Development of an internal social media platform with personalised dashboards for students
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long. 9.9KB

  1. from multiprocessing import Pool
  2. from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
  3. from django.conf import settings
  4. from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
  5. from django.db import connection as db_connection
  6. from django.db.models import Q
  7. from django.template import Context, Template
  8. from django.utils.timezone import now
  9. from .connections import connections
  10. from .models import Email, EmailTemplate, Log, PRIORITY, STATUS
  11. from .settings import (get_available_backends, get_batch_size,
  12. get_log_level, get_sending_order, get_threads_per_process)
  13. from .utils import (get_email_template, parse_emails, parse_priority,
  14. split_emails, create_attachments)
  15. from .logutils import setup_loghandlers
  16. logger = setup_loghandlers("INFO")
  17. def create(sender, recipients=None, cc=None, bcc=None, subject='', message='',
  18. html_message='', context=None, scheduled_time=None, headers=None,
  19. template=None, priority=None, render_on_delivery=False, commit=True,
  20. backend=''):
  21. """
  22. Creates an email from supplied keyword arguments. If template is
  23. specified, email subject and content will be rendered during delivery.
  24. """
  25. priority = parse_priority(priority)
  26. status = None if priority == else STATUS.queued
  27. if recipients is None:
  28. recipients = []
  29. if cc is None:
  30. cc = []
  31. if bcc is None:
  32. bcc = []
  33. if context is None:
  34. context = ''
  35. # If email is to be rendered during delivery, save all necessary
  36. # information
  37. if render_on_delivery:
  38. email = Email(
  39. from_email=sender,
  40. to=recipients,
  41. cc=cc,
  42. bcc=bcc,
  43. scheduled_time=scheduled_time,
  44. headers=headers, priority=priority, status=status,
  45. context=context, template=template, backend_alias=backend
  46. )
  47. else:
  48. if template:
  49. subject = template.subject
  50. message = template.content
  51. html_message = template.html_content
  52. _context = Context(context or {})
  53. subject = Template(subject).render(_context)
  54. message = Template(message).render(_context)
  55. html_message = Template(html_message).render(_context)
  56. email = Email(
  57. from_email=sender,
  58. to=recipients,
  59. cc=cc,
  60. bcc=bcc,
  61. subject=subject,
  62. message=message,
  63. html_message=html_message,
  64. scheduled_time=scheduled_time,
  65. headers=headers, priority=priority, status=status,
  66. backend_alias=backend
  67. )
  68. if commit:
  70. return email
  71. def send(recipients=None, sender=None, template=None, context=None, subject='',
  72. message='', html_message='', scheduled_time=None, headers=None,
  73. priority=None, attachments=None, render_on_delivery=False,
  74. log_level=None, commit=True, cc=None, bcc=None, language='',
  75. backend=''):
  76. try:
  77. recipients = parse_emails(recipients)
  78. except ValidationError as e:
  79. raise ValidationError('recipients: %s' % e.message)
  80. try:
  81. cc = parse_emails(cc)
  82. except ValidationError as e:
  83. raise ValidationError('c: %s' % e.message)
  84. try:
  85. bcc = parse_emails(bcc)
  86. except ValidationError as e:
  87. raise ValidationError('bcc: %s' % e.message)
  88. if sender is None:
  89. sender = settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL
  90. priority = parse_priority(priority)
  91. if log_level is None:
  92. log_level = get_log_level()
  93. if not commit:
  94. if priority ==
  95. raise ValueError("send_many() can't be used with priority = 'now'")
  96. if attachments:
  97. raise ValueError("Can't add attachments with send_many()")
  98. if template:
  99. if subject:
  100. raise ValueError('You can\'t specify both "template" and "subject" arguments')
  101. if message:
  102. raise ValueError('You can\'t specify both "template" and "message" arguments')
  103. if html_message:
  104. raise ValueError('You can\'t specify both "template" and "html_message" arguments')
  105. # template can be an EmailTemplate instance or name
  106. if isinstance(template, EmailTemplate):
  107. template = template
  108. # If language is specified, ensure template uses the right language
  109. if language:
  110. if template.language != language:
  111. template = template.translated_templates.get(language=language)
  112. else:
  113. template = get_email_template(template, language)
  114. if backend and backend not in get_available_backends().keys():
  115. raise ValueError('%s is not a valid backend alias' % backend)
  116. email = create(sender, recipients, cc, bcc, subject, message, html_message,
  117. context, scheduled_time, headers, template, priority,
  118. render_on_delivery, commit=commit, backend=backend)
  119. if attachments:
  120. attachments = create_attachments(attachments)
  121. email.attachments.add(*attachments)
  122. if priority ==
  123. email.dispatch(log_level=log_level)
  124. return email
  125. def send_many(kwargs_list):
  126. """
  127. Similar to mail.send(), but this function accepts a list of kwargs.
  128. Internally, it uses Django's bulk_create command for efficiency reasons.
  129. Currently send_many() can't be used to send emails with priority = 'now'.
  130. """
  131. emails = []
  132. for kwargs in kwargs_list:
  133. emails.append(send(commit=False, **kwargs))
  134. Email.objects.bulk_create(emails)
  135. def get_queued():
  136. """
  137. Returns a list of emails that should be sent:
  138. - Status is queued
  139. - Has scheduled_time lower than the current time or None
  140. """
  141. return Email.objects.filter(status=STATUS.queued) \
  142. .select_related('template') \
  143. .filter(Q(scheduled_time__lte=now()) | Q(scheduled_time=None)) \
  144. .order_by(*get_sending_order()).prefetch_related('attachments')[:get_batch_size()]
  145. def send_queued(processes=1, log_level=None):
  146. """
  147. Sends out all queued mails that has scheduled_time less than now or None
  148. """
  149. queued_emails = get_queued()
  150. total_sent, total_failed = 0, 0
  151. total_email = len(queued_emails)
  152.'Started sending %s emails with %s processes.' %
  153. (total_email, processes))
  154. if log_level is None:
  155. log_level = get_log_level()
  156. if queued_emails:
  157. # Don't use more processes than number of emails
  158. if total_email < processes:
  159. processes = total_email
  160. if processes == 1:
  161. total_sent, total_failed = _send_bulk(queued_emails,
  162. uses_multiprocessing=False,
  163. log_level=log_level)
  164. else:
  165. email_lists = split_emails(queued_emails, processes)
  166. pool = Pool(processes)
  167. results =, email_lists)
  168. pool.terminate()
  169. total_sent = sum([result[0] for result in results])
  170. total_failed = sum([result[1] for result in results])
  171. message = '%s emails attempted, %s sent, %s failed' % (
  172. total_email,
  173. total_sent,
  174. total_failed
  175. )
  177. return (total_sent, total_failed)
  178. def _send_bulk(emails, uses_multiprocessing=True, log_level=None):
  179. # Multiprocessing does not play well with database connection
  180. # Fix: Close connections on forking process
  181. #!topic/django-users/eCAIY9DAfG0
  182. if uses_multiprocessing:
  183. db_connection.close()
  184. if log_level is None:
  185. log_level = get_log_level()
  186. sent_emails = []
  187. failed_emails = [] # This is a list of two tuples (email, exception)
  188. email_count = len(emails)
  189.'Process started, sending %s emails' % email_count)
  190. def send(email):
  191. try:
  192. email.dispatch(log_level=log_level, commit=False,
  193. disconnect_after_delivery=False)
  194. sent_emails.append(email)
  195. logger.debug('Successfully sent email #%d' %
  196. except Exception as e:
  197. logger.debug('Failed to send email #%d' %
  198. failed_emails.append((email, e))
  199. # Prepare emails before we send these to threads for sending
  200. # So we don't need to access the DB from within threads
  201. for email in emails:
  202. # Sometimes this can fail, for example when trying to render
  203. # email from a faulty Django template
  204. try:
  205. email.prepare_email_message()
  206. except Exception as e:
  207. failed_emails.append((email, e))
  208. number_of_threads = min(get_threads_per_process(), email_count)
  209. pool = ThreadPool(number_of_threads)
  210., emails)
  211. pool.close()
  212. pool.join()
  213. connections.close()
  214. # Update statuses of sent and failed emails
  215. email_ids = [ for email in sent_emails]
  216. Email.objects.filter(id__in=email_ids).update(status=STATUS.sent)
  217. email_ids = [ for (email, e) in failed_emails]
  218. Email.objects.filter(id__in=email_ids).update(status=STATUS.failed)
  219. # If log level is 0, log nothing, 1 logs only sending failures
  220. # and 2 means log both successes and failures
  221. if log_level >= 1:
  222. logs = []
  223. for (email, exception) in failed_emails:
  224. logs.append(
  225. Log(email=email, status=STATUS.failed,
  226. message=str(exception),
  227. exception_type=type(exception).__name__)
  228. )
  229. if logs:
  230. Log.objects.bulk_create(logs)
  231. if log_level == 2:
  232. logs = []
  233. for email in sent_emails:
  234. logs.append(Log(email=email, status=STATUS.sent))
  235. if logs:
  236. Log.objects.bulk_create(logs)
  238. 'Process finished, %s attempted, %s sent, %s failed' % (
  239. email_count, len(sent_emails), len(failed_emails)
  240. )
  241. )
  242. return len(sent_emails), len(failed_emails)