KiCad project for universal esp8266 based light controller board.
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Wortuhr_SK6812-job.gbrjob 2.6KB

  1. {
  2. "Header":
  3. {
  4. "GenerationSoftware":
  5. {
  6. "Vendor": "KiCad",
  7. "Application": "Pcbnew",
  8. "Version": "(5.1.10)-1"
  9. },
  10. "CreationDate": "2021-07-07T23:24:12+02:00"
  11. },
  12. "GeneralSpecs":
  13. {
  14. "ProjectId":
  15. {
  16. "Name": "Wortuhr_SK6812",
  17. "GUID": "576f7274-7568-4725-9f53-4b363831322e",
  18. "Revision": "rev?"
  19. },
  20. "Size":
  21. {
  22. "X": 45.058,
  23. "Y": 70.204
  24. },
  25. "LayerNumber": 2,
  26. "BoardThickness": 1.600
  27. },
  28. "DesignRules":
  29. [
  30. {
  31. "Layers": "Outer",
  32. "PadToPad": 0.200,
  33. "PadToTrack": 0.200,
  34. "TrackToTrack": 0.200,
  35. "MinLineWidth": 0.250,
  36. "TrackToRegion": 0.508,
  37. "RegionToRegion": 0.508
  38. }
  39. ],
  40. "FilesAttributes":
  41. [
  42. {
  43. "Path": "Wortuhr_SK6812-F_Cu.gbr",
  44. "FileFunction": "Copper,L1,Top",
  45. "FilePolarity": "Positive"
  46. },
  47. {
  48. "Path": "Wortuhr_SK6812-B_Cu.gbr",
  49. "FileFunction": "Copper,L2,Bot",
  50. "FilePolarity": "Positive"
  51. },
  52. {
  53. "Path": "Wortuhr_SK6812-F_Paste.gbr",
  54. "FileFunction": "SolderPaste,Top",
  55. "FilePolarity": "Positive"
  56. },
  57. {
  58. "Path": "Wortuhr_SK6812-B_Paste.gbr",
  59. "FileFunction": "SolderPaste,Bot",
  60. "FilePolarity": "Positive"
  61. },
  62. {
  63. "Path": "Wortuhr_SK6812-F_SilkS.gbr",
  64. "FileFunction": "Legend,Top",
  65. "FilePolarity": "Positive"
  66. },
  67. {
  68. "Path": "Wortuhr_SK6812-B_SilkS.gbr",
  69. "FileFunction": "Legend,Bot",
  70. "FilePolarity": "Positive"
  71. },
  72. {
  73. "Path": "Wortuhr_SK6812-F_Mask.gbr",
  74. "FileFunction": "SolderMask,Top",
  75. "FilePolarity": "Negative"
  76. },
  77. {
  78. "Path": "Wortuhr_SK6812-B_Mask.gbr",
  79. "FileFunction": "SolderMask,Bot",
  80. "FilePolarity": "Negative"
  81. },
  82. {
  83. "Path": "Wortuhr_SK6812-Edge_Cuts.gbr",
  84. "FileFunction": "Profile",
  85. "FilePolarity": "Positive"
  86. }
  87. ],
  88. "MaterialStackup":
  89. [
  90. {
  91. "Type": "Legend",
  92. "Notes": "Layer F.SilkS"
  93. },
  94. {
  95. "Type": "SolderPaste",
  96. "Notes": "Layer F.Paste"
  97. },
  98. {
  99. "Type": "SolderMask",
  100. "Notes": "Layer F.Mask"
  101. },
  102. {
  103. "Type": "Copper",
  104. "Notes": "Layer F.Cu"
  105. },
  106. {
  107. "Type": "Dielectric",
  108. "Material": "FR4",
  109. "Notes": "Layers L1/L2"
  110. },
  111. {
  112. "Type": "Copper",
  113. "Notes": "Layer B.Cu"
  114. },
  115. {
  116. "Type": "SolderMask",
  117. "Notes": "Layer B.Mask"
  118. },
  119. {
  120. "Type": "SolderPaste",
  121. "Notes": "Layer B.Paste"
  122. },
  123. {
  124. "Type": "Legend",
  125. "Notes": "Layer B.SilkS"
  126. }
  127. ]
  128. }