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technical_500.txt 3.3KB

  1. {% firstof exception_type 'Report' %}{% if request %} at {{ request.path_info }}{% endif %}
  2. {% firstof exception_value 'No exception message supplied' %}
  3. {% if request %}
  4. Request Method: {{ request.META.REQUEST_METHOD }}
  5. Request URL: {{ request.get_raw_uri }}{% endif %}
  6. Django Version: {{ django_version_info }}
  7. Python Executable: {{ sys_executable }}
  8. Python Version: {{ sys_version_info }}
  9. Python Path: {{ sys_path }}
  10. Server time: {{server_time|date:"r"}}
  11. Installed Applications:
  12. {{ settings.INSTALLED_APPS|pprint }}
  13. Installed Middleware:
  14. {{ settings.MIDDLEWARE|pprint }}
  15. {% if template_does_not_exist %}Template loader postmortem
  16. {% if postmortem %}Django tried loading these templates, in this order:
  17. {% for entry in postmortem %}
  18. Using engine {{ }}:
  19. {% if entry.tried %}{% for attempt in entry.tried %} * {{ attempt.0.loader_name }}: {{ }} ({{ attempt.1 }})
  20. {% endfor %}{% else %} This engine did not provide a list of tried templates.
  21. {% endif %}{% endfor %}
  22. {% else %}No templates were found because your 'TEMPLATES' setting is not configured.
  23. {% endif %}
  24. {% endif %}{% if template_info %}
  25. Template error:
  26. In template {{ }}, error at line {{ template_info.line }}
  27. {{ template_info.message }}
  28. {% for source_line in template_info.source_lines %}{% if source_line.0 == template_info.line %} {{ source_line.0 }} : {{ template_info.before }} {{ template_info.during }} {{ template_info.after }}{% else %} {{ source_line.0 }} : {{ source_line.1 }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% if frames %}
  29. Traceback:
  30. {% for frame in frames %}{% ifchanged frame.exc_cause %}{% if frame.exc_cause %}
  31. {% if frame.exc_cause_explicit %}The above exception ({{ frame.exc_cause }}) was the direct cause of the following exception:{% else %}During handling of the above exception ({{ frame.exc_cause }}), another exception occurred:{% endif %}
  32. {% endif %}{% endifchanged %}
  33. File "{{ frame.filename }}" in {{ frame.function }}
  34. {% if frame.context_line %} {{ frame.lineno }}. {{ frame.context_line }}{% endif %}
  35. {% endfor %}
  36. {% if exception_type %}Exception Type: {{ exception_type }}{% if request %} at {{ request.path_info }}{% endif %}
  37. {% if exception_value %}Exception Value: {{ exception_value }}{% endif %}{% endif %}{% endif %}
  38. {% if request %}Request information:
  39. {% if user_str %}USER: {{ user_str }}{% endif %}
  40. GET:{% for k, v in request_GET_items %}
  41. {{ k }} = {{ v|stringformat:"r" }}{% empty %} No GET data{% endfor %}
  42. POST:{% for k, v in filtered_POST_items %}
  43. {{ k }} = {{ v|stringformat:"r" }}{% empty %} No POST data{% endfor %}
  44. FILES:{% for k, v in request_FILES_items %}
  45. {{ k }} = {{ v|stringformat:"r" }}{% empty %} No FILES data{% endfor %}
  46. COOKIES:{% for k, v in request_COOKIES_items %}
  47. {{ k }} = {{ v|stringformat:"r" }}{% empty %} No cookie data{% endfor %}
  48. META:{% for k, v in request.META.items|dictsort:0 %}
  49. {{ k }} = {{ v|stringformat:"r" }}{% endfor %}
  50. {% else %}Request data not supplied
  51. {% endif %}
  52. Settings:
  53. Using settings module {{ settings.SETTINGS_MODULE }}{% for k, v in settings.items|dictsort:0 %}
  54. {{ k }} = {{ v|stringformat:"r" }}{% endfor %}
  55. {% if not is_email %}
  56. You're seeing this error because you have DEBUG = True in your
  57. Django settings file. Change that to False, and Django will
  58. display a standard page generated by the handler for this status code.
  59. {% endif %}