123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631 |
- # LayerMapping -- A Django Model/OGR Layer Mapping Utility
- """
- The LayerMapping class provides a way to map the contents of OGR
- vector files (e.g. SHP files) to Geographic-enabled Django models.
- For more information, please consult the GeoDjango documentation:
- https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/gis/layermapping/
- """
- import sys
- from decimal import Decimal, InvalidOperation as DecimalInvalidOperation
- from django.contrib.gis.db.models import GeometryField
- from django.contrib.gis.gdal import (
- CoordTransform, DataSource, GDALException, OGRGeometry, OGRGeomType,
- SpatialReference,
- )
- from django.contrib.gis.gdal.field import (
- OFTDate, OFTDateTime, OFTInteger, OFTInteger64, OFTReal, OFTString,
- OFTTime,
- )
- from django.core.exceptions import FieldDoesNotExist, ObjectDoesNotExist
- from django.db import connections, models, router, transaction
- from django.utils.encoding import force_text
- # LayerMapping exceptions.
- class LayerMapError(Exception):
- pass
- class InvalidString(LayerMapError):
- pass
- class InvalidDecimal(LayerMapError):
- pass
- class InvalidInteger(LayerMapError):
- pass
- class MissingForeignKey(LayerMapError):
- pass
- class LayerMapping:
- "A class that maps OGR Layers to GeoDjango Models."
- # Acceptable 'base' types for a multi-geometry type.
- 1: OGRGeomType('MultiPoint'),
- 2: OGRGeomType('MultiLineString'),
- 3: OGRGeomType('MultiPolygon'),
- OGRGeomType('Point25D').num: OGRGeomType('MultiPoint25D'),
- OGRGeomType('LineString25D').num: OGRGeomType('MultiLineString25D'),
- OGRGeomType('Polygon25D').num: OGRGeomType('MultiPolygon25D'),
- }
- # Acceptable Django field types and corresponding acceptable OGR
- # counterparts.
- models.AutoField: OFTInteger,
- models.BigAutoField: OFTInteger64,
- models.IntegerField: (OFTInteger, OFTReal, OFTString),
- models.FloatField: (OFTInteger, OFTReal),
- models.DateField: OFTDate,
- models.DateTimeField: OFTDateTime,
- models.EmailField: OFTString,
- models.TimeField: OFTTime,
- models.DecimalField: (OFTInteger, OFTReal),
- models.CharField: OFTString,
- models.SlugField: OFTString,
- models.TextField: OFTString,
- models.URLField: OFTString,
- models.BigIntegerField: (OFTInteger, OFTReal, OFTString),
- models.SmallIntegerField: (OFTInteger, OFTReal, OFTString),
- models.PositiveSmallIntegerField: (OFTInteger, OFTReal, OFTString),
- }
- def __init__(self, model, data, mapping, layer=0,
- source_srs=None, encoding='utf-8',
- transaction_mode='commit_on_success',
- transform=True, unique=None, using=None):
- """
- A LayerMapping object is initialized using the given Model (not an instance),
- a DataSource (or string path to an OGR-supported data file), and a mapping
- dictionary. See the module level docstring for more details and keyword
- argument usage.
- """
- # Getting the DataSource and the associated Layer.
- if isinstance(data, str):
- self.ds = DataSource(data, encoding=encoding)
- else:
- self.ds = data
- self.layer = self.ds[layer]
- self.using = using if using is not None else router.db_for_write(model)
- self.spatial_backend = connections[self.using].ops
- # Setting the mapping & model attributes.
- self.mapping = mapping
- self.model = model
- # Checking the layer -- initialization of the object will fail if
- # things don't check out before hand.
- self.check_layer()
- # Getting the geometry column associated with the model (an
- # exception will be raised if there is no geometry column).
- if connections[self.using].features.supports_transform:
- self.geo_field = self.geometry_field()
- else:
- transform = False
- # Checking the source spatial reference system, and getting
- # the coordinate transformation object (unless the `transform`
- # keyword is set to False)
- if transform:
- self.source_srs = self.check_srs(source_srs)
- self.transform = self.coord_transform()
- else:
- self.transform = transform
- # Setting the encoding for OFTString fields, if specified.
- if encoding:
- # Making sure the encoding exists, if not a LookupError
- # exception will be thrown.
- from codecs import lookup
- lookup(encoding)
- self.encoding = encoding
- else:
- self.encoding = None
- if unique:
- self.check_unique(unique)
- transaction_mode = 'autocommit' # Has to be set to autocommit.
- self.unique = unique
- else:
- self.unique = None
- # Setting the transaction decorator with the function in the
- # transaction modes dictionary.
- self.transaction_mode = transaction_mode
- if transaction_mode == 'autocommit':
- self.transaction_decorator = None
- elif transaction_mode == 'commit_on_success':
- self.transaction_decorator = transaction.atomic
- else:
- raise LayerMapError('Unrecognized transaction mode: %s' % transaction_mode)
- # #### Checking routines used during initialization ####
- def check_fid_range(self, fid_range):
- "Check the `fid_range` keyword."
- if fid_range:
- if isinstance(fid_range, (tuple, list)):
- return slice(*fid_range)
- elif isinstance(fid_range, slice):
- return fid_range
- else:
- raise TypeError
- else:
- return None
- def check_layer(self):
- """
- Check the Layer metadata and ensure that it's compatible with the
- mapping information and model. Unlike previous revisions, there is no
- need to increment through each feature in the Layer.
- """
- # The geometry field of the model is set here.
- # TODO: Support more than one geometry field / model. However, this
- # depends on the GDAL Driver in use.
- self.geom_field = False
- self.fields = {}
- # Getting lists of the field names and the field types available in
- # the OGR Layer.
- ogr_fields = self.layer.fields
- ogr_field_types = self.layer.field_types
- # Function for determining if the OGR mapping field is in the Layer.
- def check_ogr_fld(ogr_map_fld):
- try:
- idx = ogr_fields.index(ogr_map_fld)
- except ValueError:
- raise LayerMapError('Given mapping OGR field "%s" not found in OGR Layer.' % ogr_map_fld)
- return idx
- # No need to increment through each feature in the model, simply check
- # the Layer metadata against what was given in the mapping dictionary.
- for field_name, ogr_name in self.mapping.items():
- # Ensuring that a corresponding field exists in the model
- # for the given field name in the mapping.
- try:
- model_field = self.model._meta.get_field(field_name)
- except FieldDoesNotExist:
- raise LayerMapError('Given mapping field "%s" not in given Model fields.' % field_name)
- # Getting the string name for the Django field class (e.g., 'PointField').
- fld_name = model_field.__class__.__name__
- if isinstance(model_field, GeometryField):
- if self.geom_field:
- raise LayerMapError('LayerMapping does not support more than one GeometryField per model.')
- # Getting the coordinate dimension of the geometry field.
- coord_dim = model_field.dim
- try:
- if coord_dim == 3:
- gtype = OGRGeomType(ogr_name + '25D')
- else:
- gtype = OGRGeomType(ogr_name)
- except GDALException:
- raise LayerMapError('Invalid mapping for GeometryField "%s".' % field_name)
- # Making sure that the OGR Layer's Geometry is compatible.
- ltype = self.layer.geom_type
- if not (ltype.name.startswith(gtype.name) or self.make_multi(ltype, model_field)):
- raise LayerMapError('Invalid mapping geometry; model has %s%s, '
- 'layer geometry type is %s.' %
- (fld_name, '(dim=3)' if coord_dim == 3 else '', ltype))
- # Setting the `geom_field` attribute w/the name of the model field
- # that is a Geometry. Also setting the coordinate dimension
- # attribute.
- self.geom_field = field_name
- self.coord_dim = coord_dim
- fields_val = model_field
- elif isinstance(model_field, models.ForeignKey):
- if isinstance(ogr_name, dict):
- # Is every given related model mapping field in the Layer?
- rel_model = model_field.remote_field.model
- for rel_name, ogr_field in ogr_name.items():
- idx = check_ogr_fld(ogr_field)
- try:
- rel_model._meta.get_field(rel_name)
- except FieldDoesNotExist:
- raise LayerMapError('ForeignKey mapping field "%s" not in %s fields.' %
- (rel_name, rel_model.__class__.__name__))
- fields_val = rel_model
- else:
- raise TypeError('ForeignKey mapping must be of dictionary type.')
- else:
- # Is the model field type supported by LayerMapping?
- if model_field.__class__ not in self.FIELD_TYPES:
- raise LayerMapError('Django field type "%s" has no OGR mapping (yet).' % fld_name)
- # Is the OGR field in the Layer?
- idx = check_ogr_fld(ogr_name)
- ogr_field = ogr_field_types[idx]
- # Can the OGR field type be mapped to the Django field type?
- if not issubclass(ogr_field, self.FIELD_TYPES[model_field.__class__]):
- raise LayerMapError('OGR field "%s" (of type %s) cannot be mapped to Django %s.' %
- (ogr_field, ogr_field.__name__, fld_name))
- fields_val = model_field
- self.fields[field_name] = fields_val
- def check_srs(self, source_srs):
- "Check the compatibility of the given spatial reference object."
- if isinstance(source_srs, SpatialReference):
- sr = source_srs
- elif isinstance(source_srs, self.spatial_backend.spatial_ref_sys()):
- sr = source_srs.srs
- elif isinstance(source_srs, (int, str)):
- sr = SpatialReference(source_srs)
- else:
- # Otherwise just pulling the SpatialReference from the layer
- sr = self.layer.srs
- if not sr:
- raise LayerMapError('No source reference system defined.')
- else:
- return sr
- def check_unique(self, unique):
- "Check the `unique` keyword parameter -- may be a sequence or string."
- if isinstance(unique, (list, tuple)):
- # List of fields to determine uniqueness with
- for attr in unique:
- if attr not in self.mapping:
- raise ValueError
- elif isinstance(unique, str):
- # Only a single field passed in.
- if unique not in self.mapping:
- raise ValueError
- else:
- raise TypeError('Unique keyword argument must be set with a tuple, list, or string.')
- # Keyword argument retrieval routines ####
- def feature_kwargs(self, feat):
- """
- Given an OGR Feature, return a dictionary of keyword arguments for
- constructing the mapped model.
- """
- # The keyword arguments for model construction.
- kwargs = {}
- # Incrementing through each model field and OGR field in the
- # dictionary mapping.
- for field_name, ogr_name in self.mapping.items():
- model_field = self.fields[field_name]
- if isinstance(model_field, GeometryField):
- # Verify OGR geometry.
- try:
- val = self.verify_geom(feat.geom, model_field)
- except GDALException:
- raise LayerMapError('Could not retrieve geometry from feature.')
- elif isinstance(model_field, models.base.ModelBase):
- # The related _model_, not a field was passed in -- indicating
- # another mapping for the related Model.
- val = self.verify_fk(feat, model_field, ogr_name)
- else:
- # Otherwise, verify OGR Field type.
- val = self.verify_ogr_field(feat[ogr_name], model_field)
- # Setting the keyword arguments for the field name with the
- # value obtained above.
- kwargs[field_name] = val
- return kwargs
- def unique_kwargs(self, kwargs):
- """
- Given the feature keyword arguments (from `feature_kwargs`), construct
- and return the uniqueness keyword arguments -- a subset of the feature
- kwargs.
- """
- if isinstance(self.unique, str):
- return {self.unique: kwargs[self.unique]}
- else:
- return {fld: kwargs[fld] for fld in self.unique}
- # #### Verification routines used in constructing model keyword arguments. ####
- def verify_ogr_field(self, ogr_field, model_field):
- """
- Verify if the OGR Field contents are acceptable to the model field. If
- they are, return the verified value, otherwise raise an exception.
- """
- if (isinstance(ogr_field, OFTString) and
- isinstance(model_field, (models.CharField, models.TextField))):
- if self.encoding:
- # The encoding for OGR data sources may be specified here
- # (e.g., 'cp437' for Census Bureau boundary files).
- val = force_text(ogr_field.value, self.encoding)
- else:
- val = ogr_field.value
- if model_field.max_length and len(val) > model_field.max_length:
- raise InvalidString('%s model field maximum string length is %s, given %s characters.' %
- (model_field.name, model_field.max_length, len(val)))
- elif isinstance(ogr_field, OFTReal) and isinstance(model_field, models.DecimalField):
- try:
- # Creating an instance of the Decimal value to use.
- d = Decimal(str(ogr_field.value))
- except DecimalInvalidOperation:
- raise InvalidDecimal('Could not construct decimal from: %s' % ogr_field.value)
- # Getting the decimal value as a tuple.
- dtup = d.as_tuple()
- digits = dtup[1]
- d_idx = dtup[2] # index where the decimal is
- # Maximum amount of precision, or digits to the left of the decimal.
- max_prec = model_field.max_digits - model_field.decimal_places
- # Getting the digits to the left of the decimal place for the
- # given decimal.
- if d_idx < 0:
- n_prec = len(digits[:d_idx])
- else:
- n_prec = len(digits) + d_idx
- # If we have more than the maximum digits allowed, then throw an
- # InvalidDecimal exception.
- if n_prec > max_prec:
- raise InvalidDecimal(
- 'A DecimalField with max_digits %d, decimal_places %d must '
- 'round to an absolute value less than 10^%d.' %
- (model_field.max_digits, model_field.decimal_places, max_prec)
- )
- val = d
- elif isinstance(ogr_field, (OFTReal, OFTString)) and isinstance(model_field, models.IntegerField):
- # Attempt to convert any OFTReal and OFTString value to an OFTInteger.
- try:
- val = int(ogr_field.value)
- except ValueError:
- raise InvalidInteger('Could not construct integer from: %s' % ogr_field.value)
- else:
- val = ogr_field.value
- return val
- def verify_fk(self, feat, rel_model, rel_mapping):
- """
- Given an OGR Feature, the related model and its dictionary mapping,
- retrieve the related model for the ForeignKey mapping.
- """
- # TODO: It is expensive to retrieve a model for every record --
- # explore if an efficient mechanism exists for caching related
- # ForeignKey models.
- # Constructing and verifying the related model keyword arguments.
- fk_kwargs = {}
- for field_name, ogr_name in rel_mapping.items():
- fk_kwargs[field_name] = self.verify_ogr_field(feat[ogr_name], rel_model._meta.get_field(field_name))
- # Attempting to retrieve and return the related model.
- try:
- return rel_model.objects.using(self.using).get(**fk_kwargs)
- except ObjectDoesNotExist:
- raise MissingForeignKey(
- 'No ForeignKey %s model found with keyword arguments: %s' %
- (rel_model.__name__, fk_kwargs)
- )
- def verify_geom(self, geom, model_field):
- """
- Verify the geometry -- construct and return a GeometryCollection
- if necessary (for example if the model field is MultiPolygonField while
- the mapped shapefile only contains Polygons).
- """
- # Downgrade a 3D geom to a 2D one, if necessary.
- if self.coord_dim != geom.coord_dim:
- geom.coord_dim = self.coord_dim
- if self.make_multi(geom.geom_type, model_field):
- # Constructing a multi-geometry type to contain the single geometry
- multi_type = self.MULTI_TYPES[geom.geom_type.num]
- g = OGRGeometry(multi_type)
- g.add(geom)
- else:
- g = geom
- # Transforming the geometry with our Coordinate Transformation object,
- # but only if the class variable `transform` is set w/a CoordTransform
- # object.
- if self.transform:
- g.transform(self.transform)
- # Returning the WKT of the geometry.
- return g.wkt
- # #### Other model methods ####
- def coord_transform(self):
- "Return the coordinate transformation object."
- SpatialRefSys = self.spatial_backend.spatial_ref_sys()
- try:
- # Getting the target spatial reference system
- target_srs = SpatialRefSys.objects.using(self.using).get(srid=self.geo_field.srid).srs
- # Creating the CoordTransform object
- return CoordTransform(self.source_srs, target_srs)
- except Exception as exc:
- raise LayerMapError(
- 'Could not translate between the data source and model geometry.'
- ) from exc
- def geometry_field(self):
- "Return the GeometryField instance associated with the geographic column."
- # Use `get_field()` on the model's options so that we
- # get the correct field instance if there's model inheritance.
- opts = self.model._meta
- return opts.get_field(self.geom_field)
- def make_multi(self, geom_type, model_field):
- """
- Given the OGRGeomType for a geometry and its associated GeometryField,
- determine whether the geometry should be turned into a GeometryCollection.
- """
- return (geom_type.num in self.MULTI_TYPES and
- model_field.__class__.__name__ == 'Multi%s' % geom_type.django)
- def save(self, verbose=False, fid_range=False, step=False,
- progress=False, silent=False, stream=sys.stdout, strict=False):
- """
- Save the contents from the OGR DataSource Layer into the database
- according to the mapping dictionary given at initialization.
- Keyword Parameters:
- verbose:
- If set, information will be printed subsequent to each model save
- executed on the database.
- fid_range:
- May be set with a slice or tuple of (begin, end) feature ID's to map
- from the data source. In other words, this keyword enables the user
- to selectively import a subset range of features in the geographic
- data source.
- step:
- If set with an integer, transactions will occur at every step
- interval. For example, if step=1000, a commit would occur after
- the 1,000th feature, the 2,000th feature etc.
- progress:
- When this keyword is set, status information will be printed giving
- the number of features processed and successfully saved. By default,
- progress information will pe printed every 1000 features processed,
- however, this default may be overridden by setting this keyword with an
- integer for the desired interval.
- stream:
- Status information will be written to this file handle. Defaults to
- using `sys.stdout`, but any object with a `write` method is supported.
- silent:
- By default, non-fatal error notifications are printed to stdout, but
- this keyword may be set to disable these notifications.
- strict:
- Execution of the model mapping will cease upon the first error
- encountered. The default behavior is to attempt to continue.
- """
- # Getting the default Feature ID range.
- default_range = self.check_fid_range(fid_range)
- # Setting the progress interval, if requested.
- if progress:
- if progress is True or not isinstance(progress, int):
- progress_interval = 1000
- else:
- progress_interval = progress
- def _save(feat_range=default_range, num_feat=0, num_saved=0):
- if feat_range:
- layer_iter = self.layer[feat_range]
- else:
- layer_iter = self.layer
- for feat in layer_iter:
- num_feat += 1
- # Getting the keyword arguments
- try:
- kwargs = self.feature_kwargs(feat)
- except LayerMapError as msg:
- # Something borked the validation
- if strict:
- raise
- elif not silent:
- stream.write('Ignoring Feature ID %s because: %s\n' % (feat.fid, msg))
- else:
- # Constructing the model using the keyword args
- is_update = False
- if self.unique:
- # If we want unique models on a particular field, handle the
- # geometry appropriately.
- try:
- # Getting the keyword arguments and retrieving
- # the unique model.
- u_kwargs = self.unique_kwargs(kwargs)
- m = self.model.objects.using(self.using).get(**u_kwargs)
- is_update = True
- # Getting the geometry (in OGR form), creating
- # one from the kwargs WKT, adding in additional
- # geometries, and update the attribute with the
- # just-updated geometry WKT.
- geom_value = getattr(m, self.geom_field)
- if geom_value is None:
- geom = OGRGeometry(kwargs[self.geom_field])
- else:
- geom = geom_value.ogr
- new = OGRGeometry(kwargs[self.geom_field])
- for g in new:
- geom.add(g)
- setattr(m, self.geom_field, geom.wkt)
- except ObjectDoesNotExist:
- # No unique model exists yet, create.
- m = self.model(**kwargs)
- else:
- m = self.model(**kwargs)
- try:
- # Attempting to save.
- m.save(using=self.using)
- num_saved += 1
- if verbose:
- stream.write('%s: %s\n' % ('Updated' if is_update else 'Saved', m))
- except Exception as msg:
- if strict:
- # Bailing out if the `strict` keyword is set.
- if not silent:
- stream.write(
- 'Failed to save the feature (id: %s) into the '
- 'model with the keyword arguments:\n' % feat.fid
- )
- stream.write('%s\n' % kwargs)
- raise
- elif not silent:
- stream.write('Failed to save %s:\n %s\nContinuing\n' % (kwargs, msg))
- # Printing progress information, if requested.
- if progress and num_feat % progress_interval == 0:
- stream.write('Processed %d features, saved %d ...\n' % (num_feat, num_saved))
- # Only used for status output purposes -- incremental saving uses the
- # values returned here.
- return num_saved, num_feat
- if self.transaction_decorator is not None:
- _save = self.transaction_decorator(_save)
- nfeat = self.layer.num_feat
- if step and isinstance(step, int) and step < nfeat:
- # Incremental saving is requested at the given interval (step)
- if default_range:
- raise LayerMapError('The `step` keyword may not be used in conjunction with the `fid_range` keyword.')
- beg, num_feat, num_saved = (0, 0, 0)
- indices = range(step, nfeat, step)
- n_i = len(indices)
- for i, end in enumerate(indices):
- # Constructing the slice to use for this step; the last slice is
- # special (e.g, [100:] instead of [90:100]).
- if i + 1 == n_i:
- step_slice = slice(beg, None)
- else:
- step_slice = slice(beg, end)
- try:
- num_feat, num_saved = _save(step_slice, num_feat, num_saved)
- beg = end
- except Exception: # Deliberately catch everything
- stream.write('%s\nFailed to save slice: %s\n' % ('=-' * 20, step_slice))
- raise
- else:
- # Otherwise, just calling the previously defined _save() function.
- _save()