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- <h1>paint method</h1>
- <section class="multi-line-signature">
- <div>
- <ol class="annotation-list">
- <li>@override</li>
- </ol>
- </div>
- <span class="returntype">void</span>
- <span class="name ">paint</span>
- (<wbr><span class="parameter" id="paint-param-canvas"><span class="type-annotation">Canvas</span> <span class="parameter-name">canvas</span>, </span> <span class="parameter" id="paint-param-size"><span class="type-annotation">Size</span> <span class="parameter-name">size</span></span>)
- </section>
- <section class="desc markdown">
- <p>Called whenever the object needs to paint. The given <code>Canvas</code> has its
- coordinate space configured such that the origin is at the top left of the
- box. The area of the box is the size of the <code>size</code> argument.</p>
- <p>Paint operations should remain inside the given area. Graphical operations
- outside the bounds may be silently ignored, clipped, or not clipped.</p>
- <p>Implementations should be wary of correctly pairing any calls to
- <code>Canvas.save</code>/<code>Canvas.saveLayer</code> and <code>Canvas.restore</code>, otherwise all
- subsequent painting on this canvas may be affected, with potentially
- hilarious but confusing results.</p>
- <p>To paint text on a <code>Canvas</code>, use a <code>TextPainter</code>.</p>
- <p>To paint an image on a <code>Canvas</code>:</p><ol><li>
- <p>Obtain an <code>ImageStream</code>, for example by calling <code>ImageProvider.resolve</code>
- on an <code>AssetImage</code> or <code>NetworkImage</code> object.</p></li><li>
- <p>Whenever the <code>ImageStream</code>'s underlying <code>ImageInfo</code> object changes
- (see <code>ImageStream.addListener</code>), create a new instance of your custom
- paint delegate, giving it the new <code>ImageInfo</code> object.</p></li><li>
- <p>In your delegate's <a href="ui_home_TouchPainter/TouchPainter/paint.html">paint</a> method, call the <code>Canvas.drawImage</code>,
- <code>Canvas.drawImageRect</code>, or <code>Canvas.drawImageNine</code> methods to paint the
- <code>ImageInfo.image</code> object, applying the <code>ImageInfo.scale</code> value to
- obtain the correct rendering size.</p></li></ol>
- </section>
- <section class="summary source-code" id="source">
- <h2><span>Implementation</span> </h2>
- <pre class="language-dart"><code class="language-dart">@override
- void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
- int maxSize = 1100;
- int leftLine = 100;
- int rightLine = 950;
- void _drawCircle(int x, int y, Color v) {
- double xCircle;
- double yCircle;
- xCircle = x.toDouble() / maxSize * size.width;
- yCircle = y.toDouble() / maxSize * size.height;
- Paint line = Paint()
- ..color = v
- ..strokeCap = StrokeCap.round
- ..style = PaintingStyle.stroke
- ..strokeWidth = 4.0;
- // print("C: $xCircle / ${size.width}");
- canvas.drawCircle(Offset(xCircle, yCircle), 8.0, line);
- }
- void _drawSlider(int x, int y, Color v) {
- double topSlider = 65.0;
- double bottomSlider = 940.0;
- int sliderPercent;
- double range = bottomSlider - topSlider;
- double sliderPosition;
- double sliderValue;
- if (y > topSlider) {
- sliderPosition = y - topSlider;
- } else {
- sliderPosition = 0;
- }
- sliderValue = sliderPosition / range; // 0...1
- sliderPercent = (sliderValue * 100).round(); // %
- if (sliderPercent > 100) sliderPercent = 100;
- if (sliderPercent < 0) sliderPercent = 0;
- /* print("range: $range");
- print("sliderPosition = $sliderPosition");
- print("%: $sliderValue");
- print("%R: $sliderPercent");*/
- Paint line = Paint()
- ..color = v
- ..strokeCap = StrokeCap.round
- ..style = PaintingStyle.stroke
- ..strokeWidth = 5.0;
- var xLine = rightLine;
- var yLine = size.height * (y / maxSize);
- // print("$yLine / ${size.height}");
- canvas.drawLine(
- ///Slider line
- Offset(xLine / maxSize * size.width, yLine),
- Offset(
- (xLine + (maxSize - xLine) / 1.2) / maxSize * size.width, yLine),
- line);
- TextSpan percentage =
- new TextSpan(style: new TextStyle(color: v), text: "$sliderPercent");
- TextPainter tp = new TextPainter(
- text: percentage,
- textAlign: TextAlign.left,
- textDirection: TextDirection.rtl);
- tp.layout();
- tp.paint(canvas,
- new Offset(rightLine / maxSize * size.width - 50.0, yLine - 15.0));
- }
- touchCollection.forEach((k, v) {
- // print("${k.f} ${k.e} ${k.x} ${k.y}");
- if (k.x <= 1023 && k.y < maxSize) {
- switch (k.e) {
- case 5:
- {
- break;
- }
- case 4:
- {
- continue move;
- }
- move:
- case 1:
- {
- /* _drawCircle(0, maxSize, v); //L U
- _drawCircle(0, 550, v); // L M
- _drawCircle(0, 0, v); // L O
- _drawCircle(550, 0, v); // M O
- _drawCircle(550, 550, v); // MITTE
- _drawCircle(550, maxSize, v); // M U
- _drawCircle(maxSize, 0, v); // R O
- _drawCircle(maxSize, 550, v); // R M
- _drawCircle(maxSize, maxSize, v); //R U*/
- // _drawCircle(175, 511, v); // L M
- // _drawCircle(850, 511, v); // L M
- // _drawCircle(180, 550, v); // L M
- /// middle touch pad
- if (k.x > leftLine && k.x < rightLine) {
- _drawCircle(k.x, k.y, v);
- }
- /// right slider
- else if (k.x >= rightLine) {
- _drawSlider(k.x, k.y, v);
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- print(" W.T.F");
- print("tE: $k.e");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- });
- }</code></pre>
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