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  1. # Change Log
  2. ## 4.1.0
  3. > Released 07/24/2019
  4. * Adds int64 support for node v12+
  5. * Drops support for node v4
  6. ## 4.0
  7. > Released 10/21/2017
  8. * Major breaking changes arriving in v4.
  9. ### New Features
  10. * Ability to read data from a specific offset. ex: readInt8(5)
  11. * Ability to write over data when an offset is given (see breaking changes) ex: writeInt8(5, 0);
  12. * Ability to set internal read and write offsets.
  13. ### Breaking Changes
  14. * Old constructor patterns have been completely removed. It's now required to use the SmartBuffer.fromXXX() factory constructors. Read more on the v4 docs.
  15. * rewind(), skip(), moveTo() have been removed.
  16. * Internal private properties are now prefixed with underscores (_).
  17. * **All** writeXXX() methods that are given an offset will now **overwrite data** instead of insert
  18. * insertXXX() methods have been added for when you want to insert data at a specific offset (this replaces the old behavior of writeXXX() when an offset was provided)
  19. ### Other Changes
  20. * Standardizd error messaging
  21. * Standardized offset/length bounds and sanity checking
  22. * General overall cleanup of code.
  23. ## 3.0.3
  24. > Released 02/19/2017
  25. * Adds missing type definitions for some internal functions.
  26. ## 3.0.2
  27. > Released 02/17/2017
  28. ### Bug Fixes
  29. * Fixes a bug where using readString with a length of zero resulted in reading the remaining data instead of returning an empty string. (Fixed by Seldszar)
  30. ## 3.0.1
  31. > Released 02/15/2017
  32. ### Bug Fixes
  33. * Fixes a bug leftover from the TypeScript refactor where .readIntXXX() resulted in .readUIntXXX() being called by mistake.
  34. ## 3.0
  35. > Released 02/12/2017
  36. ### Bug Fixes
  37. * readUIntXXXX() methods will now throw an exception if they attempt to read beyond the bounds of the valid buffer data available.
  38. * **Note** This is technically a breaking change, so version is bumped to 3.x.
  39. ## 2.0
  40. > Relased 01/30/2017
  41. ### New Features:
  42. * Entire package re-written in TypeScript (2.1)
  43. * Backwards compatibility is preserved for now
  44. * New factory methods for creating SmartBuffer instances
  45. * SmartBuffer.fromSize()
  46. * SmartBuffer.fromBuffer()
  47. * SmartBuffer.fromOptions()
  48. * New SmartBufferOptions constructor options
  49. * Added additional tests
  50. ### Bug Fixes:
  51. * Fixes a bug where reading null terminated strings may result in an exception.