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main.d.ts 1.9KB

  1. import { ASTNode, Type, AnyType, Field } from "./lib/types";
  2. import { NodePath } from "./lib/node-path";
  3. import { namedTypes } from "./gen/namedTypes";
  4. import { builders } from "./gen/builders";
  5. import { Visitor } from "./gen/visitor";
  6. declare const astNodesAreEquivalent: {
  7. (a: any, b: any, problemPath?: any): boolean;
  8. assert(a: any, b: any): void;
  9. }, builders: builders, builtInTypes: {
  10. string: Type<string>;
  11. function: Type<Function>;
  12. array: Type<any[]>;
  13. object: Type<{
  14. [key: string]: any;
  15. }>;
  16. RegExp: Type<RegExp>;
  17. Date: Type<Date>;
  18. number: Type<number>;
  19. boolean: Type<boolean>;
  20. null: Type<null>;
  21. undefined: Type<undefined>;
  22. }, defineMethod: (name: any, func?: Function | undefined) => Function, eachField: (object: any, callback: (name: any, value: any) => any, context?: any) => void, finalize: () => void, getBuilderName: (typeName: any) => any, getFieldNames: (object: any) => string[], getFieldValue: (object: any, fieldName: any) => any, getSupertypeNames: (typeName: string) => string[], NodePath: import("./lib/node-path").NodePathConstructor, Path: import("./lib/path").PathConstructor, PathVisitor: import("./lib/path-visitor").PathVisitorConstructor, someField: (object: any, callback: (name: any, value: any) => any, context?: any) => boolean, Type: {
  23. or(...types: any[]): Type<any>;
  24. from<T>(value: any, name?: string | undefined): Type<T>;
  25. def(typeName: string): import("./lib/types").Def<any>;
  26. hasDef(typeName: string): boolean;
  27. }, use: <T>(plugin: import("./types").Plugin<T>) => T, visit: <M = {}>(node: ASTNode, methods?: Visitor<M> | undefined) => any;
  28. export { AnyType, ASTNode, astNodesAreEquivalent, builders, builtInTypes, defineMethod, eachField, Field, finalize, getBuilderName, getFieldNames, getFieldValue, getSupertypeNames, namedTypes, NodePath, Path, PathVisitor, someField, Type, use, visit, Visitor, };