Development of an internal social media platform with personalised dashboards for students
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long. 2.0KB

  1. from django import forms
  2. from datetime import datetime
  3. from .models import Post, CustomUser
  4. from django.forms import ModelForm, ValidationError
  5. from taggit.forms import *
  6. from django.contrib.auth.forms import UserCreationForm, UserChangeForm
  7. from datetime import datetime
  8. from croniter import croniter
  9. from django.forms import ModelForm, ValidationError
  10. from .models import ScheduledReport
  11. class PostForm(forms.ModelForm):
  12. class Meta:
  13. model = Post
  14. fields = ('title', 'text', 'published_date','tags')
  15. class NewTagForm(forms.ModelForm):
  16. m_tags = TagField()
  17. class Meta:
  18. model = CustomUser
  19. fields = ['m_tags']
  20. class ScheduledReportForm(ModelForm):
  21. class Meta:
  22. model = ScheduledReport
  23. fields = ['subject', 'cron_expression']
  24. fields = ['subject', 'cron_expression']
  25. help_texts = {'cron_expression': 'Scheduled time is considered in UTC'}
  26. def clean(self):
  27. cleaned_data = super(ScheduledReportForm, self).clean()
  28. cron_expression = cleaned_data.get("cron_expression")
  29. try:
  30. iter = croniter(cron_expression,
  31. except:
  32. raise ValidationError("Incorrect cron expression:\
  33. The information you must include is (in order of appearance):\
  34. A number (or list of numbers, or range of numbers), m, representing the minute of the hour\
  35. A number (or list of numbers, or range of numbers), h, representing the hour of the day\
  36. A number (or list of numbers, or range of numbers), dom, representing the day of the month\
  37. A number (or list, or range), or name (or list of names), mon, representing the month of the year\
  38. A number (or list, or range), or name (or list of names), dow, representing the day of the week\
  39. The asterisks (*) in our entry tell cron that for that unit of time, the job should be run every.\
  40. Eg. */5 * * * * cron for executing every 5 mins")
  41. return cleaned_data