC_DER_win;
+ } else {
+ sunrise_h = sunrise_h + UTC_DER_sum;
+ sunset_h = sunset_h + UTC_DER_sum;
+ }
+ sunrise_time[0] = sunrise_h;
+ sunrise_time[1] = int_sunrise_min;
+ sunset_time[0] = sunset_h;
+ sunset_time[1] = int_sunset_min;
+* Function Name : calc_tomorrows_date
+* Description : calculates tomorrow's date
+* Source : https://github.com/vyacht/stm32/blob/master/vynmea/rtc.c
+void calc_tomorrows_date(int day, int wday, int month, int year, int DaysInMonth[12], int tomorrows_date[4])
+ bool leap_year;
+ day++; // next day
+ wday++; // next weekday
+ if(wday == 8)
+ {
+ wday = 1; // Monday
+ }
+ if(day > DaysInMonth[month-1])
+ { // next month
+ day = 1;
+ month++;
+ }
+ if(day > 31 && month == 12) // next year
+ {
+ day = 1;
+ month = 1;
+ year++;
+ }
+ tomorrows_date[0] = day;
+ tomorrows_date[1] = wday;
+ tomorrows_date[2] = month;
+ tomorrows_date[3] = year;
+* Function Name : set_Alarm
+* Description : sets the wake up Alarm
+void set_Alarm(int h, int min, int weekDay)
+ /** Enable the Alarm A*/
+ sAlarm.AlarmTime.Hours = h;
+ sAlarm.AlarmTime.Minutes = min;
+ sAlarm.AlarmTime.Seconds = 0;
+ sAlarm.AlarmTime.SubSeconds = 0;
+ sAlarm.AlarmTime.DayLightSaving = RTC_DAYLIGHTSAVING_NONE;
+ sAlarm.AlarmTime.StoreOperation = RTC_STOREOPERATION_RESET;
+ sAlarm.AlarmMask = RTC_ALARMMASK_NONE; //only by specific time
+ sAlarm.AlarmDateWeekDay = weekDay;
+ sAlarm.Alarm = RTC_ALARM_A;
+ if (HAL_RTC_SetAlarm_IT(&hrtc, &sAlarm, RTC_FORMAT_BIN) != HAL_OK)
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ }
+// sending to UART
+void transmit_uart(char *string){
+ uint8_t len = strlen(string);
+ HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, (uint8_t*) string, len, 200);
@@ -95,13 +366,26 @@ int main(void)
- uint8_t hours = 0;
- uint8_t minutes = 0;
- uint8_t seconds = 0;
- uint8_t weekDay = 0;
- uint8_t month = 0;
- uint8_t date = 0;
- uint8_t year = 0;
+ int hours = 0;
+ int minutes = 0;
+ int seconds = 0;
+ int weekDay = 0;
+ int month = 0;
+ int date = 0;
+ int year = 0;
+ int sunrise_h = 0;
+ int sunset_h = 0;
+ int int_sunrise_min = 0;
+ int int_sunset_min = 0;
+ int sunrise_time[2] = {0};
+ int sunset_time[2] = {0};
+ int tomorrows_date[4] = {0};
+ int DaysInMonth[12] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
+ int DaysInMonthLeapYear[12] = {31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
+ bool leap_year = false;
@@ -109,22 +393,50 @@ int main(void)
while (1)
- if (HAL_RTC_GetTime(&hrtc, &sTime, RTC_FORMAT_BIN) == HAL_OK)
- {
- hours = sTime.Hours;
- minutes = sTime.Minutes;
- seconds = sTime.Seconds;
- }
- if (HAL_RTC_GetDate(&hrtc, &sDate, RTC_FORMAT_BIN) == HAL_OK)
- {
- weekDay = sDate.WeekDay;
- month = sDate.Month;
- date = sDate.Date;
- year = sDate.Year;
- }
- HAL_Delay(200);
+ //Get Time and Date
+ if (HAL_RTC_GetTime(&hrtc, &sTime, RTC_FORMAT_BIN) == HAL_OK)
+ {
+ hours = sTime.Hours;
+ minutes = sTime.Minutes;
+ seconds = sTime.Seconds;
+ }
+ if (HAL_RTC_GetDate(&hrtc, &sDate, RTC_FORMAT_BIN) == HAL_OK)
+ {
+ weekDay = sDate.WeekDay;
+ month = sDate.Month;
+ date = sDate.Date;
+ year = 2000 + sDate.Year;
+ }
+ // check for leap year
+ leap_year = leap_year_check(year);
+ if (leap_year)
+ {
+ //Calculate tomorrow's date
+ calc_tomorrows_date(date, weekDay, month, year, DaysInMonthLeapYear, tomorrows_date);
+ } else {
+ //Calculate tomorrow's date
+ calc_tomorrows_date(date, weekDay, month, year, DaysInMonth, tomorrows_date);
+ }
+ //Calculate sunrise and sunset time for tomorrow
+ calc_sunrise_sunset(tomorrows_date[0], tomorrows_date[2], tomorrows_date[3], sunrise_time, sunset_time);
+ set_Alarm(16, 22, 1);
+ HAL_Delay(5000);
+ transmit_uart("Ich gehe schlafen!\r\n");
+ // Suspend Tick increment to prevent wake up by Systick interrupt
+ HAL_SuspendTick();
+ HAL_ResumeTick();
+ transmit_uart("Bin wieder wach!\r\n");
@@ -137,22 +449,25 @@ void SystemClock_Config(void)
RCC_OscInitTypeDef RCC_OscInitStruct = {0};
RCC_ClkInitTypeDef RCC_ClkInitStruct = {0};
- RCC_PeriphCLKInitTypeDef PeriphClkInit = {0};
+ RCC_PeriphCLKInitTypeDef PeriphClkInitStruct = {0};
/** Configure the main internal regulator output voltage
/** Initializes the RCC Oscillators according to the specified parameters
* in the RCC_OscInitTypeDef structure.
- RCC_OscInitStruct.LSEState = RCC_LSE_ON;
RCC_OscInitStruct.HSIState = RCC_HSI_ON;
+ RCC_OscInitStruct.LSIState = RCC_LSI_ON;
RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLState = RCC_PLL_ON;
+ RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLM = 16;
+ RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLN = 336;
+ RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLQ = 7;
if (HAL_RCC_OscConfig(&RCC_OscInitStruct) != HAL_OK)
@@ -163,16 +478,16 @@ void SystemClock_Config(void)
RCC_ClkInitStruct.AHBCLKDivider = RCC_SYSCLK_DIV1;
- RCC_ClkInitStruct.APB1CLKDivider = RCC_HCLK_DIV1;
+ RCC_ClkInitStruct.APB1CLKDivider = RCC_HCLK_DIV2;
RCC_ClkInitStruct.APB2CLKDivider = RCC_HCLK_DIV1;
- if (HAL_RCC_ClockConfig(&RCC_ClkInitStruct, FLASH_LATENCY_1) != HAL_OK)
+ if (HAL_RCC_ClockConfig(&RCC_ClkInitStruct, FLASH_LATENCY_2) != HAL_OK)
- PeriphClkInit.PeriphClockSelection = RCC_PERIPHCLK_RTC;
- PeriphClkInit.RTCClockSelection = RCC_RTCCLKSOURCE_LSE;
- if (HAL_RCCEx_PeriphCLKConfig(&PeriphClkInit) != HAL_OK)
+ PeriphClkInitStruct.PeriphClockSelection = RCC_PERIPHCLK_RTC;
+ PeriphClkInitStruct.RTCClockSelection = RCC_RTCCLKSOURCE_LSI;
+ if (HAL_RCCEx_PeriphCLKConfig(&PeriphClkInitStruct) != HAL_OK)
@@ -213,24 +528,25 @@ static void MX_RTC_Init(void)
/** Initialize RTC and set the Time and Date
- sTime.Hours = 23;
- sTime.Minutes = 59;
- sTime.Seconds = 45;
+ sTime.Hours = 16;
+ sTime.Minutes = 20;
+ sTime.Seconds = 30;
if (HAL_RTC_SetTime(&hrtc, &sTime, RTC_FORMAT_BIN) != HAL_OK)
- sDate.Date = 31;
- sDate.Year = 17;
+ sDate.Month = RTC_MONTH_JANUARY;
+ sDate.Date = 11;
+ sDate.Year = 21;
if (HAL_RTC_SetDate(&hrtc, &sDate, RTC_FORMAT_BIN) != HAL_OK)
/* USER CODE END RTC_Init 2 */
@@ -290,7 +606,7 @@ static void MX_GPIO_Init(void)
/*Configure GPIO pin : B1_Pin */
GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = B1_Pin;
GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
HAL_GPIO_Init(B1_GPIO_Port, &GPIO_InitStruct);
@@ -315,10 +631,25 @@ void Error_Handler(void)
/* USER CODE BEGIN Error_Handler_Debug */
/* User can add his own implementation to report the HAL error return state */
+ __disable_irq();
+ while (1)
+ {
+ }
/* USER CODE END Error_Handler_Debug */
+ * @brief Alarm callback
+ * @param hrtc: RTC handle
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void HAL_RTC_AlarmAEventCallback(RTC_HandleTypeDef *hrtc)
+ /* Alarm generation */
+ transmit_uart("Alarm!!!!\r\n");
* @brief Reports the name of the source file and the source line number
@@ -331,7 +662,7 @@ void assert_failed(uint8_t *file, uint32_t line)
/* User can add his own implementation to report the file name and line number,
- tex: printf("Wrong parameters value: file %s on line %d\r\n", file, line) */
+ ex: printf("Wrong parameters value: file %s on line %d\r\n", file, line) */
#endif /* USE_FULL_ASSERT */
diff --git a/RTC/Core/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_msp.c b/RTC/Core/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_msp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 13267b9..0000000
--- a/RTC/Core/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_msp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-/* USER CODE BEGIN Header */
- ******************************************************************************
- * File Name : stm32l1xx_hal_msp.c
- * Description : This file provides code for the MSP Initialization
- * and de-Initialization codes.
- ******************************************************************************
- * @attention
- *
- * © Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
- * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- * opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
- *
- ******************************************************************************
- */
-/* USER CODE END Header */
-/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#include "main.h"
-/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
-/* USER CODE END Includes */
-/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* USER CODE BEGIN Define */
-/* USER CODE END Define */
-/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* USER CODE BEGIN Macro */
-/* USER CODE END Macro */
-/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
-/* External functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* USER CODE BEGIN ExternalFunctions */
-/* USER CODE END ExternalFunctions */
-/* USER CODE END 0 */
- * Initializes the Global MSP.
- */
-void HAL_MspInit(void)
- /* USER CODE BEGIN MspInit 0 */
- /* USER CODE END MspInit 0 */
- /* System interrupt init*/
- /* USER CODE BEGIN MspInit 1 */
- /* USER CODE END MspInit 1 */
-* @brief RTC MSP Initialization
-* This function configures the hardware resources used in this example
-* @param hrtc: RTC handle pointer
-* @retval None
-void HAL_RTC_MspInit(RTC_HandleTypeDef* hrtc)
- if(hrtc->Instance==RTC)
- {
- /* USER CODE BEGIN RTC_MspInit 0 */
- /* USER CODE END RTC_MspInit 0 */
- /* Peripheral clock enable */
- /* USER CODE BEGIN RTC_MspInit 1 */
- /* USER CODE END RTC_MspInit 1 */
- }
-* @brief RTC MSP De-Initialization
-* This function freeze the hardware resources used in this example
-* @param hrtc: RTC handle pointer
-* @retval None
-void HAL_RTC_MspDeInit(RTC_HandleTypeDef* hrtc)
- if(hrtc->Instance==RTC)
- {
- /* USER CODE BEGIN RTC_MspDeInit 0 */
- /* USER CODE END RTC_MspDeInit 0 */
- /* Peripheral clock disable */
- /* USER CODE BEGIN RTC_MspDeInit 1 */
- /* USER CODE END RTC_MspDeInit 1 */
- }
-* @brief UART MSP Initialization
-* This function configures the hardware resources used in this example
-* @param huart: UART handle pointer
-* @retval None
-void HAL_UART_MspInit(UART_HandleTypeDef* huart)
- GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct = {0};
- if(huart->Instance==USART2)
- {
- /* USER CODE BEGIN USART2_MspInit 0 */
- /* USER CODE END USART2_MspInit 0 */
- /* Peripheral clock enable */
- /**USART2 GPIO Configuration
- PA2 ------> USART2_TX
- PA3 ------> USART2_RX
- */
- GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = USART_TX_Pin|USART_RX_Pin;
- GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP;
- GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
- GPIO_InitStruct.Alternate = GPIO_AF7_USART2;
- HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStruct);
- /* USER CODE BEGIN USART2_MspInit 1 */
- /* USER CODE END USART2_MspInit 1 */
- }
-* @brief UART MSP De-Initialization
-* This function freeze the hardware resources used in this example
-* @param huart: UART handle pointer
-* @retval None
-void HAL_UART_MspDeInit(UART_HandleTypeDef* huart)
- if(huart->Instance==USART2)
- {
- /* USER CODE BEGIN USART2_MspDeInit 0 */
- /* USER CODE END USART2_MspDeInit 0 */
- /* Peripheral clock disable */
- /**USART2 GPIO Configuration
- PA2 ------> USART2_TX
- PA3 ------> USART2_RX
- */
- /* USER CODE BEGIN USART2_MspDeInit 1 */
- /* USER CODE END USART2_MspDeInit 1 */
- }
-/* USER CODE END 1 */
-/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/RTC/Core/Src/stm32l1xx_it.c b/RTC/Core/Src/stm32l1xx_it.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e8c29e..0000000
--- a/RTC/Core/Src/stm32l1xx_it.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-/* USER CODE BEGIN Header */
- ******************************************************************************
- * @file stm32l1xx_it.c
- * @brief Interrupt Service Routines.
- ******************************************************************************
- * @attention
- *
- * © Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
- * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- * opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
- *
- ******************************************************************************
- */
-/* USER CODE END Header */
-/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#include "main.h"
-#include "stm32l1xx_it.h"
-/* Private includes ----------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
-/* USER CODE END Includes */
-/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
-/* Private user code ---------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* USER CODE END 0 */
-/* External variables --------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* Cortex-M3 Processor Interruption and Exception Handlers */
- * @brief This function handles Non maskable interrupt.
- */
-void NMI_Handler(void)
- /* USER CODE BEGIN NonMaskableInt_IRQn 0 */
- /* USER CODE END NonMaskableInt_IRQn 0 */
- /* USER CODE BEGIN NonMaskableInt_IRQn 1 */
- /* USER CODE END NonMaskableInt_IRQn 1 */
- * @brief This function handles Hard fault interrupt.
- */
-void HardFault_Handler(void)
- /* USER CODE BEGIN HardFault_IRQn 0 */
- /* USER CODE END HardFault_IRQn 0 */
- while (1)
- {
- /* USER CODE BEGIN W1_HardFault_IRQn 0 */
- /* USER CODE END W1_HardFault_IRQn 0 */
- }
- * @brief This function handles Memory management fault.
- */
-void MemManage_Handler(void)
- /* USER CODE BEGIN MemoryManagement_IRQn 0 */
- /* USER CODE END MemoryManagement_IRQn 0 */
- while (1)
- {
- /* USER CODE BEGIN W1_MemoryManagement_IRQn 0 */
- /* USER CODE END W1_MemoryManagement_IRQn 0 */
- }
- * @brief This function handles Pre-fetch fault, memory access fault.
- */
-void BusFault_Handler(void)
- /* USER CODE BEGIN BusFault_IRQn 0 */
- /* USER CODE END BusFault_IRQn 0 */
- while (1)
- {
- /* USER CODE BEGIN W1_BusFault_IRQn 0 */
- /* USER CODE END W1_BusFault_IRQn 0 */
- }
- * @brief This function handles Undefined instruction or illegal state.
- */
-void UsageFault_Handler(void)
- /* USER CODE BEGIN UsageFault_IRQn 0 */
- /* USER CODE END UsageFault_IRQn 0 */
- while (1)
- {
- /* USER CODE BEGIN W1_UsageFault_IRQn 0 */
- /* USER CODE END W1_UsageFault_IRQn 0 */
- }
- * @brief This function handles System service call via SWI instruction.
- */
-void SVC_Handler(void)
- * @brief This function handles Debug monitor.
- */
-void DebugMon_Handler(void)
- /* USER CODE BEGIN DebugMonitor_IRQn 0 */
- /* USER CODE END DebugMonitor_IRQn 0 */
- /* USER CODE BEGIN DebugMonitor_IRQn 1 */
- /* USER CODE END DebugMonitor_IRQn 1 */
- * @brief This function handles Pendable request for system service.
- */
-void PendSV_Handler(void)
- /* USER CODE END PendSV_IRQn 0 */
- /* USER CODE END PendSV_IRQn 1 */
- * @brief This function handles System tick timer.
- */
-void SysTick_Handler(void)
- /* USER CODE BEGIN SysTick_IRQn 0 */
- /* USER CODE END SysTick_IRQn 0 */
- HAL_IncTick();
- /* USER CODE BEGIN SysTick_IRQn 1 */
- /* USER CODE END SysTick_IRQn 1 */
-/* STM32L1xx Peripheral Interrupt Handlers */
-/* Add here the Interrupt Handlers for the used peripherals. */
-/* For the available peripheral interrupt handler names, */
-/* please refer to the startup file (startup_stm32l1xx.s). */
-/* USER CODE END 1 */
-/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/RTC/Core/Src/sysmem.c b/RTC/Core/Src/sysmem.c
index 23180b6..d7cc52c 100644
--- a/RTC/Core/Src/sysmem.c
+++ b/RTC/Core/Src/sysmem.c
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ void *_sbrk(ptrdiff_t incr)
const uint8_t *max_heap = (uint8_t *)stack_limit;
uint8_t *prev_heap_end;
- /* Initalize heap end at first call */
+ /* Initialize heap end at first call */
if (NULL == __sbrk_heap_end)
__sbrk_heap_end = &_end;
diff --git a/RTC/Core/Src/system_stm32l1xx.c b/RTC/Core/Src/system_stm32l1xx.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c3d397d..0000000
--- a/RTC/Core/Src/system_stm32l1xx.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
- ******************************************************************************
- * @file system_stm32l1xx.c
- * @author MCD Application Team
- * @brief CMSIS Cortex-M3 Device Peripheral Access Layer System Source File.
- *
- * This file provides two functions and one global variable to be called from
- * user application:
- * - SystemInit(): This function is called at startup just after reset and
- * before branch to main program. This call is made inside
- * the "startup_stm32l1xx.s" file.
- *
- * - SystemCoreClock variable: Contains the core clock (HCLK), it can be used
- * by the user application to setup the SysTick
- * timer or configure other parameters.
- *
- * - SystemCoreClockUpdate(): Updates the variable SystemCoreClock and must
- * be called whenever the core clock is changed
- * during program execution.
- *
- ******************************************************************************
- * @attention
- *
- * © Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
- * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- * opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
- *
- ******************************************************************************
- */
-/** @addtogroup CMSIS
- * @{
- */
-/** @addtogroup stm32l1xx_system
- * @{
- */
-/** @addtogroup STM32L1xx_System_Private_Includes
- * @{
- */
-#include "stm32l1xx.h"
- * @}
- */
-/** @addtogroup STM32L1xx_System_Private_TypesDefinitions
- * @{
- */
- * @}
- */
-/** @addtogroup STM32L1xx_System_Private_Defines
- * @{
- */
-#if !defined (HSE_VALUE)
- #define HSE_VALUE ((uint32_t)8000000U) /*!< Default value of the External oscillator in Hz.
- This value can be provided and adapted by the user application. */
-#endif /* HSE_VALUE */
-#if !defined (HSI_VALUE)
- #define HSI_VALUE ((uint32_t)8000000U) /*!< Default value of the Internal oscillator in Hz.
- This value can be provided and adapted by the user application. */
-#endif /* HSI_VALUE */
-/*!< Uncomment the following line if you need to use external SRAM mounted
- on STM32L152D_EVAL board as data memory */
-/* #define DATA_IN_ExtSRAM */
-/*!< Uncomment the following line if you need to relocate your vector Table in
- Internal SRAM. */
-/* #define VECT_TAB_SRAM */
-#define VECT_TAB_OFFSET 0x00U /*!< Vector Table base offset field.
- This value must be a multiple of 0x200. */
- * @}
- */
-/** @addtogroup STM32L1xx_System_Private_Macros
- * @{
- */
- * @}
- */
-/** @addtogroup STM32L1xx_System_Private_Variables
- * @{
- */
- /* This variable is updated in three ways:
- 1) by calling CMSIS function SystemCoreClockUpdate()
- 2) by calling HAL API function HAL_RCC_GetHCLKFreq()
- 3) each time HAL_RCC_ClockConfig() is called to configure the system clock frequency
- Note: If you use this function to configure the system clock; then there
- is no need to call the 2 first functions listed above, since SystemCoreClock
- variable is updated automatically.
- */
-uint32_t SystemCoreClock = 2097000U;
-const uint8_t PLLMulTable[9] = {3U, 4U, 6U, 8U, 12U, 16U, 24U, 32U, 48U};
-const uint8_t AHBPrescTable[16] = {0U, 0U, 0U, 0U, 0U, 0U, 0U, 0U, 1U, 2U, 3U, 4U, 6U, 7U, 8U, 9U};
-const uint8_t APBPrescTable[8] = {0U, 0U, 0U, 0U, 1U, 2U, 3U, 4U};
- * @}
- */
-/** @addtogroup STM32L1xx_System_Private_FunctionPrototypes
- * @{
- */
-#if defined (STM32L151xD) || defined (STM32L152xD) || defined (STM32L162xD)
-#ifdef DATA_IN_ExtSRAM
- static void SystemInit_ExtMemCtl(void);
-#endif /* DATA_IN_ExtSRAM */
-#endif /* STM32L151xD || STM32L152xD || STM32L162xD */
- * @}
- */
-/** @addtogroup STM32L1xx_System_Private_Functions
- * @{
- */
- * @brief Setup the microcontroller system.
- * Initialize the Embedded Flash Interface, the PLL and update the
- * SystemCoreClock variable.
- * @param None
- * @retval None
- */
-void SystemInit (void)
-#ifdef DATA_IN_ExtSRAM
- SystemInit_ExtMemCtl();
-#endif /* DATA_IN_ExtSRAM */
- SCB->VTOR = SRAM_BASE | VECT_TAB_OFFSET; /* Vector Table Relocation in Internal SRAM. */
- SCB->VTOR = FLASH_BASE | VECT_TAB_OFFSET; /* Vector Table Relocation in Internal FLASH. */
- * @brief Update SystemCoreClock according to Clock Register Values
- * The SystemCoreClock variable contains the core clock (HCLK), it can
- * be used by the user application to setup the SysTick timer or configure
- * other parameters.
- *
- * @note Each time the core clock (HCLK) changes, this function must be called
- * to update SystemCoreClock variable value. Otherwise, any configuration
- * based on this variable will be incorrect.
- *
- * @note - The system frequency computed by this function is not the real
- * frequency in the chip. It is calculated based on the predefined
- * constant and the selected clock source:
- *
- * - If SYSCLK source is MSI, SystemCoreClock will contain the MSI
- * value as defined by the MSI range.
- *
- * - If SYSCLK source is HSI, SystemCoreClock will contain the HSI_VALUE(*)
- *
- * - If SYSCLK source is HSE, SystemCoreClock will contain the HSE_VALUE(**)
- *
- * - If SYSCLK source is PLL, SystemCoreClock will contain the HSE_VALUE(**)
- * or HSI_VALUE(*) multiplied/divided by the PLL factors.
- *
- * (*) HSI_VALUE is a constant defined in stm32l1xx.h file (default value
- * 16 MHz) but the real value may vary depending on the variations
- * in voltage and temperature.
- *
- * (**) HSE_VALUE is a constant defined in stm32l1xx.h file (default value
- * 8 MHz), user has to ensure that HSE_VALUE is same as the real
- * frequency of the crystal used. Otherwise, this function may
- * have wrong result.
- *
- * - The result of this function could be not correct when using fractional
- * value for HSE crystal.
- * @param None
- * @retval None
- */
-void SystemCoreClockUpdate (void)
- uint32_t tmp = 0, pllmul = 0, plldiv = 0, pllsource = 0, msirange = 0;
- /* Get SYSCLK source -------------------------------------------------------*/
- switch (tmp)
- {
- case 0x00: /* MSI used as system clock */
- msirange = (RCC->ICSCR & RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE) >> 13;
- SystemCoreClock = (32768 * (1 << (msirange + 1)));
- break;
- case 0x04: /* HSI used as system clock */
- SystemCoreClock = HSI_VALUE;
- break;
- case 0x08: /* HSE used as system clock */
- SystemCoreClock = HSE_VALUE;
- break;
- case 0x0C: /* PLL used as system clock */
- /* Get PLL clock source and multiplication factor ----------------------*/
- pllmul = PLLMulTable[(pllmul >> 18)];
- plldiv = (plldiv >> 22) + 1;
- pllsource = RCC->CFGR & RCC_CFGR_PLLSRC;
- if (pllsource == 0x00)
- {
- /* HSI oscillator clock selected as PLL clock entry */
- SystemCoreClock = (((HSI_VALUE) * pllmul) / plldiv);
- }
- else
- {
- /* HSE selected as PLL clock entry */
- SystemCoreClock = (((HSE_VALUE) * pllmul) / plldiv);
- }
- break;
- default: /* MSI used as system clock */
- msirange = (RCC->ICSCR & RCC_ICSCR_MSIRANGE) >> 13;
- SystemCoreClock = (32768 * (1 << (msirange + 1)));
- break;
- }
- /* Compute HCLK clock frequency --------------------------------------------*/
- /* Get HCLK prescaler */
- tmp = AHBPrescTable[((RCC->CFGR & RCC_CFGR_HPRE) >> 4)];
- /* HCLK clock frequency */
- SystemCoreClock >>= tmp;
-#if defined (STM32L151xD) || defined (STM32L152xD) || defined (STM32L162xD)
-#ifdef DATA_IN_ExtSRAM
- * @brief Setup the external memory controller.
- * Called in SystemInit() function before jump to main.
- * This function configures the external SRAM mounted on STM32L152D_EVAL board
- * This SRAM will be used as program data memory (including heap and stack).
- * @param None
- * @retval None
- */
-void SystemInit_ExtMemCtl(void)
- __IO uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
- /* Flash 1 wait state */
- /* Power enable */
- /* Delay after an RCC peripheral clock enabling */
- /* Select the Voltage Range 1 (1.8 V) */
- /* Wait Until the Voltage Regulator is ready */
- while((PWR->CSR & PWR_CSR_VOSF) != RESET)
- {
- }
-/*-- GPIOs Configuration -----------------------------------------------------*/
- +-------------------+--------------------+------------------+------------------+
- + SRAM pins assignment +
- +-------------------+--------------------+------------------+------------------+
- | PD0 <-> FSMC_D2 | PE0 <-> FSMC_NBL0 | PF0 <-> FSMC_A0 | PG0 <-> FSMC_A10 |
- | PD1 <-> FSMC_D3 | PE1 <-> FSMC_NBL1 | PF1 <-> FSMC_A1 | PG1 <-> FSMC_A11 |
- | PD4 <-> FSMC_NOE | PE7 <-> FSMC_D4 | PF2 <-> FSMC_A2 | PG2 <-> FSMC_A12 |
- | PD5 <-> FSMC_NWE | PE8 <-> FSMC_D5 | PF3 <-> FSMC_A3 | PG3 <-> FSMC_A13 |
- | PD8 <-> FSMC_D13 | PE9 <-> FSMC_D6 | PF4 <-> FSMC_A4 | PG4 <-> FSMC_A14 |
- | PD9 <-> FSMC_D14 | PE10 <-> FSMC_D7 | PF5 <-> FSMC_A5 | PG5 <-> FSMC_A15 |
- | PD10 <-> FSMC_D15 | PE11 <-> FSMC_D8 | PF12 <-> FSMC_A6 | PG10<-> FSMC_NE2 |
- | PD11 <-> FSMC_A16 | PE12 <-> FSMC_D9 | PF13 <-> FSMC_A7 |------------------+
- | PD12 <-> FSMC_A17 | PE13 <-> FSMC_D10 | PF14 <-> FSMC_A8 |
- | PD13 <-> FSMC_A18 | PE14 <-> FSMC_D11 | PF15 <-> FSMC_A9 |
- | PD14 <-> FSMC_D0 | PE15 <-> FSMC_D12 |------------------+
- | PD15 <-> FSMC_D1 |--------------------+
- +-------------------+
- /* Enable GPIOD, GPIOE, GPIOF and GPIOG interface clock */
- RCC->AHBENR = 0x000080D8;
- /* Delay after an RCC peripheral clock enabling */
- /* Connect PDx pins to FSMC Alternate function */
- GPIOD->AFR[0] = 0x00CC00CC;
- /* Configure PDx pins in Alternate function mode */
- /* Configure PDx pins speed to 40 MHz */
- /* Configure PDx pins Output type to push-pull */
- GPIOD->OTYPER = 0x00000000;
- /* No pull-up, pull-down for PDx pins */
- GPIOD->PUPDR = 0x00000000;
- /* Connect PEx pins to FSMC Alternate function */
- GPIOE->AFR[0] = 0xC00000CC;
- /* Configure PEx pins in Alternate function mode */
- /* Configure PEx pins speed to 40 MHz */
- /* Configure PEx pins Output type to push-pull */
- GPIOE->OTYPER = 0x00000000;
- /* No pull-up, pull-down for PEx pins */
- GPIOE->PUPDR = 0x00000000;
- /* Connect PFx pins to FSMC Alternate function */
- GPIOF->AFR[0] = 0x00CCCCCC;
- GPIOF->AFR[1] = 0xCCCC0000;
- /* Configure PFx pins in Alternate function mode */
- /* Configure PFx pins speed to 40 MHz */
- /* Configure PFx pins Output type to push-pull */
- GPIOF->OTYPER = 0x00000000;
- /* No pull-up, pull-down for PFx pins */
- GPIOF->PUPDR = 0x00000000;
- /* Connect PGx pins to FSMC Alternate function */
- GPIOG->AFR[0] = 0x00CCCCCC;
- GPIOG->AFR[1] = 0x00000C00;
- /* Configure PGx pins in Alternate function mode */
- GPIOG->MODER = 0x00200AAA;
- /* Configure PGx pins speed to 40 MHz */
- GPIOG->OSPEEDR = 0x00300FFF;
- /* Configure PGx pins Output type to push-pull */
- GPIOG->OTYPER = 0x00000000;
- /* No pull-up, pull-down for PGx pins */
- GPIOG->PUPDR = 0x00000000;
-/*-- FSMC Configuration ------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Enable the FSMC interface clock */
- RCC->AHBENR = 0x400080D8;
- /* Delay after an RCC peripheral clock enabling */
- (void)(tmpreg);
- /* Configure and enable Bank1_SRAM3 */
- FSMC_Bank1->BTCR[4] = 0x00001011;
- FSMC_Bank1->BTCR[5] = 0x00000300;
- FSMC_Bank1E->BWTR[4] = 0x0FFFFFFF;
- Bank1_SRAM3 is configured as follow:
- p.FSMC_AddressSetupTime = 0;
- p.FSMC_AddressHoldTime = 0;
- p.FSMC_DataSetupTime = 3;
- p.FSMC_BusTurnAroundDuration = 0;
- p.FSMC_CLKDivision = 0;
- p.FSMC_DataLatency = 0;
- p.FSMC_AccessMode = FSMC_AccessMode_A;
- FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure.FSMC_Bank = FSMC_Bank1_NORSRAM3;
- FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure.FSMC_DataAddressMux = FSMC_DataAddressMux_Disable;
- FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure.FSMC_MemoryType = FSMC_MemoryType_SRAM;
- FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure.FSMC_MemoryDataWidth = FSMC_MemoryDataWidth_16b;
- FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure.FSMC_BurstAccessMode = FSMC_BurstAccessMode_Disable;
- FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure.FSMC_AsynchronousWait = FSMC_AsynchronousWait_Disable;
- FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure.FSMC_WaitSignalPolarity = FSMC_WaitSignalPolarity_Low;
- FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure.FSMC_WrapMode = FSMC_WrapMode_Disable;
- FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure.FSMC_WaitSignalActive = FSMC_WaitSignalActive_BeforeWaitState;
- FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure.FSMC_WriteOperation = FSMC_WriteOperation_Enable;
- FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure.FSMC_WaitSignal = FSMC_WaitSignal_Disable;
- FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure.FSMC_ExtendedMode = FSMC_ExtendedMode_Disable;
- FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure.FSMC_WriteBurst = FSMC_WriteBurst_Disable;
- FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure.FSMC_ReadWriteTimingStruct = &p;
- FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure.FSMC_WriteTimingStruct = &p;
-#endif /* DATA_IN_ExtSRAM */
-#endif /* STM32L151xD || STM32L152xD || STM32L162xD */
- * @}
- */
- * @}
- */
- * @}
- */
-/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/RTC/Core/Startup/startup_stm32l152retx.s b/RTC/Core/Startup/startup_stm32l152retx.s
deleted file mode 100644
index 39307f4..0000000
--- a/RTC/Core/Startup/startup_stm32l152retx.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,409 +0,0 @@
- ******************************************************************************
- * @file startup_stm32l152xe.s
- * @author MCD Application Team
- * @brief STM32L152XE Devices vector table for GCC toolchain.
- * This module performs:
- * - Set the initial SP
- * - Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler,
- * - Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address
- * - Configure the clock system
- * - Branches to main in the C library (which eventually
- * calls main()).
- * After Reset the Cortex-M3 processor is in Thread mode,
- * priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main.
- ******************************************************************************
- *
- * @attention
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
- * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
- * opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
- *
- ******************************************************************************
- */
- .syntax unified
- .cpu cortex-m3
- .fpu softvfp
- .thumb
-.global g_pfnVectors
-.global Default_Handler
-/* start address for the initialization values of the .data section.
-defined in linker script */
-.word _sidata
-/* start address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
-.word _sdata
-/* end address for the .data section. defined in linker script */
-.word _edata
-/* start address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
-.word _sbss
-/* end address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */
-.word _ebss
-.equ BootRAM, 0xF108F85F
- * @brief This is the code that gets called when the processor first
- * starts execution following a reset event. Only the absolutely
- * necessary set is performed, after which the application
- * supplied main() routine is called.
- * @param None
- * @retval : None
- .section .text.Reset_Handler
- .weak Reset_Handler
- .type Reset_Handler, %function
-/* Copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM */
- movs r1, #0
- b LoopCopyDataInit
- ldr r3, =_sidata
- ldr r3, [r3, r1]
- str r3, [r0, r1]
- adds r1, r1, #4
- ldr r0, =_sdata
- ldr r3, =_edata
- adds r2, r0, r1
- cmp r2, r3
- bcc CopyDataInit
- ldr r2, =_sbss
- b LoopFillZerobss
-/* Zero fill the bss segment. */
- movs r3, #0
- str r3, [r2], #4
- ldr r3, = _ebss
- cmp r2, r3
- bcc FillZerobss
-/* Call the clock system intitialization function.*/
- bl SystemInit
-/* Call static constructors */
- bl __libc_init_array
-/* Call the application's entry point.*/
- bl main
- bx lr
-.size Reset_Handler, .-Reset_Handler
- * @brief This is the code that gets called when the processor receives an
- * unexpected interrupt. This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving
- * the system state for examination by a debugger.
- *
- * @param None
- * @retval : None
- .section .text.Default_Handler,"ax",%progbits
- b Infinite_Loop
- .size Default_Handler, .-Default_Handler
-* The minimal vector table for a Cortex M3. Note that the proper constructs
-* must be placed on this to ensure that it ends up at physical address
-* 0x0000.0000.
- .section .isr_vector,"a",%progbits
- .type g_pfnVectors, %object
- .size g_pfnVectors, .-g_pfnVectors
- .word _estack
- .word Reset_Handler
- .word NMI_Handler
- .word HardFault_Handler
- .word MemManage_Handler
- .word BusFault_Handler
- .word UsageFault_Handler
- .word 0
- .word 0
- .word 0
- .word 0
- .word SVC_Handler
- .word DebugMon_Handler
- .word 0
- .word PendSV_Handler
- .word SysTick_Handler
- .word WWDG_IRQHandler
- .word PVD_IRQHandler
- .word TAMPER_STAMP_IRQHandler
- .word RTC_WKUP_IRQHandler
- .word FLASH_IRQHandler
- .word RCC_IRQHandler
- .word EXTI0_IRQHandler
- .word EXTI1_IRQHandler
- .word EXTI2_IRQHandler
- .word EXTI3_IRQHandler
- .word EXTI4_IRQHandler
- .word DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
- .word DMA1_Channel2_IRQHandler
- .word DMA1_Channel3_IRQHandler
- .word DMA1_Channel4_IRQHandler
- .word DMA1_Channel5_IRQHandler
- .word DMA1_Channel6_IRQHandler
- .word DMA1_Channel7_IRQHandler
- .word ADC1_IRQHandler
- .word USB_HP_IRQHandler
- .word USB_LP_IRQHandler
- .word DAC_IRQHandler
- .word COMP_IRQHandler
- .word EXTI9_5_IRQHandler
- .word LCD_IRQHandler
- .word TIM9_IRQHandler
- .word TIM10_IRQHandler
- .word TIM11_IRQHandler
- .word TIM2_IRQHandler
- .word TIM3_IRQHandler
- .word TIM4_IRQHandler
- .word I2C1_EV_IRQHandler
- .word I2C1_ER_IRQHandler
- .word I2C2_EV_IRQHandler
- .word I2C2_ER_IRQHandler
- .word SPI1_IRQHandler
- .word SPI2_IRQHandler
- .word USART1_IRQHandler
- .word USART2_IRQHandler
- .word USART3_IRQHandler
- .word EXTI15_10_IRQHandler
- .word RTC_Alarm_IRQHandler
- .word USB_FS_WKUP_IRQHandler
- .word TIM6_IRQHandler
- .word TIM7_IRQHandler
- .word 0
- .word TIM5_IRQHandler
- .word SPI3_IRQHandler
- .word UART4_IRQHandler
- .word UART5_IRQHandler
- .word DMA2_Channel1_IRQHandler
- .word DMA2_Channel2_IRQHandler
- .word DMA2_Channel3_IRQHandler
- .word DMA2_Channel4_IRQHandler
- .word DMA2_Channel5_IRQHandler
- .word 0
- .word COMP_ACQ_IRQHandler
- .word 0
- .word 0
- .word 0
- .word 0
- .word 0
- .word BootRAM /* @0x108. This is for boot in RAM mode for
- STM32L152XE devices. */
-* Provide weak aliases for each Exception handler to the Default_Handler.
-* As they are weak aliases, any function with the same name will override
-* this definition.
- .weak NMI_Handler
- .thumb_set NMI_Handler,Default_Handler
- .weak HardFault_Handler
- .thumb_set HardFault_Handler,Default_Handler
- .weak MemManage_Handler
- .thumb_set MemManage_Handler,Default_Handler
- .weak BusFault_Handler
- .thumb_set BusFault_Handler,Default_Handler
- .weak UsageFault_Handler
- .thumb_set UsageFault_Handler,Default_Handler
- .weak SVC_Handler
- .thumb_set SVC_Handler,Default_Handler
- .weak DebugMon_Handler
- .thumb_set DebugMon_Handler,Default_Handler
- .weak PendSV_Handler
- .thumb_set PendSV_Handler,Default_Handler
- .weak SysTick_Handler
- .thumb_set SysTick_Handler,Default_Handler
- .weak WWDG_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set WWDG_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak PVD_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set PVD_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak TAMPER_STAMP_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set TAMPER_STAMP_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak RTC_WKUP_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set RTC_WKUP_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak FLASH_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set FLASH_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak RCC_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set RCC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak EXTI0_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set EXTI0_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak EXTI1_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set EXTI1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak EXTI2_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set EXTI2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak EXTI3_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set EXTI3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak EXTI4_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set EXTI4_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak DMA1_Channel2_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set DMA1_Channel2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak DMA1_Channel3_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set DMA1_Channel3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak DMA1_Channel4_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set DMA1_Channel4_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak DMA1_Channel5_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set DMA1_Channel5_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak DMA1_Channel6_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set DMA1_Channel6_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak DMA1_Channel7_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set DMA1_Channel7_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak ADC1_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set ADC1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak USB_HP_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set USB_HP_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak USB_LP_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set USB_LP_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak DAC_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set DAC_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak COMP_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set COMP_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak EXTI9_5_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set EXTI9_5_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak LCD_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set LCD_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak TIM9_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set TIM9_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak TIM10_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set TIM10_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak TIM11_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set TIM11_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak TIM2_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set TIM2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak TIM3_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set TIM3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak TIM4_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set TIM4_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak I2C1_EV_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set I2C1_EV_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak I2C1_ER_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set I2C1_ER_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak I2C2_EV_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set I2C2_EV_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak I2C2_ER_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set I2C2_ER_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak SPI1_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set SPI1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak SPI2_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set SPI2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak USART1_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set USART1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak USART2_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set USART2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak USART3_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set USART3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak EXTI15_10_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set EXTI15_10_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak RTC_Alarm_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set RTC_Alarm_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak USB_FS_WKUP_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set USB_FS_WKUP_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak TIM6_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set TIM6_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak TIM7_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set TIM7_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak TIM5_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set TIM5_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak SPI3_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set SPI3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak UART4_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set UART4_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak UART5_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set UART5_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak DMA2_Channel1_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set DMA2_Channel1_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak DMA2_Channel2_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set DMA2_Channel2_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak DMA2_Channel3_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set DMA2_Channel3_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak DMA2_Channel4_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set DMA2_Channel4_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak DMA2_Channel5_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set DMA2_Channel5_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
- .weak COMP_ACQ_IRQHandler
- .thumb_set COMP_ACQ_IRQHandler,Default_Handler
-/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/main.d b/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/main.d
index c8e7916..4c7ac9d 100644
--- a/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/main.d
+++ b/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/main.d
@@ -1,47 +1,48 @@
Core/Src/main.o: ../Core/Src/main.c ../Core/Inc/main.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal.h \
- ../Core/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_conf.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_def.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l152xe.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_cm3.h \
+ ../Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32f4xx_hal.h \
+ ../Core/Inc/stm32f4xx_hal_conf.h \
+ ../Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32f4xx_hal_rcc.h \
+ ../Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32f4xx_hal_def.h \
+ ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F4xx/Include/stm32f4xx.h \
+ ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F4xx/Include/stm32f401xe.h \
+ ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_cm4.h \
../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_version.h \
../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_compiler.h \
../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_gcc.h \
../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/mpu_armv7.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/system_stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy/stm32_hal_legacy.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_dma.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_uart.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_exti.h
+ ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F4xx/Include/system_stm32f4xx.h \
+ ../Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy/stm32_hal_legacy.h \
+ ../Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32f4xx_hal_rcc_ex.h \
+ ../Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32f4xx_hal_gpio.h \
+ ../Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32f4xx_hal_gpio_ex.h \
+ ../Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32f4xx_hal_exti.h \
+ ../Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32f4xx_hal_dma.h \
+ ../Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32f4xx_hal_dma_ex.h \
+ ../Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32f4xx_hal_cortex.h \
+ ../Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32f4xx_hal_flash.h \
+ ../Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32f4xx_hal_flash_ex.h \
+ ../Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32f4xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.h \
+ ../Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32f4xx_hal_pwr.h \
+ ../Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32f4xx_hal_pwr_ex.h \
+ ../Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32f4xx_hal_rtc.h \
+ ../Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32f4xx_hal_rtc_ex.h \
+ ../Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32f4xx_hal_uart.h
@@ -51,34 +52,36 @@ Core/Src/main.o: ../Core/Src/main.c ../Core/Inc/main.h \
diff --git a/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/main.o b/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/main.o
index 0ea88be..f9c4c17 100644
Binary files a/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/main.o and b/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/main.o differ
diff --git a/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/main.su b/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/main.su
index 7dde0de..b6fbf8d 100644
--- a/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/main.su
+++ b/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/main.su
@@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
-main.c:71:5:main 16 static
-main.c:136:6:SystemClock_Config 96 static
-main.c:186:13:MX_RTC_Init 8 static
-main.c:245:13:MX_USART2_UART_Init 8 static
-main.c:278:13:MX_GPIO_Init 48 static
-main.c:314:6:Error_Handler 4 static
+main.c:81:8:deg_to_rad 32 static
+main.c:92:8:rad_to_deg 32 static
+main.c:103:5:leap_year_check 16 static
+main.c:118:5:calc_day_of_year 40 static
+main.c:174:6:calc_sunrise_sunset 168 static
+main.c:276:6:calc_tomorrows_date 24 static
+main.c:309:6:set_Alarm 24 static
+main.c:330:6:transmit_uart 24 static
+main.c:342:5:main 200 static
+main.c:448:6:SystemClock_Config 104 static
+main.c:501:13:MX_RTC_Init 8 static
+main.c:561:13:MX_USART2_UART_Init 8 static
+main.c:594:13:MX_GPIO_Init 48 static
+main.c:630:6:Error_Handler 4 static,ignoring_inline_asm
+main.c:646:6:HAL_RTC_AlarmAEventCallback 16 static
diff --git a/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_msp.d b/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_msp.d
deleted file mode 100644
index fbd80ec..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_msp.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-Core/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_msp.o: ../Core/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_msp.c \
- ../Core/Inc/main.h ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal.h \
- ../Core/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_conf.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_def.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l152xe.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_cm3.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_version.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_compiler.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_gcc.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/mpu_armv7.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/system_stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy/stm32_hal_legacy.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_dma.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_uart.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_exti.h
diff --git a/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_msp.o b/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_msp.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 1970469..0000000
Binary files a/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_msp.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_msp.su b/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_msp.su
deleted file mode 100644
index a80b018..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_msp.su
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-stm32l1xx_hal_msp.c:64:6:HAL_MspInit 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_msp.c:89:6:HAL_RTC_MspInit 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_msp.c:111:6:HAL_RTC_MspDeInit 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_msp.c:133:6:HAL_UART_MspInit 48 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_msp.c:169:6:HAL_UART_MspDeInit 16 static
diff --git a/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/stm32l1xx_it.d b/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/stm32l1xx_it.d
deleted file mode 100644
index 67a1385..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/stm32l1xx_it.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-Core/Src/stm32l1xx_it.o: ../Core/Src/stm32l1xx_it.c ../Core/Inc/main.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal.h \
- ../Core/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_conf.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_def.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l152xe.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_cm3.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_version.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_compiler.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_gcc.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/mpu_armv7.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/system_stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy/stm32_hal_legacy.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_dma.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_uart.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_exti.h \
- ../Core/Inc/stm32l1xx_it.h
diff --git a/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/stm32l1xx_it.o b/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/stm32l1xx_it.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 73eb0bd..0000000
Binary files a/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/stm32l1xx_it.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/stm32l1xx_it.su b/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/stm32l1xx_it.su
deleted file mode 100644
index e35489c..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/stm32l1xx_it.su
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-stm32l1xx_it.c:70:6:NMI_Handler 4 static
-stm32l1xx_it.c:83:6:HardFault_Handler 4 static
-stm32l1xx_it.c:98:6:MemManage_Handler 4 static
-stm32l1xx_it.c:113:6:BusFault_Handler 4 static
-stm32l1xx_it.c:128:6:UsageFault_Handler 4 static
-stm32l1xx_it.c:143:6:SVC_Handler 4 static
-stm32l1xx_it.c:156:6:DebugMon_Handler 4 static
-stm32l1xx_it.c:169:6:PendSV_Handler 4 static
-stm32l1xx_it.c:182:6:SysTick_Handler 8 static
diff --git a/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/subdir.mk b/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/subdir.mk
index d2f7208..b142670 100644
--- a/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/subdir.mk
+++ b/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/subdir.mk
@@ -5,40 +5,40 @@
# Add inputs and outputs from these tool invocations to the build variables
C_SRCS += \
../Core/Src/main.c \
-../Core/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_msp.c \
-../Core/Src/stm32l1xx_it.c \
+../Core/Src/stm32f4xx_hal_msp.c \
+../Core/Src/stm32f4xx_it.c \
../Core/Src/syscalls.c \
../Core/Src/sysmem.c \
OBJS += \
./Core/Src/main.o \
-./Core/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_msp.o \
-./Core/Src/stm32l1xx_it.o \
+./Core/Src/stm32f4xx_hal_msp.o \
+./Core/Src/stm32f4xx_it.o \
./Core/Src/syscalls.o \
./Core/Src/sysmem.o \
C_DEPS += \
./Core/Src/main.d \
-./Core/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_msp.d \
-./Core/Src/stm32l1xx_it.d \
+./Core/Src/stm32f4xx_hal_msp.d \
+./Core/Src/stm32f4xx_it.d \
./Core/Src/syscalls.d \
./Core/Src/sysmem.d \
# Each subdirectory must supply rules for building sources it contributes
Core/Src/main.o: ../Core/Src/main.c
- arm-none-eabi-gcc "$<" -mcpu=cortex-m3 -std=gnu11 -g3 -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32L152xE -DDEBUG -c -I../Core/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Include -O0 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -fstack-usage -MMD -MP -MF"Core/Src/main.d" -MT"$@" --specs=nano.specs -mfloat-abi=soft -mthumb -o "$@"
-Core/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_msp.o: ../Core/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_msp.c
- arm-none-eabi-gcc "$<" -mcpu=cortex-m3 -std=gnu11 -g3 -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32L152xE -DDEBUG -c -I../Core/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Include -O0 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -fstack-usage -MMD -MP -MF"Core/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_msp.d" -MT"$@" --specs=nano.specs -mfloat-abi=soft -mthumb -o "$@"
-Core/Src/stm32l1xx_it.o: ../Core/Src/stm32l1xx_it.c
- arm-none-eabi-gcc "$<" -mcpu=cortex-m3 -std=gnu11 -g3 -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32L152xE -DDEBUG -c -I../Core/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Include -O0 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -fstack-usage -MMD -MP -MF"Core/Src/stm32l1xx_it.d" -MT"$@" --specs=nano.specs -mfloat-abi=soft -mthumb -o "$@"
+ arm-none-eabi-gcc "$<" -mcpu=cortex-m4 -std=gnu11 -g3 -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32F401xE -DDEBUG -c -I../Core/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F4xx/Include -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Include -O0 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -fstack-usage -MMD -MP -MF"Core/Src/main.d" -MT"$@" --specs=nano.specs -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -mthumb -o "$@"
+Core/Src/stm32f4xx_hal_msp.o: ../Core/Src/stm32f4xx_hal_msp.c
+ arm-none-eabi-gcc "$<" -mcpu=cortex-m4 -std=gnu11 -g3 -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32F401xE -DDEBUG -c -I../Core/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F4xx/Include -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Include -O0 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -fstack-usage -MMD -MP -MF"Core/Src/stm32f4xx_hal_msp.d" -MT"$@" --specs=nano.specs -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -mthumb -o "$@"
+Core/Src/stm32f4xx_it.o: ../Core/Src/stm32f4xx_it.c
+ arm-none-eabi-gcc "$<" -mcpu=cortex-m4 -std=gnu11 -g3 -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32F401xE -DDEBUG -c -I../Core/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F4xx/Include -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Include -O0 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -fstack-usage -MMD -MP -MF"Core/Src/stm32f4xx_it.d" -MT"$@" --specs=nano.specs -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -mthumb -o "$@"
Core/Src/syscalls.o: ../Core/Src/syscalls.c
- arm-none-eabi-gcc "$<" -mcpu=cortex-m3 -std=gnu11 -g3 -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32L152xE -DDEBUG -c -I../Core/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Include -O0 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -fstack-usage -MMD -MP -MF"Core/Src/syscalls.d" -MT"$@" --specs=nano.specs -mfloat-abi=soft -mthumb -o "$@"
+ arm-none-eabi-gcc "$<" -mcpu=cortex-m4 -std=gnu11 -g3 -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32F401xE -DDEBUG -c -I../Core/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F4xx/Include -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Include -O0 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -fstack-usage -MMD -MP -MF"Core/Src/syscalls.d" -MT"$@" --specs=nano.specs -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -mthumb -o "$@"
Core/Src/sysmem.o: ../Core/Src/sysmem.c
- arm-none-eabi-gcc "$<" -mcpu=cortex-m3 -std=gnu11 -g3 -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32L152xE -DDEBUG -c -I../Core/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Include -O0 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -fstack-usage -MMD -MP -MF"Core/Src/sysmem.d" -MT"$@" --specs=nano.specs -mfloat-abi=soft -mthumb -o "$@"
-Core/Src/system_stm32l1xx.o: ../Core/Src/system_stm32l1xx.c
- arm-none-eabi-gcc "$<" -mcpu=cortex-m3 -std=gnu11 -g3 -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32L152xE -DDEBUG -c -I../Core/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Include -O0 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -fstack-usage -MMD -MP -MF"Core/Src/system_stm32l1xx.d" -MT"$@" --specs=nano.specs -mfloat-abi=soft -mthumb -o "$@"
+ arm-none-eabi-gcc "$<" -mcpu=cortex-m4 -std=gnu11 -g3 -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32F401xE -DDEBUG -c -I../Core/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F4xx/Include -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Include -O0 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -fstack-usage -MMD -MP -MF"Core/Src/sysmem.d" -MT"$@" --specs=nano.specs -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -mthumb -o "$@"
+Core/Src/system_stm32f4xx.o: ../Core/Src/system_stm32f4xx.c
+ arm-none-eabi-gcc "$<" -mcpu=cortex-m4 -std=gnu11 -g3 -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32F401xE -DDEBUG -c -I../Core/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F4xx/Include -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Include -O0 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -fstack-usage -MMD -MP -MF"Core/Src/system_stm32f4xx.d" -MT"$@" --specs=nano.specs -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -mthumb -o "$@"
diff --git a/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/syscalls.o b/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/syscalls.o
index 18ae057..0863e90 100644
Binary files a/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/syscalls.o and b/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/syscalls.o differ
diff --git a/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/sysmem.o b/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/sysmem.o
index 602c545..3860d6d 100644
Binary files a/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/sysmem.o and b/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/sysmem.o differ
diff --git a/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/system_stm32l1xx.d b/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/system_stm32l1xx.d
deleted file mode 100644
index f8ec2d6..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/system_stm32l1xx.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-Core/Src/system_stm32l1xx.o: ../Core/Src/system_stm32l1xx.c \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l152xe.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_cm3.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_version.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_compiler.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_gcc.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/mpu_armv7.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/system_stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal.h \
- ../Core/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_conf.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_def.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy/stm32_hal_legacy.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_dma.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_uart.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_exti.h
diff --git a/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/system_stm32l1xx.o b/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/system_stm32l1xx.o
deleted file mode 100644
index adb25c6..0000000
Binary files a/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/system_stm32l1xx.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/system_stm32l1xx.su b/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/system_stm32l1xx.su
deleted file mode 100644
index 2042771..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Core/Src/system_stm32l1xx.su
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-system_stm32l1xx.c:140:6:SystemInit 4 static
-system_stm32l1xx.c:191:6:SystemCoreClockUpdate 32 static
diff --git a/RTC/Debug/Core/Startup/startup_stm32l152retx.d b/RTC/Debug/Core/Startup/startup_stm32l152retx.d
deleted file mode 100644
index 98bd1c7..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Core/Startup/startup_stm32l152retx.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Core/Startup/startup_stm32l152retx.o: \
- ../Core/Startup/startup_stm32l152retx.s
diff --git a/RTC/Debug/Core/Startup/startup_stm32l152retx.o b/RTC/Debug/Core/Startup/startup_stm32l152retx.o
deleted file mode 100644
index d3dda63..0000000
Binary files a/RTC/Debug/Core/Startup/startup_stm32l152retx.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/RTC/Debug/Core/Startup/subdir.mk b/RTC/Debug/Core/Startup/subdir.mk
index 4befb17..24f50d1 100644
--- a/RTC/Debug/Core/Startup/subdir.mk
+++ b/RTC/Debug/Core/Startup/subdir.mk
@@ -4,16 +4,16 @@
# Add inputs and outputs from these tool invocations to the build variables
S_SRCS += \
OBJS += \
S_DEPS += \
# Each subdirectory must supply rules for building sources it contributes
-Core/Startup/startup_stm32l152retx.o: ../Core/Startup/startup_stm32l152retx.s
- arm-none-eabi-gcc -mcpu=cortex-m3 -g3 -c -x assembler-with-cpp -MMD -MP -MF"Core/Startup/startup_stm32l152retx.d" -MT"$@" --specs=nano.specs -mfloat-abi=soft -mthumb -o "$@" "$<"
+Core/Startup/startup_stm32f401retx.o: ../Core/Startup/startup_stm32f401retx.s
+ arm-none-eabi-gcc -mcpu=cortex-m4 -g3 -c -x assembler-with-cpp -MMD -MP -MF"Core/Startup/startup_stm32f401retx.d" -MT"$@" --specs=nano.specs -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -mthumb -o "$@" "$<"
diff --git a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal.d b/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal.d
deleted file mode 100644
index 045d53a..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal.o: \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal.c \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal.h \
- ../Core/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_conf.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_def.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l152xe.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_cm3.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_version.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_compiler.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_gcc.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/mpu_armv7.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/system_stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy/stm32_hal_legacy.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_dma.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_uart.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_exti.h
diff --git a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal.o b/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal.o
deleted file mode 100644
index fe1e0a3..0000000
Binary files a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal.su b/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal.su
deleted file mode 100644
index 9459f44..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal.su
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-stm32l1xx_hal.c:140:19:HAL_Init 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal.c:173:19:HAL_DeInit 8 static
-stm32l1xx_hal.c:196:13:HAL_MspInit 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal.c:207:13:HAL_MspDeInit 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal.c:230:26:HAL_InitTick 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal.c:298:13:HAL_IncTick 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal.c:309:17:HAL_GetTick 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal.c:318:10:HAL_GetTickPrio 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal.c:328:19:HAL_SetTickFreq 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal.c:360:10:HAL_GetTickFreq 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal.c:376:13:HAL_Delay 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal.c:402:13:HAL_SuspendTick 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal.c:418:13:HAL_ResumeTick 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal.c:428:10:HAL_GetHalVersion 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal.c:437:10:HAL_GetREVID 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal.c:446:10:HAL_GetDEVID 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal.c:455:10:HAL_GetUIDw0 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal.c:464:10:HAL_GetUIDw1 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal.c:473:10:HAL_GetUIDw2 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal.c:502:6:HAL_DBGMCU_EnableDBGSleepMode 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal.c:511:6:HAL_DBGMCU_DisableDBGSleepMode 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal.c:520:6:HAL_DBGMCU_EnableDBGStopMode 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal.c:529:6:HAL_DBGMCU_DisableDBGStopMode 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal.c:538:6:HAL_DBGMCU_EnableDBGStandbyMode 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal.c:547:6:HAL_DBGMCU_DisableDBGStandbyMode 4 static
diff --git a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.d b/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.d
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dae4fc..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
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- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.c \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal.h \
- ../Core/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_conf.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_def.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l152xe.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_cm3.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_version.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_compiler.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_gcc.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/mpu_armv7.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/system_stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy/stm32_hal_legacy.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_dma.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_uart.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_exti.h
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index 3d56a37..0000000
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index 55b5570..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.su
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-core_cm3.h:1480:22:__NVIC_SetPriorityGrouping 24 static
-core_cm3.h:1499:26:__NVIC_GetPriorityGrouping 4 static
-core_cm3.h:1511:22:__NVIC_EnableIRQ 16 static
-core_cm3.h:1547:22:__NVIC_DisableIRQ 16 static,ignoring_inline_asm
-core_cm3.h:1566:26:__NVIC_GetPendingIRQ 16 static
-core_cm3.h:1585:22:__NVIC_SetPendingIRQ 16 static
-core_cm3.h:1600:22:__NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ 16 static
-core_cm3.h:1617:26:__NVIC_GetActive 16 static
-core_cm3.h:1639:22:__NVIC_SetPriority 16 static
-core_cm3.h:1661:26:__NVIC_GetPriority 16 static
-core_cm3.h:1686:26:NVIC_EncodePriority 40 static
-core_cm3.h:1713:22:NVIC_DecodePriority 40 static
-core_cm3.h:1762:34:__NVIC_SystemReset 4 static,ignoring_inline_asm
-core_cm3.h:1834:26:SysTick_Config 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.c:169:6:HAL_NVIC_SetPriorityGrouping 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.c:191:6:HAL_NVIC_SetPriority 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.c:213:6:HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.c:229:6:HAL_NVIC_DisableIRQ 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.c:242:6:HAL_NVIC_SystemReset 8 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.c:255:10:HAL_SYSTICK_Config 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.c:291:6:HAL_MPU_Enable 16 static,ignoring_inline_asm
-stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.c:305:6:HAL_MPU_Disable 4 static,ignoring_inline_asm
-stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.c:320:6:HAL_MPU_ConfigRegion 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.c:364:10:HAL_NVIC_GetPriorityGrouping 8 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.c:391:6:HAL_NVIC_GetPriority 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.c:406:6:HAL_NVIC_SetPendingIRQ 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.c:421:10:HAL_NVIC_GetPendingIRQ 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.c:434:6:HAL_NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.c:448:10:HAL_NVIC_GetActive 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.c:462:6:HAL_SYSTICK_CLKSourceConfig 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.c:480:6:HAL_SYSTICK_IRQHandler 8 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.c:489:13:HAL_SYSTICK_Callback 4 static
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index c9cec93..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_dma.d
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@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
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- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_dma.c \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal.h \
- ../Core/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_conf.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_def.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l152xe.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_cm3.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_version.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_compiler.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_gcc.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/mpu_armv7.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/system_stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy/stm32_hal_legacy.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_dma.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_uart.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_exti.h
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index a7fe624..0000000
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index 563b6c3..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_dma.su
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-stm32l1xx_hal_dma.c:143:19:HAL_DMA_Init 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_dma.c:222:19:HAL_DMA_DeInit 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_dma.c:314:19:HAL_DMA_Start 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_dma.c:357:19:HAL_DMA_Start_IT 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_dma.c:412:19:HAL_DMA_Abort 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_dma.c:453:19:HAL_DMA_Abort_IT 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_dma.c:498:19:HAL_DMA_PollForTransfer 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_dma.c:599:6:HAL_DMA_IRQHandler 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_dma.c:696:19:HAL_DMA_RegisterCallback 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_dma.c:747:19:HAL_DMA_UnRegisterCallback 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_dma.c:825:22:HAL_DMA_GetState 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_dma.c:837:10:HAL_DMA_GetError 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_dma.c:863:13:DMA_SetConfig 24 static
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index abf31f4..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_exti.d
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@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
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- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_exti.c \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal.h \
- ../Core/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_conf.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_def.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l152xe.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_cm3.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_version.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_compiler.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_gcc.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/mpu_armv7.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/system_stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy/stm32_hal_legacy.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_dma.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_uart.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_exti.h
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index 930bdae..0000000
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index 0e3e728..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_exti.su
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-stm32l1xx_hal_exti.c:143:19:HAL_EXTI_SetConfigLine 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_exti.c:238:19:HAL_EXTI_GetConfigLine 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_exti.c:327:19:HAL_EXTI_ClearConfigLine 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_exti.c:380:19:HAL_EXTI_RegisterCallback 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_exti.c:405:19:HAL_EXTI_GetHandle 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_exti.c:445:6:HAL_EXTI_IRQHandler 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_exti.c:477:10:HAL_EXTI_GetPending 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_exti.c:506:6:HAL_EXTI_ClearPending 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_exti.c:527:6:HAL_EXTI_GenerateSWI 24 static
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index 50015c6..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_flash.d
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@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_flash.o: \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_flash.c \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal.h \
- ../Core/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_conf.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_def.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l152xe.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_cm3.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_version.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_compiler.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_gcc.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/mpu_armv7.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/system_stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy/stm32_hal_legacy.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_dma.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_uart.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_exti.h
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index 75bb79b..0000000
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index 9ec37c6..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_flash.su
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@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash.c:231:19:HAL_FLASH_Program 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash.c:273:19:HAL_FLASH_Program_IT 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash.c:304:6:HAL_FLASH_IRQHandler 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash.c:419:13:HAL_FLASH_EndOfOperationCallback 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash.c:436:13:HAL_FLASH_OperationErrorCallback 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash.c:469:19:HAL_FLASH_Unlock 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash.c:504:19:HAL_FLASH_Lock 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash.c:516:19:HAL_FLASH_OB_Unlock 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash.c:552:19:HAL_FLASH_OB_Lock 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash.c:565:19:HAL_FLASH_OB_Launch 8 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash.c:597:10:HAL_FLASH_GetError 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash.c:619:19:FLASH_WaitForLastOperation 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash.c:669:13:FLASH_SetErrorCode 16 static
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deleted file mode 100644
index e4a181c..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.d
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@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
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- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal.h \
- ../Core/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_conf.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_def.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l152xe.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_cm3.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_version.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_compiler.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_gcc.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/mpu_armv7.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/system_stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy/stm32_hal_legacy.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_dma.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_uart.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_exti.h
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deleted file mode 100644
index 65981ba..0000000
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deleted file mode 100644
index 304923f..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.su
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c:187:19:HAL_FLASHEx_Erase 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c:283:19:HAL_FLASHEx_Erase_IT 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c:406:19:HAL_FLASHEx_OBProgram 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c:488:6:HAL_FLASHEx_OBGetConfig 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c:542:19:HAL_FLASHEx_AdvOBProgram 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c:599:6:HAL_FLASHEx_AdvOBGetConfig 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c:751:19:HAL_FLASHEx_DATAEEPROM_Unlock 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c:770:19:HAL_FLASHEx_DATAEEPROM_Lock 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c:790:19:HAL_FLASHEx_DATAEEPROM_Erase 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c:848:21:HAL_FLASHEx_DATAEEPROM_Program 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c:913:6:HAL_FLASHEx_DATAEEPROM_EnableFixedTimeProgram 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c:922:6:HAL_FLASHEx_DATAEEPROM_DisableFixedTimeProgram 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c:958:26:FLASH_OB_RDPConfig 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c:1022:26:FLASH_OB_BORConfig 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c:1060:16:FLASH_OB_GetUser 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c:1074:16:FLASH_OB_GetRDP 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c:1092:16:FLASH_OB_GetBOR 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c:1106:26:FLASH_OB_WRPConfig 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c:1237:13:FLASH_OB_WRPConfigWRP1OrPCROP1 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c:1283:13:FLASH_OB_WRPConfigWRP2OrPCROP2 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c:1329:13:FLASH_OB_WRPConfigWRP3 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c:1374:13:FLASH_OB_WRPConfigWRP4 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c:1424:26:FLASH_OB_UserConfig 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c:1477:26:FLASH_OB_BootConfig 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c:1526:26:FLASH_DATAEEPROM_FastProgramByte 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c:1586:26:FLASH_DATAEEPROM_FastProgramHalfWord 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c:1654:26:FLASH_DATAEEPROM_FastProgramWord 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c:1685:26:FLASH_DATAEEPROM_ProgramByte 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c:1739:26:FLASH_DATAEEPROM_ProgramHalfWord 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c:1800:26:FLASH_DATAEEPROM_ProgramWord 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c:1845:6:FLASH_PageErase 16 static
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index 19506b8..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
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- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.c \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal.h \
- ../Core/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_conf.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_def.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l152xe.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_cm3.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_version.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_compiler.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_gcc.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/mpu_armv7.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/system_stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy/stm32_hal_legacy.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_dma.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_uart.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_exti.h
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index 1964939..0000000
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index 75f6bc9..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.su
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.c:115:30:HAL_FLASHEx_EnableRunPowerDown 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.c:128:30:HAL_FLASHEx_DisableRunPowerDown 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.c:165:30:HAL_FLASHEx_EraseParallelPage 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.c:226:30:HAL_FLASHEx_ProgramParallelHalfPage 48 static,ignoring_inline_asm
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.c:304:30:HAL_FLASHEx_HalfPageProgram 40 static,ignoring_inline_asm
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.c:396:30:HAL_FLASHEx_GetError 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.c:428:30:HAL_FLASHEx_DATAEEPROM_EraseDoubleWord 32 static,ignoring_inline_asm
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.c:488:30:HAL_FLASHEx_DATAEEPROM_ProgramDoubleWord 48 static,ignoring_inline_asm
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.c:588:37:FLASHRAM_WaitForLastOperation 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.c:542:37:FLASHRAM_SetErrorCode 16 static
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deleted file mode 100644
index 052f24b..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.o: \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.c \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal.h \
- ../Core/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_conf.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_def.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l152xe.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_cm3.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_version.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_compiler.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_gcc.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/mpu_armv7.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/system_stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy/stm32_hal_legacy.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_dma.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_uart.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_exti.h
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index 770326a..0000000
Binary files a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.o and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 5ec9aa1..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.su
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.c:178:6:HAL_GPIO_Init 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.c:304:6:HAL_GPIO_DeInit 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.c:384:15:HAL_GPIO_ReadPin 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.c:416:6:HAL_GPIO_WritePin 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.c:438:6:HAL_GPIO_TogglePin 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.c:472:19:HAL_GPIO_LockPin 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.c:507:6:HAL_GPIO_EXTI_IRQHandler 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.c:522:13:HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback 16 static
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index 2f9713c..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.d
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@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.o: \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.c \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal.h \
- ../Core/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_conf.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_def.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l152xe.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_cm3.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_version.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_compiler.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_gcc.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/mpu_armv7.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/system_stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy/stm32_hal_legacy.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_dma.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_uart.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_exti.h
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index 8611bca..0000000
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index 7e0addd..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.su
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.c:85:6:HAL_PWR_DeInit 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.c:98:6:HAL_PWR_EnableBkUpAccess 16 static,ignoring_inline_asm
-stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.c:111:6:HAL_PWR_DisableBkUpAccess 16 static,ignoring_inline_asm
-stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.c:339:6:HAL_PWR_ConfigPVD 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.c:381:6:HAL_PWR_EnablePVD 16 static,ignoring_inline_asm
-stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.c:391:6:HAL_PWR_DisablePVD 16 static,ignoring_inline_asm
-stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.c:406:6:HAL_PWR_EnableWakeUpPin 24 static,ignoring_inline_asm
-stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.c:423:6:HAL_PWR_DisableWakeUpPin 24 static,ignoring_inline_asm
-stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.c:446:6:HAL_PWR_EnterSLEEPMode 16 static,ignoring_inline_asm
-stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.c:492:6:HAL_PWR_EnterSTOPMode 16 static,ignoring_inline_asm
-stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.c:532:6:HAL_PWR_EnterSTANDBYMode 4 static,ignoring_inline_asm
-stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.c:557:6:HAL_PWR_EnableSleepOnExit 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.c:570:6:HAL_PWR_DisableSleepOnExit 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.c:583:6:HAL_PWR_EnableSEVOnPend 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.c:596:6:HAL_PWR_DisableSEVOnPend 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.c:609:6:HAL_PWR_PVD_IRQHandler 8 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.c:626:13:HAL_PWR_PVDCallback 4 static
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index 94d8bd5..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.d
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@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
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- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.c \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal.h \
- ../Core/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_conf.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_def.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l152xe.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_cm3.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_version.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_compiler.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_gcc.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/mpu_armv7.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/system_stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy/stm32_hal_legacy.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_dma.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_uart.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_exti.h
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index a5f7449..0000000
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index 44c4424..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.su
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@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.c:66:10:HAL_PWREx_GetVoltageRange 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.c:79:6:HAL_PWREx_EnableFastWakeUp 16 static,ignoring_inline_asm
-stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.c:89:6:HAL_PWREx_DisableFastWakeUp 16 static,ignoring_inline_asm
-stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.c:99:6:HAL_PWREx_EnableUltraLowPower 16 static,ignoring_inline_asm
-stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.c:109:6:HAL_PWREx_DisableUltraLowPower 16 static,ignoring_inline_asm
-stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.c:125:6:HAL_PWREx_EnableLowPowerRunMode 24 static,ignoring_inline_asm
-stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.c:136:19:HAL_PWREx_DisableLowPowerRunMode 24 static,ignoring_inline_asm
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index a6c4bb3..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.d
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@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
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- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.c \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal.h \
- ../Core/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_conf.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_def.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l152xe.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_cm3.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_version.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_compiler.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_gcc.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/mpu_armv7.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/system_stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy/stm32_hal_legacy.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_dma.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_uart.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_exti.h
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index a390e6d..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.su
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@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.c:228:19:HAL_RCC_DeInit 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.c:324:19:HAL_RCC_OscConfig 40 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.c:799:19:HAL_RCC_ClockConfig 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.c:1005:6:HAL_RCC_MCOConfig 48 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.c:1039:6:HAL_RCC_EnableCSS 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.c:1048:6:HAL_RCC_DisableCSS 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.c:1083:10:HAL_RCC_GetSysClockFreq 48 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.c:1139:10:HAL_RCC_GetHCLKFreq 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.c:1150:10:HAL_RCC_GetPCLK1Freq 8 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.c:1162:10:HAL_RCC_GetPCLK2Freq 8 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.c:1175:6:HAL_RCC_GetOscConfig 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.c:1271:6:HAL_RCC_GetClockConfig 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.c:1301:6:HAL_RCC_NMI_IRQHandler 8 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.c:1318:13:HAL_RCC_CSSCallback 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.c:1343:26:RCC_SetFlashLatencyFromMSIRange 32 static
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index bc8b97f..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.d
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@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
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- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.c \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal.h \
- ../Core/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_conf.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_def.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l152xe.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_cm3.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_version.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_compiler.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_gcc.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/mpu_armv7.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/system_stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy/stm32_hal_legacy.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_dma.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_uart.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_exti.h
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index 1b1c4d1..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.su
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@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.c:92:19:HAL_RCCEx_PeriphCLKConfig 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.c:221:6:HAL_RCCEx_GetPeriphCLKConfig 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.c:258:10:HAL_RCCEx_GetPeriphCLKFreq 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.c:350:6:HAL_RCCEx_EnableLSECSS 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.c:363:6:HAL_RCCEx_DisableLSECSS 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.c:377:6:HAL_RCCEx_EnableLSECSS_IT 4 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.c:394:6:HAL_RCCEx_LSECSS_IRQHandler 8 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.c:411:13:HAL_RCCEx_LSECSS_Callback 4 static
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index d2c442d..0000000
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- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.c \
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- ../Core/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_conf.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_def.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l152xe.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_cm3.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_version.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_compiler.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_gcc.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/mpu_armv7.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/system_stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy/stm32_hal_legacy.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_dma.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_uart.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_exti.h
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index f496e13..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.su
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@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
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-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.c:349:19:HAL_RTC_DeInit 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.c:670:13:HAL_RTC_MspInit 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.c:685:13:HAL_RTC_MspDeInit 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.c:723:19:HAL_RTC_SetTime 40 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.c:854:19:HAL_RTC_GetTime 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.c:900:19:HAL_RTC_SetDate 40 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.c:1006:19:HAL_RTC_GetDate 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.c:1060:19:HAL_RTC_SetAlarm 48 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.c:1253:19:HAL_RTC_SetAlarm_IT 48 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.c:1446:19:HAL_RTC_DeactivateAlarm 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.c:1540:19:HAL_RTC_GetAlarm 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.c:1599:6:HAL_RTC_AlarmIRQHandler 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.c:1648:13:HAL_RTC_AlarmAEventCallback 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.c:1664:19:HAL_RTC_PollForAlarmAEvent 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.c:1723:19:HAL_RTC_WaitForSynchro 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.c:1773:21:HAL_RTC_GetState 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.c:1796:19:RTC_EnterInitMode 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.c:1826:9:RTC_ByteToBcd2 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.c:1845:9:RTC_Bcd2ToByte 24 static
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index 2c5b8b3..0000000
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- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal.h \
- ../Core/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_conf.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_def.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l152xe.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_cm3.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_version.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_compiler.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_gcc.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/mpu_armv7.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/system_stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy/stm32_hal_legacy.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_dma.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_uart.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_exti.h
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index c63ef76..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.su
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@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:128:19:HAL_RTCEx_SetTimeStamp 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:178:19:HAL_RTCEx_SetTimeStamp_IT 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:227:19:HAL_RTCEx_DeactivateTimeStamp 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:270:19:HAL_RTCEx_GetTimeStamp 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:323:19:HAL_RTCEx_SetTamper 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:384:19:HAL_RTCEx_SetTamper_IT 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:452:19:HAL_RTCEx_DeactivateTamper 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:477:6:HAL_RTCEx_TamperTimeStampIRQHandler 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:565:13:HAL_RTCEx_TimeStampEventCallback 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:580:13:HAL_RTCEx_Tamper1EventCallback 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:596:13:HAL_RTCEx_Tamper2EventCallback 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:611:13:HAL_RTCEx_Tamper3EventCallback 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:628:19:HAL_RTCEx_PollForTimeStampEvent 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:667:19:HAL_RTCEx_PollForTamper1Event 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:700:19:HAL_RTCEx_PollForTamper2Event 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:732:19:HAL_RTCEx_PollForTamper3Event 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:784:19:HAL_RTCEx_SetWakeUpTimer 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:874:19:HAL_RTCEx_SetWakeUpTimer_IT 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:974:19:HAL_RTCEx_DeactivateWakeUpTimer 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:1026:10:HAL_RTCEx_GetWakeUpTimer 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:1037:6:HAL_RTCEx_WakeUpTimerIRQHandler 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:1066:13:HAL_RTCEx_WakeUpTimerEventCallback 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:1082:19:HAL_RTCEx_PollForWakeUpTimerEvent 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:1148:6:HAL_RTCEx_BKUPWrite 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:1170:10:HAL_RTCEx_BKUPRead 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:1201:19:HAL_RTCEx_SetCoarseCalib 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:1259:19:HAL_RTCEx_DeactivateCoarseCalib 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:1324:19:HAL_RTCEx_SetSmoothCalib 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:1392:19:HAL_RTCEx_SetSynchroShift 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:1485:19:HAL_RTCEx_SetCalibrationOutPut 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:1535:19:HAL_RTCEx_DeactivateCalibrationOutPut 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:1564:19:HAL_RTCEx_SetRefClock 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:1613:19:HAL_RTCEx_DeactivateRefClock 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:1665:19:HAL_RTCEx_EnableBypassShadow 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:1697:19:HAL_RTCEx_DisableBypassShadow 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c:1747:13:HAL_RTCEx_AlarmBEventCallback 16 static
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index 354a9b9..0000000
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- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_tim.c \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal.h \
- ../Core/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_conf.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_def.h \
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- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l152xe.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_cm3.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_version.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_compiler.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_gcc.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/mpu_armv7.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/system_stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy/stm32_hal_legacy.h \
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- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_dma.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_uart.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_exti.h
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@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
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- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal.h \
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- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_def.h \
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- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l152xe.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_cm3.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_version.h \
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- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/mpu_armv7.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/system_stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy/stm32_hal_legacy.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.h \
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- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_dma.h \
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- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.h \
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- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_uart.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_exti.h
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index d66a839..0000000
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index e69de29..0000000
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index 2130805..0000000
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@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
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- ../Core/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_conf.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_def.h \
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- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/stm32l152xe.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/core_cm3.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_version.h \
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- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/cmsis_gcc.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Include/mpu_armv7.h \
- ../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include/system_stm32l1xx.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy/stm32_hal_legacy.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_dma.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_uart.h \
- ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32l1xx_hal_exti.h
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index 799a2a6..0000000
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index c919f87..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_uart.su
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@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:313:19:HAL_UART_Init 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:388:19:HAL_HalfDuplex_Init 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:461:19:HAL_LIN_Init 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:542:19:HAL_MultiProcessor_Init 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:619:19:HAL_UART_DeInit 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:663:13:HAL_UART_MspInit 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:678:13:HAL_UART_MspDeInit 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:1018:19:HAL_UART_Transmit 40 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:1104:19:HAL_UART_Receive 40 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:1195:19:HAL_UART_Transmit_IT 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:1240:19:HAL_UART_Receive_IT 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:1291:19:HAL_UART_Transmit_DMA 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:1359:19:HAL_UART_Receive_DMA 32 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:1426:19:HAL_UART_DMAPause 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:1463:19:HAL_UART_DMAResume 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:1499:19:HAL_UART_DMAStop 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:1551:19:HAL_UART_Abort 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:1633:19:HAL_UART_AbortTransmit 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:1684:19:HAL_UART_AbortReceive 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:1738:19:HAL_UART_Abort_IT 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:1866:19:HAL_UART_AbortTransmit_IT 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:1943:19:HAL_UART_AbortReceive_IT 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:2013:6:HAL_UART_IRQHandler 40 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:2159:13:HAL_UART_TxCpltCallback 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:2174:13:HAL_UART_TxHalfCpltCallback 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:2189:13:HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:2204:13:HAL_UART_RxHalfCpltCallback 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:2219:13:HAL_UART_ErrorCallback 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:2233:13:HAL_UART_AbortCpltCallback 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:2248:13:HAL_UART_AbortTransmitCpltCallback 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:2263:13:HAL_UART_AbortReceiveCpltCallback 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:2302:19:HAL_LIN_SendBreak 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:2329:19:HAL_MultiProcessor_EnterMuteMode 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:2356:19:HAL_MultiProcessor_ExitMuteMode 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:2383:19:HAL_HalfDuplex_EnableTransmitter 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:2418:19:HAL_HalfDuplex_EnableReceiver 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:2475:23:HAL_UART_GetState 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:2490:10:HAL_UART_GetError 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:2534:13:UART_DMATransmitCplt 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:2569:13:UART_DMATxHalfCplt 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:2588:13:UART_DMAReceiveCplt 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:2622:13:UART_DMARxHalfCplt 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:2641:13:UART_DMAError 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:2682:26:UART_WaitOnFlagUntilTimeout 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:2714:13:UART_EndTxTransfer 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:2728:13:UART_EndRxTransfer 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:2745:13:UART_DMAAbortOnError 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:2769:13:UART_DMATxAbortCallback 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:2814:13:UART_DMARxAbortCallback 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:2859:13:UART_DMATxOnlyAbortCallback 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:2887:13:UART_DMARxOnlyAbortCallback 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:2912:26:UART_Transmit_IT 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:2959:26:UART_EndTransmit_IT 16 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:2984:26:UART_Receive_IT 24 static
-stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c:3055:13:UART_SetConfig 24 static
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index db4e74d..0000000
--- a/RTC/Debug/Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/subdir.mk
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@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
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-# Add inputs and outputs from these tool invocations to the build variables
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-../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_exti.c \
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-../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.c \
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-../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.c \
-../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c \
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-./Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.o \
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- arm-none-eabi-gcc "$<" -mcpu=cortex-m3 -std=gnu11 -g3 -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32L152xE -DDEBUG -c -I../Core/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Include -O0 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -fstack-usage -MMD -MP -MF"Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_cortex.d" -MT"$@" --specs=nano.specs -mfloat-abi=soft -mthumb -o "$@"
-Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_dma.o: ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_dma.c
- arm-none-eabi-gcc "$<" -mcpu=cortex-m3 -std=gnu11 -g3 -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32L152xE -DDEBUG -c -I../Core/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Include -O0 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -fstack-usage -MMD -MP -MF"Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_dma.d" -MT"$@" --specs=nano.specs -mfloat-abi=soft -mthumb -o "$@"
-Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_exti.o: ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_exti.c
- arm-none-eabi-gcc "$<" -mcpu=cortex-m3 -std=gnu11 -g3 -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32L152xE -DDEBUG -c -I../Core/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Include -O0 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -fstack-usage -MMD -MP -MF"Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_exti.d" -MT"$@" --specs=nano.specs -mfloat-abi=soft -mthumb -o "$@"
-Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_flash.o: ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_flash.c
- arm-none-eabi-gcc "$<" -mcpu=cortex-m3 -std=gnu11 -g3 -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32L152xE -DDEBUG -c -I../Core/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Include -O0 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -fstack-usage -MMD -MP -MF"Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_flash.d" -MT"$@" --specs=nano.specs -mfloat-abi=soft -mthumb -o "$@"
-Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.o: ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.c
- arm-none-eabi-gcc "$<" -mcpu=cortex-m3 -std=gnu11 -g3 -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32L152xE -DDEBUG -c -I../Core/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Include -O0 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -fstack-usage -MMD -MP -MF"Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ex.d" -MT"$@" --specs=nano.specs -mfloat-abi=soft -mthumb -o "$@"
-Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.o: ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.c
- arm-none-eabi-gcc "$<" -mcpu=cortex-m3 -std=gnu11 -g3 -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32L152xE -DDEBUG -c -I../Core/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Include -O0 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -fstack-usage -MMD -MP -MF"Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.d" -MT"$@" --specs=nano.specs -mfloat-abi=soft -mthumb -o "$@"
-Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.o: ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.c
- arm-none-eabi-gcc "$<" -mcpu=cortex-m3 -std=gnu11 -g3 -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32L152xE -DDEBUG -c -I../Core/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Include -O0 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -fstack-usage -MMD -MP -MF"Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_gpio.d" -MT"$@" --specs=nano.specs -mfloat-abi=soft -mthumb -o "$@"
-Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.o: ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.c
- arm-none-eabi-gcc "$<" -mcpu=cortex-m3 -std=gnu11 -g3 -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32L152xE -DDEBUG -c -I../Core/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Include -O0 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -fstack-usage -MMD -MP -MF"Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr.d" -MT"$@" --specs=nano.specs -mfloat-abi=soft -mthumb -o "$@"
-Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.o: ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.c
- arm-none-eabi-gcc "$<" -mcpu=cortex-m3 -std=gnu11 -g3 -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32L152xE -DDEBUG -c -I../Core/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Include -O0 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -fstack-usage -MMD -MP -MF"Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_pwr_ex.d" -MT"$@" --specs=nano.specs -mfloat-abi=soft -mthumb -o "$@"
-Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.o: ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.c
- arm-none-eabi-gcc "$<" -mcpu=cortex-m3 -std=gnu11 -g3 -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32L152xE -DDEBUG -c -I../Core/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Include -O0 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -fstack-usage -MMD -MP -MF"Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc.d" -MT"$@" --specs=nano.specs -mfloat-abi=soft -mthumb -o "$@"
-Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.o: ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.c
- arm-none-eabi-gcc "$<" -mcpu=cortex-m3 -std=gnu11 -g3 -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32L152xE -DDEBUG -c -I../Core/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Include -O0 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -fstack-usage -MMD -MP -MF"Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_rcc_ex.d" -MT"$@" --specs=nano.specs -mfloat-abi=soft -mthumb -o "$@"
-Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.o: ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.c
- arm-none-eabi-gcc "$<" -mcpu=cortex-m3 -std=gnu11 -g3 -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32L152xE -DDEBUG -c -I../Core/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Include -O0 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -fstack-usage -MMD -MP -MF"Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc.d" -MT"$@" --specs=nano.specs -mfloat-abi=soft -mthumb -o "$@"
-Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.o: ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.c
- arm-none-eabi-gcc "$<" -mcpu=cortex-m3 -std=gnu11 -g3 -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32L152xE -DDEBUG -c -I../Core/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Include -O0 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -fstack-usage -MMD -MP -MF"Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_rtc_ex.d" -MT"$@" --specs=nano.specs -mfloat-abi=soft -mthumb -o "$@"
-Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_tim.o: ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_tim.c
- arm-none-eabi-gcc "$<" -mcpu=cortex-m3 -std=gnu11 -g3 -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32L152xE -DDEBUG -c -I../Core/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Include -O0 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -fstack-usage -MMD -MP -MF"Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_tim.d" -MT"$@" --specs=nano.specs -mfloat-abi=soft -mthumb -o "$@"
-Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_tim_ex.o: ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_tim_ex.c
- arm-none-eabi-gcc "$<" -mcpu=cortex-m3 -std=gnu11 -g3 -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32L152xE -DDEBUG -c -I../Core/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Include -O0 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -fstack-usage -MMD -MP -MF"Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_tim_ex.d" -MT"$@" --specs=nano.specs -mfloat-abi=soft -mthumb -o "$@"
-Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_uart.o: ../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_uart.c
- arm-none-eabi-gcc "$<" -mcpu=cortex-m3 -std=gnu11 -g3 -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32L152xE -DDEBUG -c -I../Core/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32L1xx/Include -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Include -O0 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -fstack-usage -MMD -MP -MF"Drivers/STM32L1xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l1xx_hal_uart.d" -MT"$@" --specs=nano.specs -mfloat-abi=soft -mthumb -o "$@"
diff --git a/RTC/Debug/RTC.bin b/RTC/Debug/RTC.bin
index b91fdc9..2a3e1f5 100644
Binary files a/RTC/Debug/RTC.bin and b/RTC/Debug/RTC.bin differ
diff --git a/RTC/Debug/RTC.elf b/RTC/Debug/RTC.elf
index b7afc44..51eeb78 100644
Binary files a/RTC/Debug/RTC.elf and b/RTC/Debug/RTC.elf differ
diff --git a/RTC/Debug/RTC.list b/RTC/Debug/RTC.list
index a1a07d5..7b73d21 100644
--- a/RTC/Debug/RTC.list
+++ b/RTC/Debug/RTC.list
@@ -3,6384 +3,12178 @@ RTC.elf: file format elf32-littlearm
Idx Name Size VMA LMA File off Algn
- 0 .isr_vector 0000013c 08000000 08000000 00010000 2**0
+ 0 .isr_vector 00000194 08000000 08000000 00010000 2**0
- 1 .text 000024a8 0800013c 0800013c 0001013c 2**2
+ 1 .text 00005de4 08000198 08000198 00010198 2**3
- 2 .rodata 00000024 080025e4 080025e4 000125e4 2**2
+ 2 .rodata 00000290 08005f80 08005f80 00015f80 2**3
- 3 .ARM.extab 00000000 08002608 08002608 0002000c 2**0
+ 3 .ARM.extab 00000000 08006210 08006210 00020088 2**0
- 4 .ARM 00000008 08002608 08002608 00012608 2**2
+ 4 .ARM 00000008 08006210 08006210 00016210 2**2
- 5 .preinit_array 00000000 08002610 08002610 0002000c 2**0
+ 5 .preinit_array 00000000 08006218 08006218 00020088 2**0
- 6 .init_array 00000004 08002610 08002610 00012610 2**2
+ 6 .init_array 00000004 08006218 08006218 00016218 2**2
- 7 .fini_array 00000004 08002614 08002614 00012614 2**2
+ 7 .fini_array 00000004 0800621c 0800621c 0001621c 2**2
- 8 .data 0000000c 20000000 08002618 00020000 2**2
+ 8 .data 00000088 20000000 08006220 00020000 2**2
- 9 .bss 00000098 2000000c 08002624 0002000c 2**2
+ 9 .bss 000000c0 20000088 080062a8 00020088 2**2
- 10 ._user_heap_stack 00000604 200000a4 08002624 000200a4 2**0
+ 10 ._user_heap_stack 00000600 20000148 080062a8 00020148 2**0
- 11 .ARM.attributes 00000029 00000000 00000000 0002000c 2**0
+ 11 .ARM.attributes 00000030 00000000 00000000 00020088 2**0
- 12 .debug_info 00006999 00000000 00000000 00020035 2**0
+ 12 .debug_info 000098e6 00000000 00000000 000200b8 2**0
- 13 .debug_abbrev 00001431 00000000 00000000 000269ce 2**0
+ 13 .debug_abbrev 0000196e 00000000 00000000 0002999e 2**0
- 14 .debug_aranges 000006f8 00000000 00000000 00027e00 2**3
+ 14 .debug_aranges 00000910 00000000 00000000 0002b310 2**3
- 15 .debug_ranges 00000640 00000000 00000000 000284f8 2**3
+ 15 .debug_ranges 00000838 00000000 00000000 0002bc20 2**3
- 16 .debug_macro 00015151 00000000 00000000 00028b38 2**0
+ 16 .debug_macro 00015f3a 00000000 00000000 0002c458 2**0
- 17 .debug_line 000062c4 00000000 00000000 0003dc89 2**0
+ 17 .debug_line 00007bf1 00000000 00000000 00042392 2**0
- 18 .debug_str 000859c4 00000000 00000000 00043f4d 2**0
+ 18 .debug_str 00089db1 00000000 00000000 00049f83 2**0
- 19 .comment 0000007b 00000000 00000000 000c9911 2**0
+ 19 .comment 0000007b 00000000 00000000 000d3d34 2**0
- 20 .debug_frame 00001b48 00000000 00000000 000c998c 2**2
+ 20 .debug_frame 000029c4 00000000 00000000 000d3db0 2**2
Disassembly of section .text:
-0800013c <__do_global_dtors_aux>:
- 800013c: b510 push {r4, lr}
- 800013e: 4c05 ldr r4, [pc, #20] ; (8000154 <__do_global_dtors_aux+0x18>)
- 8000140: 7823 ldrb r3, [r4, #0]
- 8000142: b933 cbnz r3, 8000152 <__do_global_dtors_aux+0x16>
- 8000144: 4b04 ldr r3, [pc, #16] ; (8000158 <__do_global_dtors_aux+0x1c>)
- 8000146: b113 cbz r3, 800014e <__do_global_dtors_aux+0x12>
- 8000148: 4804 ldr r0, [pc, #16] ; (800015c <__do_global_dtors_aux+0x20>)
- 800014a: f3af 8000 nop.w
- 800014e: 2301 movs r3, #1
- 8000150: 7023 strb r3, [r4, #0]
- 8000152: bd10 pop {r4, pc}
- 8000154: 2000000c .word 0x2000000c
- 8000158: 00000000 .word 0x00000000
- 800015c: 080025cc .word 0x080025cc
+08000198 <__do_global_dtors_aux>:
+ 8000198: b510 push {r4, lr}
+ 800019a: 4c05 ldr r4, [pc, #20] ; (80001b0 <__do_global_dtors_aux+0x18>)
+ 800019c: 7823 ldrb r3, [r4, #0]
+ 800019e: b933 cbnz r3, 80001ae <__do_global_dtors_aux+0x16>
+ 80001a0: 4b04 ldr r3, [pc, #16] ; (80001b4 <__do_global_dtors_aux+0x1c>)
+ 80001a2: b113 cbz r3, 80001aa <__do_global_dtors_aux+0x12>
+ 80001a4: 4804 ldr r0, [pc, #16] ; (80001b8 <__do_global_dtors_aux+0x20>)
+ 80001a6: f3af 8000 nop.w
+ 80001aa: 2301 movs r3, #1
+ 80001ac: 7023 strb r3, [r4, #0]
+ 80001ae: bd10 pop {r4, pc}
+ 80001b0: 20000088 .word 0x20000088
+ 80001b4: 00000000 .word 0x00000000
+ 80001b8: 08005f64 .word 0x08005f64
-08000160 :
- 8000160: b508 push {r3, lr}
- 8000162: 4b03 ldr r3, [pc, #12] ; (8000170 )
- 8000164: b11b cbz r3, 800016e
- 8000166: 4903 ldr r1, [pc, #12] ; (8000174 )
- 8000168: 4803 ldr r0, [pc, #12] ; (8000178 )
- 800016a: f3af 8000 nop.w
- 800016e: bd08 pop {r3, pc}
- 8000170: 00000000 .word 0x00000000
- 8000174: 20000010 .word 0x20000010
- 8000178: 080025cc .word 0x080025cc
+080001bc :
+ 80001bc: b508 push {r3, lr}
+ 80001be: 4b03 ldr r3, [pc, #12] ; (80001cc )
+ 80001c0: b11b cbz r3, 80001ca
+ 80001c2: 4903 ldr r1, [pc, #12] ; (80001d0 )
+ 80001c4: 4803 ldr r0, [pc, #12] ; (80001d4 )
+ 80001c6: f3af 8000 nop.w
+ 80001ca: bd08 pop {r3, pc}
+ 80001cc: 00000000 .word 0x00000000
+ 80001d0: 2000008c .word 0x2000008c
+ 80001d4: 08005f64 .word 0x08005f64
-0800017c <__aeabi_uldivmod>:
- 800017c: b953 cbnz r3, 8000194 <__aeabi_uldivmod+0x18>
- 800017e: b94a cbnz r2, 8000194 <__aeabi_uldivmod+0x18>
- 8000180: 2900 cmp r1, #0
- 8000182: bf08 it eq
- 8000184: 2800 cmpeq r0, #0
- 8000186: bf1c itt ne
- 8000188: f04f 31ff movne.w r1, #4294967295
- 800018c: f04f 30ff movne.w r0, #4294967295
- 8000190: f000 b974 b.w 800047c <__aeabi_idiv0>
- 8000194: f1ad 0c08 sub.w ip, sp, #8
- 8000198: e96d ce04 strd ip, lr, [sp, #-16]!
- 800019c: f000 f806 bl 80001ac <__udivmoddi4>
- 80001a0: f8dd e004 ldr.w lr, [sp, #4]
- 80001a4: e9dd 2302 ldrd r2, r3, [sp, #8]
- 80001a8: b004 add sp, #16
- 80001aa: 4770 bx lr
+080001d8 :
+ 80001d8: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 80001da: f813 2b01 ldrb.w r2, [r3], #1
+ 80001de: 2a00 cmp r2, #0
+ 80001e0: d1fb bne.n 80001da
+ 80001e2: 1a18 subs r0, r3, r0
+ 80001e4: 3801 subs r0, #1
+ 80001e6: 4770 bx lr
-080001ac <__udivmoddi4>:
- 80001ac: e92d 47f0 stmdb sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, lr}
- 80001b0: 468c mov ip, r1
- 80001b2: 4604 mov r4, r0
- 80001b4: 9e08 ldr r6, [sp, #32]
- 80001b6: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
- 80001b8: d14b bne.n 8000252 <__udivmoddi4+0xa6>
- 80001ba: 428a cmp r2, r1
- 80001bc: 4615 mov r5, r2
- 80001be: d967 bls.n 8000290 <__udivmoddi4+0xe4>
- 80001c0: fab2 f282 clz r2, r2
- 80001c4: b14a cbz r2, 80001da <__udivmoddi4+0x2e>
- 80001c6: f1c2 0720 rsb r7, r2, #32
- 80001ca: fa01 f302 lsl.w r3, r1, r2
- 80001ce: fa20 f707 lsr.w r7, r0, r7
- 80001d2: 4095 lsls r5, r2
- 80001d4: ea47 0c03 orr.w ip, r7, r3
- 80001d8: 4094 lsls r4, r2
- 80001da: ea4f 4e15 mov.w lr, r5, lsr #16
- 80001de: fbbc f7fe udiv r7, ip, lr
- 80001e2: fa1f f885 uxth.w r8, r5
- 80001e6: fb0e c317 mls r3, lr, r7, ip
- 80001ea: fb07 f908 mul.w r9, r7, r8
- 80001ee: 0c21 lsrs r1, r4, #16
- 80001f0: ea41 4303 orr.w r3, r1, r3, lsl #16
- 80001f4: 4599 cmp r9, r3
- 80001f6: d909 bls.n 800020c <__udivmoddi4+0x60>
- 80001f8: 18eb adds r3, r5, r3
- 80001fa: f107 31ff add.w r1, r7, #4294967295
- 80001fe: f080 811c bcs.w 800043a <__udivmoddi4+0x28e>
- 8000202: 4599 cmp r9, r3
- 8000204: f240 8119 bls.w 800043a <__udivmoddi4+0x28e>
- 8000208: 3f02 subs r7, #2
- 800020a: 442b add r3, r5
- 800020c: eba3 0309 sub.w r3, r3, r9
- 8000210: fbb3 f0fe udiv r0, r3, lr
- 8000214: fb0e 3310 mls r3, lr, r0, r3
- 8000218: fb00 f108 mul.w r1, r0, r8
- 800021c: b2a4 uxth r4, r4
- 800021e: ea44 4403 orr.w r4, r4, r3, lsl #16
- 8000222: 42a1 cmp r1, r4
- 8000224: d909 bls.n 800023a <__udivmoddi4+0x8e>
- 8000226: 192c adds r4, r5, r4
- 8000228: f100 33ff add.w r3, r0, #4294967295
- 800022c: f080 8107 bcs.w 800043e <__udivmoddi4+0x292>
- 8000230: 42a1 cmp r1, r4
- 8000232: f240 8104 bls.w 800043e <__udivmoddi4+0x292>
- 8000236: 3802 subs r0, #2
- 8000238: 442c add r4, r5
- 800023a: ea40 4007 orr.w r0, r0, r7, lsl #16
- 800023e: 2700 movs r7, #0
- 8000240: 1a64 subs r4, r4, r1
- 8000242: b11e cbz r6, 800024c <__udivmoddi4+0xa0>
- 8000244: 2300 movs r3, #0
- 8000246: 40d4 lsrs r4, r2
- 8000248: e9c6 4300 strd r4, r3, [r6]
- 800024c: 4639 mov r1, r7
- 800024e: e8bd 87f0 ldmia.w sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, pc}
- 8000252: 428b cmp r3, r1
- 8000254: d909 bls.n 800026a <__udivmoddi4+0xbe>
- 8000256: 2e00 cmp r6, #0
- 8000258: f000 80ec beq.w 8000434 <__udivmoddi4+0x288>
- 800025c: 2700 movs r7, #0
- 800025e: e9c6 0100 strd r0, r1, [r6]
- 8000262: 4638 mov r0, r7
- 8000264: 4639 mov r1, r7
- 8000266: e8bd 87f0 ldmia.w sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, pc}
- 800026a: fab3 f783 clz r7, r3
- 800026e: 2f00 cmp r7, #0
- 8000270: d148 bne.n 8000304 <__udivmoddi4+0x158>
- 8000272: 428b cmp r3, r1
- 8000274: d302 bcc.n 800027c <__udivmoddi4+0xd0>
- 8000276: 4282 cmp r2, r0
- 8000278: f200 80fb bhi.w 8000472 <__udivmoddi4+0x2c6>
- 800027c: 1a84 subs r4, r0, r2
- 800027e: eb61 0303 sbc.w r3, r1, r3
- 8000282: 2001 movs r0, #1
- 8000284: 469c mov ip, r3
- 8000286: 2e00 cmp r6, #0
- 8000288: d0e0 beq.n 800024c <__udivmoddi4+0xa0>
- 800028a: e9c6 4c00 strd r4, ip, [r6]
- 800028e: e7dd b.n 800024c <__udivmoddi4+0xa0>
- 8000290: b902 cbnz r2, 8000294 <__udivmoddi4+0xe8>
- 8000292: deff udf #255 ; 0xff
- 8000294: fab2 f282 clz r2, r2
- 8000298: 2a00 cmp r2, #0
- 800029a: f040 808f bne.w 80003bc <__udivmoddi4+0x210>
- 800029e: 2701 movs r7, #1
- 80002a0: 1b49 subs r1, r1, r5
- 80002a2: ea4f 4815 mov.w r8, r5, lsr #16
- 80002a6: fa1f f985 uxth.w r9, r5
- 80002aa: fbb1 fef8 udiv lr, r1, r8
- 80002ae: fb08 111e mls r1, r8, lr, r1
- 80002b2: fb09 f00e mul.w r0, r9, lr
- 80002b6: ea4f 4c14 mov.w ip, r4, lsr #16
- 80002ba: ea4c 4301 orr.w r3, ip, r1, lsl #16
- 80002be: 4298 cmp r0, r3
- 80002c0: d907 bls.n 80002d2 <__udivmoddi4+0x126>
- 80002c2: 18eb adds r3, r5, r3
- 80002c4: f10e 31ff add.w r1, lr, #4294967295
- 80002c8: d202 bcs.n 80002d0 <__udivmoddi4+0x124>
- 80002ca: 4298 cmp r0, r3
- 80002cc: f200 80cd bhi.w 800046a <__udivmoddi4+0x2be>
- 80002d0: 468e mov lr, r1
- 80002d2: 1a1b subs r3, r3, r0
- 80002d4: fbb3 f0f8 udiv r0, r3, r8
- 80002d8: fb08 3310 mls r3, r8, r0, r3
- 80002dc: fb09 f900 mul.w r9, r9, r0
- 80002e0: b2a4 uxth r4, r4
- 80002e2: ea44 4403 orr.w r4, r4, r3, lsl #16
- 80002e6: 45a1 cmp r9, r4
- 80002e8: d907 bls.n 80002fa <__udivmoddi4+0x14e>
- 80002ea: 192c adds r4, r5, r4
- 80002ec: f100 33ff add.w r3, r0, #4294967295
- 80002f0: d202 bcs.n 80002f8 <__udivmoddi4+0x14c>
- 80002f2: 45a1 cmp r9, r4
- 80002f4: f200 80b6 bhi.w 8000464 <__udivmoddi4+0x2b8>
- 80002f8: 4618 mov r0, r3
- 80002fa: eba4 0409 sub.w r4, r4, r9
- 80002fe: ea40 400e orr.w r0, r0, lr, lsl #16
- 8000302: e79e b.n 8000242 <__udivmoddi4+0x96>
- 8000304: f1c7 0520 rsb r5, r7, #32
- 8000308: 40bb lsls r3, r7
- 800030a: fa22 fc05 lsr.w ip, r2, r5
- 800030e: ea4c 0c03 orr.w ip, ip, r3
- 8000312: fa21 f405 lsr.w r4, r1, r5
- 8000316: ea4f 4e1c mov.w lr, ip, lsr #16
- 800031a: fbb4 f9fe udiv r9, r4, lr
- 800031e: fa1f f88c uxth.w r8, ip
- 8000322: fb0e 4419 mls r4, lr, r9, r4
- 8000326: fa20 f305 lsr.w r3, r0, r5
- 800032a: 40b9 lsls r1, r7
- 800032c: fb09 fa08 mul.w sl, r9, r8
- 8000330: 4319 orrs r1, r3
- 8000332: 0c0b lsrs r3, r1, #16
- 8000334: ea43 4404 orr.w r4, r3, r4, lsl #16
- 8000338: 45a2 cmp sl, r4
- 800033a: fa02 f207 lsl.w r2, r2, r7
- 800033e: fa00 f307 lsl.w r3, r0, r7
- 8000342: d90b bls.n 800035c <__udivmoddi4+0x1b0>
- 8000344: eb1c 0404 adds.w r4, ip, r4
- 8000348: f109 30ff add.w r0, r9, #4294967295
- 800034c: f080 8088 bcs.w 8000460 <__udivmoddi4+0x2b4>
- 8000350: 45a2 cmp sl, r4
- 8000352: f240 8085 bls.w 8000460 <__udivmoddi4+0x2b4>
- 8000356: f1a9 0902 sub.w r9, r9, #2
- 800035a: 4464 add r4, ip
- 800035c: eba4 040a sub.w r4, r4, sl
- 8000360: fbb4 f0fe udiv r0, r4, lr
- 8000364: fb0e 4410 mls r4, lr, r0, r4
- 8000368: fb00 fa08 mul.w sl, r0, r8
- 800036c: b289 uxth r1, r1
- 800036e: ea41 4404 orr.w r4, r1, r4, lsl #16
- 8000372: 45a2 cmp sl, r4
- 8000374: d908 bls.n 8000388 <__udivmoddi4+0x1dc>
- 8000376: eb1c 0404 adds.w r4, ip, r4
- 800037a: f100 31ff add.w r1, r0, #4294967295
- 800037e: d26b bcs.n 8000458 <__udivmoddi4+0x2ac>
- 8000380: 45a2 cmp sl, r4
- 8000382: d969 bls.n 8000458 <__udivmoddi4+0x2ac>
- 8000384: 3802 subs r0, #2
- 8000386: 4464 add r4, ip
- 8000388: ea40 4009 orr.w r0, r0, r9, lsl #16
- 800038c: fba0 8902 umull r8, r9, r0, r2
- 8000390: eba4 040a sub.w r4, r4, sl
- 8000394: 454c cmp r4, r9
- 8000396: 4641 mov r1, r8
- 8000398: 46ce mov lr, r9
- 800039a: d354 bcc.n 8000446 <__udivmoddi4+0x29a>
- 800039c: d051 beq.n 8000442 <__udivmoddi4+0x296>
- 800039e: 2e00 cmp r6, #0
- 80003a0: d069 beq.n 8000476 <__udivmoddi4+0x2ca>
- 80003a2: 1a5a subs r2, r3, r1
- 80003a4: eb64 040e sbc.w r4, r4, lr
- 80003a8: fa04 f505 lsl.w r5, r4, r5
- 80003ac: fa22 f307 lsr.w r3, r2, r7
- 80003b0: 40fc lsrs r4, r7
- 80003b2: 431d orrs r5, r3
- 80003b4: e9c6 5400 strd r5, r4, [r6]
- 80003b8: 2700 movs r7, #0
- 80003ba: e747 b.n 800024c <__udivmoddi4+0xa0>
- 80003bc: 4095 lsls r5, r2
- 80003be: f1c2 0320 rsb r3, r2, #32
- 80003c2: fa21 f003 lsr.w r0, r1, r3
- 80003c6: ea4f 4815 mov.w r8, r5, lsr #16
- 80003ca: fbb0 f7f8 udiv r7, r0, r8
- 80003ce: fa1f f985 uxth.w r9, r5
- 80003d2: fb08 0017 mls r0, r8, r7, r0
- 80003d6: fa24 f303 lsr.w r3, r4, r3
- 80003da: 4091 lsls r1, r2
- 80003dc: fb07 fc09 mul.w ip, r7, r9
- 80003e0: 430b orrs r3, r1
- 80003e2: 0c19 lsrs r1, r3, #16
- 80003e4: ea41 4100 orr.w r1, r1, r0, lsl #16
- 80003e8: 458c cmp ip, r1
- 80003ea: fa04 f402 lsl.w r4, r4, r2
- 80003ee: d907 bls.n 8000400 <__udivmoddi4+0x254>
- 80003f0: 1869 adds r1, r5, r1
- 80003f2: f107 30ff add.w r0, r7, #4294967295
- 80003f6: d231 bcs.n 800045c <__udivmoddi4+0x2b0>
- 80003f8: 458c cmp ip, r1
- 80003fa: d92f bls.n 800045c <__udivmoddi4+0x2b0>
- 80003fc: 3f02 subs r7, #2
- 80003fe: 4429 add r1, r5
- 8000400: eba1 010c sub.w r1, r1, ip
- 8000404: fbb1 f0f8 udiv r0, r1, r8
- 8000408: fb08 1c10 mls ip, r8, r0, r1
- 800040c: fb00 fe09 mul.w lr, r0, r9
- 8000410: b299 uxth r1, r3
- 8000412: ea41 410c orr.w r1, r1, ip, lsl #16
- 8000416: 458e cmp lr, r1
- 8000418: d907 bls.n 800042a <__udivmoddi4+0x27e>
- 800041a: 1869 adds r1, r5, r1
- 800041c: f100 33ff add.w r3, r0, #4294967295
- 8000420: d218 bcs.n 8000454 <__udivmoddi4+0x2a8>
- 8000422: 458e cmp lr, r1
- 8000424: d916 bls.n 8000454 <__udivmoddi4+0x2a8>
- 8000426: 3802 subs r0, #2
- 8000428: 4429 add r1, r5
- 800042a: eba1 010e sub.w r1, r1, lr
- 800042e: ea40 4707 orr.w r7, r0, r7, lsl #16
- 8000432: e73a b.n 80002aa <__udivmoddi4+0xfe>
- 8000434: 4637 mov r7, r6
- 8000436: 4630 mov r0, r6
- 8000438: e708 b.n 800024c <__udivmoddi4+0xa0>
- 800043a: 460f mov r7, r1
- 800043c: e6e6 b.n 800020c <__udivmoddi4+0x60>
- 800043e: 4618 mov r0, r3
- 8000440: e6fb b.n 800023a <__udivmoddi4+0x8e>
- 8000442: 4543 cmp r3, r8
- 8000444: d2ab bcs.n 800039e <__udivmoddi4+0x1f2>
- 8000446: ebb8 0102 subs.w r1, r8, r2
- 800044a: eb69 020c sbc.w r2, r9, ip
- 800044e: 3801 subs r0, #1
- 8000450: 4696 mov lr, r2
- 8000452: e7a4 b.n 800039e <__udivmoddi4+0x1f2>
- 8000454: 4618 mov r0, r3
- 8000456: e7e8 b.n 800042a <__udivmoddi4+0x27e>
- 8000458: 4608 mov r0, r1
- 800045a: e795 b.n 8000388 <__udivmoddi4+0x1dc>
- 800045c: 4607 mov r7, r0
- 800045e: e7cf b.n 8000400 <__udivmoddi4+0x254>
- 8000460: 4681 mov r9, r0
- 8000462: e77b b.n 800035c <__udivmoddi4+0x1b0>
- 8000464: 3802 subs r0, #2
- 8000466: 442c add r4, r5
- 8000468: e747 b.n 80002fa <__udivmoddi4+0x14e>
- 800046a: f1ae 0e02 sub.w lr, lr, #2
- 800046e: 442b add r3, r5
- 8000470: e72f b.n 80002d2 <__udivmoddi4+0x126>
- 8000472: 4638 mov r0, r7
- 8000474: e707 b.n 8000286 <__udivmoddi4+0xda>
- 8000476: 4637 mov r7, r6
- 8000478: e6e8 b.n 800024c <__udivmoddi4+0xa0>
- 800047a: bf00 nop
+080001e8 <__aeabi_drsub>:
+ 80001e8: f081 4100 eor.w r1, r1, #2147483648 ; 0x80000000
+ 80001ec: e002 b.n 80001f4 <__adddf3>
+ 80001ee: bf00 nop
-0800047c <__aeabi_idiv0>:
- 800047c: 4770 bx lr
- 800047e: bf00 nop
+080001f0 <__aeabi_dsub>:
+ 80001f0: f083 4300 eor.w r3, r3, #2147483648 ; 0x80000000
-08000480 :
+080001f4 <__adddf3>:
+ 80001f4: b530 push {r4, r5, lr}
+ 80001f6: ea4f 0441 mov.w r4, r1, lsl #1
+ 80001fa: ea4f 0543 mov.w r5, r3, lsl #1
+ 80001fe: ea94 0f05 teq r4, r5
+ 8000202: bf08 it eq
+ 8000204: ea90 0f02 teqeq r0, r2
+ 8000208: bf1f itttt ne
+ 800020a: ea54 0c00 orrsne.w ip, r4, r0
+ 800020e: ea55 0c02 orrsne.w ip, r5, r2
+ 8000212: ea7f 5c64 mvnsne.w ip, r4, asr #21
+ 8000216: ea7f 5c65 mvnsne.w ip, r5, asr #21
+ 800021a: f000 80e2 beq.w 80003e2 <__adddf3+0x1ee>
+ 800021e: ea4f 5454 mov.w r4, r4, lsr #21
+ 8000222: ebd4 5555 rsbs r5, r4, r5, lsr #21
+ 8000226: bfb8 it lt
+ 8000228: 426d neglt r5, r5
+ 800022a: dd0c ble.n 8000246 <__adddf3+0x52>
+ 800022c: 442c add r4, r5
+ 800022e: ea80 0202 eor.w r2, r0, r2
+ 8000232: ea81 0303 eor.w r3, r1, r3
+ 8000236: ea82 0000 eor.w r0, r2, r0
+ 800023a: ea83 0101 eor.w r1, r3, r1
+ 800023e: ea80 0202 eor.w r2, r0, r2
+ 8000242: ea81 0303 eor.w r3, r1, r3
+ 8000246: 2d36 cmp r5, #54 ; 0x36
+ 8000248: bf88 it hi
+ 800024a: bd30 pophi {r4, r5, pc}
+ 800024c: f011 4f00 tst.w r1, #2147483648 ; 0x80000000
+ 8000250: ea4f 3101 mov.w r1, r1, lsl #12
+ 8000254: f44f 1c80 mov.w ip, #1048576 ; 0x100000
+ 8000258: ea4c 3111 orr.w r1, ip, r1, lsr #12
+ 800025c: d002 beq.n 8000264 <__adddf3+0x70>
+ 800025e: 4240 negs r0, r0
+ 8000260: eb61 0141 sbc.w r1, r1, r1, lsl #1
+ 8000264: f013 4f00 tst.w r3, #2147483648 ; 0x80000000
+ 8000268: ea4f 3303 mov.w r3, r3, lsl #12
+ 800026c: ea4c 3313 orr.w r3, ip, r3, lsr #12
+ 8000270: d002 beq.n 8000278 <__adddf3+0x84>
+ 8000272: 4252 negs r2, r2
+ 8000274: eb63 0343 sbc.w r3, r3, r3, lsl #1
+ 8000278: ea94 0f05 teq r4, r5
+ 800027c: f000 80a7 beq.w 80003ce <__adddf3+0x1da>
+ 8000280: f1a4 0401 sub.w r4, r4, #1
+ 8000284: f1d5 0e20 rsbs lr, r5, #32
+ 8000288: db0d blt.n 80002a6 <__adddf3+0xb2>
+ 800028a: fa02 fc0e lsl.w ip, r2, lr
+ 800028e: fa22 f205 lsr.w r2, r2, r5
+ 8000292: 1880 adds r0, r0, r2
+ 8000294: f141 0100 adc.w r1, r1, #0
+ 8000298: fa03 f20e lsl.w r2, r3, lr
+ 800029c: 1880 adds r0, r0, r2
+ 800029e: fa43 f305 asr.w r3, r3, r5
+ 80002a2: 4159 adcs r1, r3
+ 80002a4: e00e b.n 80002c4 <__adddf3+0xd0>
+ 80002a6: f1a5 0520 sub.w r5, r5, #32
+ 80002aa: f10e 0e20 add.w lr, lr, #32
+ 80002ae: 2a01 cmp r2, #1
+ 80002b0: fa03 fc0e lsl.w ip, r3, lr
+ 80002b4: bf28 it cs
+ 80002b6: f04c 0c02 orrcs.w ip, ip, #2
+ 80002ba: fa43 f305 asr.w r3, r3, r5
+ 80002be: 18c0 adds r0, r0, r3
+ 80002c0: eb51 71e3 adcs.w r1, r1, r3, asr #31
+ 80002c4: f001 4500 and.w r5, r1, #2147483648 ; 0x80000000
+ 80002c8: d507 bpl.n 80002da <__adddf3+0xe6>
+ 80002ca: f04f 0e00 mov.w lr, #0
+ 80002ce: f1dc 0c00 rsbs ip, ip, #0
+ 80002d2: eb7e 0000 sbcs.w r0, lr, r0
+ 80002d6: eb6e 0101 sbc.w r1, lr, r1
+ 80002da: f5b1 1f80 cmp.w r1, #1048576 ; 0x100000
+ 80002de: d31b bcc.n 8000318 <__adddf3+0x124>
+ 80002e0: f5b1 1f00 cmp.w r1, #2097152 ; 0x200000
+ 80002e4: d30c bcc.n 8000300 <__adddf3+0x10c>
+ 80002e6: 0849 lsrs r1, r1, #1
+ 80002e8: ea5f 0030 movs.w r0, r0, rrx
+ 80002ec: ea4f 0c3c mov.w ip, ip, rrx
+ 80002f0: f104 0401 add.w r4, r4, #1
+ 80002f4: ea4f 5244 mov.w r2, r4, lsl #21
+ 80002f8: f512 0f80 cmn.w r2, #4194304 ; 0x400000
+ 80002fc: f080 809a bcs.w 8000434 <__adddf3+0x240>
+ 8000300: f1bc 4f00 cmp.w ip, #2147483648 ; 0x80000000
+ 8000304: bf08 it eq
+ 8000306: ea5f 0c50 movseq.w ip, r0, lsr #1
+ 800030a: f150 0000 adcs.w r0, r0, #0
+ 800030e: eb41 5104 adc.w r1, r1, r4, lsl #20
+ 8000312: ea41 0105 orr.w r1, r1, r5
+ 8000316: bd30 pop {r4, r5, pc}
+ 8000318: ea5f 0c4c movs.w ip, ip, lsl #1
+ 800031c: 4140 adcs r0, r0
+ 800031e: eb41 0101 adc.w r1, r1, r1
+ 8000322: f411 1f80 tst.w r1, #1048576 ; 0x100000
+ 8000326: f1a4 0401 sub.w r4, r4, #1
+ 800032a: d1e9 bne.n 8000300 <__adddf3+0x10c>
+ 800032c: f091 0f00 teq r1, #0
+ 8000330: bf04 itt eq
+ 8000332: 4601 moveq r1, r0
+ 8000334: 2000 moveq r0, #0
+ 8000336: fab1 f381 clz r3, r1
+ 800033a: bf08 it eq
+ 800033c: 3320 addeq r3, #32
+ 800033e: f1a3 030b sub.w r3, r3, #11
+ 8000342: f1b3 0220 subs.w r2, r3, #32
+ 8000346: da0c bge.n 8000362 <__adddf3+0x16e>
+ 8000348: 320c adds r2, #12
+ 800034a: dd08 ble.n 800035e <__adddf3+0x16a>
+ 800034c: f102 0c14 add.w ip, r2, #20
+ 8000350: f1c2 020c rsb r2, r2, #12
+ 8000354: fa01 f00c lsl.w r0, r1, ip
+ 8000358: fa21 f102 lsr.w r1, r1, r2
+ 800035c: e00c b.n 8000378 <__adddf3+0x184>
+ 800035e: f102 0214 add.w r2, r2, #20
+ 8000362: bfd8 it le
+ 8000364: f1c2 0c20 rsble ip, r2, #32
+ 8000368: fa01 f102 lsl.w r1, r1, r2
+ 800036c: fa20 fc0c lsr.w ip, r0, ip
+ 8000370: bfdc itt le
+ 8000372: ea41 010c orrle.w r1, r1, ip
+ 8000376: 4090 lslle r0, r2
+ 8000378: 1ae4 subs r4, r4, r3
+ 800037a: bfa2 ittt ge
+ 800037c: eb01 5104 addge.w r1, r1, r4, lsl #20
+ 8000380: 4329 orrge r1, r5
+ 8000382: bd30 popge {r4, r5, pc}
+ 8000384: ea6f 0404 mvn.w r4, r4
+ 8000388: 3c1f subs r4, #31
+ 800038a: da1c bge.n 80003c6 <__adddf3+0x1d2>
+ 800038c: 340c adds r4, #12
+ 800038e: dc0e bgt.n 80003ae <__adddf3+0x1ba>
+ 8000390: f104 0414 add.w r4, r4, #20
+ 8000394: f1c4 0220 rsb r2, r4, #32
+ 8000398: fa20 f004 lsr.w r0, r0, r4
+ 800039c: fa01 f302 lsl.w r3, r1, r2
+ 80003a0: ea40 0003 orr.w r0, r0, r3
+ 80003a4: fa21 f304 lsr.w r3, r1, r4
+ 80003a8: ea45 0103 orr.w r1, r5, r3
+ 80003ac: bd30 pop {r4, r5, pc}
+ 80003ae: f1c4 040c rsb r4, r4, #12
+ 80003b2: f1c4 0220 rsb r2, r4, #32
+ 80003b6: fa20 f002 lsr.w r0, r0, r2
+ 80003ba: fa01 f304 lsl.w r3, r1, r4
+ 80003be: ea40 0003 orr.w r0, r0, r3
+ 80003c2: 4629 mov r1, r5
+ 80003c4: bd30 pop {r4, r5, pc}
+ 80003c6: fa21 f004 lsr.w r0, r1, r4
+ 80003ca: 4629 mov r1, r5
+ 80003cc: bd30 pop {r4, r5, pc}
+ 80003ce: f094 0f00 teq r4, #0
+ 80003d2: f483 1380 eor.w r3, r3, #1048576 ; 0x100000
+ 80003d6: bf06 itte eq
+ 80003d8: f481 1180 eoreq.w r1, r1, #1048576 ; 0x100000
+ 80003dc: 3401 addeq r4, #1
+ 80003de: 3d01 subne r5, #1
+ 80003e0: e74e b.n 8000280 <__adddf3+0x8c>
+ 80003e2: ea7f 5c64 mvns.w ip, r4, asr #21
+ 80003e6: bf18 it ne
+ 80003e8: ea7f 5c65 mvnsne.w ip, r5, asr #21
+ 80003ec: d029 beq.n 8000442 <__adddf3+0x24e>
+ 80003ee: ea94 0f05 teq r4, r5
+ 80003f2: bf08 it eq
+ 80003f4: ea90 0f02 teqeq r0, r2
+ 80003f8: d005 beq.n 8000406 <__adddf3+0x212>
+ 80003fa: ea54 0c00 orrs.w ip, r4, r0
+ 80003fe: bf04 itt eq
+ 8000400: 4619 moveq r1, r3
+ 8000402: 4610 moveq r0, r2
+ 8000404: bd30 pop {r4, r5, pc}
+ 8000406: ea91 0f03 teq r1, r3
+ 800040a: bf1e ittt ne
+ 800040c: 2100 movne r1, #0
+ 800040e: 2000 movne r0, #0
+ 8000410: bd30 popne {r4, r5, pc}
+ 8000412: ea5f 5c54 movs.w ip, r4, lsr #21
+ 8000416: d105 bne.n 8000424 <__adddf3+0x230>
+ 8000418: 0040 lsls r0, r0, #1
+ 800041a: 4149 adcs r1, r1
+ 800041c: bf28 it cs
+ 800041e: f041 4100 orrcs.w r1, r1, #2147483648 ; 0x80000000
+ 8000422: bd30 pop {r4, r5, pc}
+ 8000424: f514 0480 adds.w r4, r4, #4194304 ; 0x400000
+ 8000428: bf3c itt cc
+ 800042a: f501 1180 addcc.w r1, r1, #1048576 ; 0x100000
+ 800042e: bd30 popcc {r4, r5, pc}
+ 8000430: f001 4500 and.w r5, r1, #2147483648 ; 0x80000000
+ 8000434: f045 41fe orr.w r1, r5, #2130706432 ; 0x7f000000
+ 8000438: f441 0170 orr.w r1, r1, #15728640 ; 0xf00000
+ 800043c: f04f 0000 mov.w r0, #0
+ 8000440: bd30 pop {r4, r5, pc}
+ 8000442: ea7f 5c64 mvns.w ip, r4, asr #21
+ 8000446: bf1a itte ne
+ 8000448: 4619 movne r1, r3
+ 800044a: 4610 movne r0, r2
+ 800044c: ea7f 5c65 mvnseq.w ip, r5, asr #21
+ 8000450: bf1c itt ne
+ 8000452: 460b movne r3, r1
+ 8000454: 4602 movne r2, r0
+ 8000456: ea50 3401 orrs.w r4, r0, r1, lsl #12
+ 800045a: bf06 itte eq
+ 800045c: ea52 3503 orrseq.w r5, r2, r3, lsl #12
+ 8000460: ea91 0f03 teqeq r1, r3
+ 8000464: f441 2100 orrne.w r1, r1, #524288 ; 0x80000
+ 8000468: bd30 pop {r4, r5, pc}
+ 800046a: bf00 nop
+0800046c <__aeabi_ui2d>:
+ 800046c: f090 0f00 teq r0, #0
+ 8000470: bf04 itt eq
+ 8000472: 2100 moveq r1, #0
+ 8000474: 4770 bxeq lr
+ 8000476: b530 push {r4, r5, lr}
+ 8000478: f44f 6480 mov.w r4, #1024 ; 0x400
+ 800047c: f104 0432 add.w r4, r4, #50 ; 0x32
+ 8000480: f04f 0500 mov.w r5, #0
+ 8000484: f04f 0100 mov.w r1, #0
+ 8000488: e750 b.n 800032c <__adddf3+0x138>
+ 800048a: bf00 nop
+0800048c <__aeabi_i2d>:
+ 800048c: f090 0f00 teq r0, #0
+ 8000490: bf04 itt eq
+ 8000492: 2100 moveq r1, #0
+ 8000494: 4770 bxeq lr
+ 8000496: b530 push {r4, r5, lr}
+ 8000498: f44f 6480 mov.w r4, #1024 ; 0x400
+ 800049c: f104 0432 add.w r4, r4, #50 ; 0x32
+ 80004a0: f010 4500 ands.w r5, r0, #2147483648 ; 0x80000000
+ 80004a4: bf48 it mi
+ 80004a6: 4240 negmi r0, r0
+ 80004a8: f04f 0100 mov.w r1, #0
+ 80004ac: e73e b.n 800032c <__adddf3+0x138>
+ 80004ae: bf00 nop
+080004b0 <__aeabi_f2d>:
+ 80004b0: 0042 lsls r2, r0, #1
+ 80004b2: ea4f 01e2 mov.w r1, r2, asr #3
+ 80004b6: ea4f 0131 mov.w r1, r1, rrx
+ 80004ba: ea4f 7002 mov.w r0, r2, lsl #28
+ 80004be: bf1f itttt ne
+ 80004c0: f012 437f andsne.w r3, r2, #4278190080 ; 0xff000000
+ 80004c4: f093 4f7f teqne r3, #4278190080 ; 0xff000000
+ 80004c8: f081 5160 eorne.w r1, r1, #939524096 ; 0x38000000
+ 80004cc: 4770 bxne lr
+ 80004ce: f032 427f bics.w r2, r2, #4278190080 ; 0xff000000
+ 80004d2: bf08 it eq
+ 80004d4: 4770 bxeq lr
+ 80004d6: f093 4f7f teq r3, #4278190080 ; 0xff000000
+ 80004da: bf04 itt eq
+ 80004dc: f441 2100 orreq.w r1, r1, #524288 ; 0x80000
+ 80004e0: 4770 bxeq lr
+ 80004e2: b530 push {r4, r5, lr}
+ 80004e4: f44f 7460 mov.w r4, #896 ; 0x380
+ 80004e8: f001 4500 and.w r5, r1, #2147483648 ; 0x80000000
+ 80004ec: f021 4100 bic.w r1, r1, #2147483648 ; 0x80000000
+ 80004f0: e71c b.n 800032c <__adddf3+0x138>
+ 80004f2: bf00 nop
+080004f4 <__aeabi_ul2d>:
+ 80004f4: ea50 0201 orrs.w r2, r0, r1
+ 80004f8: bf08 it eq
+ 80004fa: 4770 bxeq lr
+ 80004fc: b530 push {r4, r5, lr}
+ 80004fe: f04f 0500 mov.w r5, #0
+ 8000502: e00a b.n 800051a <__aeabi_l2d+0x16>
+08000504 <__aeabi_l2d>:
+ 8000504: ea50 0201 orrs.w r2, r0, r1
+ 8000508: bf08 it eq
+ 800050a: 4770 bxeq lr
+ 800050c: b530 push {r4, r5, lr}
+ 800050e: f011 4500 ands.w r5, r1, #2147483648 ; 0x80000000
+ 8000512: d502 bpl.n 800051a <__aeabi_l2d+0x16>
+ 8000514: 4240 negs r0, r0
+ 8000516: eb61 0141 sbc.w r1, r1, r1, lsl #1
+ 800051a: f44f 6480 mov.w r4, #1024 ; 0x400
+ 800051e: f104 0432 add.w r4, r4, #50 ; 0x32
+ 8000522: ea5f 5c91 movs.w ip, r1, lsr #22
+ 8000526: f43f aed8 beq.w 80002da <__adddf3+0xe6>
+ 800052a: f04f 0203 mov.w r2, #3
+ 800052e: ea5f 0cdc movs.w ip, ip, lsr #3
+ 8000532: bf18 it ne
+ 8000534: 3203 addne r2, #3
+ 8000536: ea5f 0cdc movs.w ip, ip, lsr #3
+ 800053a: bf18 it ne
+ 800053c: 3203 addne r2, #3
+ 800053e: eb02 02dc add.w r2, r2, ip, lsr #3
+ 8000542: f1c2 0320 rsb r3, r2, #32
+ 8000546: fa00 fc03 lsl.w ip, r0, r3
+ 800054a: fa20 f002 lsr.w r0, r0, r2
+ 800054e: fa01 fe03 lsl.w lr, r1, r3
+ 8000552: ea40 000e orr.w r0, r0, lr
+ 8000556: fa21 f102 lsr.w r1, r1, r2
+ 800055a: 4414 add r4, r2
+ 800055c: e6bd b.n 80002da <__adddf3+0xe6>
+ 800055e: bf00 nop
+08000560 <__aeabi_dmul>:
+ 8000560: b570 push {r4, r5, r6, lr}
+ 8000562: f04f 0cff mov.w ip, #255 ; 0xff
+ 8000566: f44c 6ce0 orr.w ip, ip, #1792 ; 0x700
+ 800056a: ea1c 5411 ands.w r4, ip, r1, lsr #20
+ 800056e: bf1d ittte ne
+ 8000570: ea1c 5513 andsne.w r5, ip, r3, lsr #20
+ 8000574: ea94 0f0c teqne r4, ip
+ 8000578: ea95 0f0c teqne r5, ip
+ 800057c: f000 f8de bleq 800073c <__aeabi_dmul+0x1dc>
+ 8000580: 442c add r4, r5
+ 8000582: ea81 0603 eor.w r6, r1, r3
+ 8000586: ea21 514c bic.w r1, r1, ip, lsl #21
+ 800058a: ea23 534c bic.w r3, r3, ip, lsl #21
+ 800058e: ea50 3501 orrs.w r5, r0, r1, lsl #12
+ 8000592: bf18 it ne
+ 8000594: ea52 3503 orrsne.w r5, r2, r3, lsl #12
+ 8000598: f441 1180 orr.w r1, r1, #1048576 ; 0x100000
+ 800059c: f443 1380 orr.w r3, r3, #1048576 ; 0x100000
+ 80005a0: d038 beq.n 8000614 <__aeabi_dmul+0xb4>
+ 80005a2: fba0 ce02 umull ip, lr, r0, r2
+ 80005a6: f04f 0500 mov.w r5, #0
+ 80005aa: fbe1 e502 umlal lr, r5, r1, r2
+ 80005ae: f006 4200 and.w r2, r6, #2147483648 ; 0x80000000
+ 80005b2: fbe0 e503 umlal lr, r5, r0, r3
+ 80005b6: f04f 0600 mov.w r6, #0
+ 80005ba: fbe1 5603 umlal r5, r6, r1, r3
+ 80005be: f09c 0f00 teq ip, #0
+ 80005c2: bf18 it ne
+ 80005c4: f04e 0e01 orrne.w lr, lr, #1
+ 80005c8: f1a4 04ff sub.w r4, r4, #255 ; 0xff
+ 80005cc: f5b6 7f00 cmp.w r6, #512 ; 0x200
+ 80005d0: f564 7440 sbc.w r4, r4, #768 ; 0x300
+ 80005d4: d204 bcs.n 80005e0 <__aeabi_dmul+0x80>
+ 80005d6: ea5f 0e4e movs.w lr, lr, lsl #1
+ 80005da: 416d adcs r5, r5
+ 80005dc: eb46 0606 adc.w r6, r6, r6
+ 80005e0: ea42 21c6 orr.w r1, r2, r6, lsl #11
+ 80005e4: ea41 5155 orr.w r1, r1, r5, lsr #21
+ 80005e8: ea4f 20c5 mov.w r0, r5, lsl #11
+ 80005ec: ea40 505e orr.w r0, r0, lr, lsr #21
+ 80005f0: ea4f 2ece mov.w lr, lr, lsl #11
+ 80005f4: f1b4 0cfd subs.w ip, r4, #253 ; 0xfd
+ 80005f8: bf88 it hi
+ 80005fa: f5bc 6fe0 cmphi.w ip, #1792 ; 0x700
+ 80005fe: d81e bhi.n 800063e <__aeabi_dmul+0xde>
+ 8000600: f1be 4f00 cmp.w lr, #2147483648 ; 0x80000000
+ 8000604: bf08 it eq
+ 8000606: ea5f 0e50 movseq.w lr, r0, lsr #1
+ 800060a: f150 0000 adcs.w r0, r0, #0
+ 800060e: eb41 5104 adc.w r1, r1, r4, lsl #20
+ 8000612: bd70 pop {r4, r5, r6, pc}
+ 8000614: f006 4600 and.w r6, r6, #2147483648 ; 0x80000000
+ 8000618: ea46 0101 orr.w r1, r6, r1
+ 800061c: ea40 0002 orr.w r0, r0, r2
+ 8000620: ea81 0103 eor.w r1, r1, r3
+ 8000624: ebb4 045c subs.w r4, r4, ip, lsr #1
+ 8000628: bfc2 ittt gt
+ 800062a: ebd4 050c rsbsgt r5, r4, ip
+ 800062e: ea41 5104 orrgt.w r1, r1, r4, lsl #20
+ 8000632: bd70 popgt {r4, r5, r6, pc}
+ 8000634: f441 1180 orr.w r1, r1, #1048576 ; 0x100000
+ 8000638: f04f 0e00 mov.w lr, #0
+ 800063c: 3c01 subs r4, #1
+ 800063e: f300 80ab bgt.w 8000798 <__aeabi_dmul+0x238>
+ 8000642: f114 0f36 cmn.w r4, #54 ; 0x36
+ 8000646: bfde ittt le
+ 8000648: 2000 movle r0, #0
+ 800064a: f001 4100 andle.w r1, r1, #2147483648 ; 0x80000000
+ 800064e: bd70 pople {r4, r5, r6, pc}
+ 8000650: f1c4 0400 rsb r4, r4, #0
+ 8000654: 3c20 subs r4, #32
+ 8000656: da35 bge.n 80006c4 <__aeabi_dmul+0x164>
+ 8000658: 340c adds r4, #12
+ 800065a: dc1b bgt.n 8000694 <__aeabi_dmul+0x134>
+ 800065c: f104 0414 add.w r4, r4, #20
+ 8000660: f1c4 0520 rsb r5, r4, #32
+ 8000664: fa00 f305 lsl.w r3, r0, r5
+ 8000668: fa20 f004 lsr.w r0, r0, r4
+ 800066c: fa01 f205 lsl.w r2, r1, r5
+ 8000670: ea40 0002 orr.w r0, r0, r2
+ 8000674: f001 4200 and.w r2, r1, #2147483648 ; 0x80000000
+ 8000678: f021 4100 bic.w r1, r1, #2147483648 ; 0x80000000
+ 800067c: eb10 70d3 adds.w r0, r0, r3, lsr #31
+ 8000680: fa21 f604 lsr.w r6, r1, r4
+ 8000684: eb42 0106 adc.w r1, r2, r6
+ 8000688: ea5e 0e43 orrs.w lr, lr, r3, lsl #1
+ 800068c: bf08 it eq
+ 800068e: ea20 70d3 biceq.w r0, r0, r3, lsr #31
+ 8000692: bd70 pop {r4, r5, r6, pc}
+ 8000694: f1c4 040c rsb r4, r4, #12
+ 8000698: f1c4 0520 rsb r5, r4, #32
+ 800069c: fa00 f304 lsl.w r3, r0, r4
+ 80006a0: fa20 f005 lsr.w r0, r0, r5
+ 80006a4: fa01 f204 lsl.w r2, r1, r4
+ 80006a8: ea40 0002 orr.w r0, r0, r2
+ 80006ac: f001 4100 and.w r1, r1, #2147483648 ; 0x80000000
+ 80006b0: eb10 70d3 adds.w r0, r0, r3, lsr #31
+ 80006b4: f141 0100 adc.w r1, r1, #0
+ 80006b8: ea5e 0e43 orrs.w lr, lr, r3, lsl #1
+ 80006bc: bf08 it eq
+ 80006be: ea20 70d3 biceq.w r0, r0, r3, lsr #31
+ 80006c2: bd70 pop {r4, r5, r6, pc}
+ 80006c4: f1c4 0520 rsb r5, r4, #32
+ 80006c8: fa00 f205 lsl.w r2, r0, r5
+ 80006cc: ea4e 0e02 orr.w lr, lr, r2
+ 80006d0: fa20 f304 lsr.w r3, r0, r4
+ 80006d4: fa01 f205 lsl.w r2, r1, r5
+ 80006d8: ea43 0302 orr.w r3, r3, r2
+ 80006dc: fa21 f004 lsr.w r0, r1, r4
+ 80006e0: f001 4100 and.w r1, r1, #2147483648 ; 0x80000000
+ 80006e4: fa21 f204 lsr.w r2, r1, r4
+ 80006e8: ea20 0002 bic.w r0, r0, r2
+ 80006ec: eb00 70d3 add.w r0, r0, r3, lsr #31
+ 80006f0: ea5e 0e43 orrs.w lr, lr, r3, lsl #1
+ 80006f4: bf08 it eq
+ 80006f6: ea20 70d3 biceq.w r0, r0, r3, lsr #31
+ 80006fa: bd70 pop {r4, r5, r6, pc}
+ 80006fc: f094 0f00 teq r4, #0
+ 8000700: d10f bne.n 8000722 <__aeabi_dmul+0x1c2>
+ 8000702: f001 4600 and.w r6, r1, #2147483648 ; 0x80000000
+ 8000706: 0040 lsls r0, r0, #1
+ 8000708: eb41 0101 adc.w r1, r1, r1
+ 800070c: f411 1f80 tst.w r1, #1048576 ; 0x100000
+ 8000710: bf08 it eq
+ 8000712: 3c01 subeq r4, #1
+ 8000714: d0f7 beq.n 8000706 <__aeabi_dmul+0x1a6>
+ 8000716: ea41 0106 orr.w r1, r1, r6
+ 800071a: f095 0f00 teq r5, #0
+ 800071e: bf18 it ne
+ 8000720: 4770 bxne lr
+ 8000722: f003 4600 and.w r6, r3, #2147483648 ; 0x80000000
+ 8000726: 0052 lsls r2, r2, #1
+ 8000728: eb43 0303 adc.w r3, r3, r3
+ 800072c: f413 1f80 tst.w r3, #1048576 ; 0x100000
+ 8000730: bf08 it eq
+ 8000732: 3d01 subeq r5, #1
+ 8000734: d0f7 beq.n 8000726 <__aeabi_dmul+0x1c6>
+ 8000736: ea43 0306 orr.w r3, r3, r6
+ 800073a: 4770 bx lr
+ 800073c: ea94 0f0c teq r4, ip
+ 8000740: ea0c 5513 and.w r5, ip, r3, lsr #20
+ 8000744: bf18 it ne
+ 8000746: ea95 0f0c teqne r5, ip
+ 800074a: d00c beq.n 8000766 <__aeabi_dmul+0x206>
+ 800074c: ea50 0641 orrs.w r6, r0, r1, lsl #1
+ 8000750: bf18 it ne
+ 8000752: ea52 0643 orrsne.w r6, r2, r3, lsl #1
+ 8000756: d1d1 bne.n 80006fc <__aeabi_dmul+0x19c>
+ 8000758: ea81 0103 eor.w r1, r1, r3
+ 800075c: f001 4100 and.w r1, r1, #2147483648 ; 0x80000000
+ 8000760: f04f 0000 mov.w r0, #0
+ 8000764: bd70 pop {r4, r5, r6, pc}
+ 8000766: ea50 0641 orrs.w r6, r0, r1, lsl #1
+ 800076a: bf06 itte eq
+ 800076c: 4610 moveq r0, r2
+ 800076e: 4619 moveq r1, r3
+ 8000770: ea52 0643 orrsne.w r6, r2, r3, lsl #1
+ 8000774: d019 beq.n 80007aa <__aeabi_dmul+0x24a>
+ 8000776: ea94 0f0c teq r4, ip
+ 800077a: d102 bne.n 8000782 <__aeabi_dmul+0x222>
+ 800077c: ea50 3601 orrs.w r6, r0, r1, lsl #12
+ 8000780: d113 bne.n 80007aa <__aeabi_dmul+0x24a>
+ 8000782: ea95 0f0c teq r5, ip
+ 8000786: d105 bne.n 8000794 <__aeabi_dmul+0x234>
+ 8000788: ea52 3603 orrs.w r6, r2, r3, lsl #12
+ 800078c: bf1c itt ne
+ 800078e: 4610 movne r0, r2
+ 8000790: 4619 movne r1, r3
+ 8000792: d10a bne.n 80007aa <__aeabi_dmul+0x24a>
+ 8000794: ea81 0103 eor.w r1, r1, r3
+ 8000798: f001 4100 and.w r1, r1, #2147483648 ; 0x80000000
+ 800079c: f041 41fe orr.w r1, r1, #2130706432 ; 0x7f000000
+ 80007a0: f441 0170 orr.w r1, r1, #15728640 ; 0xf00000
+ 80007a4: f04f 0000 mov.w r0, #0
+ 80007a8: bd70 pop {r4, r5, r6, pc}
+ 80007aa: f041 41fe orr.w r1, r1, #2130706432 ; 0x7f000000
+ 80007ae: f441 0178 orr.w r1, r1, #16252928 ; 0xf80000
+ 80007b2: bd70 pop {r4, r5, r6, pc}
+080007b4 <__aeabi_ddiv>:
+ 80007b4: b570 push {r4, r5, r6, lr}
+ 80007b6: f04f 0cff mov.w ip, #255 ; 0xff
+ 80007ba: f44c 6ce0 orr.w ip, ip, #1792 ; 0x700
+ 80007be: ea1c 5411 ands.w r4, ip, r1, lsr #20
+ 80007c2: bf1d ittte ne
+ 80007c4: ea1c 5513 andsne.w r5, ip, r3, lsr #20
+ 80007c8: ea94 0f0c teqne r4, ip
+ 80007cc: ea95 0f0c teqne r5, ip
+ 80007d0: f000 f8a7 bleq 8000922 <__aeabi_ddiv+0x16e>
+ 80007d4: eba4 0405 sub.w r4, r4, r5
+ 80007d8: ea81 0e03 eor.w lr, r1, r3
+ 80007dc: ea52 3503 orrs.w r5, r2, r3, lsl #12
+ 80007e0: ea4f 3101 mov.w r1, r1, lsl #12
+ 80007e4: f000 8088 beq.w 80008f8 <__aeabi_ddiv+0x144>
+ 80007e8: ea4f 3303 mov.w r3, r3, lsl #12
+ 80007ec: f04f 5580 mov.w r5, #268435456 ; 0x10000000
+ 80007f0: ea45 1313 orr.w r3, r5, r3, lsr #4
+ 80007f4: ea43 6312 orr.w r3, r3, r2, lsr #24
+ 80007f8: ea4f 2202 mov.w r2, r2, lsl #8
+ 80007fc: ea45 1511 orr.w r5, r5, r1, lsr #4
+ 8000800: ea45 6510 orr.w r5, r5, r0, lsr #24
+ 8000804: ea4f 2600 mov.w r6, r0, lsl #8
+ 8000808: f00e 4100 and.w r1, lr, #2147483648 ; 0x80000000
+ 800080c: 429d cmp r5, r3
+ 800080e: bf08 it eq
+ 8000810: 4296 cmpeq r6, r2
+ 8000812: f144 04fd adc.w r4, r4, #253 ; 0xfd
+ 8000816: f504 7440 add.w r4, r4, #768 ; 0x300
+ 800081a: d202 bcs.n 8000822 <__aeabi_ddiv+0x6e>
+ 800081c: 085b lsrs r3, r3, #1
+ 800081e: ea4f 0232 mov.w r2, r2, rrx
+ 8000822: 1ab6 subs r6, r6, r2
+ 8000824: eb65 0503 sbc.w r5, r5, r3
+ 8000828: 085b lsrs r3, r3, #1
+ 800082a: ea4f 0232 mov.w r2, r2, rrx
+ 800082e: f44f 1080 mov.w r0, #1048576 ; 0x100000
+ 8000832: f44f 2c00 mov.w ip, #524288 ; 0x80000
+ 8000836: ebb6 0e02 subs.w lr, r6, r2
+ 800083a: eb75 0e03 sbcs.w lr, r5, r3
+ 800083e: bf22 ittt cs
+ 8000840: 1ab6 subcs r6, r6, r2
+ 8000842: 4675 movcs r5, lr
+ 8000844: ea40 000c orrcs.w r0, r0, ip
+ 8000848: 085b lsrs r3, r3, #1
+ 800084a: ea4f 0232 mov.w r2, r2, rrx
+ 800084e: ebb6 0e02 subs.w lr, r6, r2
+ 8000852: eb75 0e03 sbcs.w lr, r5, r3
+ 8000856: bf22 ittt cs
+ 8000858: 1ab6 subcs r6, r6, r2
+ 800085a: 4675 movcs r5, lr
+ 800085c: ea40 005c orrcs.w r0, r0, ip, lsr #1
+ 8000860: 085b lsrs r3, r3, #1
+ 8000862: ea4f 0232 mov.w r2, r2, rrx
+ 8000866: ebb6 0e02 subs.w lr, r6, r2
+ 800086a: eb75 0e03 sbcs.w lr, r5, r3
+ 800086e: bf22 ittt cs
+ 8000870: 1ab6 subcs r6, r6, r2
+ 8000872: 4675 movcs r5, lr
+ 8000874: ea40 009c orrcs.w r0, r0, ip, lsr #2
+ 8000878: 085b lsrs r3, r3, #1
+ 800087a: ea4f 0232 mov.w r2, r2, rrx
+ 800087e: ebb6 0e02 subs.w lr, r6, r2
+ 8000882: eb75 0e03 sbcs.w lr, r5, r3
+ 8000886: bf22 ittt cs
+ 8000888: 1ab6 subcs r6, r6, r2
+ 800088a: 4675 movcs r5, lr
+ 800088c: ea40 00dc orrcs.w r0, r0, ip, lsr #3
+ 8000890: ea55 0e06 orrs.w lr, r5, r6
+ 8000894: d018 beq.n 80008c8 <__aeabi_ddiv+0x114>
+ 8000896: ea4f 1505 mov.w r5, r5, lsl #4
+ 800089a: ea45 7516 orr.w r5, r5, r6, lsr #28
+ 800089e: ea4f 1606 mov.w r6, r6, lsl #4
+ 80008a2: ea4f 03c3 mov.w r3, r3, lsl #3
+ 80008a6: ea43 7352 orr.w r3, r3, r2, lsr #29
+ 80008aa: ea4f 02c2 mov.w r2, r2, lsl #3
+ 80008ae: ea5f 1c1c movs.w ip, ip, lsr #4
+ 80008b2: d1c0 bne.n 8000836 <__aeabi_ddiv+0x82>
+ 80008b4: f411 1f80 tst.w r1, #1048576 ; 0x100000
+ 80008b8: d10b bne.n 80008d2 <__aeabi_ddiv+0x11e>
+ 80008ba: ea41 0100 orr.w r1, r1, r0
+ 80008be: f04f 0000 mov.w r0, #0
+ 80008c2: f04f 4c00 mov.w ip, #2147483648 ; 0x80000000
+ 80008c6: e7b6 b.n 8000836 <__aeabi_ddiv+0x82>
+ 80008c8: f411 1f80 tst.w r1, #1048576 ; 0x100000
+ 80008cc: bf04 itt eq
+ 80008ce: 4301 orreq r1, r0
+ 80008d0: 2000 moveq r0, #0
+ 80008d2: f1b4 0cfd subs.w ip, r4, #253 ; 0xfd
+ 80008d6: bf88 it hi
+ 80008d8: f5bc 6fe0 cmphi.w ip, #1792 ; 0x700
+ 80008dc: f63f aeaf bhi.w 800063e <__aeabi_dmul+0xde>
+ 80008e0: ebb5 0c03 subs.w ip, r5, r3
+ 80008e4: bf04 itt eq
+ 80008e6: ebb6 0c02 subseq.w ip, r6, r2
+ 80008ea: ea5f 0c50 movseq.w ip, r0, lsr #1
+ 80008ee: f150 0000 adcs.w r0, r0, #0
+ 80008f2: eb41 5104 adc.w r1, r1, r4, lsl #20
+ 80008f6: bd70 pop {r4, r5, r6, pc}
+ 80008f8: f00e 4e00 and.w lr, lr, #2147483648 ; 0x80000000
+ 80008fc: ea4e 3111 orr.w r1, lr, r1, lsr #12
+ 8000900: eb14 045c adds.w r4, r4, ip, lsr #1
+ 8000904: bfc2 ittt gt
+ 8000906: ebd4 050c rsbsgt r5, r4, ip
+ 800090a: ea41 5104 orrgt.w r1, r1, r4, lsl #20
+ 800090e: bd70 popgt {r4, r5, r6, pc}
+ 8000910: f441 1180 orr.w r1, r1, #1048576 ; 0x100000
+ 8000914: f04f 0e00 mov.w lr, #0
+ 8000918: 3c01 subs r4, #1
+ 800091a: e690 b.n 800063e <__aeabi_dmul+0xde>
+ 800091c: ea45 0e06 orr.w lr, r5, r6
+ 8000920: e68d b.n 800063e <__aeabi_dmul+0xde>
+ 8000922: ea0c 5513 and.w r5, ip, r3, lsr #20
+ 8000926: ea94 0f0c teq r4, ip
+ 800092a: bf08 it eq
+ 800092c: ea95 0f0c teqeq r5, ip
+ 8000930: f43f af3b beq.w 80007aa <__aeabi_dmul+0x24a>
+ 8000934: ea94 0f0c teq r4, ip
+ 8000938: d10a bne.n 8000950 <__aeabi_ddiv+0x19c>
+ 800093a: ea50 3401 orrs.w r4, r0, r1, lsl #12
+ 800093e: f47f af34 bne.w 80007aa <__aeabi_dmul+0x24a>
+ 8000942: ea95 0f0c teq r5, ip
+ 8000946: f47f af25 bne.w 8000794 <__aeabi_dmul+0x234>
+ 800094a: 4610 mov r0, r2
+ 800094c: 4619 mov r1, r3
+ 800094e: e72c b.n 80007aa <__aeabi_dmul+0x24a>
+ 8000950: ea95 0f0c teq r5, ip
+ 8000954: d106 bne.n 8000964 <__aeabi_ddiv+0x1b0>
+ 8000956: ea52 3503 orrs.w r5, r2, r3, lsl #12
+ 800095a: f43f aefd beq.w 8000758 <__aeabi_dmul+0x1f8>
+ 800095e: 4610 mov r0, r2
+ 8000960: 4619 mov r1, r3
+ 8000962: e722 b.n 80007aa <__aeabi_dmul+0x24a>
+ 8000964: ea50 0641 orrs.w r6, r0, r1, lsl #1
+ 8000968: bf18 it ne
+ 800096a: ea52 0643 orrsne.w r6, r2, r3, lsl #1
+ 800096e: f47f aec5 bne.w 80006fc <__aeabi_dmul+0x19c>
+ 8000972: ea50 0441 orrs.w r4, r0, r1, lsl #1
+ 8000976: f47f af0d bne.w 8000794 <__aeabi_dmul+0x234>
+ 800097a: ea52 0543 orrs.w r5, r2, r3, lsl #1
+ 800097e: f47f aeeb bne.w 8000758 <__aeabi_dmul+0x1f8>
+ 8000982: e712 b.n 80007aa <__aeabi_dmul+0x24a>
+08000984 <__gedf2>:
+ 8000984: f04f 3cff mov.w ip, #4294967295
+ 8000988: e006 b.n 8000998 <__cmpdf2+0x4>
+ 800098a: bf00 nop
+0800098c <__ledf2>:
+ 800098c: f04f 0c01 mov.w ip, #1
+ 8000990: e002 b.n 8000998 <__cmpdf2+0x4>
+ 8000992: bf00 nop
+08000994 <__cmpdf2>:
+ 8000994: f04f 0c01 mov.w ip, #1
+ 8000998: f84d cd04 str.w ip, [sp, #-4]!
+ 800099c: ea4f 0c41 mov.w ip, r1, lsl #1
+ 80009a0: ea7f 5c6c mvns.w ip, ip, asr #21
+ 80009a4: ea4f 0c43 mov.w ip, r3, lsl #1
+ 80009a8: bf18 it ne
+ 80009aa: ea7f 5c6c mvnsne.w ip, ip, asr #21
+ 80009ae: d01b beq.n 80009e8 <__cmpdf2+0x54>
+ 80009b0: b001 add sp, #4
+ 80009b2: ea50 0c41 orrs.w ip, r0, r1, lsl #1
+ 80009b6: bf0c ite eq
+ 80009b8: ea52 0c43 orrseq.w ip, r2, r3, lsl #1
+ 80009bc: ea91 0f03 teqne r1, r3
+ 80009c0: bf02 ittt eq
+ 80009c2: ea90 0f02 teqeq r0, r2
+ 80009c6: 2000 moveq r0, #0
+ 80009c8: 4770 bxeq lr
+ 80009ca: f110 0f00 cmn.w r0, #0
+ 80009ce: ea91 0f03 teq r1, r3
+ 80009d2: bf58 it pl
+ 80009d4: 4299 cmppl r1, r3
+ 80009d6: bf08 it eq
+ 80009d8: 4290 cmpeq r0, r2
+ 80009da: bf2c ite cs
+ 80009dc: 17d8 asrcs r0, r3, #31
+ 80009de: ea6f 70e3 mvncc.w r0, r3, asr #31
+ 80009e2: f040 0001 orr.w r0, r0, #1
+ 80009e6: 4770 bx lr
+ 80009e8: ea4f 0c41 mov.w ip, r1, lsl #1
+ 80009ec: ea7f 5c6c mvns.w ip, ip, asr #21
+ 80009f0: d102 bne.n 80009f8 <__cmpdf2+0x64>
+ 80009f2: ea50 3c01 orrs.w ip, r0, r1, lsl #12
+ 80009f6: d107 bne.n 8000a08 <__cmpdf2+0x74>
+ 80009f8: ea4f 0c43 mov.w ip, r3, lsl #1
+ 80009fc: ea7f 5c6c mvns.w ip, ip, asr #21
+ 8000a00: d1d6 bne.n 80009b0 <__cmpdf2+0x1c>
+ 8000a02: ea52 3c03 orrs.w ip, r2, r3, lsl #12
+ 8000a06: d0d3 beq.n 80009b0 <__cmpdf2+0x1c>
+ 8000a08: f85d 0b04 ldr.w r0, [sp], #4
+ 8000a0c: 4770 bx lr
+ 8000a0e: bf00 nop
+08000a10 <__aeabi_cdrcmple>:
+ 8000a10: 4684 mov ip, r0
+ 8000a12: 4610 mov r0, r2
+ 8000a14: 4662 mov r2, ip
+ 8000a16: 468c mov ip, r1
+ 8000a18: 4619 mov r1, r3
+ 8000a1a: 4663 mov r3, ip
+ 8000a1c: e000 b.n 8000a20 <__aeabi_cdcmpeq>
+ 8000a1e: bf00 nop
+08000a20 <__aeabi_cdcmpeq>:
+ 8000a20: b501 push {r0, lr}
+ 8000a22: f7ff ffb7 bl 8000994 <__cmpdf2>
+ 8000a26: 2800 cmp r0, #0
+ 8000a28: bf48 it mi
+ 8000a2a: f110 0f00 cmnmi.w r0, #0
+ 8000a2e: bd01 pop {r0, pc}
+08000a30 <__aeabi_dcmpeq>:
+ 8000a30: f84d ed08 str.w lr, [sp, #-8]!
+ 8000a34: f7ff fff4 bl 8000a20 <__aeabi_cdcmpeq>
+ 8000a38: bf0c ite eq
+ 8000a3a: 2001 moveq r0, #1
+ 8000a3c: 2000 movne r0, #0
+ 8000a3e: f85d fb08 ldr.w pc, [sp], #8
+ 8000a42: bf00 nop
+08000a44 <__aeabi_dcmplt>:
+ 8000a44: f84d ed08 str.w lr, [sp, #-8]!
+ 8000a48: f7ff ffea bl 8000a20 <__aeabi_cdcmpeq>
+ 8000a4c: bf34 ite cc
+ 8000a4e: 2001 movcc r0, #1
+ 8000a50: 2000 movcs r0, #0
+ 8000a52: f85d fb08 ldr.w pc, [sp], #8
+ 8000a56: bf00 nop
+08000a58 <__aeabi_dcmple>:
+ 8000a58: f84d ed08 str.w lr, [sp, #-8]!
+ 8000a5c: f7ff ffe0 bl 8000a20 <__aeabi_cdcmpeq>
+ 8000a60: bf94 ite ls
+ 8000a62: 2001 movls r0, #1
+ 8000a64: 2000 movhi r0, #0
+ 8000a66: f85d fb08 ldr.w pc, [sp], #8
+ 8000a6a: bf00 nop
+08000a6c <__aeabi_dcmpge>:
+ 8000a6c: f84d ed08 str.w lr, [sp, #-8]!
+ 8000a70: f7ff ffce bl 8000a10 <__aeabi_cdrcmple>
+ 8000a74: bf94 ite ls
+ 8000a76: 2001 movls r0, #1
+ 8000a78: 2000 movhi r0, #0
+ 8000a7a: f85d fb08 ldr.w pc, [sp], #8
+ 8000a7e: bf00 nop
+08000a80 <__aeabi_dcmpgt>:
+ 8000a80: f84d ed08 str.w lr, [sp, #-8]!
+ 8000a84: f7ff ffc4 bl 8000a10 <__aeabi_cdrcmple>
+ 8000a88: bf34 ite cc
+ 8000a8a: 2001 movcc r0, #1
+ 8000a8c: 2000 movcs r0, #0
+ 8000a8e: f85d fb08 ldr.w pc, [sp], #8
+ 8000a92: bf00 nop
+08000a94 <__aeabi_dcmpun>:
+ 8000a94: ea4f 0c41 mov.w ip, r1, lsl #1
+ 8000a98: ea7f 5c6c mvns.w ip, ip, asr #21
+ 8000a9c: d102 bne.n 8000aa4 <__aeabi_dcmpun+0x10>
+ 8000a9e: ea50 3c01 orrs.w ip, r0, r1, lsl #12
+ 8000aa2: d10a bne.n 8000aba <__aeabi_dcmpun+0x26>
+ 8000aa4: ea4f 0c43 mov.w ip, r3, lsl #1
+ 8000aa8: ea7f 5c6c mvns.w ip, ip, asr #21
+ 8000aac: d102 bne.n 8000ab4 <__aeabi_dcmpun+0x20>
+ 8000aae: ea52 3c03 orrs.w ip, r2, r3, lsl #12
+ 8000ab2: d102 bne.n 8000aba <__aeabi_dcmpun+0x26>
+ 8000ab4: f04f 0000 mov.w r0, #0
+ 8000ab8: 4770 bx lr
+ 8000aba: f04f 0001 mov.w r0, #1
+ 8000abe: 4770 bx lr
+08000ac0 <__aeabi_d2iz>:
+ 8000ac0: ea4f 0241 mov.w r2, r1, lsl #1
+ 8000ac4: f512 1200 adds.w r2, r2, #2097152 ; 0x200000
+ 8000ac8: d215 bcs.n 8000af6 <__aeabi_d2iz+0x36>
+ 8000aca: d511 bpl.n 8000af0 <__aeabi_d2iz+0x30>
+ 8000acc: f46f 7378 mvn.w r3, #992 ; 0x3e0
+ 8000ad0: ebb3 5262 subs.w r2, r3, r2, asr #21
+ 8000ad4: d912 bls.n 8000afc <__aeabi_d2iz+0x3c>
+ 8000ad6: ea4f 23c1 mov.w r3, r1, lsl #11
+ 8000ada: f043 4300 orr.w r3, r3, #2147483648 ; 0x80000000
+ 8000ade: ea43 5350 orr.w r3, r3, r0, lsr #21
+ 8000ae2: f011 4f00 tst.w r1, #2147483648 ; 0x80000000
+ 8000ae6: fa23 f002 lsr.w r0, r3, r2
+ 8000aea: bf18 it ne
+ 8000aec: 4240 negne r0, r0
+ 8000aee: 4770 bx lr
+ 8000af0: f04f 0000 mov.w r0, #0
+ 8000af4: 4770 bx lr
+ 8000af6: ea50 3001 orrs.w r0, r0, r1, lsl #12
+ 8000afa: d105 bne.n 8000b08 <__aeabi_d2iz+0x48>
+ 8000afc: f011 4000 ands.w r0, r1, #2147483648 ; 0x80000000
+ 8000b00: bf08 it eq
+ 8000b02: f06f 4000 mvneq.w r0, #2147483648 ; 0x80000000
+ 8000b06: 4770 bx lr
+ 8000b08: f04f 0000 mov.w r0, #0
+ 8000b0c: 4770 bx lr
+ 8000b0e: bf00 nop
+08000b10 <__aeabi_uldivmod>:
+ 8000b10: b953 cbnz r3, 8000b28 <__aeabi_uldivmod+0x18>
+ 8000b12: b94a cbnz r2, 8000b28 <__aeabi_uldivmod+0x18>
+ 8000b14: 2900 cmp r1, #0
+ 8000b16: bf08 it eq
+ 8000b18: 2800 cmpeq r0, #0
+ 8000b1a: bf1c itt ne
+ 8000b1c: f04f 31ff movne.w r1, #4294967295
+ 8000b20: f04f 30ff movne.w r0, #4294967295
+ 8000b24: f000 b972 b.w 8000e0c <__aeabi_idiv0>
+ 8000b28: f1ad 0c08 sub.w ip, sp, #8
+ 8000b2c: e96d ce04 strd ip, lr, [sp, #-16]!
+ 8000b30: f000 f806 bl 8000b40 <__udivmoddi4>
+ 8000b34: f8dd e004 ldr.w lr, [sp, #4]
+ 8000b38: e9dd 2302 ldrd r2, r3, [sp, #8]
+ 8000b3c: b004 add sp, #16
+ 8000b3e: 4770 bx lr
+08000b40 <__udivmoddi4>:
+ 8000b40: e92d 47f0 stmdb sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, lr}
+ 8000b44: 9e08 ldr r6, [sp, #32]
+ 8000b46: 4604 mov r4, r0
+ 8000b48: 4688 mov r8, r1
+ 8000b4a: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
+ 8000b4c: d14b bne.n 8000be6 <__udivmoddi4+0xa6>
+ 8000b4e: 428a cmp r2, r1
+ 8000b50: 4615 mov r5, r2
+ 8000b52: d967 bls.n 8000c24 <__udivmoddi4+0xe4>
+ 8000b54: fab2 f282 clz r2, r2
+ 8000b58: b14a cbz r2, 8000b6e <__udivmoddi4+0x2e>
+ 8000b5a: f1c2 0720 rsb r7, r2, #32
+ 8000b5e: fa01 f302 lsl.w r3, r1, r2
+ 8000b62: fa20 f707 lsr.w r7, r0, r7
+ 8000b66: 4095 lsls r5, r2
+ 8000b68: ea47 0803 orr.w r8, r7, r3
+ 8000b6c: 4094 lsls r4, r2
+ 8000b6e: ea4f 4e15 mov.w lr, r5, lsr #16
+ 8000b72: 0c23 lsrs r3, r4, #16
+ 8000b74: fbb8 f7fe udiv r7, r8, lr
+ 8000b78: fa1f fc85 uxth.w ip, r5
+ 8000b7c: fb0e 8817 mls r8, lr, r7, r8
+ 8000b80: ea43 4308 orr.w r3, r3, r8, lsl #16
+ 8000b84: fb07 f10c mul.w r1, r7, ip
+ 8000b88: 4299 cmp r1, r3
+ 8000b8a: d909 bls.n 8000ba0 <__udivmoddi4+0x60>
+ 8000b8c: 18eb adds r3, r5, r3
+ 8000b8e: f107 30ff add.w r0, r7, #4294967295
+ 8000b92: f080 811b bcs.w 8000dcc <__udivmoddi4+0x28c>
+ 8000b96: 4299 cmp r1, r3
+ 8000b98: f240 8118 bls.w 8000dcc <__udivmoddi4+0x28c>
+ 8000b9c: 3f02 subs r7, #2
+ 8000b9e: 442b add r3, r5
+ 8000ba0: 1a5b subs r3, r3, r1
+ 8000ba2: b2a4 uxth r4, r4
+ 8000ba4: fbb3 f0fe udiv r0, r3, lr
+ 8000ba8: fb0e 3310 mls r3, lr, r0, r3
+ 8000bac: ea44 4403 orr.w r4, r4, r3, lsl #16
+ 8000bb0: fb00 fc0c mul.w ip, r0, ip
+ 8000bb4: 45a4 cmp ip, r4
+ 8000bb6: d909 bls.n 8000bcc <__udivmoddi4+0x8c>
+ 8000bb8: 192c adds r4, r5, r4
+ 8000bba: f100 33ff add.w r3, r0, #4294967295
+ 8000bbe: f080 8107 bcs.w 8000dd0 <__udivmoddi4+0x290>
+ 8000bc2: 45a4 cmp ip, r4
+ 8000bc4: f240 8104 bls.w 8000dd0 <__udivmoddi4+0x290>
+ 8000bc8: 3802 subs r0, #2
+ 8000bca: 442c add r4, r5
+ 8000bcc: ea40 4007 orr.w r0, r0, r7, lsl #16
+ 8000bd0: eba4 040c sub.w r4, r4, ip
+ 8000bd4: 2700 movs r7, #0
+ 8000bd6: b11e cbz r6, 8000be0 <__udivmoddi4+0xa0>
+ 8000bd8: 40d4 lsrs r4, r2
+ 8000bda: 2300 movs r3, #0
+ 8000bdc: e9c6 4300 strd r4, r3, [r6]
+ 8000be0: 4639 mov r1, r7
+ 8000be2: e8bd 87f0 ldmia.w sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, pc}
+ 8000be6: 428b cmp r3, r1
+ 8000be8: d909 bls.n 8000bfe <__udivmoddi4+0xbe>
+ 8000bea: 2e00 cmp r6, #0
+ 8000bec: f000 80eb beq.w 8000dc6 <__udivmoddi4+0x286>
+ 8000bf0: 2700 movs r7, #0
+ 8000bf2: e9c6 0100 strd r0, r1, [r6]
+ 8000bf6: 4638 mov r0, r7
+ 8000bf8: 4639 mov r1, r7
+ 8000bfa: e8bd 87f0 ldmia.w sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, pc}
+ 8000bfe: fab3 f783 clz r7, r3
+ 8000c02: 2f00 cmp r7, #0
+ 8000c04: d147 bne.n 8000c96 <__udivmoddi4+0x156>
+ 8000c06: 428b cmp r3, r1
+ 8000c08: d302 bcc.n 8000c10 <__udivmoddi4+0xd0>
+ 8000c0a: 4282 cmp r2, r0
+ 8000c0c: f200 80fa bhi.w 8000e04 <__udivmoddi4+0x2c4>
+ 8000c10: 1a84 subs r4, r0, r2
+ 8000c12: eb61 0303 sbc.w r3, r1, r3
+ 8000c16: 2001 movs r0, #1
+ 8000c18: 4698 mov r8, r3
+ 8000c1a: 2e00 cmp r6, #0
+ 8000c1c: d0e0 beq.n 8000be0 <__udivmoddi4+0xa0>
+ 8000c1e: e9c6 4800 strd r4, r8, [r6]
+ 8000c22: e7dd b.n 8000be0 <__udivmoddi4+0xa0>
+ 8000c24: b902 cbnz r2, 8000c28 <__udivmoddi4+0xe8>
+ 8000c26: deff udf #255 ; 0xff
+ 8000c28: fab2 f282 clz r2, r2
+ 8000c2c: 2a00 cmp r2, #0
+ 8000c2e: f040 808f bne.w 8000d50 <__udivmoddi4+0x210>
+ 8000c32: 1b49 subs r1, r1, r5
+ 8000c34: ea4f 4e15 mov.w lr, r5, lsr #16
+ 8000c38: fa1f f885 uxth.w r8, r5
+ 8000c3c: 2701 movs r7, #1
+ 8000c3e: fbb1 fcfe udiv ip, r1, lr
+ 8000c42: 0c23 lsrs r3, r4, #16
+ 8000c44: fb0e 111c mls r1, lr, ip, r1
+ 8000c48: ea43 4301 orr.w r3, r3, r1, lsl #16
+ 8000c4c: fb08 f10c mul.w r1, r8, ip
+ 8000c50: 4299 cmp r1, r3
+ 8000c52: d907 bls.n 8000c64 <__udivmoddi4+0x124>
+ 8000c54: 18eb adds r3, r5, r3
+ 8000c56: f10c 30ff add.w r0, ip, #4294967295
+ 8000c5a: d202 bcs.n 8000c62 <__udivmoddi4+0x122>
+ 8000c5c: 4299 cmp r1, r3
+ 8000c5e: f200 80cd bhi.w 8000dfc <__udivmoddi4+0x2bc>
+ 8000c62: 4684 mov ip, r0
+ 8000c64: 1a59 subs r1, r3, r1
+ 8000c66: b2a3 uxth r3, r4
+ 8000c68: fbb1 f0fe udiv r0, r1, lr
+ 8000c6c: fb0e 1410 mls r4, lr, r0, r1
+ 8000c70: ea43 4404 orr.w r4, r3, r4, lsl #16
+ 8000c74: fb08 f800 mul.w r8, r8, r0
+ 8000c78: 45a0 cmp r8, r4
+ 8000c7a: d907 bls.n 8000c8c <__udivmoddi4+0x14c>
+ 8000c7c: 192c adds r4, r5, r4
+ 8000c7e: f100 33ff add.w r3, r0, #4294967295
+ 8000c82: d202 bcs.n 8000c8a <__udivmoddi4+0x14a>
+ 8000c84: 45a0 cmp r8, r4
+ 8000c86: f200 80b6 bhi.w 8000df6 <__udivmoddi4+0x2b6>
+ 8000c8a: 4618 mov r0, r3
+ 8000c8c: eba4 0408 sub.w r4, r4, r8
+ 8000c90: ea40 400c orr.w r0, r0, ip, lsl #16
+ 8000c94: e79f b.n 8000bd6 <__udivmoddi4+0x96>
+ 8000c96: f1c7 0c20 rsb ip, r7, #32
+ 8000c9a: 40bb lsls r3, r7
+ 8000c9c: fa22 fe0c lsr.w lr, r2, ip
+ 8000ca0: ea4e 0e03 orr.w lr, lr, r3
+ 8000ca4: fa01 f407 lsl.w r4, r1, r7
+ 8000ca8: fa20 f50c lsr.w r5, r0, ip
+ 8000cac: fa21 f30c lsr.w r3, r1, ip
+ 8000cb0: ea4f 481e mov.w r8, lr, lsr #16
+ 8000cb4: 4325 orrs r5, r4
+ 8000cb6: fbb3 f9f8 udiv r9, r3, r8
+ 8000cba: 0c2c lsrs r4, r5, #16
+ 8000cbc: fb08 3319 mls r3, r8, r9, r3
+ 8000cc0: fa1f fa8e uxth.w sl, lr
+ 8000cc4: ea44 4303 orr.w r3, r4, r3, lsl #16
+ 8000cc8: fb09 f40a mul.w r4, r9, sl
+ 8000ccc: 429c cmp r4, r3
+ 8000cce: fa02 f207 lsl.w r2, r2, r7
+ 8000cd2: fa00 f107 lsl.w r1, r0, r7
+ 8000cd6: d90b bls.n 8000cf0 <__udivmoddi4+0x1b0>
+ 8000cd8: eb1e 0303 adds.w r3, lr, r3
+ 8000cdc: f109 30ff add.w r0, r9, #4294967295
+ 8000ce0: f080 8087 bcs.w 8000df2 <__udivmoddi4+0x2b2>
+ 8000ce4: 429c cmp r4, r3
+ 8000ce6: f240 8084 bls.w 8000df2 <__udivmoddi4+0x2b2>
+ 8000cea: f1a9 0902 sub.w r9, r9, #2
+ 8000cee: 4473 add r3, lr
+ 8000cf0: 1b1b subs r3, r3, r4
+ 8000cf2: b2ad uxth r5, r5
+ 8000cf4: fbb3 f0f8 udiv r0, r3, r8
+ 8000cf8: fb08 3310 mls r3, r8, r0, r3
+ 8000cfc: ea45 4403 orr.w r4, r5, r3, lsl #16
+ 8000d00: fb00 fa0a mul.w sl, r0, sl
+ 8000d04: 45a2 cmp sl, r4
+ 8000d06: d908 bls.n 8000d1a <__udivmoddi4+0x1da>
+ 8000d08: eb1e 0404 adds.w r4, lr, r4
+ 8000d0c: f100 33ff add.w r3, r0, #4294967295
+ 8000d10: d26b bcs.n 8000dea <__udivmoddi4+0x2aa>
+ 8000d12: 45a2 cmp sl, r4
+ 8000d14: d969 bls.n 8000dea <__udivmoddi4+0x2aa>
+ 8000d16: 3802 subs r0, #2
+ 8000d18: 4474 add r4, lr
+ 8000d1a: ea40 4009 orr.w r0, r0, r9, lsl #16
+ 8000d1e: fba0 8902 umull r8, r9, r0, r2
+ 8000d22: eba4 040a sub.w r4, r4, sl
+ 8000d26: 454c cmp r4, r9
+ 8000d28: 46c2 mov sl, r8
+ 8000d2a: 464b mov r3, r9
+ 8000d2c: d354 bcc.n 8000dd8 <__udivmoddi4+0x298>
+ 8000d2e: d051 beq.n 8000dd4 <__udivmoddi4+0x294>
+ 8000d30: 2e00 cmp r6, #0
+ 8000d32: d069 beq.n 8000e08 <__udivmoddi4+0x2c8>
+ 8000d34: ebb1 050a subs.w r5, r1, sl
+ 8000d38: eb64 0403 sbc.w r4, r4, r3
+ 8000d3c: fa04 fc0c lsl.w ip, r4, ip
+ 8000d40: 40fd lsrs r5, r7
+ 8000d42: 40fc lsrs r4, r7
+ 8000d44: ea4c 0505 orr.w r5, ip, r5
+ 8000d48: e9c6 5400 strd r5, r4, [r6]
+ 8000d4c: 2700 movs r7, #0
+ 8000d4e: e747 b.n 8000be0 <__udivmoddi4+0xa0>
+ 8000d50: f1c2 0320 rsb r3, r2, #32
+ 8000d54: fa20 f703 lsr.w r7, r0, r3
+ 8000d58: 4095 lsls r5, r2
+ 8000d5a: fa01 f002 lsl.w r0, r1, r2
+ 8000d5e: fa21 f303 lsr.w r3, r1, r3
+ 8000d62: ea4f 4e15 mov.w lr, r5, lsr #16
+ 8000d66: 4338 orrs r0, r7
+ 8000d68: 0c01 lsrs r1, r0, #16
+ 8000d6a: fbb3 f7fe udiv r7, r3, lr
+ 8000d6e: fa1f f885 uxth.w r8, r5
+ 8000d72: fb0e 3317 mls r3, lr, r7, r3
+ 8000d76: ea41 4103 orr.w r1, r1, r3, lsl #16
+ 8000d7a: fb07 f308 mul.w r3, r7, r8
+ 8000d7e: 428b cmp r3, r1
+ 8000d80: fa04 f402 lsl.w r4, r4, r2
+ 8000d84: d907 bls.n 8000d96 <__udivmoddi4+0x256>
+ 8000d86: 1869 adds r1, r5, r1
+ 8000d88: f107 3cff add.w ip, r7, #4294967295
+ 8000d8c: d22f bcs.n 8000dee <__udivmoddi4+0x2ae>
+ 8000d8e: 428b cmp r3, r1
+ 8000d90: d92d bls.n 8000dee <__udivmoddi4+0x2ae>
+ 8000d92: 3f02 subs r7, #2
+ 8000d94: 4429 add r1, r5
+ 8000d96: 1acb subs r3, r1, r3
+ 8000d98: b281 uxth r1, r0
+ 8000d9a: fbb3 f0fe udiv r0, r3, lr
+ 8000d9e: fb0e 3310 mls r3, lr, r0, r3
+ 8000da2: ea41 4103 orr.w r1, r1, r3, lsl #16
+ 8000da6: fb00 f308 mul.w r3, r0, r8
+ 8000daa: 428b cmp r3, r1
+ 8000dac: d907 bls.n 8000dbe <__udivmoddi4+0x27e>
+ 8000dae: 1869 adds r1, r5, r1
+ 8000db0: f100 3cff add.w ip, r0, #4294967295
+ 8000db4: d217 bcs.n 8000de6 <__udivmoddi4+0x2a6>
+ 8000db6: 428b cmp r3, r1
+ 8000db8: d915 bls.n 8000de6 <__udivmoddi4+0x2a6>
+ 8000dba: 3802 subs r0, #2
+ 8000dbc: 4429 add r1, r5
+ 8000dbe: 1ac9 subs r1, r1, r3
+ 8000dc0: ea40 4707 orr.w r7, r0, r7, lsl #16
+ 8000dc4: e73b b.n 8000c3e <__udivmoddi4+0xfe>
+ 8000dc6: 4637 mov r7, r6
+ 8000dc8: 4630 mov r0, r6
+ 8000dca: e709 b.n 8000be0 <__udivmoddi4+0xa0>
+ 8000dcc: 4607 mov r7, r0
+ 8000dce: e6e7 b.n 8000ba0 <__udivmoddi4+0x60>
+ 8000dd0: 4618 mov r0, r3
+ 8000dd2: e6fb b.n 8000bcc <__udivmoddi4+0x8c>
+ 8000dd4: 4541 cmp r1, r8
+ 8000dd6: d2ab bcs.n 8000d30 <__udivmoddi4+0x1f0>
+ 8000dd8: ebb8 0a02 subs.w sl, r8, r2
+ 8000ddc: eb69 020e sbc.w r2, r9, lr
+ 8000de0: 3801 subs r0, #1
+ 8000de2: 4613 mov r3, r2
+ 8000de4: e7a4 b.n 8000d30 <__udivmoddi4+0x1f0>
+ 8000de6: 4660 mov r0, ip
+ 8000de8: e7e9 b.n 8000dbe <__udivmoddi4+0x27e>
+ 8000dea: 4618 mov r0, r3
+ 8000dec: e795 b.n 8000d1a <__udivmoddi4+0x1da>
+ 8000dee: 4667 mov r7, ip
+ 8000df0: e7d1 b.n 8000d96 <__udivmoddi4+0x256>
+ 8000df2: 4681 mov r9, r0
+ 8000df4: e77c b.n 8000cf0 <__udivmoddi4+0x1b0>
+ 8000df6: 3802 subs r0, #2
+ 8000df8: 442c add r4, r5
+ 8000dfa: e747 b.n 8000c8c <__udivmoddi4+0x14c>
+ 8000dfc: f1ac 0c02 sub.w ip, ip, #2
+ 8000e00: 442b add r3, r5
+ 8000e02: e72f b.n 8000c64 <__udivmoddi4+0x124>
+ 8000e04: 4638 mov r0, r7
+ 8000e06: e708 b.n 8000c1a <__udivmoddi4+0xda>
+ 8000e08: 4637 mov r7, r6
+ 8000e0a: e6e9 b.n 8000be0 <__udivmoddi4+0xa0>
+08000e0c <__aeabi_idiv0>:
+ 8000e0c: 4770 bx lr
+ 8000e0e: bf00 nop
+08000e10 :
+* Function Name : deg_to_rad
+* Description : converts degrees to radians
+* Return : angle in radians
+double deg_to_rad(double deg)
+ 8000e10: b590 push {r4, r7, lr}
+ 8000e12: b085 sub sp, #20
+ 8000e14: af00 add r7, sp, #0
+ 8000e16: ed87 0b00 vstr d0, [r7]
+ double rad = deg*(M_PI/180);
+ 8000e1a: a30b add r3, pc, #44 ; (adr r3, 8000e48 )
+ 8000e1c: e9d3 2300 ldrd r2, r3, [r3]
+ 8000e20: e9d7 0100 ldrd r0, r1, [r7]
+ 8000e24: f7ff fb9c bl 8000560 <__aeabi_dmul>
+ 8000e28: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 8000e2a: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 8000e2c: e9c7 3402 strd r3, r4, [r7, #8]
+ return rad;
+ 8000e30: e9d7 3402 ldrd r3, r4, [r7, #8]
+ 8000e34: ec44 3b17 vmov d7, r3, r4
+ 8000e38: eeb0 0a47 vmov.f32 s0, s14
+ 8000e3c: eef0 0a67 vmov.f32 s1, s15
+ 8000e40: 3714 adds r7, #20
+ 8000e42: 46bd mov sp, r7
+ 8000e44: bd90 pop {r4, r7, pc}
+ 8000e46: bf00 nop
+ 8000e48: a2529d39 .word 0xa2529d39
+ 8000e4c: 3f91df46 .word 0x3f91df46
+08000e50 :
+* Function Name : rad_to_deg
+* Description : converts radians to degrees
+* Return : angle in degrees
+double rad_to_deg(double rad)
+ 8000e50: b590 push {r4, r7, lr}
+ 8000e52: b085 sub sp, #20
+ 8000e54: af00 add r7, sp, #0
+ 8000e56: ed87 0b00 vstr d0, [r7]
+ double deg = rad*(180/M_PI);
+ 8000e5a: a30b add r3, pc, #44 ; (adr r3, 8000e88 )
+ 8000e5c: e9d3 2300 ldrd r2, r3, [r3]
+ 8000e60: e9d7 0100 ldrd r0, r1, [r7]
+ 8000e64: f7ff fb7c bl 8000560 <__aeabi_dmul>
+ 8000e68: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 8000e6a: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 8000e6c: e9c7 3402 strd r3, r4, [r7, #8]
+ return deg;
+ 8000e70: e9d7 3402 ldrd r3, r4, [r7, #8]
+ 8000e74: ec44 3b17 vmov d7, r3, r4
+ 8000e78: eeb0 0a47 vmov.f32 s0, s14
+ 8000e7c: eef0 0a67 vmov.f32 s1, s15
+ 8000e80: 3714 adds r7, #20
+ 8000e82: 46bd mov sp, r7
+ 8000e84: bd90 pop {r4, r7, pc}
+ 8000e86: bf00 nop
+ 8000e88: 1a63c1f8 .word 0x1a63c1f8
+ 8000e8c: 404ca5dc .word 0x404ca5dc
+08000e90 :
+* Function Name : leap_year_check
+* Description : checks if year is a leap year
+* Return : false: no leap year, true: leap year
+int leap_year_check(int year)
+ 8000e90: b480 push {r7}
+ 8000e92: b083 sub sp, #12
+ 8000e94: af00 add r7, sp, #0
+ 8000e96: 6078 str r0, [r7, #4]
+ if((year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0))
+ 8000e98: 687b ldr r3, [r7, #4]
+ 8000e9a: f003 0303 and.w r3, r3, #3
+ 8000e9e: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
+ 8000ea0: d10c bne.n 8000ebc
+ 8000ea2: 687a ldr r2, [r7, #4]
+ 8000ea4: 4b11 ldr r3, [pc, #68] ; (8000eec )
+ 8000ea6: fb83 1302 smull r1, r3, r3, r2
+ 8000eaa: 1159 asrs r1, r3, #5
+ 8000eac: 17d3 asrs r3, r2, #31
+ 8000eae: 1acb subs r3, r1, r3
+ 8000eb0: 2164 movs r1, #100 ; 0x64
+ 8000eb2: fb01 f303 mul.w r3, r1, r3
+ 8000eb6: 1ad3 subs r3, r2, r3
+ 8000eb8: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
+ 8000eba: d10d bne.n 8000ed8
+ 8000ebc: 687a ldr r2, [r7, #4]
+ 8000ebe: 4b0b ldr r3, [pc, #44] ; (8000eec )
+ 8000ec0: fb83 1302 smull r1, r3, r3, r2
+ 8000ec4: 11d9 asrs r1, r3, #7
+ 8000ec6: 17d3 asrs r3, r2, #31
+ 8000ec8: 1acb subs r3, r1, r3
+ 8000eca: f44f 71c8 mov.w r1, #400 ; 0x190
+ 8000ece: fb01 f303 mul.w r3, r1, r3
+ 8000ed2: 1ad3 subs r3, r2, r3
+ 8000ed4: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
+ 8000ed6: d101 bne.n 8000edc
+ {
+ return true;
+ 8000ed8: 2301 movs r3, #1
+ 8000eda: e000 b.n 8000ede
+ }
+ return false;
+ 8000edc: 2300 movs r3, #0
+ 8000ede: 4618 mov r0, r3
+ 8000ee0: 370c adds r7, #12
+ 8000ee2: 46bd mov sp, r7
+ 8000ee4: f85d 7b04 ldr.w r7, [sp], #4
+ 8000ee8: 4770 bx lr
+ 8000eea: bf00 nop
+ 8000eec: 51eb851f .word 0x51eb851f
+08000ef0 :
+* Description : calculates the day of year
+* Return : day of year (1.1.. = 1, 2.1.. = 2,...)
+* Source : https://overiq.com/c-examples/c-program-to-calculate-the-day-of-year-from-the-date/
+int calc_day_of_year(int day, int mon, int year)
+ 8000ef0: b580 push {r7, lr}
+ 8000ef2: b088 sub sp, #32
+ 8000ef4: af00 add r7, sp, #0
+ 8000ef6: 60f8 str r0, [r7, #12]
+ 8000ef8: 60b9 str r1, [r7, #8]
+ 8000efa: 607a str r2, [r7, #4]
+ int days_in_feb = 28;
+ 8000efc: 231c movs r3, #28
+ 8000efe: 61fb str r3, [r7, #28]
+ int doy = day; //day of year
+ 8000f00: 68fb ldr r3, [r7, #12]
+ 8000f02: 61bb str r3, [r7, #24]
+ // check for leap year
+ bool leap_year = leap_year_check(year);
+ 8000f04: 6878 ldr r0, [r7, #4]
+ 8000f06: f7ff ffc3 bl 8000e90
+ 8000f0a: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 8000f0c: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
+ 8000f0e: bf14 ite ne
+ 8000f10: 2301 movne r3, #1
+ 8000f12: 2300 moveq r3, #0
+ 8000f14: 75fb strb r3, [r7, #23]
+ if(leap_year == true)
+ 8000f16: 7dfb ldrb r3, [r7, #23]
+ 8000f18: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
+ 8000f1a: d001 beq.n 8000f20
+ {
+ days_in_feb = 29;
+ 8000f1c: 231d movs r3, #29
+ 8000f1e: 61fb str r3, [r7, #28]
+ }
+ switch(mon)
+ 8000f20: 68bb ldr r3, [r7, #8]
+ 8000f22: 3b02 subs r3, #2
+ 8000f24: 2b0a cmp r3, #10
+ 8000f26: d85b bhi.n 8000fe0
+ 8000f28: a201 add r2, pc, #4 ; (adr r2, 8000f30 )
+ 8000f2a: f852 f023 ldr.w pc, [r2, r3, lsl #2]
+ 8000f2e: bf00 nop
+ 8000f30: 08000f5d .word 0x08000f5d
+ 8000f34: 08000f65 .word 0x08000f65
+ 8000f38: 08000f71 .word 0x08000f71
+ 8000f3c: 08000f7d .word 0x08000f7d
+ 8000f40: 08000f89 .word 0x08000f89
+ 8000f44: 08000f95 .word 0x08000f95
+ 8000f48: 08000fa1 .word 0x08000fa1
+ 8000f4c: 08000fad .word 0x08000fad
+ 8000f50: 08000fb9 .word 0x08000fb9
+ 8000f54: 08000fc5 .word 0x08000fc5
+ 8000f58: 08000fd3 .word 0x08000fd3
+ {
+ case 2:
+ doy += 31;
+ 8000f5c: 69bb ldr r3, [r7, #24]
+ 8000f5e: 331f adds r3, #31
+ 8000f60: 61bb str r3, [r7, #24]
+ break;
+ 8000f62: e03d b.n 8000fe0
+ case 3:
+ doy += 31+days_in_feb;
+ 8000f64: 69fb ldr r3, [r7, #28]
+ 8000f66: 331f adds r3, #31
+ 8000f68: 69ba ldr r2, [r7, #24]
+ 8000f6a: 4413 add r3, r2
+ 8000f6c: 61bb str r3, [r7, #24]
+ break;
+ 8000f6e: e037 b.n 8000fe0
+ case 4:
+ doy += days_in_feb+62;
+ 8000f70: 69fb ldr r3, [r7, #28]
+ 8000f72: 333e adds r3, #62 ; 0x3e
+ 8000f74: 69ba ldr r2, [r7, #24]
+ 8000f76: 4413 add r3, r2
+ 8000f78: 61bb str r3, [r7, #24]
+ break;
+ 8000f7a: e031 b.n 8000fe0
+ case 5:
+ doy += days_in_feb+92;
+ 8000f7c: 69fb ldr r3, [r7, #28]
+ 8000f7e: 335c adds r3, #92 ; 0x5c
+ 8000f80: 69ba ldr r2, [r7, #24]
+ 8000f82: 4413 add r3, r2
+ 8000f84: 61bb str r3, [r7, #24]
+ break;
+ 8000f86: e02b b.n 8000fe0
+ case 6:
+ doy += days_in_feb+123;
+ 8000f88: 69fb ldr r3, [r7, #28]
+ 8000f8a: 337b adds r3, #123 ; 0x7b
+ 8000f8c: 69ba ldr r2, [r7, #24]
+ 8000f8e: 4413 add r3, r2
+ 8000f90: 61bb str r3, [r7, #24]
+ break;
+ 8000f92: e025 b.n 8000fe0
+ case 7:
+ doy += days_in_feb+153;
+ 8000f94: 69fb ldr r3, [r7, #28]
+ 8000f96: 3399 adds r3, #153 ; 0x99
+ 8000f98: 69ba ldr r2, [r7, #24]
+ 8000f9a: 4413 add r3, r2
+ 8000f9c: 61bb str r3, [r7, #24]
+ break;
+ 8000f9e: e01f b.n 8000fe0
+ case 8:
+ doy += days_in_feb+184;
+ 8000fa0: 69fb ldr r3, [r7, #28]
+ 8000fa2: 33b8 adds r3, #184 ; 0xb8
+ 8000fa4: 69ba ldr r2, [r7, #24]
+ 8000fa6: 4413 add r3, r2
+ 8000fa8: 61bb str r3, [r7, #24]
+ break;
+ 8000faa: e019 b.n 8000fe0
+ case 9:
+ doy += days_in_feb+215;
+ 8000fac: 69fb ldr r3, [r7, #28]
+ 8000fae: 33d7 adds r3, #215 ; 0xd7
+ 8000fb0: 69ba ldr r2, [r7, #24]
+ 8000fb2: 4413 add r3, r2
+ 8000fb4: 61bb str r3, [r7, #24]
+ break;
+ 8000fb6: e013 b.n 8000fe0
+ case 10:
+ doy += days_in_feb+245;
+ 8000fb8: 69fb ldr r3, [r7, #28]
+ 8000fba: 33f5 adds r3, #245 ; 0xf5
+ 8000fbc: 69ba ldr r2, [r7, #24]
+ 8000fbe: 4413 add r3, r2
+ 8000fc0: 61bb str r3, [r7, #24]
+ break;
+ 8000fc2: e00d b.n 8000fe0
+ case 11:
+ doy += days_in_feb+276;
+ 8000fc4: 69fb ldr r3, [r7, #28]
+ 8000fc6: f503 738a add.w r3, r3, #276 ; 0x114
+ 8000fca: 69ba ldr r2, [r7, #24]
+ 8000fcc: 4413 add r3, r2
+ 8000fce: 61bb str r3, [r7, #24]
+ break;
+ 8000fd0: e006 b.n 8000fe0
+ case 12:
+ doy += days_in_feb+306;
+ 8000fd2: 69fb ldr r3, [r7, #28]
+ 8000fd4: f503 7399 add.w r3, r3, #306 ; 0x132
+ 8000fd8: 69ba ldr r2, [r7, #24]
+ 8000fda: 4413 add r3, r2
+ 8000fdc: 61bb str r3, [r7, #24]
+ break;
+ 8000fde: bf00 nop
+ }
+ return doy;
+ 8000fe0: 69bb ldr r3, [r7, #24]
+ 8000fe2: 4618 mov r0, r3
+ 8000fe4: 3720 adds r7, #32
+ 8000fe6: 46bd mov sp, r7
+ 8000fe8: bd80 pop {r7, pc}
+ 8000fea: bf00 nop
+ 8000fec: 0000 movs r0, r0
+ ...
+08000ff0 :
+* Function Name : calc_sunrise_sunset
+* Description : calculates the sunrise and sunset time of a specific date
+* Source : General Solar Position Calculations, NOAA Global Monitoring Division
+void calc_sunrise_sunset(int date, int month, int year, int sunrise_time[2], int sunset_time[2])
+ 8000ff0: e92d 43f0 stmdb sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, lr}
+ 8000ff4: b0a3 sub sp, #140 ; 0x8c
+ 8000ff6: af00 add r7, sp, #0
+ 8000ff8: 60f8 str r0, [r7, #12]
+ 8000ffa: 60b9 str r1, [r7, #8]
+ 8000ffc: 607a str r2, [r7, #4]
+ 8000ffe: 603b str r3, [r7, #0]
+ double gamma = 0;
+ 8001000: f04f 0300 mov.w r3, #0
+ 8001004: f04f 0400 mov.w r4, #0
+ 8001008: e9c7 3420 strd r3, r4, [r7, #128] ; 0x80
+ bool leap_year;
+ double eqtime = 0;
+ 800100c: f04f 0300 mov.w r3, #0
+ 8001010: f04f 0400 mov.w r4, #0
+ 8001014: e9c7 341a strd r3, r4, [r7, #104] ; 0x68
+ double decl = 0;
+ 8001018: f04f 0300 mov.w r3, #0
+ 800101c: f04f 0400 mov.w r4, #0
+ 8001020: e9c7 3418 strd r3, r4, [r7, #96] ; 0x60
+ double decl_deg = 0;
+ 8001024: f04f 0300 mov.w r3, #0
+ 8001028: f04f 0400 mov.w r4, #0
+ 800102c: e9c7 3416 strd r3, r4, [r7, #88] ; 0x58
+ double zenith_sun = 0;
+ 8001030: f04f 0300 mov.w r3, #0
+ 8001034: f04f 0400 mov.w r4, #0
+ 8001038: e9c7 3414 strd r3, r4, [r7, #80] ; 0x50
+ double lat_nbg_rad = 0;
+ 800103c: f04f 0300 mov.w r3, #0
+ 8001040: f04f 0400 mov.w r4, #0
+ 8001044: e9c7 3412 strd r3, r4, [r7, #72] ; 0x48
+ double ha = 0;
+ 8001048: f04f 0300 mov.w r3, #0
+ 800104c: f04f 0400 mov.w r4, #0
+ 8001050: e9c7 3410 strd r3, r4, [r7, #64] ; 0x40
+ double sunrise = 0;
+ 8001054: f04f 0300 mov.w r3, #0
+ 8001058: f04f 0400 mov.w r4, #0
+ 800105c: e9c7 340e strd r3, r4, [r7, #56] ; 0x38
+ double sunset = 0;
+ 8001060: f04f 0300 mov.w r3, #0
+ 8001064: f04f 0400 mov.w r4, #0
+ 8001068: e9c7 340c strd r3, r4, [r7, #48] ; 0x30
+ double ha_deg = 0;
+ 800106c: f04f 0300 mov.w r3, #0
+ 8001070: f04f 0400 mov.w r4, #0
+ 8001074: e9c7 340a strd r3, r4, [r7, #40] ; 0x28
+ int sunrise_h = 0;
+ 8001078: 2300 movs r3, #0
+ 800107a: 67fb str r3, [r7, #124] ; 0x7c
+ int sunset_h = 0;
+ 800107c: 2300 movs r3, #0
+ 800107e: 67bb str r3, [r7, #120] ; 0x78
+ double sunrise_min = 0;
+ 8001080: f04f 0300 mov.w r3, #0
+ 8001084: f04f 0400 mov.w r4, #0
+ 8001088: e9c7 3408 strd r3, r4, [r7, #32]
+ double sunset_min = 0;
+ 800108c: f04f 0300 mov.w r3, #0
+ 8001090: f04f 0400 mov.w r4, #0
+ 8001094: e9c7 3406 strd r3, r4, [r7, #24]
+ int int_sunrise_min = 0;
+ 8001098: 2300 movs r3, #0
+ 800109a: 677b str r3, [r7, #116] ; 0x74
+ int int_sunset_min = 0;
+ 800109c: 2300 movs r3, #0
+ 800109e: 673b str r3, [r7, #112] ; 0x70
+ //day of year calculation
+ int day_of_year = calc_day_of_year(date, month, year);
+ 80010a0: 687a ldr r2, [r7, #4]
+ 80010a2: 68b9 ldr r1, [r7, #8]
+ 80010a4: 68f8 ldr r0, [r7, #12]
+ 80010a6: f7ff ff23 bl 8000ef0
+ 80010aa: 6178 str r0, [r7, #20]
+ // fractional year (γ) in radians
+ // check for leap year
+ leap_year = leap_year_check(year);
+ 80010ac: 6878 ldr r0, [r7, #4]
+ 80010ae: f7ff feef bl 8000e90
+ 80010b2: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 80010b4: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
+ 80010b6: bf14 ite ne
+ 80010b8: 2301 movne r3, #1
+ 80010ba: 2300 moveq r3, #0
+ 80010bc: 74fb strb r3, [r7, #19]
+ if(leap_year == false)
+ 80010be: 7cfb ldrb r3, [r7, #19]
+ 80010c0: f083 0301 eor.w r3, r3, #1
+ 80010c4: b2db uxtb r3, r3
+ 80010c6: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
+ 80010c8: d00f beq.n 80010ea
+ {
+ //The back part of the formula was omitted, because there is no difference in the result
+ gamma = ((2 * M_PI)/365)*(day_of_year - 1);
+ 80010ca: 697b ldr r3, [r7, #20]
+ 80010cc: 3b01 subs r3, #1
+ 80010ce: 4618 mov r0, r3
+ 80010d0: f7ff f9dc bl 800048c <__aeabi_i2d>
+ 80010d4: f20f 537c addw r3, pc, #1404 ; 0x57c
+ 80010d8: e9d3 2300 ldrd r2, r3, [r3]
+ 80010dc: f7ff fa40 bl 8000560 <__aeabi_dmul>
+ 80010e0: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 80010e2: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 80010e4: e9c7 3420 strd r3, r4, [r7, #128] ; 0x80
+ 80010e8: e00e b.n 8001108
+ } else {
+ //The back part of the formula was omitted, because there is no difference in the result
+ gamma = ((2 * M_PI)/366)*(day_of_year - 1);
+ 80010ea: 697b ldr r3, [r7, #20]
+ 80010ec: 3b01 subs r3, #1
+ 80010ee: 4618 mov r0, r3
+ 80010f0: f7ff f9cc bl 800048c <__aeabi_i2d>
+ 80010f4: f20f 5364 addw r3, pc, #1380 ; 0x564
+ 80010f8: e9d3 2300 ldrd r2, r3, [r3]
+ 80010fc: f7ff fa30 bl 8000560 <__aeabi_dmul>
+ 8001100: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 8001102: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 8001104: e9c7 3420 strd r3, r4, [r7, #128] ; 0x80
+ }
+ //Equation of time in minutes
+ eqtime = 229.18*(0.000075 + 0.001868*cos(gamma) - 0.032077*sin(gamma) - 0.014615*cos(2*gamma) - 0.040849*sin(2*gamma));
+ 8001108: ed97 0b20 vldr d0, [r7, #128] ; 0x80
+ 800110c: f003 f968 bl 80043e0
+ 8001110: ec51 0b10 vmov r0, r1, d0
+ 8001114: f20f 534c addw r3, pc, #1356 ; 0x54c
+ 8001118: e9d3 2300 ldrd r2, r3, [r3]
+ 800111c: f7ff fa20 bl 8000560 <__aeabi_dmul>
+ 8001120: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 8001122: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 8001124: 4618 mov r0, r3
+ 8001126: 4621 mov r1, r4
+ 8001128: f20f 5340 addw r3, pc, #1344 ; 0x540
+ 800112c: e9d3 2300 ldrd r2, r3, [r3]
+ 8001130: f7ff f860 bl 80001f4 <__adddf3>
+ 8001134: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 8001136: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 8001138: 4625 mov r5, r4
+ 800113a: 461c mov r4, r3
+ 800113c: ed97 0b20 vldr d0, [r7, #128] ; 0x80
+ 8001140: f003 fa16 bl 8004570
+ 8001144: ec51 0b10 vmov r0, r1, d0
+ 8001148: f20f 5328 addw r3, pc, #1320 ; 0x528
+ 800114c: e9d3 2300 ldrd r2, r3, [r3]
+ 8001150: f7ff fa06 bl 8000560 <__aeabi_dmul>
+ 8001154: 4602 mov r2, r0
+ 8001156: 460b mov r3, r1
+ 8001158: 4620 mov r0, r4
+ 800115a: 4629 mov r1, r5
+ 800115c: f7ff f848 bl 80001f0 <__aeabi_dsub>
+ 8001160: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 8001162: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 8001164: 4625 mov r5, r4
+ 8001166: 461c mov r4, r3
+ 8001168: e9d7 0120 ldrd r0, r1, [r7, #128] ; 0x80
+ 800116c: 4602 mov r2, r0
+ 800116e: 460b mov r3, r1
+ 8001170: f7ff f840 bl 80001f4 <__adddf3>
+ 8001174: 4602 mov r2, r0
+ 8001176: 460b mov r3, r1
+ 8001178: ec43 2b17 vmov d7, r2, r3
+ 800117c: eeb0 0a47 vmov.f32 s0, s14
+ 8001180: eef0 0a67 vmov.f32 s1, s15
+ 8001184: f003 f92c bl 80043e0
+ 8001188: ec51 0b10 vmov r0, r1, d0
+ 800118c: f20f 43ec addw r3, pc, #1260 ; 0x4ec
+ 8001190: e9d3 2300 ldrd r2, r3, [r3]
+ 8001194: f7ff f9e4 bl 8000560 <__aeabi_dmul>
+ 8001198: 4602 mov r2, r0
+ 800119a: 460b mov r3, r1
+ 800119c: 4620 mov r0, r4
+ 800119e: 4629 mov r1, r5
+ 80011a0: f7ff f826 bl 80001f0 <__aeabi_dsub>
+ 80011a4: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 80011a6: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 80011a8: 4625 mov r5, r4
+ 80011aa: 461c mov r4, r3
+ 80011ac: e9d7 0120 ldrd r0, r1, [r7, #128] ; 0x80
+ 80011b0: 4602 mov r2, r0
+ 80011b2: 460b mov r3, r1
+ 80011b4: f7ff f81e bl 80001f4 <__adddf3>
+ 80011b8: 4602 mov r2, r0
+ 80011ba: 460b mov r3, r1
+ 80011bc: ec43 2b17 vmov d7, r2, r3
+ 80011c0: eeb0 0a47 vmov.f32 s0, s14
+ 80011c4: eef0 0a67 vmov.f32 s1, s15
+ 80011c8: f003 f9d2 bl 8004570
+ 80011cc: ec51 0b10 vmov r0, r1, d0
+ 80011d0: f20f 43b0 addw r3, pc, #1200 ; 0x4b0
+ 80011d4: e9d3 2300 ldrd r2, r3, [r3]
+ 80011d8: f7ff f9c2 bl 8000560 <__aeabi_dmul>
+ 80011dc: 4602 mov r2, r0
+ 80011de: 460b mov r3, r1
+ 80011e0: 4620 mov r0, r4
+ 80011e2: 4629 mov r1, r5
+ 80011e4: f7ff f804 bl 80001f0 <__aeabi_dsub>
+ 80011e8: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 80011ea: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 80011ec: 4618 mov r0, r3
+ 80011ee: 4621 mov r1, r4
+ 80011f0: f20f 4398 addw r3, pc, #1176 ; 0x498
+ 80011f4: e9d3 2300 ldrd r2, r3, [r3]
+ 80011f8: f7ff f9b2 bl 8000560 <__aeabi_dmul>
+ 80011fc: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 80011fe: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 8001200: e9c7 341a strd r3, r4, [r7, #104] ; 0x68
+ //Solar declination angle in radians
+ decl = 0.006918 - 0.399912*cos(gamma) + 0.070257*sin(gamma) - 0.006758*cos(2*gamma) + 0.000907*sin(2*gamma) - 0.002697*cos(3*gamma) + 0.00148*sin(3*gamma);
+ 8001204: ed97 0b20 vldr d0, [r7, #128] ; 0x80
+ 8001208: f003 f8ea bl 80043e0
+ 800120c: ec51 0b10 vmov r0, r1, d0
+ 8001210: f20f 4380 addw r3, pc, #1152 ; 0x480
+ 8001214: e9d3 2300 ldrd r2, r3, [r3]
+ 8001218: f7ff f9a2 bl 8000560 <__aeabi_dmul>
+ 800121c: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 800121e: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 8001220: 461a mov r2, r3
+ 8001222: 4623 mov r3, r4
+ 8001224: f20f 4174 addw r1, pc, #1140 ; 0x474
+ 8001228: e9d1 0100 ldrd r0, r1, [r1]
+ 800122c: f7fe ffe0 bl 80001f0 <__aeabi_dsub>
+ 8001230: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 8001232: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 8001234: 4625 mov r5, r4
+ 8001236: 461c mov r4, r3
+ 8001238: ed97 0b20 vldr d0, [r7, #128] ; 0x80
+ 800123c: f003 f998 bl 8004570
+ 8001240: ec51 0b10 vmov r0, r1, d0
+ 8001244: f20f 435c addw r3, pc, #1116 ; 0x45c
+ 8001248: e9d3 2300 ldrd r2, r3, [r3]
+ 800124c: f7ff f988 bl 8000560 <__aeabi_dmul>
+ 8001250: 4602 mov r2, r0
+ 8001252: 460b mov r3, r1
+ 8001254: 4620 mov r0, r4
+ 8001256: 4629 mov r1, r5
+ 8001258: f7fe ffcc bl 80001f4 <__adddf3>
+ 800125c: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 800125e: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 8001260: 4625 mov r5, r4
+ 8001262: 461c mov r4, r3
+ 8001264: e9d7 0120 ldrd r0, r1, [r7, #128] ; 0x80
+ 8001268: 4602 mov r2, r0
+ 800126a: 460b mov r3, r1
+ 800126c: f7fe ffc2 bl 80001f4 <__adddf3>
+ 8001270: 4602 mov r2, r0
+ 8001272: 460b mov r3, r1
+ 8001274: ec43 2b17 vmov d7, r2, r3
+ 8001278: eeb0 0a47 vmov.f32 s0, s14
+ 800127c: eef0 0a67 vmov.f32 s1, s15
+ 8001280: f003 f8ae bl 80043e0
+ 8001284: ec51 0b10 vmov r0, r1, d0
+ 8001288: f20f 4320 addw r3, pc, #1056 ; 0x420
+ 800128c: e9d3 2300 ldrd r2, r3, [r3]
+ 8001290: f7ff f966 bl 8000560 <__aeabi_dmul>
+ 8001294: 4602 mov r2, r0
+ 8001296: 460b mov r3, r1
+ 8001298: 4620 mov r0, r4
+ 800129a: 4629 mov r1, r5
+ 800129c: f7fe ffa8 bl 80001f0 <__aeabi_dsub>
+ 80012a0: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 80012a2: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 80012a4: 4625 mov r5, r4
+ 80012a6: 461c mov r4, r3
+ 80012a8: e9d7 0120 ldrd r0, r1, [r7, #128] ; 0x80
+ 80012ac: 4602 mov r2, r0
+ 80012ae: 460b mov r3, r1
+ 80012b0: f7fe ffa0 bl 80001f4 <__adddf3>
+ 80012b4: 4602 mov r2, r0
+ 80012b6: 460b mov r3, r1
+ 80012b8: ec43 2b17 vmov d7, r2, r3
+ 80012bc: eeb0 0a47 vmov.f32 s0, s14
+ 80012c0: eef0 0a67 vmov.f32 s1, s15
+ 80012c4: f003 f954 bl 8004570
+ 80012c8: ec51 0b10 vmov r0, r1, d0
+ 80012cc: a3f9 add r3, pc, #996 ; (adr r3, 80016b4 )
+ 80012ce: e9d3 2300 ldrd r2, r3, [r3]
+ 80012d2: f7ff f945 bl 8000560 <__aeabi_dmul>
+ 80012d6: 4602 mov r2, r0
+ 80012d8: 460b mov r3, r1
+ 80012da: 4620 mov r0, r4
+ 80012dc: 4629 mov r1, r5
+ 80012de: f7fe ff89 bl 80001f4 <__adddf3>
+ 80012e2: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 80012e4: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 80012e6: 4625 mov r5, r4
+ 80012e8: 461c mov r4, r3
+ 80012ea: f04f 0200 mov.w r2, #0
+ 80012ee: 4bd0 ldr r3, [pc, #832] ; (8001630 )
+ 80012f0: e9d7 0120 ldrd r0, r1, [r7, #128] ; 0x80
+ 80012f4: f7ff f934 bl 8000560 <__aeabi_dmul>
+ 80012f8: 4602 mov r2, r0
+ 80012fa: 460b mov r3, r1
+ 80012fc: ec43 2b17 vmov d7, r2, r3
+ 8001300: eeb0 0a47 vmov.f32 s0, s14
+ 8001304: eef0 0a67 vmov.f32 s1, s15
+ 8001308: f003 f86a bl 80043e0
+ 800130c: ec51 0b10 vmov r0, r1, d0
+ 8001310: a3c1 add r3, pc, #772 ; (adr r3, 8001618 )
+ 8001312: e9d3 2300 ldrd r2, r3, [r3]
+ 8001316: f7ff f923 bl 8000560 <__aeabi_dmul>
+ 800131a: 4602 mov r2, r0
+ 800131c: 460b mov r3, r1
+ 800131e: 4620 mov r0, r4
+ 8001320: 4629 mov r1, r5
+ 8001322: f7fe ff65 bl 80001f0 <__aeabi_dsub>
+ 8001326: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 8001328: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 800132a: 4625 mov r5, r4
+ 800132c: 461c mov r4, r3
+ 800132e: f04f 0200 mov.w r2, #0
+ 8001332: 4bbf ldr r3, [pc, #764] ; (8001630 )
+ 8001334: e9d7 0120 ldrd r0, r1, [r7, #128] ; 0x80
+ 8001338: f7ff f912 bl 8000560 <__aeabi_dmul>
+ 800133c: 4602 mov r2, r0
+ 800133e: 460b mov r3, r1
+ 8001340: ec43 2b17 vmov d7, r2, r3
+ 8001344: eeb0 0a47 vmov.f32 s0, s14
+ 8001348: eef0 0a67 vmov.f32 s1, s15
+ 800134c: f003 f910 bl 8004570
+ 8001350: ec51 0b10 vmov r0, r1, d0
+ 8001354: a3b2 add r3, pc, #712 ; (adr r3, 8001620 )
+ 8001356: e9d3 2300 ldrd r2, r3, [r3]
+ 800135a: f7ff f901 bl 8000560 <__aeabi_dmul>
+ 800135e: 4602 mov r2, r0
+ 8001360: 460b mov r3, r1
+ 8001362: 4620 mov r0, r4
+ 8001364: 4629 mov r1, r5
+ 8001366: f7fe ff45 bl 80001f4 <__adddf3>
+ 800136a: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 800136c: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 800136e: e9c7 3418 strd r3, r4, [r7, #96] ; 0x60
+ //Solar declination angle in degrees
+ decl_deg = rad_to_deg(decl);
+ 8001372: ed97 0b18 vldr d0, [r7, #96] ; 0x60
+ 8001376: f7ff fd6b bl 8000e50
+ 800137a: ed87 0b16 vstr d0, [r7, #88] ; 0x58
+ //Hour angle in degrees, positive number corresponds to sunrise, negative to sunset
+ //special case of sunrise or sunset, the zenith is set to 90.833Deg
+ zenith_sun = deg_to_rad(90.833);
+ 800137e: ed9f 0baa vldr d0, [pc, #680] ; 8001628
+ 8001382: f7ff fd45 bl 8000e10
+ 8001386: ed87 0b14 vstr d0, [r7, #80] ; 0x50
+ //Latitude of Nuernberg in rad
+ lat_nbg_rad = deg_to_rad(latitude_nbg);
+ 800138a: 4baa ldr r3, [pc, #680] ; (8001634 )
+ 800138c: 681b ldr r3, [r3, #0]
+ 800138e: 4618 mov r0, r3
+ 8001390: f7ff f87c bl 800048c <__aeabi_i2d>
+ 8001394: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 8001396: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 8001398: ec44 3b10 vmov d0, r3, r4
+ 800139c: f7ff fd38 bl 8000e10
+ 80013a0: ed87 0b12 vstr d0, [r7, #72] ; 0x48
+ ha = acos((cos(zenith_sun)/(cos(lat_nbg_rad)*cos(decl)))-(tan(lat_nbg_rad)*tan(decl)));
+ 80013a4: ed97 0b14 vldr d0, [r7, #80] ; 0x50
+ 80013a8: f003 f81a bl 80043e0
+ 80013ac: ec56 5b10 vmov r5, r6, d0
+ 80013b0: ed97 0b12 vldr d0, [r7, #72] ; 0x48
+ 80013b4: f003 f814 bl 80043e0
+ 80013b8: ec59 8b10 vmov r8, r9, d0
+ 80013bc: ed97 0b18 vldr d0, [r7, #96] ; 0x60
+ 80013c0: f003 f80e bl 80043e0
+ 80013c4: ec54 3b10 vmov r3, r4, d0
+ 80013c8: 461a mov r2, r3
+ 80013ca: 4623 mov r3, r4
+ 80013cc: 4640 mov r0, r8
+ 80013ce: 4649 mov r1, r9
+ 80013d0: f7ff f8c6 bl 8000560 <__aeabi_dmul>
+ 80013d4: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 80013d6: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 80013d8: 461a mov r2, r3
+ 80013da: 4623 mov r3, r4
+ 80013dc: 4628 mov r0, r5
+ 80013de: 4631 mov r1, r6
+ 80013e0: f7ff f9e8 bl 80007b4 <__aeabi_ddiv>
+ 80013e4: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 80013e6: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 80013e8: 4625 mov r5, r4
+ 80013ea: 461c mov r4, r3
+ 80013ec: ed97 0b12 vldr d0, [r7, #72] ; 0x48
+ 80013f0: f003 f906 bl 8004600
+ 80013f4: ec59 8b10 vmov r8, r9, d0
+ 80013f8: ed97 0b18 vldr d0, [r7, #96] ; 0x60
+ 80013fc: f003 f900 bl 8004600
+ 8001400: ec53 2b10 vmov r2, r3, d0
+ 8001404: 4640 mov r0, r8
+ 8001406: 4649 mov r1, r9
+ 8001408: f7ff f8aa bl 8000560 <__aeabi_dmul>
+ 800140c: 4602 mov r2, r0
+ 800140e: 460b mov r3, r1
+ 8001410: 4620 mov r0, r4
+ 8001412: 4629 mov r1, r5
+ 8001414: f7fe feec bl 80001f0 <__aeabi_dsub>
+ 8001418: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 800141a: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 800141c: ec44 3b17 vmov d7, r3, r4
+ 8001420: eeb0 0a47 vmov.f32 s0, s14
+ 8001424: eef0 0a67 vmov.f32 s1, s15
+ 8001428: f003 f91a bl 8004660
+ 800142c: ed87 0b10 vstr d0, [r7, #64] ; 0x40
+ ha_deg = rad_to_deg(ha);
+ 8001430: ed97 0b10 vldr d0, [r7, #64] ; 0x40
+ 8001434: f7ff fd0c bl 8000e50
+ 8001438: ed87 0b0a vstr d0, [r7, #40] ; 0x28
+ //UTC time of sunrise (or sunset) in minutes
+ sunrise = (720-4*(longitude_nbg+ha_deg)-eqtime);
+ 800143c: 4b7e ldr r3, [pc, #504] ; (8001638 )
+ 800143e: 681b ldr r3, [r3, #0]
+ 8001440: 4618 mov r0, r3
+ 8001442: f7ff f823 bl 800048c <__aeabi_i2d>
+ 8001446: e9d7 230a ldrd r2, r3, [r7, #40] ; 0x28
+ 800144a: f7fe fed3 bl 80001f4 <__adddf3>
+ 800144e: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 8001450: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 8001452: 4618 mov r0, r3
+ 8001454: 4621 mov r1, r4
+ 8001456: f04f 0200 mov.w r2, #0
+ 800145a: 4b78 ldr r3, [pc, #480] ; (800163c )
+ 800145c: f7ff f880 bl 8000560 <__aeabi_dmul>
+ 8001460: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 8001462: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 8001464: 461a mov r2, r3
+ 8001466: 4623 mov r3, r4
+ 8001468: f04f 0000 mov.w r0, #0
+ 800146c: 4974 ldr r1, [pc, #464] ; (8001640 )
+ 800146e: f7fe febf bl 80001f0 <__aeabi_dsub>
+ 8001472: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 8001474: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 8001476: 4618 mov r0, r3
+ 8001478: 4621 mov r1, r4
+ 800147a: e9d7 231a ldrd r2, r3, [r7, #104] ; 0x68
+ 800147e: f7fe feb7 bl 80001f0 <__aeabi_dsub>
+ 8001482: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 8001484: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 8001486: e9c7 340e strd r3, r4, [r7, #56] ; 0x38
+ sunset = 720-4*(longitude_nbg-ha_deg)-eqtime;
+ 800148a: 4b6b ldr r3, [pc, #428] ; (8001638 )
+ 800148c: 681b ldr r3, [r3, #0]
+ 800148e: 4618 mov r0, r3
+ 8001490: f7fe fffc bl 800048c <__aeabi_i2d>
+ 8001494: e9d7 230a ldrd r2, r3, [r7, #40] ; 0x28
+ 8001498: f7fe feaa bl 80001f0 <__aeabi_dsub>
+ 800149c: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 800149e: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 80014a0: 4618 mov r0, r3
+ 80014a2: 4621 mov r1, r4
+ 80014a4: f04f 0200 mov.w r2, #0
+ 80014a8: 4b64 ldr r3, [pc, #400] ; (800163c )
+ 80014aa: f7ff f859 bl 8000560 <__aeabi_dmul>
+ 80014ae: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 80014b0: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 80014b2: 461a mov r2, r3
+ 80014b4: 4623 mov r3, r4
+ 80014b6: f04f 0000 mov.w r0, #0
+ 80014ba: 4961 ldr r1, [pc, #388] ; (8001640 )
+ 80014bc: f7fe fe98 bl 80001f0 <__aeabi_dsub>
+ 80014c0: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 80014c2: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 80014c4: 4618 mov r0, r3
+ 80014c6: 4621 mov r1, r4
+ 80014c8: e9d7 231a ldrd r2, r3, [r7, #104] ; 0x68
+ 80014cc: f7fe fe90 bl 80001f0 <__aeabi_dsub>
+ 80014d0: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 80014d2: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 80014d4: e9c7 340c strd r3, r4, [r7, #48] ; 0x30
+ //Convert sunrise (or sunset) UTC time in hours
+ sunrise = sunrise/60;
+ 80014d8: f04f 0200 mov.w r2, #0
+ 80014dc: 4b59 ldr r3, [pc, #356] ; (8001644 )
+ 80014de: e9d7 010e ldrd r0, r1, [r7, #56] ; 0x38
+ 80014e2: f7ff f967 bl 80007b4 <__aeabi_ddiv>
+ 80014e6: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 80014e8: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 80014ea: e9c7 340e strd r3, r4, [r7, #56] ; 0x38
+ sunset = sunset/60;
+ 80014ee: f04f 0200 mov.w r2, #0
+ 80014f2: 4b54 ldr r3, [pc, #336] ; (8001644 )
+ 80014f4: e9d7 010c ldrd r0, r1, [r7, #48] ; 0x30
+ 80014f8: f7ff f95c bl 80007b4 <__aeabi_ddiv>
+ 80014fc: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 80014fe: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 8001500: e9c7 340c strd r3, r4, [r7, #48] ; 0x30
+ //Seperate hours and minutes
+ sunrise_h = floor(sunrise);
+ 8001504: ed97 0b0e vldr d0, [r7, #56] ; 0x38
+ 8001508: f002 ffae bl 8004468
+ 800150c: ec54 3b10 vmov r3, r4, d0
+ 8001510: 4618 mov r0, r3
+ 8001512: 4621 mov r1, r4
+ 8001514: f7ff fad4 bl 8000ac0 <__aeabi_d2iz>
+ 8001518: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 800151a: 67fb str r3, [r7, #124] ; 0x7c
+ sunrise_min = sunrise - sunrise_h;
+ 800151c: 6ff8 ldr r0, [r7, #124] ; 0x7c
+ 800151e: f7fe ffb5 bl 800048c <__aeabi_i2d>
+ 8001522: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 8001524: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 8001526: 461a mov r2, r3
+ 8001528: 4623 mov r3, r4
+ 800152a: e9d7 010e ldrd r0, r1, [r7, #56] ; 0x38
+ 800152e: f7fe fe5f bl 80001f0 <__aeabi_dsub>
+ 8001532: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 8001534: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 8001536: e9c7 3408 strd r3, r4, [r7, #32]
+ //Cut off after two decimal places
+ int_sunrise_min = floor(sunrise_min * 100.0);
+ 800153a: f04f 0200 mov.w r2, #0
+ 800153e: 4b42 ldr r3, [pc, #264] ; (8001648 )
+ 8001540: e9d7 0108 ldrd r0, r1, [r7, #32]
+ 8001544: f7ff f80c bl 8000560 <__aeabi_dmul>
+ 8001548: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 800154a: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 800154c: ec44 3b17 vmov d7, r3, r4
+ 8001550: eeb0 0a47 vmov.f32 s0, s14
+ 8001554: eef0 0a67 vmov.f32 s1, s15
+ 8001558: f002 ff86 bl 8004468
+ 800155c: ec54 3b10 vmov r3, r4, d0
+ 8001560: 4618 mov r0, r3
+ 8001562: 4621 mov r1, r4
+ 8001564: f7ff faac bl 8000ac0 <__aeabi_d2iz>
+ 8001568: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 800156a: 677b str r3, [r7, #116] ; 0x74
+ if (int_sunrise_min >= 60)
+ 800156c: 6f7b ldr r3, [r7, #116] ; 0x74
+ 800156e: 2b3b cmp r3, #59 ; 0x3b
+ 8001570: dd05 ble.n 800157e
+ {
+ sunrise_h = sunrise_h + 1;
+ 8001572: 6ffb ldr r3, [r7, #124] ; 0x7c
+ 8001574: 3301 adds r3, #1
+ 8001576: 67fb str r3, [r7, #124] ; 0x7c
+ int_sunrise_min = int_sunrise_min - 60;
+ 8001578: 6f7b ldr r3, [r7, #116] ; 0x74
+ 800157a: 3b3c subs r3, #60 ; 0x3c
+ 800157c: 677b str r3, [r7, #116] ; 0x74
+ }
+ sunset_h = floor(sunset);
+ 800157e: ed97 0b0c vldr d0, [r7, #48] ; 0x30
+ 8001582: f002 ff71 bl 8004468
+ 8001586: ec54 3b10 vmov r3, r4, d0
+ 800158a: 4618 mov r0, r3
+ 800158c: 4621 mov r1, r4
+ 800158e: f7ff fa97 bl 8000ac0 <__aeabi_d2iz>
+ 8001592: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 8001594: 67bb str r3, [r7, #120] ; 0x78
+ sunset_min = sunset - sunset_h;
+ 8001596: 6fb8 ldr r0, [r7, #120] ; 0x78
+ 8001598: f7fe ff78 bl 800048c <__aeabi_i2d>
+ 800159c: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 800159e: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 80015a0: 461a mov r2, r3
+ 80015a2: 4623 mov r3, r4
+ 80015a4: e9d7 010c ldrd r0, r1, [r7, #48] ; 0x30
+ 80015a8: f7fe fe22 bl 80001f0 <__aeabi_dsub>
+ 80015ac: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 80015ae: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 80015b0: e9c7 3406 strd r3, r4, [r7, #24]
+ //Cut off after two decimal places
+ int_sunset_min = floor(sunset_min * 100.0);
+ 80015b4: f04f 0200 mov.w r2, #0
+ 80015b8: 4b23 ldr r3, [pc, #140] ; (8001648 )
+ 80015ba: e9d7 0106 ldrd r0, r1, [r7, #24]
+ 80015be: f7fe ffcf bl 8000560 <__aeabi_dmul>
+ 80015c2: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 80015c4: 460c mov r4, r1
+ 80015c6: ec44 3b17 vmov d7, r3, r4
+ 80015ca: eeb0 0a47 vmov.f32 s0, s14
+ 80015ce: eef0 0a67 vmov.f32 s1, s15
+ 80015d2: f002 ff49 bl 8004468
+ 80015d6: ec54 3b10 vmov r3, r4, d0
+ 80015da: 4618 mov r0, r3
+ 80015dc: 4621 mov r1, r4
+ 80015de: f7ff fa6f bl 8000ac0 <__aeabi_d2iz>
+ 80015e2: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 80015e4: 673b str r3, [r7, #112] ; 0x70
+ if (int_sunset_min >= 60)
+ 80015e6: 6f3b ldr r3, [r7, #112] ; 0x70
+ 80015e8: 2b3b cmp r3, #59 ; 0x3b
+ 80015ea: dd05 ble.n 80015f8
+ {
+ sunset_h = sunset_h + 1;
+ 80015ec: 6fbb ldr r3, [r7, #120] ; 0x78
+ 80015ee: 3301 adds r3, #1
+ 80015f0: 67bb str r3, [r7, #120] ; 0x78
+ int_sunset_min = int_sunset_min - 60;
+ 80015f2: 6f3b ldr r3, [r7, #112] ; 0x70
+ 80015f4: 3b3c subs r3, #60 ; 0x3c
+ 80015f6: 673b str r3, [r7, #112] ; 0x70
+ }
+ //Add time difference from German time to UTC Time
+ //Private variable winterTime must be initialized accordingly
+ if (winterTime)
+ 80015f8: 4b14 ldr r3, [pc, #80] ; (800164c )
+ 80015fa: 781b ldrb r3, [r3, #0]
+ 80015fc: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
+ 80015fe: d05d beq.n 80016bc
+ {
+ sunrise_h = sunrise_h + UTC_DER_win;
+ 8001600: 4b13 ldr r3, [pc, #76] ; (8001650 )
+ 8001602: 681b ldr r3, [r3, #0]
+ 8001604: 6ffa ldr r2, [r7, #124] ; 0x7c
+ 8001606: 4413 add r3, r2
+ 8001608: 67fb str r3, [r7, #124] ; 0x7c
+ sunset_h = sunset_h + UTC_DER_win;
+ 800160a: 4b11 ldr r3, [pc, #68] ; (8001650 )
+ 800160c: 681b ldr r3, [r3, #0]
+ 800160e: 6fba ldr r2, [r7, #120] ; 0x78
+ 8001610: 4413 add r3, r2
+ 8001612: 67bb str r3, [r7, #120] ; 0x78
+ 8001614: e05c b.n 80016d0
+ 8001616: bf00 nop
+ 8001618: d9839475 .word 0xd9839475
+ 800161c: 3f661804 .word 0x3f661804
+ 8001620: e646f156 .word 0xe646f156
+ 8001624: 3f583f91 .word 0x3f583f91
+ 8001628: df3b645a .word 0xdf3b645a
+ 800162c: 4056b54f .word 0x4056b54f
+ 8001630: 40080000 .word 0x40080000
+ 8001634: 20000000 .word 0x20000000
+ 8001638: 20000004 .word 0x20000004
+ 800163c: 40100000 .word 0x40100000
+ 8001640: 40868000 .word 0x40868000
+ 8001644: 404e0000 .word 0x404e0000
+ 8001648: 40590000 .word 0x40590000
+ 800164c: 20000010 .word 0x20000010
+ 8001650: 2000000c .word 0x2000000c
+ 8001654: d4b3ac9a .word 0xd4b3ac9a
+ 8001658: 3f91a099 .word 0x3f91a099
+ 800165c: 79e42523 .word 0x79e42523
+ 8001660: 3f919445 .word 0x3f919445
+ 8001664: ba2be059 .word 0xba2be059
+ 8001668: 3f5e9af5 .word 0x3f5e9af5
+ 800166c: 30553261 .word 0x30553261
+ 8001670: 3f13a92a .word 0x3f13a92a
+ 8001674: 83e8576d .word 0x83e8576d
+ 8001678: 3fa06c65 .word 0x3fa06c65
+ 800167c: 183f91e6 .word 0x183f91e6
+ 8001680: 3f8dee78 .word 0x3f8dee78
+ 8001684: fe260b2d .word 0xfe260b2d
+ 8001688: 3fa4ea28 .word 0x3fa4ea28
+ 800168c: 8f5c28f6 .word 0x8f5c28f6
+ 8001690: 406ca5c2 .word 0x406ca5c2
+ 8001694: 8051c9f7 .word 0x8051c9f7
+ 8001698: 3fd99828 .word 0x3fd99828
+ 800169c: 7c0f4517 .word 0x7c0f4517
+ 80016a0: 3f7c560c .word 0x3f7c560c
+ 80016a4: dd50a88f .word 0xdd50a88f
+ 80016a8: 3fb1fc5c .word 0x3fb1fc5c
+ 80016ac: cfc829d0 .word 0xcfc829d0
+ 80016b0: 3f7bae46 .word 0x3f7bae46
+ 80016b4: ab324852 .word 0xab324852
+ 80016b8: 3f4db877 .word 0x3f4db877
+ } else {
+ sunrise_h = sunrise_h + UTC_DER_sum;
+ 80016bc: 4b0f ldr r3, [pc, #60] ; (80016fc )
+ 80016be: 681b ldr r3, [r3, #0]
+ 80016c0: 6ffa ldr r2, [r7, #124] ; 0x7c
+ 80016c2: 4413 add r3, r2
+ 80016c4: 67fb str r3, [r7, #124] ; 0x7c
+ sunset_h = sunset_h + UTC_DER_sum;
+ 80016c6: 4b0d ldr r3, [pc, #52] ; (80016fc )
+ 80016c8: 681b ldr r3, [r3, #0]
+ 80016ca: 6fba ldr r2, [r7, #120] ; 0x78
+ 80016cc: 4413 add r3, r2
+ 80016ce: 67bb str r3, [r7, #120] ; 0x78
+ }
+ sunrise_time[0] = sunrise_h;
+ 80016d0: 683b ldr r3, [r7, #0]
+ 80016d2: 6ffa ldr r2, [r7, #124] ; 0x7c
+ 80016d4: 601a str r2, [r3, #0]
+ sunrise_time[1] = int_sunrise_min;
+ 80016d6: 683b ldr r3, [r7, #0]
+ 80016d8: 3304 adds r3, #4
+ 80016da: 6f7a ldr r2, [r7, #116] ; 0x74
+ 80016dc: 601a str r2, [r3, #0]
+ sunset_time[0] = sunset_h;
+ 80016de: f8d7 30a8 ldr.w r3, [r7, #168] ; 0xa8
+ 80016e2: 6fba ldr r2, [r7, #120] ; 0x78
+ 80016e4: 601a str r2, [r3, #0]
+ sunset_time[1] = int_sunset_min;
+ 80016e6: f8d7 30a8 ldr.w r3, [r7, #168] ; 0xa8
+ 80016ea: 3304 adds r3, #4
+ 80016ec: 6f3a ldr r2, [r7, #112] ; 0x70
+ 80016ee: 601a str r2, [r3, #0]
+ 80016f0: bf00 nop
+ 80016f2: 378c adds r7, #140 ; 0x8c
+ 80016f4: 46bd mov sp, r7
+ 80016f6: e8bd 83f0 ldmia.w sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, pc}
+ 80016fa: bf00 nop
+ 80016fc: 20000008 .word 0x20000008
+08001700 :
+* Function Name : calc_tomorrows_date
+* Description : calculates tomorrow's date
+* Source : https://github.com/vyacht/stm32/blob/master/vynmea/rtc.c
+void calc_tomorrows_date(int day, int wday, int month, int year, int DaysInMonth[12], int tomorrows_date[4])
+ 8001700: b480 push {r7}
+ 8001702: b085 sub sp, #20
+ 8001704: af00 add r7, sp, #0
+ 8001706: 60f8 str r0, [r7, #12]
+ 8001708: 60b9 str r1, [r7, #8]
+ 800170a: 607a str r2, [r7, #4]
+ 800170c: 603b str r3, [r7, #0]
+ bool leap_year;
+ day++; // next day
+ 800170e: 68fb ldr r3, [r7, #12]
+ 8001710: 3301 adds r3, #1
+ 8001712: 60fb str r3, [r7, #12]
+ wday++; // next weekday
+ 8001714: 68bb ldr r3, [r7, #8]
+ 8001716: 3301 adds r3, #1
+ 8001718: 60bb str r3, [r7, #8]
+ if(wday == 8)
+ 800171a: 68bb ldr r3, [r7, #8]
+ 800171c: 2b08 cmp r3, #8
+ 800171e: d101 bne.n 8001724
+ {
+ wday = 1; // Monday
+ 8001720: 2301 movs r3, #1
+ 8001722: 60bb str r3, [r7, #8]
+ }
+ if(day > DaysInMonth[month-1])
+ 8001724: 687b ldr r3, [r7, #4]
+ 8001726: f103 4380 add.w r3, r3, #1073741824 ; 0x40000000
+ 800172a: 3b01 subs r3, #1
+ 800172c: 009b lsls r3, r3, #2
+ 800172e: 69ba ldr r2, [r7, #24]
+ 8001730: 4413 add r3, r2
+ 8001732: 681b ldr r3, [r3, #0]
+ 8001734: 68fa ldr r2, [r7, #12]
+ 8001736: 429a cmp r2, r3
+ 8001738: dd04 ble.n 8001744
+ { // next month
+ day = 1;
+ 800173a: 2301 movs r3, #1
+ 800173c: 60fb str r3, [r7, #12]
+ month++;
+ 800173e: 687b ldr r3, [r7, #4]
+ 8001740: 3301 adds r3, #1
+ 8001742: 607b str r3, [r7, #4]
+ }
+ if(day > 31 && month == 12) // next year
+ 8001744: 68fb ldr r3, [r7, #12]
+ 8001746: 2b1f cmp r3, #31
+ 8001748: dd09 ble.n 800175e
+ 800174a: 687b ldr r3, [r7, #4]
+ 800174c: 2b0c cmp r3, #12
+ 800174e: d106 bne.n 800175e
+ {
+ day = 1;
+ 8001750: 2301 movs r3, #1
+ 8001752: 60fb str r3, [r7, #12]
+ month = 1;
+ 8001754: 2301 movs r3, #1
+ 8001756: 607b str r3, [r7, #4]
+ year++;
+ 8001758: 683b ldr r3, [r7, #0]
+ 800175a: 3301 adds r3, #1
+ 800175c: 603b str r3, [r7, #0]
+ }
+ tomorrows_date[0] = day;
+ 800175e: 69fb ldr r3, [r7, #28]
+ 8001760: 68fa ldr r2, [r7, #12]
+ 8001762: 601a str r2, [r3, #0]
+ tomorrows_date[1] = wday;
+ 8001764: 69fb ldr r3, [r7, #28]
+ 8001766: 3304 adds r3, #4
+ 8001768: 68ba ldr r2, [r7, #8]
+ 800176a: 601a str r2, [r3, #0]
+ tomorrows_date[2] = month;
+ 800176c: 69fb ldr r3, [r7, #28]
+ 800176e: 3308 adds r3, #8
+ 8001770: 687a ldr r2, [r7, #4]
+ 8001772: 601a str r2, [r3, #0]
+ tomorrows_date[3] = year;
+ 8001774: 69fb ldr r3, [r7, #28]
+ 8001776: 330c adds r3, #12
+ 8001778: 683a ldr r2, [r7, #0]
+ 800177a: 601a str r2, [r3, #0]
+ 800177c: bf00 nop
+ 800177e: 3714 adds r7, #20
+ 8001780: 46bd mov sp, r7
+ 8001782: f85d 7b04 ldr.w r7, [sp], #4
+ 8001786: 4770 bx lr
+08001788 :
+* Function Name : set_Alarm
+* Description : sets the wake up Alarm
+void set_Alarm(int h, int min, int weekDay)
+ 8001788: b580 push {r7, lr}
+ 800178a: b084 sub sp, #16
+ 800178c: af00 add r7, sp, #0
+ 800178e: 60f8 str r0, [r7, #12]
+ 8001790: 60b9 str r1, [r7, #8]
+ 8001792: 607a str r2, [r7, #4]
+ /** Enable the Alarm A*/
+ sAlarm.AlarmTime.Hours = h;
+ 8001794: 68fb ldr r3, [r7, #12]
+ 8001796: b2da uxtb r2, r3
+ 8001798: 4b19 ldr r3, [pc, #100] ; (8001800 )
+ 800179a: 701a strb r2, [r3, #0]
+ sAlarm.AlarmTime.Minutes = min;
+ 800179c: 68bb ldr r3, [r7, #8]
+ 800179e: b2da uxtb r2, r3
+ 80017a0: 4b17 ldr r3, [pc, #92] ; (8001800 )
+ 80017a2: 705a strb r2, [r3, #1]
+ sAlarm.AlarmTime.Seconds = 0;
+ 80017a4: 4b16 ldr r3, [pc, #88] ; (8001800 )
+ 80017a6: 2200 movs r2, #0
+ 80017a8: 709a strb r2, [r3, #2]
+ sAlarm.AlarmTime.SubSeconds = 0;
+ 80017aa: 4b15 ldr r3, [pc, #84] ; (8001800 )
+ 80017ac: 2200 movs r2, #0
+ 80017ae: 605a str r2, [r3, #4]
+ sAlarm.AlarmTime.DayLightSaving = RTC_DAYLIGHTSAVING_NONE;
+ 80017b0: 4b13 ldr r3, [pc, #76] ; (8001800 )
+ 80017b2: 2200 movs r2, #0
+ 80017b4: 60da str r2, [r3, #12]
+ sAlarm.AlarmTime.StoreOperation = RTC_STOREOPERATION_RESET;
+ 80017b6: 4b12 ldr r3, [pc, #72] ; (8001800 )
+ 80017b8: 2200 movs r2, #0
+ 80017ba: 611a str r2, [r3, #16]
+ sAlarm.AlarmMask = RTC_ALARMMASK_NONE; //only by specific time
+ 80017bc: 4b10 ldr r3, [pc, #64] ; (8001800 )
+ 80017be: 2200 movs r2, #0
+ 80017c0: 615a str r2, [r3, #20]
+ 80017c2: 4b0f ldr r3, [pc, #60] ; (8001800 )
+ 80017c4: 2200 movs r2, #0
+ 80017c6: 619a str r2, [r3, #24]
+ 80017c8: 4b0d ldr r3, [pc, #52] ; (8001800 )
+ 80017ca: f04f 4280 mov.w r2, #1073741824 ; 0x40000000
+ 80017ce: 61da str r2, [r3, #28]
+ sAlarm.AlarmDateWeekDay = weekDay;
+ 80017d0: 687b ldr r3, [r7, #4]
+ 80017d2: b2da uxtb r2, r3
+ 80017d4: 4b0a ldr r3, [pc, #40] ; (8001800 )
+ 80017d6: f883 2020 strb.w r2, [r3, #32]
+ sAlarm.Alarm = RTC_ALARM_A;
+ 80017da: 4b09 ldr r3, [pc, #36] ; (8001800 )
+ 80017dc: f44f 7280 mov.w r2, #256 ; 0x100
+ 80017e0: 625a str r2, [r3, #36] ; 0x24
+ if (HAL_RTC_SetAlarm_IT(&hrtc, &sAlarm, RTC_FORMAT_BIN) != HAL_OK)
+ 80017e2: 2200 movs r2, #0
+ 80017e4: 4906 ldr r1, [pc, #24] ; (8001800 )
+ 80017e6: 4807 ldr r0, [pc, #28] ; (8001804 )
+ 80017e8: f001 ff04 bl 80035f4
+ 80017ec: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 80017ee: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
+ 80017f0: d001 beq.n 80017f6
+ {
+ Error_Handler();
+ 80017f2: f000 fa7d bl 8001cf0
+ }
+ 80017f6: bf00 nop
+ 80017f8: 3710 adds r7, #16
+ 80017fa: 46bd mov sp, r7
+ 80017fc: bd80 pop {r7, pc}
+ 80017fe: bf00 nop
+ 8001800: 200000b8 .word 0x200000b8
+ 8001804: 200000e4 .word 0x200000e4
+08001808 :
+// sending to UART
+void transmit_uart(char *string){
+ 8001808: b580 push {r7, lr}
+ 800180a: b084 sub sp, #16
+ 800180c: af00 add r7, sp, #0
+ 800180e: 6078 str r0, [r7, #4]
+ uint8_t len = strlen(string);
+ 8001810: 6878 ldr r0, [r7, #4]
+ 8001812: f7fe fce1 bl 80001d8
+ 8001816: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 8001818: 73fb strb r3, [r7, #15]
+ HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, (uint8_t*) string, len, 200);
+ 800181a: 7bfb ldrb r3, [r7, #15]
+ 800181c: b29a uxth r2, r3
+ 800181e: 23c8 movs r3, #200 ; 0xc8
+ 8001820: 6879 ldr r1, [r7, #4]
+ 8001822: 4803 ldr r0, [pc, #12] ; (8001830 )
+ 8001824: f002 f94b bl 8003abe
+ 8001828: bf00 nop
+ 800182a: 3710 adds r7, #16
+ 800182c: 46bd mov sp, r7
+ 800182e: bd80 pop {r7, pc}
+ 8001830: 20000104 .word 0x20000104
+08001834 :
* @brief The application entry point.
* @retval int
int main(void)
- 8000480: b580 push {r7, lr}
- 8000482: b082 sub sp, #8
- 8000484: af00 add r7, sp, #0
+ 8001834: b5b0 push {r4, r5, r7, lr}
+ 8001836: b0ae sub sp, #184 ; 0xb8
+ 8001838: af02 add r7, sp, #8
/* MCU Configuration--------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */
- 8000486: f000 fa7e bl 8000986
+ 800183a: f000 fb6b bl 8001f14
/* USER CODE END Init */
/* Configure the system clock */
- 800048a: f000 f843 bl 8000514
+ 800183e: f000 f8e1 bl 8001a04
/* USER CODE END SysInit */
/* Initialize all configured peripherals */
- 800048e: f000 f927 bl 80006e0
+ 8001842: f000 f9e5 bl 8001c10
- 8000492: f000 f8fb bl 800068c
+ 8001846: f000 f9b9 bl 8001bbc
- 8000496: f000 f8a1 bl 80005dc
+ 800184a: f000 f95f bl 8001b0c
- uint8_t hours = 0;
- 800049a: 2300 movs r3, #0
- 800049c: 71fb strb r3, [r7, #7]
- uint8_t minutes = 0;
- 800049e: 2300 movs r3, #0
- 80004a0: 71bb strb r3, [r7, #6]
- uint8_t seconds = 0;
- 80004a2: 2300 movs r3, #0
- 80004a4: 717b strb r3, [r7, #5]
- uint8_t weekDay = 0;
- 80004a6: 2300 movs r3, #0
- 80004a8: 713b strb r3, [r7, #4]
- uint8_t month = 0;
- 80004aa: 2300 movs r3, #0
- 80004ac: 70fb strb r3, [r7, #3]
- uint8_t date = 0;
- 80004ae: 2300 movs r3, #0
- 80004b0: 70bb strb r3, [r7, #2]
- uint8_t year = 0;
- 80004b2: 2300 movs r3, #0
- 80004b4: 707b strb r3, [r7, #1]
- /* Infinite loop */
+ int hours = 0;
+ 800184e: 2300 movs r3, #0
+ 8001850: f8c7 309c str.w r3, [r7, #156] ; 0x9c
+ int minutes = 0;
+ 8001854: 2300 movs r3, #0
+ 8001856: f8c7 3098 str.w r3, [r7, #152] ; 0x98
+ int seconds = 0;
+ 800185a: 2300 movs r3, #0
+ 800185c: f8c7 3094 str.w r3, [r7, #148] ; 0x94
+ int weekDay = 0;
+ 8001860: 2300 movs r3, #0
+ 8001862: f8c7 30ac str.w r3, [r7, #172] ; 0xac
+ int month = 0;
+ 8001866: 2300 movs r3, #0
+ 8001868: f8c7 30a8 str.w r3, [r7, #168] ; 0xa8
+ int date = 0;
+ 800186c: 2300 movs r3, #0
+ 800186e: f8c7 30a4 str.w r3, [r7, #164] ; 0xa4
+ int year = 0;
+ 8001872: 2300 movs r3, #0
+ 8001874: f8c7 30a0 str.w r3, [r7, #160] ; 0xa0
+ int sunrise_h = 0;
+ 8001878: 2300 movs r3, #0
+ 800187a: f8c7 3090 str.w r3, [r7, #144] ; 0x90
+ int sunset_h = 0;
+ 800187e: 2300 movs r3, #0
+ 8001880: f8c7 308c str.w r3, [r7, #140] ; 0x8c
+ int int_sunrise_min = 0;
+ 8001884: 2300 movs r3, #0
+ 8001886: f8c7 3088 str.w r3, [r7, #136] ; 0x88
+ int int_sunset_min = 0;
+ 800188a: 2300 movs r3, #0
+ 800188c: f8c7 3084 str.w r3, [r7, #132] ; 0x84
+ int sunrise_time[2] = {0};
+ 8001890: f107 0378 add.w r3, r7, #120 ; 0x78
+ 8001894: 2200 movs r2, #0
+ 8001896: 601a str r2, [r3, #0]
+ 8001898: 605a str r2, [r3, #4]
+ int sunset_time[2] = {0};
+ 800189a: f107 0370 add.w r3, r7, #112 ; 0x70
+ 800189e: 2200 movs r2, #0
+ 80018a0: 601a str r2, [r3, #0]
+ 80018a2: 605a str r2, [r3, #4]
+ int tomorrows_date[4] = {0};
+ 80018a4: f107 0360 add.w r3, r7, #96 ; 0x60
+ 80018a8: 2200 movs r2, #0
+ 80018aa: 601a str r2, [r3, #0]
+ 80018ac: 605a str r2, [r3, #4]
+ 80018ae: 609a str r2, [r3, #8]
+ 80018b0: 60da str r2, [r3, #12]
+ int DaysInMonth[12] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
+ 80018b2: 4b4d ldr r3, [pc, #308] ; (80019e8 )
+ 80018b4: f107 0430 add.w r4, r7, #48 ; 0x30
+ 80018b8: 461d mov r5, r3
+ 80018ba: cd0f ldmia r5!, {r0, r1, r2, r3}
+ 80018bc: c40f stmia r4!, {r0, r1, r2, r3}
+ 80018be: cd0f ldmia r5!, {r0, r1, r2, r3}
+ 80018c0: c40f stmia r4!, {r0, r1, r2, r3}
+ 80018c2: e895 000f ldmia.w r5, {r0, r1, r2, r3}
+ 80018c6: e884 000f stmia.w r4, {r0, r1, r2, r3}
+ int DaysInMonthLeapYear[12] = {31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
+ 80018ca: 4b48 ldr r3, [pc, #288] ; (80019ec )
+ 80018cc: 463c mov r4, r7
+ 80018ce: 461d mov r5, r3
+ 80018d0: cd0f ldmia r5!, {r0, r1, r2, r3}
+ 80018d2: c40f stmia r4!, {r0, r1, r2, r3}
+ 80018d4: cd0f ldmia r5!, {r0, r1, r2, r3}
+ 80018d6: c40f stmia r4!, {r0, r1, r2, r3}
+ 80018d8: e895 000f ldmia.w r5, {r0, r1, r2, r3}
+ 80018dc: e884 000f stmia.w r4, {r0, r1, r2, r3}
+ bool leap_year = false;
+ 80018e0: 2300 movs r3, #0
+ 80018e2: f887 3083 strb.w r3, [r7, #131] ; 0x83
while (1)
- if (HAL_RTC_GetTime(&hrtc, &sTime, RTC_FORMAT_BIN) == HAL_OK)
- 80004b6: 2200 movs r2, #0
- 80004b8: 4913 ldr r1, [pc, #76] ; (8000508 )
- 80004ba: 4814 ldr r0, [pc, #80] ; (800050c )
- 80004bc: f001 fd4f bl 8001f5e
- 80004c0: 4603 mov r3, r0
- 80004c2: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
- 80004c4: d108 bne.n 80004d8
- {
- hours = sTime.Hours;
- 80004c6: 4b10 ldr r3, [pc, #64] ; (8000508 )
- 80004c8: 781b ldrb r3, [r3, #0]
- 80004ca: 71fb strb r3, [r7, #7]
- minutes = sTime.Minutes;
- 80004cc: 4b0e ldr r3, [pc, #56] ; (8000508 )
- 80004ce: 785b ldrb r3, [r3, #1]
- 80004d0: 71bb strb r3, [r7, #6]
- seconds = sTime.Seconds;
- 80004d2: 4b0d ldr r3, [pc, #52] ; (8000508 )
- 80004d4: 789b ldrb r3, [r3, #2]
- 80004d6: 717b strb r3, [r7, #5]
- }
- if (HAL_RTC_GetDate(&hrtc, &sDate, RTC_FORMAT_BIN) == HAL_OK)
- 80004d8: 2200 movs r2, #0
- 80004da: 490d ldr r1, [pc, #52] ; (8000510 )
- 80004dc: 480b ldr r0, [pc, #44] ; (800050c )
- 80004de: f001 fe39 bl 8002154
- 80004e2: 4603 mov r3, r0
- 80004e4: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
- 80004e6: d10b bne.n 8000500
- {
- weekDay = sDate.WeekDay;
- 80004e8: 4b09 ldr r3, [pc, #36] ; (8000510 )
- 80004ea: 781b ldrb r3, [r3, #0]
- 80004ec: 713b strb r3, [r7, #4]
- month = sDate.Month;
- 80004ee: 4b08 ldr r3, [pc, #32] ; (8000510 )
- 80004f0: 785b ldrb r3, [r3, #1]
- 80004f2: 70fb strb r3, [r7, #3]
- date = sDate.Date;
- 80004f4: 4b06 ldr r3, [pc, #24] ; (8000510 )
- 80004f6: 789b ldrb r3, [r3, #2]
- 80004f8: 70bb strb r3, [r7, #2]
- year = sDate.Year;
- 80004fa: 4b05 ldr r3, [pc, #20] ; (8000510 )
- 80004fc: 78db ldrb r3, [r3, #3]
- 80004fe: 707b strb r3, [r7, #1]
- }
- HAL_Delay(200);
- 8000500: 20c8 movs r0, #200 ; 0xc8
- 8000502: f000 faaf bl 8000a64
- if (HAL_RTC_GetTime(&hrtc, &sTime, RTC_FORMAT_BIN) == HAL_OK)
- 8000506: e7d6 b.n 80004b6
- 8000508: 20000028 .word 0x20000028
- 800050c: 20000040 .word 0x20000040
- 8000510: 2000003c .word 0x2000003c
-08000514 :
+ //Get Time and Date
+ if (HAL_RTC_GetTime(&hrtc, &sTime, RTC_FORMAT_BIN) == HAL_OK)
+ 80018e6: 2200 movs r2, #0
+ 80018e8: 4941 ldr r1, [pc, #260] ; (80019f0 )
+ 80018ea: 4842 ldr r0, [pc, #264] ; (80019f4 )
+ 80018ec: f001 fd2e bl 800334c
+ 80018f0: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 80018f2: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
+ 80018f4: d10b bne.n 800190e
+ {
+ hours = sTime.Hours;
+ 80018f6: 4b3e ldr r3, [pc, #248] ; (80019f0 )
+ 80018f8: 781b ldrb r3, [r3, #0]
+ 80018fa: f8c7 309c str.w r3, [r7, #156] ; 0x9c
+ minutes = sTime.Minutes;
+ 80018fe: 4b3c ldr r3, [pc, #240] ; (80019f0 )
+ 8001900: 785b ldrb r3, [r3, #1]
+ 8001902: f8c7 3098 str.w r3, [r7, #152] ; 0x98
+ seconds = sTime.Seconds;
+ 8001906: 4b3a ldr r3, [pc, #232] ; (80019f0 )
+ 8001908: 789b ldrb r3, [r3, #2]
+ 800190a: f8c7 3094 str.w r3, [r7, #148] ; 0x94
+ }
+ if (HAL_RTC_GetDate(&hrtc, &sDate, RTC_FORMAT_BIN) == HAL_OK)
+ 800190e: 2200 movs r2, #0
+ 8001910: 4939 ldr r1, [pc, #228] ; (80019f8 )
+ 8001912: 4838 ldr r0, [pc, #224] ; (80019f4 )
+ 8001914: f001 fe1f bl 8003556
+ 8001918: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 800191a: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
+ 800191c: d111 bne.n 8001942
+ {
+ weekDay = sDate.WeekDay;
+ 800191e: 4b36 ldr r3, [pc, #216] ; (80019f8 )
+ 8001920: 781b ldrb r3, [r3, #0]
+ 8001922: f8c7 30ac str.w r3, [r7, #172] ; 0xac
+ month = sDate.Month;
+ 8001926: 4b34 ldr r3, [pc, #208] ; (80019f8 )
+ 8001928: 785b ldrb r3, [r3, #1]
+ 800192a: f8c7 30a8 str.w r3, [r7, #168] ; 0xa8
+ date = sDate.Date;
+ 800192e: 4b32 ldr r3, [pc, #200] ; (80019f8 )
+ 8001930: 789b ldrb r3, [r3, #2]
+ 8001932: f8c7 30a4 str.w r3, [r7, #164] ; 0xa4
+ year = 2000 + sDate.Year;
+ 8001936: 4b30 ldr r3, [pc, #192] ; (80019f8 )
+ 8001938: 78db ldrb r3, [r3, #3]
+ 800193a: f503 63fa add.w r3, r3, #2000 ; 0x7d0
+ 800193e: f8c7 30a0 str.w r3, [r7, #160] ; 0xa0
+ }
+ // check for leap year
+ leap_year = leap_year_check(year);
+ 8001942: f8d7 00a0 ldr.w r0, [r7, #160] ; 0xa0
+ 8001946: f7ff faa3 bl 8000e90
+ 800194a: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 800194c: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
+ 800194e: bf14 ite ne
+ 8001950: 2301 movne r3, #1
+ 8001952: 2300 moveq r3, #0
+ 8001954: f887 3083 strb.w r3, [r7, #131] ; 0x83
+ if (leap_year)
+ 8001958: f897 3083 ldrb.w r3, [r7, #131] ; 0x83
+ 800195c: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
+ 800195e: d00f beq.n 8001980
+ {
+ //Calculate tomorrow's date
+ calc_tomorrows_date(date, weekDay, month, year, DaysInMonthLeapYear, tomorrows_date);
+ 8001960: f107 0360 add.w r3, r7, #96 ; 0x60
+ 8001964: 9301 str r3, [sp, #4]
+ 8001966: 463b mov r3, r7
+ 8001968: 9300 str r3, [sp, #0]
+ 800196a: f8d7 30a0 ldr.w r3, [r7, #160] ; 0xa0
+ 800196e: f8d7 20a8 ldr.w r2, [r7, #168] ; 0xa8
+ 8001972: f8d7 10ac ldr.w r1, [r7, #172] ; 0xac
+ 8001976: f8d7 00a4 ldr.w r0, [r7, #164] ; 0xa4
+ 800197a: f7ff fec1 bl 8001700
+ 800197e: e00f b.n 80019a0
+ } else {
+ //Calculate tomorrow's date
+ calc_tomorrows_date(date, weekDay, month, year, DaysInMonth, tomorrows_date);
+ 8001980: f107 0360 add.w r3, r7, #96 ; 0x60
+ 8001984: 9301 str r3, [sp, #4]
+ 8001986: f107 0330 add.w r3, r7, #48 ; 0x30
+ 800198a: 9300 str r3, [sp, #0]
+ 800198c: f8d7 30a0 ldr.w r3, [r7, #160] ; 0xa0
+ 8001990: f8d7 20a8 ldr.w r2, [r7, #168] ; 0xa8
+ 8001994: f8d7 10ac ldr.w r1, [r7, #172] ; 0xac
+ 8001998: f8d7 00a4 ldr.w r0, [r7, #164] ; 0xa4
+ 800199c: f7ff feb0 bl 8001700
+ }
+ //Calculate sunrise and sunset time for tomorrow
+ calc_sunrise_sunset(tomorrows_date[0], tomorrows_date[2], tomorrows_date[3], sunrise_time, sunset_time);
+ 80019a0: 6e38 ldr r0, [r7, #96] ; 0x60
+ 80019a2: 6eb9 ldr r1, [r7, #104] ; 0x68
+ 80019a4: 6efa ldr r2, [r7, #108] ; 0x6c
+ 80019a6: f107 0478 add.w r4, r7, #120 ; 0x78
+ 80019aa: f107 0370 add.w r3, r7, #112 ; 0x70
+ 80019ae: 9300 str r3, [sp, #0]
+ 80019b0: 4623 mov r3, r4
+ 80019b2: f7ff fb1d bl 8000ff0
+ set_Alarm(16, 22, 1);
+ 80019b6: 2201 movs r2, #1
+ 80019b8: 2116 movs r1, #22
+ 80019ba: 2010 movs r0, #16
+ 80019bc: f7ff fee4 bl 8001788
+ HAL_Delay(5000);
+ 80019c0: f241 3088 movw r0, #5000 ; 0x1388
+ 80019c4: f000 fb18 bl 8001ff8
+ transmit_uart("Ich gehe schlafen!\r\n");
+ 80019c8: 480c ldr r0, [pc, #48] ; (80019fc )
+ 80019ca: f7ff ff1d bl 8001808
+ // Suspend Tick increment to prevent wake up by Systick interrupt
+ HAL_SuspendTick();
+ 80019ce: f000 fb35 bl 800203c
+ 80019d2: 2101 movs r1, #1
+ 80019d4: 2000 movs r0, #0
+ 80019d6: f000 fdff bl 80025d8
+ HAL_ResumeTick();
+ 80019da: f000 fb3f bl 800205c
+ transmit_uart("Bin wieder wach!\r\n");
+ 80019de: 4808 ldr r0, [pc, #32] ; (8001a00 )
+ 80019e0: f7ff ff12 bl 8001808
+ if (HAL_RTC_GetTime(&hrtc, &sTime, RTC_FORMAT_BIN) == HAL_OK)
+ 80019e4: e77f b.n 80018e6
+ 80019e6: bf00 nop
+ 80019e8: 08005fac .word 0x08005fac
+ 80019ec: 08005fdc .word 0x08005fdc
+ 80019f0: 200000a4 .word 0x200000a4
+ 80019f4: 200000e4 .word 0x200000e4
+ 80019f8: 200000e0 .word 0x200000e0
+ 80019fc: 08005f80 .word 0x08005f80
+ 8001a00: 08005f98 .word 0x08005f98
+08001a04 :
* @brief System Clock Configuration
* @retval None
void SystemClock_Config(void)
- 8000514: b580 push {r7, lr}
- 8000516: b096 sub sp, #88 ; 0x58
- 8000518: af00 add r7, sp, #0
+ 8001a04: b580 push {r7, lr}
+ 8001a06: b098 sub sp, #96 ; 0x60
+ 8001a08: af00 add r7, sp, #0
RCC_OscInitTypeDef RCC_OscInitStruct = {0};
- 800051a: f107 0324 add.w r3, r7, #36 ; 0x24
- 800051e: 2234 movs r2, #52 ; 0x34
- 8000520: 2100 movs r1, #0
- 8000522: 4618 mov r0, r3
- 8000524: f002 f84a bl 80025bc
+ 8001a0a: f107 0330 add.w r3, r7, #48 ; 0x30
+ 8001a0e: 2230 movs r2, #48 ; 0x30
+ 8001a10: 2100 movs r1, #0
+ 8001a12: 4618 mov r0, r3
+ 8001a14: f002 fcdc bl 80043d0
RCC_ClkInitTypeDef RCC_ClkInitStruct = {0};
- 8000528: f107 0310 add.w r3, r7, #16
- 800052c: 2200 movs r2, #0
- 800052e: 601a str r2, [r3, #0]
- 8000530: 605a str r2, [r3, #4]
- 8000532: 609a str r2, [r3, #8]
- 8000534: 60da str r2, [r3, #12]
- 8000536: 611a str r2, [r3, #16]
- RCC_PeriphCLKInitTypeDef PeriphClkInit = {0};
- 8000538: 1d3b adds r3, r7, #4
- 800053a: 2200 movs r2, #0
- 800053c: 601a str r2, [r3, #0]
- 800053e: 605a str r2, [r3, #4]
- 8000540: 609a str r2, [r3, #8]
+ 8001a18: f107 031c add.w r3, r7, #28
+ 8001a1c: 2200 movs r2, #0
+ 8001a1e: 601a str r2, [r3, #0]
+ 8001a20: 605a str r2, [r3, #4]
+ 8001a22: 609a str r2, [r3, #8]
+ 8001a24: 60da str r2, [r3, #12]
+ 8001a26: 611a str r2, [r3, #16]
+ RCC_PeriphCLKInitTypeDef PeriphClkInitStruct = {0};
+ 8001a28: f107 0308 add.w r3, r7, #8
+ 8001a2c: 2200 movs r2, #0
+ 8001a2e: 601a str r2, [r3, #0]
+ 8001a30: 605a str r2, [r3, #4]
+ 8001a32: 609a str r2, [r3, #8]
+ 8001a34: 60da str r2, [r3, #12]
+ 8001a36: 611a str r2, [r3, #16]
/** Configure the main internal regulator output voltage
- 8000542: 4b25 ldr r3, [pc, #148] ; (80005d8 )
- 8000544: 681b ldr r3, [r3, #0]
- 8000546: f423 53c0 bic.w r3, r3, #6144 ; 0x1800
- 800054a: 4a23 ldr r2, [pc, #140] ; (80005d8 )
- 800054c: f443 6300 orr.w r3, r3, #2048 ; 0x800
- 8000550: 6013 str r3, [r2, #0]
+ 8001a38: 2300 movs r3, #0
+ 8001a3a: 607b str r3, [r7, #4]
+ 8001a3c: 4b31 ldr r3, [pc, #196] ; (8001b04 )
+ 8001a3e: 6c1b ldr r3, [r3, #64] ; 0x40
+ 8001a40: 4a30 ldr r2, [pc, #192] ; (8001b04 )
+ 8001a42: f043 5380 orr.w r3, r3, #268435456 ; 0x10000000
+ 8001a46: 6413 str r3, [r2, #64] ; 0x40
+ 8001a48: 4b2e ldr r3, [pc, #184] ; (8001b04 )
+ 8001a4a: 6c1b ldr r3, [r3, #64] ; 0x40
+ 8001a4c: f003 5380 and.w r3, r3, #268435456 ; 0x10000000
+ 8001a50: 607b str r3, [r7, #4]
+ 8001a52: 687b ldr r3, [r7, #4]
+ 8001a54: 2300 movs r3, #0
+ 8001a56: 603b str r3, [r7, #0]
+ 8001a58: 4b2b ldr r3, [pc, #172] ; (8001b08 )
+ 8001a5a: 681b ldr r3, [r3, #0]
+ 8001a5c: f423 4340 bic.w r3, r3, #49152 ; 0xc000
+ 8001a60: 4a29 ldr r2, [pc, #164] ; (8001b08 )
+ 8001a62: f443 4300 orr.w r3, r3, #32768 ; 0x8000
+ 8001a66: 6013 str r3, [r2, #0]
+ 8001a68: 4b27 ldr r3, [pc, #156] ; (8001b08 )
+ 8001a6a: 681b ldr r3, [r3, #0]
+ 8001a6c: f403 4340 and.w r3, r3, #49152 ; 0xc000
+ 8001a70: 603b str r3, [r7, #0]
+ 8001a72: 683b ldr r3, [r7, #0]
/** Initializes the RCC Oscillators according to the specified parameters
* in the RCC_OscInitTypeDef structure.
- 8000552: 2306 movs r3, #6
- 8000554: 627b str r3, [r7, #36] ; 0x24
- RCC_OscInitStruct.LSEState = RCC_LSE_ON;
- 8000556: 2301 movs r3, #1
- 8000558: 62fb str r3, [r7, #44] ; 0x2c
+ 8001a74: 230a movs r3, #10
+ 8001a76: 633b str r3, [r7, #48] ; 0x30
RCC_OscInitStruct.HSIState = RCC_HSI_ON;
- 800055a: 2301 movs r3, #1
- 800055c: 633b str r3, [r7, #48] ; 0x30
+ 8001a78: 2301 movs r3, #1
+ 8001a7a: 63fb str r3, [r7, #60] ; 0x3c
- 800055e: 2310 movs r3, #16
- 8000560: 637b str r3, [r7, #52] ; 0x34
+ 8001a7c: 2310 movs r3, #16
+ 8001a7e: 643b str r3, [r7, #64] ; 0x40
+ RCC_OscInitStruct.LSIState = RCC_LSI_ON;
+ 8001a80: 2301 movs r3, #1
+ 8001a82: 647b str r3, [r7, #68] ; 0x44
RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLState = RCC_PLL_ON;
- 8000562: 2302 movs r3, #2
- 8000564: 64bb str r3, [r7, #72] ; 0x48
+ 8001a84: 2302 movs r3, #2
+ 8001a86: 64bb str r3, [r7, #72] ; 0x48
- 8000566: 2300 movs r3, #0
- 8000568: 64fb str r3, [r7, #76] ; 0x4c
- 800056a: f44f 2300 mov.w r3, #524288 ; 0x80000
- 800056e: 653b str r3, [r7, #80] ; 0x50
- 8000570: f44f 0300 mov.w r3, #8388608 ; 0x800000
- 8000574: 657b str r3, [r7, #84] ; 0x54
+ 8001a88: 2300 movs r3, #0
+ 8001a8a: 64fb str r3, [r7, #76] ; 0x4c
+ RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLM = 16;
+ 8001a8c: 2310 movs r3, #16
+ 8001a8e: 653b str r3, [r7, #80] ; 0x50
+ RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLN = 336;
+ 8001a90: f44f 73a8 mov.w r3, #336 ; 0x150
+ 8001a94: 657b str r3, [r7, #84] ; 0x54
+ 8001a96: 2304 movs r3, #4
+ 8001a98: 65bb str r3, [r7, #88] ; 0x58
+ RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLQ = 7;
+ 8001a9a: 2307 movs r3, #7
+ 8001a9c: 65fb str r3, [r7, #92] ; 0x5c
if (HAL_RCC_OscConfig(&RCC_OscInitStruct) != HAL_OK)
- 8000576: f107 0324 add.w r3, r7, #36 ; 0x24
- 800057a: 4618 mov r0, r3
- 800057c: f000 fd1e bl 8000fbc
- 8000580: 4603 mov r3, r0
- 8000582: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
- 8000584: d001 beq.n 800058a
+ 8001a9e: f107 0330 add.w r3, r7, #48 ; 0x30
+ 8001aa2: 4618 mov r0, r3
+ 8001aa4: f000 fdb4 bl 8002610
+ 8001aa8: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 8001aaa: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
+ 8001aac: d001 beq.n 8001ab2
- 8000586: f000 f913 bl 80007b0
+ 8001aae: f000 f91f bl 8001cf0
/** Initializes the CPU, AHB and APB buses clocks
- 800058a: 230f movs r3, #15
- 800058c: 613b str r3, [r7, #16]
+ 8001ab2: 230f movs r3, #15
+ 8001ab4: 61fb str r3, [r7, #28]
- 800058e: 2303 movs r3, #3
- 8000590: 617b str r3, [r7, #20]
+ 8001ab6: 2302 movs r3, #2
+ 8001ab8: 623b str r3, [r7, #32]
RCC_ClkInitStruct.AHBCLKDivider = RCC_SYSCLK_DIV1;
- 8000592: 2300 movs r3, #0
- 8000594: 61bb str r3, [r7, #24]
- RCC_ClkInitStruct.APB1CLKDivider = RCC_HCLK_DIV1;
- 8000596: 2300 movs r3, #0
- 8000598: 61fb str r3, [r7, #28]
+ 8001aba: 2300 movs r3, #0
+ 8001abc: 627b str r3, [r7, #36] ; 0x24
+ RCC_ClkInitStruct.APB1CLKDivider = RCC_HCLK_DIV2;
+ 8001abe: f44f 5380 mov.w r3, #4096 ; 0x1000
+ 8001ac2: 62bb str r3, [r7, #40] ; 0x28
RCC_ClkInitStruct.APB2CLKDivider = RCC_HCLK_DIV1;
- 800059a: 2300 movs r3, #0
- 800059c: 623b str r3, [r7, #32]
+ 8001ac4: 2300 movs r3, #0
+ 8001ac6: 62fb str r3, [r7, #44] ; 0x2c
- if (HAL_RCC_ClockConfig(&RCC_ClkInitStruct, FLASH_LATENCY_1) != HAL_OK)
- 800059e: f107 0310 add.w r3, r7, #16
- 80005a2: 2101 movs r1, #1
- 80005a4: 4618 mov r0, r3
- 80005a6: f001 f839 bl 800161c
- 80005aa: 4603 mov r3, r0
- 80005ac: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
- 80005ae: d001 beq.n 80005b4
+ if (HAL_RCC_ClockConfig(&RCC_ClkInitStruct, FLASH_LATENCY_2) != HAL_OK)
+ 8001ac8: f107 031c add.w r3, r7, #28
+ 8001acc: 2102 movs r1, #2
+ 8001ace: 4618 mov r0, r3
+ 8001ad0: f001 f80e bl 8002af0
+ 8001ad4: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 8001ad6: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
+ 8001ad8: d001 beq.n 8001ade
- 80005b0: f000 f8fe bl 80007b0
+ 8001ada: f000 f909 bl 8001cf0
- PeriphClkInit.PeriphClockSelection = RCC_PERIPHCLK_RTC;
- 80005b4: 2301 movs r3, #1
- 80005b6: 607b str r3, [r7, #4]
- PeriphClkInit.RTCClockSelection = RCC_RTCCLKSOURCE_LSE;
- 80005b8: f44f 3380 mov.w r3, #65536 ; 0x10000
- 80005bc: 60bb str r3, [r7, #8]
- if (HAL_RCCEx_PeriphCLKConfig(&PeriphClkInit) != HAL_OK)
- 80005be: 1d3b adds r3, r7, #4
- 80005c0: 4618 mov r0, r3
- 80005c2: f001 fabb bl 8001b3c
- 80005c6: 4603 mov r3, r0
- 80005c8: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
- 80005ca: d001 beq.n 80005d0
+ PeriphClkInitStruct.PeriphClockSelection = RCC_PERIPHCLK_RTC;
+ 8001ade: 2302 movs r3, #2
+ 8001ae0: 60bb str r3, [r7, #8]
+ PeriphClkInitStruct.RTCClockSelection = RCC_RTCCLKSOURCE_LSI;
+ 8001ae2: f44f 7300 mov.w r3, #512 ; 0x200
+ 8001ae6: 617b str r3, [r7, #20]
+ if (HAL_RCCEx_PeriphCLKConfig(&PeriphClkInitStruct) != HAL_OK)
+ 8001ae8: f107 0308 add.w r3, r7, #8
+ 8001aec: 4618 mov r0, r3
+ 8001aee: f001 f9f1 bl 8002ed4
+ 8001af2: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 8001af4: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
+ 8001af6: d001 beq.n 8001afc
- 80005cc: f000 f8f0 bl 80007b0
+ 8001af8: f000 f8fa bl 8001cf0
- 80005d0: bf00 nop
- 80005d2: 3758 adds r7, #88 ; 0x58
- 80005d4: 46bd mov sp, r7
- 80005d6: bd80 pop {r7, pc}
- 80005d8: 40007000 .word 0x40007000
+ 8001afc: bf00 nop
+ 8001afe: 3760 adds r7, #96 ; 0x60
+ 8001b00: 46bd mov sp, r7
+ 8001b02: bd80 pop {r7, pc}
+ 8001b04: 40023800 .word 0x40023800
+ 8001b08: 40007000 .word 0x40007000
-080005dc :
+08001b0c :
* @brief RTC Initialization Function
* @param None
* @retval None
static void MX_RTC_Init(void)
- 80005dc: b580 push {r7, lr}
- 80005de: af00 add r7, sp, #0
+ 8001b0c: b580 push {r7, lr}
+ 8001b0e: af00 add r7, sp, #0
/* USER CODE END RTC_Init 1 */
/** Initialize RTC Only
hrtc.Instance = RTC;
- 80005e0: 4b26 ldr r3, [pc, #152] ; (800067c )
- 80005e2: 4a27 ldr r2, [pc, #156] ; (8000680 )
- 80005e4: 601a str r2, [r3, #0]
+ 8001b10: 4b26 ldr r3, [pc, #152] ; (8001bac )
+ 8001b12: 4a27 ldr r2, [pc, #156] ; (8001bb0 )
+ 8001b14: 601a str r2, [r3, #0]
hrtc.Init.HourFormat = RTC_HOURFORMAT_24;
- 80005e6: 4b25 ldr r3, [pc, #148] ; (800067c )
- 80005e8: 2200 movs r2, #0
- 80005ea: 605a str r2, [r3, #4]
+ 8001b16: 4b25 ldr r3, [pc, #148] ; (8001bac )
+ 8001b18: 2200 movs r2, #0
+ 8001b1a: 605a str r2, [r3, #4]
hrtc.Init.AsynchPrediv = 127;
- 80005ec: 4b23 ldr r3, [pc, #140] ; (800067c )
- 80005ee: 227f movs r2, #127 ; 0x7f
- 80005f0: 609a str r2, [r3, #8]
+ 8001b1c: 4b23 ldr r3, [pc, #140] ; (8001bac )
+ 8001b1e: 227f movs r2, #127 ; 0x7f
+ 8001b20: 609a str r2, [r3, #8]
hrtc.Init.SynchPrediv = 255;
- 80005f2: 4b22 ldr r3, [pc, #136] ; (800067c )
- 80005f4: 22ff movs r2, #255 ; 0xff
- 80005f6: 60da str r2, [r3, #12]
+ 8001b22: 4b22 ldr r3, [pc, #136] ; (8001bac )
+ 8001b24: 22ff movs r2, #255 ; 0xff
+ 8001b26: 60da str r2, [r3, #12]
hrtc.Init.OutPut = RTC_OUTPUT_DISABLE;
- 80005f8: 4b20 ldr r3, [pc, #128] ; (800067c )
- 80005fa: 2200 movs r2, #0
- 80005fc: 611a str r2, [r3, #16]
+ 8001b28: 4b20 ldr r3, [pc, #128] ; (8001bac )
+ 8001b2a: 2200 movs r2, #0
+ 8001b2c: 611a str r2, [r3, #16]
hrtc.Init.OutPutPolarity = RTC_OUTPUT_POLARITY_HIGH;
- 80005fe: 4b1f ldr r3, [pc, #124] ; (800067c )
- 8000600: 2200 movs r2, #0
- 8000602: 615a str r2, [r3, #20]
+ 8001b2e: 4b1f ldr r3, [pc, #124] ; (8001bac )
+ 8001b30: 2200 movs r2, #0
+ 8001b32: 615a str r2, [r3, #20]
- 8000604: 4b1d ldr r3, [pc, #116] ; (800067c )
- 8000606: 2200 movs r2, #0
- 8000608: 619a str r2, [r3, #24]
+ 8001b34: 4b1d ldr r3, [pc, #116] ; (8001bac )
+ 8001b36: 2200 movs r2, #0
+ 8001b38: 619a str r2, [r3, #24]
if (HAL_RTC_Init(&hrtc) != HAL_OK)
- 800060a: 481c ldr r0, [pc, #112] ; (800067c )
- 800060c: f001 fb78 bl 8001d00
- 8000610: 4603 mov r3, r0
- 8000612: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
- 8000614: d001 beq.n 800061a
+ 8001b3a: 481c ldr r0, [pc, #112] ; (8001bac )
+ 8001b3c: f001 fab8 bl 80030b0
+ 8001b40: 4603 mov r3, r0
+ 8001b42: 2b00 cmp r3, #0
+ 8001b44: d001 beq.n 8001b4a
- 8000616: f000 f8cb bl 80007b0
+ 8001b46: f000 f8d3 bl 8001cf0
/** Initialize RTC and set the Time and Date
- sTime.Hours = 23;
- 800061a: 4b1a ldr r3, [pc, #104] ; (8000684 )
- 800061c: 2217 movs r2, #23
- 800061e: 701a strb r2, [r3, #0]
- sTime.Minutes = 59;
- 8000620: 4b18 ldr r3, [pc, #96] ; (8000684 )
- 8000622: 223b movs r2, #59 ; 0x3b
- 8000624: 705a strb r2, [r3, #1]
- sTime.Seconds = 45;
- 8000626: 4b17 ldr r3, [pc, #92] ; (8000684 )
- 8000628: 222d movs r2, #45 ; 0x2d
- 800062a: 709a strb r2, [r3, #2]
+ sTime.Hours = 16;
+ 8001b4a: 4b1a ldr r3, [pc, #104] ; (8001bb4 )
+ 8001b4c: 2210 movs r2, #16
+ 8001b4e: 701a strb r2, [r3, #0]
+ sTime.Minutes = 20;
+ 8001b50: 4b18 ldr r3, [pc, #96] ; (8001bb4 )
+ 8001b52: 2214 movs r2, #20
+ 8001b54: 705a strb r2, [r3, #1]
+ sTime.Seconds = 30;
+ 8001b56: 4b17 ldr r3, [pc, #92] ; (8001bb4 )
+ 8001b58: 221e movs r2, #30
+ 8001b5a: 709a strb r2, [r3, #2]
- 800062c: 4b15 ldr r3, [pc, #84] ; (8000684 )
- 800062e: 2200 movs r2, #0
- 8000630: 60da str r2, [r3, #12]
+ 8001b5c: 4b15 ldr r3, [pc, #84] ; (8001bb4