#include "lfr.h" #include int main(void) { //Disable opencv logging messages cv::utils::logging::setLogLevel(cv::utils::logging::LOG_LEVEL_WARNING); const int thresholdBinary = 140; const int videoHeight = 720; const int videoWidth = 1280; const int gaussKernelSize = 21; const int thresholdCanny1 = 50; const int thresholdCanny2 = 100; const int apertureSizeCanny = 3; LFR lfr(videoHeight, videoWidth, thresholdBinary, gaussKernelSize, thresholdCanny1, thresholdCanny2, apertureSizeCanny); lfr.saveOutputFlag = true; lfr.outputFileName = "/home/pi/Line-Following-Robot/AutonomousMode/tmp/test.jpg"; lfr.startLoop(); //To end the video stream, write any char in the console. char a; std::cin >> a; lfr.endLoop(); }