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django.po 7.6KB

  1. # This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package.
  2. #
  3. # Translators:
  4. # Aitzol Naberan <>, 2013
  5. # Eneko Illarramendi <>, 2017
  6. # Jannis Leidel <>, 2011
  7. # julen, 2015
  8. # Urtzi Odriozola <>, 2016-2017
  9. msgid ""
  10. msgstr ""
  11. "Project-Id-Version: django\n"
  12. "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
  13. "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-24 13:46+0200\n"
  14. "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-12-11 13:39+0000\n"
  15. "Last-Translator: Eneko Illarramendi <>\n"
  16. "Language-Team: Basque (\n"
  17. "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  18. "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  19. "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
  20. "Language: eu\n"
  21. "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
  22. msgid "Personal info"
  23. msgstr "Informazio pertsonala"
  24. msgid "Permissions"
  25. msgstr "Baimenak"
  26. msgid "Important dates"
  27. msgstr "Data garrantzitsuak"
  28. #, python-format
  29. msgid "%(name)s object with primary key %(key)r does not exist."
  30. msgstr "Ez dago %(key)r gakodun %(name)s objekturik."
  31. msgid "Password changed successfully."
  32. msgstr "Ondo aldatu da pasahitza."
  33. #, python-format
  34. msgid "Change password: %s"
  35. msgstr "Pasahitza aldatu: %s"
  36. msgid "Authentication and Authorization"
  37. msgstr "Autentikazio eta baimentzea"
  38. msgid "password"
  39. msgstr "pasahitza"
  40. msgid "last login"
  41. msgstr "azken sarrera"
  42. msgid "No password set."
  43. msgstr "Pasahitza ezarri gabe."
  44. msgid "Invalid password format or unknown hashing algorithm."
  45. msgstr "Pasahitz formatu baliogabea edo hash algoritmo ezezaguna."
  46. msgid "The two password fields didn't match."
  47. msgstr "Pasahitzak ez datoz bat."
  48. msgid "Password"
  49. msgstr "Pasahitza"
  50. msgid "Password confirmation"
  51. msgstr "Pasahitza berretsi"
  52. msgid "Enter the same password as before, for verification."
  53. msgstr "Idatzi aurreko pasahitz bera, egiaztapenerako."
  54. msgid ""
  55. "Raw passwords are not stored, so there is no way to see this user's "
  56. "password, but you can change the password using <a href=\"{}\">this form</a>."
  57. msgstr ""
  58. "Pasahitzak zifratuta gordetzen direnez ez dago erabiltzaile pasahitza "
  59. "ikusterik, baina pasahitza aldatu dezakezu <a href=\"{}\">hemen</a>."
  60. #, python-format
  61. msgid ""
  62. "Please enter a correct %(username)s and password. Note that both fields may "
  63. "be case-sensitive."
  64. msgstr ""
  65. "Mesedez idatzi %(username)s eta pasahitz egokiak. Maiskula eta minuskulak "
  66. "ondo bereiztu."
  67. msgid "This account is inactive."
  68. msgstr "Kontu hau az dago aktibo."
  69. msgid "Email"
  70. msgstr "Emaila"
  71. msgid "New password"
  72. msgstr "Pasahitz berria"
  73. msgid "New password confirmation"
  74. msgstr "Pasahitz berria berretsi"
  75. msgid "Your old password was entered incorrectly. Please enter it again."
  76. msgstr "Zure pasahitz zaharra ez da zuzena. Idatzi ezazu berriro."
  77. msgid "Old password"
  78. msgstr "Pasahitz zaharra"
  79. msgid "Password (again)"
  80. msgstr "Pasahitza (berriro)"
  81. msgid "algorithm"
  82. msgstr "algoritmoak"
  83. msgid "iterations"
  84. msgstr "iterazioak"
  85. msgid "salt"
  86. msgstr "salt"
  87. msgid "hash"
  88. msgstr "hash"
  89. msgid "variety"
  90. msgstr "aldaera"
  91. msgid "version"
  92. msgstr "bertsioa"
  93. msgid "memory cost"
  94. msgstr "memoria kostua"
  95. msgid "time cost"
  96. msgstr "denbora kostua"
  97. msgid "parallelism"
  98. msgstr "paralelismoa"
  99. msgid "work factor"
  100. msgstr "work factor"
  101. msgid "checksum"
  102. msgstr "checksum"
  103. msgid "name"
  104. msgstr "izena"
  105. msgid "content type"
  106. msgstr "eduki mota"
  107. msgid "codename"
  108. msgstr "kode izena"
  109. msgid "permission"
  110. msgstr "baimena"
  111. msgid "permissions"
  112. msgstr "baimenak"
  113. msgid "group"
  114. msgstr "taldea"
  115. msgid "groups"
  116. msgstr "taldeak"
  117. msgid "superuser status"
  118. msgstr "Erabiltzaile nagusia"
  119. msgid ""
  120. "Designates that this user has all permissions without explicitly assigning "
  121. "them."
  122. msgstr ""
  123. "Erabiltzaileari baimen guztiak esleitzeko banan-banan aukeratu behar izan "
  124. "gabe."
  125. msgid ""
  126. "The groups this user belongs to. A user will get all permissions granted to "
  127. "each of their groups."
  128. msgstr ""
  129. "Erabiltzailea zein taldetakoa den. Erabiltzaileak bere talde bakoitzari "
  130. "emandako baimen guztiak jasoko ditu."
  131. msgid "user permissions"
  132. msgstr "Erabiltzailearen baimenak"
  133. msgid "Specific permissions for this user."
  134. msgstr "Erabiltzaile honentzako baimenak."
  135. msgid "username"
  136. msgstr "erabiltzailea"
  137. msgid "Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only."
  138. msgstr ""
  139. "Beharrezkoa. 150 karaktere edo gutxiago. Hizki, zenbaki eta @/./+/-/_ "
  140. "bakarrik."
  141. msgid "A user with that username already exists."
  142. msgstr "Erabiltzaile izen hori ez dago eskuragarri."
  143. msgid "first name"
  144. msgstr "izena"
  145. msgid "last name"
  146. msgstr "abizena"
  147. msgid "email address"
  148. msgstr "helbide elektronikoa"
  149. msgid "staff status"
  150. msgstr "Arduradun egoera"
  151. msgid "Designates whether the user can log into this admin site."
  152. msgstr ""
  153. "Erabiltzaileak kudeaketa gune honetan sartzeko baimena duen edo ez "
  154. "adierazten du."
  155. msgid "active"
  156. msgstr "Aktiboa"
  157. msgid ""
  158. "Designates whether this user should be treated as active. Unselect this "
  159. "instead of deleting accounts."
  160. msgstr ""
  161. "Erabiltzaile bat aktibo gisa tratatu edo ez zehazten du. Ezgaitu hau kontuak "
  162. "ezabatu beharrean."
  163. msgid "date joined"
  164. msgstr "erregistro eguna"
  165. msgid "user"
  166. msgstr "Erabiltzailea"
  167. msgid "users"
  168. msgstr "Erabiltzaileak"
  169. #, python-format
  170. msgid ""
  171. "This password is too short. It must contain at least %(min_length)d "
  172. "character."
  173. msgid_plural ""
  174. "This password is too short. It must contain at least %(min_length)d "
  175. "characters."
  176. msgstr[0] ""
  177. "Pasahitz hau laburregia da. Gutxienez karaktere %(min_length)d izan behar du."
  178. msgstr[1] ""
  179. "Pasahitz hau laburregia da. Gutxienez %(min_length)d karaktere izan behar "
  180. "ditu."
  181. #, python-format
  182. msgid "Your password must contain at least %(min_length)d character."
  183. msgid_plural "Your password must contain at least %(min_length)d characters."
  184. msgstr[0] "Zure pasahitzak gutxienez karaktere %(min_length)d eduki behar du."
  185. msgstr[1] ""
  186. "Zure pasahitzak gutxienez %(min_length)d karaktere eduki behar ditu."
  187. #, python-format
  188. msgid "The password is too similar to the %(verbose_name)s."
  189. msgstr "Zure pasahitza %(verbose_name)s-(r)en oso antzekoa da."
  190. msgid "Your password can't be too similar to your other personal information."
  191. msgstr ""
  192. "Zure pasahitza ezin da izan zure beste informazio pertsonalaren antzekoa."
  193. msgid "This password is too common."
  194. msgstr "Pasahitz hau arruntegia da."
  195. msgid "Your password can't be a commonly used password."
  196. msgstr "Zure pasahitza ezin da izan normalean erabiltzen den pasahitza."
  197. msgid "This password is entirely numeric."
  198. msgstr "Zure pasahitza osorik zenbakizkoa da."
  199. msgid "Your password can't be entirely numeric."
  200. msgstr "Zure pasahitza ezin da izan osorik zenbakizkoa."
  201. #, python-format
  202. msgid "Password reset on %(site_name)s"
  203. msgstr "Pasahitza berrezarri %(site_name)s webgunean"
  204. msgid ""
  205. "Enter a valid username. This value may contain only English letters, "
  206. "numbers, and @/./+/-/_ characters."
  207. msgstr ""
  208. "Idatzi baleko erabiltzaile izen bat. Eremu honetan hizki, zenbaki eta @/./"
  209. "+/-/_ karaktereak bakarrik erabili daitezke."
  210. msgid ""
  211. "Enter a valid username. This value may contain only letters, numbers, and "
  212. "@/./+/-/_ characters."
  213. msgstr ""
  214. "Idatzi baleko erabiltzaile izen bat. Eremu honetan hizki, zenbaki eta @/./"
  215. "+/-/_ karaktereak bakarrik erabili daitezke."
  216. msgid "Logged out"
  217. msgstr "Sesiotik kanpo"
  218. msgid "Password reset"
  219. msgstr "Pasahitz-berrezartzea"
  220. msgid "Password reset sent"
  221. msgstr "Pasahitz-berrezartzea bidalita"
  222. msgid "Enter new password"
  223. msgstr "Idatzi pasahitz berria"
  224. msgid "Password reset unsuccessful"
  225. msgstr "Pasahitza ez da ondo berrezarri"
  226. msgid "Password reset complete"
  227. msgstr "Pasahitz-berrezartzea burututa"
  228. msgid "Password change"
  229. msgstr "Pasahitz-aldaketa"
  230. msgid "Password change successful"
  231. msgstr "Pasahitza ondo aldatu da"