123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715 |
- """
- The OGRGeometry is a wrapper for using the OGR Geometry class
- (see https://www.gdal.org/classOGRGeometry.html). OGRGeometry
- may be instantiated when reading geometries from OGR Data Sources
- (e.g. SHP files), or when given OGC WKT (a string).
- While the 'full' API is not present yet, the API is "pythonic" unlike
- the traditional and "next-generation" OGR Python bindings. One major
- advantage OGR Geometries have over their GEOS counterparts is support
- for spatial reference systems and their transformation.
- Example:
- >>> from django.contrib.gis.gdal import OGRGeometry, OGRGeomType, SpatialReference
- >>> wkt1, wkt2 = 'POINT(-90 30)', 'POLYGON((0 0, 5 0, 5 5, 0 5)'
- >>> pnt = OGRGeometry(wkt1)
- >>> print(pnt)
- POINT (-90 30)
- >>> mpnt = OGRGeometry(OGRGeomType('MultiPoint'), SpatialReference('WGS84'))
- >>> mpnt.add(wkt1)
- >>> mpnt.add(wkt1)
- >>> print(mpnt)
- MULTIPOINT (-90 30,-90 30)
- >>> print(mpnt.srs.name)
- WGS 84
- >>> print(mpnt.srs.proj)
- +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs
- >>> mpnt.transform(SpatialReference('NAD27'))
- >>> print(mpnt.proj)
- +proj=longlat +ellps=clrk66 +datum=NAD27 +no_defs
- >>> print(mpnt)
- MULTIPOINT (-89.999930378602485 29.999797886557641,-89.999930378602485 29.999797886557641)
- The OGRGeomType class is to make it easy to specify an OGR geometry type:
- >>> from django.contrib.gis.gdal import OGRGeomType
- >>> gt1 = OGRGeomType(3) # Using an integer for the type
- >>> gt2 = OGRGeomType('Polygon') # Using a string
- >>> gt3 = OGRGeomType('POLYGON') # It's case-insensitive
- >>> print(gt1 == 3, gt1 == 'Polygon') # Equivalence works w/non-OGRGeomType objects
- True True
- """
- import sys
- from binascii import b2a_hex
- from ctypes import byref, c_char_p, c_double, c_ubyte, c_void_p, string_at
- from django.contrib.gis.gdal.base import GDALBase
- from django.contrib.gis.gdal.envelope import Envelope, OGREnvelope
- from django.contrib.gis.gdal.error import GDALException, SRSException
- from django.contrib.gis.gdal.geomtype import OGRGeomType
- from django.contrib.gis.gdal.libgdal import GDAL_VERSION
- from django.contrib.gis.gdal.prototypes import geom as capi, srs as srs_api
- from django.contrib.gis.gdal.srs import CoordTransform, SpatialReference
- from django.contrib.gis.geometry import hex_regex, json_regex, wkt_regex
- from django.utils.encoding import force_bytes
- # For more information, see the OGR C API source code:
- # https://www.gdal.org/ogr__api_8h.html
- #
- # The OGR_G_* routines are relevant here.
- class OGRGeometry(GDALBase):
- """Encapsulate an OGR geometry."""
- destructor = capi.destroy_geom
- def __init__(self, geom_input, srs=None):
- """Initialize Geometry on either WKT or an OGR pointer as input."""
- str_instance = isinstance(geom_input, str)
- # If HEX, unpack input to a binary buffer.
- if str_instance and hex_regex.match(geom_input):
- geom_input = memoryview(bytes.fromhex(geom_input))
- str_instance = False
- # Constructing the geometry,
- if str_instance:
- wkt_m = wkt_regex.match(geom_input)
- json_m = json_regex.match(geom_input)
- if wkt_m:
- if wkt_m.group('srid'):
- # If there's EWKT, set the SRS w/value of the SRID.
- srs = int(wkt_m.group('srid'))
- if wkt_m.group('type').upper() == 'LINEARRING':
- # OGR_G_CreateFromWkt doesn't work with LINEARRING WKT.
- # See https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/1992.
- g = capi.create_geom(OGRGeomType(wkt_m.group('type')).num)
- capi.import_wkt(g, byref(c_char_p(wkt_m.group('wkt').encode())))
- else:
- g = capi.from_wkt(byref(c_char_p(wkt_m.group('wkt').encode())), None, byref(c_void_p()))
- elif json_m:
- g = self._from_json(geom_input.encode())
- else:
- # Seeing if the input is a valid short-hand string
- # (e.g., 'Point', 'POLYGON').
- OGRGeomType(geom_input)
- g = capi.create_geom(OGRGeomType(geom_input).num)
- elif isinstance(geom_input, memoryview):
- # WKB was passed in
- g = self._from_wkb(geom_input)
- elif isinstance(geom_input, OGRGeomType):
- # OGRGeomType was passed in, an empty geometry will be created.
- g = capi.create_geom(geom_input.num)
- elif isinstance(geom_input, self.ptr_type):
- # OGR pointer (c_void_p) was the input.
- g = geom_input
- else:
- raise GDALException('Invalid input type for OGR Geometry construction: %s' % type(geom_input))
- # Now checking the Geometry pointer before finishing initialization
- # by setting the pointer for the object.
- if not g:
- raise GDALException('Cannot create OGR Geometry from input: %s' % geom_input)
- self.ptr = g
- # Assigning the SpatialReference object to the geometry, if valid.
- if srs:
- self.srs = srs
- # Setting the class depending upon the OGR Geometry Type
- self.__class__ = GEO_CLASSES[self.geom_type.num]
- # Pickle routines
- def __getstate__(self):
- srs = self.srs
- if srs:
- srs = srs.wkt
- else:
- srs = None
- return bytes(self.wkb), srs
- def __setstate__(self, state):
- wkb, srs = state
- ptr = capi.from_wkb(wkb, None, byref(c_void_p()), len(wkb))
- if not ptr:
- raise GDALException('Invalid OGRGeometry loaded from pickled state.')
- self.ptr = ptr
- self.srs = srs
- @classmethod
- def _from_wkb(cls, geom_input):
- return capi.from_wkb(bytes(geom_input), None, byref(c_void_p()), len(geom_input))
- @staticmethod
- def _from_json(geom_input):
- ptr = capi.from_json(geom_input)
- if GDAL_VERSION < (2, 0):
- try:
- capi.get_geom_srs(ptr)
- except SRSException:
- srs = SpatialReference(4326)
- capi.assign_srs(ptr, srs.ptr)
- return ptr
- @classmethod
- def from_bbox(cls, bbox):
- "Construct a Polygon from a bounding box (4-tuple)."
- x0, y0, x1, y1 = bbox
- return OGRGeometry('POLYGON((%s %s, %s %s, %s %s, %s %s, %s %s))' % (
- x0, y0, x0, y1, x1, y1, x1, y0, x0, y0))
- @staticmethod
- def from_json(geom_input):
- return OGRGeometry(OGRGeometry._from_json(force_bytes(geom_input)))
- @classmethod
- def from_gml(cls, gml_string):
- return cls(capi.from_gml(force_bytes(gml_string)))
- # ### Geometry set-like operations ###
- # g = g1 | g2
- def __or__(self, other):
- "Return the union of the two geometries."
- return self.union(other)
- # g = g1 & g2
- def __and__(self, other):
- "Return the intersection of this Geometry and the other."
- return self.intersection(other)
- # g = g1 - g2
- def __sub__(self, other):
- "Return the difference this Geometry and the other."
- return self.difference(other)
- # g = g1 ^ g2
- def __xor__(self, other):
- "Return the symmetric difference of this Geometry and the other."
- return self.sym_difference(other)
- def __eq__(self, other):
- "Is this Geometry equal to the other?"
- return isinstance(other, OGRGeometry) and self.equals(other)
- def __str__(self):
- "WKT is used for the string representation."
- return self.wkt
- # #### Geometry Properties ####
- @property
- def dimension(self):
- "Return 0 for points, 1 for lines, and 2 for surfaces."
- return capi.get_dims(self.ptr)
- def _get_coord_dim(self):
- "Return the coordinate dimension of the Geometry."
- return capi.get_coord_dim(self.ptr)
- def _set_coord_dim(self, dim):
- "Set the coordinate dimension of this Geometry."
- if dim not in (2, 3):
- raise ValueError('Geometry dimension must be either 2 or 3')
- capi.set_coord_dim(self.ptr, dim)
- coord_dim = property(_get_coord_dim, _set_coord_dim)
- @property
- def geom_count(self):
- "Return the number of elements in this Geometry."
- return capi.get_geom_count(self.ptr)
- @property
- def point_count(self):
- "Return the number of Points in this Geometry."
- return capi.get_point_count(self.ptr)
- @property
- def num_points(self):
- "Alias for `point_count` (same name method in GEOS API.)"
- return self.point_count
- @property
- def num_coords(self):
- "Alias for `point_count`."
- return self.point_count
- @property
- def geom_type(self):
- "Return the Type for this Geometry."
- return OGRGeomType(capi.get_geom_type(self.ptr))
- @property
- def geom_name(self):
- "Return the Name of this Geometry."
- return capi.get_geom_name(self.ptr)
- @property
- def area(self):
- "Return the area for a LinearRing, Polygon, or MultiPolygon; 0 otherwise."
- return capi.get_area(self.ptr)
- @property
- def envelope(self):
- "Return the envelope for this Geometry."
- # TODO: Fix Envelope() for Point geometries.
- return Envelope(capi.get_envelope(self.ptr, byref(OGREnvelope())))
- @property
- def empty(self):
- return capi.is_empty(self.ptr)
- @property
- def extent(self):
- "Return the envelope as a 4-tuple, instead of as an Envelope object."
- return self.envelope.tuple
- # #### SpatialReference-related Properties ####
- # The SRS property
- def _get_srs(self):
- "Return the Spatial Reference for this Geometry."
- try:
- srs_ptr = capi.get_geom_srs(self.ptr)
- return SpatialReference(srs_api.clone_srs(srs_ptr))
- except SRSException:
- return None
- def _set_srs(self, srs):
- "Set the SpatialReference for this geometry."
- # Do not have to clone the `SpatialReference` object pointer because
- # when it is assigned to this `OGRGeometry` it's internal OGR
- # reference count is incremented, and will likewise be released
- # (decremented) when this geometry's destructor is called.
- if isinstance(srs, SpatialReference):
- srs_ptr = srs.ptr
- elif isinstance(srs, (int, str)):
- sr = SpatialReference(srs)
- srs_ptr = sr.ptr
- elif srs is None:
- srs_ptr = None
- else:
- raise TypeError('Cannot assign spatial reference with object of type: %s' % type(srs))
- capi.assign_srs(self.ptr, srs_ptr)
- srs = property(_get_srs, _set_srs)
- # The SRID property
- def _get_srid(self):
- srs = self.srs
- if srs:
- return srs.srid
- return None
- def _set_srid(self, srid):
- if isinstance(srid, int) or srid is None:
- self.srs = srid
- else:
- raise TypeError('SRID must be set with an integer.')
- srid = property(_get_srid, _set_srid)
- # #### Output Methods ####
- def _geos_ptr(self):
- from django.contrib.gis.geos import GEOSGeometry
- return GEOSGeometry._from_wkb(self.wkb)
- @property
- def geos(self):
- "Return a GEOSGeometry object from this OGRGeometry."
- from django.contrib.gis.geos import GEOSGeometry
- return GEOSGeometry(self._geos_ptr(), self.srid)
- @property
- def gml(self):
- "Return the GML representation of the Geometry."
- return capi.to_gml(self.ptr)
- @property
- def hex(self):
- "Return the hexadecimal representation of the WKB (a string)."
- return b2a_hex(self.wkb).upper()
- @property
- def json(self):
- """
- Return the GeoJSON representation of this Geometry.
- """
- return capi.to_json(self.ptr)
- geojson = json
- @property
- def kml(self):
- "Return the KML representation of the Geometry."
- return capi.to_kml(self.ptr, None)
- @property
- def wkb_size(self):
- "Return the size of the WKB buffer."
- return capi.get_wkbsize(self.ptr)
- @property
- def wkb(self):
- "Return the WKB representation of the Geometry."
- if sys.byteorder == 'little':
- byteorder = 1 # wkbNDR (from ogr_core.h)
- else:
- byteorder = 0 # wkbXDR
- sz = self.wkb_size
- # Creating the unsigned character buffer, and passing it in by reference.
- buf = (c_ubyte * sz)()
- capi.to_wkb(self.ptr, byteorder, byref(buf))
- # Returning a buffer of the string at the pointer.
- return memoryview(string_at(buf, sz))
- @property
- def wkt(self):
- "Return the WKT representation of the Geometry."
- return capi.to_wkt(self.ptr, byref(c_char_p()))
- @property
- def ewkt(self):
- "Return the EWKT representation of the Geometry."
- srs = self.srs
- if srs and srs.srid:
- return 'SRID=%s;%s' % (srs.srid, self.wkt)
- else:
- return self.wkt
- # #### Geometry Methods ####
- def clone(self):
- "Clone this OGR Geometry."
- return OGRGeometry(capi.clone_geom(self.ptr), self.srs)
- def close_rings(self):
- """
- If there are any rings within this geometry that have not been
- closed, this routine will do so by adding the starting point at the
- end.
- """
- # Closing the open rings.
- capi.geom_close_rings(self.ptr)
- def transform(self, coord_trans, clone=False):
- """
- Transform this geometry to a different spatial reference system.
- May take a CoordTransform object, a SpatialReference object, string
- WKT or PROJ.4, and/or an integer SRID. By default, return nothing
- and transform the geometry in-place. However, if the `clone` keyword is
- set, return a transformed clone of this geometry.
- """
- if clone:
- klone = self.clone()
- klone.transform(coord_trans)
- return klone
- # Depending on the input type, use the appropriate OGR routine
- # to perform the transformation.
- if isinstance(coord_trans, CoordTransform):
- capi.geom_transform(self.ptr, coord_trans.ptr)
- elif isinstance(coord_trans, SpatialReference):
- capi.geom_transform_to(self.ptr, coord_trans.ptr)
- elif isinstance(coord_trans, (int, str)):
- sr = SpatialReference(coord_trans)
- capi.geom_transform_to(self.ptr, sr.ptr)
- else:
- raise TypeError('Transform only accepts CoordTransform, '
- 'SpatialReference, string, and integer objects.')
- # #### Topology Methods ####
- def _topology(self, func, other):
- """A generalized function for topology operations, takes a GDAL function and
- the other geometry to perform the operation on."""
- if not isinstance(other, OGRGeometry):
- raise TypeError('Must use another OGRGeometry object for topology operations!')
- # Returning the output of the given function with the other geometry's
- # pointer.
- return func(self.ptr, other.ptr)
- def intersects(self, other):
- "Return True if this geometry intersects with the other."
- return self._topology(capi.ogr_intersects, other)
- def equals(self, other):
- "Return True if this geometry is equivalent to the other."
- return self._topology(capi.ogr_equals, other)
- def disjoint(self, other):
- "Return True if this geometry and the other are spatially disjoint."
- return self._topology(capi.ogr_disjoint, other)
- def touches(self, other):
- "Return True if this geometry touches the other."
- return self._topology(capi.ogr_touches, other)
- def crosses(self, other):
- "Return True if this geometry crosses the other."
- return self._topology(capi.ogr_crosses, other)
- def within(self, other):
- "Return True if this geometry is within the other."
- return self._topology(capi.ogr_within, other)
- def contains(self, other):
- "Return True if this geometry contains the other."
- return self._topology(capi.ogr_contains, other)
- def overlaps(self, other):
- "Return True if this geometry overlaps the other."
- return self._topology(capi.ogr_overlaps, other)
- # #### Geometry-generation Methods ####
- def _geomgen(self, gen_func, other=None):
- "A helper routine for the OGR routines that generate geometries."
- if isinstance(other, OGRGeometry):
- return OGRGeometry(gen_func(self.ptr, other.ptr), self.srs)
- else:
- return OGRGeometry(gen_func(self.ptr), self.srs)
- @property
- def boundary(self):
- "Return the boundary of this geometry."
- return self._geomgen(capi.get_boundary)
- @property
- def convex_hull(self):
- """
- Return the smallest convex Polygon that contains all the points in
- this Geometry.
- """
- return self._geomgen(capi.geom_convex_hull)
- def difference(self, other):
- """
- Return a new geometry consisting of the region which is the difference
- of this geometry and the other.
- """
- return self._geomgen(capi.geom_diff, other)
- def intersection(self, other):
- """
- Return a new geometry consisting of the region of intersection of this
- geometry and the other.
- """
- return self._geomgen(capi.geom_intersection, other)
- def sym_difference(self, other):
- """
- Return a new geometry which is the symmetric difference of this
- geometry and the other.
- """
- return self._geomgen(capi.geom_sym_diff, other)
- def union(self, other):
- """
- Return a new geometry consisting of the region which is the union of
- this geometry and the other.
- """
- return self._geomgen(capi.geom_union, other)
- # The subclasses for OGR Geometry.
- class Point(OGRGeometry):
- def _geos_ptr(self):
- from django.contrib.gis import geos
- return geos.Point._create_empty() if self.empty else super()._geos_ptr()
- @classmethod
- def _create_empty(cls):
- return capi.create_geom(OGRGeomType('point').num)
- @property
- def x(self):
- "Return the X coordinate for this Point."
- return capi.getx(self.ptr, 0)
- @property
- def y(self):
- "Return the Y coordinate for this Point."
- return capi.gety(self.ptr, 0)
- @property
- def z(self):
- "Return the Z coordinate for this Point."
- if self.coord_dim == 3:
- return capi.getz(self.ptr, 0)
- @property
- def tuple(self):
- "Return the tuple of this point."
- if self.coord_dim == 2:
- return (self.x, self.y)
- elif self.coord_dim == 3:
- return (self.x, self.y, self.z)
- coords = tuple
- class LineString(OGRGeometry):
- def __getitem__(self, index):
- "Return the Point at the given index."
- if 0 <= index < self.point_count:
- x, y, z = c_double(), c_double(), c_double()
- capi.get_point(self.ptr, index, byref(x), byref(y), byref(z))
- dim = self.coord_dim
- if dim == 1:
- return (x.value,)
- elif dim == 2:
- return (x.value, y.value)
- elif dim == 3:
- return (x.value, y.value, z.value)
- else:
- raise IndexError('Index out of range when accessing points of a line string: %s.' % index)
- def __len__(self):
- "Return the number of points in the LineString."
- return self.point_count
- @property
- def tuple(self):
- "Return the tuple representation of this LineString."
- return tuple(self[i] for i in range(len(self)))
- coords = tuple
- def _listarr(self, func):
- """
- Internal routine that returns a sequence (list) corresponding with
- the given function.
- """
- return [func(self.ptr, i) for i in range(len(self))]
- @property
- def x(self):
- "Return the X coordinates in a list."
- return self._listarr(capi.getx)
- @property
- def y(self):
- "Return the Y coordinates in a list."
- return self._listarr(capi.gety)
- @property
- def z(self):
- "Return the Z coordinates in a list."
- if self.coord_dim == 3:
- return self._listarr(capi.getz)
- # LinearRings are used in Polygons.
- class LinearRing(LineString):
- pass
- class Polygon(OGRGeometry):
- def __len__(self):
- "Return the number of interior rings in this Polygon."
- return self.geom_count
- def __getitem__(self, index):
- "Get the ring at the specified index."
- if 0 <= index < self.geom_count:
- return OGRGeometry(capi.clone_geom(capi.get_geom_ref(self.ptr, index)), self.srs)
- else:
- raise IndexError('Index out of range when accessing rings of a polygon: %s.' % index)
- # Polygon Properties
- @property
- def shell(self):
- "Return the shell of this Polygon."
- return self[0] # First ring is the shell
- exterior_ring = shell
- @property
- def tuple(self):
- "Return a tuple of LinearRing coordinate tuples."
- return tuple(self[i].tuple for i in range(self.geom_count))
- coords = tuple
- @property
- def point_count(self):
- "Return the number of Points in this Polygon."
- # Summing up the number of points in each ring of the Polygon.
- return sum(self[i].point_count for i in range(self.geom_count))
- @property
- def centroid(self):
- "Return the centroid (a Point) of this Polygon."
- # The centroid is a Point, create a geometry for this.
- p = OGRGeometry(OGRGeomType('Point'))
- capi.get_centroid(self.ptr, p.ptr)
- return p
- # Geometry Collection base class.
- class GeometryCollection(OGRGeometry):
- "The Geometry Collection class."
- def __getitem__(self, index):
- "Get the Geometry at the specified index."
- if 0 <= index < self.geom_count:
- return OGRGeometry(capi.clone_geom(capi.get_geom_ref(self.ptr, index)), self.srs)
- else:
- raise IndexError('Index out of range when accessing geometry in a collection: %s.' % index)
- def __len__(self):
- "Return the number of geometries in this Geometry Collection."
- return self.geom_count
- def add(self, geom):
- "Add the geometry to this Geometry Collection."
- if isinstance(geom, OGRGeometry):
- if isinstance(geom, self.__class__):
- for g in geom:
- capi.add_geom(self.ptr, g.ptr)
- else:
- capi.add_geom(self.ptr, geom.ptr)
- elif isinstance(geom, str):
- tmp = OGRGeometry(geom)
- capi.add_geom(self.ptr, tmp.ptr)
- else:
- raise GDALException('Must add an OGRGeometry.')
- @property
- def point_count(self):
- "Return the number of Points in this Geometry Collection."
- # Summing up the number of points in each geometry in this collection
- return sum(self[i].point_count for i in range(self.geom_count))
- @property
- def tuple(self):
- "Return a tuple representation of this Geometry Collection."
- return tuple(self[i].tuple for i in range(self.geom_count))
- coords = tuple
- # Multiple Geometry types.
- class MultiPoint(GeometryCollection):
- pass
- class MultiLineString(GeometryCollection):
- pass
- class MultiPolygon(GeometryCollection):
- pass
- # Class mapping dictionary (using the OGRwkbGeometryType as the key)
- 1: Point,
- 2: LineString,
- 3: Polygon,
- 4: MultiPoint,
- 5: MultiLineString,
- 6: MultiPolygon,
- 7: GeometryCollection,
- 101: LinearRing,
- 1 + OGRGeomType.wkb25bit: Point,
- 2 + OGRGeomType.wkb25bit: LineString,
- 3 + OGRGeomType.wkb25bit: Polygon,
- 4 + OGRGeomType.wkb25bit: MultiPoint,
- 5 + OGRGeomType.wkb25bit: MultiLineString,
- 6 + OGRGeomType.wkb25bit: MultiPolygon,
- 7 + OGRGeomType.wkb25bit: GeometryCollection,
- }