Masterarbeit Richard Stern. Flutter App, sich mit einem Bluetooth-Gerät verbindet und Berührungen auf einem Sensor visualisiert.
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  1. # This file contains the configuration
  2. # You can find the documentation at
  3. #
  4. # For a list of all available actions, check out
  5. #
  6. #
  7. #
  8. # For a list of all available plugins, check out
  9. #
  10. #
  11. #
  12. # Uncomment the line if you want fastlane to automatically update itself
  13. # update_fastlane
  14. default_platform(:ios)
  15. enable_automatic_code_signing
  16. ENV["KDS_PROJECT_NAME"] = "Runner"
  17. ENV["KDS_VERSION_NUMBER_TO_SET"] = "0.0.4"
  18. desc "Opens reset_git_repo"
  19. lane :cleanproject do
  20. if is_ci
  21. reset_git_repo(force:true) if is_ci?
  22. end
  23. # add actions here:
  24. end
  25. platform :ios do
  26. ## Setup
  27. before_all do |lane, options|
  28. ##import custom actions, mandatory for distribute_to_appcatalog action:
  29. import_from_git(url: "")
  30. ##generate project specific build paths, set version etc.
  31. #kds_before_all()
  32. ## when we are on CI, we should reset all icon changes etc.
  33. #reset_git_repo(force:true) if is_ci?
  34. ###ensure to use the same version for all targets #test
  35. increment_version_number(
  36. version_number: ENV["KDS_VERSION_NUMBER_TO_SET"],
  37. xcodeproj: "#{ENV["KDS_PROJECT_NAME"]}.xcodeproj"
  38. )
  39. increment_build_number(
  40. build_number: number_of_commits.to_s,
  41. xcodeproj: "#{ENV["KDS_PROJECT_NAME"]}.xcodeproj"
  42. )
  43. ##generate project specific build paths etc
  44. generate_specific_build_vars()
  45. end
  46. desc "Description of what the lane does"
  47. lane :build do
  48. if is_ci
  49. get_provisioning_profile(
  50. app_identifier: "kds-touch-demo-rs",
  51. username: "")
  52. build_ios_app(scheme: "Runner",
  53. export_method: 'enterprise',
  54. output_directory: 'build')
  55. distribute_to_appcatalog(
  56. appcatalog_app_id: "5c4896ba655065007f780306",
  57. file_path: ENV['IPA_OUTPUT_PATH'],
  58. #release_notes: "\n#{ENV["KDS_CHANGELOG"]}\n\n#{current_time_string}: #{ENV["KDS_BUILD_NAME"]}"
  59. release_notes: "Add vibrations to buttons and improved animations"
  60. )
  61. end
  62. # add actions here:
  63. end
  64. ## Success Completion Handler
  65. after_all do |lane, options|
  66. #slack_success(lane) if (is_ci? && !"#{lane}".eql?("test"))
  67. end
  68. ## ERROR Completion Handler
  69. error do |lane, exception|
  70. #slack_failure(lane, exception) if is_ci?
  71. end
  72. end