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2021_Seyffer_Investigating the precision of an induction-based localization system for medical applications.tdo 1.2KB

3 years ago
  1. \contentsline {todo}{R: check how to reference Zeitschriftenausfaetze properly in Zwanger tips. This was cite was from page 796}{2}%
  2. \contentsline {todo}{This paper: \cite {Orringer.2012} cites this paper: \cite {Cleary.2010}, but I can not access the second paper)}{2}%
  3. \contentsline {todo}{R: find a good source for that}{3}%
  4. \contentsline {todo}{R: Careful maybe direct citation needed here}{3}%
  5. \contentsline {todo}{[Maybe include this from page 1 of \cite {Mateen.2017} aswell, or better cite directly from Ref 5 and 4 of the Mateen paper]}{4}%
  6. \contentsline {todo}{R: This figure is directly stolen from anotrher paper and all the references in it dont match my referencing. Do i have to make this myself?}{4}%
  7. \contentsline {todo}{how are the magnetic field sensors powered?}{4}%
  8. \contentsline {todo}{I: change order of legend to exciter, object, antenna, so its in order of explanation, open circuit of Exciter}{6}%
  9. \contentsline {todo}{F: Text weirdly placed after figure?}{6}%
  10. \contentsline {todo}{Mention Biot-Savat or Faradays Law here?}{6}%
  11. \contentsline {todo}{R:mention paper why this is a magnetic field sensor and more detail antennas}{6}%
  12. \contentsline {todo}{I: include a signal flow chart here}{7}%