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Makefile 5.2KB

  1. #############################################################################
  2. #
  3. # Makefile for MySensors
  4. #
  5. #
  6. # The arduino library build part were inspired by
  7. # Arduino-Makefile project, Copyright (C) 2012 Sudar <>
  8. #
  9. # Description:
  10. # ------------
  11. # use make all and make install to install the gateway
  12. #
  14. include $(CONFIG_FILE)
  15. CPPFLAGS+=-Ofast -g -Wall -Wextra
  16. DEPFLAGS=-MT $@ -MMD -MP
  17. GATEWAY_BIN=mysgw
  19. GATEWAY_C_SOURCES=$(wildcard drivers/Linux/*.c)
  20. GATEWAY_CPP_SOURCES=$(wildcard drivers/Linux/*.cpp) examples_linux/mysgw.cpp
  21. GATEWAY_OBJECTS=$(patsubst %.c,$(BUILDDIR)/%.o,$(GATEWAY_C_SOURCES)) $(patsubst %.cpp,$(BUILDDIR)/%.o,$(GATEWAY_CPP_SOURCES))
  22. INCLUDES=-I. -I./core -I./drivers/Linux
  23. ifeq ($(SOC),$(filter $(SOC),BCM2835 BCM2836 BCM2837))
  24. BCM_C_SOURCES=$(wildcard drivers/BCM/*.c)
  25. BCM_CPP_SOURCES=$(wildcard drivers/BCM/*.cpp)
  26. GATEWAY_OBJECTS+=$(patsubst %.c,$(BUILDDIR)/%.o,$(BCM_C_SOURCES)) $(patsubst %.cpp,$(BUILDDIR)/%.o,$(BCM_CPP_SOURCES))
  27. INCLUDES+=-I./drivers/BCM
  28. endif
  29. # Gets include flags for library
  30. get_library_includes = $(if $(and $(wildcard $(1)/src), $(wildcard $(1)/, \
  31. -I$(1)/src, \
  32. $(addprefix -I,$(1) $(wildcard $(1)/utility)))
  33. # Gets all sources with given extension (param2) for library (path = param1)
  34. # for old (1.0.x) layout looks in . and "utility" directories
  35. # for new (1.5.x) layout looks in src and recursively its subdirectories
  36. get_library_files = $(if $(and $(wildcard $(1)/src), $(wildcard $(1)/, \
  37. $(call rwildcard,$(1)/src/,*.$(2)), \
  38. $(wildcard $(1)/*.$(2) $(1)/utility/*.$(2)))
  39. ifdef ARDUINO_LIB_DIR
  40. ARDUINO=arduino
  41. ARDUINO_LIBS:=$(shell find $(ARDUINO_LIB_DIR) -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d)
  42. ARDUINO_INCLUDES:=$(foreach lib, $(ARDUINO_LIBS), $(call get_library_includes,$(lib)))
  43. ARDUINO_LIB_CPP_SRCS:=$(foreach lib, $(ARDUINO_LIBS), $(call get_library_files,$(lib),cpp))
  44. ARDUINO_LIB_C_SRCS:=$(foreach lib, $(ARDUINO_LIBS), $(call get_library_files,$(lib),c))
  45. ARDUINO_LIB_AS_SRCS:=$(foreach lib, $(ARDUINO_LIBS), $(call get_library_files,$(lib),S))
  46. ARDUINO_LIB_OBJS=$(patsubst $(ARDUINO_LIB_DIR)/%.cpp,$(BUILDDIR)/arduinolibs/%.cpp.o,$(ARDUINO_LIB_CPP_SRCS)) \
  47. $(patsubst $(ARDUINO_LIB_DIR)/%.c,$(BUILDDIR)/arduinolibs/%.c.o,$(ARDUINO_LIB_C_SRCS)) \
  48. $(patsubst $(ARDUINO_LIB_DIR)/%.S,$(BUILDDIR)/arduinolibs/%.S.o,$(ARDUINO_LIB_AS_SRCS))
  50. DEPS+=$(ARDUINO_LIB_OBJS:.o=.d)
  51. endif
  52. DEPS+=$(GATEWAY_OBJECTS:.o=.d)
  53. .PHONY: all createdir cleanconfig clean install uninstall
  54. all: createdir $(ARDUINO) $(GATEWAY)
  55. createdir:
  56. @mkdir -p $(BUILDDIR) $(BINDIR)
  57. # Arduino libraries Build
  60. @printf "[Done building Arduino Libraries]\n"
  61. # Gateway Build
  64. # Include all .d files
  65. -include $(DEPS)
  66. $(BUILDDIR)/arduinolibs/%.cpp.o: $(ARDUINO_LIB_DIR)/%.cpp
  67. @mkdir -p $(dir $@)
  68. $(CXX) $(DEPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c $< -o $@
  69. $(BUILDDIR)/arduinolibs/%.c.o: $(ARDUINO_LIB_DIR)/%.c
  70. @mkdir -p $(dir $@)
  71. $(CC) $(DEPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c $< -o $@
  72. $(BUILDDIR)/arduinolibs/%.S.o: $(ARDUINO_LIB_DIR)/%.S
  73. @mkdir -p $(dir $@)
  74. $(CC) $(DEPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(ASFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c $< -o $@
  75. $(BUILDDIR)/%.o: %.cpp
  76. @mkdir -p $(dir $@)
  77. $(CXX) $(DEPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c $< -o $@
  78. $(BUILDDIR)/%.o: %.c
  79. @mkdir -p $(dir $@)
  80. $(CC) $(DEPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c $< -o $@
  81. # clear configuration files
  82. cleanconfig:
  83. @echo "[Cleaning configuration]"
  84. rm -rf $(CONFIG_FILE)
  85. # clear build files
  86. clean:
  87. @echo "[Cleaning]"
  88. rm -rf $(BUILDDIR) $(BINDIR)
  89. $(CONFIG_FILE):
  90. @echo "[Running configure]"
  91. @./configure --no-clean
  92. install: all install-gateway install-initscripts
  93. install-gateway:
  94. @echo "Installing $(GATEWAY) to ${DESTDIR}$(GATEWAY_DIR)"
  95. @install -m 0755 $(GATEWAY) ${DESTDIR}$(GATEWAY_DIR)
  96. install-initscripts:
  97. ifeq ($(INIT_SYSTEM), systemd)
  98. install -m0644 initscripts/mysgw.systemd ${DESTDIR}/etc/systemd/system/mysgw.service
  99. @sed -i -e "s|%gateway_dir%|${GATEWAY_DIR}|g" ${DESTDIR}/etc/systemd/system/mysgw.service
  100. systemctl daemon-reload
  101. @echo "MySensors gateway has been installed, to add to the boot run:"
  102. @echo " sudo systemctl enable mysgw.service"
  103. @echo "To start the gateway run:"
  104. @echo " sudo systemctl start mysgw.service"
  105. else ifeq ($(INIT_SYSTEM), sysvinit)
  106. install -m0755 initscripts/mysgw.sysvinit ${DESTDIR}/etc/init.d/mysgw
  107. @sed -i -e "s|%gateway_dir%|${GATEWAY_DIR}|g" ${DESTDIR}/etc/init.d/mysgw
  108. @echo "MySensors gateway has been installed, to add to the boot run:"
  109. @echo " sudo update-rc.d mysgw defaults"
  110. @echo "To start the gateway run:"
  111. @echo " sudo service mysgw start"
  112. endif
  113. uninstall:
  114. ifeq ($(INIT_SYSTEM), systemd)
  115. @echo "Stopping daemon mysgw (ignore errors)"
  116. -@systemctl stop mysgw.service
  117. @echo "removing files"
  118. rm /etc/systemd/system/mysgw.service $(GATEWAY_DIR)/$(GATEWAY_BIN)
  119. else ifeq ($(INIT_SYSTEM), sysvinit)
  120. @echo "Stopping daemon mysgw (ignore errors)"
  121. -@service mysgw stop
  122. @echo "removing files"
  123. rm /etc/init.d/mysgw $(GATEWAY_DIR)/$(GATEWAY_BIN)
  124. endif