You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long. 19KB

  1. ## **6.9.4**
  2. - [Fix] `stringify`: when `arrayFormat` is `comma`, respect `serializeDate` (#364)
  3. - [Refactor] `stringify`: reduce branching (part of #350)
  4. - [Refactor] move `maybeMap` to `utils`
  5. - [Dev Deps] update `browserify`, `tape`
  6. ## **6.9.3**
  7. - [Fix] proper comma parsing of URL-encoded commas (#361)
  8. - [Fix] parses comma delimited array while having percent-encoded comma treated as normal text (#336)
  9. ## **6.9.2**
  10. - [Fix] `parse`: Fix parsing array from object with `comma` true (#359)
  11. - [Fix] `parse`: throw a TypeError instead of an Error for bad charset (#349)
  12. - [meta] ignore eclint transitive audit warning
  13. - [meta] fix indentation in package.json
  14. - [meta] add tidelift marketing copy
  15. - [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `object-inspect`, `has-symbols`, `tape`, `mkdirp`, `iconv-lite`
  16. - [actions] add automatic rebasing / merge commit blocking
  17. ## **6.9.1**
  18. - [Fix] `parse`: with comma true, handle field that holds an array of arrays (#335)
  19. - [Fix] `parse`: with comma true, do not split non-string values (#334)
  20. - [meta] add `funding` field
  21. - [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`
  22. - [Tests] use shared travis-ci config
  23. ## **6.9.0**
  24. - [New] `parse`/`stringify`: Pass extra key/value argument to `decoder` (#333)
  25. - [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `evalmd`
  26. - [Tests] `parse`: add passing `arrayFormat` tests
  27. - [Tests] add `posttest` using `npx aud` to run `npm audit` without a lockfile
  28. - [Tests] up to `node` `v12.10`, `v11.15`, `v10.16`, `v8.16`
  29. - [Tests] `Buffer.from` in node v5.0-v5.9 and v4.0-v4.4 requires a TypedArray
  30. ## **6.8.2**
  31. - [Fix] proper comma parsing of URL-encoded commas (#361)
  32. - [Fix] parses comma delimited array while having percent-encoded comma treated as normal text (#336)
  33. ## **6.8.1**
  34. - [Fix] `parse`: Fix parsing array from object with `comma` true (#359)
  35. - [Fix] `parse`: throw a TypeError instead of an Error for bad charset (#349)
  36. - [Fix] `parse`: with comma true, handle field that holds an array of arrays (#335)
  37. - [fix] `parse`: with comma true, do not split non-string values (#334)
  38. - [meta] add tidelift marketing copy
  39. - [meta] add `funding` field
  40. - [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `tape`, `safe-publish-latest`, `evalmd`, `has-symbols`, `iconv-lite`, `mkdirp`, `object-inspect`
  41. - [Tests] `parse`: add passing `arrayFormat` tests
  42. - [Tests] use shared travis-ci configs
  43. - [Tests] `Buffer.from` in node v5.0-v5.9 and v4.0-v4.4 requires a TypedArray
  44. - [actions] add automatic rebasing / merge commit blocking
  45. ## **6.8.0**
  46. - [New] add `depth=false` to preserve the original key; [Fix] `depth=0` should preserve the original key (#326)
  47. - [New] [Fix] stringify symbols and bigints
  48. - [Fix] ensure node 0.12 can stringify Symbols
  49. - [Fix] fix for an impossible situation: when the formatter is called with a non-string value
  50. - [Refactor] `formats`: tiny bit of cleanup.
  51. - [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `browserify`, `safe-publish-latest`, `iconv-lite`, `tape`
  52. - [Tests] add tests for `depth=0` and `depth=false` behavior, both current and intuitive/intended (#326)
  53. - [Tests] use `eclint` instead of `editorconfig-tools`
  54. - [docs] readme: add security note
  55. - [meta] add github sponsorship
  56. - [meta] add FUNDING.yml
  57. - [meta] Clean up license text so it’s properly detected as BSD-3-Clause
  58. ## **6.7.2**
  59. - [Fix] proper comma parsing of URL-encoded commas (#361)
  60. - [Fix] parses comma delimited array while having percent-encoded comma treated as normal text (#336)
  61. ## **6.7.1**
  62. - [Fix] `parse`: Fix parsing array from object with `comma` true (#359)
  63. - [Fix] `parse`: with comma true, handle field that holds an array of arrays (#335)
  64. - [fix] `parse`: with comma true, do not split non-string values (#334)
  65. - [Fix] `parse`: throw a TypeError instead of an Error for bad charset (#349)
  66. - [Fix] fix for an impossible situation: when the formatter is called with a non-string value
  67. - [Refactor] `formats`: tiny bit of cleanup.
  68. - readme: add security note
  69. - [meta] add tidelift marketing copy
  70. - [meta] add `funding` field
  71. - [meta] add FUNDING.yml
  72. - [meta] Clean up license text so it’s properly detected as BSD-3-Clause
  73. - [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `tape`, `safe-publish-latest`, `evalmd`, `iconv-lite`, `mkdirp`, `object-inspect`, `browserify`
  74. - [Tests] `parse`: add passing `arrayFormat` tests
  75. - [Tests] use shared travis-ci configs
  76. - [Tests] `Buffer.from` in node v5.0-v5.9 and v4.0-v4.4 requires a TypedArray
  77. - [Tests] add tests for `depth=0` and `depth=false` behavior, both current and intuitive/intended
  78. - [Tests] use `eclint` instead of `editorconfig-tools`
  79. - [actions] add automatic rebasing / merge commit blocking
  80. ## **6.7.0**
  81. - [New] `stringify`/`parse`: add `comma` as an `arrayFormat` option (#276, #219)
  82. - [Fix] correctly parse nested arrays (#212)
  83. - [Fix] `utils.merge`: avoid a crash with a null target and a truthy non-array source, also with an array source
  84. - [Robustness] `stringify`: cache `Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty`
  85. - [Refactor] `utils`: `isBuffer`: small tweak; add tests
  86. - [Refactor] use cached `Array.isArray`
  87. - [Refactor] `parse`/`stringify`: make a function to normalize the options
  88. - [Refactor] `utils`: reduce observable [[Get]]s
  89. - [Refactor] `stringify`/`utils`: cache `Array.isArray`
  90. - [Tests] always use `String(x)` over `x.toString()`
  91. - [Tests] fix Buffer tests to work in node < 4.5 and node < 5.10
  92. - [Tests] temporarily allow coverage to fail
  93. ## **6.6.0**
  94. - [New] Add support for iso-8859-1, utf8 "sentinel" and numeric entities (#268)
  95. - [New] move two-value combine to a `utils` function (#189)
  96. - [Fix] `stringify`: fix a crash with `strictNullHandling` and a custom `filter`/`serializeDate` (#279)
  97. - [Fix] when `parseArrays` is false, properly handle keys ending in `[]` (#260)
  98. - [Fix] `stringify`: do not crash in an obscure combo of `interpretNumericEntities`, a bad custom `decoder`, & `iso-8859-1`
  99. - [Fix] `utils`: `merge`: fix crash when `source` is a truthy primitive & no options are provided
  100. - [refactor] `stringify`: Avoid arr = arr.concat(...), push to the existing instance (#269)
  101. - [Refactor] `parse`: only need to reassign the var once
  102. - [Refactor] `parse`/`stringify`: clean up `charset` options checking; fix defaults
  103. - [Refactor] add missing defaults
  104. - [Refactor] `parse`: one less `concat` call
  105. - [Refactor] `utils`: `compactQueue`: make it explicitly side-effecting
  106. - [Dev Deps] update `browserify`, `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `iconv-lite`, `safe-publish-latest`, `tape`
  107. - [Tests] up to `node` `v10.10`, `v9.11`, `v8.12`, `v6.14`, `v4.9`; pin included builds to LTS
  108. ## **6.5.2**
  109. - [Fix] use `safer-buffer` instead of `Buffer` constructor
  110. - [Refactor] utils: `module.exports` one thing, instead of mutating `exports` (#230)
  111. - [Dev Deps] update `browserify`, `eslint`, `iconv-lite`, `safer-buffer`, `tape`, `browserify`
  112. ## **6.5.1**
  113. - [Fix] Fix parsing & compacting very deep objects (#224)
  114. - [Refactor] name utils functions
  115. - [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `tape`
  116. - [Tests] up to `node` `v8.4`; use `nvm install-latest-npm` so newer npm doesn’t break older node
  117. - [Tests] Use precise dist for Node.js 0.6 runtime (#225)
  118. - [Tests] make 0.6 required, now that it’s passing
  119. - [Tests] on `node` `v8.2`; fix npm on node 0.6
  120. ## **6.5.0**
  121. - [New] add `utils.assign`
  122. - [New] pass default encoder/decoder to custom encoder/decoder functions (#206)
  123. - [New] `parse`/`stringify`: add `ignoreQueryPrefix`/`addQueryPrefix` options, respectively (#213)
  124. - [Fix] Handle stringifying empty objects with addQueryPrefix (#217)
  125. - [Fix] do not mutate `options` argument (#207)
  126. - [Refactor] `parse`: cache index to reuse in else statement (#182)
  127. - [Docs] add various badges to readme (#208)
  128. - [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `browserify`, `iconv-lite`, `tape`
  129. - [Tests] up to `node` `v8.1`, `v7.10`, `v6.11`; npm v4.6 breaks on node < v1; npm v5+ breaks on node < v4
  130. - [Tests] add `editorconfig-tools`
  131. ## **6.4.0**
  132. - [New] `qs.stringify`: add `encodeValuesOnly` option
  133. - [Fix] follow `allowPrototypes` option during merge (#201, #201)
  134. - [Fix] support keys starting with brackets (#202, #200)
  135. - [Fix] chmod a-x
  136. - [Dev Deps] update `eslint`
  137. - [Tests] up to `node` `v7.7`, `v6.10`,` v4.8`; disable osx builds since they block linux builds
  138. - [eslint] reduce warnings
  139. ## **6.3.2**
  140. - [Fix] follow `allowPrototypes` option during merge (#201, #200)
  141. - [Dev Deps] update `eslint`
  142. - [Fix] chmod a-x
  143. - [Fix] support keys starting with brackets (#202, #200)
  144. - [Tests] up to `node` `v7.7`, `v6.10`,` v4.8`; disable osx builds since they block linux builds
  145. ## **6.3.1**
  146. - [Fix] ensure that `allowPrototypes: false` does not ever shadow Object.prototype properties (thanks, @snyk!)
  147. - [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `browserify`, `iconv-lite`, `qs-iconv`, `tape`
  148. - [Tests] on all node minors; improve test matrix
  149. - [Docs] document stringify option `allowDots` (#195)
  150. - [Docs] add empty object and array values example (#195)
  151. - [Docs] Fix minor inconsistency/typo (#192)
  152. - [Docs] document stringify option `sort` (#191)
  153. - [Refactor] `stringify`: throw faster with an invalid encoder
  154. - [Refactor] remove unnecessary escapes (#184)
  155. - Remove, since `qs` is no longer part of `hapi` (#183)
  156. ## **6.3.0**
  157. - [New] Add support for RFC 1738 (#174, #173)
  158. - [New] `stringify`: Add `serializeDate` option to customize Date serialization (#159)
  159. - [Fix] ensure `utils.merge` handles merging two arrays
  160. - [Refactor] only constructors should be capitalized
  161. - [Refactor] capitalized var names are for constructors only
  162. - [Refactor] avoid using a sparse array
  163. - [Robustness] `formats`: cache `String#replace`
  164. - [Dev Deps] update `browserify`, `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`; add `safe-publish-latest`
  165. - [Tests] up to `node` `v6.8`, `v4.6`; improve test matrix
  166. - [Tests] flesh out arrayLimit/arrayFormat tests (#107)
  167. - [Tests] skip Object.create tests when null objects are not available
  168. - [Tests] Turn on eslint for test files (#175)
  169. ## **6.2.3**
  170. - [Fix] follow `allowPrototypes` option during merge (#201, #200)
  171. - [Fix] chmod a-x
  172. - [Fix] support keys starting with brackets (#202, #200)
  173. - [Tests] up to `node` `v7.7`, `v6.10`,` v4.8`; disable osx builds since they block linux builds
  174. ## **6.2.2**
  175. - [Fix] ensure that `allowPrototypes: false` does not ever shadow Object.prototype properties
  176. ## **6.2.1**
  177. - [Fix] ensure `key[]=x&key[]&key[]=y` results in 3, not 2, values
  178. - [Refactor] Be explicit and use ``
  179. - [Tests] remove `parallelshell` since it does not reliably report failures
  180. - [Tests] up to `node` `v6.3`, `v5.12`
  181. - [Dev Deps] update `tape`, `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `qs-iconv`
  182. ## [**6.2.0**](
  183. - [New] pass Buffers to the encoder/decoder directly (#161)
  184. - [New] add "encoder" and "decoder" options, for custom param encoding/decoding (#160)
  185. - [Fix] fix compacting of nested sparse arrays (#150)
  186. ## **6.1.2
  187. - [Fix] follow `allowPrototypes` option during merge (#201, #200)
  188. - [Fix] chmod a-x
  189. - [Fix] support keys starting with brackets (#202, #200)
  190. - [Tests] up to `node` `v7.7`, `v6.10`,` v4.8`; disable osx builds since they block linux builds
  191. ## **6.1.1**
  192. - [Fix] ensure that `allowPrototypes: false` does not ever shadow Object.prototype properties
  193. ## [**6.1.0**](
  194. - [New] allowDots option for `stringify` (#151)
  195. - [Fix] "sort" option should work at a depth of 3 or more (#151)
  196. - [Fix] Restore `dist` directory; will be removed in v7 (#148)
  197. ## **6.0.4**
  198. - [Fix] follow `allowPrototypes` option during merge (#201, #200)
  199. - [Fix] chmod a-x
  200. - [Fix] support keys starting with brackets (#202, #200)
  201. - [Tests] up to `node` `v7.7`, `v6.10`,` v4.8`; disable osx builds since they block linux builds
  202. ## **6.0.3**
  203. - [Fix] ensure that `allowPrototypes: false` does not ever shadow Object.prototype properties
  204. - [Fix] Restore `dist` directory; will be removed in v7 (#148)
  205. ## [**6.0.2**](
  206. - Revert ES6 requirement and restore support for node down to v0.8.
  207. ## [**6.0.1**](
  208. - [**#127**]( Fix engines definition in package.json
  209. ## [**6.0.0**](
  210. - [**#124**]( Use ES6 and drop support for node < v4
  211. ## **5.2.1**
  212. - [Fix] ensure `key[]=x&key[]&key[]=y` results in 3, not 2, values
  213. ## [**5.2.0**](
  214. - [**#64**]( Add option to sort object keys in the query string
  215. ## [**5.1.0**](
  216. - [**#117**]( make URI encoding stringified results optional
  217. - [**#106**]( Add flag `skipNulls` to optionally skip null values in stringify
  218. ## [**5.0.0**](
  219. - [**#114**]( default allowDots to false
  220. - [**#100**]( include dist to npm
  221. ## [**4.0.0**](
  222. - [**#98**]( make returning plain objects and allowing prototype overwriting properties optional
  223. ## [**3.1.0**](
  224. - [**#89**]( Add option to disable "Transform dot notation to bracket notation"
  225. ## [**3.0.0**](
  226. - [**#80**]( qs.parse silently drops properties
  227. - [**#77**]( Perf boost
  228. - [**#60**]( Add explicit option to disable array parsing
  229. - [**#74**]( Bad parse when turning array into object
  230. - [**#81**]( Add a `filter` option
  231. - [**#68**]( Fixed issue with recursion and passing strings into objects.
  232. - [**#66**]( Add mixed array and object dot notation support Closes: #47
  233. - [**#76**]( RFC 3986
  234. - [**#85**]( No equal sign
  235. - [**#84**]( update license attribute
  236. ## [**2.4.1**](
  237. - [**#73**]( Property 'hasOwnProperty' of object #<Object> is not a function
  238. ## [**2.4.0**](
  239. - [**#70**]( Add arrayFormat option
  240. ## [**2.3.3**](
  241. - [**#59**]( make sure array indexes are >= 0, closes #57
  242. - [**#58**]( make qs usable for browser loader
  243. ## [**2.3.2**](
  244. - [**#55**]( allow merging a string into an object
  245. ## [**2.3.1**](
  246. - [**#52**]( Return "undefined" and "false" instead of throwing "TypeError".
  247. ## [**2.3.0**](
  248. - [**#50**]( add option to omit array indices, closes #46
  249. ## [**2.2.5**](
  250. - [**#39**]( Is there an alternative to Buffer.isBuffer?
  251. - [**#49**]( refactor utils.merge, fixes #45
  252. - [**#41**]( avoid browserifying Buffer, for #39
  253. ## [**2.2.4**](
  254. - [**#38**]( how to handle object keys beginning with a number
  255. ## [**2.2.3**](
  256. - [**#37**]( parser discards first empty value in array
  257. - [**#36**]( Update to lab 4.x
  258. ## [**2.2.2**](
  259. - [**#33**]( Error when plain object in a value
  260. - [**#34**]( use instead of obj.hasOwnProperty
  261. - [**#24**]( Changelog? Semver?
  262. ## [**2.2.1**](
  263. - [**#32**]( account for circular references properly, closes #31
  264. - [**#31**]( qs.parse stackoverflow on circular objects
  265. ## [**2.2.0**](
  266. - [**#26**]( Don't use Buffer global if it's not present
  267. - [**#30**]( Bug when merging non-object values into arrays
  268. - [**#29**]( Don't call Utils.clone at the top of Utils.merge
  269. - [**#23**]( Ability to not limit parameters?
  270. ## [**2.1.0**](
  271. - [**#22**]( Enable using a RegExp as delimiter
  272. ## [**2.0.0**](
  273. - [**#18**]( Why is there arrayLimit?
  274. - [**#20**]( Configurable parametersLimit
  275. - [**#21**]( make all limits optional, for #18, for #20
  276. ## [**1.2.2**](
  277. - [**#19**]( Don't overwrite null values
  278. ## [**1.2.1**](
  279. - [**#16**]( ignore non-string delimiters
  280. - [**#15**]( Close code block
  281. ## [**1.2.0**](
  282. - [**#12**]( Add optional delim argument
  283. - [**#13**]( fix #11: flattened keys in array are now correctly parsed
  284. ## [**1.1.0**](
  285. - [**#7**]( Empty values of a POST array disappear after being submitted
  286. - [**#9**]( Should not omit equals signs (=) when value is null
  287. - [**#6**]( Minor grammar fix in README
  288. ## [**1.0.2**](
  289. - [**#5**]( array holes incorrectly copied into object on large index