Johannes Kutning 0d1b73e3e0 Initial commit
2023-10-31 07:47:27 +01:00

121 lines
3.7 KiB

# TCL File Generated by Component Editor 21.1
# Thu Sep 08 23:25:06 CEST 2022
# hardware_timestamp "hardware_timestamp" v1.0
# Johannes Kutning 2022.09.08.23:25:06
# Timestamp device used to measure software execution time
# request TCL package from ACDS 16.1
package require -exact qsys 16.1
# module hardware_timestamp
set_module_property DESCRIPTION "Timestamp device used to measure software execution time"
set_module_property NAME hardware_timestamp
set_module_property VERSION 1.0
set_module_property INTERNAL false
set_module_property OPAQUE_ADDRESS_MAP true
set_module_property GROUP signal_processing
set_module_property AUTHOR "Johannes Kutning"
set_module_property DISPLAY_NAME hardware_timestamp
set_module_property INSTANTIATE_IN_SYSTEM_MODULE true
set_module_property EDITABLE true
set_module_property REPORT_TO_TALKBACK false
set_module_property ALLOW_GREYBOX_GENERATION false
set_module_property REPORT_HIERARCHY false
# file sets
set_fileset_property QUARTUS_SYNTH TOP_LEVEL timer
add_fileset_file hardware_timestamp.vhd VHDL PATH hardware/system/hardware_timestamp.vhd TOP_LEVEL_FILE
# parameters
# display items
# connection point clock
add_interface clock clock end
set_interface_property clock clockRate 0
set_interface_property clock ENABLED true
set_interface_property clock EXPORT_OF ""
set_interface_property clock PORT_NAME_MAP ""
set_interface_property clock CMSIS_SVD_VARIABLES ""
set_interface_property clock SVD_ADDRESS_GROUP ""
add_interface_port clock clk clk Input 1
# connection point reset
add_interface reset reset end
set_interface_property reset associatedClock clock
set_interface_property reset synchronousEdges DEASSERT
set_interface_property reset ENABLED true
set_interface_property reset EXPORT_OF ""
set_interface_property reset PORT_NAME_MAP ""
set_interface_property reset CMSIS_SVD_VARIABLES ""
set_interface_property reset SVD_ADDRESS_GROUP ""
add_interface_port reset reset reset Input 1
# connection point ctrl
add_interface ctrl avalon end
set_interface_property ctrl addressUnits WORDS
set_interface_property ctrl associatedClock clock
set_interface_property ctrl associatedReset reset
set_interface_property ctrl bitsPerSymbol 8
set_interface_property ctrl burstOnBurstBoundariesOnly false
set_interface_property ctrl burstcountUnits WORDS
set_interface_property ctrl explicitAddressSpan 0
set_interface_property ctrl holdTime 0
set_interface_property ctrl linewrapBursts false
set_interface_property ctrl maximumPendingReadTransactions 0
set_interface_property ctrl maximumPendingWriteTransactions 0
set_interface_property ctrl readLatency 0
set_interface_property ctrl readWaitTime 1
set_interface_property ctrl setupTime 0
set_interface_property ctrl timingUnits Cycles
set_interface_property ctrl writeWaitTime 0
set_interface_property ctrl ENABLED true
set_interface_property ctrl EXPORT_OF ""
set_interface_property ctrl PORT_NAME_MAP ""
set_interface_property ctrl CMSIS_SVD_VARIABLES ""
set_interface_property ctrl SVD_ADDRESS_GROUP ""
add_interface_port ctrl address address Input 4
add_interface_port ctrl read read Input 1
add_interface_port ctrl readdata readdata Output 32
add_interface_port ctrl write write Input 1
add_interface_port ctrl writedata writedata Input 32
set_interface_assignment ctrl embeddedsw.configuration.isFlash 0
set_interface_assignment ctrl embeddedsw.configuration.isMemoryDevice 0
set_interface_assignment ctrl embeddedsw.configuration.isNonVolatileStorage 0
set_interface_assignment ctrl embeddedsw.configuration.isPrintableDevice 0