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2 years ago
  1. \section{Drahtschleife}
  2. Eine Drahtschleife $N=1$ wird von einem zeitlich veränderlichen Fluss durchsetzt.\\
  3. $\Phi(t)=\Phi_0\cdot (1-e^{-t/T})$ mit $\Phi_0=60\cdot \power{10}{-6
  4. }\,\volt\second$ und $T=1\,\milli\second$.
  5. \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\alph{enumi})}
  6. \begin{enumerate}
  7. \item Berechnen Sie die Spannung $u$ für $t=0{,}5\cdot T$!
  8. \item Geben Sie die Polarität der Anschlussklemmen der Drahtschleife a-b für diesen Zeitpunkt an und begründen Sie ihre Angabe!
  9. \end{enumerate}
  10. \begin{align*}
  11. \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1]
  12. \begin{scope}[>=latex,red,ultra thick,xshift=0,yshift=0]
  13. \draw (0,0) -- (0,1);
  14. \draw [dashed] (0,1) -- (0,2);
  15. \end{scope}
  16. \begin{scope}[>=latex,blue,very thick,xshift=0,yshift=2cm]
  17. \draw (0,0) ellipse (2cm and 1cm);
  18. \end{scope}
  19. \begin{scope}[>=latex,blue,very thick,xshift=1.9cm,yshift=1.75cm]
  20. \filldraw [black!0!] (0,0.02) rectangle (0.2,0.48);
  21. \draw [fill] (1pt,0) -- (1,0) circle (2pt) node [right] {b};
  22. \draw [fill] (1pt,0.5cm) -- (1,0.5) circle (2pt) node [right] {a};
  23. \draw node at (1.5,0.25)[right] {$u$};
  24. \end{scope}
  25. \begin{scope}[>=latex,red, ultra thick,xshift=0,yshift=0]
  26. \draw [->] (0,2) -- (0,4) node [above] {$\Phi(t)$};
  27. \end{scope}
  28. \end{tikzpicture}
  29. \end{align*}
  30. \ifthenelse{\equal{\toPrint}{Lösung}}{%
  31. \begin{align}
  32. \intertext{Formeln:}
  33. u&=-N\cdot \frac{d\Phi}{dt}
  34. \end{align}
  35. \begin{align*}
  36. \intertext{Berechnung:}
  37. \intertext{a) Spannung $u$ für $t=0{,}5\cdot T$}
  38. u&=-N\cdot \frac{d\Phi}{dt} \qquad \text{mit $N=1$ }\\
  39. &=-\frac{d\left(\Phi_0\cdot \left(1-e^{-\frac{t}{T}}\right)\right)}{dt}\\
  40. &=-\Phi_0\cdot \frac{d}{dt} \left(1-e^{-\frac{t}{T}}\right)\\
  41. &=-\Phi_0\cdot \Bigg[-e^{-\frac{t}{T}}\cdot \hspace{-.7cm}\underbrace{ \left(-\frac{1}{T}\right)}_{\mathrm{Nachdifferenzieren}}\hspace{-.5cm}\Bigg]\\
  42. &\text{mit $t=0{,}5\cdot T\qquad T=1\,\milli\second$}\\
  43. u&=-60\cdot \power{10}{-6}\,\volt\second\cdot \left[-e^{-0{,}5}\cdot \left(-\frac{1}{1\,\milli\second}\right)\right]=\uuline{-36{,}39\,\milli\volt}
  44. \end{align*}
  45. \begin{align*}
  46. \intertext{b) Polarität der Spannung $u$ für $t=0{,}5\cdot T$}
  47. \frac{d\Phi}{dt}&>0 \Rightarrow \text{Linke-Hand für Stromrichtung}\\
  48. \end{align*}
  49. \begin{align*}
  50. \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1]
  51. \foreach \xs in {0} { % Enter Start value of x label
  52. \foreach \ys in {0} { % Enter Start value of y label
  53. \foreach \ii in {10} { % Enter Number of Decades in x
  54. \foreach \jj in {6} { % Enter Number of Decades in y
  55. \foreach \xe in {5} { % Enter End value of x label
  56. \foreach \ye in {60} { % Enter End value of y label
  57. \foreach \i in {1,2,...,\ii} {
  58. \foreach \j in {1,2,...,\jj} {
  59. }}% End Log Grid
  60. \draw[black!80!] (0,0) grid (\ii,\jj); % Draw Linear grid
  61. \draw [<->,thick] (0,\jj+.2) node (yaxis) [above] {$\Phi\,[\micro\volt\second]$} |- (\ii+.2,0) node (xaxis) [right] {$t\,[\milli\second]$}; % Draw axes
  62. \draw [thick] (-1.25,\jj+.2) node (yaxis) [above] {$u\,[\milli\volt]$} ; % Draw axes
  63. \foreach \x in {\xs,.5,...,\xe}% x Axis Label:
  64. \node [black,anchor=north] at(\x*2-\xs,0){$\x$};
  65. \foreach \y in {\ys,10,...,\ye}% y Axis Label:
  66. \node [red,anchor=east] at(0,\y/10-\ys){$\y$};
  67. \foreach \y in {\ys,10,...,\ye}% y Axis Label:
  68. \node [blue,anchor=east] at(-1,\y/10-\ys){$-\y$};
  69. }}}}}}
  70. \draw [black,thick,dashed] (0,0) -- (2,6) -- (2,0.3);
  71. \draw [blue,thick,dashed] (1,3.64) -- (-.75,3.64) node [left]{$-36{,}39\,\milli\volt$};
  72. \draw[color=red, very thick,domain=0:10] plot[id=tau] function{6*(1-exp(-x/2))};
  73. \draw[color=blue, very thick,domain=0:10] plot[id=tau] function{6*(exp(-x/2))};
  74. \draw [black] node at (2,0)[above] {$T$};
  75. \draw [red] node at (2,3.5) [right]{$\Phi=\Phi_0\cdot \left(1-e^{-t/T}\right)$};
  76. \draw [blue] node at (2,2.5) [right]{$u=-\Phi_0\cdot \left(\frac{e^{-t/T}}{T}\right)$};
  77. \draw node at (0,-1) [right]{Induzierte Spannung bei zunehmendem Fluss};
  78. \end{tikzpicture}
  79. \end{align*}
  80. \begin{align*}
  81. \intertext{\uline{Lenzsche Regel:}}
  82. \text{Klemme a $\Rightarrow$ $+$}\\
  83. \text{Klemme b $\Rightarrow$ $-$}\\
  84. %F_{\sqcup\sqcap}\\ %-------------------Versuch mit Symbolen--------------
  85. %\ding{43}\\
  86. %\oplus\ominus\odot\\
  87. %\circlearrowright\\
  88. %\lightning\\
  89. %\curvearrowright\\
  90. %\leftthumbsup\\
  91. %\SmallSquare\\
  92. %\SmallTriangleUp\\ %-------------------Versuch mit Symbolen--------------
  93. \end{align*}
  94. \begin{align*}
  95. \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1]
  96. \begin{scope}[>=latex,red,ultra thick,xshift=0,yshift=0]
  97. \draw (0,0) -- (0,1);
  98. \draw [dashed] (0,1) -- (0,2);
  99. \end{scope}
  100. \begin{scope}[>=latex,blue,very thick,xshift=0,yshift=2cm]
  101. \draw (0,0) ellipse (2cm and 1cm);
  102. \end{scope}
  103. \begin{scope}[>=latex,blue,very thick,xshift=1.9cm,yshift=1.75cm]
  104. \filldraw [black!0!] (0,0.02) rectangle (0.2,0.48);
  105. \draw [fill] (1pt,0) -- (1,0) circle (2pt) node [below] {b $-$};
  106. \draw [fill] (1pt,0.5cm) -- (1,0.5) circle (2pt) node [above] {a $+$};
  107. \draw node at (1.5,0.25)[right] {$u$};
  108. \end{scope}
  109. \begin{scope}[>=latex,red, ultra thick,xshift=0,yshift=0]
  110. \draw [->] (0,2) -- (0,4) node [above] {$\Phi(t)$};
  111. \end{scope}
  112. \begin{scope}[>=latex,very thick,xshift=5cm,yshift=1.5cm,rotate=90]
  113. \draw (0,0)--(.3,0) (.3,-0.0667)rectangle(.7,0.0667) (.7,0)--(1,0)node at (.5,-.0667) [right] {$R$};
  114. \draw [<-,blue] (.3,.2)--(.7,.2)node at(.5,.2)[left]{\footnotesize$U_{R}$};
  115. \end{scope}
  116. \begin{scope}[>=latex,very thick,xshift=3cm,yshift=2cm]
  117. \draw [dashed] (0,.25)--(2,.5) (0,-.25)--(2,-.5);
  118. \draw [->,red] (0,.25) +(7.2:.75) -- +(7.2:1.25) node [above left]{$i$};
  119. \end{scope}
  120. \end{tikzpicture}
  121. \end{align*}
  122. \clearpage
  123. }{}%