Verwendeter Programmcode in Studienarbeit für ESY1B zum Thema "Verifikation mit SystemVerilog und Python"
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gtkwave.ini 725B

  1. #
  2. # sample rc file
  3. #
  4. hier_max_level 1
  5. force_toolbars 0
  6. dynamic_resizing 1
  7. hpane_pack 1
  8. use_vcd 0
  9. #initial_window_x 700
  10. #initial_window_y 400
  11. use_maxtime_display 0
  12. enable_vcd_autosave 0
  13. use_roundcaps 1
  14. use_nonprop_fonts yes
  15. enable_horiz_grid yes
  16. use_big_fonts no
  17. constant_marker_update yes
  18. show_grid yes
  19. show_base_symbols no
  20. use_roundcaps yes
  21. atomic_vectors yes
  22. vcd_explicit_zero_subscripts no
  23. #
  24. # color additions
  25. #
  26. color_back 000000
  27. color_grid 202070
  28. color_high 00ff00
  29. color_low 008000
  30. color_trans 00c000
  31. color_mid c0c000
  32. color_value ffffff
  33. color_vbox 00ff00
  34. color_vtrans 00c000
  35. color_x 00ff00
  36. color_xfill 004000
  37. color_umark ff8080
  38. color_mark ffff80
  39. color_time ffffff
  40. color_timeb 000000