123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101 |
- #!/usr/local/bin/python
- import re
- import sys
- from os.path import join as joinpath, split as splitpath, exists as existspath, normpath, dirname, abspath, relpath, realpath
- import jinja2
- import argparse
- def render(tpl_path, context):
- path, filename = splitpath(tpl_path)
- return jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(path or './')).get_template(filename).render(context).replace(u'\ufeff', '')
- def renderToFile(outfile, tpl_path, context) :
- res = render(tpl_path, context)
- with open(outfile, "w") as f:
- f.write(res)
- def getContent(file, endKeyword) :
- res = []
- for line in file :
- if line == endKeyword :
- break
- res.append(line)
- return res
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- #Arguments handling
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate merged Visual Studio project for OpenViBE')
- parser.add_argument('-o', '--outsln', type=str, default="OpenViBE-Meta.sln", help='Output SLN file')
- parser.add_argument('-b', '--builddir', type=str, default="build", help='Build directory where Visual Studio Solutions are located')
- parser.add_argument('-p', '--platformtarget', type=str, default="x86", help='x86 or x64')
- args = parser.parse_args()
- build_dir = abspath(args.builddir)
- platform_target = args.platformtarget
- dist_dir = joinpath(dirname(build_dir), 'dist')
- outfile = args.outsln
- script_dir = dirname(realpath(__file__))
- slntpl_path = joinpath(script_dir, "OpenViBE-Meta.sln-tpl")
- usertpl_path = joinpath(script_dir, "vcxproj.user-tpl")
- designerex_path = joinpath(script_dir, "designer-extras.vcxproj-tpl")
- if platform_target == "x64" :
- platform_vs_target = "x64"
- else:
- platform_vs_target = "Win32"
- context = { 'proj_list' : [], 'proj_conf_platforms' : [], 'nested_projs' : {}, 'platform_target' : platform_vs_target }
- projects = [
- ('SDK', "10313F85-EFD9-42AB-BF90-643A406FDD99", normpath(joinpath(build_dir, "sdk-" + platform_target , "OpenVIBE.sln"))),
- ("Designer", "EEB9310A-3238-432D-9EAD-CDFCB35054D4", normpath(joinpath(build_dir, "designer-" + platform_target, "Designer.sln"))),
- ("Extras", "3F5EF7F3-0F10-4F2E-ACEB-3B1326E3DA48", normpath(joinpath(build_dir, "extras-" + platform_target, "OpenVIBE.sln")))]
- build_types = ['Debug', 'Release', 'MinSizeRel', 'RelWithDebInfo']
- # Generate config file for designer-extras project
- ov_env = { type : (joinpath(dist_dir, "extras-" + platform_target, type, "bin", "openvibe-designer.exe"), 'OV_PATH_ROOT=' + joinpath(dist_dir, "extras-" + platform_target, type)) for type in build_types}
- renderToFile(joinpath(build_dir, "designer-extras.vcxproj"), designerex_path, { 'platform_target' : platform_vs_target } )
- renderToFile(joinpath(build_dir, "designer-extras.vcxproj.user"), usertpl_path, { 'configurations' : ov_env, 'platform_target' : platform_vs_target } )
- for folderName, folderId, path_sln in projects :
- pathprefix = relpath(dirname(path_sln), normpath(dirname(abspath(outfile))))
- # Sets the correct value for OV_PATH_ROOT; It should be possible to set multiple values separated by newline
- # Unfortunately due to a bug, this is not always possible, see https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/727324/msvs10-c-deu-debugger-environment-variables-missing-linefeed
- # (This is about german VS 2010, but this is also happening on french VS2013)
- ov_env = { type : (None, 'OV_PATH_ROOT=' + joinpath(dist_dir, folderName.lower() + "-" + platform_target, type.upper())) for type in build_types}
- if not existspath(path_sln) :
- print(path_sln, 'does not exist !')
- continue
- print('Parsing', path_sln)
- with open(path_sln, 'r') as f:
- for line in f :
- res = re.match('Project\("{([\dABCDEF-]+)}"\)\s+=\s+"([\w\-]+)",\s+"([\w\-\\\.]+)",\s+"{([\dABCDEF\-]+)}"', line)
- if res :
- slnId, projectName, projectPath, projectId = res.groups()
- content = getContent(f, "EndProject\n")
- newpath = joinpath(pathprefix, projectPath) if len(content) else projectPath
- tab = ['Project("{%s}") = "%s", "%s", "{%s}"\n' % (slnId, projectName, newpath, projectId)] \
- + content \
- + ["EndProject"]
- context['proj_list'].append(''.join(tab))
- context['nested_projs'][projectId] = folderId
- # Generate .user file
- projectfile = joinpath(dirname(path_sln), projectPath)
- userfile = projectfile + ".user"
- renderToFile(userfile, usertpl_path, { 'configurations' : ov_env, 'platform_target' : platform_vs_target } )
- elif line == "Global\n" :
- for line2 in f :
- if line2 == "\tGlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution\n" :
- context['proj_conf_platforms'] += getContent(f, "\tEndGlobalSection\n")
- elif line2 == "\tGlobalSection(NestedProjects) = preSolution\n" :
- res = getContent(f, "\tEndGlobalSection\n")
- for item in res :
- key, val = re.search('{([\dABCDEF-]+)}\s=\s{([\dABCDEF-]+)}', item).groups()
- context['nested_projs'][key] = val
- try :
- renderToFile(outfile, slntpl_path, context)
- except :
- print('Could not generate %s' % (outfile,))
- sys.exit(1)
- else :
- print('Project [%s] generated' % (outfile,))