Lösung des Praktikums Systementwurf
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signal_processing.cdf 367B

  1. /* Quartus Prime Version 21.1.1 Build 850 06/23/2022 SJ Lite Edition */
  2. JedecChain;
  3. FileRevision(JESD32A);
  4. DefaultMfr(6E);
  5. P ActionCode(Ign)
  6. Device PartName(SOCVHPS) MfrSpec(OpMask(0));
  7. P ActionCode(Cfg)
  8. Device PartName(5CSEBA6U23) Path("output_files/") File("signal_processing.sof") MfrSpec(OpMask(1));
  9. ChainEnd;
  10. AlteraBegin;
  11. ChainType(JTAG);
  12. AlteraEnd;