module counter_assertion(clk, rst, data, updown, load, count); | |||||
input logic clk, rst; | |||||
input logic updown, load; | |||||
input logic [3:0] data, count; | |||||
property reset_prpty; | |||||
@(posedge clk) rst |=> (count == 4'b0); | |||||
endproperty | |||||
sequence up_seq; | |||||
!load && updown; | |||||
endsequence | |||||
sequence down_seq; | |||||
!load && !updown; | |||||
endsequence | |||||
property up_count_prpty; | |||||
@(posedge clk) disable iff(rst) | |||||
up_seq |=> (count == ($past(count, 1) + 1'b1)); | |||||
endproperty | |||||
property down_count_prpty; | |||||
@(posedge clk) disable iff(rst) | |||||
down_seq |=> (count == ($past(count, 1) - 1'b1)); | |||||
endproperty | |||||
property count_Fto0_prpty; | |||||
@(posedge clk) disable iff(rst) | |||||
(!load && updown) && (count == 4'hF) |=> (count == 4'b0); | |||||
endproperty | |||||
property count_0toF_prpty; | |||||
@(posedge clk) disable iff(rst) | |||||
(!load && !updown) && (count == 4'b0) |=> (count == 4'hF); | |||||
endproperty | |||||
property load_prpty; | |||||
@(posedge clk) disable iff(rst) | |||||
load |=> (count == $past(data, 1)); | |||||
endproperty | |||||
RST: assert property (reset_prpty); | |||||
UP_COUNT: assert property (up_count_prpty); | |||||
DOWN_COUNT: assert property (down_count_prpty); | |||||
F2O: assert property (count_Fto0_prpty); | |||||
O2F: assert property (count_0toF_prpty); | |||||
LOAD: assert property (load_prpty); | |||||
endmodule | |||||
class counter_env; | |||||
virtual counter_if.WR_BFM wr_if; | |||||
virtual counter_if.WR_MON wrmon_if; | |||||
virtual counter_if.RD_MON rdmon_if; | |||||
mailbox #(counter_trans) gen2wr = new; | |||||
mailbox #(counter_trans) wrmon2rm = new; | |||||
mailbox #(counter_trans) rm2sb = new; | |||||
mailbox #(counter_trans) rdmon2sb = new; | |||||
counter_gen gen_h; | |||||
counter_wr_bfm wr_h; | |||||
counter_wr_mon wrmon_h; | |||||
counter_rd_mon rdmon_h; | |||||
counter_rm rm_h; | |||||
counter_sb sb_h; | |||||
function new( virtual counter_if.WR_BFM wr_if, | |||||
virtual counter_if.WR_MON wrmon_if, | |||||
virtual counter_if.RD_MON rdmon_if); | |||||
this.wr_if = wr_if; | |||||
this.wrmon_if = wrmon_if; | |||||
this.rdmon_if = rdmon_if; | |||||
endfunction | |||||
task build(); | |||||
gen_h = new(gen2wr); | |||||
wr_h = new(wr_if, gen2wr); | |||||
wrmon_h = new(wrmon_if, wrmon2rm); | |||||
rdmon_h = new(rdmon_if, rdmon2sb); | |||||
rm_h = new(wrmon2rm, rm2sb); | |||||
sb_h = new(rm2sb, rdmon2sb); | |||||
endtask | |||||
task reset(); | |||||
@(wr_if.wr_cb); | |||||
wr_if.wr_cb.rst <= 1; | |||||
@(wr_if.wr_cb); | |||||
@(wr_if.wr_cb); | |||||
@(wr_if.wr_cb); | |||||
@(wr_if.wr_cb); | |||||
@(wr_if.wr_cb); | |||||
wr_if.wr_cb.rst <= 0; | |||||
endtask | |||||
task start(); | |||||
gen_h.start(); | |||||
wr_h.start(); | |||||
wrmon_h.start(); | |||||
rdmon_h.start(); | |||||
rm_h.start(); | |||||
sb_h.start(); | |||||
endtask | |||||
task stop(); | |||||
wait(sb_h.DONE.triggered); | |||||
endtask | |||||
task run(); | |||||
reset(); | |||||
start(); | |||||
stop(); | |||||; | |||||
endtask | |||||
endclass: counter_env |
class counter_gen; | |||||
counter_trans trans_h; | |||||
counter_trans trans2wr_h; | |||||
mailbox #(counter_trans) gen2wr; | |||||
function new(mailbox #(counter_trans) gen2wr); | |||||
this.gen2wr = gen2wr; | |||||
trans_h = new; | |||||
endfunction | |||||
virtual task start(); | |||||
fork | |||||
begin | |||||
trans_h.trans_id++; | |||||
trans_h.load = 1; | ||||| = 0; | |||||
trans2wr_h = new trans_h; | |||||
gen2wr.put(trans2wr_h); | |||||
for(int i = 0; i < (no_of_transaction - 1); i++) | |||||
begin | |||||
trans_h.trans_id++; | |||||
assert(trans_h.randomize()); | |||||
trans2wr_h = new trans_h; | |||||
gen2wr.put(trans2wr_h); | |||||
end | |||||
end | |||||
join_none | |||||
endtask | |||||
endclass: counter_gen |
interface counter_if(input logic clk); | |||||
logic rst, updown, load; | |||||
logic [3:0] data; | |||||
logic [3:0] data_out; | |||||
clocking wr_cb@(posedge clk); | |||||
output load, updown, rst; | |||||
output data; | |||||
endclocking | |||||
clocking wrmon_cb@(posedge clk); | |||||
input data; | |||||
input load, rst, updown; | |||||
endclocking | |||||
clocking rdmon_cb@(posedge clk); | |||||
input data_out; | |||||
endclocking | |||||
modport WR_BFM(clocking wr_cb); | |||||
modport WR_MON(clocking wrmon_cb); | |||||
modport RD_MON(clocking rdmon_cb); | |||||
endinterface: counter_if |
package counter_pkg; | |||||
int no_of_transaction; | |||||
`include "" | |||||
`include "" | |||||
`include "" | |||||
`include "" | |||||
`include "" | |||||
`include "" | |||||
`include "" | |||||
`include "" | |||||
endpackage |
class counter_rd_mon; | |||||
virtual counter_if.RD_MON rdmon_if; | |||||
mailbox #(counter_trans) rdmon2sb; | |||||
counter_trans trans_h; | |||||
counter_trans rd2sb_h; | |||||
function new( virtual counter_if.RD_MON rdmon_if, | |||||
mailbox #(counter_trans) rdmon2sb); | |||||
this.rdmon_if = rdmon_if; | |||||
this.rdmon2sb = rdmon2sb; | |||||
trans_h = new; | |||||
endfunction | |||||
task monitor(); | |||||
@(rdmon_if.rdmon_cb) | |||||
trans_h.data_out = rdmon_if.rdmon_cb.data_out; | |||||
if($isunknown(rdmon_if.rdmon_cb.data_out)) | |||||
trans_h.data_out = 0; | |||||
endtask | |||||
task start(); | |||||
fork | |||||
forever | |||||
begin | |||||
monitor(); | |||||
trans_h.display("DATA FROM READ MONITOR"); | |||||
rd2sb_h = new trans_h; | |||||
rdmon2sb.put(rd2sb_h); | |||||
end | |||||
join_none | |||||
endtask | |||||
endclass: counter_rd_mon | |||||
class counter_rm; | |||||
mailbox #(counter_trans) rm2sb, wrmon2rm; | |||||
counter_trans wrmon2rm_h, temp_h; | |||||
int count; | |||||
function new(mailbox #(counter_trans) wrmon2rm, mailbox #(counter_trans) rm2sb); | |||||
this.rm2sb = rm2sb; | |||||
this.wrmon2rm = wrmon2rm; | |||||
temp_h = new(); | |||||
endfunction | |||||
task model(); | |||||
++count; | |||||
if(count > 1) | |||||
begin | |||||
temp_h.rst = wrmon2rm_h.rst; | |||||
temp_h.load = wrmon2rm_h.load; | |||||
temp_h.updown = wrmon2rm_h.updown; | ||||| =; | |||||
if(wrmon2rm_h.rst) | |||||
temp_h.data_out = 0; | |||||
else if(wrmon2rm_h.load) | |||||
temp_h.data_out =; | |||||
else if(wrmon2rm_h.updown) | |||||
temp_h.data_out = ++temp_h.data_out; | |||||
else if(!wrmon2rm_h.updown) | |||||
temp_h.data_out = --temp_h.data_out; | |||||
end | |||||
endtask | |||||
task start(); | |||||
fork | |||||
forever | |||||
begin | |||||
wrmon2rm.get(wrmon2rm_h); | |||||
rm2sb.put(temp_h); | |||||
temp_h = new temp_h; | |||||
model(); | |||||
end | |||||
join_none | |||||
endtask | |||||
endclass :counter_rm | |||||
class counter_sb; | |||||
mailbox #(counter_trans) rm2sb, rdmon2sb; | |||||
event DONE; | |||||
int count_transaction, data_verified; | |||||
counter_trans cov_h, rcvd_h; | |||||
covergroup counter_cov; | |||||
option.per_instance = 1; | |||||
RST: coverpoint cov_h.rst {bins r[] = {0,1};} | |||||
LD: coverpoint cov_h.load {bins l[] = {0,1};} | |||||
UD: coverpoint cov_h.updown {bins ud[] = {0,1};} | |||||
DATA: coverpoint {bins d[] = {[0:15]};} | |||||
DOUT: coverpoint cov_h.data_out {bins dout[] = {[0:15]};} | |||||
LDxDATA: cross LD, DATA; | |||||
UDxDOUT: cross UD, DOUT; | |||||
RSTxLDxDATA: cross RST, LD, DATA; | |||||
RSTxLDxUD: cross RST, LD, UD; | |||||
endgroup | |||||
function new(mailbox #(counter_trans) rm2sb, mailbox #(counter_trans) rdmon2sb); | |||||
this.rm2sb = rm2sb; | |||||
this.rdmon2sb = rdmon2sb; | |||||
counter_cov = new(); | |||||
endfunction | |||||
task start; | |||||
fork | |||||
forever | |||||
begin | |||||
rm2sb.get(rcvd_h); | |||||
cov_h = rcvd_h; | |||||
counter_cov.sample(); | |||||
//--------------------// | |||||
rdmon2sb.get(cov_h); | |||||
check(rcvd_h); | |||||
end | |||||
join_none | |||||
endtask | |||||
task check(counter_trans rcvd_h); | |||||
count_transaction++; | |||||
if( | |||||
begin | |||||
counter_cov.sample(); | |||||
data_verified++; | |||||
end | |||||
if(count_transaction >= no_of_transaction) | |||||
->DONE; | |||||
endtask | |||||
function void report; | |||||
$display("--------------SCOREBOARD REPORT----------------"); | |||||
$display("Number of transactions received : %0d", count_transaction); | |||||
$display("Number of transactions verified : %0d", data_verified); | |||||
$display("-----------------------------------------------"); | |||||
endfunction | |||||
endclass :counter_sb |
class counter_trans; | |||||
rand bit [3:0] data; | |||||
rand bit rst; | |||||
rand bit load; | |||||
rand bit updown; | |||||
bit [3:0] data_out; | |||||
static int trans_id; | |||||
//Constraints to control frequency of reset and load | |||||
constraint r1{rst dist {0:=50, 1:=1};} | |||||
constraint l1{load dist {0:=20, 1:=1};} | |||||
function void post_randomize(); | |||||
this.display("RANDOMIZED DATA"); | |||||
endfunction | |||||
function void display(string message); | |||||
$display("-------------------------------------------------"); | |||||
$display("%s",message); | |||||
$display("\tTransaction ID: %d", trans_id); | |||||
$display("\tRESET = %d\n\tLOAD = %d\n\tUP-DOWN = %d\n\tDATA = %d", rst, load, updown, data); | |||||
$display("-------------------------------------------------"); | |||||
endfunction | |||||
function bit compare(counter_trans rcvd); | |||||
compare = 1'b1; | |||||
if(this.data_out != rcvd.data_out) | |||||
begin | |||||
compare = 1'b0; | |||||
$display("DATA MISMATCH"); | |||||
$display(this.data_out, " != ", rcvd.data_out); | |||||
$stop; | |||||
end | |||||
endfunction | |||||
endclass: counter_trans | |||||
class counter_wr_bfm; | |||||
virtual counter_if.WR_BFM wr_if; | |||||
mailbox #(counter_trans) gen2wr; | |||||
counter_trans trans_h; | |||||
function new( virtual counter_if.WR_BFM wr_if, | |||||
mailbox #(counter_trans) gen2wr); | |||||
this.wr_if = wr_if; | |||||
this.gen2wr = gen2wr; | |||||
this.trans_h = new; | |||||
endfunction | |||||
task drive(); | |||||
@(wr_if.wr_cb); | |||||
wr_if.wr_cb.rst <= trans_h.rst; | |||||
wr_if.wr_cb.load <= trans_h.load; | |||||
wr_if.wr_cb.updown <= trans_h.updown; | ||||| <=; | |||||
endtask | |||||
task start(); | |||||
fork | |||||
forever | |||||
begin | |||||
gen2wr.get(trans_h); | |||||
drive(); | |||||
end | |||||
join_none | |||||
endtask | |||||
endclass: counter_wr_bfm | |||||
class counter_wr_mon; | |||||
virtual counter_if.WR_MON wrmon_if; | |||||
mailbox #(counter_trans) wrmon2rm; | |||||
counter_trans trans_h, wrmon2rm_h; | |||||
function new( virtual counter_if.WR_MON wrmon_if, | |||||
mailbox #(counter_trans) wrmon2rm); | |||||
this.wrmon_if = wrmon_if; | |||||
this.wrmon2rm = wrmon2rm; | |||||
this.trans_h = new; | |||||
endfunction | |||||
task monitor(); | |||||
@(wrmon_if.wrmon_cb) | |||||
begin | |||||
trans_h.rst = wrmon_if.wrmon_cb.rst; | |||||
trans_h.load = wrmon_if.wrmon_cb.load; | |||||
trans_h.updown = wrmon_if.wrmon_cb.updown; | ||||| =; | |||||
trans_h.display("DATA FROM WRITE MONITOR"); | |||||
end | |||||
endtask | |||||
task start(); | |||||
fork | |||||
forever | |||||
begin | |||||
monitor(); | |||||
wrmon2rm_h = new trans_h; | |||||
wrmon2rm.put(wrmon2rm_h); | |||||
end | |||||
join_none | |||||
endtask | |||||
endclass: counter_wr_mon | |||||
`include "" | |||||
module top; | |||||
reg clk; | |||||
counter_if intf(clk); | |||||
counter DUV( .clk(clk), | |||||
.rst(intf.rst), | |||||
.load(intf.load), | |||||
.updown(intf.updown), | |||||
.data(, | |||||
.data_out(intf.data_out)); | |||||
bind DUV counter_assertion C_A( .clk(clk), | |||||
.rst(intf.rst), | |||||
.load(intf.load), | |||||
.updown(intf.updown), | |||||
.data(, | |||||
.count(intf.data_out)); | |||||
test test_h; | |||||
initial | |||||
begin | |||||
test_h = new(intf, intf, intf); | |||||
test_h.build_and_run(); | |||||
end | |||||
initial | |||||
begin | |||||
clk = 0; | |||||
forever #10 clk = ~clk; | |||||
end | |||||
endmodule: top |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |||||
// 4-bit loadable up-down counter ////// | |||||
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |||||
module counter(clk, rst, data, updown, load, data_out); | |||||
input clk, rst, load; | |||||
input updown; | |||||
input [3:0] data; | |||||
output reg [3:0] data_out; | |||||
always@(posedge clk) | |||||
begin | |||||
if(rst) | |||||
data_out <= 4'b0; | |||||
else if(load) | |||||
data_out <= data; | |||||
else | |||||
data_out <= ((updown)?(data_out + 1'b1):(data_out -1'b1)); | |||||
end | |||||
endmodule | |||||
modelsim.* | |||||
transcript* | |||||
vlog.* | |||||
work/ | |||||
counter_cov* | |||||
fcover* | |||||
covhtml* | |||||
vcover* | |||||
*.log | |||||
*.wlf |
# Makefile for Memory - Regression Testing | |||||
RTL= ../rtl/counter.v | |||||
work= work #library name | |||||
COVOP= -coveropt 3 +cover +acc | |||||
SVTB1= ../env/ ../env/ ../env/ | |||||
INC = +incdir+../env +incdir+../test | |||||
SVTB2 = ../env/ | |||||
TEST = ../test/ | |||||
#TEST1 = ../test/ | |||||
#TEST2 = ../test/ | |||||
VSIMOPT= -coverage -novopt -sva -sv_seed 2475652473 | |||||
VSIMCOV= coverage save -onexit -assert -directive -cvg -codeAll counter_cov | |||||
VSIMBATCH= -c -do "$(VSIMCOV); run -all; exit" | |||||
VSIMBATCH1 = -c -do "coverage save -onexit -assert -directive -cvg -codeAll counter_cov1;run -all;exit" | |||||
VSIMBATCH2 = -c -do "coverage save -onexit -assert -directive -cvg -codeAll counter_cov2;run -all;exit" | |||||
VSIMBATCH3 = -c -do "coverage save -onexit -assert -directive -cvg -codeAll counter_cov3;run -all;exit" | |||||
VSIMBATCH4 = -c -do "coverage save -onexit -assert -directive -cvg -codeAll counter_cov4;run -all;exit" | |||||
VSIMBATCH5 = -c -do "coverage save -onexit -assert -directive -cvg -codeAll counter_cov5;run -all;exit" | |||||
VSIMBATCH6 = -c -do "coverage save -onexit -assert -directive -cvg -codeAll counter_cov6;run -all;exit" | |||||
VSIMBATCH7 = -c -do "coverage save -onexit -assert -directive -cvg -codeAll counter_cov7;run -all;exit" | |||||
VSIMBATCH8 = -c -do "coverage save -onexit -assert -directive -cvg -codeAll counter_cov8;run -all;exit" | |||||
VSIMBATCH9 = -c -do "coverage save -onexit -assert -directive -cvg -codeAll counter_cov9;run -all;exit" | |||||
html: | |||||
firefox covhtmlreport/menu.html | |||||
sv_cmp: | |||||
vlib $(work) | |||||
vmap work $(work) | |||||
vlog -work $(work) $(COVOP) $(RTL) $(SVTB2) $(SVTB1) $(INC) #$(TEST) | |||||
run_sim: | |||||
vsim $(VSIMBATCH1) $(VSIMOPT) -l test1_sim.log +TEST1 +nowarn3829 | |||||
run_testg: | |||||
vsim -novopt -sva -sv_seed random +TEST1 | |||||
clear | |||||
clean: | |||||
rm -rf modelsim.* transcript* vlog.* work vsim.wlf counter_cov* fcover* covhtml* vcover* *.log | |||||
clear | |||||
TC2: | |||||
vsim $(VSIMBATCH2) -coverage -novopt -sva -sv_seed 598761566 -l test2_sim.log +TEST2 | |||||
TC3: | |||||
vsim $(VSIMBATCH3) -coverage -novopt -sva -sv_seed 74473697 -l test3_sim.log +TEST3 | |||||
TC4: | |||||
vsim $(VSIMBATCH4) -coverage -novopt -sva -sv_seed 4275076933 -l test4_sim.log +TEST4 | |||||
TC5: | |||||
vsim $(VSIMBATCH5) -coverage -novopt -sva -sv_seed 3868229417 -l test5_sim.log +TEST5 | |||||
TC6: | |||||
vsim $(VSIMBATCH6) -coverage -novopt -sva -sv_seed 749764269 -l test6_sim.log +TEST6 | |||||
TC7: | |||||
vsim $(VSIMBATCH7) -coverage -novopt -sva -sv_seed 1982889551 -l test7_sim.log +TEST7 | |||||
TC8: | |||||
vsim $(VSIMBATCH8) -coverage -novopt -sva -sv_seed 1987083824 -l test8_sim.log +TEST8 | |||||
TC9: | |||||
vsim $(VSIMBATCH9) -coverage -novopt -sva -sv_seed 1987083824 -l test8_sim.log +TEST9 | |||||
report: | |||||
vcover merge counter_cov counter_cov1 counter_cov2 #counter_cov3 counter_cov4 counter_cov5 counter_cov6 counter_cov7 | |||||
vcover report -html counter_cov | |||||
regress: clean run_test TC2 report html # TC3 TC4 TC5 TC6 TC7 report html | |||||
gui: | |||||
vsim $(VSIMOPT) -l test1_sim.log +TEST1 +nowarn3829 | |||||
run_gui: clean sv_cmp gui | |||||
run_test: clean sv_cmp run_sim | |||||
import counter_pkg::*; | |||||
class counter_trans_load extends counter_trans; | |||||
randc logic [3:0] data; | |||||
constraint r1 {rst inside {0, 1};} | |||||
constraint l1 {load inside {0, 1};} | |||||
constraint d1{ == data;} | |||||
endclass | |||||
class test; | |||||
virtual counter_if.WR_BFM wr_if; | |||||
virtual counter_if.WR_MON wrmon_if; | |||||
virtual counter_if.RD_MON rdmon_if; | |||||
counter_env env; | |||||
counter_trans_load trans_ld_h; | |||||
function new( virtual counter_if.WR_BFM wr_if, | |||||
virtual counter_if.WR_MON wrmon_if, | |||||
virtual counter_if.RD_MON rdmon_if); | |||||
this.wr_if = wr_if; | |||||
this.wrmon_if = wrmon_if; | |||||
this.rdmon_if = rdmon_if; | |||||
env = new(wr_if, wrmon_if, rdmon_if); | |||||
endfunction | |||||
task build_and_run; | |||||
if($test$plusargs("TEST1")) | |||||
begin | |||||
no_of_transaction = 250; | |||||; | |||||; | |||||
$finish; | |||||
end | |||||
if($test$plusargs("TEST2")) | |||||
begin | |||||
trans_ld_h = new(); | |||||
no_of_transaction = 250; | |||||; | |||||
env.gen_h.trans_h = trans_ld_h; | |||||; | |||||
$finish; | |||||
end | |||||
endtask | |||||
endclass :test | |||||