123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206 |
- Metadata-Version: 2.1
- Name: tomli
- Version: 2.0.1
- Summary: A lil' TOML parser
- Keywords: toml
- Author-email: Taneli Hukkinen <hukkin@users.noreply.github.com>
- Requires-Python: >=3.7
- Description-Content-Type: text/markdown
- Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
- Classifier: Operating System :: MacOS
- Classifier: Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows
- Classifier: Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux
- Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only
- Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
- Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
- Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
- Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
- Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython
- Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy
- Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
- Classifier: Typing :: Typed
- Project-URL: Changelog, https://github.com/hukkin/tomli/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md
- Project-URL: Homepage, https://github.com/hukkin/tomli
- [![Build Status](https://github.com/hukkin/tomli/workflows/Tests/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://github.com/hukkin/tomli/actions?query=workflow%3ATests+branch%3Amaster+event%3Apush)
- [![codecov.io](https://codecov.io/gh/hukkin/tomli/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/hukkin/tomli)
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- # Tomli
- > A lil' TOML parser
- **Table of Contents** *generated with [mdformat-toc](https://github.com/hukkin/mdformat-toc)*
- <!-- mdformat-toc start --slug=github --maxlevel=6 --minlevel=2 -->
- - [Intro](#intro)
- - [Installation](#installation)
- - [Usage](#usage)
- - [Parse a TOML string](#parse-a-toml-string)
- - [Parse a TOML file](#parse-a-toml-file)
- - [Handle invalid TOML](#handle-invalid-toml)
- - [Construct `decimal.Decimal`s from TOML floats](#construct-decimaldecimals-from-toml-floats)
- - [FAQ](#faq)
- - [Why this parser?](#why-this-parser)
- - [Is comment preserving round-trip parsing supported?](#is-comment-preserving-round-trip-parsing-supported)
- - [Is there a `dumps`, `write` or `encode` function?](#is-there-a-dumps-write-or-encode-function)
- - [How do TOML types map into Python types?](#how-do-toml-types-map-into-python-types)
- - [Performance](#performance)
- <!-- mdformat-toc end -->
- ## Intro<a name="intro"></a>
- Tomli is a Python library for parsing [TOML](https://toml.io).
- Tomli is fully compatible with [TOML v1.0.0](https://toml.io/en/v1.0.0).
- ## Installation<a name="installation"></a>
- ```bash
- pip install tomli
- ```
- ## Usage<a name="usage"></a>
- ### Parse a TOML string<a name="parse-a-toml-string"></a>
- ```python
- import tomli
- toml_str = """
- gretzky = 99
- [kurri]
- jari = 17
- """
- toml_dict = tomli.loads(toml_str)
- assert toml_dict == {"gretzky": 99, "kurri": {"jari": 17}}
- ```
- ### Parse a TOML file<a name="parse-a-toml-file"></a>
- ```python
- import tomli
- with open("path_to_file/conf.toml", "rb") as f:
- toml_dict = tomli.load(f)
- ```
- The file must be opened in binary mode (with the `"rb"` flag).
- Binary mode will enforce decoding the file as UTF-8 with universal newlines disabled,
- both of which are required to correctly parse TOML.
- ### Handle invalid TOML<a name="handle-invalid-toml"></a>
- ```python
- import tomli
- try:
- toml_dict = tomli.loads("]] this is invalid TOML [[")
- except tomli.TOMLDecodeError:
- print("Yep, definitely not valid.")
- ```
- Note that error messages are considered informational only.
- They should not be assumed to stay constant across Tomli versions.
- ### Construct `decimal.Decimal`s from TOML floats<a name="construct-decimaldecimals-from-toml-floats"></a>
- ```python
- from decimal import Decimal
- import tomli
- toml_dict = tomli.loads("precision-matters = 0.982492", parse_float=Decimal)
- assert toml_dict["precision-matters"] == Decimal("0.982492")
- ```
- Note that `decimal.Decimal` can be replaced with another callable that converts a TOML float from string to a Python type.
- The `decimal.Decimal` is, however, a practical choice for use cases where float inaccuracies can not be tolerated.
- Illegal types are `dict` and `list`, and their subtypes.
- A `ValueError` will be raised if `parse_float` produces illegal types.
- ## FAQ<a name="faq"></a>
- ### Why this parser?<a name="why-this-parser"></a>
- - it's lil'
- - pure Python with zero dependencies
- - the fastest pure Python parser [\*](#performance):
- 15x as fast as [tomlkit](https://pypi.org/project/tomlkit/),
- 2.4x as fast as [toml](https://pypi.org/project/toml/)
- - outputs [basic data types](#how-do-toml-types-map-into-python-types) only
- - 100% spec compliant: passes all tests in
- [a test set](https://github.com/toml-lang/compliance/pull/8)
- soon to be merged to the official
- [compliance tests for TOML](https://github.com/toml-lang/compliance)
- repository
- - thoroughly tested: 100% branch coverage
- ### Is comment preserving round-trip parsing supported?<a name="is-comment-preserving-round-trip-parsing-supported"></a>
- No.
- The `tomli.loads` function returns a plain `dict` that is populated with builtin types and types from the standard library only.
- Preserving comments requires a custom type to be returned so will not be supported,
- at least not by the `tomli.loads` and `tomli.load` functions.
- Look into [TOML Kit](https://github.com/sdispater/tomlkit) if preservation of style is what you need.
- ### Is there a `dumps`, `write` or `encode` function?<a name="is-there-a-dumps-write-or-encode-function"></a>
- [Tomli-W](https://github.com/hukkin/tomli-w) is the write-only counterpart of Tomli, providing `dump` and `dumps` functions.
- The core library does not include write capability, as most TOML use cases are read-only, and Tomli intends to be minimal.
- ### How do TOML types map into Python types?<a name="how-do-toml-types-map-into-python-types"></a>
- | TOML type | Python type | Details |
- | ---------------- | ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
- | Document Root | `dict` | |
- | Key | `str` | |
- | String | `str` | |
- | Integer | `int` | |
- | Float | `float` | |
- | Boolean | `bool` | |
- | Offset Date-Time | `datetime.datetime` | `tzinfo` attribute set to an instance of `datetime.timezone` |
- | Local Date-Time | `datetime.datetime` | `tzinfo` attribute set to `None` |
- | Local Date | `datetime.date` | |
- | Local Time | `datetime.time` | |
- | Array | `list` | |
- | Table | `dict` | |
- | Inline Table | `dict` | |
- ## Performance<a name="performance"></a>
- The `benchmark/` folder in this repository contains a performance benchmark for comparing the various Python TOML parsers.
- The benchmark can be run with `tox -e benchmark-pypi`.
- Running the benchmark on my personal computer output the following:
- ```console
- foo@bar:~/dev/tomli$ tox -e benchmark-pypi
- benchmark-pypi installed: attrs==19.3.0,click==7.1.2,pytomlpp==1.0.2,qtoml==0.3.0,rtoml==0.7.0,toml==0.10.2,tomli==1.1.0,tomlkit==0.7.2
- benchmark-pypi run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='2658546909'
- benchmark-pypi run-test: commands[0] | python -c 'import datetime; print(datetime.date.today())'
- 2021-07-23
- benchmark-pypi run-test: commands[1] | python --version
- Python 3.8.10
- benchmark-pypi run-test: commands[2] | python benchmark/run.py
- Parsing data.toml 5000 times:
- ------------------------------------------------------
- parser | exec time | performance (more is better)
- -----------+------------+-----------------------------
- rtoml | 0.901 s | baseline (100%)
- pytomlpp | 1.08 s | 83.15%
- tomli | 3.89 s | 23.15%
- toml | 9.36 s | 9.63%
- qtoml | 11.5 s | 7.82%
- tomlkit | 56.8 s | 1.59%
- ```
- The parsers are ordered from fastest to slowest, using the fastest parser as baseline.
- Tomli performed the best out of all pure Python TOML parsers,
- losing only to pytomlpp (wraps C++) and rtoml (wraps Rust).