Smart-Home am Beispiel der Präsenzerkennung im Raum Projektarbeit Lennart Heimbs, Johannes Krug, Sebastian Dohle und Kevin Holzschuh bei Prof. Oliver Hofmann SS2019
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Ultrasonic_Sensor_optimiert.ino 3.8KB

  1. #include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
  2. #include <PubSubClient.h>
  3. //Eigene zu trackende Entfernung festlegen
  4. #define DISTANCE 155
  5. const char* SSID = "smartroom";
  6. const char* PSK = "smarthome";
  7. const char* MQTT_BROKER = "";
  8. WiFiClient espClient;
  9. PubSubClient client(espClient);
  10. // defines pins numbers
  11. const int trigPin = D3; //D4
  12. const int echoPin1 = D4; //D3
  13. long duration1;
  14. int distance1;
  15. int bool1 = 0;
  16. char msg[50];
  17. int value = 0;
  18. long lastMsg = 0;
  19. void setup() {
  20. pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); // Sets the trigPin as an Output
  21. pinMode(echoPin1, INPUT); // Sets the echoPin as an Input
  22. Serial.begin(115200);
  23. setup_wifi();
  24. client.setServer(MQTT_BROKER, 1883);
  25. }
  26. void setup_wifi() {
  27. delay(10);
  28. Serial.println();
  29. Serial.print("Connecting to ");
  30. Serial.println(SSID);
  31. WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA);
  32. WiFi.begin(SSID, PSK);
  33. while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
  34. delay(500);
  35. Serial.print(".");
  36. }
  37. Serial.println("");
  38. Serial.println("WiFi connected");
  39. Serial.println("IP address: ");
  40. Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());
  41. }
  42. void reconnect() {
  43. while (!client.connected()) {
  44. Serial.print("Reconnecting...");
  45. if (!client.connect("ESP8266Client")) {
  46. Serial.print("failed, rc=");
  47. Serial.print(client.state());
  48. Serial.println(" retrying in 5 seconds");
  49. delay(5000);
  50. }
  51. }
  52. }
  53. void loop() {
  54. if (!client.connected()) {
  55. reconnect();
  56. }
  57. client.loop();
  58. // Clears the trigPin
  59. digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
  60. delayMicroseconds(2);
  61. // Sets the trigPin on HIGH state for 10 micro seconds
  62. digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
  63. delayMicroseconds(10);
  64. digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
  65. // Reads the echoPin, returns the sound wave travel time in microseconds
  66. duration1 = pulseIn(echoPin1, HIGH);
  67. // Calculating the distance
  68. distance1 = getDistance(duration1);
  69. // Prints the distance1 on the Serial Monitor
  70. /* if ((distance1!= (distance_alt - 1)) && (distance1!= (distance_alt)) && (distance1!= (distance_alt + 1))) { //+-1 um störungen herauszufiltern
  71. snprintf (msg, 50, "%d", distance);
  72. Serial.print("Publish Motion: ");
  73. Serial.println(msg);
  74. client.publish("/home/data", msg);
  75. delay(200);
  76. } */
  77. bool1 = presenceDetection(bool1, distance1);
  78. delay(80);
  79. }
  80. int presenceDetection(int bool1, int distance1){
  81. if (bool1 == 0) {
  82. //alternativ: if ((distance1!= (DISTANCE - 1)) && (distance1!= (DISTANCE)) && (distance1!= (DISTANCE + 1))) { //+-1
  83. if (((distance1 > (DISTANCE + 2)) || (distance1 < (DISTANCE - 2))) && (distance1 < (DISTANCE + 2))) { //darf +- 2 um festgelegte entfernung schwanken, um störungen herauszufiltern
  84. //Meldung an PI, dass die Distanz gestört ist
  85. snprintf (msg, 50, "%d", 1);
  86. client.publish("/gso/bb/104/ultraschall/1", msg);
  87. //Serieller Monitor
  88. Serial.print("Motion detected! Distance: ");
  89. Serial.println(distance1);
  90. //Flag auf 1
  91. bool1 = 1;
  92. return bool1;
  93. }
  94. else {
  95. snprintf (msg, 50, "%d", 0);
  96. client.publish("/gso/bb/104/ultraschall/1", msg);
  97. return bool1;
  98. }
  99. }
  100. else if (bool1 == 1) {
  101. if (((distance1> (DISTANCE + 2)) || (distance1<(DISTANCE - 2)))) { //darf +- 2 um festgelegte entfernung schwanken, um störungen herauszufiltern
  102. Serial.print("Still motion detected! Distance: ");
  103. Serial.println(distance1);
  104. //Meldung an PI, dass die Ausgangsdistanz wieder gemessen wird
  105. snprintf (msg, 50, "%d", 1);
  106. client.publish("/gso/bb/104/ultraschall/1", msg);
  107. return bool1;
  108. }
  109. else {
  110. //Meldung an PI, dass die Ausgangsdistanz wieder gemessen wird
  111. snprintf (msg, 50, "%d", 0);
  112. client.publish("/gso/bb/104/ultraschall/1", msg);
  113. //Flag wieder auf 0
  114. bool1 = 0;
  115. return bool1;
  116. }
  117. }
  118. }
  119. int getDistance(int duration){
  120. int distance = duration * 0.034 / 2;
  121. return distance;
  122. }