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  23. <li><a href="pages_SideBarContent/SideBarContentState-class.html">SideBarContentState</a></li>
  24. <li class="self-crumb">setState method</li>
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  33. <h5>SideBarContentState class</h5>
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  35. <li class="section-title"><a href="pages_SideBarContent/SideBarContentState-class.html#constructors">Constructors</a></li>
  36. <li><a href="pages_SideBarContent/SideBarContentState/SideBarContentState.html">SideBarContentState</a></li>
  37. <li class="section-title inherited">
  38. <a href="pages_SideBarContent/SideBarContentState-class.html#instance-properties">Properties</a>
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  40. <li class="inherited"><a href="pages_SideBarContent/SideBarContentState/context.html">context</a></li>
  41. <li class="inherited"><a href="pages_SideBarContent/SideBarContentState/hashCode.html">hashCode</a></li>
  42. <li class="inherited"><a href="pages_SideBarContent/SideBarContentState/mounted.html">mounted</a></li>
  43. <li class="inherited"><a href="pages_SideBarContent/SideBarContentState/runtimeType.html">runtimeType</a></li>
  44. <li class="inherited"><a href="pages_SideBarContent/SideBarContentState/widget.html">widget</a></li>
  45. <li class="section-title"><a href="pages_SideBarContent/SideBarContentState-class.html#instance-methods">Methods</a></li>
  46. <li><a href="pages_SideBarContent/SideBarContentState/build.html">build</a></li>
  47. <li class="inherited"><a href="pages_SideBarContent/SideBarContentState/deactivate.html">deactivate</a></li>
  48. <li class="inherited"><a href="pages_SideBarContent/SideBarContentState/debugFillProperties.html">debugFillProperties</a></li>
  49. <li class="inherited"><a href="pages_SideBarContent/SideBarContentState/didChangeDependencies.html">didChangeDependencies</a></li>
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  52. <li class="inherited"><a href="pages_SideBarContent/SideBarContentState/initState.html">initState</a></li>
  53. <li class="inherited"><a href="pages_SideBarContent/SideBarContentState/noSuchMethod.html">noSuchMethod</a></li>
  54. <li class="inherited"><a href="pages_SideBarContent/SideBarContentState/reassemble.html">reassemble</a></li>
  55. <li class="inherited"><a href="pages_SideBarContent/SideBarContentState/setState.html">setState</a></li>
  56. <li class="inherited"><a href="pages_SideBarContent/SideBarContentState/toDiagnosticsNode.html">toDiagnosticsNode</a></li>
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  59. <li class="section-title inherited"><a href="pages_SideBarContent/SideBarContentState-class.html#operators">Operators</a></li>
  60. <li class="inherited"><a href="pages_SideBarContent/SideBarContentState/operator_equals.html">operator ==</a></li>
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  64. <h1>setState method</h1>
  65. <section class="multi-line-signature">
  66. <div>
  67. <ol class="annotation-list">
  68. <li>@protected</li>
  69. </ol>
  70. </div>
  71. <span class="returntype">void</span>
  72. <span class="name ">setState</span>
  73. (<wbr><span class="parameter" id="setState-param-fn"><span class="type-annotation">VoidCallback</span> <span class="parameter-name">fn</span></span>)
  74. <div class="features">@protected, inherited</div>
  75. </section>
  76. <section class="desc markdown">
  77. <p>Notify the framework that the internal state of this object has changed.</p>
  78. <p>Whenever you change the internal state of a <code>State</code> object, make the
  79. change in a function that you pass to <a href="pages_SideBarContent/SideBarContentState/setState.html">setState</a>:</p>
  80. <pre class="language-dart"><code class="language-dart">setState(() { _myState = newValue });
  81. </code></pre>
  82. <p>The provided callback is immediately called synchronously. It must not
  83. return a future (the callback cannot be <code>async</code>), since then it would be
  84. unclear when the state was actually being set.</p>
  85. <p>Calling <a href="pages_SideBarContent/SideBarContentState/setState.html">setState</a> notifies the framework that the internal state of this
  86. object has changed in a way that might impact the user interface in this
  87. subtree, which causes the framework to schedule a <a href="pages_SideBarContent/SideBarContentState/build.html">build</a> for this <code>State</code>
  88. object.</p>
  89. <p>If you just change the state directly without calling <a href="pages_SideBarContent/SideBarContentState/setState.html">setState</a>, the
  90. framework might not schedule a <a href="pages_SideBarContent/SideBarContentState/build.html">build</a> and the user interface for this
  91. subtree might not be updated to reflect the new state.</p>
  92. <p>Generally it is recommended that the <code>setState</code> method only be used to
  93. wrap the actual changes to the state, not any computation that might be
  94. associated with the change. For example, here a value used by the <a href="pages_SideBarContent/SideBarContentState/build.html">build</a>
  95. function is incremented, and then the change is written to disk, but only
  96. the increment is wrapped in the <code>setState</code>:</p>
  97. <pre class="language-dart"><code class="language-dart">Future&lt;void&gt; _incrementCounter() async {
  98. setState(() {
  99. _counter++;
  100. });
  101. Directory directory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
  102. final String dirName = directory.path;
  103. await File('$dir/counter.txt').writeAsString('$_counter');
  104. }
  105. </code></pre>
  106. <p>It is an error to call this method after the framework calls <a href="pages_SideBarContent/SideBarContentState/dispose.html">dispose</a>.
  107. You can determine whether it is legal to call this method by checking
  108. whether the <a href="pages_SideBarContent/SideBarContentState/mounted.html">mounted</a> property is true.</p>
  109. </section>
  110. <section class="summary source-code" id="source">
  111. <h2><span>Implementation</span> </h2>
  112. <pre class="language-dart"><code class="language-dart">@protected
  113. void setState(VoidCallback fn) {
  114. assert(fn != null);
  115. assert(() {
  116. if (_debugLifecycleState == _StateLifecycle.defunct) {
  117. throw FlutterError(
  118. &#39;setState() called after dispose(): $this\n&#39;
  119. &#39;This error happens if you call setState() on a State object for a widget that &#39;
  120. &#39;no longer appears in the widget tree (e.g., whose parent widget no longer &#39;
  121. &#39;includes the widget in its build). This error can occur when code calls &#39;
  122. &#39;setState() from a timer or an animation callback. The preferred solution is &#39;
  123. &#39;to cancel the timer or stop listening to the animation in the dispose() &#39;
  124. &#39;callback. Another solution is to check the &quot;mounted&quot; property of this &#39;
  125. &#39;object before calling setState() to ensure the object is still in the &#39;
  126. &#39;tree.\n&#39;
  127. &#39;This error might indicate a memory leak if setState() is being called &#39;
  128. &#39;because another object is retaining a reference to this State object &#39;
  129. &#39;after it has been removed from the tree. To avoid memory leaks, &#39;
  130. &#39;consider breaking the reference to this object during dispose().&#39;
  131. );
  132. }
  133. if (_debugLifecycleState == _StateLifecycle.created &amp;&amp; !mounted) {
  134. throw FlutterError(
  135. &#39;setState() called in constructor: $this\n&#39;
  136. &#39;This happens when you call setState() on a State object for a widget that &#39;
  137. &#39;hasn\&#39;t been inserted into the widget tree yet. It is not necessary to call &#39;
  138. &#39;setState() in the constructor, since the state is already assumed to be dirty &#39;
  139. &#39;when it is initially created.&#39;
  140. );
  141. }
  142. return true;
  143. }());
  144. final dynamic result = fn() as dynamic;
  145. assert(() {
  146. if (result is Future) {
  147. throw FlutterError(
  148. &#39;setState() callback argument returned a Future.\n&#39;
  149. &#39;The setState() method on $this was called with a closure or method that &#39;
  150. &#39;returned a Future. Maybe it is marked as &quot;async&quot;.\n&#39;
  151. &#39;Instead of performing asynchronous work inside a call to setState(), first &#39;
  152. &#39;execute the work (without updating the widget state), and then synchronously &#39;
  153. &#39;update the state inside a call to setState().&#39;
  154. );
  155. }
  156. &#47;&#47; We ignore other types of return values so that you can do things like:
  157. &#47;&#47; setState(() =&gt; x = 3);
  158. return true;
  159. }());
  160. _element.markNeedsBuild();
  161. }</code></pre>
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