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stm32l1xx_ll_opamp.h 40KB

  1. /**
  2. ******************************************************************************
  3. * @file stm32l1xx_ll_opamp.h
  4. * @author MCD Application Team
  5. * @brief Header file of OPAMP LL module.
  6. ******************************************************************************
  7. * @attention
  8. *
  9. * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright (c) 2017 STMicroelectronics.
  10. * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
  11. *
  12. * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
  13. * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
  14. * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
  15. *
  16. *
  17. ******************************************************************************
  18. */
  19. /* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
  20. #ifndef __STM32L1xx_LL_OPAMP_H
  21. #define __STM32L1xx_LL_OPAMP_H
  22. #ifdef __cplusplus
  23. extern "C" {
  24. #endif
  25. /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  26. #include "stm32l1xx.h"
  27. /** @addtogroup STM32L1xx_LL_Driver
  28. * @{
  29. */
  30. #if defined (OPAMP1) || defined (OPAMP2) || defined (OPAMP3)
  31. /** @defgroup OPAMP_LL OPAMP
  32. * @{
  33. */
  34. /* Private types -------------------------------------------------------------*/
  35. /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
  36. /* Private constants ---------------------------------------------------------*/
  37. /** @defgroup OPAMP_LL_Private_Constants OPAMP Private Constants
  38. * @{
  39. */
  40. /* Internal mask for OPAMP power mode: */
  41. /* To select into literal LL_OPAMP_POWERMODE_x the relevant bits for: */
  42. /* - OPAMP power mode into control register */
  43. /* - OPAMP trimming register offset */
  44. /* Internal register offset for OPAMP trimming configuration */
  45. #define OPAMP_POWERMODE_OTR_REGOFFSET (0x00000000U)
  46. #define OPAMP_POWERMODE_LPOTR_REGOFFSET (0x00000001U)
  48. /* Mask for OPAMP power mode into control register */
  50. /* Internal mask for OPAMP trimming of transistors differential pair NMOS */
  51. /* or PMOS. */
  52. /* To select into literal LL_OPAMP_TRIMMING_x the relevant bits for: */
  53. /* - OPAMP trimming selection of transistors differential pair */
  54. /* - OPAMP trimming values of transistors differential pair */
  58. /**
  59. * @}
  60. */
  61. /* Private macros ------------------------------------------------------------*/
  62. /** @defgroup OPAMP_LL_Private_Macros OPAMP Private Macros
  63. * @{
  64. */
  65. /**
  66. * @brief Driver macro reserved for internal use: set a pointer to
  67. * a register from a register basis from which an offset
  68. * is applied.
  69. * @param __REG__ Register basis from which the offset is applied.
  70. * @param __REG_OFFSET__ Offset to be applied (unit: number of registers).
  71. * @retval Register address
  72. */
  73. #define __OPAMP_PTR_REG_OFFSET(__REG__, __REG_OFFSET__) \
  74. ((uint32_t *)((uint32_t) ((uint32_t)(&(__REG__)) + ((__REG_OFFSET__) << 2U))))
  75. /**
  76. * @brief Driver macro reserved for internal use: from OPAMP instance
  77. * selected, return the instance number in decimal format.
  78. * @param __OPAMP_INSTANCE__ OPAMP instance
  79. * @retval Instance number in decimal format: value "0" for OPAMP1,
  80. * value "1" for OPAMP2, value "2" for OPAMP3.
  81. */
  83. ((uint32_t)(__OPAMP_INSTANCE__) - OPAMP_BASE)
  84. /**
  85. * @brief Driver macro reserved for internal use: from OPAMP instance
  86. * selected, set offset of bits into OPAMP register.
  87. * @note Since all OPAMP instances are sharing the same register
  88. * with 3 area of bits with an offset of 8 bits (except bits
  89. * OPAxCALOUT, OPARANGE, S7SEL2), this function
  90. * returns .
  91. * @param __OPAMP_INSTANCE__ OPAMP instance
  92. * @retval Bits offset in register 32 bits: value "0" for OPAMP1,
  93. * value "8" for OPAMP2, value "16" for OPAMP3
  94. */
  96. (((uint32_t)(__OPAMP_INSTANCE__) - OPAMP_BASE) << 3U)
  97. /**
  98. * @brief Driver macro reserved for internal use: from OPAMP instance
  99. * selected, return whether it corresponds to instance OPAMP2.
  100. * @param __OPAMP_INSTANCE__ OPAMP instance
  101. * @retval Instance number in decimal format: value "0" for OPAMP1 or OPAMP3,
  102. * value "1" for OPAMP2.
  103. */
  105. (((uint32_t)(__OPAMP_INSTANCE__) - OPAMP_BASE) % 2)
  106. /**
  107. * @}
  108. */
  109. /* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
  110. #if defined(USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER)
  111. /** @defgroup OPAMP_LL_ES_INIT OPAMP Exported Init structure
  112. * @{
  113. */
  114. /**
  115. * @brief Structure definition of some features of OPAMP instance.
  116. */
  117. typedef struct
  118. {
  119. uint32_t PowerMode; /*!< Set OPAMP power mode.
  120. This parameter can be a value of @ref OPAMP_LL_EC_POWERMODE
  121. This feature can be modified afterwards using unitary function @ref LL_OPAMP_SetPowerMode(). */
  122. uint32_t FunctionalMode; /*!< Set OPAMP functional mode by setting internal connections: OPAMP operation in standalone, follower, ...
  123. This parameter can be a value of @ref OPAMP_LL_EC_FUNCTIONAL_MODE
  124. This feature can be modified afterwards using unitary function @ref LL_OPAMP_SetFunctionalMode(). */
  125. uint32_t InputNonInverting; /*!< Set OPAMP input non-inverting connection.
  126. This parameter can be a value of @ref OPAMP_LL_EC_INPUT_NONINVERTING
  127. This feature can be modified afterwards using unitary function @ref LL_OPAMP_SetInputNonInverting(). */
  128. uint32_t InputInverting; /*!< Set OPAMP inverting input connection.
  129. This parameter can be a value of @ref OPAMP_LL_EC_INPUT_INVERTING
  130. @note OPAMP inverting input is used with OPAMP in mode standalone. Otherwise (OPAMP in mode follower), OPAMP inverting input is not used (not connected to GPIO pin), this parameter is discarded.
  131. This feature can be modified afterwards using unitary function @ref LL_OPAMP_SetInputInverting(). */
  132. } LL_OPAMP_InitTypeDef;
  133. /**
  134. * @}
  135. */
  136. #endif /* USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER */
  137. /* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
  138. /** @defgroup OPAMP_LL_Exported_Constants OPAMP Exported Constants
  139. * @{
  140. */
  141. /** @defgroup OPAMP_LL_EC_POWERSUPPLY_RANGE OPAMP power supply range
  142. * @{
  143. */
  144. #define LL_OPAMP_POWERSUPPLY_RANGE_LOW (0x00000000U) /*!< Power supply range low. On STM32L1 serie: Vdda lower than 2.4V. */
  145. #define LL_OPAMP_POWERSUPPLY_RANGE_HIGH (OPAMP_CSR_AOP_RANGE) /*!< Power supply range high. On STM32L1 serie: Vdda higher than 2.4V. */
  146. /**
  147. * @}
  148. */
  149. /** @defgroup OPAMP_LL_EC_POWERMODE OPAMP power mode
  150. * @{
  151. */
  154. /**
  155. * @}
  156. */
  157. /** @defgroup OPAMP_LL_EC_MODE OPAMP mode calibration or functional.
  158. * @{
  159. */
  160. #define LL_OPAMP_MODE_FUNCTIONAL (0x00000000U) /*!< OPAMP functional mode */
  161. #define LL_OPAMP_MODE_CALIBRATION (OPAMP_CSR_S3SEL1 | OPAMP_CSR_S4SEL1 | OPAMP_CSR_S5SEL1 | OPAMP_CSR_S6SEL1 | OPAMP_CSR_S7SEL2) /*!< OPAMP calibration mode (on STM32L1 serie, it corresponds to all OPAMP input internal switches opened) */
  162. /**
  163. * @}
  164. */
  165. /** @defgroup OPAMP_LL_EC_FUNCTIONAL_MODE OPAMP functional mode
  166. * @{
  167. */
  168. #define LL_OPAMP_MODE_STANDALONE (0x00000000U) /*!< OPAMP functional mode, OPAMP operation in standalone (on STM32L1 serie, it corresponds to OPAMP internal switches S3 opened (switch SanB state depends on switch S4 state)) */
  169. #define LL_OPAMP_MODE_FOLLOWER (OPAMP_CSR_S3SEL1) /*!< OPAMP functional mode, OPAMP operation in follower (on STM32L1 serie, it corresponds to OPAMP internal switches S3 and SanB closed) */
  170. /**
  171. * @}
  172. */
  173. /** @defgroup OPAMP_LL_EC_INPUT_NONINVERTING OPAMP input non-inverting
  174. * @{
  175. */
  176. #define LL_OPAMP_INPUT_NONINVERT_IO0 (OPAMP_CSR_S5SEL1) /*!< OPAMP non inverting input connected to GPIO pin (low leakage input) */
  177. #define LL_OPAMP_INPUT_NONINV_DAC1_CH1 (OPAMP_CSR_S6SEL1) /*!< OPAMP non inverting input connected to DAC1 channel1 output (specific to OPAMP instances: OPAMP1, OPAMP2) */
  178. #define LL_OPAMP_INPUT_NONINV_DAC1_CH2 (OPAMP_CSR_S7SEL2) /*!< OPAMP non inverting input connected to DAC1 channel2 output (specific to OPAMP instances: OPAMP2, OPAMP3) */
  179. #if defined(OPAMP3)
  180. #define LL_OPAMP_INPUT_NONINV_DAC1_CH2_OPAMP3 (OPAMP_CSR_S6SEL1) /*!< OPAMP non inverting input connected to DAC1 channel2 output (specific to OPAMP instances: OPAMP3) */
  181. #endif
  182. /**
  183. * @}
  184. */
  185. /** @defgroup OPAMP_LL_EC_INPUT_INVERTING OPAMP input inverting
  186. * @{
  187. */
  188. #define LL_OPAMP_INPUT_INVERT_IO0 (OPAMP_CSR_S4SEL1) /*!< OPAMP inverting input connected to GPIO pin (low leakage input). Note: OPAMP inverting input is used with OPAMP in mode standalone. Otherwise (OPAMP in mode follower), OPAMP inverting input is not used (not connected to GPIO pin). */
  189. #define LL_OPAMP_INPUT_INVERT_IO1 (OPAMP_CSR_ANAWSEL1) /*!< OPAMP inverting input connected to GPIO pin (alternative IO pin, not low leakage, availability depends on STM32L1 serie devices packages). Note: OPAMP inverting input is used with OPAMP in mode standalone. Otherwise (OPAMP in mode follower), OPAMP inverting input is not used (not connected to GPIO pin). */
  190. #define LL_OPAMP_INPUT_INVERT_CONNECT_NO (0x00000000U) /*!< OPAMP inverting input not externally connected (intended for OPAMP in mode follower) */
  191. /**
  192. * @}
  193. */
  194. /** @defgroup OPAMP_LL_EC_TRIMMING_MODE OPAMP trimming mode
  195. * @{
  196. */
  197. #define LL_OPAMP_TRIMMING_FACTORY (0x00000000U) /*!< OPAMP trimming factors set to factory values */
  198. #define LL_OPAMP_TRIMMING_USER (OPAMP_OTR_OT_USER) /*!< OPAMP trimming factors set to user values */
  199. /**
  200. * @}
  201. */
  202. /** @defgroup OPAMP_LL_EC_TRIMMING_TRANSISTORS_DIFF_PAIR OPAMP trimming of transistors differential pair NMOS or PMOS
  203. * @{
  204. */
  205. #define LL_OPAMP_TRIMMING_NMOS (OPAMP_OTR_AO1_OPT_OFFSET_TRIM_HIGH | (OPAMP_CSR_OPA1CAL_H << OPAMP_TRIMMING_SELECT_SW_OFFSET)) /*!< OPAMP trimming of transistors differential pair NMOS */
  206. #define LL_OPAMP_TRIMMING_PMOS (OPAMP_OTR_AO1_OPT_OFFSET_TRIM_LOW | (OPAMP_CSR_OPA1CAL_L << OPAMP_TRIMMING_SELECT_SW_OFFSET)) /*!< OPAMP trimming of transistors differential pair PMOS */
  207. #define LL_OPAMP_TRIMMING_NONE (0x00000000U) /*!< OPAMP trimming unselect transistors differential pair NMOS and PMOs */
  208. /**
  209. * @}
  210. */
  211. /** @defgroup OPAMP_LL_EC_HW_DELAYS Definitions of OPAMP hardware constraints delays
  212. * @note Only OPAMP IP HW delays are defined in OPAMP LL driver driver,
  213. * not timeout values.
  214. * For details on delays values, refer to descriptions in source code
  215. * above each literal definition.
  216. * @{
  217. */
  218. /* Delay for OPAMP startup time (transition from state disable to enable). */
  219. /* Note: OPAMP startup time depends on board application environment: */
  220. /* impedance connected to OPAMP output. */
  221. /* The delay below is specified under conditions: */
  222. /* - OPAMP in mode low power */
  223. /* - load impedance of 4kOhm (min), 50pF (max) */
  224. /* Literal set to maximum value (refer to device datasheet, */
  225. /* parameter "tWAKEUP"). */
  226. /* Unit: us */
  227. #define LL_OPAMP_DELAY_STARTUP_US (30U) /*!< Delay for OPAMP startup time */
  228. /**
  229. * @}
  230. */
  231. /**
  232. * @}
  233. */
  234. /* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
  235. /** @defgroup OPAMP_LL_Exported_Macros OPAMP Exported Macros
  236. * @{
  237. */
  238. /** @defgroup OPAMP_LL_EM_WRITE_READ Common write and read registers macro
  239. * @{
  240. */
  241. /**
  242. * @brief Write a value in OPAMP register
  243. * @param __INSTANCE__ OPAMP Instance
  244. * @param __REG__ Register to be written
  245. * @param __VALUE__ Value to be written in the register
  246. * @retval None
  247. */
  248. #define LL_OPAMP_WriteReg(__INSTANCE__, __REG__, __VALUE__) WRITE_REG(__INSTANCE__->__REG__, (__VALUE__))
  249. /**
  250. * @brief Read a value in OPAMP register
  251. * @param __INSTANCE__ OPAMP Instance
  252. * @param __REG__ Register to be read
  253. * @retval Register value
  254. */
  255. #define LL_OPAMP_ReadReg(__INSTANCE__, __REG__) READ_REG(__INSTANCE__->__REG__)
  256. /**
  257. * @}
  258. */
  259. /** @defgroup OPAMP_LL_EM_HELPER_MACRO OPAMP helper macro
  260. * @{
  261. */
  262. /**
  263. * @brief Helper macro to select the OPAMP common instance
  264. * to which is belonging the selected OPAMP instance.
  265. * @note OPAMP common register instance can be used to
  266. * set parameters common to several OPAMP instances.
  267. * Refer to functions having argument "OPAMPxy_COMMON" as parameter.
  268. * @param __OPAMPx__ OPAMP instance
  269. * @retval OPAMP common instance
  270. */
  271. #if defined(OPAMP1) && defined(OPAMP2) && defined(OPAMP3)
  272. #define __LL_OPAMP_COMMON_INSTANCE(__OPAMPx__) \
  273. (OPAMP123_COMMON)
  274. #else
  275. #define __LL_OPAMP_COMMON_INSTANCE(__OPAMPx__) \
  276. (OPAMP12_COMMON)
  277. #endif
  278. /**
  279. * @brief Helper macro to check if all OPAMP instances sharing the same
  280. * OPAMP common instance are disabled.
  281. * @note This check is required by functions with setting conditioned to
  282. * OPAMP state:
  283. * All OPAMP instances of the OPAMP common group must be disabled.
  284. * Refer to functions having argument "OPAMPxy_COMMON" as parameter.
  285. * @retval 0: All OPAMP instances sharing the same OPAMP common instance
  286. * are disabled.
  287. * 1: At least one OPAMP instance sharing the same OPAMP common instance
  288. * is enabled
  289. */
  290. #if defined(OPAMP1) && defined(OPAMP2) && defined(OPAMP3)
  292. (LL_OPAMP_IsEnabled(OPAMP1) | \
  293. LL_OPAMP_IsEnabled(OPAMP2) | \
  294. LL_OPAMP_IsEnabled(OPAMP3) )
  295. #else
  297. (LL_OPAMP_IsEnabled(OPAMP1) | \
  298. LL_OPAMP_IsEnabled(OPAMP2) )
  299. #endif
  300. /**
  301. * @}
  302. */
  303. /**
  304. * @}
  305. */
  306. /* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
  307. /** @defgroup OPAMP_LL_Exported_Functions OPAMP Exported Functions
  308. * @{
  309. */
  310. /** @defgroup OPAMP_LL_EF_Configuration_opamp_common Configuration of OPAMP hierarchical scope: common to several OPAMP instances
  311. * @{
  312. */
  313. /**
  314. * @brief Set OPAMP power range.
  315. * @note The OPAMP power range applies to several OPAMP instances
  316. * (if several OPAMP instances available on the selected device).
  317. * @note On this STM32 serie, setting of this feature is conditioned to
  318. * OPAMP state:
  319. * All OPAMP instances of the OPAMP common group must be disabled.
  320. * This check can be done with function @ref LL_OPAMP_IsEnabled() for each
  321. * OPAMP instance or by using helper macro
  323. * @rmtoll CSR AOP_RANGE LL_OPAMP_SetCommonPowerRange
  324. * @param OPAMPxy_COMMON OPAMP common instance
  325. * (can be set directly from CMSIS definition or by using helper macro @ref __LL_OPAMP_COMMON_INSTANCE() )
  326. * @param PowerRange This parameter can be one of the following values:
  329. * @retval None
  330. */
  331. __STATIC_INLINE void LL_OPAMP_SetCommonPowerRange(OPAMP_Common_TypeDef *OPAMPxy_COMMON, uint32_t PowerRange)
  332. {
  333. /* Prevent unused parameter warning */
  334. (void)(OPAMPxy_COMMON);
  336. }
  337. /**
  338. * @brief Get OPAMP power range.
  339. * @note The OPAMP power range applies to several OPAMP instances
  340. * (if several OPAMP instances available on the selected device).
  341. * @rmtoll CSR AOP_RANGE LL_OPAMP_GetCommonPowerRange
  342. * @param OPAMPxy_COMMON OPAMP common instance
  343. * (can be set directly from CMSIS definition or by using helper macro @ref __LL_OPAMP_COMMON_INSTANCE() )
  344. * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values:
  347. */
  348. __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_OPAMP_GetCommonPowerRange(OPAMP_Common_TypeDef *OPAMPxy_COMMON)
  349. {
  350. /* Prevent unused parameter warning */
  351. (void)(OPAMPxy_COMMON);
  352. return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(OPAMP->CSR, OPAMP_CSR_AOP_RANGE));
  353. }
  354. /**
  355. * @}
  356. */
  357. /** @defgroup OPAMP_LL_EF_CONFIGURATION_OPAMP_INSTANCE Configuration of OPAMP hierarchical scope: OPAMP instance
  358. * @{
  359. */
  360. /**
  361. * @brief Set OPAMP power mode.
  362. * @note The OPAMP must be disabled to change this configuration.
  363. * @rmtoll CSR OPA1LPM LL_OPAMP_SetPowerMode\n
  364. * CSR OPA2LPM LL_OPAMP_SetPowerMode\n
  365. * CSR OPA3LPM LL_OPAMP_SetPowerMode
  366. * @param OPAMPx OPAMP instance
  367. * @param PowerMode This parameter can be one of the following values:
  368. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_POWERMODE_NORMAL
  370. * @retval None
  371. */
  372. __STATIC_INLINE void LL_OPAMP_SetPowerMode(OPAMP_TypeDef *OPAMPx, uint32_t PowerMode)
  373. {
  377. }
  378. /**
  379. * @brief Get OPAMP power mode.
  380. * @rmtoll CSR OPA1LPM LL_OPAMP_GetPowerMode\n
  381. * CSR OPA2LPM LL_OPAMP_GetPowerMode\n
  382. * CSR OPA3LPM LL_OPAMP_GetPowerMode
  383. * @param OPAMPx OPAMP instance
  384. * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values:
  385. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_POWERMODE_NORMAL
  387. */
  388. __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_OPAMP_GetPowerMode(OPAMP_TypeDef *OPAMPx)
  389. {
  390. register uint32_t power_mode = (READ_BIT(OPAMP->CSR, OPAMP_CSR_OPA1LPM << __OPAMP_INSTANCE_BITOFFSET(OPAMPx)));
  391. /* Shift variable to position corresponding to bitfield of OPAMP1 */
  392. power_mode >>= __OPAMP_INSTANCE_BITOFFSET(OPAMPx);
  393. /* Construct data corresponding to literal LL_OPAMP_POWERMODE_x */
  394. return (uint32_t)(power_mode | (power_mode >> (POSITION_VAL(OPAMP_CSR_OPA1LPM))));
  395. }
  396. /**
  397. * @brief Set OPAMP mode calibration or functional.
  398. * @note OPAMP mode corresponds to functional or calibration mode:
  399. * - functional mode: OPAMP operation in standalone, follower, ...
  400. * Set functional mode using function
  401. * @ref LL_OPAMP_SetFunctionalMode().
  402. * - calibration mode: offset calibration of the selected
  403. * transistors differential pair NMOS or PMOS.
  404. * @note On this STM32 serie, entering in calibration mode makes
  405. * loosing OPAMP internal switches configuration.
  406. * Therefore, when going back to functional mode,
  407. * functional mode must be set again using
  408. * @ref LL_OPAMP_SetFunctionalMode().
  409. * @rmtoll CSR S3SELx LL_OPAMP_SetMode\n
  410. * @rmtoll CSR S4SELx LL_OPAMP_SetMode\n
  411. * @rmtoll CSR S5SELx LL_OPAMP_SetMode\n
  412. * @rmtoll CSR S6SELx LL_OPAMP_SetMode\n
  413. * @rmtoll CSR S7SEL2 LL_OPAMP_SetMode
  414. * @param OPAMPx OPAMP instance
  415. * @param Mode This parameter can be one of the following values:
  416. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_MODE_FUNCTIONAL
  417. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_MODE_CALIBRATION
  418. * @retval None
  419. */
  420. __STATIC_INLINE void LL_OPAMP_SetMode(OPAMP_TypeDef *OPAMPx, uint32_t Mode)
  421. {
  424. }
  425. /**
  426. * @brief Get OPAMP mode calibration or functional.
  427. * @note OPAMP mode corresponds to functional or calibration mode:
  428. * - functional mode: OPAMP operation in standalone, follower, ...
  429. * Set functional mode using function
  430. * @ref LL_OPAMP_SetFunctionalMode().
  431. * - calibration mode: offset calibration of the selected
  432. * transistors differential pair NMOS or PMOS.
  433. * @rmtoll CSR S3SELx LL_OPAMP_SetMode\n
  434. * @rmtoll CSR S4SELx LL_OPAMP_SetMode\n
  435. * @rmtoll CSR S5SELx LL_OPAMP_SetMode\n
  436. * @rmtoll CSR S6SELx LL_OPAMP_SetMode\n
  437. * @rmtoll CSR S7SEL2 LL_OPAMP_SetMode
  438. * @param OPAMPx OPAMP instance
  439. * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values:
  440. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_MODE_FUNCTIONAL
  441. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_MODE_CALIBRATION
  442. */
  443. __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_OPAMP_GetMode(OPAMP_TypeDef *OPAMPx)
  444. {
  445. return (uint32_t)(((READ_BIT(OPAMP->CSR,
  448. }
  449. /**
  450. * @brief Set OPAMP functional mode by setting internal connections.
  451. * OPAMP operation in standalone, follower, ...
  452. * @note This function reset bit of calibration mode to ensure
  453. * to be in functional mode, in order to have OPAMP parameters
  454. * (inputs selection, ...) set with the corresponding OPAMP mode
  455. * to be effective.
  456. * @rmtoll CSR S3SELx LL_OPAMP_SetFunctionalMode
  457. * @param OPAMPx OPAMP instance
  458. * @param FunctionalMode This parameter can be one of the following values:
  459. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_MODE_STANDALONE
  460. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_MODE_FOLLOWER
  461. * @retval None
  462. */
  463. __STATIC_INLINE void LL_OPAMP_SetFunctionalMode(OPAMP_TypeDef *OPAMPx, uint32_t FunctionalMode)
  464. {
  465. /* Note: Bits OPAMP_CSR_OPAxCAL_y reset to ensure to be in functional mode */
  468. FunctionalMode << __OPAMP_INSTANCE_BITOFFSET(OPAMPx));
  469. }
  470. /**
  471. * @brief Get OPAMP functional mode from setting of internal connections.
  472. * OPAMP operation in standalone, follower, ...
  473. * @rmtoll CSR S3SELx LL_OPAMP_GetFunctionalMode
  474. * @param OPAMPx OPAMP instance
  475. * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values:
  476. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_MODE_STANDALONE
  477. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_MODE_FOLLOWER
  478. */
  479. __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_OPAMP_GetFunctionalMode(OPAMP_TypeDef *OPAMPx)
  480. {
  483. );
  484. }
  485. /**
  486. * @}
  487. */
  488. /** @defgroup OPAMP_LL_EF_CONFIGURATION_INPUTS Configuration of OPAMP inputs
  489. * @{
  490. */
  491. /**
  492. * @brief Set OPAMP non-inverting input connection.
  493. * @rmtoll CSR S5SELx LL_OPAMP_SetInputNonInverting\n
  494. * @rmtoll CSR S6SELx LL_OPAMP_SetInputNonInverting\n
  495. * @rmtoll CSR S7SEL2 LL_OPAMP_SetInputNonInverting
  496. * @param OPAMPx OPAMP instance
  497. * @param InputNonInverting This parameter can be one of the following values:
  498. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_INPUT_NONINVERT_IO0
  499. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_INPUT_NONINV_DAC1_CH1 (1)
  500. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_INPUT_NONINV_DAC1_CH2 (2)
  501. *
  502. * (1) Parameter specific to OPAMP instances: OPAMP1, OPAMP2.\n
  503. * (2) Parameter specific to OPAMP instances: OPAMP2, OPAMP3.
  504. * @retval None
  505. */
  506. __STATIC_INLINE void LL_OPAMP_SetInputNonInverting(OPAMP_TypeDef *OPAMPx, uint32_t InputNonInverting)
  507. {
  510. (InputNonInverting << __OPAMP_INSTANCE_BITOFFSET(OPAMPx)) | ((InputNonInverting & OPAMP_CSR_S7SEL2) * __OPAMP_IS_INSTANCE_OPAMP2(OPAMPx))
  511. );
  512. }
  513. /**
  514. * @brief Get OPAMP non-inverting input connection.
  515. * @rmtoll CSR S5SELx LL_OPAMP_GetInputNonInverting\n
  516. * @rmtoll CSR S6SELx LL_OPAMP_GetInputNonInverting\n
  517. * @rmtoll CSR S7SEL2 LL_OPAMP_GetInputNonInverting
  518. * @param OPAMPx OPAMP instance
  519. * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values:
  520. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_INPUT_NONINVERT_IO0
  521. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_INPUT_NONINV_DAC1_CH1 (1)
  522. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_INPUT_NONINV_DAC1_CH2 (2)
  523. *
  524. * (1) Parameter specific to OPAMP instances: OPAMP1, OPAMP2.\n
  525. * (2) Parameter specific to OPAMP instances: OPAMP2, OPAMP3.
  526. */
  527. __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_OPAMP_GetInputNonInverting(OPAMP_TypeDef *OPAMPx)
  528. {
  529. register uint32_t input_non_inverting_opamp_x = READ_BIT(OPAMP->CSR,
  532. );
  533. return (((input_non_inverting_opamp_x & ~OPAMP_CSR_S7SEL2) >> __OPAMP_INSTANCE_BITOFFSET(OPAMPx)) | (input_non_inverting_opamp_x & OPAMP_CSR_S7SEL2));
  534. }
  535. /**
  536. * @brief Set OPAMP inverting input connection.
  537. * @note OPAMP inverting input is used with OPAMP in mode standalone.
  538. * Otherwise (OPAMP in mode follower), OPAMP inverting input
  539. * is not used (not connected to GPIO pin).
  540. * @rmtoll CSR S4SELx LL_OPAMP_SetInputInverting\n
  541. * @rmtoll CSR ANAWSELx LL_OPAMP_SetInputInverting
  542. * @param OPAMPx OPAMP instance
  543. * @param InputInverting This parameter can be one of the following values:
  544. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_INPUT_INVERT_IO0
  545. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_INPUT_INVERT_IO1 (1)
  547. *
  548. * (1) Alternative IO pin, not low leakage, availability depends on STM32L1 serie devices packages.
  549. * @retval None
  550. */
  551. __STATIC_INLINE void LL_OPAMP_SetInputInverting(OPAMP_TypeDef *OPAMPx, uint32_t InputInverting)
  552. {
  556. );
  557. }
  558. /**
  559. * @brief Get OPAMP inverting input connection.
  560. * @rmtoll CSR S4SELx LL_OPAMP_SetInputInverting\n
  561. * @rmtoll CSR ANAWSELx LL_OPAMP_SetInputInverting
  562. * @param OPAMPx OPAMP instance
  563. * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values:
  564. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_INPUT_INVERT_IO0
  565. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_INPUT_INVERT_IO1 (1)
  567. *
  568. * (1) Alternative IO pin, not low leakage, availability depends on STM32L1 serie devices packages.
  569. */
  570. __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_OPAMP_GetInputInverting(OPAMP_TypeDef *OPAMPx)
  571. {
  572. register uint32_t input_inverting_opamp_x = READ_BIT(OPAMP->CSR,
  575. );
  576. #if defined(OPAMP3)
  577. return ( ((input_inverting_opamp_x & (OPAMP_CSR_S4SEL1 | OPAMP_CSR_S4SEL2 | OPAMP_CSR_S4SEL3)) >> __OPAMP_INSTANCE_BITOFFSET(OPAMPx))
  579. #else
  580. return ( ((input_inverting_opamp_x & (OPAMP_CSR_S4SEL1 | OPAMP_CSR_S4SEL2)) >> __OPAMP_INSTANCE_BITOFFSET(OPAMPx))
  581. | ((input_inverting_opamp_x & (OPAMP_CSR_ANAWSEL1 | OPAMP_CSR_ANAWSEL2)) >> __OPAMP_INSTANCE_DECIMAL(OPAMPx)));
  582. #endif
  583. }
  584. /**
  585. * @}
  586. */
  587. /** @defgroup OPAMP_LL_EF_OPAMP_TRIMMING Configuration and operation of OPAMP trimming
  588. * @{
  589. */
  590. /**
  591. * @brief Set OPAMP trimming mode.
  592. * @note The OPAMP trimming mode applies to several OPAMP instances
  593. * (if several OPAMP instances available on the selected device).
  594. * @rmtoll OTR OT_USER LL_OPAMP_SetCommonTrimmingMode
  595. * @param OPAMPxy_COMMON OPAMP common instance
  596. * (can be set directly from CMSIS definition or by using helper macro @ref __LL_OPAMP_COMMON_INSTANCE() )
  597. * @param TrimmingMode This parameter can be one of the following values:
  598. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_TRIMMING_FACTORY
  599. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_TRIMMING_USER
  600. * @retval None
  601. */
  602. __STATIC_INLINE void LL_OPAMP_SetCommonTrimmingMode(OPAMP_Common_TypeDef *OPAMPxy_COMMON, uint32_t TrimmingMode)
  603. {
  604. /* Note: On STM32L1 serie, OPAMP trimming mode bit "OPAMP_OTR_OT_USER" is */
  605. /* write only, cannot be read. */
  608. TrimmingMode);
  609. }
  610. /**
  611. * @brief Get OPAMP trimming mode.
  612. * @note The OPAMP trimming mode applies to several OPAMP instances
  613. * (if several OPAMP instances available on the selected device).
  614. * @rmtoll OTR OT_USER LL_OPAMP_GetCommonTrimmingMode
  615. * @param OPAMPxy_COMMON OPAMP common instance
  616. * (can be set directly from CMSIS definition or by using helper macro @ref __LL_OPAMP_COMMON_INSTANCE() )
  617. * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values:
  618. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_TRIMMING_FACTORY
  619. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_TRIMMING_USER
  620. */
  621. __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_OPAMP_GetCommonTrimmingMode(OPAMP_Common_TypeDef *OPAMPxy_COMMON)
  622. {
  623. return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(OPAMPxy_COMMON->OTR, OPAMP_OTR_OT_USER));
  624. }
  625. /**
  626. * @brief Set OPAMP offset to calibrate the selected transistors
  627. * differential pair NMOS or PMOS.
  628. * @note Preliminarily, OPAMP must be set in mode calibration
  629. * using function @ref LL_OPAMP_SetMode().
  630. * @rmtoll CSR OPA1CAL_H LL_OPAMP_SetCalibrationSelection\n
  631. * CSR OPA1CAL_L LL_OPAMP_SetCalibrationSelection
  632. * @param OPAMPx OPAMP instance
  633. * @param TransistorsDiffPair This parameter can be one of the following values:
  634. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_TRIMMING_NMOS
  635. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_TRIMMING_PMOS
  636. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_TRIMMING_NONE
  637. * @retval None
  638. */
  639. __STATIC_INLINE void LL_OPAMP_SetCalibrationSelection(OPAMP_TypeDef *OPAMPx, uint32_t TransistorsDiffPair)
  640. {
  641. /* Parameter used with mask "OPAMP_TRIMMING_SELECT_MASK" because */
  642. /* containing other bits reserved for other purpose. */
  646. );
  647. }
  648. /**
  649. * @brief Get OPAMP offset to calibrate the selected transistors
  650. * differential pair NMOS or PMOS.
  651. * @note Preliminarily, OPAMP must be set in mode calibration
  652. * using function @ref LL_OPAMP_SetMode().
  653. * @rmtoll CSR OPA1CAL_H LL_OPAMP_SetCalibrationSelection\n
  654. * CSR OPA1CAL_L LL_OPAMP_SetCalibrationSelection
  655. * @param OPAMPx OPAMP instance
  656. * @retval Returned value can be one of the following values:
  657. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_TRIMMING_NMOS
  658. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_TRIMMING_PMOS
  659. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_TRIMMING_NONE
  660. */
  661. __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_OPAMP_GetCalibrationSelection(OPAMP_TypeDef *OPAMPx)
  662. {
  663. register uint32_t CalibrationSelection = (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(OPAMP->CSR,
  665. )
  667. );
  668. return ((CalibrationSelection << OPAMP_TRIMMING_SELECT_SW_OFFSET) |
  669. ((OPAMP_OTR_AO1_OPT_OFFSET_TRIM_LOW) << (OPAMP_OTR_AO1_OPT_OFFSET_TRIM_HIGH_Pos * ((CalibrationSelection & OPAMP_CSR_OPA1CAL_H) != 0U))));
  670. }
  671. /**
  672. * @brief Get OPAMP calibration result of toggling output.
  673. * @note This functions returns:
  674. * 0 if OPAMP calibration output is reset
  675. * 1 if OPAMP calibration output is set
  676. * @rmtoll CSR OPAxCALOUT LL_OPAMP_IsCalibrationOutputSet
  677. * @param OPAMPx OPAMP instance
  678. * @retval State of bit (1 or 0).
  679. */
  680. __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_OPAMP_IsCalibrationOutputSet(OPAMP_TypeDef *OPAMPx)
  681. {
  684. }
  685. /**
  686. * @brief Set OPAMP trimming factor for the selected transistors
  687. * differential pair NMOS or PMOS, corresponding to the selected
  688. * power mode.
  689. * @note On STM32L1 serie, OPAMP trimming mode must be re-configured
  690. * at each update of trimming values in power mode normal.
  691. * Refer to function @ref LL_OPAMP_SetCommonTrimmingMode().
  692. * @rmtoll OTR AOx_OPT_OFFSET_TRIM_HIGH LL_OPAMP_SetTrimmingValue\n
  693. * OTR AOx_OPT_OFFSET_TRIM_LOW LL_OPAMP_SetTrimmingValue\n
  696. * @param OPAMPx OPAMP instance
  697. * @param PowerMode This parameter can be one of the following values:
  698. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_POWERMODE_NORMAL
  700. * @param TransistorsDiffPair This parameter can be one of the following values:
  701. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_TRIMMING_NMOS
  702. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_TRIMMING_PMOS
  703. * @param TrimmingValue 0x00...0x1F
  704. * @retval None
  705. */
  706. __STATIC_INLINE void LL_OPAMP_SetTrimmingValue(OPAMP_TypeDef* OPAMPx, uint32_t PowerMode, uint32_t TransistorsDiffPair, uint32_t TrimmingValue)
  707. {
  708. register uint32_t *preg = __OPAMP_PTR_REG_OFFSET(OPAMP->OTR, (PowerMode & OPAMP_POWERMODE_OTR_REGOFFSET_MASK));
  709. /* Set bits with position in register depending on parameter */
  710. /* "TransistorsDiffPair". */
  711. /* Parameter used with mask "OPAMP_TRIMMING_VALUE_MASK" because */
  712. /* containing other bits reserved for other purpose. */
  713. MODIFY_REG(*preg,
  716. }
  717. /**
  718. * @brief Get OPAMP trimming factor for the selected transistors
  719. * differential pair NMOS or PMOS, corresponding to the selected
  720. * power mode.
  721. * @rmtoll OTR AOx_OPT_OFFSET_TRIM_HIGH LL_OPAMP_GetTrimmingValue\n
  722. * OTR AOx_OPT_OFFSET_TRIM_LOW LL_OPAMP_GetTrimmingValue\n
  725. * @param OPAMPx OPAMP instance
  726. * @param PowerMode This parameter can be one of the following values:
  727. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_POWERMODE_NORMAL
  729. * @param TransistorsDiffPair This parameter can be one of the following values:
  730. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_TRIMMING_NMOS
  731. * @arg @ref LL_OPAMP_TRIMMING_PMOS
  732. * @retval 0x0...0x1F
  733. */
  734. __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_OPAMP_GetTrimmingValue(OPAMP_TypeDef* OPAMPx, uint32_t PowerMode, uint32_t TransistorsDiffPair)
  735. {
  736. register uint32_t *preg = __OPAMP_PTR_REG_OFFSET(OPAMP->OTR, (PowerMode & OPAMP_POWERMODE_OTR_REGOFFSET_MASK));
  737. /* Retrieve bits with position in register depending on parameter */
  738. /* "TransistorsDiffPair". */
  739. /* Parameter used with mask "OPAMP_TRIMMING_VALUE_MASK" because */
  740. /* containing other bits reserved for other purpose. */
  741. return (uint32_t)(READ_BIT(*preg, (TransistorsDiffPair & OPAMP_TRIMMING_VALUE_MASK) << (OPAMP_OTR_AO2_OPT_OFFSET_TRIM_LOW_Pos * __OPAMP_INSTANCE_DECIMAL(OPAMPx)))
  743. );
  744. }
  745. /**
  746. * @}
  747. */
  748. /** @defgroup OPAMP_LL_EF_OPERATION Operation on OPAMP instance
  749. * @{
  750. */
  751. /**
  752. * @brief Enable OPAMP instance.
  753. * @note After enable from off state, OPAMP requires a delay
  754. * to fullfill wake up time specification.
  755. * Refer to device datasheet, parameter "tWAKEUP".
  756. * @rmtoll CSR OPAxPD LL_OPAMP_Enable
  757. * @param OPAMPx OPAMP instance
  758. * @retval None
  759. */
  760. __STATIC_INLINE void LL_OPAMP_Enable(OPAMP_TypeDef *OPAMPx)
  761. {
  763. }
  764. /**
  765. * @brief Disable OPAMP instance.
  766. * @rmtoll CSR OPAxPD LL_OPAMP_Disable
  767. * @param OPAMPx OPAMP instance
  768. * @retval None
  769. */
  770. __STATIC_INLINE void LL_OPAMP_Disable(OPAMP_TypeDef *OPAMPx)
  771. {
  773. }
  774. /**
  775. * @brief Get OPAMP instance enable state
  776. * (0: OPAMP is disabled, 1: OPAMP is enabled)
  777. * @rmtoll CSR OPAxPD LL_OPAMP_IsEnabled
  778. * @param OPAMPx OPAMP instance
  779. * @retval State of bit (1 or 0).
  780. */
  781. __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LL_OPAMP_IsEnabled(OPAMP_TypeDef *OPAMPx)
  782. {
  785. }
  786. /**
  787. * @}
  788. */
  789. #if defined(USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER)
  790. /** @defgroup OPAMP_LL_EF_Init Initialization and de-initialization functions
  791. * @{
  792. */
  793. ErrorStatus LL_OPAMP_DeInit(OPAMP_TypeDef *OPAMPx);
  794. ErrorStatus LL_OPAMP_Init(OPAMP_TypeDef *OPAMPx, LL_OPAMP_InitTypeDef *OPAMP_InitStruct);
  795. void LL_OPAMP_StructInit(LL_OPAMP_InitTypeDef *OPAMP_InitStruct);
  796. /**
  797. * @}
  798. */
  799. #endif /* USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER */
  800. /**
  801. * @}
  802. */
  803. /**
  804. * @}
  805. */
  806. #endif /* OPAMP1 || OPAMP2 || OPAMP3 */
  807. /**
  808. * @}
  809. */
  810. #ifdef __cplusplus
  811. }
  812. #endif
  813. #endif /* __STM32L1xx_LL_OPAMP_H */
  814. /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/